List of colors: G–M

This is a list of colors with names starting with the letters G through M.

Colors in alphabetical order G–M

Color names
Name Hex (RGB) Red
Gainsboro #DCDCDC 86% 86% 86% 0% 86% 0% 86%
Gamboge #E49B0F 89% 61% 6% 39° 88% 48% 93% 89%
Gamboge orange (brown) #996600 60% 40% 0% 40° 100% 30% 100% 60%
Gargoyle Gas #FFDF46 100% 87% 27% 50° 100% 64% 73% 100%
Generic viridian #007F66 0% 50% 40% 168° 100% 25% 100% 50%
Ghost white #F8F8FF 97% 97% 100% 240° 100% 99% 3% 100%
Giant's Club #B05C52 69% 36% 32% 37% 51% 53% 69%
Giants orange #FE5A1D 100% 35% 11% 16° 99% 55% 89% 100%
Ginger #B06500 69% 40% 0% 34° 100% 35% 100% 69%
Glaucous #6082B6 38% 51% 71% 216° 37% 55% 47% 71%
Glitter #E6E8FA 90% 91% 98% 234° 67% 94% 8% 98%
Glossy Grape #AB92B3 67% 57% 70% 285° 18% 64% 18% 70%
GO green #00AB66 0% 67% 40% 156° 100% 34% 100% 67%
Gold (metallic) #D4AF37 83% 69% 22% 46° 65% 52% 74% 83%
Gold (web) (Golden) #FFD700 100% 84% 0% 51° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Gold Fusion #85754E 52% 46% 31% 43° 26% 41% 41% 52%
Golden brown #996515 60% 40% 8% 36° 76% 34% 86% 60%
Golden poppy #FCC200 99% 76% 0% 46° 100% 49% 100% 99%
Golden yellow #FFDF00 100% 87% 0% 52° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Goldenrod #DAA520 85% 65% 13% 43° 74% 49% 85% 85%
Granite Gray #676767 40% 40% 40% 0% 40% 0% 40%
Granny Smith Apple #A8E4A0 66% 89% 63% 113° 56% 76% 30% 89%
Grape #6F2DA8 44% 18% 66% 272° 58% 42% 73% 66%
Gray #808080 50% 50% 50% 0% 50% 0% 50%
Gray (HTML/CSS gray) #808080 50% 50% 50% 0% 50% 0% 50%
Gray (X11 gray) #BEBEBE 75% 75% 75% 0% 75% 0% 75%
Gray-asparagus #465945 27% 35% 27% 117° 13% 31% 22% 35%
Gray-blue #8C92AC 55% 57% 67% 229° 16% 61% 19% 67%
Green (Color Wheel) (X11 green) #00FF00 0% 100% 0% 120° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Green (Crayola) #1CAC78 11% 67% 47% 158° 72% 39% 84% 67%
Green (HTML/CSS color) #008000 0% 50% 0% 120° 100% 25% 100% 50%
Green (Munsell) #00A877 0% 66% 47% 163° 100% 33% 100% 66%
Green (NCS) #009F6B 0% 62% 42% 160° 100% 31% 100% 62%
Green (Pantone) #00AD43 0% 68% 26% 143° 100% 34% 100% 68%
Green (pigment) #00A550 0% 65% 31% 149° 100% 32% 100% 65%
Green (RYB) #66B032 40% 69% 20% 95° 56% 44% 72% 69%
Green-blue #1164B4 7% 39% 71% 209° 83% 39% 91% 71%
Green-cyan #009966 0% 60% 40% 160° 100% 30% 100% 60%
Green Lizard #A7F432 65% 96% 20% 84° 90% 58% 80% 96%
Green Sheen #6EAEA1 43% 68% 63% 168° 28% 56% 37% 68%
Green-yellow #ADFF2F 68% 100% 18% 84° 100% 59% 82% 100%
Grizzly #885818 53% 35% 9% 34° 70% 31% 82% 53%
Grullo #A99A86 66% 60% 53% 34° 17% 59% 21% 66%
Guppie green #00FF7F 0% 100% 50% 150° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Gunmetal #2a3439 16% 20% 22% 200° 15% 19% 15% 19%
Halayà úbe #663854 40% 22% 33% 323° 29% 31% 45% 40%
Han blue #446CCF 27% 42% 81% 223° 59% 54% 67% 81%
Han purple #5218FA 32% 9% 98% 255° 96% 54% 90% 98%
Hansa yellow #E9D66B 91% 84% 42% 51° 74% 67% 54% 91%
Harlequin #3FFF00 25% 100% 0% 105° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Harlequin green #46CB18 27% 80% 9% 105° 79% 45% 88% 80%
Harvard crimson #C90016 79% 0% 9% 353° 100% 39% 100% 79%
Harvest gold #DA9100 85% 57% 0% 40° 100% 43% 100% 85%
Heart Gold #808000 50% 50% 0% 60° 100% 25% 100% 50%
Heat Wave #FF7A00 100% 48% 0% 29° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Heidelberg Red[1] #960018 59% 0% 9% 10° 100% 29% 100% 60%
Heliotrope #DF73FF 87% 45% 100% 286° 100% 73% 55% 100%
Heliotrope gray #AA98A9 67% 60% 66% 303° 10% 63% 11% 67%
Heliotrope magenta #AA00BB 67% 0% 73% 295° 100% 37% 100% 73%
Hollywood cerise #F400A1 96% 0% 63% 320° 100% 48% 100% 96%
Honeydew #F0FFF0 94% 100% 94% 120° 100% 97% 6% 100%
Honolulu blue #006DB0 0% 43% 69% 203° 100% 35% 100% 69%
Hooker's green #49796B 29% 47% 42% 163° 25% 38% 40% 47%
Hot magenta #FF1DCE 100% 11% 81% 313° 100% 56% 89% 100%
Hot pink #FF69B4 100% 41% 71% 330° 100% 71% 59% 100%
Hunter green #355E3B 21% 37% 23% 129° 28% 29% 44% 37%
Iceberg #71A6D2 44% 65% 82% 207° 52% 63% 46% 82%
Icterine #FCF75E 99% 97% 37% 58° 96% 68% 63% 99%
Iguana Green #71BC78 44% 74% 47% 126° 36% 59% 40% 74%
Illuminating Emerald #319177 19% 57% 47% 164° 49% 38% 66% 57%
Imperial #602F6B 38% 18% 42% 289° 39% 30% 56% 42%
Imperial blue #002395 0% 14% 58% 226° 100% 29% 100% 58%
Imperial purple #66023C 40% 1% 24% 325° 96% 20% 98% 40%
Imperial red #ED2939 93% 16% 22% 355° 84% 55% 83% 93%
Inchworm #B2EC5D 70% 93% 36% 84° 79% 65% 61% 93%
Independence #4C516D 30% 32% 43% 231° 18% 36% 30% 43%
India green #138808 7% 53% 3% 115° 89% 28% 94% 53%
Indian red #CD5C5C 80% 36% 36% 53% 58% 55% 80%
Indian yellow #E3A857 89% 66% 34% 35° 71% 62% 62% 89%
Indigo #4B0082 29% 0% 51% 266° 100% 26% 100% 100%
Indigo dye #091F92 4% 12% 57% 230° 88% 30% 94% 57%
Indigo (web) #4B0082 29% 0% 51% 275° 100% 25% 100% 51%
Infra Red #FF496C 100% 29% 42% 348° 100% 64% 71% 100%
Interdimensional Blue #360CCC 21% 5% 80% 253° 89% 42% 94% 80%
International Klein Blue #002FA7 0% 18% 65% 223° 100% 33% 100% 65%
International orange (aerospace) #FF4F00 100% 31% 0% 19° 100% 50% 100% 100%
International orange (engineering) #BA160C 73% 9% 5% 88% 39% 94% 73%
International orange (Golden Gate Bridge) #C0362C 75% 21% 17% 63% 46% 77% 75%
Iris #5A4FCF 35% 31% 81% 245° 57% 56% 62% 81%
Irresistible #B3446C 70% 27% 42% 338° 45% 48% 62% 70%
Isabelline #F4F0EC 96% 94% 93% 30° 27% 94% 3% 96%
Islamic green #009000 0% 56% 0% 120° 100% 28% 100% 56%
Italian sky blue #B2FFFF 70% 100% 100% 180° 100% 85% 30% 100%
Ivory #FFFFF0 100% 100% 94% 60° 100% 97% 6% 100%
Jade #00A86B 0% 66% 42% 158° 100% 33% 100% 66%
Japanese carmine #9D2933 62% 16% 20% 355° 59% 39% 74% 62%
Japanese indigo #264348 15% 26% 28% 189° 31% 22% 47% 28%
Japanese violet #5B3256 36% 20% 34% 307° 29% 28% 45% 36%
Jasmine #F8DE7E 97% 87% 49% 47° 90% 73% 49% 97%
Jasper #D73B3E 84% 23% 24% 359° 66% 54% 73% 84%
Jazzberry jam #A50B5E 65% 4% 37% 328° 88% 35% 93% 65%
Jelly Bean #DA614E 85% 38% 31% 65% 58% 64% 85%
Jet #343434 20% 20% 20% —° 0% 20% 0% 20%
Jonquil #F4CA16 96% 79% 9% 49° 91% 52% 91% 96%
Jordy blue #8AB9F1 54% 73% 95% 213° 79% 74% 43% 95%
June bud #BDDA57 74% 85% 34% 73° 64% 60% 60% 85%
Jungle green #29AB87 16% 67% 53% 163° 61% 42% 76% 67%
Kelly green #4CBB17 30% 73% 9% 101° 78% 41% 88% 73%
Kenyan copper #7C1C05 49% 11% 2% 12° 92% 25% 96% 49%
Keppel #3AB09E 23% 69% 62% 171° 50% 46% 67% 69%
Key Lime #E8F48C 91% 96% 55% 67° 83% 75% 43% 96%
Khaki (HTML/CSS) (Khaki) #C3B091 76% 69% 57% 37° 29% 67% 26% 76%
Khaki (X11) (Light khaki) #F0E68C 94% 90% 55% 54° 77% 75% 42% 94%
Kiwi #8EE53F 56% 90% 25% 91° 76% 57% 72% 90%
Kobe #882D17 53% 18% 9% 12° 71% 31% 83% 53%
Kobi #E79FC4 91% 62% 77% 329° 60% 76% 31% 91%
Kobicha #6B4423 42% 27% 14% 28° 51% 28% 67% 42%
Kombu green #354230 21% 26% 19% 103° 16% 22% 27% 26%
KSU Purple #512888 31% 15% 51% 266° 55% 33% 71% 53%
KU Crimson #E8000D 91% 0% 5% 357° 100% 45% 100% 91%
La Salle Green #087830 3% 47% 19% 141° 88% 25% 93% 47%
Languid lavender #D6CADD 84% 79% 87% 278° 22% 83% 9% 87%
Lapis lazuli #26619C 15% 38% 61% 210° 61% 38% 76% 61%
Laser Lemon #FFFF66 100% 100% 40% 60° 100% 70% 60% 100%
Laurel green #A9BA9D 66% 73% 62% 95° 17% 67% 16% 73%
Lava #CF1020 81% 6% 13% 355° 86% 44% 92% 81%
Lavender (floral) #B57EDC 71% 49% 86% 275° 57% 68% 43% 86%
Lavender (web) #E6E6FA 90% 90% 98% 240° 67% 94% 8% 98%
Lavender blue #CCCCFF 80% 80% 100% 240° 100% 90% 20% 100%
Lavender blush #FFF0F5 100% 94% 96% 340° 100% 97% 6% 100%
Lavender gray #C4C3D0 77% 76% 82% 245° 12% 79% 6% 82%
Lavender indigo #9457EB 58% 34% 92% 265° 79% 63% 63% 92%
Lavender magenta #EE82EE 93% 51% 93% 300° 76% 72% 45% 93%
Lavender mist #E6E6FA 90% 90% 98% 240° 67% 94% 8% 98%
Lavender pink #FBAED2 98% 68% 82% 332° 91% 83% 31% 98%
Lavender purple #967BB6 59% 48% 71% 267° 29% 60% 32% 71%
Lavender rose #FBA0E3 98% 63% 89% 316° 92% 81% 36% 98%
Lawn green #7CFC00 49% 99% 0% 90° 100% 49% 100% 99%
Lemon #FFF700 100% 97% 0% 58° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Lemon chiffon #FFFACD 100% 98% 80% 54° 100% 90% 20% 100%
Lemon curry #CCA01D 80% 63% 11% 45° 75% 46% 86% 80%
Lemon glacier #FDFF00 99% 100% 0% 60° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Lemon lime #E3FF00 89% 100% 0% 67° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Lemon meringue #F6EABE 96% 92% 75% 47° 76% 85% 23% 96%
Lemon yellow #FFF44F 100% 96% 31% 56° 100% 65% 69% 100%
Licorice #1A1110 10% 7% 6% 24% 8% 38% 10%
Liberty #545AA7 33% 35% 65% 236° 33% 49% 50% 65%
Light apricot #FDD5B1 99% 84% 69% 28° 95% 84% 30% 99%
Light blue #ADD8E6 68% 85% 90% 195° 53% 79% 25% 90%
Light brown #B5651D 71% 40% 11% 28° 72% 41% 84% 71%
Light carmine pink #E66771 90% 40% 44% 355° 72% 65% 55% 90%
Light cobalt blue #88ACE0 53% 67% 88% 215° 59% 71% 39% 88%
Light coral #F08080 94% 50% 50% 79% 72% 47% 94%
Light cornflower blue #93CCEA 58% 80% 92% 201° 67% 75% 37% 92%
Light crimson #F56991 96% 41% 57% 343° 88% 69% 57% 96%
Light cyan #E0FFFF 88% 100% 100% 180° 100% 94% 12% 100%
Light deep pink #FF5CCD 100% 36% 80% 318° 100% 68% 64% 100%
Light French beige #C8AD7F 78% 68% 50% 38° 40% 64% 37% 78%
Light fuchsia pink #F984EF 98% 52% 94% 305° 91% 75% 47% 98%
Light goldenrod yellow #FAFAD2 98% 98% 82% 60° 80% 90% 16% 98%
Light gray #D3D3D3 83% 83% 83% 0% 83% 0% 83%
Light grayish magenta #CC99CC 80% 60% 80% 300° 33% 70% 25% 80%
Light green #90EE90 56% 93% 56% 120° 73% 75% 39% 93%
Light hot pink #FFB3DE 100% 70% 87% 326° 100% 85% 30% 100%
Light khaki #F0E68C 94% 90% 55% 54° 77% 75% 42% 94%
Light medium orchid #D39BCB 83% 61% 80% 309° 39% 72% 27% 83%
Light moss green #ADDFAD 68% 87% 68% 120° 44% 78% 22% 87%
Light orchid #E6A8D7 90% 66% 84% 315° 55% 78% 27% 90%
Light pastel purple #B19CD9 69% 61% 85% 261° 45% 73% 28% 85%
Light pink #FFB6C1 100% 71% 76% 351° 100% 86% 29% 100%
Light red ochre #E97451 91% 45% 32% 14° 78% 62% 65% 91%
Light salmon #FFA07A 100% 63% 48% 17° 100% 74% 52% 100%
Light salmon pink #FF9999 100% 60% 60% 100% 80% 40% 100%
Light sea green #20B2AA 13% 70% 67% 177° 70% 41% 82% 70%
Light sky blue #87CEFA 53% 81% 98% 203° 92% 75% 46% 98%
Light slate gray #778899 47% 53% 60% 210° 14% 53% 22% 60%
Light steel blue #B0C4DE 69% 77% 87% 214° 41% 78% 21% 87%
Light taupe #B38B6D 70% 55% 43% 26° 32% 56% 39% 70%
Light Thulian pink #E68FAC 90% 56% 67% 340° 64% 73% 38% 90%
Light yellow #FFFFE0 100% 100% 88% 60° 100% 94% 12% 100%
Lilac #C8A2C8 78% 64% 78% 300° 26% 71% 19% 78%
Lilac Luster #AE98AA 68% 60% 67% 311° 12% 64% 13% 68%
Lime (color wheel) #BFFF00 75% 100% 0% 75° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Lime (web) (X11 green) #00FF00 0% 100% 0% 120° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Lime green #32CD32 20% 80% 20% 120° 61% 50% 76% 80%
Limerick #9DC209 62% 76% 4% 72° 91% 40% 95% 76%
Lincoln green #195905 10% 35% 2% 106° 89% 18% 94% 35%
Linen #FAF0E6 98% 94% 90% 30° 67% 94% 8% 98%
Lion #C19A6B 76% 60% 42% 33° 41% 59% 45% 76%
Liseran Purple #DE6FA1 87% 44% 63% 333° 63% 65% 50% 87%
Little boy blue #6CA0DC 42% 63% 86% 212° 62% 64% 51% 86%
Liver #674C47 40% 30% 28% 18% 34% 31% 40%
Liver (dogs) #B86D29 72% 43% 16% 29° 64% 44% 78% 72%
Liver (organ) #6C2E1F 42% 18% 12% 12° 55% 27% 71% 42%
Liver chestnut #987456 60% 45% 34% 27° 28% 47% 43% 60%
Livid #6699CC 40% 60% 80% 210° 50% 60% 50% 80%
Lumber #FFE4CD 100% 89% 80% 28° 100% 90% 20% 100%
Lust #E62020 90% 13% 13% 80% 51% 86% 90%
Maastricht Blue #001C3D 0% 11% 24% 212° 100% 12% 100% 24%
Macaroni and Cheese #FFBD88 100% 74% 53% 27° 100% 77% 47% 100%
Madder Lake #CC3336 80% 20% 21% 359° 60% 50% 75% 80%
Magenta #FF00FF 100% 0% 100% 300° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Magenta (Crayola) #FF55A3 100% 33% 64% 332° 100% 67% 67% 100%
Magenta (dye) #CA1F7B 79% 12% 48% 328° 73% 46% 85% 79%
Magenta (Pantone) #D0417E 82% 25% 49% 334° 60% 54% 69% 82%
Magenta (process) #FF0090 100% 0% 56% 326° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Magenta haze #9F4576 62% 27% 46% 327° 39% 45% 57% 62%
Magenta-pink #CC338B 80% 20% 55% 325° 60% 50% 75% 80%
Magic mint #AAF0D1 67% 94% 82% 153° 70% 80% 29% 94%
Magic Potion #FF4466 100% 27% 40% 349° 100% 63% 73% 100%
Magnolia #F8F4FF 97% 96% 100% 262° 100% 98% 4% 100%
Mahogany #C04000 75% 25% 0% 20° 100% 38% 100% 75%
Maize #FBEC5D 98% 93% 36% 54° 95% 67% 63% 98%
Majorelle Blue #6050DC 38% 31% 86% 247° 67% 59% 64% 86%
Malachite #0BDA51 4% 85% 32% 140° 90% 45% 95% 85%
Manatee #979AAA 59% 60% 67% 231° 10% 63% 11% 67%
Mandarin #F37A48 95% 48% 28% 18° 88% 62% 70% 95%
Mango Tango #FF8243 100% 51% 26% 20° 100% 63% 74% 100%
Mantis #74C365 45% 76% 40% 110° 44% 58% 48% 76%
Mardi Gras #880085 53% 0% 52% 301° 100% 27% 100% 53%
Marigold #EAA221 92% 64% 13% 39° 83% 52% 85% 91%
Maroon (Crayola) #C32148 76% 13% 28% 346° 71% 45% 83% 76%
Maroon (HTML/CSS) #800000 50% 0% 0% 100% 25% 100% 50%
Maroon (X11) #B03060 69% 19% 38% 338° 57% 44% 73% 69%
Mauve #E0B0FF 88% 69% 100% 276° 100% 85% 31% 100%
Mauve taupe #915F6D 57% 37% 43% 343° 21% 47% 34% 57%
Mauvelous #EF98AA 94% 60% 67% 348° 73% 77% 36% 94%
Maximum Blue #47ABCC 28% 67% 80% 195° 57% 54% 65% 80%
Maximum Blue Green #30BFBF 19% 75% 75% 180° 60% 47% 75% 75%
Maximum Blue Purple #ACACE6 67% 67% 90% 240° 54% 79% 25% 90%
Maximum Green #5E8C31 37% 55% 19% 90° 48% 37% 65% 55%
Maximum Green Yellow #D9E650 85% 90% 31% 65° 75% 61% 65% 90%
Maximum Purple #733380 45% 20% 50% 290° 43% 35% 60% 50%
Maximum Red #D92121 85% 13% 13% 74% 49% 85% 85%
Maximum Red Purple #A63A79 65% 23% 47% 325° 48% 44% 65% 65%
Maximum Yellow #FAFA37 98% 98% 22% 60° 95% 60% 78% 98%
Maximum Yellow Red #F2BA49 95% 73% 29% 40° 87% 62% 70% 95%
May green #4C9141 30% 57% 25% 112° 38% 41% 55% 57%
Maya blue #73C2FB 45% 76% 98% 205° 94% 72% 54% 98%
Meat brown #E5B73B 90% 72% 23% 44° 77% 56% 74% 90%
Medium aquamarine #66DDAA 40% 87% 67% 154° 64% 63% 54% 87%
Medium blue #0000CD 0% 0% 80% 240° 100% 40% 100% 80%
Medium candy apple red #E2062C 89% 2% 17% 350° 95% 45% 97% 89%
Medium carmine #AF4035 69% 25% 21% 54% 45% 70% 69%
Medium champagne #F3E5AB 95% 90% 67% 48° 75% 81% 30% 95%
Medium electric blue #035096 1% 31% 59% 209° 96% 30% 98% 59%
Medium jungle green #1C352D 11% 21% 18% 161° 31% 16% 47% 21%
Medium lavender magenta #DDA0DD 87% 63% 87% 300° 47% 75% 28% 87%
Medium orchid #BA55D3 73% 33% 83% 288° 59% 58% 60% 83%
Medium Persian blue #0067A5 0% 40% 65% 203° 100% 32% 100% 65%
Medium purple #9370DB 58% 44% 86% 260° 60% 65% 49% 86%
Medium red-violet #BB3385 73% 20% 52% 324° 57% 47% 73% 73%
Medium ruby #AA4069 67% 25% 41% 337° 45% 46% 62% 67%
Medium sea green #3CB371 24% 70% 44% 147° 50% 47% 66% 70%
Medium sky blue #80DAEB 50% 85% 92% 190° 73% 71% 46% 92%
Medium slate blue #7B68EE 48% 41% 93% 249° 80% 67% 56% 93%
Medium spring bud #C9DC87 79% 86% 53% 73° 55% 70% 39% 86%
Medium spring green #00FA9A 0% 98% 60% 157° 100% 49% 100% 98%
Medium taupe #674C47 40% 30% 28% 18% 34% 31% 40%
Medium turquoise #48D1CC 28% 82% 80% 178° 60% 55% 66% 82%
Medium Tuscan red #79443B 47% 27% 23% 34% 35% 51% 47%
Medium vermilion #D9603B 85% 38% 23% 14° 68% 54% 73% 85%
Medium violet-red #C71585 78% 8% 52% 322° 81% 43% 89% 78%
Mellow apricot #F8B878 97% 72% 47% 30° 90% 72% 52% 97%
Mellow yellow #F8DE7E 97% 87% 49% 47° 90% 73% 49% 97%
Melon #FDBCB4 99% 74% 71% 95% 85% 29% 99%
Metallic Seaweed #0A7E8C 4% 49% 55% 186° 87% 29% 93% 55%
Metallic Sunburst #9C7C38 61% 49% 22% 41° 47% 42% 64% 61%
Metal Pink #FF00FD 100% 0% 100% 300° 100% 50% 99% 50%
Mexican pink #E4007C 89% 0% 49% 327° 100% 45% 100% 89%
Middle Blue #7ED4E6 75% 18% 35% 126° 62% 46% 212% 230%
Middle Blue Green #8DD9CC 67% 14% 33% 141° 66% 40% 217% 204%
Middle Blue Purple #8B72BE 55% 45% 75% 260° 37% 60% 40% 75%
Middle Red Purple #8B8680 13% 3% 22% 139° 75% 12% 134% 128%
Middle Green #4D8C57 30% 55% 34% 130° 29% 43% 45% 50%
Middle Green Yellow #ACBF60 67% 75% 38% 72° 43% 56% 50% 75%
Middle Purple #D982B5 85% 51% 71% 325° 53% 68% 40% 85%
Middle Red #E58E73 90% 56% 45% 15° 69% 68% 50% 90%
Middle Red Purple #A55353 0% 33% 33% 165° 100% 16% 83% 83%
Middle Yellow #FFEB00 100% 92% 0% 55° 100% 50% 100% 100%
Middle Yellow Red #ECB176 65% 23% 47% 236° 48% 44% 177% 118%
Midnight #702670 44% 15% 44% 300° 49% 29% 66% 44%
Midnight blue #191970 10% 10% 44% 240° 64% 27% 78% 44%
Midnight green (eagle green) #004953 0% 29% 33% 187° 100% 16% 100% 33%
Mikado yellow #FFC40C 100% 77% 5% 45° 100% 52% 95% 100%
Mimi Pink #FFDAE9 100% 85% 91% 336° 100% 93% 15% 100%
Mindaro #E3F988 89% 98% 53% 72° 90% 75% 45% 98%
Ming #36747D 21% 45% 49% 188° 40% 35% 56% 49%
Minion Yellow #F5E050 96% 86% 31% 52° 89% 64% 67% 96%
Mint #3EB489 24% 71% 54% 158° 49% 47% 66% 71%
Mint cream #F5FFFA 96% 100% 98% 150° 100% 98% 4% 100%
Mint green #98FF98 60% 100% 60% 120° 100% 80% 40% 100%
Misty Moss #BBB477 73% 71% 47% 54° 33% 60% 36% 73%
Misty rose #FFE4E1 100% 89% 88% 100% 94% 12% 100%
Moccasin #FAEBD7 98% 92% 84% 34° 78% 91% 14% 98%
Mode beige #967117 59% 44% 9% 43° 73% 34% 85% 59%
Moonstone blue #73A9C2 45% 66% 76% 199° 39% 61% 41% 76%
Mordant red 19 #AE0C00 68% 5% 0% 100% 34% 100% 68%
Moss green #8A9A5B 54% 60% 36% 75° 26% 48% 41% 60%
Mountain Meadow #30BA8F 19% 73% 56% 161° 59% 46% 74% 73%
Mountbatten pink #997A8D 60% 48% 55% 323° 13% 54% 20% 60%
MSU Green #18453B 9% 27% 23% 167° 48% 18% 65% 27%
Mughal green #306030 19% 38% 19% 120° 33% 28% 50% 38%
Mulberry #C54B8C 77% 29% 55% 328° 51% 53% 62% 77%
Mummy's Tomb #828E84 51% 56% 52% 130° 5% 53% 9% 56%
Mustard #FFDB58 100% 86% 35% 47° 100% 67% 65% 100%
Myrtle green #317873 19% 47% 45% 176° 42% 33% 59% 47%
Mystic #D65282 84% 32% 51% 338° 62% 58% 62% 84%
Mystic Maroon #AD4379 68% 26% 47% 329° 44% 47% 62% 68%

For the continuation of the list of colors, please go to List of colors: N–Z#Colors.


This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Sunday, April 24, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.