List of colors: A–F

Color is an important part of the visual arts, fashion, interior design, and many other fields and disciplines.

The following is a list of colors. A number of the color swatches below are taken from domain-specific naming schemes such as X11 or HTML4. RGB values are given for each swatch because such standards are defined in terms of the sRGB color space. It is not possible to accurately convert many of these swatches to CMYK values because of the differing gamuts of the two spaces, but the color management systems built into operating systems and image editing software attempt such conversions as accurately as possible.

The HSV (hue, saturation, value) color space values, also known as HSB (hue, saturation, brightness), and the hex triplets (for HTML web colors) are also given in the following table. Colors that appear on the web-safe color palettewhich includes the sixteen named colorsare noted.[1] (Those four named colors corresponding to the neutral grays have no hue value, which is effectively ignoredi.e., left blank.)

Colors in alphabetical order A-F

Color names
Name Hex (RGB) Red
Absolute Zero #0048BA 0% 28% 73% 217° 100% 37% 100% 73%
Acajou #4C2F27 30% 18% 15% 65° 32% 23% 86% 75%
Acid green #B0BF1A 69% 75% 10% 65° 76% 43% 86% 75%
Aero #7CB9E8 49% 73% 91% 206° 70% 70% 47% 91%
Aero blue #C9FFE5 79% 100% 90% 151° 100% 89% 21% 100%
African violet #B284BE 70% 52% 75% 288° 31% 63% 31% 75%
Air Force blue (RAF) #5D8AA8 36% 54% 66% 204° 30% 51% 45% 66%
Air Force blue (USAF) #00308F 0% 19% 56% 220° 100% 28% 100% 56%
Air superiority blue #72A0C1 45% 63% 76% 205° 39% 60% 41% 76%
Alabama crimson #AF002A 69% 0% 16% 346° 100% 34% 100% 69%
Alice blue #F0F8FF 94% 97% 100% 208° 100% 97% 6% 100%
Alien Armpit #84DE02 52% 87% 1% 85° 98% 44% 99% 87%
Alizarin crimson #E32636 89% 15% 21% 355° 77% 52% 83% 89%
Alloy orange #C46210 77% 38% 6% 27° 85% 42% 92% 77%
Almond #EFDECD 94% 87% 80% 30° 52% 87% 14% 94%
Amaranth #E52B50 90% 17% 31% 348° 78% 53% 81% 90%
Amaranth deep purple #9F2B68 62% 17% 41% 328° 57% 40% 73% 62%
Amaranth pink #F19CBB 95% 61% 73% 338° 75% 78% 35% 95%
Amaranth purple #AB274F 67% 15% 31% 342° 63% 41% 77% 67%
Amaranth red #D3212D 83% 13% 18% 356° 73% 48% 84% 83%
Amazon #3B7A57 23% 48% 34% 147° 35% 35% 52% 48%
Amber #FFBF00 100% 75% 0% 45° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Amber (SAE/ECE) #FF7E00 100% 49% 0% 30° 100% 50% 100% 100%
American rose #FF033E 100% 1% 24% 346° 100% 51% 99% 100%
Amethyst #9966CC 60% 40% 80% 270° 50% 60% 50% 80%
Android green #A4C639 64% 78% 22% 74° 55% 50% 71% 78%
Anti-flash white #F2F3F4 95% 95% 96% 210° 8% 95% 1% 96%
Antique brass #CD9575 80% 58% 46% 22° 47% 63% 43% 80%
Antique bronze #665D1E 40% 36% 12% 53° 55% 26% 71% 40%
Antique fuchsia #915C83 57% 36% 51% 316° 22% 46% 37% 57%
Antique ruby #841B2D 52% 11% 18% 350° 66% 31% 80% 52%
Antique white #FAEBD7 98% 92% 84% 34° 78% 91% 14% 98%
Ao (English) #008000 0% 50% 0% 120° 100% 25% 100% 50%
Apple green #8DB600 55% 71% 0% 74° 100% 36% 100% 71%
Apricot #FBCEB1 98% 81% 69% 24° 90% 84% 29% 98%
Aqua #00FFFF 0% 100% 100% 180° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Aquamarine #7FFFD4 50% 100% 83% 160° 100% 75% 50% 100%
Arctic lime #D0FF14 82% 100% 8% 72° 100% 54% 92% 100%
Army green #4B5320 29% 33% 13% 69° 44% 23% 61% 33%
Arsenic #3B444B 23% 27% 29% 206° 12% 26% 21% 29%
Artichoke #8F9779 56% 59% 47% 76° 13% 53% 20% 59%
Arylide yellow #E9D66B 91% 84% 42% 51° 74% 67% 54% 91%
Ash grey #B2BEB5 70% 75% 71% 135° 8% 72% 6% 75%
Asparagus #87A96B 53% 66% 42% 93° 26% 54% 37% 66%
Atomic tangerine #FF9966 100% 60% 40% 20° 100% 70% 60% 100%
Auburn #A52A2A 65% 16% 16% 59% 41% 75% 65%
Aureolin #FDEE00 99% 93% 0% 56° 100% 50% 100% 99%
AuroMetalSaurus #6E7F80 43% 50% 50% 183° 8% 47% 14% 50%
Avocado #568203 34% 51% 1% 81° 95% 26% 98% 51%
Aztec Gold #C39953 76% 60% 33% 38° 48% 55% 57% 77%
Azure #007FFF 0% 50% 100% 210° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Azure (web color) #F0FFFF 94% 100% 100% 180° 100% 97% 6% 100%
Azure mist #F0FFFF 94% 100% 100% 180° 100% 97% 6% 100%
Azureish white #DBE9F4 86% 91% 96% 206° 53% 91% 10% 96%
Baby blue #89CFF0 54% 81% 94% 199° 77% 74% 43% 94%
Baby blue eyes #A1CAF1 63% 79% 95% 209° 74% 79% 33% 95%
Baby pink #F4C2C2 96% 76% 76% 69% 86% 20% 96%
Baby powder #FEFEFA 100% 100% 98% 60° 67% 99% 2% 100%
Baker-Miller pink #FF91AF 100% 57% 69% 344° 100% 78% 43% 100%
Ball blue #21ABCD 13% 67% 80% 192° 72% 47% 84% 80%
Banana Mania #FAE7B5 98% 91% 71% 43° 87% 85% 28% 98%
Banana yellow #FFE135 100% 88% 21% 51° 100% 60% 79% 100%
Bangladesh green #006A4E 0% 42% 31% 164° 100% 21% 100% 42%
Barbie pink #E0218A 88% 13% 54% 327° 75% 50% 85% 88%
Barn red #7C0A02 49% 4% 1% 97% 25% 98% 49%
Battery Charged Blue #1DACD6 11% 67% 84% 194° 76% 48% 86% 84%
Battleship grey #848482 52% 52% 51% 60° 1% 51% 2% 52%
Bazaar #98777B 60% 47% 48% 353° 14% 53% 22% 60%
Beau blue #BCD4E6 74% 83% 90% 206° 46% 82% 18% 90%
Beaver #9F8170 62% 51% 44% 22° 20% 53% 30% 62%
Begonia #FA6E79 98% 43% 47% 355° 93% 71% 10% 96%
Beige #F5F5DC 96% 96% 86% 60° 56% 91% 10% 96%
B'dazzled blue #2E5894 18% 35% 58% 215° 53% 38% 69% 58%
Big dip o’ruby #9C2542 61% 15% 26% 345° 62% 38% 76% 61%
Big Foot Feet #E88E5A 91% 56% 35% 22° 76% 63% 61% 91%
Bisque #FFE4C4 100% 89% 77% 33° 100% 88% 23% 100%
Bistre #3D2B1F 24% 17% 12% 24° 33% 18% 49% 24%
Bistre brown #967117 59% 44% 9% 43° 73% 34% 85% 59%
Bitter lemon #CAE00D 79% 88% 5% 66° 89% 46% 94% 88%
Bitter lime #BFFF00 75% 100% 0% 75° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Bittersweet #FE6F5E 100% 44% 37% 99% 68% 63% 100%
Bittersweet shimmer #BF4F51 75% 31% 32% 359° 47% 53% 59% 75%
Black #000000 0% 0% 0% —° 0% 0% 0% 0%
Black bean #3D0C02 24% 5% 1% 10° 94% 12% 97% 24%
Black Coral #54626F 33% 38% 44% 209° 14% 38% 24% 44%
Black leather jacket #253529 15% 21% 16% 135° 18% 18% 30% 21%
Black olive #3B3C36 23% 24% 21% 70° 5% 22% 10% 24%
Black Shadows #BFAFB2 75% 69% 70% 349° 11% 72% 8% 75%
Blanched almond #FFEBCD 100% 92% 80% 36° 100% 90% 20% 100%
Blast-off bronze #A57164 65% 44% 39% 12° 27% 52% 39% 65%
Bleu de France #318CE7 19% 55% 91% 210° 79% 55% 79% 91%
Blizzard Blue #ACE5EE 67% 90% 93% 188° 66% 80% 28% 93%
Blond #FAF0BE 98% 94% 75% 50° 86% 86% 24% 98%
Blue #0000FF 0% 0% 100% 240° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Blue (Crayola) #1F75FE 12% 46% 100% 217° 99% 56% 88% 100%
Blue (Munsell) #0093AF 0% 58% 69% 190° 100% 34% 100% 69%
Blue (NCS) #0087BD 0% 53% 74% 197° 100% 37% 100% 74%
Blue (Pantone) #0018A8 0% 9% 66% 231° 100% 33% 100% 66%
Blue (pigment) #333399 20% 20% 60% 240° 50% 40% 67% 60%
Blue (RYB) #0247FE 1% 28% 100% 224° 99% 50% 99% 100%
Blue Bell #A2A2D0 64% 64% 82% 240° 33% 73% 22% 82%
Blue Bolt #00B9FB 0% 73% 98% 196° 100% 49% 100% 98%
Blue-gray #6699CC 40% 60% 80% 210° 50% 60% 50% 80%
Blue-green #0D98BA 5% 60% 73% 192° 87% 39% 93% 73%
Blue Jeans #5DADEC 36% 68% 93% 206° 79% 65% 61% 93%
Blue Lagoon #ACE5EE 67% 90% 93% 188° 66% 80% 28% 93%
Blue-magenta violet #553592 33% 21% 57% 261° 47% 39% 64% 57%
Blue sapphire #126180 7% 38% 50% 197° 75% 29% 86% 50%
Blue-violet #8A2BE2 54% 17% 89% 271° 76% 53% 81% 89%
Blue yonder #5072A7 31% 45% 65% 217° 35% 48% 52% 65%
Blueberry #4F86F7 31% 53% 97% 220° 91% 64% 68% 97%
Bluebonnet #1C1CF0 11% 11% 94% 240° 88% 53% 88% 94%
Blush #DE5D83 87% 36% 51% 342° 66% 62% 58% 87%
Bole #79443B 47% 27% 23% 34% 35% 51% 47%
Bondi blue #0095B6 0% 58% 71% 191° 100% 36% 100% 71%
Bone #E3DAC9 89% 85% 79% 39° 32% 84% 11% 89%
Booger Buster #DDE26A 87% 89% 42% 63° 67% 65% 53% 89%
Boston University Red #CC0000 80% 0% 0% 100% 40% 100% 80%
Bottle green #006A4E 0% 42% 31% 164° 100% 21% 100% 42%
Boysenberry #873260 53% 20% 38% 328° 46% 36% 63% 53%
Brandeis blue #0070FF 0% 44% 100% 214° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Brass #B5A642 71% 65% 26% 52° 47% 48% 64% 71%
Brick red #CB4154 80% 25% 33% 352° 57% 53% 68% 80%
Bright cerulean #1DACD6 11% 67% 84% 194° 76% 48% 86% 84%
Bright green #66FF00 40% 100% 0% 96° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Bright lavender #BF94E4 75% 58% 89% 272° 60% 74% 35% 89%
Bright lilac #D891EF 85% 57% 94% 285° 75% 75% 39% 94%
Bright maroon #C32148 76% 13% 28% 346° 71% 45% 83% 76%
Bright navy blue #1974D2 10% 45% 82% 210° 79% 46% 88% 82%
Bright pink #FF007F 100% 0% 50% 330° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Bright turquoise #08E8DE 3% 91% 87% 177° 93% 47% 97% 91%
Bright ube #D19FE8 82% 62% 91% 281° 61% 77% 31% 91%
Bright Yellow (Crayola) #FFAA1D 100% 67% 11% 37° 100% 56% 89% 100%
Brilliant azure #3399FF 20% 60% 100% 210° 100% 60% 80% 100%
Brilliant lavender #F4BBFF 96% 73% 100% 290° 100% 87% 27% 100%
Brilliant rose #FF55A3 100% 33% 64% 332° 100% 67% 67% 100%
Brink pink #FB607F 98% 38% 50% 348° 95% 68% 62% 98%
British racing green #004225 0% 26% 15% 154° 100% 13% 100% 26%
Bronze #CD7F32 80% 50% 20% 30° 61% 50% 76% 80%
Bronze Yellow #737000 45% 44% 0% 58° 100% 23% 100% 45%
Brown (traditional) #964B00 59% 29% 0% 30° 100% 29% 100% 59%
Brown (web) #A52A2A 65% 16% 16% 59% 41% 75% 65%
Brown-nose #6B4423 42% 27% 14% 28° 51% 28% 67% 42%
Brown Sugar #AF6E4D 69% 43% 30% 20° 39% 49% 56% 69%
Brown Yellow #cc9966 80% 60% 40% 30° 50% 60% 50% 80%
Brunswick green #1B4D3E 11% 30% 24% 162° 48% 20% 65% 30%
Bubble gum #FFC1CC 100% 76% 80% 349° 100% 88% 24% 100%
Bubbles #E7FEFF 91% 100% 100% 183° 100% 95% 9% 100%
Bud green #7BB661 48% 71% 38% 102° 37% 55% 47% 71%
Buff #F0DC82 94% 86% 51% 49° 79% 73% 46% 94%
Bulgarian rose #480607 28% 2% 3% 359° 85% 15% 92% 28%
Burgundy #800020 50% 0% 13% 345° 100% 25% 100% 50%
Burlywood #DEB887 87% 72% 53% 34° 57% 70% 39% 87%
Burnished Brown #A17A74 63% 48% 45% 19% 54% 28% 63%
Burnt orange #CC5500 80% 33% 0% 25° 100% 40% 100% 80%
Burnt sienna #E97451 91% 45% 32% 14° 78% 62% 65% 91%
Burnt umber #8A3324 54% 20% 14% 59% 34% 74% 54%
Byzantine #BD33A4 74% 20% 64% 311° 58% 47% 73% 74%
Byzantium #702963 44% 16% 39% 311° 46% 30% 63% 44%
Cadet #536872 33% 41% 45% 199° 16% 39% 27% 45%
Cadet blue #5F9EA0 37% 62% 63% 182° 25% 50% 41% 63%
Cadet grey #91A3B0 57% 64% 69% 205° 16% 63% 18% 69%
Cadmium green #006B3C 0% 42% 24% 154° 100% 21% 100% 42%
Cadmium orange #ED872D 93% 53% 18% 28° 84% 55% 81% 93%
Cadmium red #E30022 89% 0% 13% 351° 100% 45% 100% 89%
Cadmium yellow #FFF600 100% 96% 0% 58° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Café au lait #A67B5B 65% 48% 36% 26° 30% 50% 45% 65%
Café noir #4B3621 29% 21% 13% 30° 39% 21% 56% 29%
Cal Poly green #1E4D2B 12% 30% 17% 137° 44% 21% 61% 30%
Cambridge Blue #A3C1AD 64% 76% 68% 140° 19% 70% 16% 76%
Camel #C19A6B 76% 60% 42% 33° 41% 59% 45% 76%
Cameo pink #EFBBCC 94% 73% 80% 340° 62% 84% 22% 94%
Camouflage green #78866B 47% 53% 42% 91° 11% 47% 20% 53%
Canary #FFFF99 100% 100% 60% 60° 100% 80% 40% 100%
Canary yellow #FFEF00 100% 94% 0% 56° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Candy apple red #FF0800 100% 3% 0% 100% 50% 100% 100%
Candy pink #E4717A 89% 44% 48% 355° 68% 67% 50% 89%
Capri #00BFFF 0% 75% 100% 195° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Caput mortuum #592720 35% 15% 13% 47% 24% 64% 35%
Cardinal #C41E3A 77% 12% 23% 350° 73% 44% 85% 77%
Caribbean green #00CC99 0% 80% 60% 165° 100% 40% 100% 80%
Carmine #960018 59% 0% 9% 350° 100% 29% 100% 59%
Carmine (M&P) #D70040 84% 0% 25% 342° 100% 42% 100% 84%
Carmine pink #EB4C42 92% 30% 26% 81% 59% 72% 92%
Carmine red #FF0038 100% 0% 22% 347° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Carnation pink #FFA6C9 100% 65% 79% 336° 100% 83% 35% 100%
Carnelian #B31B1B 70% 11% 11% 74% 40% 85% 70%
Carolina blue #56A0D3 34% 63% 83% 204° 59% 58% 59% 83%
Carrot orange #ED9121 93% 57% 13% 33° 85% 53% 86% 93%
Castleton green #00563F 0% 34% 25% 164° 100% 17% 100% 34%
Catalina blue #062A78 2% 16% 47% 221° 90% 25% 95% 47%
Catawba #703642 44% 21% 26% 348° 35% 33% 52% 44%
Cedar Chest #C95A49 79% 35% 29% 54% 54% 64% 79%
Ceil #92A1CF 57% 63% 81% 225° 39% 69% 29% 81%
Celadon #ACE1AF 67% 88% 69% 123° 47% 78% 24% 88%
Celadon blue #007BA7 0% 48% 65% 196° 100% 33% 100% 65%
Celadon green #2F847C 18% 52% 49% 174° 47% 35% 64% 52%
Celeste #B2FFFF 70% 100% 100% 180° 100% 85% 30% 100%
Celestial blue #4997D0 29% 59% 82% 205° 59% 55% 65% 82%
Cerise #DE3163 87% 19% 39% 343° 72% 53% 78% 87%
Cerise pink #EC3B83 93% 23% 51% 336° 82% 58% 75% 93%
Cerulean #007BA7 0% 48% 65% 196° 100% 33% 100% 65%
Cerulean blue #2A52BE 16% 32% 75% 224° 64% 45% 78% 75%
Cerulean frost #6D9BC3 43% 61% 76% 208° 42% 60% 44% 76%
CG Blue #007AA5 0% 48% 65% 196° 100% 32% 100% 65%
CG Red #E03C31 88% 24% 19% 74% 54% 78% 88%
Chamoisee #A0785A 63% 47% 35% 26° 28% 49% 44% 63%
Champagne #F7E7CE 97% 91% 81% 37° 72% 89% 17% 97%
Champagne pink #F1DDCF 95% 87% 81% 25° 55% 88% 14% 95%
Charcoal #36454F 21% 27% 31% 204° 19% 26% 32% 31%
Charleston green #232B2B 14% 17% 17% 180° 10% 15% 19% 17%
Charm pink #E68FAC 90% 56% 67% 340° 64% 73% 38% 90%
Chartreuse (traditional) #DFFF00 87% 100% 0% 68° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Chartreuse (web) #7FFF00 50% 100% 0% 90° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Cherry #DE3163 87% 19% 39% 343° 72% 53% 78% 87%
Cherry blossom pink #FFB7C5 100% 72% 77% 348° 100% 86% 28% 100%
Chestnut #954535 58% 27% 21% 10° 48% 40% 64% 58%
China pink #DE6FA1 87% 44% 63% 333° 63% 65% 50% 87%
China rose #A8516E 66% 32% 43% 340° 35% 49% 52% 66%
Chinese red #AA381E 67% 22% 12% 11° 70% 39% 82% 67%
Chinese violet #856088 52% 38% 53% 296° 17% 45% 29% 53%
Chlorophyll green #4AFF00 29% 100% 0% 103° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Chocolate (traditional) #7B3F00 48% 25% 0% 31° 100% 24% 100% 48%
Chocolate (web) #D2691E 82% 41% 12% 25° 75% 47% 86% 82%
Chrome yellow #FFA700 100% 65% 0% 39° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Cinereous #98817B 60% 51% 48% 12° 12% 54% 19% 60%
Cinnabar #E34234 89% 26% 20% 76% 55% 77% 89%
Cinnamon #D2691E 82% 41% 12% 25° 75% 47% 86% 82%
Cinnamon Satin #CD607E 80% 38% 49% 343° 52% 59% 53% 80%
Citrine #E4D00A 89% 82% 4% 54° 92% 47% 96% 89%
Citron #9FA91F 62% 66% 12% 64° 69% 39% 82% 66%
Claret #7F1734 50% 9% 20% 343° 69% 29% 82% 50%
Classic rose #FBCCE7 98% 80% 91% 326° 85% 89% 19% 98%
Cobalt Blue #0047AB 0% 28% 67% 215° 100% 34% 100% 67%
Cocoa brown #D2691E 82% 41% 12% 25° 75% 47% 86% 82%
Coconut #965A3E 59% 35% 24% 19° 42% 42% 59% 59%
Coffee #6F4E37 44% 31% 22% 25° 34% 33% 50% 44%
Columbia Blue #C4D8E2 77% 85% 89% 200° 34% 83% 13% 89%
Congo pink #F88379 97% 51% 47% 90% 72% 51% 97%
Cool Black #002E63 0% 18% 39% 212° 100% 19% 100% 38%
Cool grey #8C92AC 55% 57% 67% 229° 16% 61% 19% 67%
Copper #B87333 72% 45% 20% 29° 57% 46% 72% 72%
Copper (Crayola) #DA8A67 85% 54% 40% 18° 61% 63% 53% 85%
Copper penny #AD6F69 68% 44% 41% 29% 55% 39% 68%
Copper red #CB6D51 80% 43% 32% 14° 54% 56% 60% 80%
Copper rose #996666 60% 40% 40% 20% 50% 33% 60%
Coquelicot #FF3800 100% 22% 0% 13° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Coral #FF7F50 100% 50% 31% 16° 100% 66% 69% 100%
Coral pink #F88379 97% 51% 47% 90% 72% 51% 97%
Coral red #FF4040 100% 25% 25% 100% 63% 75% 100%
Coral Reef #FD7C6E 99% 49% 43% 97% 71% 57% 99%
Cordovan #893F45 54% 25% 27% 355° 37% 39% 54% 54%
Corn #FBEC5D 98% 93% 36% 54° 95% 67% 63% 98%
Cornell Red #B31B1B 70% 11% 11% 74% 40% 85% 70%
Cornflower blue #6495ED 39% 58% 93% 219° 79% 66% 58% 93%
Cornsilk #FFF8DC 100% 97% 86% 48° 100% 93% 14% 100%
Cosmic Cobalt #2E2D88 18% 18% 53% 241° 50% 36% 67% 53%
Cosmic latte #FFF8E7 100% 97% 91% 43° 100% 95% 9% 100%
Coyote brown #81613C 51% 38% 24% 62° 37% 37% 52% 51%
Cotton candy #FFBCD9 100% 74% 85% 334° 100% 87% 26% 100%
Cream #FFFDD0 100% 99% 82% 57° 100% 91% 18% 100%
Crimson #DC143C 86% 8% 24% 348° 83% 47% 91% 86%
Crimson glory #BE0032 75% 0% 20% 344° 100% 37% 100% 75%
Crimson red #990000 60% 0% 0% 100% 30% 100% 60%
Cultured #F5F5F5 96% 96% 96% 0% 96% 0% 96%
Cyan #00FFFF 0% 100% 100% 180° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Cyan azure #4E82B4 31% 51% 71% 209° 41% 51% 57% 71%
Cyan-blue azure #4682BF 27% 51% 75% 210° 49% 51% 63% 75%
Cyan cobalt blue #28589C 16% 35% 61% 215° 59% 38% 74% 61%
Cyan cornflower blue #188BC2 9% 55% 76% 199° 78% 43% 88% 76%
Cyan (process) #00B7EB 0% 72% 92% 193° 100% 46% 100% 92%
Cyber grape #58427C 35% 26% 49% 263° 31% 37% 47% 49%
Cyber yellow #FFD300 100% 83% 0% 50° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Cyclamen #F56FA1 96% 44% 63% 87% 70% 54% 96%
Daffodil #FFFF31 100% 100% 19% 60° 100% 60% 81% 100%
Dandelion #F0E130 94% 88% 19% 55° 86% 56% 80% 94%
Dark blue #00008B 0% 0% 55% 240° 100% 27% 100% 55%
Dark blue-gray #666699 40% 40% 60% 240° 20% 50% 33% 60%
Dark brown #654321 40% 26% 13% 30° 51% 26% 67% 40%
Dark brown-tangelo #88654E 53% 40% 31% 24° 27% 42% 43% 53%
Dark byzantium #5D3954 36% 22% 33% 315° 24% 29% 39% 36%
Dark candy apple red #A40000 64% 0% 0% 100% 32% 100% 64%
Dark cerulean #08457E 3% 27% 49% 209° 88% 26% 94% 49%
Dark chestnut #986960 60% 41% 38% 10° 23% 49% 37% 60%
Dark coral #CD5B45 80% 36% 27% 10° 58% 54% 66% 80%
Dark cyan #008B8B 0% 55% 55% 180° 100% 27% 100% 55%
Dark electric blue #536878 33% 41% 47% 206° 18% 40% 31% 47%
Dark goldenrod #B8860B 72% 53% 4% 43° 89% 38% 94% 72%
Dark gray (X11) #A9A9A9 66% 66% 66% —° 0% 66% 0% 66%
Dark green #013220 0% 20% 13% 158° 96% 10% 98% 20%
Dark green (X11) #006400 0% 39% 0% 120° 100% 20% 100% 39%
Dark gunmetal #1F262A 12% 15% 16% 202° 15% 14% 26% 16%
Dark imperial blue #00416A 0% 25% 42% 203° 100% 21% 100% 42%
Dark imperial blue #6E6EF9 0% 8% 49% 183° 100% 25% 100% 40%
Dark jungle green #1A2421 10% 14% 13% 162° 16% 12% 28% 14%
Dark khaki #BDB76B 74% 72% 42% 56° 38% 58% 43% 74%
Dark lava #483C32 28% 24% 20% 27° 18% 24% 31% 28%
Dark lavender #734F96 45% 31% 59% 270° 31% 45% 47% 59%
Dark liver #534B4F 33% 29% 31% 330° 5% 31% 10% 33%
Dark liver (horses) #543D37 33% 24% 22% 12° 21% 27% 35% 33%
Dark magenta #8B008B 55% 0% 55% 300° 100% 27% 100% 55%
Dark medium gray #A9A9A9 66% 66% 66% —° 0% 66% 0% 66%
Dark midnight blue #003366 0% 20% 40% 210° 100% 20% 100% 40%
Dark moss green #4A5D23 29% 36% 14% 80° 45% 25% 62% 36%
Dark olive green #556B2F 33% 42% 18% 82° 39% 30% 56% 42%
Dark orange #FF8C00 100% 55% 0% 33° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Dark orchid #9932CC 60% 20% 80% 280° 61% 50% 75% 80%
Dark pastel blue #779ECB 47% 62% 80% 212° 45% 63% 41% 80%
Dark pastel green #03C03C 1% 75% 24% 138° 97% 38% 98% 75%
Dark pastel purple #966FD6 59% 44% 84% 263° 56% 64% 48% 84%
Dark pastel red #C23B22 76% 23% 13% 70% 45% 82% 76%
Dark pink #E75480 91% 33% 50% 342° 75% 62% 64% 91%
Dark powder blue #003399 0% 20% 60% 220° 100% 30% 100% 60%
Dark puce #4F3A3C 31% 23% 24% 354° 15% 27% 27% 31%
Dark purple #301934 19% 10% 20% 291° 35% 15% 51% 20%
Dark raspberry #872657 53% 15% 34% 330° 56% 34% 72% 53%
Dark red #8B0000 55% 0% 0% 100% 27% 100% 55%
Dark salmon #E9967A 91% 59% 48% 15° 72% 70% 48% 91%
Dark scarlet #560319 34% 1% 10% 344° 93% 17% 97% 34%
Dark sea green #8FBC8F 56% 74% 56% 120° 25% 65% 24% 74%
Dark sienna #3C1414 24% 8% 8% 50% 16% 67% 24%
Dark sky blue #8CBED6 55% 75% 84% 199° 47% 69% 35% 84%
Dark slate blue #483D8B 28% 24% 55% 248° 39% 39% 56% 55%
Dark slate gray #2F4F4F 18% 31% 31% 180° 25% 25% 41% 31%
Dark spring green #177245 9% 45% 27% 150° 66% 27% 80% 45%
Dark tan #918151 57% 51% 32% 45° 28% 44% 44% 57%
Dark tangerine #FFA812 100% 66% 7% 38° 100% 54% 93% 100%
Dark taupe #483C32 28% 24% 20% 27° 18% 24% 31% 28%
Dark terra cotta #CC4E5C 80% 31% 36% 353° 55% 55% 62% 80%
Dark turquoise #00CED1 0% 81% 82% 181° 100% 41% 100% 82%
Dark vanilla #D1BEA8 82% 75% 66% 32° 31% 74% 20% 82%
Dark violet #9400D3 58% 0% 83% 282° 100% 41% 100% 83%
Dark yellow #9B870C 61% 53% 5% 52° 86% 33% 92% 61%
Dartmouth green #00703C 0% 44% 24% 152° 100% 22% 100% 44%
Davy's grey #555555 33% 33% 33% —° 0% 33% 0% 33%
Debian red #D70A53 84% 4% 33% 339° 91% 44% 95% 84%
Deep aquamarine #40826D 25% 51% 43% 161° 34% 38% 51% 51%
Deep carmine #A9203E 66% 13% 24% 347° 68% 39% 81% 66%
Deep carmine pink #EF3038 94% 19% 22% 357° 86% 56% 80% 94%
Deep carrot orange #E9692C 91% 41% 17% 19° 81% 54% 81% 91%
Deep cerise #DA3287 85% 20% 53% 330° 69% 53% 77% 85%
Deep champagne #FAD6A5 98% 84% 65% 35° 90% 81% 34% 98%
Deep chestnut #B94E48 73% 31% 28% 45% 50% 61% 73%
Deep coffee #704241 44% 26% 25% 27% 35% 42% 44%
Deep fuchsia #C154C1 76% 33% 76% 300° 47% 54% 56% 76%
Deep Green #056608 2% 40% 3% 122° 91% 21% 95% 40%
Deep green-cyan turquoise #0E7C61 5% 49% 38% 165° 80% 27% 89% 49%
Deep jungle green #004B49 0% 29% 29% 178° 100% 15% 100% 29%
Deep koamaru #333366 20% 20% 40% 240° 33% 30% 50% 40%
Deep lemon #F5C71A 96% 78% 10% 47° 92% 53% 89% 96%
Deep lilac #9955BB 60% 33% 73% 280° 43% 53% 55% 73%
Deep magenta #CC00CC 80% 0% 80% 300° 100% 40% 100% 80%
Deep maroon #820000 51% 0% 0% 100% 26% 100% 51%
Deep mauve #D473D4 83% 45% 83% 300° 53% 64% 46% 83%
Deep moss green #355E3B 21% 37% 23% 129° 28% 29% 44% 37%
Deep peach #FFCBA4 100% 80% 64% 26° 100% 82% 36% 100%
Deep pink #FF1493 100% 8% 58% 328° 100% 54% 92% 100%
Deep puce #A95C68 66% 36% 41% 351° 31% 51% 46% 66%
Deep Red #850101 52% 0% 0% 99% 26% 99% 52%
Deep ruby #843F5B 52% 25% 36% 336° 35% 38% 52% 52%
Deep saffron #FF9933 100% 60% 20% 30° 100% 60% 80% 100%
Deep sky blue #00BFFF 0% 75% 100% 195° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Deep Space Sparkle #4A646C 29% 39% 42% 194° 19% 36% 31% 42%
Deep spring bud #556B2F 33% 42% 18% 82° 39% 30% 56% 42%
Deep Taupe #7E5E60 49% 37% 38% 356° 15% 43% 25% 49%
Deep Tuscan red #66424D 40% 26% 30% 342° 21% 33% 35% 40%
Deep violet #330066 20% 0% 40% 270° 100% 20% 100% 40%
Deer #BA8759 73% 53% 35% 28° 41% 54% 52% 73%
Denim #1560BD 8% 38% 74% 213° 80% 41% 89% 74%
Denim Blue #2243B6 13% 26% 71% 227° 69% 42% 81% 71%
Desaturated cyan #669999 40% 60% 60% 180° 20% 50% 33% 60%
Desert #C19A6B 76% 60% 42% 33° 41% 59% 45% 76%
Desert sand #EDC9AF 93% 79% 69% 25° 63% 81% 26% 93%
Desire #EA3C53 92% 24% 33% 352° 81% 58% 74% 92%
Diamond #B9F2FF 73% 95% 100% 191° 100% 86% 27% 100%
Dim gray #696969 41% 41% 41% —° 0% 41% 0% 41%
Dingy Dungeon #C53151 77% 19% 32% 347° 60% 48% 75% 77%
Dirt #9B7653 61% 46% 33% 29° 30% 47% 46% 61%
Dodger blue #1E90FF 12% 56% 100% 210° 100% 56% 88% 100%
Dogwood rose #D71868 84% 9% 41% 335° 80% 47% 89% 84%
Dollar bill #85BB65 52% 73% 40% 98° 39% 56% 46% 73%
Dolphin Gray #828E84 51% 56% 52% 130° 5% 53% 8% 56%
Donkey brown #664C28 40% 30% 16% 35° 44% 28% 61% 40%
Drab #967117 59% 44% 9% 43° 73% 34% 85% 59%
Duke blue #00009C 0% 0% 61% 240° 100% 31% 100% 61%
Dust storm #E5CCC9 90% 80% 79% 35% 84% 12% 90%
Dutch white #EFDFBB 94% 87% 73% 42° 62% 84% 22% 94%
Earth yellow #E1A95F 88% 66% 37% 34° 68% 63% 58% 88%
Ebony #555D50 33% 36% 31% 97° 8% 34% 14% 36%
Ecru #C2B280 76% 70% 50% 45° 35% 63% 34% 76%
Eerie black #1B1B1B 11% 11% 11% —° 0% 11% 0% 11%
Eggplant #614051 38% 25% 32% 329° 20% 32% 34% 38%
Eggshell #F0EAD6 94% 92% 84% 46° 46% 89% 11% 94%
Egyptian blue #1034A6 6% 20% 65% 226° 82% 36% 90% 65%
Electric blue #7DF9FF 49% 98% 100% 183° 100% 75% 51% 100%
Electric crimson #FF003F 100% 0% 25% 345° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Electric cyan #00FFFF 0% 100% 100% 180° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Electric green #00FF00 0% 100% 0% 120° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Electric indigo #6F00FF 44% 0% 100% 266° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Electric lavender #F4BBFF 96% 73% 100% 290° 100% 87% 27% 100%
Electric lime #CCFF00 80% 100% 0% 72° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Electric purple #BF00FF 75% 0% 100% 285° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Electric ultramarine #3F00FF 25% 0% 100% 255° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Electric violet #8F00FF 56% 0% 100% 274° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Electric yellow #FFFF33 100% 100% 20% 60° 100% 60% 80% 100%
Emerald #50C878 31% 78% 47% 140° 52% 55% 60% 78%
Eminence #6C3082 42% 19% 51% 284° 46% 35% 63% 51%
English green #1B4D3E 11% 30% 24% 162° 48% 20% 65% 30%
English lavender #B48395 71% 51% 58% 338° 25% 61% 27% 71%
English red #AB4B52 67% 29% 32% 356° 39% 48% 56% 67%
English vermillion #CC474B 80% 28% 29% 358° 57% 54% 65% 80%
English violet #563C5C 34% 24% 36% 289° 21% 30% 35% 36%
Eton blue #96C8A2 59% 78% 64% 134° 31% 69% 25% 78%
Eucalyptus #44D7A8 27% 84% 66% 161° 65% 55% 68% 84%
Fallow #C19A6B 76% 60% 42% 33° 41% 59% 45% 76%
Falu red #801818 50% 9% 9% 68% 30% 81% 50%
Fandango #B53389 71% 20% 54% 320° 56% 45% 72% 71%
Fandango pink #DE5285 87% 32% 52% 338° 68% 60% 63% 87%
Fashion fuchsia #F400A1 96% 0% 63% 320° 100% 48% 100% 96%
Fawn #E5AA70 90% 67% 44% 30° 69% 67% 51% 90%
Feldgrau #4D5D53 30% 36% 33% 143° 9% 33% 17% 36%
Feldspar #FDD5B1 99% 84% 69% 28° 95% 84% 30% 99%
Fern green #4F7942 31% 47% 26% 106° 29% 37% 45% 47%
Ferrari Red #FF2800 100% 16% 0% 100% 50% 100% 100%
Field drab #6C541E 42% 33% 12% 42° 57% 27% 72% 42%
Fiery Rose #FF5470 100% 33% 44% 350° 100% 67% 67% 100%
Firebrick #B22222 70% 13% 13% 68% 42% 81% 70%
Fire engine red #CE2029 81% 13% 16% 357° 73% 47% 84% 81%
Flame #E25822 89% 35% 13% 17° 77% 51% 85% 89%
Flamingo pink #FC8EAC 99% 56% 67% 344° 95% 77% 44% 99%
Flattery #6B4423 42% 27% 14% 28° 51% 28% 67% 42%
Flavescent #F7E98E 97% 91% 56% 52° 87% 76% 43% 97%
Flax #EEDC82 93% 86% 51% 50° 76% 72% 45% 93%
Flirt #A2006D 64% 0% 43% 320° 100% 32% 100% 64%
Floral white #FFFAF0 100% 98% 94% 40° 100% 97% 6% 100%
Fluorescent orange #FFBF00 100% 75% 0% 45° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Fluorescent pink #FF1493 100% 8% 58% 328° 100% 54% 92% 100%
Fluorescent yellow #CCFF00 80% 100% 0% 72° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Folly #FF004F 100% 0% 31% 341° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Forest green (traditional) #014421 0% 27% 13% 149° 97% 14% 99% 27%
Forest green (web) #228B22 13% 55% 13% 120° 61% 34% 76% 55%
French beige #A67B5B 65% 48% 36% 26° 30% 50% 45% 65%
French bistre #856D4D 52% 43% 30% 34° 27% 41% 42% 52%
French blue #0072BB 0% 45% 73% 203° 100% 37% 100% 73%
French fuchsia #FD3F92 99% 25% 57% 334° 98% 62% 75% 99%
French lilac #86608E 53% 38% 56% 290° 19% 47% 32% 56%
French lime #9EFD38 62% 99% 22% 89° 98% 61% 78% 99%
French mauve #D473D4 83% 45% 83% 300° 53% 64% 46% 83%
French pink #FD6C9E 99% 42% 62% 339° 97% 71% 57% 99%
French plum #811453 51% 8% 33% 325° 73% 29% 84% 51%
French puce #4E1609 31% 9% 4% 11° 79% 17% 88% 31%
French raspberry #C72C48 78% 17% 28% 349° 64% 48% 78% 78%
French rose #F64A8A 96% 29% 54% 338° 91% 63% 70% 96%
French sky blue #77B5FE 47% 71% 100% 212° 99% 73% 53% 100%
French violet #8806CE 53% 2% 81% 279° 94% 42% 97% 81%
French wine #AC1E44 67% 12% 27% 344° 70% 40% 83% 67%
Fresh Air #A6E7FF 65% 91% 100% 196° 100% 83% 35% 100%
Frostbite #E936A7 91% 21% 65% 322° 80% 56% 77% 91%
Fuchsia #FF00FF 100% 0% 100% 300° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Fuchsia (Crayola) #C154C1 76% 33% 76% 300° 47% 54% 56% 76%
Fuchsia pink #FF77FF 100% 47% 100% 300° 100% 73% 53% 100%
Fuchsia purple #CC397B 80% 22% 48% 333° 59% 51% 72% 80%
Fuchsia rose #C74375 78% 26% 46% 337° 54% 52% 66% 78%
Fulvous #E48400 89% 52% 0% 35° 100% 45% 100% 89%
Fuzzy Wuzzy #CC6666 80% 40% 40% 50% 60% 50% 80%

For the continuation of the list of colors, please go to List of colors: G-M#Colors.

Colors by shade


Main articles: White and Variations of white

White is a balanced combination of all the colors of the visible light spectrum, or of a pair of complementary colors, or of three or more colors, such as additive primary colors. It is a neutral or achromatic (without color) color, like black and gray.


Main article: Gray

Achromatic grays are colors between black and white with no hue. Chromatic grays are achromatic grays mixed with warm hues such as orange (warm grays) or cool hues such as azure (cool grays). This gray color template includes both achromatic and chromatic grays.


Main articles: Pink and Variations of pink

Pink is any of a number of similar colors evoked by light, consisting predominantly of a combination of both the longest, and shortest wavelengths discernible by the human eye, in the wavelength ranges of roughly 625–750 nm and 380-490 nm.


Main articles: Red and Variations of red

Red is any of a number of similar colors evoked by light, consisting predominantly of the longest wavelengths discernible by the human eye, in the wavelength range of roughly 625–750 nm. It is considered one of the additive primary colors.


Main article: Brown

Brown colors are dark or muted shades of reds, oranges, and yellows on the RGB and CMYK color schemes. In practice, browns are created by mixing two complementary colors from the RYB color scheme (combining all three primary colors). In theory, such combinations should produce black, but produce brown because most commercially available blue pigments tend to be comparatively weaker; the stronger red and yellow colors prevail, thus creating the following tones.


Main article: Orange (colour)

Orange is the color in the visible spectrum between red and yellow with a wavelength around 585 – 620 nm. In the HSV color space, it has a hue of around 30°.


Main articles: Yellow and Shades of yellow

Yellow is the color of light with wavelengths predominately in the range of roughly 570–580 nm. In the HSV color space, it has a hue of around 60°. It is considered one of the subtractive primary colors.


Main articles: Green and Variations of green

Green is a color, the perception of which is evoked by light having a spectrum dominated by energy with a wavelength of roughly 520–570 nm. It is considered one of the additive primary colors.


Main articles: Cyan and Variations of cyan

Cyan is any of the colors in the blue-green range of the visible spectrum, i.e., between approximately 520 and 420 nm. It is considered one of the subtractive primary colors.


Main articles: Blue and Variations of blue

Blue is a color, the perception of which is evoked by light having a spectrum dominated by energy with a wavelength of roughly 440–490 nm. It is considered one of the additive primary colors.


Main articles: Violet (color) and Purple

Violet is any of the colors the perception of which is evoked by light having a spectrum dominated by energy with a wavelength of roughly 380–450 nm. Tones of violet tending towards the blue are called indigo. Purple colors are colors that are various blends of violet or blue light with red light.

Web colors

Main article: Web colors

These are the 216 colors which were once deemed "safe" for use in web pages, as they were displayed consistently across many models of computer monitors. With modern technology, this particular set of colors has become less relevant.

See also




This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Wednesday, April 13, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.