Royal Canadian Sea Cadets

Royal Canadian Sea Cadets

Royal Canadian Sea Cadets Ensign.
Active 1905 - Present
Country Canada
Type Youth Organization
Part of Canadian Cadet Organization
Headquarters Ottawa, Canada
March Quick: Heart of Oak
Honorary Admiral HRH the Duke of Edinburgh PC, KG, KT, OM, GBE, AK, ONZ, QSO, GCL, CC, CMM, CD, ADC

Royal Canadian Sea Cadets (RCSC) is a Canadian national youth program sponsored by the Canadian Forces and the civilian Navy League of Canada. Administered by the Canadian Forces, the program is funded through the Department of National Defence with the civilian partner providing support in the local community. Cadets are civilians, they are not members of the Canadian Forces.

General information

Along with the Royal Canadian Army Cadets and Royal Canadian Air Cadets, Royal Canadian Sea Cadets is a Canadian Cadet Organization. Although the RCSC and the other cadet programs are sponsored by the Canadian Forces and the civilian Leagues, cadets are not members of the Forces, and are not expected to join the Canadian Forces.[1] In keeping with Commonwealth custom, the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets stand first in the order of precedence, before the Royal Canadian Army and Air Cadets. This is in keeping with the Royal Navy's status as the Senior Service, a tradition common to most Commonwealth navies.

Boys and girls aged 12 to 18 may join the RCSC. There is no enrolment fee and uniforms are loaned at no charge. The organization and rank system is similar to that of the Royal Canadian Navy. Cadets are appointed to non-commissioned member ranks. Adult leadership is provided by members of the Canadian Forces Reserve Subcomponent Cadet Organization Administration and Training Service, composed mostly of officers of the Cadet Instructor Cadre(CIC) Branch, supplemented, if necessary, by contracted Civilian Instructors, authorized adult volunteers, and, on occasion, officers and non-commissioned members of other CF branches. The CIC Branch is specifically trained to serve the Royal Canadian Sea, Army, and Air Cadet training programs, and like all reservists come from all walks of life and all parts of the community. Some are former cadets, and many have former regular or reserve force service.


Royal Canadian Sea Cadets emblem
Royal Canadian Sea Cadets attend Remembrance Day Ceremonies

The badge is the service crest of the RCSC, and is worn on cadet issued parkas. It is also depicted on the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet ensign.


The aim of Royal Canadian Sea Cadets is to develop in youth the attributes of good citizenship and leadership; promote physical fitness, and stimulate the interest of youth in the sea, land and air activities of the Canadian Forces. The RCSC shares this aim with the Army and Air Cadets; however, each discipline focuses on its own parent element.


Early days

In 1895, due to concern over the Royal Navy's ability to provide adequate naval defence, concerned citizens formed the Navy League, to promote interest in the problems of maritime trade and defence.

The League formed local branches throughout the United Kingdom and in other countries of the British Empire. The earliest Canadian branch was formed in Toronto. Its warrant (Warrant No. 5) is dated December 10, 1895, and currently hangs in the Navy League (of Canada) National Office.

At that time, Canadian branches supported a cadet program called the Boys’ Naval Brigades, aimed at encouraging young men to consider a seafaring career and provide basic training in citizenship and seamanship,.


Upon joining, cadets will be issued the following items at no cost, but are required to return them upon leaving the corps. Seaman's cap, Tilley hat, toque, turtleneck sweater, gunshirt, tunic, lanyard, black gloves, grey sports shirt, trousers, grey sports shorts, black belt, grey wool socks, black ankle boots, running shoes. Items such as parkas, and field dress are issued as needed.


With the formation of the Canadian Naval Service in May 1910, the organisation was renamed from "Boys’ Naval Brigade" to "Navy League Sea Cadets," to permit closer liaison with the Navy. In 1942, King George VI graciously consented to be Admiral of the Navy League’s Sea Cadets, and granted the "Royal" prefix, causing another name change, to the current "Royal Canadian Sea Cadets." Queen Elizabeth continued this Royal patronage and named His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh as the Admiral of the RCSC. Finally, in 1941, the RCN became a joint partner with the Navy League in support of the RCSC.


In 1950 the Navy League Wrennette Corps were established for girls aged 13 to 18 years, though some corps existed unofficially before that date. In 1975, the two programs were amalgamated and girls were officially enrolled in Sea Cadets.


Navy League Wrennette Corp Navy League Cadet Corps (Canada) Royal Canadian Sea Cadets Memorial Stained Glass Window, Currie Hall, Currie Building, Royal Military College of Canada

At the Royal Military College of Canada, outside Currie Hall in Kingston, Ontario stained glass windows relate to the history of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets.

Navy League today

In 1995, the Navy League of Canada celebrated its 100th Anniversary. The League promotes the same subjects today, as at its founding: knowledge of, and support for, maritime interests. On a national level, the League supports the International Exchange Program, certain scholarships, and the National Sea Cadet Regatta, while local branches provide vital logistical support to individual RCSC Corps.[3]


Individual cadets belong to units called Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps (RCSCC), or Corps de cadet de la Marine royale canadienne (CCMRC), which are the basic operating units of the program. Each corps comprises Canadian Forces Officers of the Reserve Cadet Instructors Cadre Branch, often assisted by Civilian Instructors (CI), and cadets.

The entirety of a given corps organizes itself as a ship's company, employing the naval divisional system. Under this system, cadets become members of a division under a cadet petty officer (Divisional Petty Officer or DPO) and, ideally, a commissioned officer of the CIC (Divisional Officer or DivO), although the officer position is sometimes filled by a civilian. Cadets parade by divisions, and are expected to route grievances and requests through the chain of command, running either directly from the DPO to DivO to the Executive Officer (XO) to the Commanding Officer (CO) or from the DPO to the cadet Regulating Petty Officer (RPO, the second senior cadet in the unit), to the cadet Coxswain (Cox'n, the senior cadet in a unit). The chain stops at the level able to deal with a concern - for example, a cadet's request for a new item of uniform might result in the DivO giving approval, and directing the cadet to visit Stores.

All but the smallest corps staff several departments, typically including Training, Administration, and Supply, while larger units maintain training-support organizations, including Range, Band, Sail training, PERI (Physical Education and Recreational Instruction) and more. Each Cadet Corps is unique and may offer different teams depending on Cadet interests.

Training, Administration, and Supply operate under the direction of Canadian Forces staff, possibly with an adult assistant, and a senior cadet, while the others, with the exception of Range, are often run by a senior cadet. Units generally adhere to the school schedule, meeting weekly for mandatory training, and carrying out additional training on weekends and other weeknights. The primary meeting is referred to as a parade night, while overnight weekend training conducted at the unit's home is called a live-aboard. Anything taking the unit away from its home is generally termed an exercise.

Primary Departments

Other groups

Sponsoring Group

Training and ranks

For a more complete discussion of RCSC Winter Training, please see Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Training

In accordance with QR and O Cadets 4.11 the following are the rank badges of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets:[4][5] In addition to the rank-specific criteria given below, all appointments are subject to the approval of the cadet's Commanding Officer, who generally promotes based on the advice of Divisional Officers and unit training staff.

As a note, the official phrasing for the Petty Officer and Chief Petty Officer ranks is "Petty Officer Cadet First (or Second) Class," and "Chief Petty Officer Cadet First (or Second) Class." However, outside of Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATO), and Queen's Regulations and Orders (Cadets) (QR&O(Cdt)), custom omits "Cadet" in casual reference. Thus, Petty Officer First Class is the customary rendering. Generally, where there is a need to distinguish between cadets and Canadian Forces members, the NCO ranks will be written or spoken as Cadet Petty Officer First Class, abbreviated as C/PO1.

Additionally, while it is customary within the organisation to refer to a cadet receiving a rank as being "promoted," the official documentation refers to such an act as an "appointment."


Ranks of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets—Junior Cadets
Ordinary Seaman—Cadet-matelot de 3e classe Able Seaman—Cadet-matelot de 2e classe Leading Seaman—Cadet-matelot de 1re classe
  • Rank of OS (Mat 3 in French) granted on joining, although custom refers to cadets not yet sworn in as new entries;
  • No prerequisites for this rank, except a minimum age of 12 years;
  • A new cadet may be sworn into the organization, making a promise of loyalty to the Crown and obedience to orders in front of the ship's company; also,
  • Ordinary seaman wear no rank.
For promotion to AB (mat 2) a cadet must:
Worn on the upper left sleeve
  • hold the rank of OS for at least 6 months;
  • maintain a satisfactory level of dress and deportment; and
  • be recommended by his/her divisional officer.
For promotion to LS (mat 1) a cadet must:
  • hold the rank of AB;
  • have successfully completed Phase I from the LHQ program;
  • maintain a satisfactory level of dress and deportment; and
  • be recommended by his/her divisional officer.
Worn on the upper left sleeve
Ranks of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets—Petty Officers
Master Seaman—Cadet-matelot-chef Petty Officer Second Class—Cadet-maître de 2e classe (Nouveau Programme des Cadets de la Marine Royale Canadienne Npq Phase 1) Petty Officer First Class—Cadet-maître de 1re Classe (Nouveau Programme des Cadets de la Marine Royale Canadienne Npq Phase 1)

For promotion to MS (matc), a cadet must:

  • hold the rank of LS;
  • have successfully completed Phase II from the LHQ program;
  • maintain a satisfactory level of dress and deportment; and
  • be recommended by his/her Divisional Officer.
For promotion to PO2 (m 2), a cadet must:
  • hold the rank of MS;
  • have successfully completed Phase III from the LHQ program;
  • maintain a satisfactory level of dress and deportment; and
  • be recommended by his/her divisional officer.
For promotion to PO1 (m 1), a cadet must:
  • hold the rank of PO2
  • have successfully completed phase IV from the LHQ program;
  • maintain a satisfactory level of dress and deportment;
  • be recommended by the Merit Review Board.
  • Promotion to PO1st Requires a CanSail 1 and Completion of Phase 4.
Ranks of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets—Chief Petty Officers
Chief Petty Officer Second Class—Cadet-premier maître de 2e classe Chief Petty Officer First Class—Cadet-premier maître de 1re classe SCSTC Chief Petty Officer—Capitaine d'armes de CIECM

For promotion to CPO2 (pm 2), a cadet must:

  • must have held the rank of PO1 for at least 6 months;
  • maintain a satisfactory level of dress and deportment;
  • must be recommended by the Merit Review Board; and
  • there must be a vacancy on the corps CPO2 establishment.
  • CPO2s are usually appointed Boatswains and sometimes Coxswains of their corps.
For promotion to CPO1 (pm 1), a cadet must:
  • have held the rank of CPO2 for at least 6 months;
  • maintain a satisfactory level of dress and deportment;
  • be recommended by the Merit Review Board; and
  • there must be a vacancy on the corps CPO1 establishment, one per corps.
  • CPO1s are usually appointed the Coxswains of their corps.
  • Similar to the CF Base Chief Petty Officer appointment;
  • worn by a Royal Canadian Sea Cadet employed as the cadet coxswain or chief, (capitaine d'armes cadet) (different SCTCs use their own term) of a Sea Cadet Summer Training Centre;
  • May be considered the pinnacle of a cadet's service.
  • This insignia may not be worn for any other reason.

Forms of address

Summer Training

Summer Training Centres, officially termed as either Sea Cadet Summer Training Centres or Establishments, and referred to colloquially year-round as "camps," and, by their ship's company over the summer, as "the base," provide additional training intended to support or complement that offered at the home unit from September to June. Across the board, cadets applying for summer training must have 75% attendance over the winter training year, as well as meeting certain course prerequisites.

Summer training facilities are staffed by members of the Canadian Forces, primarily members of the CIC, but also including other branches of the CF, and senior cadets selected for employment as staff cadets. Sea Cadet STCs are commanded by a CIC officer of the rank of Commander. Most employ staff cadets at the ranks of Petty Officer Second Class through Chief Petty Officer First Class, with a CPO1 being appointed as Cadet Cox'n. Additionally, some employ staff cadets at the rank of Leading Cadet for support positions. Staff cadets are paid at a percentage of a CF Naval Cadet's (officer trainee) basic pay.

The centres are commissioned as "stone frigates," which is to say, naval shore establishments granted much the same standing as a seagoing unit.

Current Sea Cadet Summer Training Centres (SCSTC)

Ship's badge of HMCS Quadra

Additionally, cadets may apply for a number of tri-service courses, some hosted by Sea Cadet Summer Training Centres - as Athletic Instructor is at HMCS Ontario - and others held on Army or Air Cadet facilities. Currently, Athletic Instructor and various forms of music training are offered as tri-service to some extent. In past years the Air-heavy Introduction to Aerospace course was offered as tri-service; however, this seems to have lapsed.

Former SCSTC


Vessels Type Details Origins
420 Sailing Dinghy Double or single hand, monohull
Pirate Sailing Dinghy Double or single hand, monohull
Echo Sailing Dinghy Double or single hand, monohull
Laser Sailing Dinghy Single hand, monohull
Laser II Sailing Dinghy Double or single hand, monohull
YAG (Yard Auxiliary General) Training Tender Ceased operations summer 2008
Orca Class Patrol Craft Training Canadian Navy training and patrol tender
Cape Islander Sea Cadet Training Vessel Leased vessels used at HMCS ACADIA

STV Fair Jeanne, built by Capt(N) Thomas G. Fuller, does fall and spring youth sail training group trips on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway for organizations such as the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets, Girl Guides of Canada, corporate groups and for people who are working towards The Duke of Edinburgh's Awards.



Royal and Commonwealth Navy's White Ensign, from formation until 1965
Canadian Blue Ensign, the Royal Canadian Navy's jack, 1929-1953
Current flag of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets

The Sea Cadets used a variety of flags in their history: some corps flew the White Ensign until 1965; they then used the Canadian Blue Ensign and the flag of the Navy League of Canada until 1953. In that year, the Chief of Naval Service approved a design for the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Flag: a white flag with the Union Flag in the canton, and, on the fly, the badge of the Cadets, a gold anchor on a blue roundel surrounded by red maple leaves and surmounted by a Naval Crown. In 1976, the Sovereign approved a new design which replaced the Union flag in the canton with the Maple Leaf Flag.[12]

Key personages

Admiral of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets

The first Admiral of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets was George VI, King of Canada, assuming the role in 1942, when the Navy League Sea Cadets became the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets.

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, as a member of the Canadian Royal Family, was appointed Admiral of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets in 1953.

Canadian Forces Senior Members

Chief - Reserves and Cadets

Since May 2011, this post has been filled by Rear Admiral Jennifer Bennett, CMM, CD.

Director General Reserves and Cadets

Since March 2011, this post has been filled by Brigadier-General Jay Milne, CD.

Director of Cadets and Junior Rangers

Since 2012, the post has been filled by Colonel G. M. Pratt, OMM, CD.

Honorary Members

See also


External links

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Royal Canadian Sea Cadets.
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