Soviet integrated circuit designation

This article describes the nomenclature for integrated circuits manufactured in the Soviet Union. [1](pp10–16) [2] The nomenclature is defined in the standard OST 11.073.915-2000 (Russian: ОСТ 11.073.915—2000), published in the year 2000. Earlier version were ОСТ 11.073.915—80 in the year 1980 and before that ГОСТ 18682—73 in 1973. 25 years after the dissolution of the Soviet Union this designation is still used by a number of manufacturers in Russia, [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] Belarus, [9] [10] Ukraine, [11] Latvia, [12] and Uzbekistan. [13] The designation uses the Cyrillic alphabet which sometimes leads to confusion where a Cyrillic letter has the same appearance as a Latin letter but is romanized as a different letter. Furthermore, for some Cyrillic letters the Romanization is ambiguous.

Structure of the designation


Functional Groups

Group Description Example[1][14][15]
Russian English Original Equivalent
А A Pulse shapers and drivers
АА AA Magnetic-core memory address current drivers К170АА7 SN75327
АГ AG Square wave pulse shapers (including monostable multivibrators) К555АГ4 74LS221
АП AP Other pulse shapers (e.g. digital buffers including tri-state buffers, bubble memory drivers, CCD drivers) 533АП5 54LS244
АР AR Magnetic-core memory discharge current drivers 146АР1
АФ AF Pulse shapers for special waveforms К174АФ5
Б B Delay devices
БМ BM Passive delay device
БП BP Other delay device
БР BR Active delay device (e.g. bucket-brigade device) КА528БР2
Ð’ V Computing devices [lower-alpha 1]
ВА VA Bus interface КР580ВА86 Intel 8286
ВБ VB Synchronization device (e.g. arbiter) КР580ВБ89 Intel 8289
ВВ VV Input / output interface (e.g. serial or parallel interface) КР580ВВ55 Intel 8255
ВГ VG Controller (e.g. memory controller, video display controller) КР580ВГ88 Intel 8288
ВЕ VE Single chip microcontroller КМ1816ВЕ48 Intel 8748
ВЖ VZh Specialized device (e.g. error correction circuit) К1800ВЖ5 Motorola MC10905
ВИ VI Timer device КР580ВИ53 Intel 8253
ВК VK Combined device (e.g. bus controller, GPIB controller) КР580ВК28 Intel 8228
ВМ VM Microprocessor [lower-alpha 2] КР580ВМ80A Intel 8080
ВН VN Programmable interrupt controller КР580ВН59 Intel 8259
ВП VP Other computing devices (e.g. gate array) К1801ВП1
ВР VR Extender for e.g. word size, number of ports, number of interrupt lines, available arithmetic operations (esp. a multiplier) КМ1804ВР1 AMD Am2902
ВС VS Microprocessor section, esp. bit-slice КМ1804ВС1 AMD Am2901
ВТ VT Memory controller КР1804ВТ1 AMD Am2964
ВУ VU Microcode control device КР1804ВУ1 AMD Am2909
ВФ VF Data transformation functions (calculation of e.g. CRC, Fourier transform) 1815ВФ3
Ð’Ð¥ VKh, VX, VH Devices for calculators
ВЦ VTs, VC Digital signal processors [lower-alpha 2] 1967ВЦ2Ф ADSP-TS201
ВЯ VYa 1879ВЯ1Я
Г G Signal generators and oscillators
ГГ GG Square wave generators (including astable multivibrators and blocking oscillators) КР531ГГ1 74S124
ГЛ GL Sawtooth wave generators (e.g. for CRT deflection circuits) К174ГЛ1 TDA1170
ГМ GM Noise generators
ГП GP Other signal generators КМ1012ГП1 MM5555
ГС GS Sine wave generators (including harmonic oscillators) К277ГС1
ГФ GF Signal generators for special waveforms (including generators for multiple waveforms) К174ГФ2 XR2206
Д D Detectors and demodulators
ДА DA Amplitude modulation detectors К157ДА1
ДИ DI Pulse modulation detectors
ДП DP Other detectors К1230ДП46П
ДС DS Frequency modulation detectors К2ДС241
ДФ DF Phase modulation detectors К1102ДФ1 MC4044
Е E Power supply devices
ЕВ EV Rectifiers
ЕК EK Switched-mode power supply devices
ЕМ EM Electric power conversion devices (e.g. thyristor controller) КР1182ЕМ2
ЕН EN Linear voltage regulators К142ЕН8А 7808
ЕП EP Other power supply devices (e.g. charge pump devices) КР1168ЕП1 ICL7660
ЕС ES Power supply systems
ЕТ ET Constant current sources
ЕУ EU Controller for switched-mode power supplies КР1033ЕУ2 TDA4605
И I Digital circuits
ИА IA Arithmetic logic unit [lower-alpha 3] 1815ИА1
ИВ IV Encoder 1564ИВ3 54HC147
ИД ID Decoder КР1564ИД4 74HC155
ИЕ IE Counter 1594ИЕ19 54ACT393
ИК IK Combination of digital circuits [lower-alpha 1][lower-alpha 3]
ИЛ IL Half adder К137ИЛ1
ИМ IM Full Adder КР1594ИМ6 74ACT283
ИП IP Other digital circuits (e.g. parity bit checker, multiplier) [lower-alpha 3] К155ИП3 74181
ИР IR Register, shift register К561ИР2 4015
К K Switches and Multiplexers
КН KN Analogue switches and Multiplexers for voltages [lower-alpha 4] КР590КН1
КП KP Other switches and Multiplexers (especially digital) К561КП1 4052
КТ KT Analogue switches and Multiplexers for currents [lower-alpha 4] К561КТ3 4066
Л L Logic gates
ЛА LA NAND gates К155ЛА3 7400
ЛБ LB NAND gates and NOR gates 134ЛБ1
ЛД LD Expander 133ЛД1 5460
ЛЕ LE NOR gates 530ЛЕ1 54S02
ЛИ LI AND gates КР531ЛИ3 74S11
ЛК LK OR-AND-NOT/OR-AND gates [lower-alpha 5] К500ЛК117 Motorola MC10117
ЛЛ LL OR gates 533ЛЛ1 54LS32
ЛМ LM OR-NOT/OR gates К500ЛМ101 Motorola MC10101
ЛН LN NOT gates К555ЛН1 74LS04
ЛП LP Other gates (e.g. XOR gates, majority function gates) 1531ЛП5 54F86
ЛР LR AND-OR-NOT gates КР1531ЛР11 74F51
ЛС LS OR-AND gates [lower-alpha 5] К500ЛС118 Motorola MC10118
М M Modulators
МА MA Amplitude modulators (e.g. ring modulator) КР140МА1
МИ MI Pulse modulators К854МИ1
МП MP Other modulators
МС MS Frequency modulators
МФ MF Phase modulators
Н N Arrays of electronic components
НД ND Diode array К142НД3
НЕ NE Capacitor array 2НЕ601
НК NK Array with a combination of components К217НК1
НП NP Array of other components
НР NR Resistor array К318НР1
НТ NT Transistor array КР198НТ9
НФ NF Array with a specific function (e.g. resistor ladder) 317НФ1
П P Signal converters
ПА PA Digital-to-analogue converter КР572ПА7 AD7541
ПВ PV Analogue-to-digital converter Н572ПВ3А AD7574
ПД PD Pulse duration converter К1102ПД1
ПЕ PE Analogue frequency multiplier
ПК PK Analogue frequency divider
ПЛ PL Frequency synthesizer КР1508ПЛ1 NJ88C30
ПМ PM Power converter КР1446ПМ1
ПН PN Voltage or current converter К252ПН1
ПП PP Other converter КР572ПП2 ICL7104
ПР PR Code converter К155ПР7 74185
ПС PS Frequency converter (includig frequency mixers, analog multipliers) К174ПС4
ПУ PU Signal level converter (including impedance matching, logic voltage level shifters) К561ПУ4 4050
ПЦ PTs, PC Digital frequency divider К555ПЦ1 74LS292
Р R Memory devices
РА RA Associative memory К589РА04 Intel 3104
РВ RV Matrix of ROM elements (e.g. Diode matrix) К539РВ1А
РГ RG FIFO [lower-alpha 6] 1642РГ1РБМ IDT7205L
РЕ RE Mask ROM К155РЕ21 74187
РК RK Multi-ported RAM (e.g. dual-ported RAM) [lower-alpha 6] 1642РК1УБМ IDT7005
РМ RM Matrix of RAM elements К188РМ1
РП RP Other memory devices (e.g. dual-ported RAM) [lower-alpha 6] К1800РП6 Motorola MC10806
РР RR EEPROM or Flash memory with a parallel interface [lower-alpha 7] КМ1609РР1 2816
РС RS EEPROM or Flash memory with a serial interface [lower-alpha 7] 1644PC1ATБM 24FC65
РТ RT PROM 530РТ1 54S287
РУ RU RAM КР537РУ16А 6264
РФ RF EPROM К573РФ8А 27256
РЦ RTs, RC Bubble memory К1602РЦ2А
С S Comparators
СА SA Voltage comparator[lower-alpha 8] К1401СА1 LM339
СВ SV Timing comparator К2СВ381
СК SK Amplitude (signal level) comparator (including sample-and-hold circuits)[lower-alpha 8] КР1100СК3 LF398
СП SP Other comparator (especially digital comparator) К555СП1 74LS85
СС SS Frequency comparator К284СС2А
СФ SF Phase comparator[lower-alpha 9]
Т T Triggers / Flip-Flops
ТВ TV JK flip-flops 1533ТВ6 54ALS107
ТД TD Dynamic flip-flops
ТК TK Combination of triggers / flip-flops КР501ТК1
ТЛ TL Schmitt triggers КР1533ТЛ2 74ALS14
ТМ TM D flip-flops 1554ТМ2 54AC74
ТП TP Other triggers / flip-flops
ТР TR RS flip-flops КР1554ТР2 74AC279
ТТ TT T flip-flops
У U Amplifiers
УВ UV Radio frequency (high frequency) amplifier 171УВ2 μA733
УД UD Operational amplifier КР140УД7 μA741
УЕ UE Unity gain buffer (e.g. emitter follower) КР1436УЕ1
УИ UI Pulse amplifier КР1054УИ1 TBA2800
УК UK Wideband amplifier (e.g. video amplifier) К174УК1 TCA660
УЛ UL Read amplifier (e.g. for magnetic core memory, magnetic tape, magnetic disks) КР1075УЛ1 TA7784P
УМ UM Indicator amplifier 564УМ1 4054
УН UN Audio frequency (low frequency) amplifier К174УН19 TDA2030
УП UP Other amplifier (e.g. log amplifier, limiter, gyrator) 174УП2 TL441CN
УР UR Intermediate-Frequency (IF) amplifier К174УР12 TDA4420
УС US Differential amplifier К157УС1
УТ UT DC amplifier КР119УТ1
Ф F Filters
ФВ FV High-pass filter 528ФВ1
ФЕ FE Band-pass filter 811ФЕ1
ФН FN Low-pass filter И1146ФН1
ФП FP Other filter КР1146ФП1 MK5912
ФР FR Band-stop filter
Ð¥ Kh, X, H Multi-functional devices
ХА KhA, XA, HA Analog multi-functional devices КР1568ХА3 TDA4555
ХК KhK, XK, HK Mixed signal multi-functional devices КР1051ХК1 TDA8432
ХЛ KhL, XL, HL Digital multi-functional devices КР1568ХЛ2 TDA3048
ХМ KhM, XM, HM Array of digital cells (including programmable logic devices, gate arrays) 1515ХМ1
ХН KhN, XN, HN Array of analogue cells
ХП KhP, XP, HP Other multi-functional devices КР1556ХП4 PAL16R4
ХТ KhT, XT, HT Array of mixed signal cells 5515ХТ1У
Ц Ts, C Charge-coupled device image sensors
ЦЛ TsL, CL One-dimensional (linear) image sensor 1200ЦЛ3 CCD131
ЦМ TsM, CM Two-dimensional image sensor К1200ЦМ1 CCD211
ЦП TsP, CP Other image sensor
  1. 1 2 Initially group В (V) had not yet been defined and computing devices were all assigned subgroup ИК (IK), e.g. microprocessors (КР580ИК80А), peripheral devices (КР580ИК51). With introduction of group В the devices in 580 series were renamed (to КР580ВМ80А and КР580ВВ51А, respectively) in 1986.
  2. 1 2 Initially digital signal processors were assigned subgroup ВМ (VM, e.g. 1867ВМ2). It is unclear when the new subgroup ВЦ (VTs) was added (e.g. 1867ВЦ2АТ).[7][8]
  3. 1 2 3 Even though subgroup ИА has been specified for arithmetic logic units (ALU), most ALU devices were assigned subgroups ИК (e.g. КР531ИК2) or ИП (e.g. К155ИП3, 564ИП3, КР1530ИП14).
  4. 1 2 The distinction between voltage switches (КН) and current switches (КТ) is somewhat unclear. There are analogue switches and multiplexers in both subgroups.
  5. 1 2 [1](p12) as well as [2] list subgroup ЛК as AND-OR-NOT while all known ECL devices in this subgroup are listed as OR-AND-NOT.[1](p90)[14] The equivalent Motorola devices are also listed as OR-AND-NOT, so the real devices win. The same reasoning applies to subgroup ЛС.
  6. 1 2 3 Initially FIFO and multi-port devices were included in subgroup РП. Later (sometime before 2011) they were assigned the separate subgroups РГ and РК, respectively.[8][9]
  7. 1 2 Initially subgroup РР was used for all EEPROM and Flash devices, regardless of the interface. Later (sometime before 2011) subgroup РС was introduced for devices with a serial interface and subgroup РР was limited to devices with a parallel interface.[3][8][9]
  8. 1 2 All known voltage comparators are in subgroup СА, so [1](p13) apprears to be correct while the Russian Wikipedia and [2] incorrectly list subgroup СА as amplitude comparators. Consequently, subgroup СК is for amplitude comparators.
  9. ↑ This subgroup is listed only in.[2]


Package Description
Russian English
А A Plastic Flatpack
Б B Bare chip without package
Е E Metall-polymer dual in-line package (DIP)
И I Glass-ceramic Flatpack
Л L Pin grid array (PGA) or ball grid array (BGA)
М M Metall-ceramic dual in-line package (DIP)
Н N Ceramic leadless chip carrier
Р R Plastic dual in-line package (DIP)
С S Glass-ceramic dual in-line package (DIP)
Ф F Small outline package


The Romanization of Russian is standardized, only there are at least 11 standards to choose from. Fortunately, the Soviet integrated circuit designation uses a subset of the Cyrillic alphabet where rather few letters are ambiguous:

The more common romanizations in bold are given as alternatives in the above tables.

It should be noted that the French romanization of Russian and the German romanization of Russian differ in some letters from the one used in English. For instance, the Russian КР580ВМ80A becomes KR580VM80A in English and French but KR580WM80A in German literature.

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Ниссельсон, Л.И. (1989). Цифровые и аналоговые интегральные микросхемы [Digital and analog integrated circuits] (in Russian). Радио и связь. ISBN 5256002597.
  2. 1 2 3 4 "Система условных обозначений отечественных интегральных микросхем" [Nomenclature of domestic integrated circuits] (in Russian). СМИ Сайт-ПАЯЛЬНИК ''. Retrieved 14 April 2016.
  3. 1 2 "Продукты" [Products] (in Russian). Zelenograd: Angstrem. Retrieved 7 April 2016.
  4. ↑ "Микроэлектронные компоненты" [Microelectronic components] (in Russian). NTC Module. Retrieved 10 April 2016.
  5. ↑ "Микропроцессоры и СБИС" [Microprocessors and VLSI] (in Russian). Moscow: MCST. Retrieved 11 April 2016.
  6. ↑ "Микросхемы" [Integrated circuits] (in Russian). Zelenograd: Elvees Multicore. Retrieved 10 April 2016.
  7. 1 2 "Интегральные микросхемы" [Integrated circuits] (in Russian). Voronezh: OAO "NIIET". Retrieved 7 April 2016.
  8. 1 2 3 4 "Номенклатура" [Nomenclature] (PDF) (in Russian). Zelenograd: PKK Milandr. Retrieved 22 April 2016.
  9. 1 2 3 "Интегральные микросхемы" [Integrated circuits] (in Russian). Minsk: OAO "Integral". Retrieved 7 April 2016.
  10. ↑ "Интегральные микросхемы" [Integrated circuits] (in Russian). Minsk: "Transistor" branch of OAO "Integral". Retrieved 7 April 2016.
  11. ↑ "ПРОДУКЦИЯ И ЦЕНЫ" [Products and prices] (in Russian). Kiev: DP "Kvazar-IS". Retrieved 7 April 2016.
  12. ↑ "Каталог товаров" [Catalog] (in Russian). Riga: RD Alfa. Retrieved 6 May 2016.
  13. ↑ "Каталог продукции" [Product catalog] (in Russian). Tashkent: OAO "Foton". Retrieved 13 April 2016.
  14. 1 2 Козак, Виктор Романович (24 May 2014). "Номенклатура и аналоги отечественных микросхем" [Nomenclature and equivalents of domestic integrated circuits] (in Russian). Retrieved 14 April 2016.
  15. ↑ "Активные элементы" [Active components] (in Russian). Музей электронных раритетов. Retrieved 14 April 2016.
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