E-Government in Russia

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The Russian e-government policy was first developed in 2002.[1] Its implementation began the same year with the nine-year, $2.57 billion development program “Electronic Russia” (E-Russia).[2] The program stated:

An important result of the distribution of the information and communication technologies (ICTs) and penetration of them into all spheres of social life is the creation of the legal, organizational, and technological conditions for the development of democracy due to the real support of the rights of citizens for unhindered search, reception, transmission, production, and distribution of information.

Only 19% of specialists in the central governmental staff and 1% overall of the workers in the federal government agencies were connected to the Internet in 2003.[3] E-Russia included goals to connect all universities to the Internet by 2005, all smaller higher education institutions by 2010, and to cut the price of Internet access in half.

The Federal Target Program "Information Society (2011-2018)" was adopted in 2010. The key project of this program is Electronic Government 2011—2015.[4]


Initially, the government of the Russian Federation approved 5 documents expiring in 2010 which concern the development of e-government:

The Federal Law “On the access to information on the activity of the state and local authorities”[5] and Order of the Government of Russia №478 from June 15, 2009 “On the unified system of I&R support of citizens and organizations on questions concerning their cooperation with the state and local authorities by means of the Internet” were issued in 2009.

See also


  1. "The Return of Electronic Russia", Russoft, November 5, 2003.
  2. Higher School of Economics State University (2003) "Electronic Russia" (in Russian)
  3. Reyman, L. (2003) "Information Technologies in the Work of Federal Governmental Agencies" (in Russian), Vestnik Svyazi International, 9, pp. 1-8
  4. Armada annual report
  5. The Federal Law of the Russian Federation #8-FL from February, 9, 2009 “On the access to information on the activity of the state and local authorities.”
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