
Far-red light is light at the extreme red end of the visible spectrum, between red and infra-red light. Usually regarded as the region between 710 and 850 nm wavelength, it is dimly visible to some eyes. It is largely reflected or transmitted by plants because of the absorbance spectrum of chlorophyll, and it is perceived by the plant photoreceptor phytochrome. However, some organisms can use it as a source of energy in photosynthesis.[1][2] Far-red light also is used for vision by certain organisms such as some species of deep-sea fishes.[3][4][5]


  1. [ÖQuist, G. (1969), Adaptations in Pigment Composition and Photosynthesis by Far Red Radiation in Chlorella pyrenoidosa. Physiologia Plantarum, 22: 516–528. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-3054.1969.tb07406.x]
  2. Douglas, R.H.; Partridge, J.C.; Dulai, K.; Hunt, D.; Mullineaux, C.W.; Tauber, A.Y.; Hynninen, P.H. 1998. Dragon fish see using chlorophyll. Nature. 393(6684): 423-424.

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