Index of biology articles
Biology is the study of life and its processes. Biologists study all aspects of living things, including all of the many life forms on earth and the processes in them that enable life. These basic processes include the harnessing of energy, the synthesis and duplication of the materials that make up the body, the reproduction of the organism and many other functions. Biology, along with chemistry and physics is one of the major disciplines of natural science.
A-Level Biology - abiogenesis - absorption spectrum - acclimatization - acetyl CoA - acrosome - acrosome reaction - actin - action potential - activation energy - active site - active transport - adaptation - adaptive radiation - Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) - Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) - aerobic respiration - affinity chromatography - albinism - albumin - alcohol - Alexander Fleming - Alfred Russel Wallace - algae - allele - allele frequency - allosteric site - allostery - alpha helix - alternation of generations - alternative splicing - Ames test - amine - amino acid - adenosine monophosphate (AMP) - anabolism - anaerobic respiration - anaphase - anatomy - Andrew Huxley - animalia - animals - antheridium - antibiotic - antibiotic resistance - antibody - anticodon - antigen - antigenic determinant - antigenic shift - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek - apical meristem - apoptosis - Arabidopsis-arachnid - arbovirus - archaea - archegonium - artery - artificial life - aseptic technique in microbiology - asexual reproduction - astrobiology - ATPase - ATP synthase - audition - autecology - autoradiography - autosome - autotrophic - autotroph - avian influenza - axon
B cell - bacteria - bacterial conjugation - Barr body - behavior - beta sheet - biochemistry - Biodesign Institute - biodiversity - biogenesis - biological dispersal - biological tissue - biology - biology basic topics - blastomere - blastula - blunt end - bromouracil - bacteria - barbiturate - biochemistry - bioinformatics - biological membrane - biological organisation - biological psychology - biological tissues - biologist - biome - biomechanics - biophysics - biopolymer - biosemiotics - biotechnology - BLAST - blastula - blood - blood cell - blood count - bone - bootstrapping (biology) - botany - bryophyte
C3 carbon fixation - C4 photosynthesis - Calvin cycle - CAM photosynthesis - CAM plants - cancer - capacitation - capillary - carbohydrate - carbon cycle - carbon fixation - carnivore - Carl Linnaeus - carotene - carrying capacity - cartilage - Casparian strip - CASY cell counting technology - catabolism - cell - cell biology - cell division - cell growth - cell nucleus - cell wall - cellular differentiation - cellular respiration - cellulose - centriole - centromere - centrosome - chaperone protein - Charles Robert Darwin - chemiosmosis - chemautotrophic - chiasma (genetics) - chimera (genetics) - Chi square test - chlorophyll - chloroplast - chloroplast membrane - cholesterine - chromatid - chromatin - chromatography - chromosomal crossover - chromosome - chromosome walking - chronotype - cilium - circadian rhythm - circulatory system - cis face - cisterna - citric acid cycle - cladistics - classical genetics - clearance (medicine) - cloning - codon - codon usage bias - coenzyme - colchicine - collagen - colony - commensalism - common descent - communicable disease - community - community ecology - competition - competitive exclusion principle - competitive inhibition - computational biology - concentration gradient - conservation biology - continental drift - convergent evolution - cooperativity - cooperativity cellular respiration - cork cambium - cotransport metabolism - cotyledon - Coulter counter - Craig Venter - cristae - cryptobiology - cryptobiosis - CT - C-terminus - culture - cuticula - cyclic electron flow - cytokinesis - cytoplasm - cytoskeleton - cytosol - cytotoxic T cell -
decarboxylation reaction - decomposition - defective interfering particle - deletion (genetics) - denaturation (biochemistry) - dendrite - dendritic cell - dengue fever - depolarization - developmental biology - diabetes - dialysis - diatoms - diffusion - digestion - digestive system - digital organism - dihybrid cross - dimer - diploid - disulfide bridge - DNA - DNA replication - DNA sequence - DNA virus - double helix - Down syndrome - Drosophila - drug - dynein
E. coli - ebola - Ecdysone - ecology - ecological genetics - ecosystem - ectotherm - edge effect - Edward Jenner - Edward's Syndrome - Effective half-life - egg (biology) - elater - electromagnetic energy - electron transport chain - electrophoresis - electrophysiology - embryo - embryonal development - Emerson effect - Emmer group - endemism - endergonic reaction - endodermis - endomembrane system - endoplasmic reticulum - endosymbiont - endosymbiosis - endosymbiotic theory - endotherm - energy trap - Engelmann effect - enhancer - entomology - environmental heterogeneity - environmental science - enzyme - Epidermis (botany) - epigenetics - Ernst Haeckel - ethanol - eugenics - eukaryote - evolution - evolutionary biology - evolutionary developmental biology - evolutionary tree - Ewens's sampling formula - excretion - exergonic reaction - exon - experimental evolution - expressed sequence tag (EST) - extinction - eye
facilitated diffusion - FAD - FADH - FADH2 - fat - feedback inhibition - Fehling solution - female - fermentation (biochemistry) - fetus - Fick's law of diffusion - fitness - fitness landscape - flagellum - flavine - flaviviridae - flower - fluid mosaic model - food web - foot and mouth disease - fossil - Francis Crick - Francis Galton - free energy - fundamental niche - fungi -
G3P - gamete - gametophyte - gastrula - gel electrophoresis - gene - genetic drift - gene duplication - gene pool - genetic code - genetic equilibrium - genetic fingerprint - genetic recombination - genetics - gene regulatory network - genetic carrier - gene therapy - genome - genome project - genomics - genotype - geologic time - George W. Beadle - glucose - glycolipid - glycolysis - glycome - glycomics - glycoprotein - glycoprotein - Gobind Khorana - Golgi apparatus - Gondwana - gradient - - gravitational biology - gravitropism - Gregor Mendel - ground tissue - growth curve - Guthrie test
habitat - HACEK organism - halobacteria - haploid - Hardy-Weinberg principle - heart - Hela cell - helper T cell - Hepadnaviridae - hepatitis B - herbivore - heredity - hereditary disease - hermaphrodite - herpetology - Hershey–Chase experiment - heterochromatin - heterotroph - heterozygote - Hfr cell - hibernation - hierarchy of life - Hill reaction - His tag - histone - homeobox - homeostasis - homologous recombination - homology - homoplasy - homozygote - homunculus - horizontal gene transfer - hormone - host - household gene - human - Human Genome Project - humoral immunity - hybrid (biology) - hybridization - hydrolysis - hydrolytic enzyme - hyperpolarization (biology)
ichthyology - immune cell - immune system - immunology - inbreeding - inducibility - infectious disease carrier - infertility - inner matrix - insect - insectivores - insulin - intermediate filament - intermembrane space - interphase - intestine - intron - invasive species - ion channel - isoenzyme - isotonic (exercise physiology)
James Watson - Jean-Baptiste Lamarck - joint
K-selection - Kary Mullis - karyoplasm - karyotype - keratin - keystone species - kidney - kinesiology - kinetic energy - Klinefelter syndrome - knock-out mouse - Konrad Lorenz - Krebs cycle (or citric acid cycle) - kwashiorkor
Lac repressor - lactic acid autotroph - lagging strand - lambda phage - larva - leading strand - leaf - White blood cells - lichen - life form - life - light reactions - limbic system - limnology - Lineweaver-Burke-diagram - lipase - lipid - liver - locus - long-term potentiation - Louis Pasteur - lung - Lynn Margulis - Lyon hypothesis - lysis - lysozyme - lytic cycle
macroecology - macroevolution - macromolecules - major histocompatibility complex (MHC) - malaria - male - Malpighi layer - monophyletic - marburg virus - Marcello Malpighi - Marfan syndrome - marine biology - mass extinction - mathematical biology - mating - Max Delbrück - meiosis - membrane transporter - memory - memory cell - Mendelian inheritance - meristem - metabolism - metaphase - metapopulation - metazoa - Michaelis-Menten kinetics - microbe - microbiology - microevolution - microfilament - microsatellite - microscope - microtubules - Miller–Urey experiment - mimicry - Mitchell hypothesis - mitochondrial membrane - mitochondrion - mitosis - mitotic spindle - modern evolutionary synthesis - molecular biology - molecular clock - molecular evolution - molecular genetics - molecular phylogeny - mollusc - monoclonal antibody - morphogenesis - morphometrics - morula - MRI - MTT assay - Muller's ratchet - multiresistance - muscle - mutagen - mutation - mutational meltdown - Mutualism (biology) - mycology - myosin
NAD - NADH - NADPH - natural environment - natural selection - nephron - nervous system - neural plate - neural tube - neuron - neuroscience - neurospora crassa - neurotransmitter - neurula - neutral theory of molecular evolution - niche - nitrogen cycle - non-competitive inhibition - non cyclic electron flow - nondisjunction - N-terminus - nuclear lamina - nucleolus - nucleon - nucleoside - nucleosome - nucleotide - nutrition
Okazaki fragment - olfaction - oncogene - operator (biology) - operon - organ - organelle - organism - origin of life - Oscar Hertwig - osmosis - osmoregulation - Oswald Avery - outbreak - outline of biochemical techniques - ovalbumine - ovary - ovum - oxidation - oxidative decarboxylation - oxidative phosphorylation
Pangaea - paleontology - parallel evolution - paraphyletic - parasitism - parasitology - parthenogenesis - passive transport - Patau syndrome - paternity test - PCR - PCR mutagenesis - pentose phosphate pathway - peptide - peptide bond - peripheral protein - peroxisome - Pfeffer cell - phage - phagocytosis - phenotype - phloem - phospholipid - phospholipid bilayer - phosphorylation - photobiology - photolysis - photon - photophosphorylation - photorespiration - photosynthesis - photosynthesis - photosystem I - photosystem II - phycobilin - phycobiliprotein - phycocyanin - phycology - phylogenetics - phylogeny - phylogenetic tree - physiology - pigment - placenta - plankton - plant - plantae - plant physiology - plant sexuality - plasma membrane - plasmid - plasmolysis - plastid - plate tectonics - point mutation - pollenizer - pollination - pollinator - polymerase chain reaction - polypeptide - polyploidy - polysaccharide - population - population dynamics - population ecology - population genetics - potential energy - predation - pregnancy - primary nutritional groups - primary structure - primer - prion - prokaryote - prometaphase - promoter - prophage - prophase - proprioception - proteasome - protein biosynthesis - protein - protein translocation - proteolysis - proteome - proteomics - protist - protista - proton pump - protozoa - pseudopod - pteridophyte - Punnett square - purine - punctuated equilibrium - pyrimidine - pyruvate oxidation -
r-selection - radiobiology - receptor (biochemistry) - receptor (immunology) - recombination - Red Queen - redox reaction - redox system - reduction - reflex - Renal corpuscle - repeats - replication bubble - repressor - reproduction - reproductive system - respiration (physiology) - restriction enzyme - retrovirus - reverse genetics - RFLP - rhesus factor - ribosome - RNA - RNA virus - Robert Koch - root - rough ER - RuBP - Rudolf Steiner - resendes vasco
saprobe - sarcoplasmic reticulum - scientific classification - secondary metabolite - secondary structure - second messenger - seed - seed plant - selection - sequencing - serum - semen - Sewall Wright - sexual reproduction - sexual selection - shigella - shoot - signal transduction - silk - Sir Charles Lyell - sister chromatid - skeleton - skin cell - sleep - smooth ER - sociobiology - speciation - species - Hans Spemann - sperm - spermatid - spermatogenesis - spermiogenesis - spliceosome - splicing - spore - sporophyte - SSRI - starch - stem - stem cell - sticky end - stoma - stomach - streptomycine - stroma - structural biology - structural gene - substrate - substrate-level phosphorylation - surface area-to-volume ratio - symbiosis - symbiogenesis - synapomorphy - synapse - syngamy - systematics - systems biology
T cell - taphonomy - taxis - taxon - taxonomy - telomere - telophase - tertiary structure - testes - Theodor Bilharz - Theodor Boveri - thermocline - thermoregulation - Thomas Hunt Morgan - Thomas Malthus - thylakoid - Tobacco mosaic virus - tobacco mosaic virus - torpor - Trait (biological) - transcription - transcription factor - transcriptional regulation - transformation - transgressive phenotype - transport vesicle - transposon - Traube cell - trophic level - tropism - tubulin - tumor - turgor - Turner syndrome - twin
vaccine - vacuole - varicella-zoster virus - vascular cambium - vascular tissue - vein - vertebrate - vesicle - vesicular stomatitis virus - vestibular system - vicariance - virology - viral classification - virus - viral evolution - visible light - vision - vitamin
water cycle - wavelength - Wobble base pair - wood
xanthophyll - X chromosome - xenobiology - X-ray diffraction - xylem
zona pellucida - zoology - zygote
See also
- List of biochemistry topics
- List of molecular biology topics
- List of evolutionary biology topics
- List of biologists
- List of biological websites
- List of gene families