Vincent Cespedes

Vincent Cespedes

Vincent Cespedes (born September 14, 1973 in Aubervilliers, Seine-Saint-Denis) is a French philosopher and writer.

He is the author of essays on various subjects, and he published a novel on Cheikh Anta Diop and Panafricanism philosophy, set in the context of relations between Africa and the West. Since 2008, he has directed a collection which he created at Larousse editions: “Philosopher” (“Philosophize”). He is also a painter,[1] a pianist and a composer.


  • 2004: Maraboutés (Marabouted)
    (Fayard, Paris, 627 pages)
  • 2001: I Loft You (Mille et Une Nuits, Paris, 129 pages) – the first French essay about reality television
  • 2002: La Cerise sur le béton. Violences urbaines et libéralisme sauvage (The Cherry on the Concrete, Urban Violence and Savage Liberalism) (Flammarion, Paris, re-ed. 2005, 344 pages)
  • 2002: Sinistrose. Pour une renaissance du politique (Sinistrose, For a Renaissance of the Political) (Flammarion, Paris, 192 pages) – with regard the French elections of 2002, which saw the extreme right pass through the first round
  • 2003: Je t'aime. Une autre politique de l'amour (I Love You. A Different Politic of Love) (Flammarion, Paris, 490 pages)
  • 2006: Mélangeons-nous. Enquête sur l'alchimie humaine (Let's mix. Investigating Human Alchemy) (Maren Sell, Paris, 363 pages)[2]
  • 2007: Mot pour mot. Kel ortograf pr 2m1 ? (Word for Word. Wat speling 4 2moro ?)
    (Flammarion, Paris, 288 pages) – fictionalized dialogue on French spelling
  • 2008: Mai 68, la philosophie est dans la rue ! (May 68, Philosophy is in the Street!)
    (Larousse, coll. " Philosopher ", Paris, 288 pages)[3]
  • 2010: Magique étude du Bonheur (Magic Study of Happiness)
    (Larousse, coll. " Philosopher ", Paris, 240 pages)
  • 2010: L'Homme expliqué aux femmes (Men Explained to Women[4])
    (Flammarion, Paris, 254 pages)
  • 2013: L'Ambition ou l'épopée de soi[5]
    (Flammarion, Paris, 312 pages)
  • 2015: Youth Now (Flammarion, Paris, 150 pages)
  • 2006: Contre-Dico philosophique (Philosophical Counter-dictionary) (Milan, Paris, 288 pages)
  • 2008: Tous philosophes ! 40 invitations à philosopher
    (All Philosophers! 40 Invitations to Philosophize)
    (Albin Michel, Paris, 176 pages)
  • 2009: J'aime, donc je suis. À la découverte de votre philosophie amoureuse (I love, therefore I am. Discover Your Love Philosophy) (Larousse, Paris, 128 pages)
  • 1999: Concours de professeur des écoles. Dossiers d'entretien (Teaching examinations. Interviews)
    (Vuibert, re-ed. 2000, 320 pages)


External links

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