NES Lockout
Not to be confused with lockout chip used to prevent unlicensed games from running,
The NES Lockout was a combination lock device made by SafeCare Products, Inc. and Master Lock that featured a "Self-Setting" combination that attached to the open bay of a front-loading NES via a hole under the control deck directly below the chamber lid which enabled the lock to grab the console like a vise to prevent removal. The device was intended to allow parents to keep children from playing an NES when they weren't supposed to.
See also
| | | Accessories | Nintendo manufactured | |
| Third-party | |
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| Hardware | |
| Software | |
| Launch dates |
- July 15, 1983 (JP)
- October 18, 1985 (NA)
- September 1, 1986 (EU)
| Launch titles | |
| Variations | |
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| Consoles | | |
| Handhelds (comparison) | |
| Arcade | |
| Accessories | |
| Technology | |
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