Comparison of layout engines (HTML5)

The following tables compare support of HTML5 differences from HTML for a number of layout engines.

Explanation of the tables

Engine nomenclature

Rather than the names of web browsers and HTML to PDF converters, the names of the underlying engines are used. Some of the software and online converters that use the various engines are listed below.

Layout engine Release version Preview version Used by
Amaya 11.4.7[1] N/A No longer developed; Amaya
Blink 537.36 source code[note 1] Chromium/Chrome (28+), Opera (15+), Yandex, Liebao and Samsung Browser .
EdgeHTML 13.10586 [2] N/A Microsoft Edge, Universal Windows Platform (UWP) JavaScript apps
Gecko 46.0.1 (May 3, 2016 (2016-05-03)[3]) [±]

45.1.1 (May 3, 2016 (2016-05-03)[4]) [±]
38.8.0 (April 26, 2016 (2016-04-26)[5]) [±]


47.0 Beta 3 (May 6, 2016 (2016-05-06)[6][7]) [±]

Developer Edition

48.0a2 (April 28, 2016 (2016-04-28)[8]) [±] daily release


49.0a1 (April 26, 2016 (2016-04-26)[9]) [±] daily release

All Mozilla software, including Firefox; SeaMonkey and Galeon; Camino; K-Meleon; Flock (up to 2.x); Debian IceWeasel; GNU IceCat (formerly GNU IceWeasel); Cyberfox; Icedove, Iceape and Iceowl; Firefox for mobile ("Fennec"). Also used by the Maple platform in 2010 and 2011 Samsung "SmartTV" devices which are based on the build used in Firefox 2.5. The Nokia Asha platform also uses Gecko for web apps rendering.
KHTML 4.12.3[10] N/A Konqueror[note 2]
Martha ? ? PDFreactor, Nimbudocs Editor and edit-on NG
Presto 2.12.388 N/A No longer developed; Opera and Opera Mobile use Blink now; Nintendo DS & DSi Browser; Internet Channel
Prince 10 20160109 HTML to PDF converters: Prince (previously called PrinceXML), DocRaptor. The information in the Prince columns is also true of Prince for Books, a related layout engine.
Tasman (IE 5.2.3 for Mac) N/A No longer developed (aborted in 2003); Internet Explorer 5+ for Mac OS X
Trident 7.0 (IE 11) N/A Internet Explorer and other Internet Explorer shells like Maxthon (Microsoft Windows operating systems only), Windows Phone 8
WebKit 534.20 nightly build[note 3] Tizen (both OS and browser), Safari (both desktop and mobile), Google Chrome (before 28), Maxthon 3, Shiira, iCab 4, OmniWeb 5.5+, Web, Adobe AIR, Midori, Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 and CS5, Android browser, Palm webOS browser, Symbian S60 browser, OWB, Steam, Rekonq, Arora, Flock (version 3+), RockMelt, Dolphin Browser, Sleipnir, Konqueror[note 2]. Used by the LG Smart TV platform to enable web content on TVs. HTML to PDF converters: wkhtmltopdf, PhantomJS, Pdfcrowd[11],[12] </ref>.
  1. "chromium / chromium/blink". Google. Retrieved 2014-05-27.
  2. 1 2 In Konqueror, the user can switch the used layout engine.
  3. "WebKit Nightly Builds". Retrieved 2014-05-27.


Values indicate the level of support in the most recent version of the layout engine, or (if a version number is given) in the specified version. Version numbers without any other value indicate the version at which the layout engine first fully supported the feature.

Value Meaning
Yes Indicates that the layout engine fully supports this property/element when valid values are used.
No Indicates that the property/element is completely ignored.
Partial Indicates that the property/element is understood, but that not all values are supported. Supported values are implemented correctly.
Incorrect Indicates that the property/element is understood, but that it is not implemented correctly in all cases.
Experimental Indicates that the property/element is understood, but supported under an alternate name. May be incomplete or buggy.
Dropped Indicates that the property/element is no longer supported.
Nightly build Indicates that the property/element is supported to some extent in an experimental/nightly build. Future support is expected.
Depends Indicates that the property/element is supported only on certain platforms, or if certain settings are configured.


While many of these elements have not been implemented natively in layout engines, support can usually be emulated by web page authors using CSS or JavaScript.

Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit Presto
section 5.0[t 1] 12 2.0[g 1][g 2] 533[w 1][w 2][w 3][w 4][w 5][w 6] 2.7.70
ping No No Disabled Yes No
time No No 22.0[g 3] No 2.8.146
mark 5.0[t 1] 12 2.0[g 4] Yes[w 7] 2.7.70
ruby,[13] rt, rp 3.1[t 2] 12 38.0[g 5] 533[w 8][w 9] No
dialog[14] No No No[g 6] Only in Chrome[w 10] No
figure 5.0[t 1] 12 2.0[g 7] Yes[w 11] 2.7.70
embed <3.1[IE 3.0] 12 1.7 85 1.0
video 5.0 (Partial)[t 3][t 4] 12 15.0 [g 8] 525 2.5[note 1][note 2]
canvas Partial 1.9.2[g 9] Partial 2.0[p 4]
Inline MathML No No 2.0 No[w 12][w 13] 2.1[note 3]
Inline SVG 5.0[t 3] 12 Yes[w 14] 2.9.220[p 6]
details No No No [g 10] Yes [w 15] No
summary Yes [w 15]
command No [g 11] No
menu 8.0 [g 12] No[w 16] 2.8[p 7]
bdi 10.0[g 13] 528[w 17] No
data No No 22.0[g 14] No No
picture No 13 38.0[g 15] No[w 18] No
Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit Presto



Attribute Element Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit Presto
manifest html 6.0[15] 12 1.9 Yes 2.6[p 8][p 9]
sizes link No 13 8.0 (only mobile)[g 16][g 17] Yes[w 19] No
charset meta 4.0[16] 12 1.9.2 Yes 2.5.24
scoped style No No 21.0[g 18] No[w 20] No
async script 6.0 12 1.9.2[g 19] Yes[w 21]
reversed ol No No 18.0[g 20] Yes[w 22]
download a,area No 13 20.0[g 21] Yes
sandbox iframe 6.0[t 5] 12 17.0[g 22] 533[w 23]
seamless iframe No No No[g 23] No[w 24]
Attribute Element Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit Presto


Trident Gecko WebKit Presto
translate[17] No
Datasets (data-*) No 6.0[g 24] Yes[w 25] 2.8[p 10]
contextmenu 8.0[g 25] No[w 16] No
hidden 2.0[g 26] Yes[w 26] 2.7.70
contenteditable[18] <3.1[IE 5.5] 1.9 Yes 2.0
spellcheck[19] 6.0 1.8[g 27] Incorrect[w 27] 2.8[p 11]
draggable 1.9.1[g 28] 533[w 28] 2.10.270
dropzone No No[g 29] Yes 2.10.270
Trident Gecko WebKit Presto

Form elements and attributes

Many of these features can be emulated with third-party libraries.

Trident Gecko[g 30] WebKit[w 29] Presto[p 12]
autocomplete 3.1 Yes Yes 2.0
list 6.0[t 6] 2.0[g 31] Yes[w 30]
required 6.0[t 7] 2.0[g 32] 528[note 4][w 31]
multiple 6.0[t 8] 1.9.2[note 5][g 33] 526[note 5][w 32] 2.7[p 13]
pattern 6.0[t 9] 2.0[g 34] 528[note 4][w 33][w 31] 2.0
min, max 6.0[t 10][t 11] 16.0[g 35][g 36] Yes[w 34]
step 6.0[t 12] 16.0[g 37] 528[w 35]
placeholder 6.0[t 13] 2.0[g 38] Yes 2.7[p 13]
form No 2.0[g 39] Yes[w 36] 2.0
autofocus 6.0[t 14] 2.0[g 40] 528[w 37]
maxlength 6.0[t 15] 2.0[g 41] 528[w 38]
novalidate 6.0[t 16] 2.0[g 42] 528[w 39] 2.8[p 11]
control No 2.0[g 43] No No
accept No 2.0[g 44] Yes[w 40] Yes
formtarget 6.0[t 17] 2.0[g 45] Yes[w 41] 2.8[p 11]
formaction 6.0[t 18] 2.0[g 46] Yes[w 41] 2.8[p 11]
formmethod 6.0[t 19] 2.0[g 47] Yes[w 41] 2.8[p 11]
formenctype 6.0[t 20] 2.0[g 47] Yes[w 41] 2.8[p 11]
formnovalidate 6.0[t 21] 2.0[g 48] 528[w 39] 2.8[p 11]
disabled (fieldset element) <3.1 2.0 No 2.7
datalist 6.0[t 22] 2.0[g 49] Yes[w 42] 2.0
keygen[20] No[t 23] 1.0[g 50] 125 1.0
output No 2.0[g 51] Yes[w 43] 2.0
progress 6.0[t 24] 6.0[g 52] Yes[w 44] 2.7[p 13]
meter No 16.0[g 53] Yes[w 45]
Input types
search 6.0[t 25] 2.0[g 54] 312[w 46] 2.7[p 13]
tel 6.0[t 26] 2.0[g 55] 528[w 47]
url 6.0[t 27] 2.0[g 56] 528[w 47] 2.0
email 6.0[t 28] 2.0[g 57] 528[w 47]
datetime No No[g 58] No[w 48][w 49]
date No Yes
month No
week No
time No
datetime-local No
number 6.0[t 29] 29.0[g 59] 528[w 47]
range 6.0[t 30] 23.0[g 60] Yes
color No 29.0[g 61] Yes[w 50] 2.7[p 13]
Trident Gecko WebKit Presto


Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit Presto
getElementsByClassName[21] 5.0[t 31] 12 1.9[g 62] 525 2.1
registerProtocolHandler No No 1.9[note 6] Yes[w 51] 2.10[p 14]
registerContentHandler 1.8[note 7]
Cross-document messaging 4.0 12 1.9[g 65] Yes 2.0
Drag-and-drop 6.0 12 1.9.1[g 28] Yes 2.10.270[p 15]
pushState() and replaceState() 6.0[t 32] 12 2.0[g 66] 528[w 52] 2.9[p 16]
Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit Presto

Other features

Trident Gecko WebKit Presto
Microdata No 16.0[g 67] No[w 53] Yes[p 14]
HTML5 Tokenizer 6.0[t 33] 2.0[g 68] Yes[w 54] 2.10[p 17]
HTML5 Tree Builder Yes[w 14]
HTML5 Fragment Parser Yes
<a rel="noreferrer"> No 33.0[g 69] Yes[w 55] No
window.onhashchange 4.0[t 34] 1.9.2[g 70] 528[w 56] 2.6[p 18]
element.classList No 1.9.2[g 71] Yes[w 57] 2.8[p 11]
dir="auto" No 20.0[g 72] 528+[w 58] No
Trident Gecko WebKit Presto

Next-generation additions

The WHATWG version of HTML also includes additional features that are not technically HTML5, which are described as "next-generation additions still in development" in the specification.[22]

Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit Presto
<track> 6.0[t 35] 12
<a ping> No No Depends[g 73][note 8] Depends[w 59][note 9]

Related specifications

Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit Presto
main element[23] No 12 21.0[g 76] Yes[w 60] No
template element[24] No 13 No Yes[w 61] No
Selectors API[25] 4.0[t 36] 12 1.9.1[g 77] 525[w 62] 2.2[p 19]
Web Storage[26] 4.0 12 1.9.1[g 78] 525 2.5[p 20]
Indexed Database API[27] 5.0[t 37] 12 16.0[g 79] Partial No
Web SQL Database (obsolete)[28] No No No[g 80] Yes[w 63] 2.5[p 20]
File API[29] 5.0 12 Yes[g 81] Yes[w 64][w 65] 2.8[p 21]
File API: Writer[30] 5.0 No No[g 82] Partial[w 66] No
File API: Directories and System[31] No No No[g 83] Yes[w 67]
Media Capture API[32] 2.0[note 10] No 2.10[p 22]
Server-sent events[33] 6.0[g 85] Yes[w 68] 2.7[p 23][p 24]
WebSocket[34] 6.0[t 38] 12 11.0[g 86] 533 2.11[note 11]
Web Workers[35][36] 6.0[t 39] 12 1.9.1[g 87] Yes 2.6[p 8][p 9]
Geolocation API[37] 5.0[t 40] 12 1.9.1[g 88] 533[w 69] 2.6[note 12]
Offline Web applications[38] 6.0[t 41] 12 1.9.1[g 89] Yes 2.6[p 8][p 9]
Web Notifications[39] No No 22.0[40][41] only in Chrome[42] 25[p 30]
Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit Presto

See also


  1. Beginning in 2007,[p 1] several experimental builds have been released with Ogg Theora support. Full support for the video element is included in Presto 2.5.[p 2]
  2. Presto added very limited support for the ECMAScript API related to the audio element in version 2.0 using only the WAV PCM codec, while not implementing the element itself.[p 3] Full support for the audio element with the Ogg Vorbis and WAV codecs is included in Presto 2.5.[p 2]
  3. MathML for CSS, XHTML only[p 5]
  4. 1 2 Form validation disabled in Safari Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc..
  5. 1 2 For file inputs only.
  6. Limited to the feed protocol in 1.8; fully supported in 1.9.[g 63]
  7. Limited to feed MIME types in 1.8 and 1.9.[g 64]
  8. The ping attribute is disabled by default, due to privacy concerns.[g 74][g 75]
  9. The ping attribute is disabled by default, thus needs to be manually enabled by each port
  10. Currently partially supported in nightly builds for the Linux platform.[g 84]
  11. WebSocket support was added in Presto 2.7[p 25] but was disabled due to security reasons.[p 26] In Presto 2.11 protocol implementation was updated to version RFC 6455[p 27] which resolved security issue.
  12. Geolocation support was added in Presto 2.5, but was not enabled by default until 2.6.[p 28][p 29][p 8][p 9]


Trident references

  1. 1 2 3 Internet Explorer Platform Preview Guide for Developers, Microsoft
  2. Ruby
  3. 1 2 Bisson, Simon (17 September 2010), Microsoft previews Internet Explorer 9 with HTML5 support, ZDNet
  4. Hachamovitch, Dean (23 June 2010), HTML5, Native: Third IE9 Platform Preview Available for Developers, Microsoft
  5. Rossi, Jacob (14 July 2011), Defense in Depth: Locking Down Mash-Ups with HTML5 Sandbox, Microsoft
  6. "list attribute | list property (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 16 November 2012.
  7. "required attribute | required property (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 16 November 2012.
  8. "multiple property (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 16 November 2012.
  9. "pattern attribute | pattern property (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 16 November 2012.
  10. "min attribute | min property (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 16 November 2012.
  11. "max attribute | max property (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 16 November 2012.
  12. "step property (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 16 November 2012.
  13. "placeholder attribute | placeholder property (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 16 November 2012.
  14. "autofocus attribute | autofocus property (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 16 November 2012.
  15. "maxlength attribute | maxLength property (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 16 November 2012.
  16. "noValidate property (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 16 November 2012.
  17. "formTarget property (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 16 November 2012.
  18. "formAction attribute | formAction property (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 16 November 2012.
  19. "formMethod attribute | formMethod property (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 16 November 2012.
  20. "formEnctype attribute | formEnctype property (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 16 November 2012.
  21. "formNoValidate attribute | formNoValidate property (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 16 November 2012.
  22. "datalist object (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 16 November 2012.
  23. PRB: HTML Tag KEYGEN Not Supported in Internet Explorer, Microsoft
  24. "Progress element | Progress object (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 16 November 2012.
  25. "input type=search object (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 16 November 2012.
  26. "input type=tel element | input type=tel object (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 16 November 2012.
  27. "input type=url element | input type=url object (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 16 November 2012.
  28. "input type=email element | input type=email object (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 16 November 2012.
  29. "input type=number element | input type=number object (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 16 November 2012.
  30. "input type=range element | input type=range object (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 16 November 2012.
  31. getElementsByClassName, Microsoft
  32. HTML5 History in IE10, Microsoft
  33. HTML5 Parsing in IE10, Windows Internet Explorer Engineering Team, 6 July 2001
  34. onhashchange Event, Microsoft
  35. "track element | track object (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 29 November 2012.
  36. Resig, John (6 March 2008), JavaScript in Internet Explorer 8
  37. IndexedDB Prototype Available for Internet Explorer
  38. WebSockets in Windows Consumer Preview, IE Engineering Team
  39. Leithead, Travis (2 July 2011), Web Workers in IE10: Background JavaScript Makes Web Apps Faster, Microsoft
  40. Acting on Feedback: IE9 Release Candidate Available for Download
  41. "Application Cache API ("AppCache") (Windows)". Microsoft. Retrieved 17 November 2012.

Gecko references

  1. Bug 559284 – Support for HTML5 sectioning elements (article, aside, footer, header, hgroup, nav, section): style as display:block, Mozilla
  2. Bug 562008 – HTML5 section DOM elements should be of type HTMLElement, Mozilla
  3. Bug 629801 – Implement HTML5 , Mozilla
  4. Bug 485377 – Implement HTML5's <mark> tag, Mozilla
  5. Bug 33339 – HTML5 <ruby> support, Mozilla, retrieved 2014-12-03
  6. Implement the HTML5 dialog element, Mozilla
  7. Implement the figure element, Mozilla
  8. Support media attribute of source elements, Mozilla
  9. Canvas – MDC, Mozilla
  10. Bug 591737 – Support for HTML5's e support and [HTML5]] , Mozilla
  11. Implement the HTML5 command API, Mozilla
  12. Implement HTML5 toolbar menus, Mozilla
  13. Bug 613149 – Support HTML5 bdi element and CSS property unicode-bidi: isolate, Mozilla
  14. Bug 839371 – Implement HTML5 element, Mozilla
  15. Bug 870022 – Implement `picture` element, Mozilla
  16. Bug 596650 – Use the "sizes" attribute to select the best web app icon, Mozilla
  17. Bug 441770 – Add 'sizes' getter/setter to link elements, Mozilla
  18. Bug 508725 – Implement HTML 5 scoped attribute on STYLE tag, Mozilla
  19. Bug 503481 – Implement async attribute of script element, Mozilla
  20. Bug 601912 – HTML 5's <li> reversed attribute not supported, Mozilla
  21. Bug 676619 – Implement proposed download attribute, Mozilla
  22. Bug 341604- Implement IFRAME's sandbox attribute, Mozilla
  23. Bug 631218 – implement the HTML5 seamless attribute for the iframe element, Mozilla
  24. Bug 560112 – Implement HTML5 dataset attribute, Mozilla
  25. Changes for web developers, Mozilla
  26. Bug 567663 – Implement the hidden attribute, Mozilla
  27. Controlling spell checking in HTML forms, Mozilla
  28. 1 2 Blizzard, Christopher (15 July 2009), HTML5 drag and drop in Firefox 3.5
  29. Bug 723008 – Implement dropzone attribute, Mozilla
  30. User:Mounir.lamouri/HTML5 Forms, Mozilla External link in |title= (help)
  31. Bug 556007 – Implement list attribute, Mozilla
  32. Bug 345822 – Implement required attribute for <input type="text">, <textarea>, Mozilla
  33. Bug 523771 – Support <input type=file multiple>, Mozilla
  34. Bug 345512 – Implement pattern attribute for <input type="text">, <textarea>, Mozilla
  35. Bug 635499- Implement the max attribute, Mozilla
  36. Bug 635553- Implement the min attribute, Mozilla
  37. Bug 556009 – Implement step attribute, Mozilla
  38. Bug 457800 – Implement placeholder attribute for text input fields, Mozilla
  39. Bug 588683 – Implement form attribute, Mozilla
  40. Bug 546995 – Implement autofocus attribute for some form elements, Mozilla
  41. Bug 535043 – Support maxlength on textarea, Mozilla
  42. Bug 556013 – Implement novalidate attribute for form elements, Mozilla
  43. Bug 562932 – Implement control attribute for label element, Mozilla
  44. Bug 377624 – Implement the accept attribute for the form and file upload controls form "image/*", Mozilla,Bug 565274 – Implement the accept attribute for the form and file upload controls for custom MIME types, Mozilla
  45. Bug 566064 – HTMLInputElement and HTMLButtonElement should implement formtarget attribute which override HTMLFormElement target attribute, Mozilla
  46. Bug 566160 – HTMLInputElement and HTMLButtonElement should implement formaction attribute which override HTMLFormElement action attribute, Mozilla
  47. 1 2 Bug 582412 – Implement @formmethod, @formenctype, Mozilla
  48. Bug 589696 – Implement formnovalidate attribute for submit controls, Mozilla
  49. Bug 555840 – Implement datalist element, Mozilla
  50. Bug 101019 – Implement keygen element, Mozilla
  51. Bug 346485 – Implement Web Forms 2 <html:output/>, Mozilla
  52. Bug 514437 – Implement HTML 5 progress element, Mozilla
  53. Bug 555985 – Implement meter element, Mozilla
  54. Bug 456229 – Implement <input type="search"> for compatibility with Safari, Mozilla
  55. Bug 557620 – Implement <input type="telephone">, Mozilla
  56. Bug 344615 – Implement <input type="url">, Mozilla
  57. Bug 555559- Implement <input type="email">, Mozilla
  58. Bug 446510 – Implement <input type="date"> and other date controls, Mozilla
  59. Bug 344616 – Implement <input type="number">, Mozilla
  60. Bug 344618 – Implement <input type="range">, Mozilla
  61. Bug 547004 – Implement <input type="color">, Mozilla, retrieved 2010-02-18
  62. Bug 357450 – Implement getElementsByClassName, Mozilla
  63. window.navigator.registerProtocolHandler, Mozilla
  64. Navigator.registerContentHandler(), Mozilla
  65. Bug 387706 – (postMessage) Implement HTML5's cross-document messaging API (postMessage), Mozilla
  66. Bug 500328 – Add support for HTML5 History.pushState(), History.replaceState() methods, Mozilla
  67. Bug 591467 – Implement HTML5 Microdata API, Mozilla
  68. Bug 373864 – Replace HTML parser with an HTML5 parser, Mozilla
  69. Bug 530396 – Support for <a rel="noreferrer"> functionality, Mozilla
  70. Bug 385434 – Add support for HTML5 onhashchange (event for named anchor changes), Mozilla
  71. Bug 501257 – Implement HTML 5's HTMLElement.classList property, Mozilla
  72. Bug 548206 – Implement the auto value for the HTML dir attribute, Mozilla
  73. Bug 319368 – Implement <a ping>, Mozilla
  74. Bug 324645 – <a ping> support should be opt-in, not opt-out, for Gecko-based apps, Mozilla
  75. Bug 319368 – Implement <a ping> (Comment 64), Mozilla
  76. Bug 820508 – Add support for <main> element, Mozilla
  77. document.querySelector
  78. DOM Storage, Mozilla
  79. Implement Indexed Database API, Mozilla
  80. Bug 416327 – Implement Client-side database storage, Mozilla
  81. Using files from web applications, Mozilla
  82. Bug 557540 – Implement File API: Writer, Mozilla
  83. FileSystem API, Mozilla
  84. Bug 692955 – Camera support for desktop, Mozilla
  85. Bug 338583 – Add support for Server-Sent DOM Events (Remote Events), Mozilla
  86. Bug 472529 – Support for Web sockets' HTML5 Draft Recommendation, Mozilla
  87. Bug 437152 – implement worker threads, Mozilla
  88. Using geolocation, Mozilla
  89. Offline resources in Firefox, Mozilla

Webkit references

  1. Bug 32936 – HTML5 <section> element support, WebKit
  2. Bug 27937 – Implement HTML5 nav element, WebKit
  3. Bug 32942 – HTML5 <article> element support, WebKit
  4. Bug 32943 – HTML5 <aside> element support, WebKit
  5. Bug 33369 – Implement HTML5 <hgroup> element., WebKit
  6. Bug 32944 – HTML5 <header> and <footer> elements support, WebKit
  7. Bug 41144 – Implement the HTML5 <mark> element., WebKit
  8. Bug 28420 – Implement HTML5 <ruby> rendering, WebKit
  9. Steiner, Roland (20 January 2010), "Ruby Rendering in WebKit", Surfin’ Safari (WebKit), retrieved 2010-01-21
  10. Bug 84635 – Implement the DIALOG element, WebKit
  11. Bug 50684 – Default styling rules for the figure and figcaption elements, WebKit
  12. "Google subtracts MathML from Chrome, and anger multiplies". CNET. CBS Interactive. 5 November 2013.
  13. Bug 42373 – Changes to enable MathML, WebKit
  14. 1 2 Seidel, Eric (5 August 2010). "The HTML5 Parsing Algorithm". Surfin' Safari. WebKit Project. Retrieved 5 August 2010.
  15. 1 2 Bug 50309 – HTML5 <details> and <summary> initial implementation, WebKit
  16. 1 2 Bug 50555 – implement the HTML5 "context menu" feature (contextmenu attribute), WebKit
  17. Bug 50913 – [BiDi] Add support for the BDI element, WebKit
  18. Bug 116963 – (picture) Implement `picture` element, WebKit
  19. Bug 37674 – Implement sizes attribute for link tag from HTML5, WebKit
  20. Bug 49142 – Implement HTML5 style scoped attribute, WebKit
  21. Bug 20710 – WebKit should support defer and async on script elements, WebKit
  22. Bug 36724 – Add support for ol reversed, WebKit
  23. Bug 21288 – Implement HTML5's sandbox attribute for iframes, WebKit
  24. Bug 45950 – Implement HTML5's seamless attribute for iframes, WebKit
  25. Bug 41146 – Implement the .dataset DOM property, WebKit
  26. Bug 40511 – Implement HTML5 hidden attribute, WebKit
  27. Bug 25537 – WebKit does not follow HTML5 spellcheck attribute logic for words split by spans, WebKit
  28. Bug 26262 – Implement HTML5 draggable, WebKit
  29. Bug 19264 – HTML5 Forms Implementation – Master bug, WebKit
  30. Bug 27247 – [HTML5][Forms] Part 5 of datalist&list: UI of `list' attribute of <input>, WebKit
  31. 1 2 Bug 59019 – Enable the interactive form validation feature by default, WebKit
  32. Almaer, Dion (6 March 2009), input type="file" multiple; now in a real browser!, Ajaxian
  33. Bug 25552 – Support for HTML5 Forms "pattern" attribute, WebKit
  34. Bug 27450 – Support HTML5 min/max attributes and associated CSS selectors, WebKit
  35. Bug 27451 – Support HTML5 step attribute, WebKit
  36. Bug 47813 – [HTML5] "form" attribute support for form control elements, WebKit
  37. Bug 18887 – WF2 Support for autofocus controls, WebKit
  38. Bug 29292 – [HTML5][Forms] Support for <textarea maxlength=N>, WebKit
  39. 1 2 Bug 28145 – novalidate/formnovalidate support, WebKit
  40. Bug 45079 – HTML ollowing tables com accept attribute, WebKit
  41. 1 2 3 4 Bug 49240 – Implement formaction, formenctype, formmethod and formtarget attributes for the input tag, WebKit
  42. Bug 27247 – Master bug of datalist element and list attribute implementation, WebKit
  43. Bug 29363 – [HTML5][Forms] Support for <output> element, WebKit
  44. Bug 37307 – [Chromium] Support for <progress> element, WebKit
  45. Bug 37074 – Support for HTMLMeterElement, WebKit
  46. Hyatt, David (July 2004), The Search Field, archived from the original on 26 January 2010
  47. 1 2 3 4 Bug 25554 – Implement HTML5 Input element types for Text Fields, WebKit
  48. Bug 29004 – [HTML5][Forms] simple implementation of date&time types of INPUT element, WebKit
  49. Bug 29359 – Add UIs for date and time types of <input>
  50. Bug 28966 – [HTML5][Forms] <input type=color> simple implementation, WebKit
  51. Bug 44740 – registerProtocolHandler and registerContentHandler, WebKit
  52. Bug 32052 – Implement HTML5 state object history API, WebKit
  53. Bug 68609 – Implement HTML5 Microdata (master bug)
  54. Bug 39259 – MASTER: WebKit needs an HTML5 Tokenizer
  55. Chapin, Nate (19 November 2009), WebKit nightlies support HTML5 noreferrer link relation, retrieved 2009-11-20
  56. Bug 21605 – Support for HTML5 "hashchange" event, WebKit
  57. Bug 20709 – Implement HTML 5's HTMLElement.classList property, WebKit
  58. Bug 50916 – Add support for dir=auto, WebKit
  59. Bug 30458 – Implement <a ping>, WebKit
  60. Bug 103172 – implement the HTML <main> element, WebKit
  61. Bug 113016 – HTMLStackItem should include <template> as a special tag, WebKit
  62. Smith, David (7 February 2008), querySelector and querySelectorAll
  63. Eidson, Brady (19 October 2007), WebKit Does HTML5 Client-side Database Storage, retrieved 2009-10-22
  64. Bug 36567 – Implement FileAPI/FileWriter, WebKit
  65. Bug 38157 – Implement FileReader class, WebKit
  66. Bug 44358 – Implement FileWriter, WebKit
  67. Bug 42903 – Implement FileAPI: Directories and System (a.k.a. FileSystem API), WebKit
  68. Bug 14997 – Support for server-sent DOM events, WebKit
  69. Bug 21475 – Provide support for the Geolocation API, WebKit

Presto references

  1. A call for video on the web – Opera <video> release on Labs, Opera
  2. 1 2 Opera Core Concerns – (re-)Introducing <video>, Opera, archived from the original on 2010-01-04
  3. Web specifications supported in Opera 9.5, Opera
  4. canvas Support in Opera, Opera
  5. Chavchanidze, George (12 June 2008), Opera 9.5 released, Opera, archived from the original on 13 October 2008
  6. Implemented full support for the part of the HTML5 specification entitled "Parsing HTML documents"., Opera
  7. HTML5 elements, attributes, and APIs support in Opera Presto 2.8, Opera
  8. 1 2 3 4 Haavard (14 June 2010), HTML5, and then some, Opera, archived from the original on 17 June 2010
  9. 1 2 3 4 Kleinhout, Huib (1 July 2010), Opera 10.60 goes final, Opera, archived from the original on 2 July 2010
  10. HTML5 elements, attributes, and APIs support in Opera Presto 2.8, Opera
  11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 HTML5 elements, attributes, and APIs support in Opera Presto 2.8, Opera
  12. HTML 5 Forms support in Opera Presto 2.2, Opera
  13. 1 2 3 4 5 Ødegaard, Ruarí (6 December 2010). "Extension improvements, updates to Core and some other nice fixes". Opera. Archived from the original on 2010-12-10. Retrieved 2010-12-06.
  14. 1 2 Opera 11.60 changelog, 6 December 2011
  15. Web specifications support in Opera Presto 2.10 – Drag and Drop, Opera
  16. Introducing the HTML5 History API, Opera
  17. Opera 11.60 for Windows changelog, Opera, 6 December 2011
  18. Haavard (31 May 2010), Opera 10.60 Alpha 1: Speed, eye-candy, and bug fixing, Opera, archived from the original on 2 Jun 2010
  19. Hunt, Lachlan (22 May 2008), Selectors API, Opera, archived from the original on 27 May 2008
  20. 1 2 Dixit, Shwetank (16 December 2009), Opera 10.5 Pre-Alpha build released: the new additions, Opera, archived from the original on 25 December 2009
  21. W3C File API support in Opera Presto 2.8, Opera
  22. Web specifications support in Opera Presto 2.10, Opera Software ASA, 13 October 2011
  23. Bersvendsen, Arve (1 September 2006), Event Streaming to Web Browsers, Opera, archived from the original on 16 October 2006
  24. van Kesteren, Anne (11 October 2010). "The long journey of Server-Sent Events (EventSource)". Opera. Archived from the original on 2010-10-12. Retrieved 2010-10-11.
  25. Pieters, Simon (11 October 2010). "WebSockets in Opera". Opera. Archived from the original on 2010-10-12. Retrieved 2010-10-11.
  26. van Kesteren, Anne (8 December 2010). "Disabling the WebSocket protocol". Retrieved 2011-01-10.
  27. "Web specifications support in Opera Presto 2.11". Opera Software ASA. Retrieved 2012-07-23.
  28. Nilsen, Petter (5 February 2010), Skin fixes, Unite, and then some, Opera, archived from the original on 9 February 2010
  29. Web specifications supported in Opera Presto 2.5, Opera
  30. Web Notifications in Opera Developer 25, Opera Software ASA

Other references

  1. Amaya Binary Releases, Most recent download link in stable
  2. Change log between EdgeHTML 12.10240 and 13.10586
  3. "Firefox — Notes (46.0.1) — Mozilla". 2016-05-03. Retrieved 2016-05-03.
  4. "Firefox — Notes (45.1.1) — Mozilla". 2016-05-03. Retrieved 2016-05-04.
  5. "Firefox — Notes (38.8.0) — Mozilla". 2016-04-26. Retrieved 2016-04-26.
  6. "Firefox — Beta Notes (47.0beta) — Mozilla". 2016-04-27. Retrieved 2016-04-28.
  7. "Mozilla Firefox Web Browser — Download Firefox Beta in your language — Mozilla". Retrieved 2016-05-07.
  8. "Firefox — Aurora Notes (48.0a2) — Mozilla". 2016-04-28. Retrieved 2016-04-30.
  9. "RapidRelease/Calendar - MozillaWiki". Retrieved 2016-04-28.
  10. Download for kdelibs, Most recent download link in stable
  11. Pdfcrowd FAQ, “Pdfcrowd is built around Webkit.”
  12. ‘Producer’ metadata in the resulting pdf., Free Online HTML Converter around Webkit
  13. Studholme, Oli (11 May 2010), The ruby element and her hawt friends, rt and rp, HTML5 Doctor
  15. "HTML5". Microsoft.
  16. W3C – Test results: HTML character encoding basics, 12 April 2010, archived from the original on 2 March 2012
  17. WHATWG Weekly: translate attribute and other changes to HTML, 7 February 2012
  18. Pilgrim, Mark (6 March 2009), The Road to HTML 5: contentEditable
  19. Pilgrim, Mark (4 March 2009), The Road to HTML 5: spellchecking
  20. "keygen", Mozilla Developer Center (Mozilla), retrieved 2010-03-13
  21. Koch, Peter-Paul, DOM Core, QuirksMode
  22. "Is this HTML5?", HTML5 (including next generation additions still in development), WHATWG, 4 May 2010, retrieved 2010-05-04
  23. main element – an HTML5 extension specification, W3C, 17 December 2012
  24. HTML Templates, W3C, 14 February 2013
  25. Selectors API Level 1, W3C
  26. Web Storage, W3C
  27. Indexed Database API, W3C
  28. Web SQL Database, W3C
  29. File API, W3C, 26 October 2010
  30. File API: Writer, W3C, 26 October 2010
  31. File API: Directories and System, W3C, 26 October 2010
  32. Media Capture API, W3C
  33. Server-Sent Events, W3C
  34. The Web Sockets API, W3C
  35. Web Workers, W3C
  36. Resig, John (21 July 2009), Computing with JavaScript Web Workers
  37. Geolocation API Specification, W3C
  38. 5.6 Offline Web applications HTML5, W3C
  39. Web Notifications, W3C
  40. Available only in Firefox Mobile as of Gecko 2.0
  41. 594543 – Implement Desktop Notifications
  42. There is a bug in Chrome but is working

External links

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