
A potter at work in Bangalore, India
Unfired "green ware" pottery on a traditional drying rack at Conner Prairie living history museum
Pottery workshop reconstruction in the Museum of traditional crafts and applied arts, Troyan, Bulgaria

Pottery is the ceramic material which makes up potterywares,[1] of which major types include earthenware, stoneware and porcelain. The place where such wares are made is also called a pottery (plural "potteries"). Pottery also refers to the art or craft of a potter or the manufacture of pottery.[2][3] A dictionary definition is simply objects of fired clays.[4] The definition of pottery used by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) is "all fired ceramic wares that contain clay when formed, except technical, structural, and refractory products."[5]

Pottery originated before the Neolithic period, with ceramic objects like the Gravettian culture Venus of Dolní Věstonice figurine discovered in the Czech Republic date back to 29,000–25,000 BC,[6] and pottery vessels that were discovered in Jiangxi, China, which date back to 18,000 BC. Early Neolithic pottery have been found in places such as Jomon Japan (10,500 BC),[7] the Russian Far East (14,000 BC),[8] Sub-Saharan Africa and South America.

Pottery is made by forming a clay body into objects of a required shape and heating them to high temperatures in a kiln which removes all the water from the clay, which induces reactions that lead to permanent changes including increasing their strength and hardening and setting their shape. A clay body can be decorated before or after firing. Prior to some shaping processes, clay must be prepared. Kneading helps to ensure an even moisture content throughout the body. Air trapped within the clay body needs to be removed. This is called de-airing and can be accomplished by a machine called a vacuum pug or manually by wedging. Wedging can also help produce an even moisture content. Once a clay body has been kneaded and de-aired or wedged, it is shaped by a variety of techniques. After shaping it is dried and then fired.

Production stages

A potter at work in Jaura, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Clay ware takes on varying physical characteristics during the making of pottery.

Clays bodies and mineral contents

There are several materials that are referred to as clay. The properties of the clays differ, including: Plasticity, the malleability of the body; the extent to which they will absorb water after firing; and shrinkage, the extent of reduction in size of a body as water is removed. Different clay bodies also differ in the way in which they respond when fired in the kiln. A clay body can be decorated before or after firing. Prior to some shaping processes, clay must be prepared. Each of these different clays are composed of different types and amounts of minerals that determine the characteristics of resulting pottery. There can be regional variations in the properties of raw materials used for the production of pottery, and this can lead to wares that are unique in character to a locality. It is common for clays and other materials to be mixed to produce clay bodies suited to specific purposes. A common component of clay bodies is the mineral kaolinite. Other mineral compounds in the clay may act as fluxes which lower the vitrification temperature of bodies. Following is a list of different types of clay used for pottery.[11]

Preparation of Clay for Pottery in India

Methods of shaping

A man shapes pottery as it turns on a wheel. (Cappadocia, Turkey)

Pottery can be shaped by a range of methods that include:

A potter shapes a piece of pottery on an electric-powered potter's wheel
Classic potter's kick wheel in Erfurt, Germany
During the process of throwing, the wheel rotates while the solid ball of soft clay is pressed, squeezed and pulled gently upwards and outwards into a hollow shape. The first step of pressing the rough ball of clay downward and inward into perfect rotational symmetry is called centring the clay—a most important skill to master before the next steps: opening (making a centred hollow into the solid ball of clay), flooring (making the flat or rounded bottom inside the pot), throwing or pulling (drawing up and shaping the walls to an even thickness), and trimming or turning (removing excess clay to refine the shape or to create a foot).
Considerable skill and experience are required to throw pots of an acceptable standard and, while the ware may have high artistic merit, the reproducibility of the method is poor.[14] Because of its inherent limitations, throwing can only be used to create wares with radial symmetry on a vertical axis. These can then be altered by impressing, bulging, carving, fluting, and incising. In addition to the potter's hands these techniques can use tools, including paddles, anvils & ribs, and those specifically for cutting or piercing such as knives, fluting tools and wires. Thrown pieces can be further modified by the attachment of handles, lids, feet and spouts.
Shaping on a potter's kick wheel; Gülşehir, Turkey

Decorating and glazing

Contemporary pottery from the State of Hidalgo, Mexico
Italian red earthenware vase covered with a mottled pale blue glaze

Pottery may be decorated in many different ways. Some decoration can be done before or after the firing.


An ancient Armenian urn
  1. Best gold – a suspension of gold powder in essential oils mixed with a flux and a mercury salt extended. This can be applied by a painting technique. From the kiln, the decoration is dull and requires burnishing to reveal the full colour
  2. Acid Gold – a form of gold decoration developed in the early 1860s at the English factory of Mintons Ltd, Stoke-on-Trent. The glazed surface is etched with diluted hydrofluoric acid prior to application of the gold. The process demands great skill and is used for the decoration only of ware of the highest class.
  3. Bright Gold – consists of a solution of gold sulphoresinate together with other metal resonates and a flux. The name derives from the appearance of the decoration immediately after removal from the kiln as it requires no burnishing
  4. Mussel Gold – an old method of gold decoration. It was made by rubbing together gold leaf, sugar and salt, followed by washing to remove solubles


Main article: Ceramic glaze
Two panels of earthenware tiles painted with polychrome glazes over a white glaze. Iran. First half of the 19th century.

Glaze is a glassy coating on pottery, the primary purposes of which are decoration and protection. One important use of glaze is to render porous pottery vessels impermeable to water and other liquids. Glaze may be applied by dusting the unfired composition over the ware or by spraying, dipping, trailing or brushing on a thin slurry composed of the unfired glaze and water. The colour of a glaze after it has been fired may be significantly different from before firing. To prevent glazed wares sticking to kiln furniture during firing, either a small part of the object being fired (for example, the foot) is left unglazed or, alternatively, special refractory "spurs" are used as supports. These are removed and discarded after the firing.

Some specialised glazing techniques include:


Pottery firing mound in Kalabougou, Mali
A kiln at a pottery in Bardon Mill, UK

Firing produces irreversible changes in the body. It is only after firing that the article or material is pottery. In lower-fired pottery, the changes include sintering, the fusing together of coarser particles in the body at their points of contact with each other. In the case of porcelain, where different materials and higher firing-temperatures are used, the physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of the constituents in the body are greatly altered. In all cases, the object of firing is to permanently harden the wares and the firing regime must be appropriate to the materials used to make them. As a rough guide, earthenwares are normally fired at temperatures in the range of about 1,000°C (1,830 °F) to 1,200 Â°C (2,190 Â°F); stonewares at between about 1,100 Â°C (2,010 Â°F) to 1,300 Â°C (2,370 Â°F); and porcelains at between about 1,200 Â°C (2,190 Â°F) to 1,400 Â°C (2,550 Â°F).

Firing pottery can be done using a variety of methods, with a kiln being the usual firing method. Both the maximum temperature and the duration of firing influences the final characteristics of the ceramic. Thus, the maximum temperature within a kiln is often held constant for a period of time to soak the wares to produce the maturity required in the body of the wares.

The atmosphere within a kiln during firing can affect the appearance of the finished wares. An oxidising atmosphere, produced by allowing air to enter the kiln, can cause the oxidation of clays and glazes. A reducing atmosphere, produced by limiting the flow of air into the kiln, can strip oxygen from the surface of clays and glazes. This can affect the appearance of the wares being fired and, for example, some glazes containing iron fire brown in an oxidising atmosphere, but green in a reducing atmosphere. The atmosphere within a kiln can be adjusted to produce complex effects in glaze.

Kilns may be heated by burning wood, coal and gas or by electricity. When used as fuels, coal and wood can introduce smoke, soot and ash into the kiln which can affect the appearance of unprotected wares. For this reason, wares fired in wood- or coal-fired kilns are often placed in the kiln in saggars, lidded ceramic boxes, to protect them. Modern kilns powered by gas or electricity are cleaner and more easily controlled than older wood- or coal-fired kilns and often allow shorter firing times to be used. In a Western adaptation of traditional Japanese Raku ware firing, wares are removed from the kiln while hot and smothered in ashes, paper or woodchips which produces a distinctive carbonised appearance. This technique is also used in Malaysia in creating traditional labu sayung.[28][29]

In Mali, a firing mound is used rather than a brick or stone kiln. Unfired pots are first brought to the place where a mound will be built, customarily by the women and girls of the village. The mound's foundation is made by placing sticks on the ground, then:

[...]pots are positioned on and amid the branches and then grass is piled high to complete the mound. Although the mound contains the pots of many women, who are related through their husbands' extended families, each women is responsible for her own or her immediate family's pots within the mound.

When a mound is completed and the ground around has been swept clean of residual combustible material, a senior potter lights the fire. A handful of grass is lit and the woman runs around the circumference of the mound touching the burning torch to the dried grass. Some mounds are still being constructed as others are already burning.[30]


Earliest known ceramics are the Gravettian figurines that date to 29,000 to 25,000 BC

A great part of the history of pottery is prehistoric, part of past pre-literate cultures. Therefore, much of this history can only be found among the artifacts of archaeology. Because pottery is so durable, pottery and sherds of pottery survive from millennia at archaeological sites.

Before pottery becomes part of a culture, several conditions must generally be met.

An Incipient Jōmon pottery vessel reconstructed from fragments (10,000-8,000 BC), Tokyo National Museum, Japan

Early pottery

History of pottery types


Main article: Earthenware

The earliest forms of pottery were made from clays that were fired at low temperatures in pit-fires or in open bonfires. They were hand formed and undecorated. Because the biscuit form of earthenware is porous, it has limited utility for storage of liquids. However, earthenware has a continuous history from the Neolithic period to today. It can be made from a wide variety of clays. The development of ceramic glaze which makes it impermeable makes it a popular and practical form of pottery making. The addition of decoration has evolved throughout its history.


Main article: Stoneware

Glazed Stoneware was being created as early as the 15th century BC in China. This achievement coincided with kilns that could be fired at higher temperatures.[37]


Main article: Porcelain

Porcelain was first made in China during the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-906). Porcelain was also made in Korea and Japan around the 16th and 17th century AD after suitable kaolin was located in those countries. It was not created outside of the area until the 18th century.[38]

History by region

A sherd or fragment of a vessel, from 20,000 BP. Found in Xianrendong cave in Jiangxi, China.

The earliest-known ceramic objects are Gravettian figurines such as those discovered at Dolní Věstonice in the modern-day Czech Republic. The Venus of Dolní Věstonice (Věstonická Venuše in Czech) is a Venus figurine, a statuette of a nude female figure dated to 29,000–25,000 BC (Gravettian industry).[6] The earliest pottery vessels date back to 20,000 BP and were discovered in Xianrendong cave in Jiangxi, China.[39][40] The pottery may have been used as cookware.[39] Other early pottery vessels include those excavated from the Yuchanyan Cave in southern China, dated from 16,000 BC,[41] and those found in the Amur River basin in the Russian Far East, dated from 14,000 BC.[8][42]

Other early pottery vessels include those made by the Incipient Jōmon people of Japan from around 10,500 BC have also been found.[7][43] The term "Jōmon" means "cord-marked" in Japanese. This refers to the markings made on the vessels and figures using sticks with cords during their production. Recent discovery places the Incipient Jōmon period start to 15,000 to 11,800 cal bp. Nature: Earliest evidence for the use of pottery[44]

It appears that pottery was independently developed in Sub-Saharan Africa during the 11,000-10,000 BC[45] and in South America during the 10,000s BC.[46]

Far East Asia

Sherds have been found in China and Japan from a period between 12,000 and perhaps as long as 18,000 years ago.[8][41] As of 2012, the earliest pottery found anywhere in the world,[47] dating to 20,000 to 19,000 years before the present, was found at Xianrendong Cave in the Jiangxi province of China.[39][48] In Japan, the Jōmon period has a long history of development of Jōmon Pottery which was characterized by impressions of rope on the surface of the pottery created by pressing rope into the clay before firing. Glazed Stoneware was being created as early as the 15th century BC in China. Porcelain became a renowned Chinese export during the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-906) and subsequent dynasties.[49] Korean potters produced porcelain as early as the 14th century AD.[50] Koreans brought the art of porcelain to Japan in the 17th century AD.[51]

The secret of making such porcelain was sought in the Islamic world and later in Europe when examples were imported from the East. Many attempts were made to imitate it in Italy and France. However it was not produced outside of the Orient until 1709 in Germany.[52]

South Asia

A potter and his apprentice

Pottery was in use in ancient India, including areas now forming Pakistan and northwest India, during the Mehrgarh Period II (5,500-4,800 BC) and Merhgarh Period III (4,800-3,500 BC), known as the ceramic Neolithic and chalcolithic. Pottery, including items known as the ed-Dur vessels, originated in regions of the Saraswati River / Indus River and have been found in a number of sites in the Indus Civilization.[53][54]

Fragments of concave ceramic vessels dating from around 20,000 years ago were discovered in China by a study group consisting of Ofer Bar-Yosef, in 2012, and were probably used for cooking food.[39][55]

Near East

Persian pottery from the city of Isfahan, Iran, 17th century.

The earliest history of pottery production in the Near East can be divided into four periods, namely: the Hassuna period (7000–6500 BC), the Halaf period (6500–5500 BC), the Ubaid period (5500–4000 BC), and the Uruk period (4000–3100 BC).

Pottery making began in the Fertile Crescent from the 7th millennium BC. The earliest forms, which were found at the Hassuna site, were hand formed from slabs, undecorated, unglazed low-fired pots made from reddish-brown clays.[36] Within the next millennium, wares were decorated with elaborate painted designs and natural forms, incising and burnished.

The invention of the potter's wheel in Mesopotamia sometime between 6000 and 4000 BC (Ubaid period) revolutionized pottery production. Newer kiln designs could fire wares to 1,050 Â°C (1,920 Â°F) to 1,200 Â°C (2,190 Â°F) which enabled new possibilities and new preparation of clays. Production was now carried out by small groups of potters for small cities, rather than individuals making wares for a family. The shapes and range of uses for ceramics and pottery expanded beyond simple vessels to store and carry to specialized cooking utensils, pot stands and rat traps.[56] As the region developed, new organizations and political forms, pottery became more elaborate and varied. Some wares were made using moulds, allowing for increased production for the needs of the growing populations. Glazing was commonly used and pottery was more decorated.[57]

Aegean region

Greek red-figure vase in the krater shape, between 470 and 460 BC, by the Altamura Painter

Civilization developed concurrently with the Fertile Crescent in the ancient Mediterranean islands around Greece from about 3200 to 1000 BC and carried to Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome that is considered the Classical era in the Western world. The arts of these cultures eventually became a hallmark for Europe and the New World.

The Minoan pottery was characterized by elaborate painted decoration with natural themes.[58]

The classical Greek culture began to emerge around 1000 BC featuring a variety of well crafted pottery which now included the human form as a decorating motif. The pottery wheel was now in regular use. Although glazing was known to these potters, it was not widely used. Instead, a more porous clay slip was used for decoration. A wide range of shapes for different uses developed early and remained essentially unchanged during the Greek history.[59]

In the Mediterranean, during the Greek Dark Ages (1100–800 BC), amphoras and other pottery were decorated with geometric designs such as squares, circles and lines. In the Chalcolithic period in Mesopotamia, Halafian pottery achieved a level of technical competence and sophistication, not seen until the later developments of Greek pottery with Corinthian and Attic ware.

The Etruscan pottery carried on the Greek pottery with its own variations.

The Ancient Roman pottery started by copying Greek and Etruscan styles but soon developed a style of its own.[34]

The distinctive Red Samian ware of the Early Roman Empire was copied by regional potters throughout the Empire.

Islamic pottery

Tajine potter, making tajines
Spherical Hanging Ornament, 1575-1585, Ottoman Period. Brooklyn Museum.
Main article: Islamic pottery

Early Islamic pottery followed the forms of the regions which the Muslims conquered. Eventually, however, there was cross-fertilization between the regions. This was most notable in the Chinese influences on Islamic pottery. Trade between China and Islam took place via the system of trading posts over the lengthy Silk Road. Islamic nations imported stoneware and later porcelain from China. China imported the minerals for Cobalt blue from the Islamic ruled Persia to decorate their blue and white porcelain, which they then exported to the Islamic world.

Likewise, Islamic art contributed to a lasting pottery form identified as Hispano-Moresque in Andalucia (Islamic Spain). Unique Islamic forms were also developed, including fritware, lusterware and specialized glazes like tin-glazing, which led to the development of the popular maiolica.[60]

One major emphasis in ceramic development in the Muslim world was the use of tile and decorative tilework.


A potter at work, 1605

The early inhabitants of Europe developed pottery at about the same time as in the Near East, circa 5500–4500 BC. These cultures and their pottery were eventually shaped by new cultural influences and technology with the invasions of Ancient Rome and later by Islam. The Renaissance art of Europe was a melding of the art of Classical era and Islamic art.

Pottery in Székely Land, in Romania


Most evidence points to an independent development of pottery in the Native American cultures, starting with their Archaic Era (3500–2000 BC), and into their Formative period (2000 BC – AD 200). These cultures did not develop the stoneware, porcelain or glazes found in the Old World.


In 2007, Swiss archaeologists discovered pieces of the oldest pottery in Africa in Central Mali, dating back to at least 9,500 BC.[45] The relationship of the introduction of pot-making in many parts of Sub-Saharan Africa with the spread of Bantu languages has been long recognized, although the details remain controversial and awaiting further research, and no consensus has been reached.[61]

Northern Africa includes Egypt, which had several distinct phases of development in pottery. During the early Mediterranean civilizations of the fertile crescent, Egypt developed a unique non-clay-based ceramic which has come to be called Egyptian faience.[note 1]

The other major phase came during the Umayyad Caliphate of Islam, Egypt was a link between early center of Islam in the Near East and Iberia which led to the impressive style of pottery.

It is, however, still valuable to look into pottery as an archaeological record of potential interaction between peoples, especially in areas where little or no written history exists. Because Africa is primarily heavy in oral traditions, and thus lacks a large body of written historical sources, pottery has a valuable archaeological role. When pottery is placed within the context of linguistic and migratory patterns, it becomes an even more prevalent category of social artifact.[61] As proposed by Olivier P. Gosselain, it is possible to understand ranges of cross-cultural interaction by looking closely at the chaîne opératoire of ceramic production.[62] The methodologies used to produce pottery in early Sub-Saharan Africa are divisible into three categories: techniques visible to the eye (decoration, firing and post-firing techniques), techniques related to the materials (selection or processing of clay, etc.), and techniques of molding or fashioning the clay.[62] We can use these three categories to consider the implications of the reoccurrence of a particular sort of pottery in different areas. Generally, the techniques that are easily visible (the first category of those mentioned above) are thus readily imitated, and may indicate a more distant connection between groups, such as trade in the same market or even relatively close proximity in settlements.[62] Techniques that require more studied replication (i.e., the selection of clay and the fashioning of clay) may indicate a closer connection between peoples, as these methods are usually only transmissible between potters and those otherwise directly involved in production.[62] Such a relationship requires the ability of the involved parties to communicate effectively, implying pre-existing norms of contact or a shared language between the two. Thus, the patterns of technical diffusion in pot-making that are visible via archaeological findings also reveal patterns in societal interaction.


Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia

Pottery has been found in archaeological sites across the islands of Oceania. It is attributed to an ancient archaeological culture called the Lapita. A form of pottery called Plainware is found throughout sites of Oceania. The relationship between Lapita pottery and Plainware is not altogether clear.

The Indigenous Australians never developed pottery.[63] After Europeans came to Australia and settled, they found deposits of clay which were analysed by English potters as excellent for making pottery. Less than 20 years later, Europeans came to Australia and began creating pottery. Since then, ceramic manufacturing, mass-produced pottery and studio pottery have flourished in Australia.[64]


Pottery found at Çatal Höyük - sixth millennium BC

For archaeologists, anthropologists and historians the study of pottery can help to provide an insight into past cultures. Pottery is durable, and fragments, at least, often survive long after artefacts made from less-durable materials have decayed past recognition. Combined with other evidence, the study of pottery artefacts is helpful in the development of theories on the organisation, economic condition and the cultural development of the societies that produced or acquired pottery. The study of pottery may also allow inferences to be drawn about a culture's daily life, religion, social relationships, attitudes towards neighbours, attitudes to their own world and even the way the culture understood the universe.

Chronologies based on pottery are often essential for dating non-literate cultures and are often of help in the dating of historic cultures as well. Trace-element analysis, mostly by neutron activation, allows the sources of clay to be accurately identified and the thermoluminescence test can be used to provide an estimate of the date of last firing. Examining fired pottery shards from prehistory, scientists learned that during high-temperature firing, iron materials in clay record the exact state of Earth's magnetic field at that exact moment.

Environmental issues in production

Although many of the environmental effects of pottery production have existed for millennia, some of these have been amplified with modern technology and scales of production. The principal factors for consideration fall into two categories: (a) effects on workers, and (b) effects on the general environment. Within the effects on workers, chief impacts are indoor air quality, sound levels and possible over-illumination. Regarding the general environment, factors of interest are fuel consumption, off-site water pollution, air pollution and disposal of hazardous materials.

Historically, "plumbism" (lead poisoning) was a significant health concern to those glazing pottery. This was recognised at least as early as the nineteenth century, and the first legislation in the United Kingdom to limit pottery workers' exposure was introduced in 1899.[65] While the risk to those working in ceramics is now much reduced, it can still not be ignored. With respect to indoor air quality, workers can be exposed to fine particulate matter, carbon monoxide and certain heavy metals. The greatest health risk is the potential to develop silicosis from the long-term exposure to crystalline silica. Proper ventilation can reduce the risks, and the first legislation in the United Kingdom to govern ventilation was introduced in 1899.[65] Another, more recent, study at Laney College, Oakland, California suggests that all these factors can be controlled in a well-designed workshop environment.[66]

Other usages

The English city of Stoke-on-Trent is widely known as The Potteries because of the large number of pottery factories or, colloquially, Pot Banks. It was one of the first industrial cities of the modern era where, as early as 1785, two hundred pottery manufacturers employed 20,000 workers.[67] For the same reason, the largest football club in the city is known as The Potters.[68]

See also


  1. ↑ The non-clay ceramic called Egyptian faience should not be confused with faience, which is a type of glaze.


  1. ↑ 'Pottery Science: materials, process and products.' Allen Dinsdale. Ellis Horwood Limited, 1986.
  2. ↑ "Merriam-Webster.com". Merriam-Webster.com. 2010-08-13. Retrieved 2010-09-04.
  3. ↑ 'An Introduction To The Technology Of Pottery. 2nd edition. Paul Rado. Institute Of Ceramics & Pergamon Press, 1988
  4. ↑ Pottery, meaning 3, mass noun, Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford University Press, 2015
  5. ↑ 'Standard Terminology Of Ceramic Whitewares And Related Products.' ASTM C 242–01 (2007.) ASTM International.
  6. 1 2 "No. 359: The Dolni Vestonice Ceramics". Uh.edu. 1989-11-24. Retrieved 2010-09-04.
  7. 1 2 Diamond, Jared (June 1998). "Japanese Roots". Discover (Discover Media LLC). Retrieved 2010-07-10.
  8. 1 2 3 'AMS 14C Age Of The Earliest Pottery From The Russian Far East; 1996-2002.' Derevianko A.P., Kuzmin Y.V., Burr G.S., Jull A.J.T., Kim J.C. Nuclear Instruments And Methods In Physics Research. B223-224 (2004) 735-739.
  9. ↑ "The Fast Firing Of Biscuit Earthenware Hollow-Ware In a Single-Layer Tunnel Kiln." Salt D.L. Holmes W.H RP737. Ceram Research.
  10. ↑ "New And Latest Biscuit Firing Technology". Porzellanfabriken Christian Seltmann GmbH. Ceram.Forum Int./Ber.DKG 87,No.1/2, p.E33-E34,E36. 2010
  11. ↑ Ruth M. Home, 'Ceramics for the Potter', Chas. A. Bennett Co., 1952
  12. ↑ Home, 1952, p. 16
  13. ↑ Dennis Krueger, Why On Earth Do They Call It Throwing?, in Ceramics Today
  14. ↑ "Whitewares: Production, Testing And Quality Control." W.Ryan & C.Radford. Pergamon Press. 1987
  15. ↑ "Novel Approach To Injection Moulding." M.Y.Anwar, P.F. Messer, H.A. Davies, B. Ellis. Ceramic Technology International 1996. Sterling Publications Ltd., London, 1995. pg.95-96,98.
  16. 1 2 "Injection Moulding Of Porcelain Pieces." A. Odriozola, M.Gutierrez, U.Haupt, A.Centeno. Bol. Soc. Esp. Ceram. Vidrio 35, No.2, 1996. pg.103-107
  17. ↑ "Injection Moulding Of Cups With Handles." U.Haupt. International Ceramics. No.2, 1998, pg. 48-51.
  18. ↑ "Injection Moulding Technology In Tableware Production." Ceramic World Review. 13, No.54, 2003. pg94, 96-97.
  19. ↑ An Introduction To The Technology Of Pottery. Paul Rado. Pergamon Press. 1969
  20. ↑ 'Sanitaryware Technology'. Domenico Fortuna. Gruppo Editoriale Faenza Editrice S.p.A. 2000.
  21. ↑ "DGM-E.pdf" (PDF). Retrieved 2010-09-04.
  22. ↑ "Ceramicindustry.com". Ceramicindustry.com. 2000-11-21. Retrieved 2010-09-04.
  23. ↑ Dictionary Of Ceramics. Arthur Dodd & David Murfin. 3rd edition. The Institute Of Minerals. 1994.
  24. ↑ "Clay Sewer Pipe Manufacture. Part II - The Effect Of Variable Alumina, Silica And Iron Oxide In Clays On Some Properties Of Salt Glazes." H.G.Schurecht. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society. Volume 6. Issue 6, Pg. 717 – 729.
  25. ↑ "Dictionary Of Ceramics." Arthur Dodd & David Murfin. 3rd edition. The Institute Of Minerals. 1994.
  26. ↑ "Ash Glaze Research." C. Metcalfe. Ceramic Review No.202. 2003. pg.48-50.
  27. ↑ "Glaze From Wood Ashes And Their Colour Characteristics." Y-S. Han, B-H. Lee. Korean Ceramic Society 41. No.2. 2004.
  28. ↑ "History of Pottery". Brothers-handmade.com. Retrieved 2010-09-04.
  29. ↑ Malaxi Teams. "Labu Sayong, Perak". Malaxi.com. Retrieved 2010-09-04.
  30. ↑ Goldner, Janet (Spring 2007). "The women of Kalabougou". African Arts 40 (1): 74–79. doi:10.1162/afar.2007.40.1.74.
  31. ↑ William K. Barnett and John W. Hoopes, The Emergence of Pottery: Technology and Innovation in Ancient Society, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1995, p. 19
  32. ↑ Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/jomo/hd_jomo.htm
  33. ↑ Glenn C. Nelson, Ceramics: A Potter's Handbook,1966,Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.,p.251
  34. 1 2 Cooper(2010)
  35. ↑ Nelson(1966),p.251
  36. 1 2 Cooper(2010),p.16
  37. ↑ Cooper(2010), p.54
  38. ↑ Cooper (2010), pp.72-79,160-179
  39. 1 2 3 4 "Early Pottery at 20,000 Years Ago in Xianrendong Cave, China". Science 336 (6089): 1696–1700. June 29, 2012. doi:10.1126/science.1218643. PMID 22745428. Retrieved June 29, 2012.
  40. ↑ Stanglin, Douglas (2012-06-29). "Pottery found in China cave confirmed as world's oldest". USA Today.
  41. 1 2 "Chinese pottery may be earliest discovered." Associated Press. 2009-06-01.
  42. ↑ 'Radiocarbon Dating Of Charcoal And Bone Collagen Associated With Early Pottery At Yuchanyan Cave, Hunan Province, China.' Boaretto E, Wu X, Yuan J, Bar-Yosef O, Chu V, Pan Y, Liu K, Cohen D, Jiao T, Li S, Gu H, Goldberg P, Weiner S. Proceeding Of The National Academy of Science USA. June 2009. 16;106(24):9595-600.
  43. ↑ Kainer, Simon (September 2003). "The Oldest Pottery in the World" (PDF). Current World Archaeology (Robert Selkirk). pp. 44–49. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2006-04-23. Retrieved 2006-03-23. (Link currently not functional. 2010-04-09.)
  44. ↑ http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v496/n7445/full/nature12109.html Nature: Earliest evidence for the use of pottery O. E. Craig, H. Saul, A. Lucquin, Y. Nishida, K. Taché, L. Clarke, A. Thompson, D. T. Altoft, J. Uchiyama, M. Ajimoto, K. Gibbs, S. Isaksson, C. P. Heron & P. Jordan
  45. 1 2 A Swiss-led team of archaeologists has discovered pieces of the oldest African pottery in central Mali.- swissinfo
  46. ↑ Barnett & Hoopes 1995:211
  47. ↑ "Remnants of an Ancient Kitchen Are Found in China". The New York Times.
  48. ↑ "Harvard, BU researchers find evidence of 20,000-year-old pottery". The Boston Globe.
  49. ↑ Emmanuel Cooper, 10,000 Years of Pottery, 2010, University of Pennsylvania Press, p.54
  50. ↑ Cooper(2010), p.75
  51. ↑ Cooper(2010), p.79
  52. ↑ Cooper(2010), p.160-162
  53. ↑ Proceedings, American Philosophical Society (vol. 85, 1942). ISBN 1-4223-7221-9
  54. ↑ Archaeology of the United Arab Emirates: Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Archaeology of the U.A.E. By Daniel T. Potts, Hasan Al Naboodah, Peter Hellyer. Contributor Daniel T. Potts, Hasan Al Naboodah, Peter Hellyer. Published 2003. Trident Press Ltd. ISBN 1-900724-88-X
  55. ↑ Bhanoo, Sindya N. (28 June 2012). "Remnants of an Ancient Kitchen Are Found in China". New Yor Times.
  56. ↑ Cooper(2010),p.19-20
  57. ↑ Cooper(2010),p.20-24
  58. ↑ Cooper(2010),p. 36-37
  59. ↑ Cooper(2010),p.42
  60. ↑ Nelson(1966),pp.23-26
  61. 1 2 See Koen Bostoen, "Pots, Words and the Bantu Problem: On Lexical Reconstruction and Early African History", Journal of African History, 48 (2007), pp. 173-199 for a recent discussion of the issues, and links to further literature.
  62. 1 2 3 4 See Olivier P. Gosselain, [Gosselain, Olivier P. "Materializing Identities: An African Perspective." The Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 7.3 (2000): 187-217.] for further discussion and sources.
  63. ↑ Aboriginal Culture: Introduction
  64. ↑ History of Australian Pottery
  65. 1 2 Health Risks In A Victorian Pottery
  66. ↑ Indoor air quality evaluation for the Butler Building Ceramics Laboratory, Laney College, Oakland, California, Earth Metrics Incorporated, Alameda County Schools Insurance Association, December, 1989
  67. ↑ Patterns of Labour - Work and Social Change in the Pottery Industry. Richard Whipp. Routlidge 1990
  68. ↑ "Stokecityfc.com". Stokecityfc.com. 2010-05-13. Retrieved 2010-09-04.

Further reading

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