Ranks and rank insignia of the Soviet Armed Forces 1955–1991

The ranks and rank insignia of the Soviet Armed Forces between 1955 and 1991 were distinguished by the reorganisation of the Soviet armed forces after the death of Stalin, resulting in changes to ranks, insignia, and uniforms.

Changes to distinction insignia

Shoulder straps to field utilization

In December 1956 the coloured border piping on officers' shoulder straps was changed. A cinnamon-brown color was used instead of the burgundy red previously worn by commanders and commanding officers. All other officers and other ranks wore corps colours as follows:

Enlisted men, non-commissioned officers, warrant officers, and michman

Army, Air Force

Enlisted men Non-commissioned officers Warrant officers
Shoulder boards to
service uniform
(ground forces)
Shoulder boards to
service uniform
(air force & aviation)
Soldier Corporal Junior sergeant Sergeant Senior sergeant until 1963
Staff sergeant
from 1964
Staff sergeant
from 1971
Warrant officer
from 1981
Senior warrant officer
Рядовой Ефрейтор Мл. сержант Сержант Ст. сержант Старшина Прапорщик Ст. прапорщик
NATO-equivalent OR-1 OR-2 OR-4 OR-6 OF-7 OR-8 OR-9

Ratings of the Navy, coastal services and other shore commands

Enlisted ratings Boatswain/ petty officers Michman
Shoulder boards to
service uniform
(naval services)
Seaman Leading seaman Petty officer 2nd class Petty officer 1st class Chief petty officer Michman
(until 1955)
Michman (1956-1971)
Glavny starshina of the ship
(from 1971)
(from 1971)
Starshy michman
(from 1981)
Матрос Ст. матрос Старшина
2 статьи
1 статьи
Мичман Мичман
Гл. корабельный старшина
Мичман Ст. мичман
(coastal services
and other shore commands)
Seaman Leading seaman Junior sergeant Sergeant Senior sergeant until 1957
Staff sergeant
from 1958
Staff sergeant
from 1971
Warrant officer
from 1981
Senior warrant officer
Матрос Ст. матрос Мл. сержант Сержант Ст. сержант Старшина Старшина Прапорщик Ст. прапорщик
NATO-equivalent OR-1 OR-2 OR-4 OR-6 OF-7 OR-8 OR-9

Letter codes from 1972 onward

Army officers and generals (all services)

Designation Lieutenants Captain´s rank Field officers Higher commanders & commander-in-chief
Shoulder boards
parade uniform
land forces
Air force
designation (Ground and air forces and independent branches)
Junior lieutenant Lieutenant Senior lieutenant Captain Major Lieutenant colonel Colonel Major general Lieutenant general Colonel general General of the army
until 1974 and after 1974
Marshal of the Soviet Union
Мл. лейтенант Лейтенант Ст. лейтенант Капитан Майор Подполковник Полковник Генерал-майор Генерал-лейтенант Генерал-полковник Генерал аpмии Маршал Советского Союза

Naval officers and flag officers (all services)

Designation Lieutenants Captain lieutenants Staff officers Flag officers & higher commanders
Shoulder board
parde uniform
Sleeve insignia
designation (naval services)
Junior lieutenant Lieutenant Senior lieutenant Captain lieutenant Captain 3rd rank Captain 2nd rank Captain 1st Rank Rear admiral Vice admiral Admiral Admiral of the fleet
(1955-1961) and (1962-1994)
Admiral of the fleet of the Soviet Union
Младший лейтенант Лейтенант Ст. лейтенант Капитан-лейтенантКапитан 3-го рангаКапитан 2-го рангаКапитан 1-го ранга Контр-адмирал Вице-адмирал Адмирал Адмирал флота Адмирал флота Советского Союза
designation (Shore services of the Navy)
Junior lieutenant Lieutenant Senior lieutenant Captain Major Lieutenant colonel Colonel Major general Lieutenant general Colonel general No equivalent
Мл. лейтенант Лейтенант Ст. лейтенант Капитан Майор Подполковник Полковник Генерал-майор Генерал-лейтенант Генерал-полковник
NATO-equivalent OF-1 OF-2 OF-3 OF-4 OF-5 OF-6 OF-7 OF-8 OF-9 OF-10

Top ranks

Marshal ranks and Supreme commanders of the Soviet armed forces
Shoulder board
dress uniform
Rank designation Marshal of the branch Chief marshal of the branch Marshal
of the Soviet Union
of the Soviet Union

(no referenced project)
NATO-equivalent OF-9 OF-10
Supreme commander of the Soviet Navy
Shoulder board
dress uniform
Admiral of the fleet
of the Soviet Union
NATO-equivalent OF-10

See also


  1. The abbreviation "OR" stands for "other ranks"


  1. Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 3th edition 1982, order number: 576 973 7, licence number: 433 130/182/82, volume IV, page 128-129 "Rank insignia of the Soviet Navy"
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