Setiabudi, South Jakarta

Mega Kuningan Central Business District in Setiabudi Subdistrict.

Setiabudi is a subdistrict in South Jakarta, one of the five administrative cities which forms the Jakarta Capital Region, Indonesia. The Golden Triangle of Jakarta (Indonesian: Segitiga Emas Jakarta), a triangular area of business and commercial establishments in Jakarta, is located in Setiabudi Subdistrict.

Setiabudi Subdistrict is bounded by Cideng River - Menteng Pulo Road - a water channel to the east, a flood channel to the north, Jend. Sudirman main road to the west, and Jend. Gatot Subroto main road to the south.

It is named after Indonesian National heroes of Indo and Sundanese descent, Ernest Douwes Dekker, also known as Danudirdja Setiabudi.

Golden Triangle of Jakarta

Rasuna Area, with Bakrie Tower in center

The Golden Triangle of Jakarta (Indonesian: Segitiga Emas Jakarta), a triangular area of business and commercial establishments, is located in Setiabudi Subdistrict. The area is bordered by three main roads of HR Rasuna Said, Jend. Sudirman, and Jend. Gatot Subroto. Not all buildings in the Golden Triangle of Jakarta is located in Setiabudi Subdistrict: the buildings on the west side of Jend. Sudirman main road belong to Karet Tengsin Kelurahan in Tanah Abang Subdistrict, while the buildings on the south side of the Jend. Gatot Subroto main road belong to Kuningan Barat Kelurahan in Mampang Prapatan Subdistrict.

The 2003 JW Marriott hotel bombing, the 2004 Australian embassy bombing in Jakarta, and the 2009 JW Marriott - Ritz-Carlton bombings occurred within the Golden Triangle.[1][2]

Kelurahan (Administrative Village)

Setiabudi Subdistrict is divided into eight kelurahan or administrative villages:

List of important places

Menteng Pulo Dutch Cemetery in Menteng Atas Kelurahan, Setiabudi Subdistrict.

Manggarai Bus Terminal

The Manggarai Bus Terminal is the most modern bus terminal which will be integrated with TransJakarta corridor and KRL Jabodetabek Commuter Line with skywalk.[3] On April 16, 2014, the terminal is officially opened.[4]


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