Southwest China

The southwestern People's Republic of China region.
Southwest China (Chinese: 西南; pinyin: Xīnán) is a region of the People's Republic of China defined by governmental bureaus that includes the municipality of Chongqing, the provinces of Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou, and the Tibet Autonomous Region.
Administrative divisions
GB[1] | ISO №[2] | Province | Chinese Name | Capital | Population | Density | Area | Abbreviation/Symbol |
CQ | 50 | Chongqing Municipality | 重庆市 Chóngqìng Shì |
Chongqing | 28,846,170 | 350.50 | 82,300 | 渝 Yú |
SC | 51 | Sichuan Province | 四川省 Sìchuān Shěng |
Chengdu | 80,418,200 | 165.81 | 485,000 | 川(蜀) Chuān (Shǔ) |
GZ | 52 | Guizhou Province | 贵州省 Gùizhōu Shěng |
Guiyang | 34,746,468 | 197.42 | 176,000 | 贵(黔) Guì (Qián) |
YN | 53 | Yunnan Province | 云南省 Yúnnán Shěng |
Kunming | 45,966,239 | 116.67 | 394,000 | 云(滇) Yún (Diān) |
XZ | 54 | Tibet Autonomous Region Xizang Autonomous Region |
西藏自治区 Xīzàng Zìzhìqū |
Lhasa | 3,002,166 | 2.44 | 1,228,400 | 藏 Zàng |
- ↑ GB/T 2260 codes for the provinces of China
- ↑ ISO 3166-2:CN (ISO 3166-2 codes for the provinces of China)
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