November 13 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)

The Eastern Orthodox cross
Nov. 12 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Nov. 14
All fixed commemorations below celebrated on November 26 by Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar.[note 1]
For November 13th, Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar commemorate the Saints listed on October 31.
- Martyrs Antoninus, Nicephorus, Germanus, and Manetha,[1] of Caesarea in Palestine (308)[2][3][4][5][note 2]
- Saint John Chrysostom (the "Golden-Mouthed"), Archbishop of Constantinople (407)[2][3][5][7][8][9][note 3]
Pre-Schism Western Saints
- Saints Valentine, Solutor and Victor, martyrs venerated in Ravenna in Italy (305)[10][note 4]
- Saint Matrius (Mitrius, Mitre, Metre, Merre), a Greek slave that was abused and beheaded (314)[10][note 5][note 6]
- Saint Damasus, Pope of Rome (384)[10][note 7]
- Saints Arcadius, Paschasius, Probus, Eutychian and Paulillus, Protomartyrs of the Vandal persecution (437)[10][note 8][note 9]
- Saint Bricius (Brice, Britius, Brixius), Bishop of Tours (444)[2][10][11][note 10][note 11]
- Saint Euphrasius (Eufrèse), Bishop of Clermont, Gaul (515)[2][11]
- Saint Leonien of Vienne, Gaul (518)[2][11]
- Saint Quintianus, Bishop of Clermont, Gaul (525)[2][6][10][11][note 12]
- Saint Dalmatius of Rodez, Bishop of Rodez (580)[10][note 13]
- Saint Devinicus (Denick, Teavneck), worked with Sts Columba and Machar and preached in Caithness, probably as a bishop (6th century)[10]
- Saint Columba the Virgin, a virgin-martyr in Cornwall, where she is the patron-saint of two parishes.[10]
- Saint Eugenius I of Toledo, Bishop of Toledo (657)[6][10][note 14]
- Saint Maxellendis, stabbed to death in Caudry near Cambrai in the north of France because she wished to be a nun (c. 670)[10]
- Saint Chillien (Kilian), missionary in Artois in the north of France (7th century)[10][note 15]
- Saint Gredifael, a saint who accompanied St Paternus from Brittany to Wales, was Abbot of Whitland Abbey in Dyfed (7th century)[10]
- Saint Abbo of Fleury, Abbot of Fleury, martyred in La Réole in Gascony (c. 1004)[10][note 16]
Post-Schism Orthodox Saints
- New Monk-martyr Damascene of the Great Lavra (Athos) and Constantinople (1681)[2][3][7][12][13][note 17]
Other Commemorations
- Repose of Archbishop Ioasaph (Skorodumov) of Canada (1955)[2][note 18]
- Repose of Monk Juvian the Chronicler, of Valaam Monastery (1957)[2]
- Repose of Schema-Nun Irene Myrtidiotissa of Chios (1960)[2]
- Repose of Archimandrite Constantine (Zaitsev) of Jordanville, New York (1975)[2][note 19]
Icon Gallery
- ↑ The notation Old Style or (OS) is sometimes used to indicate a date in the Julian Calendar (which is used by churches on the "Old Calendar").
The notation New Style or (NS), indicates a date in the Revised Julian calendar (which is used by churches on the "New Calendar"). - ↑ "At Caesarea, in Palestine, the martyrdom of the Saints Antoninus, Zebina, Germanus and Ennatha, virgin. Ennatha was scourged under Galerius Maximian, and burned alive, while the others, for boldly reproaching the governor Firmilian for his idolatry in sacrificing to the gods, were beheaded."[6]
- ↑ Name days celebrated today include:
- Chrysostomos (Χρυσόστομος).
- ↑ "At Ravenna, the birthday of the holy martyrs Valentine, Solutor and Victor, who suffered under the emperor Diocletian."[6]
- ↑ A Greek slave belonging to a tyrannical master in Aix in Provence in France. He was savagely abused by his master and his fellow-slaves and was finally beheaded.
- ↑ "At Aix, in Province, St. Matrius, a most renowned martyr."[6]
- ↑ Born in Spain, he served as deacon in the Spanish church of St Laurence in Rome. He became Pope of Rome in 366, opposed Arianism and Apollinarianism, developed the liturgy and restored many churches and tombs of the martyrs.
- ↑ All of these were born in Spain and exiled to Africa by the Vandal Arian King Genseric, where they became the Protomartyrs of the Vandal persecution. Paulillus was only a boy, the little brother of Sts Paschasius and Eutychian.
- ↑ "In Africa, the holy martyrs Arcadius, Paschasius, Probus and Eutychian, Spaniards, who refused absolutely to yield to the Arian perfidy, during the persecution of the Vandals. Accordingly they were proscribed by the Arian king Genseric, driven into exile, and finally, after being subjected to fearful tortures, were put to death in various manners. Then was also made manifest the constancy of the small boy Paulillus, brother of the Saints Paschasius and Eutychian. As he could not be seduced from the Catholic faith, he was a long time beaten with rods, and condemned to a base servitude."[6]
- ↑ A disciple of St Martin of Tours in France, in fact he was proud and ambitious. Chosen to be St Martin's successor at Tours, he was eventually driven out. He repented and was reinstated. Such was the change in him that his flock proclaimed him a saint immediately after his death.
- ↑ "At Tours, St. Brice, bishop, disciple of the blessed bishop Martin."[6]
- ↑ Born in North Africa, he fled to France to escape the Arian-Vandal persecution. Eventually he became Bishop of Rodez, but was exiled by the Arian Visigoths. He went to Auvergne where he succeeded St Euphrasius as Bishop of Clermont.
- ↑ Bishop of Rodez in France from 524 to 580. He suffered greatly at the hands of the Arian King Amalric.
- ↑ A Spanish Goth, born in Toledo in Spain. He became a monk at St Engracia in Saragossa. Finally, in 646, he became Bishop of Toledo. He was a gifted poet and musician and zealous for the beauty of the liturgy.
- ↑ Born in Ireland and a relative of St Fiacre, he was a missionary in Artois in the north of France. His relics were enshrined in Aubigny near Arras.
- ↑ Born near Orleans in France, he became a monk at Fleury (St Benoît-sur-Loire). Invited by St Oswald of Worcester to take charge of the monastery of Ramsey in England, he stayed there for two years (985-7) and wrote the Life of St Edmund. He then became Abbot of Fleury 988. He was martyred in La Réole in Gascony.
- ↑ Name days celebrated today include:
- Damaskinos, Damascene (Δαμασκηνός);
- Damaskini (Δαμασκηνή).
- ↑ See: (Russian) Иоасаф (Скородумов). Википедии. (Russian Wikipedia).
- ↑ See: (Russian) Константин (Зайцев). Википедии. (Russian Wikipedia).
- ↑ Martyr Manetha of Cæsarea in Palestine. OCA - Lives of the Saints.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 November 13/November 26. Orthodox Calendar (PRAVOSLAVIE.RU).
- 1 2 3 The Autonomous Orthodox Metropolia of Western Europe and the Americas (ROCOR). St. Hilarion Calendar of Saints for the year of our Lord 2004. St. Hilarion Press (Austin, TX). p. 85.
- ↑ Martyr Antoninus of Cæsarea in Palestine. OCA - Lives of the Saints.
- 1 2 (Russian) 13 ноября по старому стилю / 26 ноября по новому стилю. Русская Православная Церковь - Православный церковный календарь на 2016 год.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The Roman Martyrology. Transl. by the Archbishop of Baltimore. Last Edition, According to the Copy Printed at Rome in 1914. Revised Edition, with the Imprimatur of His Eminence Cardinal Gibbons. Baltimore: John Murphy Company, 1916. pp. 350–351.
- 1 2 (Greek) Συναξαριστής. 13 Νοεμβρίου. ECCLESIA.GR. (H ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ).
- ↑ Great Synaxaristes: (Greek) Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰωάννης ὁ Χρυσόστομος Ἀρχιεπίσκοπος Κωνσταντινουπόλεως. 13 Νοεμβρίου. ΜΕΓΑΣ ΣΥΝΑΞΑΡΙΣΤΗΣ.
- ↑ St John Chrysostom the Archbishop of Constantinople. OCA - Lives of the Saints.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 November 13. Latin Saints of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Rome.
- 1 2 3 4 November 26 / November 13. HOLY TRINITY RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH (A parish of the Patriarchate of Moscow).
- ↑ Great Synaxaristes: (Greek) Ὁ Ἅγιος Δαμασκηνὸς ὁ Νέος Ὁσιομάρτυρας ὁ Κωνσταντινουπολίτης. 13 Νοεμβρίου. ΜΕΓΑΣ ΣΥΝΑΞΑΡΙΣΤΗΣ.
- ↑ Monk Martyr Damascene of the Lavra. OCA - Lives of the Saints.
- November 13/November 26. Orthodox Calendar (PRAVOSLAVIE.RU).
- November 26 / November 13. HOLY TRINITY RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH (A parish of the Patriarchate of Moscow).
- November 13. OCA - The Lives of the Saints.
- Dr. Alexander Roman. November. Calendar of Ukrainian Orthodox Saints (Ukrainian Orthodoxy - Українське Православ'я).
- The Autonomous Orthodox Metropolia of Western Europe and the Americas (ROCOR). St. Hilarion Calendar of Saints for the year of our Lord 2004. St. Hilarion Press (Austin, TX). p. 85.
- The Thirteenth Day of the Month of November. Orthodoxy in China.
- November 13. Latin Saints of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Rome.
- The Roman Martyrology. Transl. by the Archbishop of Baltimore. Last Edition, According to the Copy Printed at Rome in 1914. Revised Edition, with the Imprimatur of His Eminence Cardinal Gibbons. Baltimore: John Murphy Company, 1916. pp. 350–351.
- Rev. Richard Stanton. A Menology of England and Wales, or, Brief Memorials of the Ancient British and English Saints Arranged According to the Calendar, Together with the Martyrs of the 16th and 17th Centuries. London: Burns & Oates, 1892. pp. 537–538.
Greek Sources
- Great Synaxaristes: (Greek) 13 ΝΟΕΜΒΡΙΟΥ. ΜΕΓΑΣ ΣΥΝΑΞΑΡΙΣΤΗΣ.
- (Greek) Συναξαριστής. 13 Νοεμβρίου. ECCLESIA.GR. (H ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ).
- (Greek) 13/11/2016. Ορθόδοξος Συναξαριστής.
Russian Sources
- (Russian) 26 ноября (13 ноября). Православная Энциклопедия под редакцией Патриарха Московского и всея Руси Кирилла (электронная версия). (Orthodox Encyclopedia -
- (Russian) 13 ноября по старому стилю / 26 ноября по новому стилю. Русская Православная Церковь - Православный церковный календарь на 2016 год.
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