List of critically endangered amphibians
- Extinct, since 1500: 33 species
- Extinct in the wild (EW): 2 species
- Critically endangered (CR): 528 species
- Endangered (EN): 810 species
- Vulnerable (VU): 656 species
- Near threatened (NT): 400 species
- Least concern (LC): 2,427 species
- Data deficient (DD): 1,604 species
- 6460 species have been evaluated
- 4856 are fully assessed (excludes DD)
- 2827 are not threatened at present (LC, NT)
- 1994 are threatened (CR, EN, VU)
- 35 to 150 are extinct or extinct in the wild (EX, EW, CR(PE), CR(PEW))

As of February 2016, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists 528 critically endangered amphibian species, including 115 which are tagged as possibly extinct.[1][2] 8.2% of all evaluated amphibian species are listed as critically endangered. No subpopulations of amphibians have been evaluated by the IUCN.
Additionally 1604 amphibian species (25% of those evaluated) are listed as data deficient, meaning there is insufficient information for a full assessment of conservation status. As these species typically have small distributions and/or populations, they are intrinsically likely to be threatened, according to the IUCN.[3] While the category of data deficient indicates that no assessment of extinction risk has been made for the taxa, the IUCN notes that it may be appropriate to give them "the same degree of attention as threatened taxa, at least until their status can be assessed."[4]
This is a complete list of critically endangered amphibian species and subspecies as evaluated by the IUCN. Species considered possibly extinct by the IUCN are marked as such. Where possible common names for taxa are given while links point to the scientific name used by the IUCN.
There are 77 species in the order Caudata assessed as critically endangered.
Lungless salamanders
- Orphan salamander
- Cloud forest salamander
- Monte Escondido salamander
- El Cusuco salamander
- Longest climbing salamander
- Zarciadero web-footed salamander
- Cerro Pital salamander
- Zapotec salamander
- Finca chiblac salamander (possibly extinct)
- Arboreal splayfoot salamander
- Common splayfoot salamander
- Pygmy splayfoot salamander
- Bigfoot splayfoot salamander (possibly extinct)
- Terrestrial splayfoot salamander
- Monzon's hidden salamander
- Baja Verepaz' salamander
- Volcan Tajumulco bromeliad salamander
- Dendrotriton chujorum
- Forest bromeliad salamander
- Guatemalan bromeliad salamander
- Nototriton lignicola
- Nototriton major
- Cartago worm salamander
- Maritime worm salamander
- El Empalme worm salamander (possibly extinct)
- Oedipina tomasi
- Townsend's salamander
- Imperial salamander (possibly extinct)
- Anita's false brook salamander (possibly extinct)
- Aquatic salamander (possibly extinct)
- Brown false brook salamander
- Jalpa false brook salamander
- Pseudoeurycea gigantea
- Goebel's false brook salamander
- Pseudoeurycea juarezi
- Pseudoeurycea lynchi
- Cofre de Perote salamander (possibly extinct)
- Pseudoeurycea nigra
- Black-spotted false brook salamander
- Dwarf false brook salamander
- Admirable false brook salamander (possibly extinct)
- Royal false brook salamander
- Pseudoeurycea robertsi
- Pseudoeurycea saltator
- Smith's false brook salamander
- Green-flecked salamander (possibly extinct)
- Claw-toothed salamander (possibly extinct)
- Golden thorius
- Atoyac minute salamander (possibly extinct)
- Big-footed thorius
- Oaxacan pigmy salamander
- Thorius minydemus (possibly extinct)
- Mcdiarmid thorius (possibly extinct)
- San Martin pigmy salamander (possibly extinct)
- Cerro San Felipe pigmy salamander
- Veracruz pigmy salamander
- Smith's thorius
- Thorius spilogaster
Mole salamanders
Other Caudata species
There are 451 frog species assessed as critically endangered.
Water frogs
- Telmatobius atacamensis
- Loja water frog (possibly extinct)
- Titicaca water frog
- Telmatobius dankoi
- Telmatobius espadai
- Telmatobius gigas
- Black water frog (possibly extinct)
- Arico water frog (possibly extinct)
- Telmatobius philippii
- Telmatobius punctatus
- Telmatobius timens
- Vellard's water frog (possibly extinct)
- Telmatobius vilamensis
Robber frogs
- Eleutherodactylus albipes
- Haitian robber frog
- Apostates robber frog
- La Hotte bush frog
- Barton's robber frog
- Eleutherodactylus blairhedgesi
- Eleutherodactylus bresslerae
- Short-nosed green frog
- Eleutherodactylus caribe
- Eleutherodactylus cavernicola
- False green robber frog
- Eleutherodactylus corona
- Eleutherodactylus cubanus
- Eleutherodactylus darlingtoni
- White-lipped chirping frog
- Eleutherodactylus dolomedes
- Eneida's coquí (possibly extinct)
- Les Cayes robber frog
- Khaki bromeliad frog
- La Selle red-legged frog
- Eleutherodactylus fuscus
- Doris' robber frog
- La Visite robber frog (possibly extinct)
- Great peeping frog
- Eleutherodactylus griphus
- Monte Iberia eleuth
- Golden coquí
- Eleutherodactylus jaumei
- Plains coqui
- La Selle dusky frog
- Eleutherodactylus junori
- Web-footed coquí (possibly extinct)
- Castillon robber frog
- Southern pastel frog
- Locust coqui
- Eleutherodactylus lucioi
- Eleutherodactylus mariposa
- Spiny giant frog
- Arntully robber frog (possibly extinct)
- Eleutherodactylus orientalis
- Rednose robber frog
- Independencia robber frog
- Casillon robber frog
- Paulson's robber frog
- Eleutherodactylus pezopetrus
- Eleutherodactylus poolei
- Eleutherodactylus rhodesi
- Bronze coqui
- Eleutherodactylus rivularis
- Red peeping frog
- Red-legged robber frog
- Schmidt's robber frog (possibly extinct)
- Eleutherodactylus sciagraphus
- Foothill robber frog (possibly extinct)
- Eleutherodactylus sisyphodemus
- Symington's robber frog
- Eleutherodactylus tetajulia
- Eleutherodactylus thorectes
- Eleutherodactylus tonyi
- Eleutherodactylus turquinensis
- Eleutherodactylus ventrilineatus
- Warren's robber frog
Shrub frogs
- Philautus jacobsoni (possibly extinct)
- Sacred grove bushfrog
- Pseudophilautus amboli
- Pseudophilautus limbus
- Pseudophilautus lunatus
- Pseudophilautus macropus
- Pseudophilautus nemus
- Pseudophilautus ocularis
- Pseudophilautus papillosus
- Pseudophilautus procax
- Pseudophilautus simba
- Raorchestes chalazodes
- Green eyed bushfrog
- Raorchestes griet
- Kaikatti bushfrog
- Mark's bushfrog
- Raorchestes munnarensis
- Raorchestes ponmudi
- Resplendent shrubfrog
- Raorchestes shillongensis
- Sushil's bushfrog
- Rhacophorus pseudomalabaricus
- Taruga fastigo
Cryptic forest frogs
- Allobates juanii
- Leopard rocket frog
- Merida rocket frog
- Skunk frog (possibly extinct)
- Mannophryne caquetio
- Mannophryne cordilleriana
- Mannophryne lamarcai
- Mannophryne neblina (possibly extinct)
- Prostherapis dunni (possibly extinct)
Rain frogs
- Bale Mountains tree frog
- Taita Hills warty frog
- Callulina hanseni
- Callulina kanga
- Callulina laphami
- Callulina meteora
- Callulina shengena
- Callulina stanleyi
True toads
- Adenomus dasi
- Adenomus kandianus
- Osgood's Ethiopian toad (possibly extinct)
- Andes stubfoot toad
- Angelito stubfoot toad
- Atelopus ardila (possibly extinct)
- Atelopus arsyecue
- Arthur's stubfoot toad
- Rio Pescado stubfoot toad (possibly extinct)
- Azuay stubfoot toad
- Boulenger's stubfoot toad
- Rio Carauta stubfoot toad
- Venezuelan yellow frog (possibly extinct)
- Guajira stubfoot toad
- Chiriqui harlequin frog (possibly extinct)
- Atelopus chirripoensis (possibly extinct)
- Chocó stubfoot toad
- Atelopus chrysocorallus (possibly extinct)
- Rio Faisanes stubfoot toad
- Veragua stubfoot toad
- Huila stubfoot toad
- Elegant stubfoot toad
- Atelopus epikeisthos
- Carabaya stubfoot toad
- Malvasa stubfoot toad
- Atelopus eusebiodiazi (possibly extinct)
- Atelopus exiguus
- Atelopus famelicus (possibly extinct)
- Forest stubfoot toad
- Antado stubfoot toad
- Atelopus gigas
- Pirri Range harlequin frog
- Guanujo stubfoot toad (possibly extinct)
- La Guitarra stubfoot toad
- Morona-Santiago stubfoot toad (possibly extinct)
- Lynch's stubfoot toad
- Atelopus lynchi (possibly extinct)
- Atelopus mandingues
- Mindo stubfoot toad (possibly extinct)
- Colombian stubfoot toad
- Atelopus monohernandezii
- Mucubaji stubfoot toad
- La arboleda stubfoot toad (possibly extinct)
- Atelopus nanay (possibly extinct)
- Gualecenita stubfoot toad
- Niceforo's stubfoot toad
- Atelopus onorei (possibly extinct)
- Atelopus orcesi
- Rednose stubfoot toad (possibly extinct)
- Schmidt's stubfoot toad (possibly extinct)
- Atelopus pastuso (possibly extinct)
- Atelopus patazensis
- San Isidro stubfoot toad
- Peru stubfoot toad (possibly extinct)
- Atelopus petersi (possibly extinct)
- Painted stubfoot toad
- Atelopus pictiventris
- Green and red venter harlequin toad (possibly extinct)
- Flat-spined atelopus (possibly extinct)
- Atelopus podocarpus (possibly extinct)
- Atelopus pulcher
- Atelopus pyrodactylus
- Atelopus quimbaya
- Atelopus reticulatus
- Upper Amazon stubfoot toad
- Pass stubfoot toad
- Atelopus sernai (possibly extinct)
- Atelopus simulatus (possibly extinct)
- Atelopus sonsonensis
- Scarlet harlequin toad (possibly extinct)
- Bogota stubfoot toad
- Tamá harlequin frog
- Harlequin frog
- Walker's stubfoot toad
- Panamanian golden frog
- Churamiti maridadi
- Duttaphrynus sumatranus
- Large-crested toad
- Pico Blanco toad (possibly extinct)
- Holdridge's toad
- Almirante Trail toad
- Bleeding toad
- Red-belly toad
- Melanophryniscus langonei
- Melanophryniscus peritus (possibly extinct)
- Nectophrynoides laticeps
- Nectophrynoides paulae
- Poynton's forest toad (possibly extinct)
- Pseudo forest toad
- Uzungwe scarp tree toad
- Western Nimba toad
- Pelophryne linanitensis
- Pelophryne murudensis
- Peltophryne florentinoi
- Hispaniolan crestless toad (possibly extinct)
- Puerto Rican crested toad
- Carchi Andes toad (possibly extinct)
- Rhinella amabilis
- Rhinella chavin
- Rhinella rostrata (possibly extinct)
- Amatola toad (possibly extinct)
- Werneria iboundji
- Wolterstorffina chirioi
- Xanthophryne tigerina
Fleshbelly frogs
- Sonson frog
- Corquin robber frog (possibly extinct)
- Atlantic robber frog
- Angel robber frog (possibly extinct)
- Craugastor catalinae
- Craugastor coffeus (possibly extinct)
- Cruz robber frog (possibly extinct)
- Rio Claro robber frog
- Craugastor emleni (possibly extinct)
- Craugastor epochthidius
- Craugastor fecundus (possibly extinct)
- Fleischmann's robber frog
- Craugastor glaucus
- Gregg's stream frog
- Guerreran robber frog
- Craugastor gulosus (possibly extinct)
- Montane robber frog
- Craugastor megalotympanum
- San Pedro robber frog
- Miles' robber frog
- Craugastor obesus (possibly extinct)
- Craugastor olanchano (possibly extinct)
- Craugastor omoaensis (possibly extinct)
- Sierra Juarez robber frog (possibly extinct)
- Craugastor pozo
- Craugastor ranoides
- Craugastor saltuarius
- Craugastor stadelmani (possibly extinct)
- Craugastor tabasarae
- Golfito robber frog
- Craugastor trachydermus (possibly extinct)
- Itatiaia highland frog (possibly extinct)
- Cannatella's Andes frog
- Niceforonia adenobrachia
- Oreobates pereger
- Oreobates zongoensis (possibly extinct)
- Phrynopus dagmarae
- Phrynopus heimorum
- Phrynopus juninensis
- Phrynopus kauneorum
- Peters' Andes frog
- Phrynopus tautzorum
- Pristimantis albericoi
- Argelia robber frog (possibly extinct)
- Pristimantis hamiotae
- Pristimantis lichenoides
- Pristimantis pardalinus
- Pristimantis phragmipleuron
- Pristimantis simonsii
- Pristimantis torrenticola
- Pristimantis tribulosus
- Pristimantis veletis
- Psychrophrynella guillei
- Psychrophrynella illimani
- Psychrophrynella kallawaya
- Psychrophrynella saltator
- Strabomantis helonotus
Screeching frogs
- Tiny squeaker frog
- Overlooked squeaker frog (possibly extinct)
- Nike's squeaker
- Cave squeaker (possibly extinct)
- Astylosternus nganhanus
- Cardioglossa alsco
- Cardioglossa manengouba
- Cardioglossa trifasciata
- Leptodactylodon axillaris
- Redbelly egg frog
Poison dart frogs
- Ameerega ingeri
- Oxapampa poison frog
- Collins' poison frog (possibly extinct)
- Colostethus jacobuspetersi (possibly extinct)
- South American rocket frog
- Hyloxalus delatorreae
- Edwards' rocket frog (possibly extinct)
- Ruiz's rocket frog (possibly extinct)
- Boulenger's rocket frog
- Minyobates steyermarki
- Lehmann's poison frog
True frogs
- Little gland frog
- Lago de las Minas frog
- Guerreran leopard frog (possibly extinct)
- Puebla frog (possibly extinct)
- Mississippi gopher frog
- Ramsey canyon leopard frog
- Tlaloc's leopard frog (possibly extinct)
- Wuchuan frog
- Karpathos frog
- Chevron-spotted brown frog
- Taurus frog (Rana holtzi)
Australian water frogs
Includes tree frog species and their allies.
- Lemur leaf frog
- Morelet's tree frog
- Bokermannohyla izecksohni (possibly extinct)
- Greater bromeliad tree frog (possibly extinct)
- Yellowbelly voiceless tree frog (possibly extinct)
- Spine-fingered tree frog (possibly extinct)
- Dendropsophus amicorum
- Honduran brook frog
- Oaxacan fringe-limbed treefrog (possibly extinct)
- Rabb's fringe-limbed treefrog
- Ecnomiohyla salvaje
- Ecnomiohyla valancifer
- Exerodonta perkinsi
- Bocourt's tree frog
- Hyla heinzsteinitzi (possibly extinct)
- Hyla nicefori (possibly extinct)
- Parjacti treefrog (possibly extinct)
- Pilalo tree frog
- Campo Grande tree frog (possibly extinct)
- Narrow-lined tree frog
- Isthmohyla calypsa
- Isla Bonita tree frog (possibly extinct)
- Continental Divide tree frog
- Isthmohyla insolita
- American cinchona plantation treefrog
- Starrett's treefrog
- Booroolong frog
- Litoria castanea (possibly extinct)
- Armoured frog
- Kuranda tree frog
- Mountain mist frog
- Peppered tree frog (possibly extinct)
- Spencer's river tree frog
- Mixe tree frog
- Oaxacan yellow tree frog
- Phyllomedusa ayeaye
- Phytotriades auratus
- Thorny spikethumb frog
- Greater spikethumb frog
- Yellow-robed treefrog
- Cerro Pelón treefrog (possibly extinct)
- Oaxaca treefrog (possibly extinct)
- Southern Sierra Madre treefrog (possibly extinct)
- Golden treefrog
- Plectrohyla chrysopleura
- Aquatic treefrog
- Blue-eyed aquatic treefrog (possibly extinct)
- Honduras spikethumb frog
- Cerro Las Flores spikethumb frog (possibly extinct)
- Plectrohyla exquisita
- Guatemala spikethumb frog
- Hartweg's spikethumb frog
- Hazel's treefrog (possibly extinct)
- Ixil spikethumb frog
- Semiaquatic treefrog
- Plectrohyla pokomchi
- Plectrohyla psarosema
- Plectrohyla pycnochila
- Plectrohyla quecchi
- Sierra Juarez treefrog
- Voiceless treefrog (possibly extinct)
- Plectrohyla tecunumani
- Plectrohyla teuchestes
- Adler's mottled treefrog (possibly extinct)
- Ptychohyla dendrophasma
- Pine forest stream frog
- Chinamococh stream frog
- Scinax alcatraz
- Scinax faivovichi
- Scinax muriciensis
- Scinax peixotoi
Narrow-mouthed frogs
- Anodonthyla vallani
- Choerophryne siegfriedi
- Elegant frog
- Cophyla berara
- Microhyla karunaratnei
- Amani forest frog (possibly extinct)
- Rhombophryne helenae
Other frog species
- Alexteroon jynx
- Cantillana spiny-chest frog
- Mountain spiny-chest frog
- Pehuenche spiny-chest frog
- Vanzolini's spiny-chest frog
- Arthroleptella rugosa
- Du Toit's torrent frog (possibly extinct)
- Burrowes' giant glass frog
- Centrolene gemmatum
- Pichincha giant glass frog (possibly extinct)
- Togo slippery frog (possibly extinct)
- Cycloramphus faustoi
- Bale Mountains frog
- Mocha Island ground frog
- La Siberia marsupial frog (possibly extinct)
- Gastrotheca zeugocystis
- Rose's ghost frog
- Pickersgill's reed frog
- Tanners' reed frog
- Hyperolius watsonae
- Indirana gundia
- Indirana phrynoderma
- Ingerana charlesdarwini
- Barrio's frog
- Hula painted frog
- Archey's frog
- Leptobrachella palmata
- Mountain chicken
- Leptodactylus magistris
- Honduras white-lipped frog
- Leptolalax botsfordi
- Micrixalus kottigeharensis
- Micro frog
- Nannophrys marmorata
- Dattatreya night frog
- Napo cochran frog
- Nymphargus laurae
- Oreolalax liangbeiensis
- Sterling's toothed toad
- Baw Baw frog
- Spiny puddle frog
- Phrynobatrachus intermedius
- Island forest frog
- El Rincon stream frog
- Botucatu escuerzo (possibly extinct)
- Chile Darwin's frog (possibly extinct)
- Piebald alpine toad (possibly extinct)
- Seychelles palm frog
- Thomasset's Seychelles frog
- Bullock's Mountains false toad
- Itombwe Massif clawed frog
- Lake Oku clawed frog
- Ghats wart frog
See also
- List of least concern amphibians
- List of near threatened amphibians
- List of vulnerable amphibians
- List of endangered amphibians
- List of recently extinct amphibians
- List of data deficient amphibians
- ↑ "IUCN Red List version 2015.4". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 19 February 2016.
- ↑ "Table 9: Possibly Extinct and Possibly Extinct in the Wild Species (IUCN Red List version 2015.4)". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 19 November 2015.
- ↑ "Limitations of the Data". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 11 January 2016.
- ↑ "2001 Categories & Criteria (version 3.1)". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 11 January 2016.