Media controls

Not to be confused with Media influence.
"Start symbol" redirects here. For the nonterminal symbol of a formal grammar all its derivations start from, see Start symbol (formal languages).

In digital electronics, analogue electronics and entertainment, the user interface of media may include media controls or player controls, to enact and change or adjust the process of watching film or listening to audio. These widely known symbols can be found in a multitude of software products, exemplifying what is known as dominant design.


A multimedia keyboard with play, pause, stop, skip next and skip back buttons

These are common icons on physical devices and application software. They are commonly found on portable media players, VCRs, DVD players, record players, remote controls, tape players and multimedia keyboards. Their application is described in ISO/IEC 18035.

Symbol Unicode Name / function ISO 7000 / IEC 60417
A light grey circle containing a grey isosceles triangle pointing right ▶️ Play #5107B Normal run; Normal speed “To identify the switch or switch position by means of which a normal run (e.g. of tape) is started in the indicated direction.”
A light grey circle containing two congruent grey rectangles side-by-side with a space between them ⏸ Pause #5111B Pause; Interruption “To identify the control or the indicator which stops operation intermittently and keeps the equipment in operating mode”
⏯ Play/Pause toggle —
◀️ Reverse —
A light grey circle containing a grey square ⏹ Stop #5110B Stop “To identify the control or the indicator to stop the active function.”
A light grey circle containing two congruent grey triangles pointing to the left ⏪ Rewind —
A light grey circle containing two congruent grey triangles pointing to the right ⏩ Fast forward #5108B Fast run; fast speed “To identify the switch or switch position by which a faster than normal run (e.g. of tape) is started in the indicated direction.”
A light grey circle containing a grey rectangle to the left of a left-pointing grey triangle ⏮ Skip to the start or previous file/track/chapter (#5862 Previous; to play previous part) “To identify the control or the indicator to skip back to the top of the previous section, play the section and then stop.”
A light grey circle containing a grey rectangle to the right of a right-pointing grey triangle ⏭ Skip to the end or next file/track/chapter #5861 Next; to play next part, #1116 Movement with normal speed in direction of arrow to a fixed position “To identify the control or the indicator to play the next part and then stop.”
A light grey circle containing a smaller red circle ⏺ Record #5547 Recording, general “To identify a control to preset or start a recording mode.”
A light grey circle containing a grey rectangle beneath a grey triangle pointing upward ⏏ Eject #5459 Eject “To identify the control for the eject function.”
Two arrows crossing each other 🔀 Shuffle —
Two arrows creating a "loop", each pointing to the other's end 🔁 Repeat (indefinitely) #0026 Automatic cycle; semi-automatic cycle, #5557 Auto reverse continuously “To indicate an automatic sequence of machine functions repeated continuously without manual intervention.” “To identify a feature or a selector control that reverses automatically the tape running direction every time the tape comes to either of its limits.”
🔂 Repeat once —
ℹ️ Info #6222 Information, general; help, general “To identify the control to examine the status of the equipment”
🔄 Reload, Refresh —
Replay, Play again, Play from start #5125A Recapitulate “To identify the control or the indicator which permits rapid access within a recorded programme to repeat the section which has just been played.”

See also

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Sunday, February 07, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.