Timeline of the release and transfer of Guantanamo Bay detainees

In late 2008 the Department of Defense published a list of the Guantanamo captives who died in custody, were freed, or were repatriated to the custody of another country.[1] This list was drafted on October 8, 2008, and was published on November 26, 2008. Subsequently almost two hundred more captives have been released or transferred, and several further captive died in custody in Guantanamo.

Detainees transferred or released from Guantanamo since October 2008

Captives transferred or released from Guantanamo since October 2008
isn Name Nationality Destination Iinprocess
00521 Abdulrahim Kerimbakiev Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 2002-06-18 2008-10-31 repatriated[3]
01095 Zainulabidin Merozhev Tajikistan Tajikistan unknown[4] 2008-10-31 repatriated[3]
00704 Muhamed Hussein Abdallah Somalia Somaliland 2002-08-05 2008-11-04 repatriated[5]
00703 Ahmed bin Kadr Labed Algeria Algeria 2002-08-05 2008-11-10 repatriated[6]
01016 Soufian Abar Huwari Algeria Algeria 2003-05-09 2008-11-10 repatriated[6]
00149 Salim Ahmed Hamdan Yemen Yemen 2002-05-01 2008-11-25 serve out his sentence
10003 Mohammed Nechle Bosnia France 2002-01-20 2008-12-16 released
10004 Mustafa Ait Idr Bosnia France 2002-01-20 2008-12-16 released
10006 Boudella el Hajj Bosnia France 2002-01-20 2008-12-16 released
00111 Ali Abdul Motalib Awayd Hassan al Tayeea Iraq Iraq 2002-05-03 2009-01-17
00175 Hassan Mujamma Rabai Said Algeria Algeria 2002-05-01 2009-01-17
00435 Hassan Abdul Said Iraq Iraq 2002-05-05 2009-01-17
00653 Arkan Mohammad Ghafil al Karim Iraq Iraq 2002-06-08 2009-01-17
00758 Abbas Habid Rumi al Naely Iraq Iraq 2002-08-05 2009-01-17
00968 Bismullah Afghanistan Afghanistan 2003-03-23 2009-01-17 release[7]
01458 Binyam Mohamed Ethiopia United Kingdom 2004-09-20 2009-02-23 released
10002 Sabir Mahfouz Lahmar Bosnia France 2002-01-20 2009-05-15 released
10005 Lakhdar Boumediene Bosnia France 2002-01-20 2009-05-15 released
00078 Mohammad Ahmed Abdullah Saleh al Hanashi Yemen 2002-02-08 2009-06-01 died in custody
10012 Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani Tanzania USA 2006-09-05 2009-06-09 transferred for trial
00433 Jawad Jabber Sadkhan Iraq Iraq 2002-05-03 2009-06-10
00269 Mohammed El Gharani Chad Chad 2002-02-09 2009-06-11 repatriation
00278 Abdul Helil Mamut China Bermuda 2002-06-10 2009-06-11 release[8][9][10][11]
00320 Huzaifa Parhat China Bermuda 2002-05-03 2009-06-11 release[8][9][10][11]
00295 Emam Abdulahat China Bermuda 2002-06-14 2009-06-11 release[8][9][10][11]
00285 Jalal Jalaladin China Bermuda 2002-06-12 2009-06-11 release[8][9][10][11]
00335 Khalid Saad Mohammed Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 2002-02-12 2009-06-12 repatriation
00669 Ahmed Zaid Salim Zuhair Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 2002-06-14 2009-06-12 repatriation
00687 Abdalaziz Kareem Salim al Noofayaee Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 2002-06-16 2009-06-12 repatriation
00900 Mohamed Jawad Afghanistan Afghanistan unknown[4] 2009-08-24 release[12]
00312 Muhammed Khan Tumani Syria Portugal 2002-02-11 2009-08-28 release[13]
00317 Moammar Badawi Dokhan Syria Portugal 2002-02-12 2009-08-28 release
00692 Ali Bin Ali Aleh Yemen Yemen 2002-06-18 2009-09-26 release
00022 Shakhrukh Hamiduva Uzbekistan Ireland 2002-01-15 2009-09-27 release
00452 Oybek Jamoldinivich Jabbarov Uzbekistan Ireland 2002-06-16 2009-09-27 release
00213 Khalid Abdullah Mishal al Mutairi Kuwait Kuwait 2002-02-09 2009-10-13 release[14]
00551 Fouad Mahmoud al Rabiah Kuwait Kuwait 2002-05-01 2009-10-13 release[15][16]
00201 Ahmad Tourson China Palau 2002-01-21 2009-10-31 release[17][18][19][20][21]
00281 Abdul Ghappar Abdul Rahman China Palau 2002-06-10 2009-10-31 release[17][18][19][20][21]
00102 Edham Mamet China Palau 2002-01-20 2009-10-31 release[17][18][19][20][21]
00250 Anwar Hassan China Palau 2002-02-07 2009-10-31 release[17][18][19][20][21]
00289 Dawut Abdurehim China Palau 2002-06-12 2009-10-31 release[17][18][19][20][21]
00584 Adel Noori China Palau 2002-05-05 2009-10-31 release[17][18][19][20][21]
00148 Adel Ben Mabrouk Tunisia Italy 2002-02-09 2009-11-30 transfer for trial[22][23][24][25][26]
00510 Riyad Bil Mohammed Tahir Nasseri Tunisia Italy 2002-06-08 2009-11-30 transfer for trial[23][24][25][26][27]
00032 Farouq Ali Ahmed Yemen Yemen 2002-01-15 2009-12-19 repatriation[28]
00256 Riyad Atiq Ali Abdu al Haf Yemen Yemen 2002-06-12 2009-12-19 repatriation[28]
00577 Jamal Alawi Mari Yemen Yemen 2002-05-01 2009-12-19 repatriation[28]
00627 Ayman Batarfi Yemen Yemen 2002-05-01 2009-12-19 repatriation[28]
00679 Muhammaed Yasir Ahmed Taher Yemen Yemen 2002-06-14 2009-12-19 repatriation[28]
00683 Fayad Yahya Ahmed al Rami Yemen Yemen 2002-06-18 2009-12-19 repatriation[28]
00850 Mohammed Hashim Afghanistan Afghanistan 2002-10-28 2009-12-19 repatriation[28]
00944 Sharifullah Afghanistan Afghanistan 2003-03-23 2009-12-19 repatriation[28]
01030 Abdul Hafiz Afghanistan Afghanistan unknown[4] 2009-12-19 repatriation[28]
01104 Mohamed Rahim Afghanistan Afghanistan 2003-11-23 2009-12-19 repatriation[28]
00567 Mohamed Suleiman Barre Somalia Somaliland unknown[4] 2009-12-19 repatriation[28]
10027 Ismael Arale Somalia Somaliland 2007-05-?? 2009-12-19 repatriation[28]
00533 Hasan Zemiri Algeria Algeria 2002-05-01 2010-01-20 unknown[29]
01452 Adil Hadi al Jazairi Bin Hamlili Algeria Algeria unknown[4] 2010-01-20 unknown[29]
00892 Rafiq Bin Bashir Bin Jalud Al Hami Tunisia Slovakia 2003-02-07 2010-01-24 transfer[30]
00103 Arkin Mahmud China Switzerland 2002-06-18 2010-02-04 release[31][32][33][34]
00046 Salah Bin Al Hadi Asasi Tunisia Albania 2002-01-20 2010-02-24 release[35]
00709 Abdul Rauf Omar Mohammed Abu Al Qusin Libya Albania 2002-08-05 2010-02-24 release[36]
00277 Bahtiyar Mahnut China Switzerland 2002-06-10 2010-02-04 release[31][32][33]
00654 Abdel Hamid al-Ghazzawi Libya Georgia 2002-06-18 2010-03-23


00717 Abdul Haddi Bin Hadiddi Tunisia Georgia 2002-08-05 2010-03-23 transfer[38]
00252 Yasim Muhammed Basardah Yemen Spain 2002-02-12 2010-05-04 release[39]
00330 Maasoum Abdah Mouhammad Syria Bulgaria 2002-06-10 2010-05-04 release[39]
00681 Mohammed Odaini Yemen Yemen 2002-06-18 2010-07-13 release[40]
00307 Abd Al Nasir Mohammed Abd Al Qadir Khantumani Syria Cape Verde 2002-02-11 2010-07-20 release[41]
00744 Abdul Aziz Naji Algeria Algeria 2002-08-05 2010-07-20 release[41][42]
00675 Kamalludin Kasimbekov Uzbekistan Latvia 2002-06-14 2010-07-22 release[43]
00331 Ohmed Ahmed Mahamoud Al Shurfa Saudi Germany 2002-02-11 2010-09-16 release[44][45]
00537 Mahmud Salem Horan Mohammed Mutlak Al Ali Syria Germany unknown[4] 2010-09-16 release[44][45]
00219 Abdul Razakah China El Salvador 2002-06-08 2012-04-18 release[46]
00328 Hammad Memet China El Salvador 2002-05-03 2012-04-18 release[46]
00156 Adnan Farhan Abd Al Latif Yemen 2002-01-17 2012-09-10 died in custody[47][48]
00766 Omar Khadr Canada Canada 2002-10-28 2012-09-29 serve out his sentence
00757 Ahmed Ould Abdul Aziz Mauritania Mauritania 2002-08-05 2013-05-31 release[49][50][51][52]
00760 Mohamedou Ould Slahi Mauritania Mauritania 2013-05-31 release[49][50][51][52]
00238 Nabil Hadjarab Algeria Algeria 2002-02-15 2013-08-28 release[53]
00288 Mutij Sadiz Ahmad Sayab Algeria Algeria 2002-01-21 2013-08-28 released[54]
00310 Djamel Saiid Ali Ameziane Algeria Algeria 2002-02-12 2013-12-05 released[55]
10001 Bensayah Belkacem Bosnia Algeria 2002-01-21 2013-12-05 release[56]
00200 Said Muhammad Husyan Qahtani Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 2002-02-16 2013-12-16 released[57]
00574 Hamoud Abdullah Hamoud Hassan Al Wady Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 2002-06-08 2013-12-16 released[58]
00036 Ibrahim Osman Ibrahim Sudan Sudan 2002-01-11 2013-12-18 release[59]
00707 Mohammed Nour Osman Sudan Sudan 2002-08-05 2013-12-18 release[59]
00275 Yusef Abbas China Slovakia 2002-06-08 2013-12-31 release[60][61]
00280 Saidullah Khalik China Slovakia 2002-06-10 2013-12-31 release[60][61]
00282 Hajiakbar Abdulghupur China Slovakia 2002-06-10 2013-12-31 release[60][61]
00290 Ahmed Bin Saleh Bel Bacha Algeria Algeria 2002-02-09 2014-03-17 released[62]
00004 Abdul Haq Wasiq Afghanistan Qatar 2002-01-11 2014-05-31 unclear[63]
00006 Norullah Noori Afghanistan Qatar 2002-01-12 2014-05-31 unclear[63]
00007 Mohammad Fazl Afghanistan Qatar 2002-01-12 2014-05-31 unclear[63]
00579 Khirullah Said Wali Khairkhwa Afghanistan Qatar 2002-05-01 2014-05-31 unclear[63]
00832 Mohammad Nabi Omari Afghanistan Qatar 2002-10-28 2014-05-31 unclear[63]
00232 Fouzi Khalid Abdullah al Awda Kuwait Kuwait 2002-02-12 2014-11-05 repatriated[63]
00506 Salah Mohammed Salih Al-Dhabi Yemen Georgia 2014-11-20 transferred[63][64]
00686 Abdel Ghalib Ahmad Hakim Yemen Georgia 2002-06-18 2014-11-20 transferred[63][64]
00553 Abdul Khaled Al-Baydani Yemen Georgia 2002-05-01 2014-11-20 transferred[63][64]
00174 Hisham Bin Ali Bin Amor Sliti Tunisia Slovakia 2002-05-01 2014-11-20 transferred[63][64]
01015 Husayn Salim Muhammad Al-Mutari Yafai Yemen Slovakia 2003-05-09 2014-11-20 transferred[63][64]
00713 Muhammed Murdi Issa al Zahrani Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 2002-08-05 2014-11-22 transferred[65]
00326 Ahmed Adnan Ahjam Syria Uruguay 2002-06-14 2014-12-08 granted refugee status[66][67]
00327 Ali Hussein al-Shaaban Syria Uruguay 2002-06-14 2014-12-08 granted refugee status[66][67]
00329 Abdelhadi Faraj Syria Uruguay 2002-06-08 2014-12-08 granted refugee status[66][67]
00502 Abdul Bin Mohammed Abis Ourgy Tunisia Uruguay 2002-05-01 2014-12-08 granted refugee status[66][67]
00684 Mohammed Taha Mattan Syria Uruguay 2002-06-18 2014-12-08 granted refugee status[66][67]
00722 Abu Wa’el Dhiab Syria Uruguay 2002-08-05 2014-12-08 granted refugee status[66][67]
00899 Shawali Khan Afghanistan Afghanistan 2003-02-07 2014-12-19 repatriated[68]
00928 Khi Ali Gul Afghanistan Afghanistan 2003-03-23 2014-12-19 repatriated[68]
00934 Abdul Ghani Afghanistan Afghanistan 2003-03-23 2014-12-19 repatriated[68]
01103 Mohommod Zahir Afghanistan Afghanistan 2003-11-23 2014-12-19 repatriated[68]
00152 Asim Thahit Abdullah al Khalaqi Yemen Kazakhstan 2002-01-17 2014-12-30 release[69]
00168 Adel al-Hakeemy Tunisia Kazakhstan unknown[4] 2014-12-30 release[69]
00254 Muhammad Ali Husayn Khanayna Yemen Kazakhstan 2002-06-08 2014-12-30 release[69]
00570 Sabri Mohammad Ibrahim al-Qurashi Yemen Kazakhstan 2002-05-05 2014-12-30 release[69]
00894 Abdullah bin Ali al-Lufti Tunisia Kazakhstan 2003-02-07 2014-12-30 release[69]
00034 Al Khadr Abdallah Muhammed Al Yafi Yemen Oman 2002-01-17 2015-01-14 release[70][71]
00224 Abd al Rahman Abdullah Ali Muhammad Yemen Oman 2002-02-09 2015-01-14 release[70][71]
00259 Fadil Husayn Salih Hintif Yemen Oman 2002-02-09 2015-01-14 release[70][71]
00689 Mohammed Ahmed Salam Yemen Oman 2002-06-18 2015-01-14 release[70][71]
00690 Ahmed Abdul Qader Yemen Estonia 2002-06-18 2015-01-14 release[70][71]
00035 Idris Ahmed Abdu Qader Idris Idris Ahmad ‘Abd Al Qadir Idris Yemen Oman 2002-06-08 2015-06-13 Transfer[72]
00170 Sharaf Ahmad Muhammad Mas’ud Sharaf Ahmad Muhammad Masud Yemen Oman 2002-06-08 2015-06-13 Transfer[72]
00564 Jalal Salam Awad Awad Jalal Salam Bin Amer Yemen Oman 2002-06-14 2015-06-13 Transfer[72]
00575 Saa’d Nasser Moqbil Al Azani Saad Masir Mukbl Al Azani Yemen Oman 2002-06-18 2015-06-13 Transfer[72]
00680 Emad Abdallah Hassan Emad Abdalla Hassan Yemen Oman 2002-06-18 2015-06-13 Transfer[72]
00691 Muhammad Ali Salem Al Zarnuki Mohammed Ali Salem Al Zarnuki Yemen Oman 2002-06-18 2015-06-13 Transfer[72]
00197 Yunis Abdurrahman Shokuri Morocco Morocco 2002-05-01 2015-09-16 Transfer[71]
00042 Abdul Rahman Shalabi Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 2002-01-11 2015-09-22 Transfer[71]
00757 Ahamed Abdel Aziz Mauritania Mauritania 2002-10-28 2015-10-29 Transfer[71]
00239 Shaker Aamer Saudi Arabia United Kingdom 2002-02-14 2015-10-30 release[73]
00045 Ali al Razihi Yemen UAE 2002-01-12 2015-11-16 release[74]
00163 Khalid al Qadasi Yemen UAE 2002-02-09 2015-11-16 release[74]
00165 Adil al Busayss Yemen UAE 2002-01-18 2015-11-16 release[74]
00511 Suleiman al Nahdi Yemen UAE 2002-05-05 2015-11-16 release[74]
00554 Fahmi al Asani Yemen UAE 2002-02-15 2015-11-16 release[74]
00202 Mahmoud Omar Mohammed Bin Atef Yemen Ghana 2002-02-07 2016-01-06 release[75]
00506 Khalid Mohammed Salih Al Dhuby Yemen Ghana 2002-05-05 2016-01-07 release[75]
00552 Faiz Mohammed Ahmed al Kandari Kuwait Kuwait 2002-05-01 2016-01-08 release[76]
00195 Mohammad Al Rahman Al Shumrani Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 2002-01-17 2016-01-11 release[77]
00026 Fahed Abdullah Ahmad Ghazi Yemen Oman 2002-01-11 2016-01-13 release[78]
00043 Samir Naji al Hasan Moqbel Yemen Oman 2002-01-11 2016-01-13 release[78]
00088 Waqas Mohammed Ali Awad Yemen Oman 2002-01-20 2016-01-13 release[78]
00117 Muktar Yahya Najee al Warafi Yemen Oman 2002-05-01 2016-01-13 release[78]
00171 Abu Bakr Ibn Ali Muhhammad Alahdal Yemen Oman 2002-01-14 2016-01-13 release[78]
00233 Abdul al Razzaq Muhammad Salih Yemen Oman 2002-02-11 2016-01-13] release[78]
00251 Muhhammad Said Bin Salem Yemen Oman 2002-06-07 2016-01-13 release[78]
00255 Said Muhammed Salih Hatim Yemen Oman 2002-06-12 2016-01-13 release[78]
00549 Omer Saeed Salem al Daini Yemen Oman 2002-02-15 2016-01-13 release[78]
00688 Fahmi Abdullah Ahmed Yemen Oman 2002-06-18 2016-01-13 release[78]
00189 Salem Abdul Salem Ghereby Libya Senegal 2002-05-05 2016-04-04 release[79]
00695 Omar Khalifa Mohammed Abu Bakr Libya Senegal 2002-08-05 2016-04-04 release[79]
00030 Ahmed Umar Abdullah Al-Hikimi Yemen Saudi Arabia 2002-01-16 2016-04-16 release[80][81][82]
00115 Abdul Rahman Mohammed Saleh Nasir Yemen Saudi Arabia 2002-06-12 2016-04-16 release[80][81][82]
00167 Ali Yahya Mahdi Al-Raimi Yemen Saudi Arabia 2002-05-01 2016-04-16 release[80][81][82]
00178 Tariq Ali Abdullah Ahmed Ba Odah Yemen unknown[83][84] 2002-02-09 2016-04-16 release[80][81][82]
00249 Muhammed Abdullah Muhammed Al-Hamiri Yemen Saudi Arabia unknown[4][84] 2016-04-16 release[80][81][82]
00321 Ahmed Yaslam Said Kuman Yemen Saudi Arabia 2002-05-03 2016-04-16 release[80][81][82]
00324 Mashur Abdullah Muqbil Ahmed Al-Sabri Yemen Saudi Arabia 2002-05-01 2016-04-16 release[80][81][82]
00461 Abd al Rahman Al-Qyati Yemen Saudi Arabia 2002-05-03 2016-04-16 release[80][81][82]
00566 Mansour Muhammed Ali Al-Qatta Yemen Saudi Arabia 2002-06-18 2016-04-16 release[80][81][82]

Countries which have accepted the transfer of former Guantanamo detainees who are not their citizens

nation notes
  • Ireland accepted two former Uzbekistani captives in Guantanamo. The Irish government had requested the press respect the privacy of them men, and not publish their names, but their names were published anyhow.
  • France has accepted two former captives originally from Algeria, who had become Bosnian citizens. US District Court Judge Ricardo Urbina had ruled the men should be released, in November 2008, because there was no credible evidence to support the allegations that had initially lead to their detention.
United Kingdom
  • Nine Guantanamo captives had been long term legal residents of the United Kingdom. Initially the United Kingdom had only been prepared to request the return of another nine captives who were citizens of the United Kingdom. But when the public learned that Bisher al Rawi and Jamil el Banna, had been kidnapped in Gambia by the CIA only for their intelligence value—because they knew someone suspected of supporting terrorism, without supporting terrorism themselves, the UK requested the return of all the long term residents of the UK as well. Bisher al Rawi was repatriated first, followed by Jamil el Banna and five other men. Binyam Mohammed was repatriated a few days before a UK court was expected to force the UK government to publish classified memos to aid in him in his fight for return. Shaker Aamer became the final British resident to leave the detention camp in October 2015.[71]
  • Four Uyghur captives in Guantanamo were transferred to Bermuda in June 2009. The move was called controversial first because the United Kingdom still has jurisdiction over Bermuda's foreign affairs, and UK legal scholars argued the government of Bermuda did not have the authority to accept the men. Secondly the Prime Minister of Bermuda said the men would be offered citizenship—a right denied to other long term residents not born in Bermuda.
  • Six Uyghur captives in Guantanamo were transferred to Palau in October 2009. The move was called controversial because Palau is a former protectorate of the USA, which still received much of its annual budget in the form of grants from the USA.
  • Slovakia accepted three former captives on January 26, 2010.[87] Their names were withheld. Tunisian Rafiq Bin Bashir Bin Jalud Al Hami was later confirmed to be one of those individuals.[30]
  • Slovakia took in three more Uyghur detainees on December 31, 2013[89]
  • Italy has accepted the transfer of three Tunisian captives in Guantanamo. According to press reports, the three Tunisians were former residents of Italy. According to press reports, unlike the other countries which have accepted former Guantanamo captives who weren't citizens, Italy plans to prosecute at least two of the men.
  • On February 2, 2010, Latvian Foreign Ministry officials announced that Latvia would be accepting a Guantanamo captive within the next six months.[90] Latvian authorities did not reveal his identity, or which nation he was from, but they did reveal he was from another nation that had been part of the Soviet Union.
  • On February 24, 2010, Spain accepted the transfer of an individual who had formerly been a Palestinian captive in Guantananmo.[85] Spain has agreed to take four additional captives.
  • On May 4, 2010, Spain accepted Yasin Basardh, a Yemeni.[39] Initially his identity was withheld. Local journalists were able to determine his name.
  • On May 4, 2010, Bulgaria accepted Maasoum Abdah Mouhammad, a Syrian.[39] Initially his identity was withheld. Local journalists were able to determine his name.
El Salvador
  • Five men described as "Taliban leaders" were transferred to Qatar in return for the release of US GI Bowe Bergdahl.[63]
  • Gave refuge to Ahmed Adnan Ahjam, Ali Hussein al-Shaaban, Abdelhadi Faraj, Abdul Bin Mohammed Abis Ourgy, Mohammed Taha Mattan and Abu Wa’el Dhiab.[66][67]
  • Kazakhstan provided a home to Three Yemenis and two Tunisias, on December 30, 2014. According to Andy Worthington, quoting the New York Times, a senior Obama administration official stated that the five "are ‘free men’ for all intents and purposes after the transfer."[69] The five men were Abdullah bin Ali al-Lufti, Adel al-Hakeemy, Sabri Mohammad Ibrahim al-Qurashi, Asim Thahit Abdullah al Khalaqi, Muhammad Ali Husayn Khanayna.
United Arab Emirates
  • Five Yemenis, Ali al Razihi, Khalid al Qadasi, Adil al Busayss, Suleiman al Nahdi, and Fahmi al Asani, were released to the UAE on November 16, 2015.[74]
Senegal Salem Abdul Salem Ghereby and Omar Khalifa Mohammed Abu Bakr were transferred to Senegal on April 4, 2016.[92]
Saudi Arabia On April 16, 2016, nine Yemeni individuals were transferred to Saudi Arabia -- Ahmed Umar Abdullah al Hikimi, Abdul Rahman Mohamed Saleh Naser, Ali Yahya Mahdi al Raimi, Mohammad al Rahman al Shumrani, Mohammed Abdullah al Hamiri, Ahmed Yaslam Said Kuman, Mashur Abdallah Muqbil Ahmed al Sabri, Abdul Rahman Umir al Qyati, Mansoor Muhammed Ali Qattaa.[80][81][82]

Consolidated list of October 2008

Consolidated chronological listing of GTMO detainees released, transferred or deceased[1]
ISN ISN nationality name inprocess
9 ISN 009 SAU Himdy Yasser 2002-02-12 2002-04-05
356 ISN 356 AFG Abdul Razaq (Guantanamo captive 356) 2002-01-21 2002-09-15
107 ISN 107 AFG Joh Mohammad Barakzai 2002-01-17 2002-10-28
143 ISN 143 PAK Mohammad Sanghir 2002-01-18 2002-10-28
349 ISN 349 AFG Mohammed Sadiq 2002-05-05 2002-10-28
657 ISN 657 AFG Hajji Faiz Mohammed 2002-06-16 2002-10-28
119 ISN 119 AFG Solaiman Dur Mohammed Shah [93] 2003-03-23
313 ISN 313 AFG Sharghulab Mirmuhammad [93] 2003-03-23
314 ISN 314 AFG Ezat Khan 2002-01-26 2003-03-23
315 ISN 315 AFG Yarass Ali Must [93] 2003-03-23
350 ISN 350 AFG Ehsanullah (Guantanamo captive 350) 2002-06-10 2003-03-23
355 ISN 355 AFG Nassir Malang 2002-06-12 2003-03-23
358 ISN 358 AFG Mohammed Sargidene 2002-06-12 2003-03-23
360 ISN 360 AFG Abdullah Edmondada 2002-06-12 2003-03-23
361 ISN 361 AFG Murtazah Abdul Rahman [93] 2003-03-23
362 ISN 362 AFG Shaibjan Torjan [93] 2003-03-23
363 ISN 363 AFG Shai Jahn Ghafoor 2002-06-12 2003-03-23
638 ISN 638 AFG Badshah Wali 2002-06-16 2003-03-23
640 ISN 640 AFG Neyaz Walijan 2002-06-16 2003-03-23
644 ISN 644 AFG Mirza Mohammed 2002-06-10 2003-03-23
645 ISN 645 AFG Mohamed Kabel 2002-03-29 2003-03-23
658 ISN 658 AFG Bismillah (Guantanamo captive 658) 2002-06-14 2003-03-23
671 ISN 671 AFG Said Abasin 2002-07-15 2003-03-23
673 ISN 673 AFG Alif Khan 2002-06-14 2003-03-23
12 ISN 012 PAK Shabidzada Usman 2002-01-12 2003-05-09
19 ISN 019 PAK Sha Mohammed Alikhel 2002-01-15 2003-05-09
364 ISN 364 AFG Mohammed Raz-Mohammed Kakar 2002-06-12 2003-05-09
367 ISN 367 AFG Mohammed Yusif Yaqub 2002-06-16 2003-05-09
444 ISN 444 PAK Jihan Wali 2002-06-12 2003-05-09
517 ISN 517 AFG Sultan Mohammed 2002-06-12 2003-05-09
520 ISN 520 AFG Abdul Karim (Guantanamo detainee 520) 2002-06-12 2003-05-09
523 ISN 523 AFG Ehsanullah (Guantanamo captive 523) 2002-06-14 2003-05-09
531 ISN 531 AFG Abdul Hanan 2002-06-08 2003-05-09
628 ISN 628 AFG Nematullah Sahib-Khan Alizai 2002-06-10 2003-05-09
629 ISN 629 AFG Mahngur Alikhan 2002-06-16 2003-05-09
632 ISN 632 AFG Rostum Akhtar Mohammed 2002-06-16 2003-05-09
643 ISN 643 AFG Mohammed Tahir (Guantanamo detainee 643) 2002-06-10 2003-05-09
71 ISN 071 SAU Mish'al Muhammad Rashid Al-Shedocky 2002-01-20 2003-05-14
80 ISN 080 SAU Fahd Abdallah Ibrahim Al-Shabani 2002-02-08 2003-05-14
125 ISN 125 SAU Fawaz Abd Al-Aziz Al-Zahrani 2002-02-13 2003-05-14
127 ISN 127 SAU Ibrahim Rushdan Brayk Al-Shili 2002-02-14 2003-05-14
585 ISN 585 SAU Ibrahim Umar Ali Al-Umar 2002-06-16 2003-05-14
56 ISN 056 MOR Abdullah Tabarak Ahmad 2002-01-17 2003-07-01
663 ISN 663 EGY Fael Roda Al-Waleeli 2002-06-07 2003-07-01
16 ISN 016 PAK Jamal Muhammad Al-Deen 2002-01-14 2003-07-16
21 ISN 021 PAK Salah Hudin 2002-01-21 2003-07-16
47 ISN 047 AFG Asad Ullah 2002-01-17 2003-07-16
97 ISN 097 PAK Tariq Khan 2002-06-16 2003-07-16
99 ISN 099 PAK Abdul Raziq 2002-06-16 2003-07-16
106 ISN 106 AFG Mohammed Raz 2002-02-10 2003-07-16
134 ISN 134 PAK Ghaser Zaban Safollah 2002-01-17 2003-07-16
146 ISN 146 PAK Mohammad Kashef Khan 2002-01-18 2003-07-16
210 ISN 210 PAK Faik Iqbal [93] 2003-07-16
303 ISN 303 PAK Ali Ahmed (Guantanamo captive 303) [93] 2003-07-16
304 ISN 304 PAK Mohammed Ansar [93] 2003-07-16
316 ISN 316 AFG Ghuladkhan [93] 2003-07-16
347 ISN 347 AFG Mohammadullah 2002-06-14 2003-07-16
353 ISN 353 AFG Abdul Waheed (Guantanamo captive 353) 2002-06-12 2003-07-16
365 ISN 365 AFG Sabit Layar 2002-06-12 2003-07-16
442 ISN 442 PAK Abdul Mowla LNU 2002-06-12 2003-07-16
512 ISN 512 AFG Mahmud Sadik 2002-06-10 2003-07-16
545 ISN 545 PAK Sajin Urayman 2002-06-12 2003-07-16
580 ISN 580 AFG Noor Ahmad 2002-06-16 2003-07-16
582 ISN 582 AFG Abdul Rahman Noorani 2002-06-16 2003-07-16
626 ISN 626 AFG Noor Habib Ullah 2002-06-10 2003-07-16
630 ISN 630 AFG Nisar Rahmad 2002-06-16 2003-07-16
633 ISN 633 AFG Mohammed Nayim Farouq 2002-06-18 2003-07-16
635 ISN 635 AFG Mohammad Akhbar 2002-06-18 2003-07-16
636 ISN 636 AFG Nathi Ghul 2002-06-18 2003-07-16
646 ISN 646 AFG Azizullah Asekzai 2002-06-10 2003-07-16
667 ISN 667 AFG Kari Mohammed Sarwar 2002-06-14 2003-07-16
20 ISN 020 PAK Mohammed Ishaq 2002-01-15 2003-11-18
124 ISN 124 AFG Janan Taus Khan 2002-01-17 2003-11-18
135 ISN 135 PAK Ejaz Ahmad Khan 2002-06-12 2003-11-18
139 ISN 139 PAK Hafice Leqeat Manzu 2002-01-17 2003-11-18
291 ISN 291 TUR Yuksel Celik Gogus [93] 2003-11-18
297 ISN 297 TUR Ibrahim Shafir Sen [93] 2003-11-18
352 ISN 352 AFG Abdul Hadi Muhamed Rasul Sayed 2002-06-12 2003-11-18
354 ISN 354 AFG Nabu Abdul Ghani 2002-06-16 2003-11-18
443 ISN 443 AFG Juma Khan (Guantanamo detainee 443) 2002-05-03 2003-11-18
518 ISN 518 AFG Akah Khirullah 2002-05-03 2003-11-18
624 ISN 624 PAK Majid Mehmood 2002-06-12 2003-11-18
637 ISN 637 AFG FNU Insanullah 2002-06-16 2003-11-18
642 ISN 642 AFG FNU Hamidullah (Guantanamo captive 642) 2002-06-16 2003-11-18
656 ISN 656 AFG Abdul Baqi 2002-06-14 2003-11-18
666 ISN 666 AFG FNU Hezbullah (Guantanamo captive 666) 2002-06-14 2003-11-18
677 ISN 677 AFG Wazir Zalim Ghul 2002-06-14 2003-11-18
711 ISN 711 JOR Hassan Khalil Mohamoud Abdul Hamid 2002-08-05 2003-11-18
820 ISN 820 AFG Hajji Mohammed Yousef (Guantanamo captive 820) 2002-10-28 2003-11-18
830 ISN 830 PAK Tila Mohammed Khan 2002-10-28 2003-11-18
990 ISN 990 CAN Abdul Khadr [93] 2003-11-18
85 ISN 085 PAK Munir Bin Naseer [93] 2003-11-30
136 ISN 136 PAK Tarik Mohammad 2002-01-15 2003-11-30
169 ISN 169 JOR Ayman Mohammad Silman Al Amrani 2002-02-13 2003-11-30
912 ISN 912 AFG Asad Ullah (Guantanamo captive 912) 2003-03-23 2004-01-28
913 ISN 913 AFG Ullah Naqib 2003-02-07 2004-01-28
930 ISN 930 AFG Mohammed Ismail 2003-02-07 2004-01-28
267 ISN 267 SPA Ahmad Abd Al Rahman Ahmad 2002-02-14 2004-02-13
323 ISN 323 DAN Slimane Hadj Abderrahmane 2002-02-10 2004-02-24
82 ISN 082 RUS Abdullah D. Kafkas [93] 2004-02-27
203 ISN 203 RUS Ravil Shafeyavich Gumarov 2002-01-21 2004-02-27
209 ISN 209 RUS Almasm Rabilavich Sharipov 2002-01-21 2004-02-27
211 ISN 211 RUS Ruslan Anatolivich Odijev 2002-06-14 2004-02-27
492 ISN 492 RUS Aiat Nasimovich Vahitov 2002-06-14 2004-02-27
573 ISN 573 RUS Rustam Akhmyarov 2002-05-01 2004-02-27
674 ISN 674 RUS Timur Ravilich Ishmurat 2002-06-14 2004-02-27
86 ISN 086 UK Shafiq Rasul 2002-01-14 2004-03-09
87 ISN 087 UK Asif Iqbal (Guantanamo captive 87) 2002-01-14 2004-03-09
110 ISN 110 UK Rhuhel Ahmed 2002-02-11 2004-03-09
490 ISN 490 UK Jamal Malik Al Harith 2002-02-11 2004-03-09
534 ISN 534 UK Tarek Dergoul 2002-05-05 2004-03-09
92 ISN 092 AFG Said Mohammed Alim Shah 2002-02-07 2004-03-14
104 ISN 104 AFG Hajji Mohammed Khan Achezkai 2002-02-10 2004-03-14
116 ISN 116 AFG Yamatolah Abulwance 2002-01-17 2004-03-14
348 ISN 348 AFG Aziz Khan Ali Khan Zumarikourt 2002-05-03 2004-03-14
351 ISN 351 AFG Abdullah Ghofoor 2002-06-10 2004-03-14
366 ISN 366 AFG Hazrat Sangin Khan 2002-05-03 2004-03-14
453 ISN 453 AFG Mohammad Nasim 2002-06-16 2004-03-14
454 ISN 454 UZB Mohammed Sadiq Adam 2002-02-07 2004-03-14
456 ISN 456 AFG FNU Hamdullah (Guantanamo captive 456) 2002-06-12 2004-03-14
515 ISN 515 PAK Israr Ul Haq 2002-06-12 2004-03-14
525 ISN 525 AFG Ataullah Adam Gul 2002-06-16 2004-03-14
538 ISN 538 AFG Amanullah Alikozi 2002-06-10 2004-03-14
542 ISN 542 PAK Mohammad Abas 2002-06-16 2004-03-14
634 ISN 634 PAK Ali Mohammed (Guantanamo captive 634) 2002-06-16 2004-03-14
639 ISN 639 AFG Bismillah (Guantanamo captive 639) 2002-06-12 2004-03-14
668 ISN 668 AFG Abdul Al-Hameed Mohammed Andarr 2002-06-14 2004-03-14
818 ISN 818 AFG Osman Khan 2002-10-28 2004-03-14
822 ISN 822 AFG Noor Aslaam 2002-10-28 2004-03-14
856 ISN 856 AFG FNU Barak (Guantanamo captive 856) 2002-10-28 2004-03-14
896 ISN 896 AFG Bar Far Huddine 2003-06-22 2004-03-14
897 ISN 897 AFG Abdul Rahim (Guantanamo captive 897) 2003-02-07 2004-03-14
898 ISN 898 AFG Zakim Shah 2003-03-23 2004-03-14
908 ISN 908 AFG Peta Muhammed 2003-02-07 2004-03-14
969 ISN 969 AFG Akhtar Mohammad (Guantanamo captive 969) 2003-05-09 2004-03-14
996 ISN 996 AFG Hajji Mohammed Wazir 2003-05-09 2004-03-14
998 ISN 998 AFG Mirwais Hasan 2003-05-09 2004-03-14
500 ISN 500 TMN Emdash Abdullah Turkash 2002-06-18 2004-03-31
543 ISN 543 TUR Mahmud Nuri Mart 2002-02-15 2004-03-31
563 ISN 563 IRQ Sohab Mahud Mohhamed 2002-05-05 2004-03-31
623 ISN 623 IRN Bakhtiar Bamari 2002-06-18 2004-03-31
648 ISN 648 IRQ Haydar Jabbar Hafez Al Tamini [93] 2004-03-31
665 ISN 665 TAJ Sadee Eideov LNU 2002-06-14 2004-03-31
700 ISN 700 SUD Muhammed Al Ghazali Babaker Majoub 2002-08-05 2004-03-31
714 ISN 714 SUD Al Rachid Hasan Ahmad Abdul Raheem 2002-08-05 2004-03-31
715 ISN 715 PAL Abdul Qadir Yousef Husseini 2002-08-05 2004-03-31
726 ISN 726 SYR Menhal Al Henali 2002-08-05 2004-03-31
729 ISN 729 TAJ Moyuballah Homaro 2002-08-05 2004-03-31
731 ISN 731 TAJ FNU Mazharudin 2002-08-05 2004-03-31
732 ISN 732 TAJ Shirinov Ghafar Homarovich 2002-08-05 2004-03-31
1014 ISN 1014 YEM Walid Mohammed Shahir 2003-05-09 2004-03-31
1018 ISN 1018 JOR Osam Abdul Rahan Ahmad 2003-05-09 2004-03-31
166 ISN 166 SWE Mehdir Mohammad Ghezali 2002-01-17 2004-07-08
83 ISN 083 TAJ Yusef Nabied 2002-02-08 2004-07-17
641 ISN 641 TAJ Abdul Karim Irgashive 2002-06-08 2004-07-17
161 ISN 161 FRA Mourad Benchellali 2002-01-17 2004-07-26
164 ISN 164 FRA Imad Achab Kanouni 2002-02-12 2004-07-26
325 ISN 325 FRA Nizar Sassi 2002-02-15 2004-07-26
371 ISN 371 FRA Brahim Yadel 2002-01-21 2004-07-26
133 ISN 133 MOR Mohammed Ibrahim Awzar 2002-01-20 2004-07-31
294 ISN 294 MOR Mohammed Mizouz 2002-06-14 2004-07-31
499 ISN 499 MOR Radwan Al Shakouri 2002-05-01 2004-07-31
587 ISN 587 MOR Ibrahim Bin Shakaran 2002-05-03 2004-07-31
10 ISN 010 PAK Abdul Sattar 2002-05-05 2004-09-17
11 ISN 011 PAK Abdul Satar Nafeesi 2002-01-14 2004-09-17
14 ISN 014 PAK Zafar Iqbal 2002-01-21 2004-09-17
17 ISN 017 PAK Muhammed Ijaz Khan 2002-01-15 2004-09-17
18 ISN 018 PAK Mohammed Sayed 2002-01-15 2004-09-17
23 ISN 023 PAK Isa Khan (Guantanamo captive 23) 2002-01-21 2004-09-17
98 ISN 098 PAK Hafiz Ihsan Saeed 2002-01-20 2004-09-17
100 ISN 100 PAK Mohammed Ashraf 2002-05-05 2004-09-17
101 ISN 101 PAK Mohammed Irfan (Guantanamo captive 101) 2002-02-09 2004-09-17
113 ISN 113 PAK Sar Faraz Ahmed 2002-05-05 2004-09-17
137 ISN 137 PAK Mohammed Tariq 2002-01-18 2004-09-18
138 ISN 138 PAK Salahodin Ayubi 2002-01-18 2004-09-17
140 ISN 140 PAK Said Saim Ali 2002-01-17 2004-09-17
141 ISN 141 PAK Haseeb Ayub 2002-01-18 2004-09-17
142 ISN 142 PAK FNU Fazaldad 2002-05-03 2004-09-17
144 ISN 144 PAK Mohammad Ilyas (Guantanamo captive 144) 2002-01-17 2004-09-17
145 ISN 145 PAK Hamood Ullah Khan 2002-01-15 2004-09-17
147 ISN 147 PAK Mohammed Arshad Raza 2002-01-18 2004-09-17
247 ISN 247 PAK Kay Fiyatullah 2002-06-12 2004-09-17
299 ISN 299 PAK Abid Raza 2002-02-12 2004-09-17
300 ISN 300 PAK Zahid Sultan 2002-02-07 2004-09-17
301 ISN 301 PAK Khalil Rahman Hafez 2002-02-08 2004-09-17
302 ISN 302 PAK Mohammed Ijaz 2002-02-11 2004-09-17
305 ISN 305 PAK Hanif Mohammed 2002-02-17 2004-09-17
495 ISN 495 PAK Mohammed Rafiq 2002-05-05 2004-09-17
504 ISN 504 PAK Aminulla Amin 2002-05-03 2004-09-17
524 ISN 524 PAK Mohammed Anwar 2002-05-03 2004-09-17
529 ISN 529 PAK Bacha Khan (Guantanamo captive 529) 2002-06-16 2004-09-17
540 ISN 540 PAK Mohammed Omar (Guantanamo captive 540) 2002-10-28 2004-09-17
541 ISN 541 PAK Mohammed Noman 2002-06-16 2004-09-17
842 ISN 842 PAK Sultan Ahmad 2003-02-07 2004-09-17
843 ISN 843 PAK Saghir Ahmed 2003-02-07 2004-09-17
1005 ISN 1005 PAK Bashir Ahmad 2003-05-09 2004-09-17
1006 ISN 1006 PAK Mohammed Irfan (Guantanamo captive 1006) 2003-05-09 2004-09-17
1011 ISN 1011 PAK Mohammed Akbar 2003-05-09 2004-09-17
527 ISN 527 AFG Mohamman Daoud 2002-06-12 2004-09-18
530 ISN 530 AFG Dawd Gul 2002-06-10 2004-09-18
539 ISN 539 AFG Noor Allah 2002-05-05 2004-09-18
547 ISN 547 AFG Wali Mohammed (Guantanamo detainee 547) 2002-06-16 2004-09-18
559 ISN 559 AFG Badruzzan Badr 2002-05-01 2004-09-18
699 ISN 699 AFG Din Mohammed Farhad 2002-08-052004-09-18
910 ISN 910 AFG Mohammed Khan (Guantanamo captive 910) 2003-11-28 2004-09-18
911 ISN 911 AFG Abdul Samad (detainee) 2003-02-07 2004-09-18
931 ISN 931 AFG Hajji Niam Kuchi 2003-03-23 2004-09-18
960 ISN 960 AFG Bismaullah (Guantanamo captive 960) 2003-05-09 2004-09-18
970 ISN 970 AFG Amanullah (Guantanamo detainee 970) LNU 2003-03-23 2004-09-18
205 ISN 205 KUW Nasir Najr Nasir Balud Al Mutayri 2002-02-07 2005-01-16
24 ISN 024 UK Feroz Abbasi 2002-01-12 2005-01-25
558 ISN 558 UK Moazzam Begg 2003-02-07 2005-01-25
817 ISN 817 UK Richard Belmar 2002-10-28 2005-01-25
10007 ISN 10007 UKMartin Mubanga2002-04-202005-01-25
661 ISN 661 AUS Mamdouh Habib 2002-05-03 2005-01-17
173 ISN 173 FRA Ridouane Khalid 2002-02-15 2005-03-07
236 ISN 236 FRA Khaled Ben Mustafa 2002-02-13 2005-03-07
649 ISN 649 FRA Mustaq Ali Patel 2002-06-16 2005-03-07 NLEC
581 ISN 581 PAK Abdur Sayed Rahaman 2002-06-16 2005-03-11 NLEC
730 ISN 730 MAL Ibrahim Fauzee 2002-08-05 2005-03-11 NLEC
1117 ISN 1117 AFG Jalil 2003-07-30 2005-03-11 NLEC
298 ISN 298 TUR Salih Uyar 2002-02-15 2005-04-18 NLEC
357 ISN 357 AFG Abdul Rahman (Guantanamo detainee 357) 2002-06-12 2005-04-18 NLEC
457 ISN 457 AFG Mohammad Gul 2003-02-07 2005-04-18 NLEC
459 ISN 459 AFG Gul Zaman 2003-02-07 2005-04-18 NLEC
561 ISN 561 AFG Abdul Rahim Muslimdost 2002-05-01 2005-04-18 NLEC
631 ISN 631 AFG Padsha Wazir 2002-06-16 2005-04-18 NLEC
812 ISN 812 AFG Qalandar Shah 2002-10-28 2005-04-18 NLEC
834 ISN 834 AFG Naqeebyllah Shaheen Shahwali Zair Mohammed 2002-10-28 2005-04-18 NLEC
835 ISN 835 AFG Rasool Shahwali Zair Mohammed Mohammed 2002-10-28 2005-04-18 NLEC
929 ISN 929 AFG Abdul Qudus 2003-02-07 2005-04-18 NLEC
952 ISN 952 AFG Shahzada (Guantanamo captive 952) 2003-03-23 2005-04-18 NLEC
953 ISN 953 AFG Hammdidullah 2003-03-23 2005-04-18 NLEC
958 ISN 958 AFG Mohammad Nasim (Guantanamo captive 958) 2003-05-09 2005-04-18 NLEC
986 ISN 986 AFG Kako Kandahari 2003-07-18 2005-04-18 NLEC
1013 ISN 1013 AFG Feda Ahmed 2003-05-09 2005-04-18 NLEC
1019 ISN 1019 AFG Nasibullah 2003-07-18 2005-04-18 NLEC
1041 ISN 1041 AFG Habib Noor 2003-11-24 2005-04-18 NLEC
1157 ISN 1157 AFG Hukumra Khan 2003-09-02 2005-04-18 NLEC
270 ISN 270 BEG Mosa Zi Zemmori 2002-02-15 2005-04-25
296 ISN 296 BEG Mesut Sen 2002-02-15 2005-04-25
72 ISN 072 MOR Lahcen Ikassrien 2002-02-08 2005-07-18
120 ISN 120 AFG Habib Rasool 2002-05-03 2005-07-19
155 ISN 155 SAU Khalid Sulayman Jaydh Al Hubayshi 2002-01-14 2005-07-19
207 ISN 207 SAU Mishal Awad Sayaf Alhabri 2002-01-12 2005-07-19
248 ISN 248 SAU Saleh Abdall Al Oshan 2002-01-21 2005-07-19 NLEC
546 ISN 546 AFG FNU Muhibullah (Guantanamo captive 546) 2002-05-05 2005-07-19
589 ISN 589 JOR Khalid Mahomoud Abdul Wahab Al Asmr 2002-07-15 2005-07-19 NLEC
712 ISN 712 SUD Hammad Ali Amno Gadallah 2002-08-05 2005-07-19 NLEC
208 ISN 208 TAJ Maroof Saleemovich Salehove 2002-01-20 2005-08-19 NLEC
586 ISN 586 YEM Karam Khamis Sayd Khamsan 2002-05-01 2005-08-19 NLEC
676 ISN 676 IRN Mohamed Anwar Kurd 2002-06-12 2005-08-19
306 ISN 306 AFG Abdul Salam Zaeef 2002-05-01 2005-09-11
287 ISN 287 EGY Sami Abdul Aziz Salim Allaithy 2002-02-11 2005-09-30 NLEC
217 ISN 217 KUW Abd Al Aziz Sayer Uwain Al Shammeri 2002-02-10 2005-11-02
220 ISN 220 KUW Abdallah al-Ajmi 2002-01-17 2005-11-02 [94]
229 ISN 229 KUW Mohammed Fenaitel Mohamed Al Daihani 2002-05-03 2005-11-02
568 ISN 568 KUW Adil Zamil al-Zamil 2002-05-03 2005-11-02
571 ISN 571 KUW Saad Madhi Saad Howash Al Azmi 2002-05-01 2005-11-02
60 ISN 060 BAH Adil Kamil al-Wadi 2002-01-17 2004-11-04
159 ISN 159 BAH Abdulla Majid Al Naimi 2003-06-08 2005-11-04
181 ISN 181 SAU Maji Afas Radhi Al Shimri 2002-01-15 2005-11-04
246 ISN 246 BAH Salman Ebrahim Mohamed Ali Al Khalifa 2002-02-13 2005-11-04
75 ISN 075 MOR Najib Mohammad Lahassimi 2002-02-072006-02-07
123 ISN 123 MORMuhammad Hussein Ali Hassan2002-01-212006-02-07
237 ISN 237 MOR Mohammed Souleimani Laalami 2002-02-08 2006-02-07
701 ISN 701 UGA Jamal Abdullah Kiyemba 2002-10-28 2006-02-07
460 ISN 460 AFG Khan Zaman 2002-06-16 2006-02-08
655 ISN 655 AFG Khadai Dad 2002-06-14 2006-02-08
826 ISN 826 AFG Abdul Salaam (Guantanamo detainee 826) 2002-10-28 2006-02-08
950 ISN 950 AFG Abdullah Khan 2003-03-23 2006-02-08
963 ISN 963 AFG Abdul Bagi 2004-01[95] 2006-02-08
971 ISN 971 AFG Kushky Yar 2003-05-09 2006-02-08
1051 ISN 1051 AFG Sharbat (Guantanamo detainee 1051) 2003-11-23 2006-02-08
260 ISN 260 CHN Ahmed Adil 2002-02-09 2006-05-05 NLEC
276 ISN 276 CHN Akhdar Qasem Basit 2002-06-10 2006-05-05 NLEC
279 ISN 279 CHN Mohammed Ayub 2002-06-10 2006-05-05 NLEC
283 ISN 283 CHN Abu Bakker Qassim 2002-06-10 2006-05-05 NLEC
293 ISN 293 CHN Adel Abdulhehim 2002-06-10 2006-05-05 NLEC
64 ISN 064 SAU Abdel Hadi Mohammed Badan Al Sebaii Sebaii 2002-02-13 2006-05-18
94 ISN 094 SAU Ibrahim Daif Allah Neman Al Sehli 2002-02-12 2006-05-18
95 ISN 095 SAU Abdul Rahman Uthman Ahmed 2002-02-12 2006-05-18
105 ISN 105 SAU Adnan Muhammed Ali Al Saigh 2002-02-14 2006-05-18
157 ISN 157 SAU Saed Khatem Al Malki 2002-01-17 2006-05-18
177 ISN 177 SAU Fahd Salih Sulayman Al Jutayli 2002-02-09 2006-05-18
308 ISN 308 SAU Adil al-Nusayri 2002-02-13 2006-05-18
319 ISN 319 SAU Mohammed Jayed Sebai 2002-01-21 2006-05-18
339 ISN 339 SAU Khalid Abdallah Abdel Rahman Al Morghi 2002-02-13 2006-05-18
343 ISN 343 SAU Abdallah Ibrahim Al Rushaydan 2002-06-16 2006-05-18
346 ISN 346 SAU Said Bezan Ashek Shayban 2002-02-14 2006-05-18
501 ISN 501 SAU Nawwaf Fahd Humood Al-Otaibi 2002-05-05 2006-05-18
505 ISN 505 SAU Khalid Rashid Ali Al-Murri 2002-05-01 2006-05-18
652 ISN 652 SAU Abdullah Hamid Mohammed Al-Qahtani 2002-06-16 2006-05-18
664 ISN 664 SAU Rashid Awad Rashid Al Uwaydah 2002-06-14 2006-05-18
93 ISN 093 SAU Yasser Talal Al Zahrani 2002-01-21 2006-06-10 died in custody
588 ISN 588 SAU Mani Shaman Turki al-Habardi Al-Utaybi 2002-06-08 2006-06-10 died in custody
693 ISN 693 YEM Ali Abdullah Ahmed 2002-06-18 2006-06-10 died in custody
58 ISN 058 SAU Musa Abed Al Wahab 2002-01-17 2006-06-24
73 ISN 073 SAU Yusif Khalil Abdallah Nur 2002-01-20 2006-06-24
96 ISN 096 SAU Muhammad Surur Dakhilallah Al Utaybi 2002-01-18 2006-06-24
132 ISN 132 SAU Abdul Salam Gaithan Mureef Al Shehry 2002-01-17 2006-06-24
184 ISN 184 SAU Othman Ahmad Othman al-Ghamdi 2002-01-14 2006-06-24
191 ISN 191 SAU Saleh Ali Jaid Al Khathami 2002-02-14 2006-06-24
264 ISN 264 SAU Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahman Abdul Aziz Al Baddah 2002-02-10 2006-06-24
265 ISN 265 SAU Tariqe Shallah Hassan Al Harbi 2002-02-12 2006-06-24
266 ISN 266 SAU Abdallah Muhammad Salih Al Ghanimi 2002-02-12 2006-06-24
271 ISN 271 SAU Ibrahim Muhammed Ibrahim Al Nasir 2002-02-15 2006-06-24
337 ISN 337 SAU Sa ad Ibrahim Sa ad Al Bidna 2002-02-13 2006-06-24
338 ISN 338 SAU Wasim (Guantanamo detainee 338) 2002-05-03 2006-06-24
344 ISN 344 SAU Rashid Abd Al Muslih Qaid Al Qa’id 2002-02-14 2006-06-24
491 ISN 491 SAU Siddeeq Noor Turkistani 2002-02-13 2006-06-24 NLEC
61 ISN 061 TUR Murat Kurnaz 2002-02-15 2006-08-24
494 ISN 494 AFG Noorallah 2002-06-10 2006-08-25
562 ISN 562 AFG Qari Hasan Ulla Peerzai 2002-06-14 2006-08-25
845 ISN 845 AFG Akhtar Mohammed (Guantanamo detainee 845) 2003-02-07 2006-08-25
1009 ISN 1009 AFG Nasrat Khan 2003-05-09 2006-08-25
1056 ISN 1056 AFG Said Mohammed 2003-11-23 2006-08-25
65 ISN 065 KUW Omar Rajab Amin 2002-01-12 2006-09-06
228 ISN 228 KUW Abdullah Kamel Abdullah Kamel Al Kandari 2002-05-01 2006-09-06
15 ISN 015 PAK Zia Ul Shah 2002-01-14 2006-10-11
160 ISN 160 MOR Mohamed Ben Moujane 2002-01-15 2006-10-11
227 ISN 227 BAH Salah Abdul Rasool Al Blooshi 2002-05-01 2006-10-11
458 ISN 458 AFG Abib Sarajuddin 2003-02-07 2006-10-11
555 ISN 555 IRN Abdul Majid Muhammed 2002-05-05 2006-10-11
591 ISN 591 AFG Qari Esmhatulla 2002-06-10 2006-10-11
783 ISN 783 AFG Shamsullah 2002-10-28 2006-10-11
831 ISN 831 AFG Khandan Kadir 2003-02-07 2006-10-11
849 ISN 849 AFG Mohammed Nassim 2002-10-28 2006-10-11
902 ISN 902 AFG Taj Mohammed (Guantanamo detainee 902) 2003-02-07 2006-10-11
907 ISN 907 AFG Habib Rahman 2003-02-07 2006-10-11
909 ISN 909 AFG Mohabet Khan 2003-02-07 2006-10-11
914 ISN 914 AFG Shardar Khan 2003-02-07 2006-10-11
919 ISN 919 AFG Faizullah (Guantanamo captive 919) 2003-02-07 2006-10-11
933 ISN 933 AFG Swar Khan 2003-03-23 2006-10-11
948 ISN 948 AFG Anwar Khan (Guantanamo detainee 948) 2003-03-23 2006-10-11
1007 ISN 1007 PAK Abdul Halim Sadiqi 2003-05-09 2006-10-11
1035 ISN 1035 AFG Sada Jan 2003-11-23 2006-10-11
1074 ISN 1074 AFG Mohammed Aman 2003-11-23 2006-10-11
1154 ISN 1154 AFG Ali Shah Mousavi 2003-11-23 2006-10-11
672 ISN 672 RUS Zakirjan Asam 2002-06-08 2006-11-17 NLEC[96]
716 ISN 716 EGY Alla Muhammed Saleem 2002-08-05 2006-11-17 NLEC[96]
718 ISN 718 ALG Fethi Boucetta 2002-08-05 2006-11-17 NLEC[96]
55 ISN 055 SAU Muhammed Yahia Mosin Al Zayla 2002-01-12 2006-12-13
57 ISN 057 SAU Salim Suliman Al Harbi 2002-01-17 2006-12-13
109 ISN 109 SAU Yusef Abdullah Saleh Al Rabiesh 2002-01-16 2006-12-13
121 ISN 121 SAU Salman Saad Al Khadi Mohammed 2002-01-20 2006-12-13
188 ISN 188 SAU Jabir Jubran Al Fayfi 2002-01-18 2006-12-13
192 ISN 192 SAU Ibrahimj Sulayman Muhammad Arbaysh 2002-01-17 2006-12-13
206 ISN 206 SAU Abdullah Muhammed Abdel Aziz 2002-01-12 2006-12-13
226 ISN 226 SAU Anwar Hamdan Muhammed Al-Noor 2002-02-10 2006-12-13
245 ISN 245 SAU Salah Abdul Rasul Ali Abdul Al-Balushi 2002-02-11 2006-12-13
273 ISN 273 SAU Abd Al Aziz Muhammad Ibrahim Al Nasir 2002-01-17 2006-12-13
286 ISN 286 SAU Ziad Said Farg Jahdari 2002-02-11 2006-12-13
336 ISN 336 SAU Majed Hamad Al Frih 2002-02-12 2006-12-13
340 ISN 340 SAU Bessam Muhammed Saleh Al Dubaikey 2002-06-08 2006-12-13
341 ISN 341 SAU Said Ali Abdullah Al Farha Al Ghamidi 2002-02-13 2006-12-13
507 ISN 507 SAU Sultan Sari Sayel Al Anazi 2002-06-12 2006-12-13
513 ISN 513 SAU Abdul Rahman Khowlan 2002-02-11 2006-12-13
84 ISN 084 UZB Ilkham Turdbyavich Batayev 2002-02-08 2006-12-15
118 ISN 118 AFG Abdul Rahman Abdullah Mohamed Juma Kahm 2002-01-17 2006-12-15
129 ISN 129 YEM Toufiq Saber Muhammad Al Marwa’i 2002-06-12 2006-12-15
151 ISN 151 BGL Mubarak Hussain Bin Abul Hashem 2002-01-17 2006-12-15
162 ISN 162 YEM Ali Husayn Abdullah Al Tays 2002-02-09 2006-12-15
183 ISN 183 YEM Issam Hamid Al Bin Ali Al Jayfi 2002-01-17 2006-12-15
193 ISN 193 YEM Muhsin Muhammad Musheen Moqbill 2002-05-03 2006-12-15
194 ISN 194 LBY Muhammad Abd Allah Mansur Al Futuri 2002-01-16 2006-12-15
198 ISN 198 YEM Mohammed al-Asadi 2002-05-01 2006-12-15
503 ISN 503 YEM Saleh Mohamed Al Zuba 2002-06-08 2006-12-15
526 ISN 526 KAZ Yakub Abahanov 2002-05-03 2006-12-15
528 ISN 528 KAZ Abdallah Tohtasinovich Magrupov 2002-06-18 2006-12-15
949 ISN 949 AFG Abdul Zahor 2003-03-23 2006-12-15
964 ISN 964 AFG Rahmatullah 2003-05-09 2006-12-15
965 ISN 965 AFG Hafizullah 2003-05-09 2006-12-15
966 ISN 966 AFG Baridad 2003-05-09 2006-12-15
972 ISN 972 AFG Alif Mohammed 2003-05-09 2006-12-15
1036 ISN 1036 AFG Akhtiar Mohammad (Guantanamo detainee 1036) 2003-06-18 2006-12-15
25 ISN 025 SAU Majeed Abdullah Al Joudi 2002-01-21 2007-02-20
158 ISN 158 SAU Majid Abdallah Husayn Muhammad Al Samluli Al Harbi 2002-02-09 2007-02-20
176 ISN 176 SAU Majid Aydha Muhammad Al Qurayshi 2002-02-14 2007-02-20
186 ISN 186 SAU Rashed Awad Khalaf Balkhair 2002-01-17 2007-02-20
437 ISN 437 SAU Faisal Satta Al Nasir 2002-01-20 2007-02-20
497 ISN 497 SAU Nasir Maziyad Abdallah Al Qurayshi Al Subii 2002-02-07 2007-02-20
536 ISN 536 SAU Mohammed Abdullah Ahmed 2002-06-08 2007-02-20
76 ISN 076 TAJ Rummedin Fayziddinovich Sharpov 2002-01-15 2007-02-28
77 ISN 077 TAJ Mehrabanb Fazrollah 2002-02-09 2007-02-28
90 ISN 090 TAJ Tsabit Vokhidov 2002-01-15 2007-02-28
987 ISN 987 AFG Ghalib Hassan 2003-07-18 2007-02-28
1037 ISN 1037 AFG Nazargul Chaman 2003-07-18 2007-02-28
906 ISN 906 IRQ Bisher Amin Khalil al-Rawi 2003-02-07 2007-03-30
590 ISN 590 MOR Ahmed Rashidi 2002-06-14 2007-04-28
1050 ISN 1050 AFG Azimullah 2003-11-23 2007-04-28
2 ISN 002 AUS David Hicks 2002-01-12 2007-05-18
199 ISN 199 SAU Abdul Rahman al-Amri 2002-02-09 2007-06-03 died in custody
660 ISN 660 TUN Lufti Bin Swei Lagha 2002-06-14 2007-06-17
721 ISN 721 TUN Abdullah Bin Omar 2002-08-05 2007-06-17
69 ISN 069 YEM Sadeq Muhammad Sa'id Ismail 2002-02-07 2007-06-18
221 ISN 221 YEM Ali Mohsen Salih 2002-02-12 2007-06-18
225 ISN 225 YEM Hani Abdul Muslih al Shulan 2002-02-10 2007-06-18
678 ISN 678 YEM Fawaz Naman Hamoud Abdallah Mahdi 2002-06-18 2007-06-18
013 ISN 013 SAU Fahed N. Mohammed 2002-01-12 2007-07-15
53 ISN 053 SAU Saud Dakhil Allah Muslih Al Mahayawi 2002-01-16 2007-07-15
62 ISN 062 SAU Muhamad Naji Subhi Al Juhani 2002-01-14 2007-07-15
66 ISN 066 SAU Yahya Samil Al Suwaymil Al Sulami 2002-01-15 2007-07-15
122 ISN 122 SAU Buad Thif Allah Al Atabi 2002-01-21 2007-07-15
154 ISN 154 SAU Mazin Salih Musaid 2002-01-18 2007-07-15
179 ISN 179 SAU Abdul Rahman Owaid Mohammad Al Juaid 2002-01-17 2007-07-15
182 ISN 182 SAU Bandar Ahmad Mubarak Al Jabri 2002-01-15 2007-07-15
204 ISN 204 SAU Said Ibrahim Ramzi Al Zahrani 2002-01-21 2007-07-15
214 ISN 214 SAU Muhammad Abd Al Rahman Al Kurash 2002-01-17 2007-07-15
230 ISN 230 SAU Humud Dakhil Humud Sa'id Al Jad'an 2002-02-11 2007-07-15
234 ISN 234 SAU Khalid Mohammed Al-Zahrani 2002-02-11 2007-07-15
261 ISN 261 BAH Juma Mohammed Abdul Latif Al Dossary 2002-01-16 2007-07-15
332 ISN 332 SAU Abdullah Al Tayabi 2002-02-08 2007-07-15
370 ISN 370 SAU Abd Al-Hizani 2002-02-07 2007-07-15
516 ISN 516 SAU Ghanim Abdul Rahman Al Harbi 2002-05-03 2007-07-15
52 ISN 052 BAH Isa Ali Abdulla Almurbati 2002-06-08 2007-08-07
532 ISN 532 AFG Mohammed Sharif 2002-05-03 2007-08-07
848 ISN 848 AFG Amin Ullah 2003-02-07 2007-08-07
943 ISN 943 AFG Abdul Ghani (Guantanamo captive 943) 2003-05-09 2007-08-07
1004 ISN 1004 AFG Mohammed Yacoub 2003-05-09 2007-08-07
1043 ISN 1043 AFG Abdul Razak (Guantanamo captive 1043) 2003-11-23 2007-08-07
51 ISN 051 SAU Majid Al Barayan 2002-02-09 2007-09-05
67 ISN 067 SAU Abd Al Razzaq Abdallah Ibrahim Al Tamini 2002-01-18 2007-09-05
79 ISN 079 SAU Fahed Al Harazi 2002-02-08 2007-09-05
112 ISN 112 SAU Abdul Aziz Sa'ad Al-Khaldi 2002-01-14 2007-09-05
126 ISN 126 SAU Salam Abdullah Said 2002-01-17 2007-09-05
196 ISN 196 SAU Musa Ali Said Al Said Al Umari 2002-02-14 2007-09-05
218 ISN 218 SAU Fahd Muhammed Abdullah Al Fouzan 2002-02-14 2007-09-05
231 ISN 231 SAU Abdulhadi Abdallah Ibrahim Al Sharakh 2002-01-16 2007-09-05
274 ISN 274 SAU Bader Al Bakri Al Samiri 2002-02-13 2007-09-05
318 ISN 318 SAU Rami Bin Said Al Taibi 2002-02-13 2007-09-05
322 ISN 322 SAU Khalid Hassan Husayn Al Barakat 2002-02-12 2007-09-05
342 ISN 342 SAU Mohammed Mubarek Salah Al Qurbi 2002-02-12 2007-09-05
368 ISN 368 SAU Umran Bakr Muhammad Hawsawi 2002-01-21 2007-09-05
493 ISN 493 SAU Abdul Hakim Bukhary 2002-02-13 2007-09-05
514 ISN 514 SAU Abdullah T. Al Anzy 2002-02-07 2007-09-05
647 ISN 647 SAU Mustaq Ali Patel 2002-06-08 2007-09-05
706 ISN 706 MAU Mohammad Lameen Sidi Mohammad 2002-08-05 2007-09-26
172 ISN 172 YEM Ali Muhammed Nasir Mohammed 2002-01-15 2007-09-28
557 ISN 557 Libya Abu Sufian bin Qumu 2002-05-05 2007-09-28
801 ISN 801 AFG Sabar Lal Melma 2002-10-28 2007-09-28
941 ISN 941 AFG Juma Din 2003-03-23 2007-09-28
945 ISN 945 AFG Said Amir Jan 2003-05-09 2007-09-28
951 ISN 951 AFG Nasrullah (Guantanamo detainee 951) 2003-03-23 2007-09-28
956 ISN 956 AFG Abdul Ahmad 2003-05-09 2007-09-28
974 ISN 974 AFG Muhebullah (Guantanamo detainee 974) 2003-03-23 2007-09-28
496 ISN 496 AFG Fizaulla Rahman 2002-05-03 2007-11-02
651 ISN 651 JOR Usama Hassan Ahmend Abu Kabir 2002-06-08 2007-11-02
662 ISN 662 JOR Ahmed Hassan Jamil Suleyman 2002-06-08 2007-11-02
670 ISN 670 AFG Abdullah Hekmat 2002-05-03 2007-11-02
761 ISN 761 Libya Ibrahim Mahdy Achmed Zeidan 2002-08-05 2007-11-02
874 ISN 874 AFG Abdul Nasir (Guantanamo captive 874) 2003-02-07 2007-11-02
955 ISN 955 AFG Mohammed Quasam 2003-03-23 2007-11-02
967 ISN 967 AFG Naserullah (Guantanamo detainee 967) 2003-05-09 2007-11-02
977 ISN 977 AFG Hiztullah Yar Nasrat 2003-03-23 2007-11-02
1003 ISN 1003 AFG Shabir Ahmed 2003-05-09 2007-11-02
1010 ISN 1010 AFG Nahir Shah 2003-07-18 2007-11-02
50 ISN 050 JOR Zaid Muhamamd Sa'id Al Husayn 2002-01-19 2007-11-09
59 ISN 059 SAU Sultan Ahmed Dirdeer Musa Al Uwaydha 2002-01-17 2007-11-09
68 ISN 068 SAU Khalid Saud Abd Al Rahman Al Bawardi 2002-01-15 2007-11-09
114 ISN 114 SAU Yussef Mohammed Mubarak Al Shihri 2002-01-16 2007-11-09
130 ISN 130 SAU Faha Sultan 2002-02-12 2007-11-09
185 ISN 185 SAU Turki Mash Awi Zayid Al Asiri 2002-01-17 2007-11-09
187 ISN 187 SAU Murtada Ali Said Maqram 2002-02-09 2007-11-09
215 ISN 215 SAU Fahd Umr Abd Al Majid Al Sharif [93] 2007-11-09
258 ISN 258 SAU Nayif Abdallah Ibrahim Al Nukhaylan 2002-02-08 2007-11-09
262 ISN 262 SAU Abdullah Abd Al Mu'in Al Wafti 2002-02-09 2007-11-09
333 ISN 333 SAU Mohamed Atiq Awayd Al Harbi 2002-02-13 2007-11-09
372 ISN 372 SAU Sa Id Ali Jabir Al Khathim Al Shihri 2002-01-21 2007-11-09
438 ISN 438 SAU Hani Saiid Mohammad Al Khalif 2002-01-22 2007-11-09
650 ISN 650 SAU Jabir Hasan Muhamed Al Qahtani 2002-06-12 2007-11-09
3 ISN 003 AFG Gholam Ruhani 2002-01-12 2007-12-12
8 ISN 008 AFG Abdullah Gulam Rasoul 2002-01-12 2007-12-12
108 ISN 108 AFG Abdul Rauf Aliza 2002-02-10 2007-12-12
222 ISN 222 AFG Umar Abdullah Al Kunduzi 2002-02-11 2007-12-12
923 ISN 923 AFG Abdul Razzaq (Guantanamo detainee 923) 2003-02-07 2007-12-12
954 ISN 954 AFG Abdul Ghafour (Guantanamo detainee 954) 2003-03-23 2007-12-12
976 ISN 976 AFG Abdullah Wazir 2003-03-23 2007-12-12
1001 ISN 1001 AFG Hafizullah Shabaz Khail 2003-05-09 2007-12-12
1002 ISN 1002 AFG Abdul Mateen 2003-05-09 2007-12-12
1012 ISN 1012 AFG Aminullah Baryalai Tukhi 2003-05-09 2007-12-12
1021 ISN 1021 AFG Gul Chaman 2003-05-09 2007-12-12
1032 ISN 1032 AFG Abdul Ghaffar (Guantanamo detainee 1032) 2003-06-08 2007-12-12
1100 ISN 1100 AFG Abdullah Mujahid 2003-11-23 2007-12-12
710 ISN 710 SUD Salim Mahmoud Adem Mohammed Bani Amir 2002-08-05 2007-12-12
940 ISN 940 SUD Adel Hassan Hamad 2003-03-23 2007-12-12
905 ISN 905 JOR Jamil al-Banna 2003-02-07 2007-12-19
727 ISN 727 Libya Omar Deghayes 2002-08-05 2007-12-19
659 ISN 659 ALG Sameur Abdenour 2002-06-16 2007-12-19
253 ISN 253 SAU Faris Muslim Al Ansari [93] 2007-12-28
5 ISN 005 SAU Abdul Aziz Al Matrafi 2002-02-14 2007-12-28
243 ISN 243 SAU Abdullah Ali Al Utaybi 2002-02-10 2007-12-28
216 ISN 216 SAU Jamil Ali Al Kabi [93] 2007-12-28
565 ISN 565 SAU Abdul Hakim Abdul Rahman Abdulaziz Al Mousa 2002-05-03 2007-12-28
74 ISN 074 SAU Mesh Arsad Al Rashid 2002-02-14 2007-12-28
272 ISN 272 SAU Ziyad bin Salih bin Muhammad Al Bahooth 2002-02-14 2007-12-28
439 ISN 439 SAU Khalid Malu Shia Al Ghatani 2002-01-20 2007-12-28
268 ISN 268 SAU Abdul Rahman Nashi Badi Al Hataybi 2002-02-09 2007-12-28
436 ISN 436 SAU Nayif Fahd Mutliq Al Usaymi 2002-02-14 2007-12-28
942 ISN 942 AFG Abdul Razzak Hekmati 2003-03-23 2008-01-01
890 ISN 890 AFG Rahmatullah Sangaryar 2003-03-23 2008-04-30
886 ISN 886 AFG Nasrullah (Guantanamo detainee 886) 2003-03-23 2008-04-30
888 ISN 888 AFG Esmatulla (Guantanamo detainee 888) 2003-02-07 2008-04-30
798 ISN 798 AFG Sahib Rohullah Wakil 2003-03-23 2008-04-30
556 ISN 556 AFG Abdullah Mohammad Khan 2002-02-15 2008-04-30
720 ISN 720 SUD Mustafa Ibrahim Mustafa Al Hassan 2002-08-05 2008-04-30
345 ISN 345 SUD Sami Mohy El Din Muhammed Al Hajj 2002-06-14 2008-04-30
81 ISN 081 SUD Walid Mohammad Haj Mohammad Ali 2002-01-21 2008-04-30
150 ISN 150 MOR Said Boujaadia 2002-02-07 2008-04-30
70 ISN 070 ALG Abdul Raham Houari 2002-02-08 2008-07-02
705 ISN 705 ALG Mustafa Ahmed Hamlily 2002-08-05 2008-07-02
48 ISN 048 UAE Abdulah Alhamiri 2002-01-12 2008-07-26
334 ISN 334 Qatar Jaralla Saleh Mohammed Kahla Al Marri 2002-02-11 2008-07-26
1165 ISN 1165 AFG Mohammed Mussa Yakubi 2003-11-23 2008-07-26
284 ISN 284 ALG Mohammed Abd Al Al Qadir 2002-01-21 2008-08-25
292 ISN 292 ALG Abdulli Feghoul 2002-02-15 2008-08-25
961 ISN 961 AFG Abdul Wahab 2003-05-09 2008-08-31
1052 ISN 1052 AFG Mahbub Rahman 2003-11-23 2008-08-31
939 ISN 939 ALG Mammar Ameur 2003-03-23 2008-10-06
719 ISN 719 SUD Mustafa Ibrahim Mustafa Al Hassan 2002-08-05 2006-10-06


  1. 1 2 OARDEC (2008-10-09). "Consolidated chronological listing of GTMO detainees released, transferred or deceased" (PDF). Department of Defense. Retrieved 2008-12-28.
  2. 1 2 "Measurements of Heights and Weights of Individuals Detained by the Department of Defense at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (ordered and consolidated version)" (PDF). Center for the Study of Human Rights in the Americas, from DoD data. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2009-12-21.
  3. 1 2 GREGORY G. KATSAS (2008-10-31). "Guantanamo Bay Detainee Litigation: Doc 910 -- NOTICE OF TRANSFER OF PETITIONER AND WITHDRAWAL OF REQUEST FOR DESIGNATION OF CERTAIN INFORMATION AS PROTECTED INFORMATION" (PDF). United States Department of Justice. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2008-10-17. Retrieved 2008-11-06.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 His date of arrival in Guantanamo was not published.
  5. Carol Rosenberg (2008-11-04). "Pentagon transfers 3 from Guantánamo prison camps". Miami Herald. Archived from the original on 2008-11-05. Retrieved 2008-11-05.
  6. 1 2 Carol Rosenberg (2008-11-11). "Guantánamo down to 250 detainees; future uncertain". Miami Herald. Archived from the original on 2008-11-12. Retrieved 2008-11-12.
  7. Carol Rosenberg (2009-01-17). "Six more detainees freed from Guantánamo". Miami Herald. Archived from the original on 2009-01-18. Retrieved 2009-01-18.
  8. 1 2 3 4 Andy Worthington (2009-06-11). "Who Are the Four Guantanamo Uighurs Sent to Bermuda?". Huffington Post. Retrieved 2009-06-11.
  9. 1 2 3 4 "Four Uyghur Detainees Released". Radio Free Asia. 2009-06-11. Archived from the original on 2009-06-11. Retrieved 2009-06-11.
  10. 1 2 3 4 "Breaking News: Premier's statement on Guantanamo Bay". The Royal Gazette. 2009-06-11. Archived from the original on 2009-06-11. Retrieved 2009-06-11.
  11. 1 2 3 4 Devlin Barrett (2009-06-11). "4 Chinese Muslims released from Guantanamo". Associated Press. Archived from the original on 2009-06-11.
  12. Mohamed Jawad faced charges before a Guantanamo military commission when his habeas determined he should be released due to the evidence against him being unreliable due to his torture.
  13. His father remains in Guantanamo.
  14. Carol Rosenberg (2009-10-09). "Guantánamo detainees sent to Kuwait, Belgium". Miami Herald. Archived from the original on 2009-10-09. 'The new facility will provide detainees with access to education, medical care, group discussions and physical exercise to help them recover from their long ordeal in Guantánamo,' said a statement issued by a Kuwaiti support group that announced Mutairi's repatriation.
  15. Fouad Mahmoud al Rabiah was repatriated while he still faced charges before a Guantanamo military commission.
  16. Carol Rosenberg (2009-09-17). "Judge: Free Kuwaiti engineer at Guantánamo". Miami Herald. Archived from the original on 2009-09-19.
  17. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Six Guantanamo Uighurs arrive in Palau: US". Agence France Presse. 2009-10-31. Archived from the original on 2009-10-31.
  18. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "6 Muslim Uighur Detainees From Guantanamo Arrive In Palau". Pacific News Center. 2009-11-01. Archived from the original on 2009-10-31. Retrieved 2009-09-26.
  19. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "United States Transfers Six Uighur Detainees from Guantanamo Bay to Palau". United States Department of Justice. 2009-10-31. Archived from the original on 2009-10-31.
  20. 1 2 3 4 5 6 David Johnston (2009-10-31). "Uighurs Leave Guantánamo for Palau". New York Times. Archived from the original on 2009-10-31.
  21. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Guantanamo Uighurs sent to Palau". BBC News. 2009-10-31. Archived from the original on 2009-10-31.
  22. Adel Ben Mabrouk is a former resident of Italy who is expected to be charged and tried on terrorism related charges in Italy.
  23. 1 2 "Algerian transferred from Guantanamo to France: lawyer". Agence France-Presse. 2009-11-30. Archived from the original on 2009-12-02.
  24. 1 2 "US transfers Guantanamo inmates". Agence France-Presse. 2009-11-30. Archived from the original on 2009-12-02.
  25. 1 2 "Italy: 2 Guantánamo Detainees Arrive for Trial on Terror Charges". New York Times. 2009-11-30. Retrieved 2009-12-02.
  26. 1 2 Peter Finn, Julie Tate (2009-12-01). "4 from Guantanamo are sent to Europe". Washington Post. Archived from the original on 2009-12-02.
  27. Riyad Bil Mohammed Tahir Nasseri is a former resident of Italy who is expected to be charged and tried on terrorism related charges in Italy.
  28. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Carol Rosenberg (2009-12-19). "Guantánamo detention census drops to 198". Miami Herald. Archived from the original on 2009-12-20.
  29. 1 2 Carol Rosenberg (2010-01-22). "Pentagon frees 2 from Guantánamo to Algeria". Miami Herald. Archived from the original on 2010-01-25.
  30. 1 2 Margot Williams (2008-11-03). "Guantanamo Docket: Rafiq bin Bashir bin Jalud al Hami". New York Times. Archived from the original on 2008-12-02. Retrieved October 2010.
  31. 1 2 3 Andy Worthington (2010-02-04). "Swiss Take Two Guantánamo Uighurs, Save Obama from Having to Do the Right Thing". Archived from the original on |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help). Retrieved 2010-02-04. Not mentioned publicly was the fact that, until Jura accepted the men’s asylum claims, one of them, Arkin Mahmud, appeared to stuck at Guantánamo, his only way out being to hope that the Supreme Court, which agreed to hear the Uighurs’ case last year, would overturn last February’s appeals court ruling, and allow cleared prisoners who cannot be repatriated into the United States.
  32. 1 2 "Ex-Guantanamo detainees thank Jura". World Radio Switzerland. 2010-10-04. Archived from the original on |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help). Retrieved 2010-10-05. They say that six months after their arrival in Switzerland, they are gradually acclimating to their new lives, but that the trauma of their experiences is still present.
  33. 1 2 "Uighur brothers in jura six months later". World Radio Switzerland. 2010-10-04. Archived from the original on |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help). Retrieved 2010-10-05. Switzerland granted Arkin and Bahtiyar Mahmud asylum on humanitarian grounds. The brothers now live in canton Jura and, a short while ago, met the media for the first time.
  34. "Uighurs adjusting to new life in Switzerland". SwissInfo. 2010-10-04. Archived from the original on |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help). Retrieved 2010-10-05. The two Uighurs arrived in canton Jura on March 23 with one living in the town of Delémont and the other in Courroux. They were admitted to Switzerland on humanitarian grounds.
  35. Margot Williams (2008-11-03). "Guantanamo Docket: Saleh Bin Hadi Asasi". New York Times. Retrieved 2014-04-22.
  36. Margot Williams (2008-11-03). "Guantanamo Docket: Abdul Rauf Omar Mohammed Abu al Qusin". New York Times. Retrieved 2013-06-20.
  37. Margot Williams (2008-11-03). "Guantanamo Docket: Abdul al Ghizzawi". New York Times. Retrieved 2013-06-20.
  38. 1 2 Margot Williams (2008-11-03). "Guantanamo Docket: Abdul Haddi Bin Hadiddi". New York Times. Retrieved 2012-07-27.
  39. 1 2 3 4 Andy Worthington (2010-05-19). "Who is the Syrian Released from Guantanamo to Bulgaria?". The Public Record. Retrieved 2010-05-20.
  40. Carol Rosenberg (2010-07-13). "US sends Guantánamo captive home to Yemen". Miami Herald. Archived from the original on |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help). Retrieved 2010-09-20. The Pentagon Tuesday bowed to a federal court order and sent a captive home to Yemen -- the first transfer since the Obama administration halted detainee repatriations to the Arabian Peninsula nation over the botched Christmas Day bombing.
  41. 1 2 Hillary Stemple (2010-07-20). "US transfers 2 Guantanamo detainees to Cape Verde, Algeria". The Jurist. Archived from the original on |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help). Retrieved 2010-09-20. The US Department of Defense (DOD) [official website] announced [press release] Monday that two more detainees have been released from the Guantanamo Bay [JURIST news archive] detention facility. Abd-al-Nisr Mohammed Khantumani was released to Cape Verde, while Abdul Aziz Naji was repatriated to his native Algeria
  42. Peter Finn (2010-07-20). "Guantanamo detainee Naji sent back to Algeria against his will". Washington Post. Archived from the original on |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help). Retrieved 2010-09-20. The Obama administration has for the first time sent a detainee at Guantanamo Bay back home against his will. Aziz Abdul Naji, 35, an Algerian who had been held at Guantanamo for more than eight years, had appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court to remain at the military detention center in Cuba. He argued that he would be tortured or killed in Algeria, either by the government or by terrorist groups that might try to recruit him.
  43. 1 2 Andy Worthington (2010-07-31). "Who Are the Guantánamo Prisoners Released in Cape Verde, Latvia and Spain?". Archived from the original on |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help). Retrieved 2010-09-20. Given that, at the start of the year, just two Uzbeks remained at Guantánamo, and that one of these men, Ali Sher Hamidullah, was reportedly the Uzbek rehoused in Switzerland on January 26, it seems likely that the man given a new home in Latvia is Kamalludin Kasimbekov, who was cleared for release in 2006 by a military review board under the Bush administration, but who continued to be held because of well-founded fears that he would be tortured if returned to his homeland.
  44. 1 2 3 Carol Rosenberg (2010-09-16). "Camps census now 174: Germany takes in two Arab captives from Guantánamo". Miami Herald. Archived from the original on |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help). Retrieved 2010-09-19. The Pentagon reduced its Guantánamo prison camps census to 174 foreign captives on Thursday, announcing that it had sent two Arabs to resettlement in Germany.
  45. 1 2 3 "Two Former Inmates Arrive in Germany". Der Spiegel. 2010-09-16. Archived from the original on 2010-09-19. Retrieved 2010-09-19. A spokesman for the Hamburg government confirmed that Ahmed Mohammed al-Shurfa, a stateless man of Palestinian descent born in Saudi Arabia, had arrived in the northern German port city.
  46. 1 2 3 Ben Fox (2012-04-19). "U.S. settles two Chinese Uighurs from Guantanamo to 2002-05-03El Salvador". Globe and Mail. Retrieved 2012-04-21. Two men from western China who had been held for nearly a decade without charge at the Guantanamo Bay prison amid a diplomatic struggle to find them homes, have been resettled in El Salvador, the U.S. military said Thursday.
  47. "Guantanamo prisoner who died challenged his confinement, was rebuffed by Supreme Court". Newser. 2012-09-11. Archived from the original on 2012-09-11.
  48. "US says a prisoner has died at Guantanamo; investigation pending into cause". Washington Post. 2012-09-10. Archived from the original on 2012-09-10.
  49. 1 2 Andy Worthington (2013-06-01). "EXCLUSIVE: Two Guantánamo Prisoners Released in Mauritania". Retrieved 2013-06-01. In news that has so far only been available in Arabic, and which I was informed about by a Mauritanian friend on Facebook, I can confirm that two prisoners from Guantánamo have been released, and returned to their home country of Mauritania.
  50. 1 2 "وصول ولد صلاحي و ولد عبد العزيز لنواكشوط" [Access Ould Salahi and Abdel Aziz in Nouakchott] (in Arabic). 2013-05-31. Retrieved 2013-06-01.
  51. 1 2 "عاجل: وصول ولد الصلاحي وولد عبد العزيز من غوانتنامو إلى نواكشوط" [URGENT: Born Salahi access and Ould Abdel Aziz, from Guantánamo to Nouakchott] (in Arabic). 2013-05-31. Retrieved 2013-06-01.
  52. 1 2 "Guantanamo'daki 2 Moritanyalı Serbest Bırakıldı: Guantanamo'da 10 yıldır tutuklu bulunan 2 Moritanya vatandaşı, ülkelerine gönderildi" [2 Mauritanian citizen detained in Guantanamo for 10 years, was sent to the countries.] (in Turkish). Sondakika. 2013-06-01. Archived from the original on 2013-06-01. Retrieved 2013-06-01. Baza americana din Guantanamo Bay de peste 10 ani de închisoare și a fost eliberat două țări au fost livrate la cetățenii din Mauritania spus. Conform informațiilor de la rudele de două Moritanyalının lansat, forțele de securitate americane, Makhdoom Ould Ahmed Ould Salahi și Abdulaziz'i, autoritățile Novakșot din Mauritania predat la aeroport. Familiile au spus că se întâlnesc la petreceri.
  53. Margot Williams (2008-11-03). "Guantanamo Docket:". New York Times. Retrieved October 2010.
  54. Margot Williams (2008-11-03). "Guantanamo Docket: Mutij Sadiz Ahmad Sayab". New York Times. Retrieved October 2010.
  55. Margot Williams (2008-11-03). "Guantanamo Docket: Djamel Saiid Ali Ameziane". New York Times. Retrieved October 2010.
  56. Margot Williams (2008-11-03). "Guantanamo Docket: Bensayah Belkacem". New York Times. Retrieved October 2010.
  57. Margot Williams (2008-11-03). "Guantanamo Docket: Said Muhammad Husyan Qahtani". New York Times. Retrieved October 2010.
  58. Margot Williams (2008-11-03). "Guantanamo Docket: Hamoud Abdullah Hamoud Hassan Al Wady". New York Times. Retrieved October 2010.
  59. 1 2 Hana Abdul Hai (2013-12-15). "Last Two Detained Sudanese in Guantanamo to Arrive in Khartoum Wednesday". Sudan Vision Daily. Archived from the original on 2013-12-16. Retrieved 2013-12-16. Foreign Minister Spokesperson, Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq said in press statements that the Sudanese detainees Mohammed Nour Osman and Ibrahim Osman Ibrahim who are the last Sudanese prisoners in Guantanamo Bay will be transported to Khartoum by an American Military Aircraft.
  60. 1 2 3 Margot Williams. "Guantanamo timeline 2013". New York Times. Retrieved 2016-01-14.
  61. 1 2 3
  62. Carol Rosenberg (2014-03-14). "U.S. repatriates once-resistant Guantánamo detainee to Algeria". Miami Herald. Archived from the original on 2014-03-14. Retrieved 2014-03-17. The U.S. sent home to Algeria on Thursday a long-held Guantánamo captive who was cleared for return years ago but for a time sought resettlement elsewhere rather than repatriation to his civil-war stricken homeland.
  63. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Margot Williams. "Guantanamo timeline 2014". New York Times. Retrieved 2014-12-08.
  64. 1 2 3 4 5 Carol Williams (2014-11-20). "5 Guantanamo detainees sent to Europe; largest release in years". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 5 December 2014.
  65. "Detainee Transfer Announced". Department of Defense. 2014-11-22. Archived from the original on 2014-11-23. The Department of Defense announced today the transfer of Muhammed Murdi Issa Al-Zahrani from the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay to the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  66. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Andy Worthington (2014-12-08). "Who Are the Six Men Freed from Guantánamo and Given New Homes in Uruguay?". Retrieved 2014-12-08. Back in March, President José Mujica of Uruguay — a former political prisoner — announced that he had been approached by the Obama administration regarding the resettlement of Guantánamo prisoners and had offered new homes to a number of men, cleared for release from the prison in 2009 by President Obama’s high-level Guantánamo Review Task Force, who could not be safely repatriated.
  67. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Detainee Transfer Announced". United States Department of Defense. 2014-12-07. Archived from the original on 2014-12-07. Retrieved 2014-12-09. The Department of Defense announced today the transfer of Ahmed Adnan Ahjam, Ali Hussain Shaabaan, Omar Mahmoud Faraj, Abdul Bin Mohammed Abis Ourgy, Mohammed Tahanmatan, and Jihad Diyab from the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay to the Government of Uruguay.
  68. 1 2 3 4 Helene Cooper (2014-12-20). "Four Afghans Released From Guantánamo Bay". New York Times. p. A27. Retrieved 2014-12-22. The four men are not likely to be subjected to further detainment in Afghanistan, an Obama administration official said. The transfer brings the number of Afghans still held at the American military prison in Cuba to eight of the 132 detainees over all.
  69. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Andy Worthington (2015-01-05). "Who Are the Five Guantánamo Prisoners Given New Homes in Kazakhstan?". Retrieved 2015-01-05. As the New York Times described it, "Officials declined to disclose the security assurances reached between the United States and Kazakhstan," but a senior Obama administration official stated that the five "are ‘free men’ for all intents and purposes after the transfer."
  70. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Five Guantanamo Yemeni inmates sent to Oman and Estonia". BBC News. 2015-01-14. Archived from the original on 2015-01-15. The five men - in their 30s and 40s - were cleared for release since at least 2009, but US officials ruled out their return to Yemen, where the government is battling al-Qaeda rebels.
  71. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Margot Williams. "Guantanamo timeline 2015". New York Times. Archived from the original on 2015-01-15.
  72. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "IMMEDIATE RELEASE, Release No: NR-235-15, June 13, 2015, Detainee Transfer Announced". United States Department of Defense. 2015-06-13. Archived from the original on 2015-06-13. The United States is grateful to the Government of Oman for its humanitarian gesture and willingness to support ongoing U.S. efforts to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility. The United States coordinated with the Government of Oman to ensure these transfers took place consistent with appropriate security and humane treatment measures.
  73. Charlie Savage (2015-10-30). "Shaker Aamer Is Released From Guantánamo Prison After 13 Years". New York Times. Retrieved 2015-10-30.
  74. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Carol Rosenberg (2015-11-16). "U.S. sends 5 Guantánamo detainees to the United Arab Emirates". Miami Herald. Archived from the original on 2015-11-16. With Congress pushing stricter restrictions on prisoner transfers, the Pentagon this weekend released five Yemenis from the prison camps at Guantánamo to resettle in the United Arab Emirates, an Arabian Gulf [sic] nation. None of the captives had ever been charged with a crime.
  75. 1 2 3 Spencer Ackerman (2016-01-07). "US releases two Guantánamo detainees nearly six years after transfer approval". The Guardian (UK). Retrieved 2016-01. Check date values in: |access-date= (help)
  76. Margot Williams. "Guantanamo timeline 2016". New York Times.
  77. Carol Rosenberg (2016-01-11). "Saudi who protested Guantánamo groin searches goes home". Miami Herald. Archived from the original on 2016-01-12. Mohammed Shimrani, 40, became the fourth captive transferred in six days as the Pentagon edges towards releasing 17 prisoners this month. Two were sent to resettlement in Ghana and a third was repatriated to Kuwait.
  78. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Charlie Savage (2016-01-14). "Guantánamo Population Drops to 93 after 10 Prisoners Go to Oman". New York Times. Retrieved 2016-01-14. Oman, which shares a border with Yemen, also took in 10 lower-level detainees in 2015. Its acceptance of 20 men over the past 13 months has significantly aided the Obama administration’s goal of repatriating or resettling all the men who have been recommended for transfer, most of whom have been languishing with that status since at least 2009 when a six-agency task force unanimously approved letting them go.
  79. 1 2
  80. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "US sends nine Yemeni Guantanamo inmates to Saudi Arabia". Al Jazeera. 2016-04-16. Retrieved 2016-04-17. The United States has transferred nine Yemeni men to Saudi Arabia from the US military prison at Guantanamo, including an inmate who had been on a hunger strike since 2007, US officials said.
  81. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Steve Almasy, Tom Kludt (2016-04-16). "Nine Guantanamo detainees transferred to Saudi Arabia". CNN. Retrieved 2016-04-17. It also comes ahead of Obama's planned trip to Saudi Arabia next week.
  82. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "US transfers nine Yemeni inmates from Guantanamo to Saudi Arabia as closure programme accelerated". The Telegraph. 2016-04-16. Retrieved 2016-04-17. Saturday's release marks the largest transfer since 10 Yemenis were sent to Oman in January. It is the first time Saudi Arabia has taken any former Guantanamo inmates.
  83. While other sites state he was sent to Saudi Arabia, the New York Times reports his host country is unknown.
  84. 1 2 Margot Williams (2008-11-03). "Guantanamo Docket: Tarek Ali Abdullah Ahmed Baada". New York Times. Retrieved 2016-04-17. He was transferred to an undetermined country on April 16, 2016.
  85. 1 2 "Guantanamo four arrive in Europe". BBC News. 2010-02-24. Retrieved 2010-02-24. A Tunisian, Egyptian and Libyan were sent to Albania, while a Palestinian was sent to Spain. The Palestinian is the first of five inmates that Spain has agreed to take. Albania has taken eight detainees.
  86. Bob l (2009-12-17). "Government Announces New Transfers Of Guantanamo Detainees". Personal Liberty Digest. Archived from the original on 2009-12-24. The second prisoner, whose name has not been revealed and who is originally from the West Bank, was transferred to the government of Hungary on that same day.
  87. 1 2 Carol Rosenberg (2010-01-26). "4 more Guantánamo detainees sent to Europe, 3 to Slovakia". Miami Herald. Retrieved 2010-01-26.
  88. "First Guantánamo inmate arrives in Switzerland". SwissInfo. 2010-01-26. Retrieved 2010-01-26.
  89. "Slovakia to take in three more Guantanamo detainees". Reuters. 2013-12-31. Retrieved 2014-02-24.
  90. "Latvia to accept 1 Guantanamo inmate". Washington Post. 2010-02-02. Archived from the original on 2010-02-02.
  91. Lou Dubose (July 7, 2007). "Disappeared: Five Years in Guantanamo". The Washington Spectator. Retrieved 2007-07-11. During the seventeen-hour ride, the prisoner was provided with neither food nor water. Nor was he allowed to stretch his legs or relieve himself. mirror
  92. Charlie Savage (2016-04-04). "2 Libyan Guantánamo Inmates Are Transferred to Senegal". New York Times. Archived from the original on 2016-04-04. Retrieved 2016-04-04. The United States military has transferred two Libyan detainees to Senegal from its wartime prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, government officials said on Monday, the first time Senegal has resettled a Guantánamo prisoner.
  93. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Inprocess date missing
  94. Following his repatriation Al Ajmi became a suicide bomber in April 2008.
  95. No inprocess date was recorded, but his weight was recorded in 2004.
  96. 1 2 3 Transferred to Albanian custody, in an Albanian refugee camp.

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