London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard

The London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard (LLGS) is the oldest gay and lesbian telephone help line in the United Kingdom, based in London.
LLGS was founded in March 1974, providing help and information to London's gay community. Since then, it has expanded considerably to more than 30,000 callers each year. Today, LLGS, or "Switchboard" as it is affectionately known, provides a listening service for people to discuss their feelings in an impartial and non-judgemental way, as well as information and advice for going out in London and the UK. LLGS also operates an internet database of gay organisations in the UK known as "queery".
In 2008, LLGS won The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service. The organisation was invited and accepted to go to Buckingham Palace to collect the award. In 2014, Queen Elizabeth II acknowledged the 40th anniversary of the organisation's founding, marking the first time she has had any involvement, voiced support or recognised an LGBT charity during her reign, and indeed the first time the Crown has ever publicly supported the LGBT community.[1][2] LLGS received a comment from the Queen saying: “Best wishes and congratulations to all concerned on this most special anniversary.”[1][2]
See also
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