
DivriÄŸi Great Mosque (Ulu Cami) portal

Mengujekids (Modern Turkish: Mengüçoğulları or Mengücek Beyliği or Mengüçlü Beyliği ) was an Anatolian beylik of the first period, founded after the Battle of Manzikert. The Mengujekids ruled the regions of Erzincan, Kemah, Şebinkarahisar and Divriği in Eastern Anatolia in the 12th and 13th centuries.

Mengujek Gazi

Little is known about the founder Mengujek Ghazi. He was probably one of the commanders sent by the Great Seljuk Sultan Alp Arslan to occupy parts of Anatolia after the victory at Manzikert over the Byzantine Empire, and his principality seems to have been founded in the years following the battle. This beylig was split branches of Erzincan and DivriÄŸi after death of Emir Ä°shak in 1142. Erzincan branch was subjugated by Sultanate of Rum in 1228 and DivriÄŸi one was ended in 1277 by Ilkhanate.

DivriÄŸi Great Mosque

The Mengujek dynasty is remembered primarily for its monuments in Divriği. The Divriği Great Mosque was built in 1228 by Ahmed Shah. The adjoining medical center, or Darüşşifa, was built in the same year by Turan Melek Sultan, daughter of the Mengujek ruler of Erzincan, Fahreddin Behram Shah. Both buildings are on UNESCO's World Heritage List.


Branch of Erzincan

Branch of DivriÄŸi

See also

External links


  • (Book cover) Oktay Aslanapa (1991). Anadolu'da ilk Türk mimarisi: BaÅŸlangıcı ve geliÅŸmesi (Early Turkish architecture in Anatolia: Beginnings and development) ISBN 975-16-0264-5 (in Turkish). AKM Publications, Ankara. 
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