Sydney County Council
The Sydney County Council (SCC) was established in 1935, as the authority responsible for electricity supplies in Sydney, Australia. It was formed by the Transfer of Electricity Department of the Sydney City Council to the new authority

Plaque on exterior wall of The Sydney County Council building with its Latin motto.
The entity was created in 1936, and was elected and controlled by the municipal councils of Sydney.
Between 1936 and 1952, it was responsible for electricity generation and distribution. The Electricity Commission of New South Wales was created in 1950, while Parker Henson was Chairman of the Sydney County Council,[1] to manage electricity generation across the state, and the SCC became a distributor of electricity only after its generation functions were transferred to the new bureaucracy in 1952.
From 1989, the state government began to wrest control of the SCC from the municipal councils, and in 1989, Sydney Electricity, a state government controlled corporation, was created. In 1996, Sydney Electricity was merged with Orion Energy to form EnergyAustralia.[2] On 2 March 2011 EnergyAustralia changed its name to Ausgrid. The retail business was sold to TruEnergy who changed its name to EnergyAustralia.[3]
See also
| Generation | Renewable energy plants | Biomass combustion |
- Broadwater Sugar Mill
- Broadwater Biomass Co-Gen
- Condong Sugar Mill
- Condong Biomass Co-Gen
- Harwood Sugar Mill
- Visy Paper, Tumut
| Cogeneration |
- Amcor, Bomaderry
- BlueScope Steel, Port Kembla
- Caltex Refining, Kurnell
- Macquarie University
- Shell Refining, Clyde
- Stadium Australia
- University of Western Sydney
- Visy Paper, Smithfield
| Hydro-electric | |
| Wind farms | |
| Non-renewable energy plants | |
| Generator Companies | |
| Distribution | Distribution network operators | |
| Transmission network operators | |
| Retail companies and brands | |
| Historical | |
- Advance Energy
- Australian Inland
- Bega Valley County Council
- Electricity Commission of New South Wales
- EnergyAustralia (state government enterprise)
- Great Southern Energy
- Illawarra Electricity
- Mackellar County Council
- Macquarie County Council (Western Power)
- New England County Council (New England Electricity)
- North West County Council (North West Electricity)
- Northern Riverina County Council (Northern Riverina Electricity)
- Northern Rivers County Council (Northern Rivers Electricity)
- NorthPower
- Ophir County Council (Ophir Electricity)
- Orion Energy
- Oxley County Council (Oxley Electricity)
- Pacific Power
- Peel-Cunningham County Council (PCCC Electricity)
- Prospect Electricity
- Shortland County Council (Shortland Electricity)
- Southern Mitchell County Council (Southern Mitchell Electricity)
- Southern Riverina County Council (Southern Riverina Electricity)
- Southern Tablelands County Council (Southern Tablelands Electricity)
- Sydney County Council (Sydney Electricity)
- Ulan County Council (Ulan Electricity)
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