Redfield College (NSW)

Redfield College (NSW)

Latin: Veritas liberabit vos
("The truth will set you free")
Dural, New South Wales
Australia Australia
Type Private, Single-sex, Secondary, Day, Independent
Established 1986
Headmaster Mr James Burfitt

Red, White and Navy Blue


Redfield College is an independent primary and secondary school for boys from years 2 to 12[1] located in Dural, New South Wales, Australia. The school was founded in 1986 and is run by the Parents for Education Foundation (PARED).

Each student receives a personal tutor selected from the teaching staff.[2] The tutor meets every two weeks with the student for tutorials, and with their parents every term to review progress and help with goal setting.

Redfield's principal sports include basketball, cricket, rugby and football. Redfield's sporting division is affiliated with the IPSHA (Independent Primary School Heads of Australia), ISA (Independent Sporting Association), and CIS (Combined independent Schools).[3] Redfield's senior Rugby team has won the ISA second division championship five times since joining the ISA in 2006. The Redfield First XI won the Second Division Football Championship in its inaugural year in 2012, and also won the 2014 season comprehensively.[4]
The Redfield under 13 Second Division Football team were age champions in 2013.[4]

Programmes available

Tutorial system

The personalised tutorial system is a most distinctive means of assisting a student’s academic progress and character development. The tutor’s rapport and friendship with the student and family are fundamental to the educational process. The parent-tutor relationship is a natural means to ensure that home and school work together effectively.

College mottos

The weekly mottos are published in the College newsletter and give a focus to the week for each group of students at Redfield; primary, junior secondary and senior secondary. These mottos are aspects of the four cardinal virtues, known in modern terms as right judgement, personal toughness, responsibility and self-discipline. Mottos are often quotations from great people in history giving a glimpse of their character reflected in their leadership qualities. As well as being practical many of these mottos are inspirational.

Community Service

Community Service is a growing area in the College curriculum, aiming at bringing out the virtues of generosity and sincerity in every student. Over the years diverse and significant projects have been undertaken.

Student exchange program

A tradition that is greatly cherished at Redfield is the student exchange program. Each year the College welcomes students from overseas schools in Uruguay, Hong Kong, Japan, Spain, Italy, and Taiwan. While in return Redfield students have spent extended periods in schools overseas in reciprocal arrangements.

Father and son camps

Every year, students at Redfield can go camping with their fathers over one weekend. The programme is currently offered to the students from year 2 to year 8. The camps are a great way for fathers to build relationships with their sons, their friends and the families of the friends.

Key Parent Functions

Redfield College appreciates that the parents are the primary educators of their children. Since parenting is a fundamental component in character development of children, the College facilitates a number of Key Parent Functions each year to skill parents up in their role. These occur on a Friday night each term and topics include communication with your son; discipline and assertive parenting; affectionate parenting; motivating your son with his studies; helping your son manage technology; unity in parenting; and fostering authentic manhood.


The 2015 College captain is Harry Bouchahine, and the vice captain Denis Setiyo.

The current headmaster is James Burfitt who in 2011 succeeded Andrew Mullins, author of Parenting for Character.

Members of the moderate and the right factions of the Liberal party have visited the school, as well as prominent Labor politicians.[5] Each year senior students visit both a Labor and a Liberal politician at NSW Parliament House.[6]

George Cardinal Pell, former Archbishop of Sydney is a firm supporter of the PARED schools.[7]

See also


  1. "Enrolment Policy" (PDF). Redfield College. Retrieved 11 April 2013.
  2. "The Tutorial System". Redfield College. Retrieved 11 April 2013.
  3. "Sporting Affiliations". Redfield College. Retrieved 11 April 2013.
  4. 1 2 "Independent sports association results winter season 2012". Retrieved 21 June 2013.

External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Friday, October 09, 2015. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.