List of largest producing countries of agricultural commodities

Production (and consumption) of agricultural plant commodities has a diverse geographical distribution. Along with climate and corresponding types of vegetation, the economy of a nation also influences the level of agricultural production. Production of some products is highly concentrated in a few countries while other are widely produced. For instance, China, the leading producer of wheat and ramie in 2013, produces 96% of the world's ramie fiber but only 17% of the world's wheat. Products with more evenly distributed production see more frequent changes in ranking of the top producers.

The major agricultural products can be broadly grouped into foods, fibers, fuels, and raw materials.

Produce types


as of 2013, FAOSTAT, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Cereal First Second Third Fourth Fifth
Barley  Russia  Germany  France  Canada  Turkey
Buckwheat  Russia  China  Ukraine  France  Poland
Maize (corn)  United States  China  Brazil  Argentina  Ukraine
Millet  India  Niger  China  Mali  Burkina Faso
Oat  Russia  Canada  Finland  Poland  Australia
Rice, paddy  China  India  Indonesia  Bangladesh  Vietnam
Rye  Germany  Russia  Poland  Belarus  Ukraine
Sorghum  United States  Mexico  Nigeria  India  Ethiopia
Triticale  Poland  Germany  France  Belgium  Russia
Wheat  China  India  United States  Russia  France


Vegetable First Second Third Fourth Fifth
Lettuce  China  United States  India  Spain  Italy
Cucurbita  China  India  Russia  United States  Iran
Dry Bean  Myanmar  India  Brazil  China  Mexico
Onion (dry)  China  India  United States  Egypt  Iran
Cabbage and other brassicas  China  India  Russia  Japan  South Korea
Green bean  China  Indonesia  India  Turkey  Thailand
Chickpea  India  Australia  Pakistan  Turkey  Myanmar
Pulses (total)  India  Pakistan  Canada  Myanmar  Australia
Cauliflowers and Broccoli  China  India  Italy  Mexico  France
Eggplant  China  India  Iran  Egypt  Turkey
Potato  China  India  Russia  Ukraine  United States
Spinach  China  United States  Japan  Turkey  Indonesia
Cassava  Nigeria  Thailand  Vietnam  Indonesia  Costa Rica
Soybean  United States  Brazil  Argentina  China  India
Carrot  China  Russia  United States  Uzbekistan  Ukraine
Turnip  China  Uzbekistan  Russia  United States  Ukraine
Cucumber  China  Turkey  Iran  Russia  United States
Tomato  China  India  United States  Turkey  Egypt
Ginger  India  China    Nepal  Nigeria  Thailand
Pumpkin and gourd  China  India  Russia  Iran  United States
Rapeseed  Canada  China  India  France  Germany
Safflower  India  United States  Mexico  Ethiopia  Kazakhstan
Yam  Nigeria  Ghana  Ivory Coast  Benin  Togo
Sweet potato  China  Uganda  Nigeria  Indonesia  Tanzania
Sesame  Myanmar  India  China  Sudan  Tanzania
Okra  India  Nigeria  Iraq  Ivory Coast  Pakistan


Fruit First Second Third Fourth Fifth
Apricot  Turkey  Iran  Uzbekistan  Algeria  Italy
Olive  Spain  Italy  Greece  Turkey  Morocco
Pear  China  United States  Argentina  Italy  Turkey
Banana  India  Chad  Uganda  Philippines  Ecuador
Mango  India  China  Thailand  Indonesia  Pakistan
Coconut  Indonesia  Philippines  India  Brazil  Sri Lanka
Sugar cane  Brazil  India  China  Thailand  Pakistan
Fig  Turkey  Egypt  Algeria  Morocco  Iran
Grapes  China  United States  Italy  France  Spain
Oranges  Brazil  United States  China  India  Mexico
Papaya  India  Brazil  Indonesia  Nigeria  Mexico
Peach  China  Italy  Spain  United States  Greece
Apple  China  United States  Turkey  Poland  India
Pineapple  Brazil  Philippines  Thailand  Costa Rica  Indonesia
Gooseberry  Germany  Russia  Poland  Ukraine  Czech Republic
Lemon  India  Mexico  Argentina  China  Brazil
Raspberry  Russia  Poland  Serbia  United States  Ukraine
Plum  China  Serbia  United States  Romania  Chile
Strawberry  United States  Turkey  Spain  Egypt  Mexico
Blueberry  United States  Canada  Poland  Germany  Netherlands
Kiwifruit  Italy  New Zealand  Chile  Greece  South Africa
Currant  Russia  Poland  Ukraine  Austria  United Kingdom
Date  Egypt  Iran  Saudi Arabia  Algeria  Iraq
Cherry  Turkey  United States  Iran  Italy  Spain
Avocado  Mexico  Indonesia  Dominican Republic  United States  Colombia
Quince  Turkey  China  Uzbekistan  Morocco  Iran
Watermelon  China  Turkey  Iran  Brazil  Egypt
Guava  India  China  Kenya  Thailand  Indonesia
Jackfruit  India  Bangladesh  Thailand  Indonesia    Nepal
Pomegranate  India  Iran  Turkey  Spain  Tunisia


as of 2013, FAOSTAT, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Product First Second Third Fourth Fifth
Milk (cow)  United States  India  China  Brazil  Germany
Milk (buffalo)  India  Pakistan  China  Egypt    Nepal
Milk (goat)  India  Bangladesh  Sudan (with  South Sudan)  Pakistan  Mali
Milk (sheep)  China  Turkey  Greece  Syria  Romania
Milk (camel)  Somalia  Kenya  Mali  Ethiopia  Niger


as of 2013, FAOSTAT, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Product First Second Third Fourth Fifth
Milk  India  United States  China  Pakistan  Brazil
Tea  China  India  Kenya  Sri Lanka  Vietnam
Coffee  Brazil  Vietnam  Indonesia  Colombia  India
Wine  France  Italy  United States  Spain  Chile
Beer  China  United States  Brazil  Russia  Germany


as of 2013, FAOSTAT, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Product First Second Third Fourth Fifth
Chicken  United States  China  Brazil  Russia  Mexico
Beef  United States  Brazil  China  Argentina  Australia
Pork  China  United States  Germany  Spain  Brazil
Sheep  China  Australia  New Zealand  Sudan  Turkey
Goat  China  India  Pakistan  Nigeria  Bangladesh
Turkey  United States  Brazil  Germany  France  Italy
Duck  China  France  Malaysia  Myanmar  Vietnam


as of 2013, FAOSTAT, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Nut Largest Producer Second Largest Producer Third Largest Producer
Almond  United States  Australia  Spain
Cashew nut  Vietnam  Nigeria  India
Chestnut  China  South Korea  Turkey
Hazelnut  Turkey  Italy  United States
Peanut  China  India  Nigeria
Pistachio  Iran  United States  Turkey
Sheanut  Nigeria  Mali  Burkina Faso
Walnut  China  Iran  United States


as of 2013, FAOSTAT, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Spice Largest Producer Second Largest Producer
Black pepper  Vietnam  India
Chili pepper  India  China
Cinnamon  Indonesia  China
Cloves  Indonesia  Madagascar
Ginger  India  China
Nutmeg  Guatemala  Indonesia
Saffron  Iran  Spain
Vanilla  Indonesia  Madagascar


as of 2013, FAOSTAT, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Product First Second Third Fourth Fifth
Cocoa  Ivory Coast  Ghana  Indonesia  Nigeria  Cameroon
Egg  China  United States  India  Japan  Mexico
Honey  China  Turkey  Argentina  Ukraine  Russia
Tobacco  China  Brazil  India  United States  Indonesia

Non-food products


As of 2013, FAOSTAT, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.[1][2]

Fiber First Second Third Fourth Fifth
Abaca (manila)  Philippines  Ecuador  Costa Rica  Indonesia  Equatorial Guinea
Agave fibre  Colombia  Mexico  Nicaragua  Ecuador  Philippines
Cotton  China  India  United States  Pakistan  Brazil
Flax  France  Belgium  Belarus  Russia  China
Jute  India  Bangladesh  China  Uzbekistan    Nepal
Kapok (2012 data)  Indonesia  Thailand none reported none reported none reported
Ramie  China  Laos  Philippines  Brazil none reported
Rubber  Thailand  Indonesia  Vietnam  India  China
Silk  China  India  Uzbekistan  Thailand  Iran
Sisal  Brazil  Tanzania  Kenya  Madagascar  China
Wool  China  Australia  New Zealand  United Kingdom  Iran

Forest products

as of 2013, FAOSTAT, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Wood and forest products First Second Third Fourth Fifth
Wood fuel*  India  China  Brazil  Ethiopia  Democratic Republic of the Congo
Sawnwood**  United States  China  Canada  Russia  Germany
Wood-based panels***  China  Russia  United States  Germany  Brazil
Paper and Paperboard****  China  United States  Japan  Germany  Sweden
Dissolving wood pulp*****  United States  South Africa  Canada  Sweden  Austria

*Wood fuel includes all wood for fuel as firewood, wood pellets, and charcoal
**Sawnwood includes all sawn wood, dimensional lumber
***Wood-based panel includes all plywood, particleboard, fiberboard and veneer sheets
****Paper and Paperboard includes all paper, sanitary paper, and packaging materials
*****Dissolving wood pulp includes cellulose extracted from wood for making synthetic fibres, cellulose plastic materials, lacquers and explosives[3]



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