Meng Huo

Meng Huo

Qing Dynasty illustration of Meng Huo
Rebel leader of Nanzhong
Traditional Chinese 孟獲
Simplified Chinese 孟获
Pinyin Mèng Huò
This is a Chinese name; the family name is Meng.

Meng Huo was popularly regarded as a local leader representing the gentries of the Nanzhong region during the Three Kingdoms era of Chinese history. When the emperor of Shu Han, Liu Bei, died, the local people of Nanzhong severed their ties with Shu Han, stating that there were three lords claiming to be the legitimate ruler of China and they "no longer knew whom should they pledge allegiance to". In retaliation, Shu Han's chancellor, Zhuge Liang, launched a full invasion on the Nanzhong region, and successfully quelled the uprising. It was recorded in the Spring and Autumn Annal of Han and Jin Dynasty (漢晉春秋) and the Chronicles of Huayang that Zhuge had captured and let go of the local leader seven times, so the leader finally swore his allegiance to Shu Han.

The popular image of Meng Huo follows Luo Guanzhong's semi-fictitious novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, where he is portrayed as a southern barbarian tribal leader. In the novel Meng Huo was married to a fictional Lady Zhurong, who claimed descent from the Chinese god of fire, Zhu Rong.

The Yi consider him as one of their rulers, and they call him Mot Hop (Yi language:ꂽꉼ)

Contentions on historicity

The absurdity of Meng Huo being captured and released seven times led many to doubt the story, and even of Meng Huo's existence. The Republican-era Yunnan historian Zhang Hualan (張華爛) wrote in his article "Discussion on Meng Huo" (孟獲辯) that Meng was a fictional character invented by later historians, noting that the name "Huo" (獲), which means "captured" in Chinese, is too coincidental considering Meng's fate on being captured,[1] a view shared by many academics.[2] Meng Huo and the record of his captures first appeared in the Spring and Autumn Annal of Han and Jin Dynasty, written by Xi Zuochi of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and were also detailed in the near-contemporary Chronicles of Huayang. The Liu Song Dynasty historian Pei Songzhi, when compiling his annotated version of the Records of the Three Kingdoms, found Xi Zuochi's work unreliable at times. Pei does not specifically comment on Meng Huo's historicity, but points out elsewhere that Xi writes history not found in earlier records,[3] hence the Yunnan historian Fang Guoyu (方国瑜) uses Pei's doubts on Xi's unreliability to challenge the story of Meng Huo's seven captures (though Fang does not go as far as to doubt Meng Huo's existence).[4] Modern researcher Huang Chengzhong (黄承宗) of the Liangshan Yi Slave Society Museum (凉山彝族奴隶社会博物馆) believes Meng to be a real historical figure, though he is certain that the "seven times freed" story is fiction.[5] The Sichuan University professor Miao Yue (缪钺) contended Zhuge would not be able to release the leader if the latter was indeed captured. Tan Liangxiao (谭良啸), director of the Museum of Temple of the Marquis of Wu in Chengdu, also stated the "seven times freed" story to be "strange and unbelievable", but like Fang and Huang, he believes Meng Huo did exist in history.[6]

In fiction

Extracts from Luo Guanzhong's historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms pertaining to Meng Huo:

Modern references

Meng Huo is featured as playable character in Koei's Dynasty Warriors and Warriors Orochi video game series.

See also


  1. ↑ Zhang Hualan (張華爛), "Discussion on Meng Huo" (孟獲辯). Nanqian Magazine (南强杂志). Original quote: "陳壽志于南中叛黨雍闿高定之徒,大書特書,果有漢夷共服之孟獲,安得略而不載?其人身被七擒,而其名即為‘獲’,天下安有如此湊巧之事?"
  2. ↑ Zhang Xinghai (张星海). "Zhuge Liang 'Qi Qin Meng Huo' zhen ye jia ye" (诸葛亮“七擒孟获”真耶假耶?). Beijing Sci-Tech Report (北京科技报). Original quote: "张华烂的观点其实代表了许多学者的观点。"
  3. ↑ Pei Songzhi, Annotated Records of the Three Kingdoms. 28. Original quote: "如此言之类,皆前史所不载,而犹出习氏。且制言法体不似于昔,疑悉凿齿所自造者也?" Pei Songzhi accuses Xi Zuochi of anachronistically inserting quotations in the biography of Wang Ling, unrelated to Meng Huo's passage.
  4. ↑ Fang Guoyu. Yizu Shigao (彝族史稿). Sichuan Nationalities Publishing House. March 1984. p. 118
  5. ↑ Huang Chengzhong (黄承宗). "Shu Han Meng Huo shishi suotan" (蜀漢孟獲史實瑣談). Sichuan Yixue Yanjiu (四川彝学研究). 1. September 2000. ISBN 7-5409-2672-4
  6. ↑ Tan Liangxiao (谭良啸), "Zhuge Liang 'qi qin Meng Huo' zhiyi" (諸葛亮“七擒孟獲”質疑). Journal of Yunnan Normal University. Original quote: "七擒一事,實近乎離奇,諸葛亮俘孟獲不殺當是有的,但“七擒七縱”則令人難以置信。"


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