Orders of magnitude (charge)

This page is a progressive and labeled list of the SI charge orders of magnitude, with certain examples appended to some list objects.

List of orders of magnitude for electric charge
SI prefix Value Item
10−21 zepto- (zC)
10−20 −5.34×10−20 C (−1/3 e)—Charge of down, strange and bottom quarks
10−19 1.068×10−19 C (2/3 e)—Charge of up, charm and top quarks
1.602×10−19 C The elementary charge e, i.e. the negative charge on a single electron or the positive charge on a single proton
10−18 atto- (aC) 1.9×10−18 C Planck charge
10−17 1.473×10−17 C (92 e) - Positive charge on a uranium nucleus
10−15 femto- (fC) 1×10−15 C Charge on a typical dust particle
10−12 pico- (pC) 1×10−12 C Charge in typical microwave frequency capacitors
10−9 nano- (nC) 1×10−9 C Charge in typical radio frequency capacitors
10−6 micro- (µC) 1×10−6 C Charge in typical audio frequency capacitors
~1×10−6 C Static electricity from rubbing materials together[1]
10−3 milli- (mC) 1×10−3 C Charge in typical power supply capacitors
100 C 1×100 C Two negative point charges of +1 C, placed one meter apart, would experience a repulsive force of 9×109 N
101 deca- (daC) 2.6×101 C Charge in a typical thundercloud (15 - 350 C)[2]
103 kilo- (kC) 5×103 C Typical alkaline AA battery is about 5000 C ≈ 1.4 A⋅h[3]
104 9.64×104 C Charge on one mole of electrons (Faraday constant)
105 2.16×105 C Car battery charge
106 mega- (MC)
107 1.07×107 C Charge needed to produce 1 kg of aluminium from bauxite in an electrolytic cell
108 5.9×108 C Charge in world's largest battery bank (36 MWh), assuming 220VAC output[4]


  1. Martin Karl W. Pohl. "Physics: Principles with Applications" (PDF). DESY.
  2. Hasbrouck, Richard. Mitigating Lightning Hazards, Science & Technology Review May 1996. Retrieved on 2009-04-26.
  3. How to do everything with digital photography – David Huss, p. 23, at Google Books, "The capacity range of an AA battery is typically from 1100–2200 mAh."
  4. http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2012-01/china-builds-worlds-largest-battery-36-megawatt-hour-behemoth - China Builds the World's Largest Battery - 01.04.2012
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