An sluagh sidhe so i nEamhuin?

An sluagh sidhe so i nEamhuin? (also known as Is this a fairy host in Eamhain Mhacha?) is an Irish poem dated to the late 16th-century. [1]

An sluagh sidhe so i nEamhuin? is

"an ode to Turlough Luineach O'Neill which gives a great deal of information on the preparations for battle, despite almost nothing been said about the actual fight .. [It has] "the patron play[ing] the central role in a set piece on 'Arming the Hero' which has parallels in all European literatures, and in Irish prose romances. This motif is a very old and well-established on - it is found repeatedly in Virgil's Aeneid. .... Many pieces in Turlough Luineach's accoutrement are ... described ... his spurs, his padded jack, his 'feilm' or helmet."

See also


  1. ↑ Katherine Simms (1990) "Images of Warfare in Bardic Poetry", Celtica 21.
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