Eparchy of Raška and Prizren

Eparchy of Raška and Prizren (Serbian: Епархија рашко-призренска, Eparhija raško-prizrenska) or Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Raška-Prizren and Kosovo-Metohija is one of the oldest eparchies of the Serbian Orthodox Church, featuring the seat of the Serbian Orthodox Church; the Patriarchate of Peć, as well as Visoki Dečani, which together are part of the UNESCO World Heritage sites of Serbia.

The Eparchy directly serves the Serbian Orthodox of Kosovo and the lower Raška District (Tutin and Novi Pazar).

Early History

The Bishopric of Ras (Raška, Rascia) was established before 879-880. Both the Bishoprics of Ras and Prizren are mentioned in 1019 by Basil II as separate dioceses part of the autonomous Ochrid Archbishopric.

Bishopric of Ras

Mutimir of Serbia was baptized by missionaries Cyril and Methodius during the rule of Byzantine Emperor Basil I (867–886), who sent the priests after Mutimir acknowledged Byzantine suzerainty. The Serbs were fully Christianized by 873 (871), seen in the tradition of theophoric names (e.g. Petar Gojniković, Pavle Branović) and the fact that he maintained the communion with the Eastern Church (Constantinople) when Pope John VIII invited him to recognize the jurisdiction of the bishopric of Sirmium. The Serbs and Bulgarians adopted the Old Church Slavonic liturgy instead of the Greek.[1] Mutimir may have founded the Serbian bishopric of Ras earlier than 871, confirmed by the Fourth Council of Constantinople in 879–80.[2]

Byzantine Emperor John I Tzimiskes (969–976) recognized Ras as being the seat of the Serbian lands.[3]

Bishopric of Prizren

The Bishopric of Prizren is mentioned in the 10th century.

Autocephaly and abolishment

The Serbian Orthodox Church is established in 1219.

In 1346, the Bishopric of Prizren is raised to a Metropolitanate.

Modern History

After 1766, the Eparchy of Novo Brdo (Gračanica, historical Hvosno and Lipljan bishoprics) was added to the Eparchy of Prizren. In 1808 the Eparchies of Raška and Prizren were merged into the current Eparchy.


Church of Saint Apostles Peter and Paul

Church of Saints Peter and Paul
Seat of the Bishopric of Ras
Oldest known church-building of Serbia

The Church of Peter and Paul served as a seat of the Bishopric of Ras, situated in the capital of Serbia.[4][5]

The present church (7th-9th century) has been built on several earlier churches of which remains have been well preserved. The foundation of the church, the massive columns, ground-plan and the octagonal tower which conceals an inner cupola are examples of the circular mausoleal architectural type used after Emperor Constantine (306-312).[4] Saint Sava (1175–1235), a Serbian prince, brother of the Serbian king Stefan Prvovenčani and the founder of the Serbian Orthodox Church was baptised in the church. Stefan Nemanja held the council that outlawed the Bogumils at the church.[4] The frescoes date to 10th, 12th and 13th century, some frescoes were repainted in the mid-13th century.[5]

Petar Gojniković who ruled Serbia 892-917 was entombed in this church.[6] In the chrysobulls of Basil II dated to 1020, the Ras bishopric is mentioned as serving the whole of Serbia, with the seat at the Church of Saint Apostles Peter and Paul.[4][5]

The church was declared a Monument of Culture of Exceptional Importance in 1979, and it is protected by Serbia.[5]


Eparchy of Ras and Prizren, which includes whole of Kosovo
English Serbian Cyrillic Founded
In Kosovo and Metohia
Saint Archangels Monastery Манастир Свети Арханђели 1343
Banjska Monastery Бањска 1312
Binač (Buzovik) Monastery Бинач/Бузовик 14th century
Our Lady of Ljeviš Богородица Љевишка 1307
Budisavci Monastery Будисавци 14th century
Devič Monastery Девич 1434
Dobra Voda Monastery Добра вода 14th century
Dolac Monastery Долац 14th century
Draganac Monastery Драганац 1381
Duboki Potok Monastery 14th century
Globarica Monastery Глобарица 16th century
Gorioč Monastery Гориоч early 14th century
Grabovac Monastery Грабовац 14th century
Gračanica Monastery Грачаница 1310
Kmetovce Monastery Кметовце early 14th century
Mušutište Monastery Мушутиште early 14th century
Patriarchate of Peć Пећка патријаршија early 13th century
Saint Barbara Monastery
Saint Marko Koriški Свети Марко Коришки 1467
Saint Uroš Monastery Свети Урош >1371
Sokolica Monastery Соколица 14th century
Studenica Hvostanska Студеница Хвостанска early 13th century
Tamnica Monastery Тамница 14th century
Ubožac Monastery Убожац late 13th century
Visoki Dečani Monastery Високи Дечани 1327
Vračevo Monastery
Zočište Monastery Зочиште before 1327



Since the resurrection of the Serbian Patriarchate in 1920:



Further reading

External links

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