
Game background
Title(s) Father Bear
Home plane Wilderness of the Beastlands
Power level Lesser
Alignment Chaotic Good
Portfolio Werebears, protection, fraternity
Design details

In the Dungeons & Dragons game, Balador, Father Bear, is god of werebears, protection, and fraternity. He is wise and thoughtful.

Publication history

Balador was first detailed in the book Monster Mythology (1992), including details about his priesthood.[1] His role in the cosmology of the Planescape campaign setting was described in On Hallowed Ground (1996).[2]


Balador most commonly manifests as a bear, but he may also appear as a tall, tanned, handsome human ranger.


Balador is the masculine counterpart to his sister Ferrix, goddess of weretigers. Balador has good friends among the fey and elven pantheons, as well as those human deities who understand how valuable werebears can be to the forests and woodlands. In myth, Balador is often the servitor of a greater nature or druidic deity. His only enemies are Daragor, Eshebala, and Squerrik.


Balador roams the Beastlands, with his lair, Ursis, in Brux. He takes his food from the rivers and lakes, sometimes persuading other deities to brew honeyed mead for him.


Balador is worshipped by werebears, though he does not grant spells to werebear priests. Instead, he intercedes with the deities worshipped by werebears before they became infected with therianthropy, asking them to continue granting spells as they always did.


A large community of werebears called Beltander exists in the Gnarley Forest.


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