Ranks and rank insignia of the Russian Federation´s armed forces 1994–2010

Ranks and rank insignia of the Russian Federation's armed forces from 1994 to 2010 were affected by the disintegration of the former Soviet armed forces, and there were other changes in insignia design when the newly established Russian Federation came into existence. The ranks depicted below, were replaced with those adopted by decree № 293 of the President of the Russian Federation on 11 March 2010.[1] The transition began with the issue of new military uniforms to the armed services in 2008 in the Moscow area and in 2010 nationwide. The ranks of marshal of the branch and chief marshal were officially abolished as a result of the 1994 regulations.

(army / ground forces)
Parade uniform
Service uniform
Field uniform
Captain 1st rank (navy)
Parade uniform
Service uniform

Shoulder boards

Enlisted men

Enlisted men wear no rank on their working uniform shoulder boards. On parade uniforms, the shoulder board shows a Cyrillic letter symbol.

Non-commissioned officers

Non-commissioned officers up to staff sergeant (Russian: cтаршина; starshina) wear shoulder boards with the Cyrillic letter symbol for their branch and their rank stripes.

Warrant officers and michman

Warrant officers and michman wore shoulder boards similar to enlisted personnel and non-commissioned officers, but their ranks were shown by small stars arranged in vertical order.

Distinction insignia

Enlisted personnel, NCOs and warrant officers

Enlisted personnel, NCOs and warrant officers (army and air force)
Designation Enlisted personnel NCOs Warrant officers
Shoulder board to
everyday & parade uniform

Military space forces (until 2001), space forces (from 2001) & airborne troops
Shoulder board to
everyday & parade uniform

Air force
Shoulder board to
everyday & parade uniform

Ground forces & strategic missile troops
Shoulder board to
field uniform

all service branches
Rank designation
(ground & air forces)
Officer cadet Private Corporal Junior sergeant Sergeant Senior sergeant Staff sergeant Warrant officer Senior warrant officer
Курсант Рядовой Ефрейтор Младший сержант Сержант Старший сержант Старшина Прапорщик Старший прапорщик
Enlisted personnel, NCOs and warrant officers navy and naval forces
Designation Enlisted personnel NCOs Midshipmen
Shoulder board to

everyday uniform
Shoulder board to

parade uniform
(naval services)
Officer cadet Sailor Senior
Petty officer
2nd class
Petty officer
1st class
petty officer
petty officer
of the ship
Midshipman Senior midshipman
Курсант Матрос Старший матрос Старшина
2 статьи
1 статьи
Мичман Старший мичман
(coastal services
and other shore commands)
Officer cadet Sailor Senior
Sergeant Senior sergeant Staff sergeant Warrant officer Senior
warrant officer
Курсант Матрос Старший матрос Младший сержант Сержант Старший сержант Старшина Прапорщик Старший прапорщик
NATO-equivalent OR-1 OR-2 OR-4 OR-6 OF-7 OR-8 OR-9

Army, air force and naval officers

Shoulder boards up to company level
Shoulder boards to field officers/ staff officers
Top level appointments
Marshal of the Russian Federation

Officer insignia – army, air force, SMT, airborne and space forces

Officers of the Army and Air Force
Designation Officers up to company level Field officers General officers
Shoulder board to
parade uniform


Everyday uniform
Shoulder board to
parade uniform

Air force
airborne troops
space forces
strategic missile troops
Everyday uniform

Air Force
Everyday uniform

Air borne troops
Field uniform (Army, Air force, Air borne troops)
Rank designation Junior lieutenant Lieutenant Senior lieutenant Captain Mayor Lieutenant colonel Colonel Major general Lieutenant general Colonel general General of the Army Marshal of the Russian Federation
Мл. лейтенант Лейтенант Ст. лейтенант Капитан Майор Подполковник Полковник Генерал-майор Генерал-лейтенант Генерал-полковник Генерал аpмии Маршал Российской Федерации
NATO-equivalent OF1c-a OF-2 OF-3 OF-4 OF-5 OF-6 OF-7 OF-8 OF-9 OF-10

Officer insignia — navy

Naval officers
Junior officers Senior officers Flag officers
Shoulder board to
parade uniform
( white – on shirt)
Shoulder board to
everyday uniform
Shoulder board to
parade uniform
(1994-1997) (1997-2010)
Sleeve rank insignia
Rank designation
naval forces at sea
Junior lieutenant Lieutenant Senior lieutenant Captain lieutenant Captain 3rd rank Captain 2nd rank Captain 1st rank Rear admiral Vice admiral Admiral Admiral of the fleet
Rank designation
coastal defence & other services
Junior lieutenant Lieutenant Senior lieutenant Captain Major Lieutenant colonel Colonel Major general Lieutenant general Colonel general No equivalent
NATO-equivalent OF1c-a OF-2 OF-3 OF-4 OF-5 OF-6 OF-7 OF-8 OF-9

See also


  1. Decreed № 293 of the president of the Russian Federation … on changes to form and design of rank insignia of the Russian Federation´s armed forces from March 11, 2010, in use form 1994 to 2010.
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