- For the river in California that was once called the Porciuncula River, see Los Angeles River, and for the Italian church for which it was named, see Porziuncola.
Porciúncula is a municipality located in the northernmost point of the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro. Its population was 18,227 (2008) and its area is 302.201 km².[3]
| | | Mesoregion Baixadas | | |
| Mesoregion Centro Fluminense | Cantagalo-Cordeiro | |
| Nova Friburgo | |
| Santa Maria Madalena | |
| Três Rios | |
| Mesoregion Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro | Itaguaí | |
| Macacu-Caceribu | |
| Microregion Rio de Janeiro | |
| Serrana | |
| Vassouras | |
| Mesoregion Noroeste Fluminense | Itaperuna | |
| Santo Antônio de Pádua | |
| Mesoregion Norte Fluminense | Campos dos Goytacazes | |
| Macaé | |
| Mesoregion Sul Fluminense | Baía da Ilha Grande | |
| Barra do Piraí | |
| Vale do Paraíba Fluminense | |