
Marwat Qaumi Lashkar

The Marwats (Pashto: مروت) are a Pashtun tribe, a branch of the Lohani[1] tribe and belong to Lodi section of the Mati Afghans, located primarily in Lakki Marwat District, parts of DI Khan,some villages of Tank district and in the Katawaz area of Afghanistan. The Marwats are also known as Spin Lohani (White faction of Lohanis), and their most closely related kin are other Lohani tribes like Miya Khel, Daulat Khel and Tatur. In the Afghan dynasty of Hind (1451-1526), Lohanis were the most powerful among the Lodi Afghans and were in possession of one quarter of jagirs in India. The Marwats were named for their ancestor Marwat Khan Lodi.[2]


See also Bannu

Marwats, as well as other branches of Lohanis, lived in Katawaz (located in the Paktika province) as well as Wana valley of South Waziristan. They had a long-standing dispute with Sulaiman Khels and other Ghilzais, who had already forced other Lodi tribes to migrate en masse to India.In one of the decisive battle, in mid 15th century, Lohanis were thoroughly defeated by the Ghilzais, and had to leave Katawaz to the latter. Lohanis and their Dotani cousins had to content with just Wana valley and surroundings.

The Marwat and other Lohanis expanded from Waziristan further east, occupying large tracts of present-day Dera Ismail Khan and Tank, by defeating Prangi, Suri and Sarwani tribes. Marwats stayed in Waziristan while Daulat Khels and Taturs migrated to newly conquered Daman. The headman of Kati Khel (branch of Daulat Khel), then the chief of all Lohanis, agreed to give shares in the income from the lands of Daman to Marwats and Miya Khels. In the late 16th century, or in the beginning of 17th century, Wazirs issued from their homeland Birmal and encroached upon the territories of Marwats in the nowadays South Waziristan (present day abodes of Ahmadzai Wazirs). Wazirs, with the aid of Mehsuds, defeated Marwats and Dotanis, the former were expelled while the latter was allowed to retain some lands in Wana. The distressed Marwats, when arrived in Daman to take possession of their lands there, the Daulat Khel Lohanis opposed that. In the subsequent battle, Daulat Khels were thoroughly defeated by Marwats, and were expelled from Daman. The Daulat Khels sought the help of Gandapurs, Babars and Bhittanis, and the grand alliance was able to defeat the Marwats.[3][4]

The defeated Marwats lingered in Dara Pezu and surroundings for some time, until they got the invitation from a section of Niazis, who were settled in present-day Lakki Marwat, to assist them in defeating the rival clan. Marwats first defeated the Niazi clan against whom they were hired, then they turned against their own Niazi allies, and slaughtered them in great numbers. The defeated Niazis fled towards Mianwali. Some where between 1601 and 1607, Marwats had taken possession of all the 'Tal' tract.[5]

From the last years of Emperor Akbar's reign up to the ascension of Ahmad Shah Abdali, Marwats enjoyed complete independence. Their area was not under Mughal rule and they didn't pay taxes to Delhi. In 1696, Mughals occupied Marwat and Bannu, and built their forts in the region for the first time. But their military governors were expelled from the region, in 1702, after successful revolt of Marwats and Bannuchis. In 1739 the Persian Eemperor Nadir Shah ,after his Indian expedition, passed through Lakki and Pezu pass, but didn't molest the Marwat tribes. Ahmad Shah Abdali didn't enforce taxes on Marwats but put the condition of providing contingents of Marwat warriors for his military campaigns. In the most important military campaign of Abdali, 120 Marwat horsemen accompanied him under their chief Begu Khan to India. Ahmad Shah's successor, Timur Shah Durrani, enforced Tax on Marwats. Marwats fiercely opposed this enforcement of tax on them, and regularly fought with the Durrani soldiers who used to come from Kabul to collect tax.[6]

After the battle of Panipat, Marwats split into two factions, White and Black and shed the blood of each other for next 60 years. Taking advantage of their internal rift, Wazirs conquered some area from Marwats in the sandy tracts of the present day Bannu district. In 1819, Nawab of Mankera interested in the civil war of Marwats on the invitation of one party and later occupied the area for themselves.The very weakened Marwats were unable to resist the occupation and thus Marwats lost the independence. Soon after, Sikhs conquered Lakki Marwat and built a fort on the bank of river Gambila near Present day Lakki city. In 1845, Marwats rose in rebellion against Sikhs, but the latter crushed it. In Anglo-Sikh Wars, Marwats provided great deal of help to British against their bitter foes Sikhs. The relationship of Marwats and British remained friendly for the most part, though some of Marwats joined faqir of ipi's movement.[7]


Notable Marwats


  1. "War Ballads of West Pakistan". The Pakistan Review (Ferozsons) 19: 10–11. 1971. ISSN 0031-0077.
  2. Mohmand, Sher Muhammad, The Marwats. p. 50-53
  3. "The Marwats" by Sher Muhammad Mohmand
  4. Bannu Gazetterr
  5. "The Marwats" by Sher Muhammad Mohmand
  6. Bannu Gazetterr
  7. "The Marwats" by Sher Muhammad Mohmand
  8. 1 2 Walsh, Declan (2010). "Arithmetic on the Frontier". In John Freeman. Granta 112: Pakistan. Granta Books. ISBN 9781905881536.
  9. "Honour among them". The Economist. 19 December 2006. Retrieved 23 June 2012.
  10. 1 2 Candidate extends support from retrieved 10 June 2013
  11. Tribe Elders to Decide on Candidate from retrieved 10 June 2013

Further reading

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