LGBT rights in Colombia

LGBT rights in Colombia

Same-sex sexual activity legal? Legal
Gender identity/expression Right to change legal gender since 1993
Military service Yes
Discrimination protections Sexual orientation since 2011
Family rights
Recognition of
Same-sex marriage since 2016
Adoption Full joint adoption since 2015

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights in Colombia have progressed since consensual homosexual activity was decriminalized in 1980 with amendments to the Criminal Code, making it one of Latin America's most advanced countries in regards with LGBT rights legislation. Between February 2007 and April 2008 three rulings of the Constitutional Court granted registered same-sex couples the same pension, social security and property rights as for registered heterosexual couples.[1]

Constitution & Legal

Article 13 of the Colombian Constitution of 1991 states that "the State will provide conditions for the equality to be real and effective, and will adopt measures in favour of marginalised or discriminated groups."

Article 42 of the constitution states "The family is the basic nucleus of society. It is formed on the basis of natural or legal ties, by the free decision of a man and woman to contract matrimony or by their responsible resolve to comply with it".

Law reforms in the 1990s equalized the age of consent in Colombia at 14 for both homosexual and heterosexual sex.[1][2] In 1998, the Constitutional Court ruled that public-school teachers cannot be fired for revealing their sexual orientation, nor can private religious schools ban gay students from enrolling.[3] In 1999, the same court unanimously ruled that the armed forces could not ban homosexuals from serving, being a violation of constitutional guarantees of "personal and family intimacy" and "the free development of one's personality."[3]

Recognition of same-sex couples

On 7 February 2007, the Colombian Constitutional Court extended common-law marriage property and inheritance rights to same-sex couples,[4][5] thanks to the constitutional action presented by the public interest law group of the Universidad de los Andes against the Ley 54. The decision did not include pension or social security (health insurance) rights. In a second ruling of 5 October 2007 the Constitutional court extended social security (health insurance) benefits to same sex couples, and on a ruling of 17 April 2008 pension rights were extended. With these three rulings same-sex couples in Colombia now enjoy the main benefits as heterosexual couples under the same terms.

These three rulings by the Constitutional Court replace the defeated Civil Union Law that fell in the Congress. On 19 June 2007, a gay rights bill, treating unregistered same-sex partners the same as unregistered opposite-sex partners, was defeated in the Congress of Colombia.[6] Slightly different versions of the bill passed in each house of the legislature, and President Álvaro Uribe indicated he would support it. A compromise bill then passed one house but failed in the other.[7][8]

The bill was defeated by a bloc of conservative senators. The bill, which had been endorsed by President Álvaro Uribe, would have made Colombia the first nation in Latin America to grant gay couples in long-term relationships the same rights to health insurance, inheritance and social security as heterosexual couples. However, with the rulings of the Constitutional Court same-sex couples today enjoy the same rights that this failed bill would have given them. In July 2011, Constitutional Court rules in a historic decision, that same-sex couples have the right to marry in Colombia. The Colombian Congress must create an equivalent of marriage for gay couples by 20 June 2013, or else couples will automatically gain the right to go to any judge or notary public to formalise their union, according to the ruling.[9] As the Colombia Congress failed to pass a same-sex marriage bill, the courts instead began approving marriages themselves.[10] The same-sex marriage issue will now once again come before the Constitutional Court in 2015 after the country's Inspector General requested that the Court invalidate all the marriages approved in Colombia.[11] A hearing was scheduled for 7 May 2015.[12] The hearing was ultimately delayed as some judges were not present and a new hearing open to the public will be held some time in 2015.

In April 2015, it was announced that once Congress reconvenes, deliberation would begin on a same-sex civil union and adoption bill submitted by Senator Armando Benedetti.[13]

In March 2016, the first same-sex marriage conducted abroad was registered in Colombia and the National Registry issued a memo to all notaries and registrars ordering them to register same-sex marriages performed outside the country. Same-sex couples married abroad will be entitled to the same visa, healthcare benefits, inheritance and pension rights as heterosexual spouses once they take a stamped marriage certificate and identification papers to the nearest designated office.[14]

On 7 April 2016, the Constitutional Court voted 6-3 against a proposal which said that marriage applies only to one man and one woman.[15][16] A second ruling legalizing same-sex marriage was voted on April 28 with 6-3 of the Court magistrates in favor. The ruling will be published within 10 days and effectively grants same-sex couples the right to marry as it orders all judges and notaries to grant the couples marriage licenses.[17]

Anti-discrimination Law

In 2011 Congress passed a bill that penalises discrimination based on sexual orientation. The law established imprisonment for 1 to 3 years and economic fines for people who discriminate against different groups including the LGBT community.[18][19]

The law also states that penalties are increased when discrimination is executed in a public space, when is carried out through mass media, if the act is carried out by a public official, when acts based on discrimination deprive someones of their labor rights or in the provision of a public service. The penalty is reduced if the person who committed the act of discrimination apologizes publicly.[20]

Prohibited discrimination in schools

In August 2014, a student called Sergio Urrego committed suicide because he had suffered discrimination by the authorities of the school where he studied. The mother filed a lawsuit that after several appeals finally reached the Constitutional Court. The court ruled in favor of the family of Urrego, stating that the rights to dignity, education, equality, non-discrimination, the free development of personality, privacy and due process, justice, reparation and good name were violated. The court also ordered the school a public act of forgiveness and also ordered the Ministry of Education that within a year should review the "manuals of coexistence" (rules governing relationships between students themselves and others members of the educational community) of all schools in the country so that they do not contain articles that discriminate against children because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. With this decision colleges across the country can not discriminate against students because of their sexual orientation.[21]

Nationwide protection of LGBT community by government decree

Colombian Ministry of Interior will released during the spring of 2016 a presidential decree that will provide a broad policy of procedural obligations for government institutions and territorial entities regarding LGBTI rights.The document calls for creating an Intersectional Commission for the Guarantee of Rights of the LGBTI Community.The decree specifically addresses rights for LGBTI Colombians in public education, health care, prisons and as victims of the armed conflict.The text clarifies that “national entities may not refuse to recognize that a same-sex couple can constitute a family, and in consequence, can enjoy the constitutional protections and equality of opportunities afforded other families.[22]

Right to express affection in public

The Constitutional Court of Colombia have been issuing statements that protect the right of homosexuals to express themselves in public, including the right to express affection or love for their partners. In 1994 the Court disapproved the National Council of Television for refusing to show a commercial which featured a gay couple. This statement was followed by others as the T-268 of 2000, where the Court disapproved the mayor of Neiva for preventing a gay parade; the T-301 of 2004, which ordered the Santa Marta police to stop harassing homosexuals who visited the boardwalk of the city; the T-314 of 2011, which analyzed the Tequendama Hotel refusal to allow access to some homosexuals to two events that were held in its facilities. In that ruling the Court urged to Government to create a national policy that takes into account the LGBTI community.

The T-909 sentence of 2011 ordered guardianship officials of Cosmocentro mall in Cali and its security firm to conduct a course to learn not to repress homosexuals to express their affection in public.[23]

Military Service

Since 1999, the Court established that gays can serve in the military and that sexual orientation should not be a reason to prevent someone from entering the military. Judgment C-507 of 1999 declared unconstitutional the military rule prohibiting the making of "homosexual acts".[23]

Gender identity

On 4 June 2015, the government issued a decree to simplify the process by which individuals can legally change their gender. The decree, which was signed by the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of the Interior eliminated the need for psychiatric or physical examinations to prove an individual’s gender identity.[24][25]

Since 2015, one can serve openly within the Colombian military, regardless of one's gender identity.

Adoption rights

In 2011 the Constitutional Court recognised same-sex couples as a family. In May 2012, the Constitutional Court issued a ruling in favor of the adoption of two children to the American Chandler Burr, who was about to lose custody because the ICBF (the institution responsible for carrying out the procedures of adoption) considered that he was hiding his sexual orientation. Since then the ICBF can not ask which is the sexual orientation of a person when he or she wishes to adopt individually. From 2014, LGBT individuals can adopt the biological child of their partner. On 4 November 2015, the Constitutional Court ruled 6-2 in favour of full same-sex adoption rights, the court instructing adoption agencies not to discriminate against gay men and lesbian women when providing adoption services.[26] Opponents of the ruling said they would appeal.[27] On 31 March 2016, a campaign wanting to force a referendum on adoption rights for same-sex couples had gathered 1.8 million signatures, including 45 members of Congress. The campaign aims to repeal the ruling the Constitutional Court issued in November 2015 which allowed adoption of children by same-sex couples. However the signatures must first be accepted by Colombia’s Registrar then it will go to Congress where it must be debated and passed by a majority in both its chambers, twice. Finally the proposal must also be approved the Constitutional Court – the very court who’s authority it seeks to challenge.[28]

Legal registration of children of same-sex couples

On November 12, 2015 Constitutional Court ruled that gay couples must be allowed to register newborn children in both parents' names, with birth certificates listing two mothers or two fathers.In a five-to-two decision, the court gave the national civil registry 30 days to change its forms so that children can be registered to same-sex couples.The case was brought by two gay men who were unable to register their newborn twins.Local media reports said the babies were born in the United States to a surrogate mother. They reportedly received US citizenship and documents but could not be registered in Colombia. With this decision the court recognizes that same-sex couples may be biological parents of children's if procreation is taken for artificial insemination processes.This decision will also have effect for adopted children of same sex couples.[29]

Blood Donation

In 2012 the Constitutional Court found that the sexual orientation of the people can not be a criterion for preventing blood donation, for this purpose the Court ordered the Ministry of Health and Social Protection to change the current regulations which established that persons with homosexual orientation could not donate blood because they believed that they had a high risk of carrying HIV. The Court ordered the Ministry of Health that regulation on the donation must be addressed to verify and identify high or low levels of risk according to the sexual behavior of the person and that sexual orientation is not in itself a de facto risk but is a discriminatory act.[30]

Gay life in Colombia today

Main article: LGBT in Colombia

According to a report in the Washington Post, "Bogota and Medellin has a thriving gay neighbourhood, bars whose patrons are openly gay and a centre that provides counselling and legal advice to members of the gay community. Local politicians, amongst them Mayor Luis Eduardo Garzón and prominent members of Congress such as Senator Armando Benedetti, have supported the drive to give more rights to gay couples.

Summary table

Same-sex sexual activity legal (Since 1981)
Equal age of consent (14)
Anti-discrimination laws in employment only (Since 1999)
Anti-discrimination laws in the provision of goods and services (Since 2007-2008)
Anti-discrimination laws in all other areas (incl. indirect discrimination, hate speech) (Since 2011)
Right to express affection in public (Protected by Constitutional Court Ruling)
Same-sex marriages (Since 2016)
Recognition of same-sex couples (Since 2007)
Recognition of same-sex marriage from abroad (Since 2016)
Commercial surrogacy for gay male couples
Access to IVF for lesbians
Adoption by single LGBT person (Since 2012)
Step-child adoption by same-sex couples (Since 2014)
Joint adoption by same-sex couples (Since 2015)
Legal Recognition of children of same-sex couples (Since 2015)
LGB allowed to serve openly in the military (Since 1999)
Transgender can serve openly within the Colombian military (Since 2015)
"Third gender" on birth certificates (Since 2015)
Right to Identity (Since 1993)
Right to change legal gender without psychiatric or physical evaluations (Since 2015)
MSMs allowed to donate blood (Since 2012)

See also


  1. 1 2 Ordóñez, Juan Pablo; Richard Elliott (1996). ""Cleaning up the Streets": Human Rights Violations in Colombia and Honduras". International Lesbian and Gay Association. Archived from the original on 24 June 2004. Retrieved 13 November 2009.
  2. (Spanish) Interpol report on legal age in Colombia (note that this report in Spanish seems to show the age of consent for females is 12, which contradicts other sources noted in this article).
  3. 1 2 "World Legal Survey: Colombia". International Lesbian and Gay Association. 31 July 2000. Archived from the original on 29 June 2007. Retrieved 13 November 2009.
  4. (Spanish)EL TIEMPO - Corte da primer derecho a parejas gays
  5. "Rights for Colombia gay couples". BBC News. 8 February 2007. Retrieved 30 July 2007..
  6. Colombia court backs rights for gay couples
  7. "Colombia Gives Gay Couples Same Rights As Marriage". 15 June 2007. Archived from the original on 18 June 2007. Retrieved 13 November 2009.
  8. "Colombia Gay Unions Bill Dies". 20 June 2007. Archived from the original on 26 June 2007. Retrieved 13 November 2009.
  9. Advocate:Colombian Court Rules for Marriage Equality
  11. El ‘viacrucis’ del matrimonio gay
  12. Corte Constitucional iniciará discusión que anula matrimonios de parejas del mismo sexo
  13. Proyecto de matrimonio y adopción gay divide a la Unidad Nacional
  14. Registran en Colombia primer matrimonio de pareja del mismo sexo celebrado en el exterior
  15. "Colombia high court rules in favor of same-sex marriage". Washington Blade. 7 April 2016.
  16. "Colombia Legalizes Gay Marriage, Huge Victory for LGBTI Rights". TeleSur (English). 7 April 2016.
  17. Corte legaliza el matrimonio entre parejas del mismo sexo
  18. "Este miércoles el presidente Santos sanciona ley antidiscriminación". (in Spanish). 29 November 2011. Retrieved 30 September 2010.
  19. Colombian President Signs Anti-Discrimination Law
  21. Corte Constitucional falló a favor de la familia de Sergio Urrego
  22. Colombia considers most sweeping LGBT protections yet
  23. 1 2 Los 73 triunfos de los LGBTI
  24. These Ten Trans People Just Got Their First IDs Under Colombia’s New Gender Rules
  25. Colombia Allows Transgender Community To Change Sex On IDs Without Physical Exams
  26. Colombia lifts same-sex adoption limits
  27. Adopción gay en Colombia fue aprobada
  28. Potts, Andrew (31 March 2016). "Two million Colombians demand referendum to repeal gay adoption rights". Gay Star News.
  29. Colombia court allows gay couples to register children
  30. Homosexualidad no es impedimento para donar sangre: Corte Constitucional

External links

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