Provinces of China

Provincial division
Category Unitary State
Location People's Republic of China
Number 22 (plus 1 claimed)
Populations 5,626,722 (Qinghai) – 104,303,132 (Guangdong)
Areas 35,000 km2 (13,700 sq mi) (Hainan) – 730,000 km2 (280,000 sq mi) (Qinghai)
Government Dual-Party Government
Subdivisions Sub-provincial city, Prefecture
Province-level administrative divisions
Chinese name
Simplified Chinese 省级行政区
Traditional Chinese 省級行政區
Alternative Chinese name
Tibetan name
Tibetan ཞིང་ཆེན།
Zhuang name
Zhuang Swngj
Mongolian name
Mongolian script ᠮᠤᠶᠶ
Uyghur name

Provinces (Chinese: ; pinyin: Shěng), formally provincial-level administrative divisions (Chinese: 省级行政区; pinyin: Shěng Jí Xíngzhèngqū) or first-level administrative divisions (Chinese: 一级行政区; pinyin: Yī Jí Xíngzhèngqū), are the highest-level Chinese administrative divisions. There are 34 such divisions, classified as 23 provinces (including Taiwan Province, which is claimed but not actually controlled by the People's Republic of China[1]), four municipalities, five autonomous regions, and two Special Administrative Regions.

The People's Republic of China (PRC) claims sovereignty over the territory administered by the Republic of China (ROC), claiming most of it as its Taiwan Province. The ROC also administers some offshore islands which form Fujian Province, ROC. These were part of an originally unified Fujian province, which since the stalemate of the Chinese Civil War in 1949 has been divided between the PRC and ROC.

Note that every province (except Hong Kong and Macau, the two special administrative regions) has a Communist Party of China provincial committee (Chinese: 省委; pinyin: shěng wěi), headed by a secretary (Chinese: 书记; pinyin: shūjì). The committee secretary is in effective charge of the province, rather than the nominal governor of the provincial government.


Province (Chinese: ; pinyin: shěng): A provincial committee, headed by a secretary, nominally leads each standard provincial government. The committee secretary is first-in-charge of the province; second-in-command comes the governor of the provincial government.

The People's Republic of China claims the island of Taiwan and its surrounding islets, including Penghu, as "Taiwan Province". (Kinmen and the Matsu Islands are claimed by the PRC as part of its Fujian Province. Pratas and Itu Aba are claimed by the PRC as part of Guangdong and Hainan provinces respectively.) The territory is controlled by the Republic of China (ROC, commonly called "Taiwan").

Other types of province-level divisions


Municipality (Chinese: 直辖市; pinyin: zhíxiáshì) or direct-controlled municipality: A higher level of city which is directly under the Chinese government, with status equal to that of the provinces. In practice, their political status is higher than common provinces.

Autonomous region

Autonomous region (simplified Chinese: 自治区; traditional Chinese: 自治區; pinyin: zìzhìqū): A minority subject which has a higher population of a particular minority ethnic group along with its own local government, but an autonomous region theoretically has more legislative rights than in actual practice. The governor of the Autonomous Regions is usually appointed from the respective minority ethnic group.

Special administrative region (SAR)

Special administrative region (SAR) (simplified Chinese: 特别行政区; traditional Chinese: 特別行政區; pinyin: tèbié xíngzhèngqū): A highly autonomous and self-governing subnational subject of the People's Republic of China that is directly under the Central People's Government. Each SAR has chief executive as head of the region and head of government. The region's government is not fully independent, as foreign policy and military defence are the responsibility of the central government, according to the basic laws.

List of province-level divisions

Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Tibet (Xizang) Autonomous Region Qinghai Province Gansu Province Sichuan Province Yunnan Province Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongol) Autonomous Region Shaanxi Province Municipality of Chongqing Guizhou Province Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Shanxi Province Henan Province Hubei Province Hunan Province Guangdong Province Hainan Province Hebei Province Heilongjiang Province Jilin Province Liaoning Province Municipality of Beijing Municipality of Tianjin Shangdong Province Jiangsu Province Anhui Province Municipality of Shanghai Zhejiang Province Jiangxi Province Fujian Province Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Macau Special Administrative Region Taiwan ProvinceChina administrative claimed included.svg
GB[2] ISO[3] Province Chinese
Hanyu Pinyin
Capital Population¹ Density² Area³ Abbreviation
BJ CN-11 Beijing Municipality 北京市
Běijīng Shì
Beijing 19,612,368 1,167.40 16,800
TJ CN-12 Tianjin Municipality 天津市
Tiānjīn Shì
Tianjin 12,938,224 1,144.46 11,305
HE CN-13 Hebei Province 河北省
Héběi Shěng
Shijiazhuang 71,854,202 382.81 187,700
SX CN-14 Shanxi Province 山西省
Shānxī Shěng
Taiyuan 35,712,111 228.48 156,300
NM CN-15 Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 內蒙古自治区
Nèi Měnggǔ Zìzhìqū
Hohhot 24,706,321 20.88 1,183,000 內蒙古(蒙)
Nèi Měnggǔ (Měng)
LN CN-21 Liaoning Province 辽宁省
Liáoníng Shěng
Shenyang 43,746,323 299.83 145,900
JL CN-22 Jilin Province 吉林省
Jílín Shěng
Changchun 27,462,297 146.54 187,400
HL CN-23 Heilongjiang Province 黑龙江省
Hēilóngjiāng Shěng
Harbin 38,312,224 84.38 454,000
SH CN-31 Shanghai Municipality 上海市
Shànghǎi Shì
Shanghai 23,019,148 3,630.20 6,341
JS CN-32 Jiangsu Province 江苏省
Jiāngsū Shěng
Nanjing 78,659,903 766.66 102,600
ZJ CN-33 Zhejiang Province 浙江省
Zhèjiāng Shěng
Hangzhou 54,426,891 533.59 102,000
AH CN-34 Anhui Province 安徽省
Ānhuī Shěng
Hefei 59,500,510 425.91 139,700
FJ CN-35 Fujian Province 福建省
Fújiàn Shěng
Fuzhou 36,894,216 304.15 121,300
JX CN-36 Jiangxi Province 江西省
Jiāngxī Shěng
Nanchang 44,567,475 266.87 167,000
SD CN-37 Shandong Province 山东省
Shāndōng Shěng
Jinan 95,793,065 622.84 153,800
HA CN-41 Henan Province 河南省
Hénán Shěng
Zhengzhou 94,023,567 563.01 167,000
HB CN-42 Hubei Province 湖北省
Húběi Shěng
Wuhan 57,237,740 307.89 185,900
HN CN-43 Hunan Province 湖南省
Húnán Shěng
Changsha 65,683,722 312.77 210,000
GD CN-44 Guangdong Province 广东省
Guǎngdōng Shěng
Guangzhou 104,303,132 579.46 180,000
GX CN-45 Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 广西壮族自治区
Guǎngxī Zhuàngzú Zìzhìqū
Nanning 46,026,629 195.02 236,000
HI CN-46 Hainan Province 海南省
Hǎinán Shěng
Haikou 8,671,518 255.04 34,000
CQ CN-50 Chongqing Municipality 重庆市
Chóngqìng Shì
Chongqing 28,846,170 350.50 82,300
SC CN-51 Sichuan Province 四川省
Sìchuān Shěng
Chengdu 80,418,200 165.81 485,000 川(蜀)
Chuān (Shǔ)
GZ CN-52 Guizhou Province 贵州省
Guìzhōu Shěng
Guiyang 34,746,468 197.42 176,000 贵(黔)
Guì (Qián)
YN CN-53 Yunnan Province 云南省
Yúnnán Shěng
Kunming 45,966,239 116.66 394,000 云(滇)
Yún (Diān)
XZ CN-54 Tibet Autonomous Region 西藏自治区
Xīzàng Zìzhìqū
Lhasa 3,002,166 2.44 1,228,400
SN CN-61 Shaanxi Province 陕西省
Shǎnxī Shěng
Xi'an 37,327,378 181.55 205,600 陕(秦)
Shǎn (Qín)
GS CN-62 Gansu Province 甘肃省
Gānsù Shěng
Lanzhou 25,575,254 56.29 454,300 甘(陇)
Gān (Lǒng)
QH CN-63 Qinghai Province 青海省
Qīnghǎi Shěng
Xining 5,626,722 7.80 721,200
NX CN-64 Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region 宁夏回族自治区
Níngxià Huízú Zìzhìqū
Yinchuan 6,301,350 94.89 66,400
XJ CN-65 Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 新疆维吾尔自治区
Xīnjiāng Wéiwú'ěr Zìzhìqū
Ürümqi 21,813,334 13.13 1,660,400
HK CN-91 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特别行政区
Xiānggǎng Tèbié Xíngzhèngqū
Hong Kong 7,061,200 6,396.01 1,104
MC CN-92 Macau Special Administrative Region 澳门特别行政区
Àomén Tèbié Xíngzhèngqū
Macau 552,300 19,044.82 29
TW CN-71 Taiwan Province * 台湾省
Táiwān Shěng


¹: as of 2010
²: per km²
³: km²
°: Abbreviation/Symbol in the parentheses are informal
*: Since its founding in 1949, the People's Republic of China (PRC) has considered Taiwan to be its 23rd province. However, the PRC has never controlled Taiwan. Taiwan (officially the Republic of China) currently administers Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu. The subject of whether or not Taiwan is part of "China" is often debated, with no clear conclusion.


Map of the PRC in 1949.
Map comparing administrative divisions as drawn by the PRC and ROC.
Administrative divisions of the Republic of China (1912–49). Note: this map depicts the theoretical administrative divisions of the Republic of China, which are not synchronized with the actual administrative divisions of the People's Republic of China. The ROC controls Taiwan and nearby islands while the PRC controls Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau.

Yuan provinces

The rulers of China first set up provinces—initially 10 in number—during the Yuan Dynasty (1271–1368) with the addition of the Central Region ruled by the Zhongshu Sheng (中書省) and the Tibetan Plateau ruled by the Bureau of Buddhist and Tibetan Affairs (宣政院).

  • Gansu (甘肅行省)
  • Huguang (湖廣行省)
  • Henanjiangbei (河南江北行省)
  • Jiangxi (江西行省)
  • Jiangzhe (江浙行省)
Special provinces

Ming provinces

The Ming Dynasty (1368–1644) kept the province system setup by the Yuan Dynasty, however, it divided the original 10 provinces into 15 provinces.

Qing provinces

By the time of the establishment of the Qing Dynasty (1644–1912) in 1644 there were 18 provinces, all of them in China proper.

New Provinces

Each province had a xunfu (巡撫; translated as "governor"), a political overseer on behalf of the emperor, and a tidu (提督; translated as "Captain General"), a military governor. In addition, there was a zongdu (總督), a general military inspector or governor general, for every two to three provinces.

Outer regions of China (those beyond China proper) were not divided into provinces. Military leaders or generals (將軍) oversaw Manchuria (consisting of Fengtian (now Liaoning), Jilin, Heilongjiang), Xinjiang, and Mongolia, while vice-dutong (副都統) and civilian leaders headed the leagues (盟長), a subdivision of Mongolia. The ambans (駐藏大臣) supervised the administration of Tibet.

In 1884 Xinjiang became a province; in 1907 Fengtian, Jilin, and Heilongjiang were made provinces as well. Taiwan became a province in 1885, but China ceded Taiwan to Japan in 1895. As a result, there were 22 provinces in China (Outer China and China proper) near the end of the Qing Dynasty.

ROC provinces (1912–1949)

The Republic of China, established in 1912, set up four more provinces in Inner Mongolia and two provinces in historic Tibet, bringing the total to 28. In 1931, Ma Zhongying established Hexi in the northern parts of Gansu but the ROC never acknowledged the province. But China lost four provinces with the establishment of the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo in Manchuria. After the defeat of Japan in World War II in 1945, China re-incorporated Manchuria as 10 provinces, and assumed control of Taiwan as a province. As a result, the Republic of China in 1946 had 35 provinces. Although the Republic of China now only controls one province (Taiwan), and some islands of a second province (Fujian), it continues to formally claim all 35 provinces.

Other province-level divisions

List of PRC province-level divisions

      abolished       claimed

Greater Administrative Areas
Name Hanzi Pinyin Translation Capital Hanzi Notes
Huabei华北Huáběi"North China"Beijing北京1949–1954
Huadong华东Huádōng"East China"Shanghai上海1949–1954
Zhongnan中南Zhōngnán"South Central"Wuhan武汉1949–1954
Name Hanzi Pinyin Abbreviation Capital Hanzi Note
Andong安东Āndōng安 ānTonghua通化1949 abolished → Liaodong, Jilin
Anhui安徽Ānhuī皖 wǎnHefei合肥1949 abolished → Wanbei, Wannan; 1952 reverted
Chahar察哈尔Cháhā'ěr察 cháZhangjiakou张家口1952 abolished → Inner Mongolia, Hebei
Fujian福建Fújiàn闽 mǐnFuzhou福州
Gansu甘肃Gānsù甘 gānLanzhou兰州 1958 Ningxia split into its own autonomous region
Guangdong广东Guǎngdōng粤 yuèGuangzhou广州1952 & 1965 Fangchenggang, Qinzhou, Beihai → Guangxi; 1955 reverted
1988 Hainan split into its own province
Guangxi广西Guǎngxī桂 guìNanning南宁1958 province → autonomous region
Guizhou贵州Guìzhōu黔 qiánGuiyang贵阳
Hainan海南Hǎinán琼 qióngHaikou海口
Hebei河北Héběi冀 jìBaoding (49–54; 67–68)
Tianjin (54–67)
Shijiazhuang (present)
1967 Tianjin split into its own municipality
Hejiang合江Héjiāng合 héJiamusi佳木斯1949 abolished → Heilongjiang
Heilongjiang黑龙江Hēilóngjiāng黑 hēiQiqihar (49–54)
Harbin (present)
1952 part of Xing'an split into Inner Mongolia
Henan河南Hénán豫 yùKaifeng (49–54)
Zhengzhou (present)
Hubei湖北Húběi鄂 èWuhan武汉
Hunan湖南Húnán湘 xiāngChangsha长沙
Jiangsu江苏Jiāngsū苏 sūNanjing南京1949 abolished → Subei, Subnan; 1952 reverted
Jiangxi江西Jiāngxī赣 gànNanchang南昌
Jilin吉林Jílín吉 jíJilin (49–54)
Changchun (present)
1952 north part split into Inner Mongolia
Liaobei辽北Liáoběi洮 táoLiaoyuan辽源1949 abolished → Jilin, Liaoning
Liaodong辽东Liáodōng关 guānDandong丹东1954 abolished → Liaoning
Liaoning辽宁Liáoníng辽 liáoShenyang沈阳1949 abolished → Liaodong, Liaoxi; 1954 reverted
1952 north part split into Inner Mongolia
Liaoxi辽西Liáoxī辽 liáoJinzhou锦州1954 abolished → Liaoning
Nenjiang嫩江Nènjiāng嫩 nènQiqihar齐齐哈尔1949 abolished → Heilongjiang
Ningxia宁夏Níngxià宁 níngYinchuan银川1954 province → Gansu
Mudanjiang牡丹江Mǔdānjiāng丹 dānMudanjiang牡丹江1949 abolished → Heilongjiang
Pingyuan平原Píngyuán平 píngXinxiang新乡1952 abolished → Henan, Shandong
Qinghai青海Qīnghǎi青 qīngXining西宁
Rehe热河Rèhé热 rèChengde承德1955 abolished → Inner Mongolia, & Liaoning
Sichuan四川Sìchuān川 chuānChengdu成都1949 abolished → Chuanbei, Chuandong, Chuannan, Chuanxi; 1952 reverted
1997 Chongqing split into its own municipality
Shaanxi陕西Shǎnxī陕 shǎnXi'an西安
Shandong山东Shāndōng鲁 lǔJinan济南
Shanxi山西Shānxī晋 jìnTaiyuan太原
Songjiang松江Sōngjiāng松 sōngHarbin哈尔滨1954 abolished → Heilongjiang
Suiyuan绥远Suíyuǎn绥 suíHohhot呼和浩特1954 abolished → Inner Mongolia
Xikang西康Xīkāng康 kāngKangding (49–50)
Ya'an (50–55)
1955 abolished → Sichuan & Qamdo
Xing'an兴安Xīkāng兴 xīngHulunbuir呼伦贝尔1949 abolished → Heilongjiang
Xinjiang新疆Xīnjiāng疆 jiāngÜrümqi乌鲁木齐1955 province → autonomous region
Yunnan云南Yúnnán滇 diānKunming昆明
Zhejiang浙江Zhèjiāng浙 zhèHangzhou杭州
Autonomous Regions
Name Hanzi Pinyin Abbreviation Capital Hanzi Note
Guangxi广西Guǎngxī桂 guìNanning南宁1958 province → autonomous region
Inner Mongolia內蒙古Nèi Měnggǔ蒙 měngUlaanhot (47–50)
Hohhot (present)
1947 created; 1969 truncated → Liaoning, Heilongjiang,
Jilin, Gansu, Ningxia; 1979 reverted
Ningxia宁夏Níngxià宁 níngYinchuan银川1958 special region → autonomous region
Tibet西藏Xīzàng藏 zàngLhasa拉萨1965 region → autonomous region
Xinjiang新疆Xīnjiāng疆 jiāngÜrümqi乌鲁木齐1955 province → autonomous region
Name Hanzi Pinyin Abbreviation Capital Hanzi Note
Anshan鞍山Ānshān鞍 ānTiedong District铁东区1954 abolished → Liaoning
Beijing北京Běijīng京 jīngDongcheng District
Tongzhou District
Benxi本溪Běnxī本 běnPingshan District平山区1954 abolished → Liaoning
Changchun长春Chángchūn春 chūnNanguan District南关区1953 created; 1954 abolished → Jilin
Chongqing重庆Chóngqìng渝 yúYuzhong District渝中区1954 abolished → Sichuan; 1997 reverted
Dalian → Lüda大连→旅大Dàlián连 liánXigang District西岗区1949 abolished → Luda, 1950 reverted, 1954 abolished → Liaoning
Fushun抚顺Fǔshùn抚 fǔShuncheng District顺城区1954 abolished → Liaoning
Harbin哈尔滨Hāěrbīn哈 hāNangang District南岗区1953 created, 1954 abolished → Heilongjiang
Guangzhou广州Guǎngzhōu穗 suìYuexiu District越秀区1954 abolished → Guangdong
Nanjing南京Nánjīng宁 níngXuanwu District玄武区1952 abolished → Jiangsu
Shanghai上海Shànghǎi沪 hùHuangpu District黄浦区
Shenyang沈阳Shěnyáng沈 shěnShenhe District沈河区1954 abolished → Liaoning
Tianjin天津Tiānjīn津 jīnHeping District和平区1954 abolished → Hebei, 1967 reverted
Hankou → Wuhan汉口→武汉Wǔhàn汉 hànJiang'an District江岸区1949 abolished → Hubei
Xi'an西安Xī'ān镐 hàoWeiyang District未央区1954 abolished → Shaanxi
Special Administrative Regions
Name Hanzi Pinyin Abbreviation Capital Hanzi Note
Hong Kong香港Xiānggǎng港 gǎngHong Kong香港1997 created (Transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong)
Macau澳门Àomén澳 àoMacau澳门1999 created (Transfer of sovereignty over Macau)
Administrative Territories
Name Hanzi Pinyin Abbreviation Capital Hanzi Note
Chuanbei川北Chuānběi充 chōngNanchong南充1950 created; 1952 abolished → Sichuan
Chuandong川东Chuāndōng渝 yúChongqing重庆1950 created; 1952 abolished → Sichuan
Chuannan川南Chuānnán泸 lúLuzhou泸州1950 created; 1952 abolished → Sichuan
Chuanxi川西Chuānxī蓉 róngChengdu成都1950 created; 1952 abolished → Sichuan
Hainan海南Hǎinán琼 qióngHaikou海口1949 abolished → Guangdong
Subei苏北Sūběi扬 yángYangzhou扬州1949 created; 1952 abolished → Jiangsu
Sunan苏南Sūnán锡 xīWuxi无锡1949 created; 1952 abolished → Jiangsu
Wanbei皖北Wǎnběi合 héHefei合肥1949 created; 1952 abolished → Anhui
Wannan皖南Wǎnnán芜 wúWuhu芜湖1949 created; 1952 abolished → Anhui
Lüda旅大Lǚdà旅 LǚDalian大连1949 created; 1950 abolished → Dalian
Name Hanzi Pinyin Abbreviation Capital Hanzi Note
Tibet西藏Xīzàng藏 zàngLhasa拉萨1965 region → autonomous region
Name Hanzi Pinyin Abbreviation Capital Hanzi Note
Qamdo昌都Chāngdū昌 chāngQamdo昌都1965 merge into Tibet

The People's Republic of China abolished many of the provinces in the 1950s and converted a number of them into autonomous regions. Hainan became a separate province in 1988, bringing the total number of provinces under PRC control to 22.


The provinces in south coastal area of China—such as Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Fujian and (mainly) Guangdong—tend to be more industrialized, with regions in the hinterland less developed.

See also


External links

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