List of Doctor Who items
This is a list of items from the BBC television series Doctor Who, as well as its spin-offs Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures.
The Twelfth Doctor used this device to emulate the ability of the boneless to flatten 3D objects and return the flattened objects to their original state in the episode "Flatline".
3-D glasses

The Tenth Doctor used red blue anaglyphic 3D lenses to examine the Void ship and the "ghosts" in "Army of Ghosts". The glasses enable the wearer to see the "Void Stuff", background radiation from the Void which surrounds and infuses an object or person that has travelled through the void.
The Doctor couldn't help but joke that with the glasses on, it was the first time Jackie Tyler didn't look normal to him; everyone else had Void Stuff on them. The Twelfth Doctor used them in the comic story "The Fractures", once more to see Void stuff.
500 year diary
First appears in the Second Doctor serial The Power of the Daleks. The Fourth Doctor would later complain it was accidentally discarded by Harry Sullivan, when it contained valuable intel about Sontarans during "The Sontaran Experiment".
900 year diary
Seen among the Seventh Doctor's belongings in the TARDIS in the Doctor Who television movie.
1200 year diary
Seen in a Doctor Who documentary to celebrate the 50th anniversary. Clara used it to help the Eleventh Doctor remember his life when he contracted amnesia from trying to fix the TARDIS
2000 year diary
Seen in "The Girl Who Died", the Twelfth Doctor has a diary. Known facts in it contain information about the Mire.
A red coloured liquid used to clog machinery or gears - "if it moves, it doesn't" the Doctor would explain. The Tenth Doctor uses a wine glass full of multi-grade anti-oil to immobilise the clockwork androids in "The Girl in the Fireplace".
A blue liquid that the Ninth Doctor carries as a weapon against the living plastic body of the Nestene Consciousness in "Rose". It appears to break down plastics chemically, without any effect on other materials.
Anti-Regeneration Gun
In "Last of the Time Lords", Martha Jones claims that the Torchwood Institute and U.N.I.T. created a gun and four phials of coloured chemicals. When slotted into the gun and injected into a Time Lord, the mixture will kill the Time Lord and prevent regeneration. After the Master destroys the gun with his laser screwdriver, Martha reveals that the weapon is a fake, a ruse to conceal her actual mission and to engineer her return to the Valiant.
Archangel Network
A worldwide mobile phone satellite network (composed of fifteen satellites) seen in "The Sound of Drums", the Archangel network creates a global low-level telepathic field which allows the Master to subtly influence the behaviour of the world's human population. It was first used to convince a substantial number of the British public to vote for his Mr. Saxon persona—individuals not affected included Clive Jones and Vivian Rook. It was later used to keep most of the human race afraid of the Master. The network also masks the Master's Time Lord nature from the Doctor. In "Last of the Time Lords", the Doctor uses the network to channel the combined psychic energy of the entire human race, after Martha had convinced them to think of the Doctor by name at the same moment.
Astral Map
A device which the First Doctor has on board the TARDIS. In The Web Planet, the Doctor was going to use his Astral Map to help the Zarbi "queen" find the Menoptra "invasion force." He used it again in Galaxy 4.
Atom Accelerator
A component in the TARDIS, an orb with pins radiating from it. In "The Curse of the Black Spot", the Doctor admits that it is what "steers" the TARDIS.
A metal that Rose Tyler gives to her mother in "Army of Ghosts". It can be used to predict the weather, warming up when it will be hot and cooling down when it is about to rain.
Black Scrolls of Rassilon
From "The Five Doctors", these contain forbidden knowledge from the Dark Time of Gallifrey, the home of the Time Lords. Their discovery falsely implicates the Castellan in the abductions of the Doctor and others.
An item intended to screen the wearer from certain kinds of detection. A biodamper resembling a ring is placed on Donna Noble's finger in "The Runaway Bride", but the Doctor later realises it is ineffective, because Donna had been infused with Huon particles. Another one appeared in The Sarah Jane Adventures episode "The Empty Planet", in which a boy was wearing one without knowing it. He believed it to be a memento from his father; he was actually an exiled half-alien prince expected to replace his father as ruler of another planet.
The Fifth Doctor wears a sprig of celery in his lapel. He claims that he is allergic to certain gases in the praxis range. If those gases were present, the sprig would turn purple, whereupon he would eat it. Actor Peter Davison asked for this explanation to be included in The Caves of Androzani, as it was his final story. It was referred to later in the same story by the Doctor as "a powerful restorative where I come from..." The Doctor first affixes the celery in Castrovalva, and replaces it in Enlightenment.
In the Children in Need special "Time Crash", the Tenth Doctor, meeting his fifth incarnation, gently mocks the Fifth Doctor's wearing "a decorative vegetable".
Later on, the Eleventh Doctor asks for celery after being tortured by a Silurian in "Cold Blood".
A piece of plastic celery from the series fetched £5,500 for charity when it was sold at auction in November, 2007.[1]
Chameleon Arch
The Chameleon Arch is a device that "rewrites biology"[2] by rewriting every cell of an individual to that of another specific species. The conversion, which causes extreme pain, also provides a set of false memories to match the new persona. The Tenth Doctor uses it in "Human Nature", enabling him to hide from the Family of Blood in 1913 as the school teacher, John Smith. He retains a small amount of "residual awareness", resulting in dreams about his life before the change. The Chameleon Arch stores the Doctor's Time Lord identity in a fob watch that slots into the device as it is operated. In "Utopia", Martha discovers that The Master used the same process, generating "Professor Yana" as his persona.
Chameleon circuit
A component of a TARDIS which allows it to change shape to match its surroundings and remain inconspicuous. The circuit on the Doctor's TARDIS has malfunctioned, leaving it stuck in the shape of a 1960s style British police box. Attempts to repair the circuit have led to unpredictable results, including the TARDIS taking on the form of a pipe-organ (on which the Doctor plays a few notes of J.S. Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor). Since these episodes, the Doctor has said that he has become fond of the police box form, and so has stopped trying to repair it. The TARDISes owned by the Master, the Rani, and the Meddling Monk had fully functioning chameleon circuits. In series one episode "Boom Town", the Ninth Doctor explains to Captain Jack Harkness and Mickey Smith about the chameleon circuit and why the TARDIS has been "permanently" imaged as a police box. In the episode "Journey's End", when Donna Noble has the Doctor's knowledge in her head due to an instantaneous biological metacrisis, she starts to tell the Tenth Doctor how he can fix the chameleon circuit, but does not finish before the knowledge in her head overwhelms her. The Eleventh Doctor explains to Amy Pond (set between "The Eleventh Hour" and "The Beast Below" in a deleted scene featured on the Series 5 Boxset special Meanwhile in the TARDIS) that the TARDIS takes a 12-dimensional scan of the surrounding area and determines what the best thing to turn itself into is, then it changes into a 1960s police box. Despite the fact that the circuit is broken, the TARDIS can still turn invisible as shown in The Invasion and "The Impossible Astronaut", though the former is due to a Cyberman attack, causing the visual stabiliser to malfunction. In the comic, "Hunters of the Burning Stone", it is revealed the circuit was purposely broken in the First Doctor's TARDIS by the Eleventh as part of a plan to stop the Tribe of Gum.
Charged Vacuum Empoitment
Abbreviated CVE, this is part of a system created by the mathematicians of Logopolis to allow the universe to survive past its point of heat death by shunting excess entropy into other universes (Logopolis). The Fourth Doctor and Romana unwittingly travel through a CVE into a parallel universe known as E-Space at the start of Full Circle. After Adric's death in "Earthshock", CVEs are not mentioned again in the series.
Chronon loop
An energy ring used by the Dalek to withdraw power from inside the TARDIS during the Tenth Doctor episode "Journey's End". The extent of how powerless that the TARDIS became is pointed by the Tenth Doctor as "right now that wooden door, its just wood."
Cloister bell
An alarm that tolls, in the manner of a heavy church bell, in the TARDIS to warn the crew of impending disaster. It usually signifies a problem with the fabric of reality, such as a paradox or alternative realities bleeding together. First heard in Logopolis, it is heard again in numerous episodes. The Time Lords also have a large set of Cloister bells on Gallifrey which seem to get their power straight from the Matrix
The commentary on the Logopolis DVD says that the sound of the bell was produced by lowering a gong into a vat of water to deaden the reverberation.
Compression field
A device worn around the necks of the Slitheen so they may shrink themselves slightly, allowing them to fit in the skinsuits of people slightly smaller than they are. It causes the release of pent-up energy in a manner that mimics flatulence. In The Lost Boy, the Slitheen use an improved version of this technology which allowed them to disguise themselves in smaller bodies. In the episode "Let's Kill Hitler" the Doctor states that the Teselecta uses 'Basic miniaturization sustained by compression field' to fit 423 people into a human-sized body. Rose Tyler once fancied the idea of using one to fit into smaller clothes.
Confession Dial
A circular, golden device engraved with Gallifreyan writing. In Earth terms, it's basically a Last Will & Testament. In actuality, it is a device used for a purification ritual, allowing a dying Time Lord to "make his peace" and "face his demons" before his mind is uploaded into the Matrix. To this end, the dial holds the most closely guarded secrets of the person. According to Missy, one is to be delivered to the closest friend of a Time Lord who is prepared to face his death; it will shock anyone else who tries to touch it after it has been delivered to the friend. It will not open until the Time Lord in question is dead.
The Doctor originally believed he was about to die once Davros confronted him about abandoning him as a child during the Thal-Kaled war ("The Magician's Apprentice"). However, after surviving this encounter, the Doctor reclaimed and kept his confession dial ("The Witch's Familiar"). The Time Lords later manipulated Mayor Me into forcing the Doctor to teleport inside his confession dial, in order to extract information from him regarding the prophecy of "the Hybrid", intending to release him once he did. According to the episode "Hell Bent" (2015), the Doctor spent 4.5 billion years inside the Dial, trying to evade a monster known only as the Veil while refusing to confess what "the Hybrid" was. He eventually broke out of the dial, ending up back on Gallifrey. Believing the Time Lords could still hear him, the Doctor claimed "The Hybrid -- destined to conquer Gallifrey and stand in its ruins -- is me."
Coronet of Rassilon
Worn by Borusa in "The Five Doctors", it allows the wearer to impose his will on others, though it can be resisted.
Crystal of Kronos
From the Third Doctor serial The Time Monster, this is used by the Master to power his TOMTIT machine, but turns out to be much more powerful.
Created from storms generated by exploded Cybermen, this substance carries the blueprint for creating Cybermen. Appearing as ordinary rain, it was employed by Missy/the Master to create Cybermen out of corpses. It can also can be fatally used on the living, converting them into Cybermen as well once the pollen kills them. The substance was destroyed by Danny Pink, a converted deceased, who had all the Cybermen explode to disperse the clouds of Cyber-Pollen.
The material out of which Dalek casing is made. It is first mentioned in the First Doctor serial The Dalek Invasion of Earth, and is also referenced in Day of the Daleks and "Daleks in Manhattan".
Dalek-enhanced Thompson submachine guns
As seen in "Evolution of the Daleks", the Dalek Humans used these weapons to kill Dalek Thay and Dalek Jast. They function in the same manner as a standard Dalek weapon, but seem to be inferior in terms of firepower. These also appear in the opening montage to the Torchwood season 2 episode "Adam".
Dark Water
A substance introduced in the episode sharing its name in series 8 of the revived series. In short, it can be thought of as "x-ray water", though not as strong as a regular x-ray machine; it only allows one to see through inorganic substances. Missy, the Master's (first known) female incarnation, is likely the one who created it (or adapted it from Alien Technology). An employee of the 3W facility suggested putting some in a swimming pool, effectively making the swimmers naked; the Twelfth Doctor couldn't find a practical reason for doing so. Missy used it to hide Cybermen in the storage tanks at 3W.
Data Ghost
A Data Ghost is a short-lived imprint of the consciousness of the user of a Lux Industries spacesuit, created at the moment of death by the suit's built-in communications unit, which links to the user's nervous system to allow thought-based communication. The concept first appeared in "Silence in the Library", when a member of Professor River Song's archaeology team, Miss Evangelista, is killed by a swarm of Vashta Nerada. Consciousness remains active in the device for a few minutes, and then the individual's last thought repeats in a loop until the device is shut down. In "Forest of the Dead", the Doctor finds out that the sonic screwdriver he gave to Professor Song in the future contains a neural relay that stored her data ghost into the device when she died rescuing the 4022 people trapped inside the library's computer. He uses the screwdriver to store her Data Ghost in the computer, whereupon she is "resurrected" and can live on forever inside the computer, along with Miss Evangelista and the other members of her team who were killed by the Vashta Nerada. In "The Name of the Doctor", River's data ghost is somehow able to enter a psychic "conference call" where she communicates with Clara Oswald, Madame Vastra, Strax and Jenny. She later "keeps the line open" to appear as a ghostly image to guide Clara around Trenzalore and is somehow able to be seen and interacted with by the Eleventh Doctor.
Deadlock seal
A deadlock seal is a type of locking mechanism introduced in "Bad Wolf" that sonic devices, such as the Doctor's sonic screwdriver, cannot open. Deadlock seals are often used as a plot device to prevent the Doctor from using his sonic screwdriver to easily escape or otherwise defeat his opponents. The TARDIS can also be deadlocked, preventing entry even with a key; it does not, however, prevent the sonic screwdriver from interfering with the ship itself; in "Utopia", the Master exploited this to steal the Doctor's TARDIS. The Doctor then fused the TARDIS coordinates using the sonic screwdriver. In "The Husbands of River Song", River Song has a deadlock seal used to imprison a cyborg inside a ship's cargo bay to keep it from attacking her and the Twelfth Doctor. She also noted that only geniuses can break Deadlock seals; the Doctor, apparently, doesn't qualify as one since he's never broken a seal.
Decadron crucible
As seen in Pyramids of Mars, a decadron crucible is a temporary containment device that materialises around an unsuspecting person. It looks like a large, acrylic glass cylinder with air vents for the victim. The device has two switches on the front—both shut off the device, but only one does so without killing the occupant.
Delta wave
A delta wave is a brain wave associated with deep sleep. The Fifth Doctor builds a delta wave augmenter in Kinda to help Nyssa sleep. In "The Parting of the Ways", the Ninth Doctor builds a delta wave projector to use against the Daleks, but does not activate it. The projector generates a wave of "Van Cassadyne energy" that will destroy the brain patterns of all living creatures within its field of effect; given the time constraints it could not be adjusted to affect only the Daleks.
De-mat gun
A Time Lord weapon from the serial The Invasion of Time that can remove its target from space-time altogether. It cannot be armed without the Great Key of Rassilon.
Dematerialization circuit
A component of a TARDIS that is necessary in order to travel through time in space; without it the TARDIS is stuck in whatever place or time it is in. Dematerialization circuits apparently cannot be exchanged from one TARDIS to another; in Terror of the Autons, the Third Doctor steals the dematerialization circuit from the Master's TARDIS, but finds it is incompatible with his own. In The Three Doctors, the Time Lords end the Doctor's exile on Earth and provide him with a new dematerialization circuit for his TARDIS.
A device used by androids Trin-ee and Zu-zana in "Bad Wolf"; it disintegrates clothing, leaving the wearer unharmed. Unfortunately, it also destroys undergarments as well, leaving the subject it is used on naked. Jack later modifies it to make a gun capable of destroying a Dalek.
Dimensional stabiliser
The (relative) dimensional stabiliser, or RDS, is an essential part of a TARDIS control system that bridges the "dimensional barrier" between the outer plasmic shell and the internal space of the ship's interior. Dimensional stabilisers from different TARDISes were used to shrink various characters in the 1977 serial The Invisible Enemy and the Doctor and Drax in The Armageddon Factor (1979). The same component is credited with rendering staser weapons inoperative (The Invasion of Time), and producing the sound of TARDIS materialisation (Underworld, 1978). The First Doctor steals the "dimensional control" from the Monk's TARDIS in The Time Meddler making the interior too small to enter.
Dimensional-Shift Bomb
A bomb used in the episode "Time Heist" by the Doctor. When detonated, the particles of the targeted area are sent to "another plane". The bomb can also reform the deleted particles.
Dimension Vault
A piece of Dalek technology stolen by the Cybermen, they used it to escape the Void; it is covered with Dalek bumps and contains a gun. The gun needs to be charged for some time before it can be used. The Doctor uses the Dimension Vault's gun in "The Next Doctor" to teleport the Cyberking into the time vortex to break apart safely.
Doomsday weapon
In the serial Colony in Space the Time Lords sent the Third Doctor on a mission to recover this weapon, the plans for which the Master had stolen from Gallifrey.
Dwarf-star alloy
A super-dense, super heavy material obtained from white dwarf stars in the serial Warriors' Gate. It is used as a building material in the hulls of spaceships and can also be used to contain temporally sensitive beings. It was also used by the Doctor to hide from the Silence in Day of the Moon
In The Krotons, a machine created by the Krotons that transforms mental power and intelligence into energy.
EMP unit
A cylindrical device used in "Voyage of the Damned", taken from Bannakaffalatta's cyborg body as the only effective weapon against the Host. It produces an electromagnetic pulse which neutralises the robots, but must be periodically recharged. A similar device, built as a grenade, appears in the episode "The Age of Steel", where it serves to neutralise a Cyberman. The EMP inadvertently disables the Cyberman's emotional inhibitor, allowing it to remember who it was prior to conversion. This led the Tenth Doctor to deactivate the robot body and kill the victim with the sonic screwdriver.
Everlasting matches
Everlasting matches first appeared in the Target novelisation Doctor Who and the Daleks, in which the First Doctor states that they are "an invention of his". They subsequently appeared in the Virgin New Adventures novel Sanctuary, the Virgin Missing Adventures novel Venusian Lullaby and the Telos Publishing novellas Time and Relative and The Cabinet of Light. The latter includes a brand name Promethean Everlasting Matches, made by the Eternity Perpetual Company (which also made the everlasting generators in Carnival of Monsters).
The Doctor carries a box of everlasting matches in the New Series Adventures novels The Resurrection Casket and The Nightmare of Black Island. In The Resurrection Casket he explains they are made from Umbeka wood, which comes from the planet Umbeka, where winter lasts for centuries, and the summer is very hot and only lasts a couple of weeks. The heat from the flame makes the wood grow as fast as the flame consumes it, so the match never burns down.
Eye of Harmony
The Eye of Harmony is an artificially created black hole made by Omega, used by the Time Lords as a power source for time travel. The "Doctor Who" movie and "Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS" would later suggest that there is more than one Eye of Harmony, or the Doctor needed to get one of his own after the Cardiff Rift sealed itself and no more energy could be siphoned off of its scar.
Field Gravity Detector
A yo yo used by the Fourth Doctor to determine the presence, magnitude, and direction of gravity in a given area. Leela once believed that constantly playing with it was essential to assisting the Doctor operate the TARDIS. The Twelfth Doctor used it in Kill the Moon, to find out if they had landed on the moon as there was a bizarrely large amount of gravity in the room the TARDIS landed in.
The jewel in a necklace from "The Unicorn and the Wasp", connected to the Vespiform; it is a telepathic recorder, meant to absorb information to be downloaded into the mind of a newborn. When Arnold Golightly awakened his Vespiform DNA, the Firestone accidentally download the thoughts of his mother, Lady Eddison, who was thinking about Agatha Christie's books; his mind was retemplated to think that life was one big murder-mystery. Donna Noble threw the firestone into a lake, drowning the Vespiform as it followed. An additional "monster file" on the BBC's Doctor Who website revealed the firestone was found in the lake, and sold at auction to a gentleman in a greatcoat.
Fob watch
A fob watch, engraved with Gallifreyan symbols, used to store the memories and biology of a Time Lord who uses the Chameleon Arch. The watch uses a perception filter to prevent the transformed Time Lord from noticing it. Those with telepathic abilities are apparently immune to the filter, as are those already aware of the watch's nature. The Family of Blood can smell the Time Lord stored within the watch if opened. When opened by the Time Lord, it restores their original physiology. Anyone else opening it gets flashes of the memories stored within. Professor Yana had a similar fob watch; when he opened it, he recalled his identity as the Master. In the 2008 Christmas Special, "The Next Doctor" (David Morrissey) is discovered to own a fob watch, which the Doctor suspected to be a Time Lord watch. It is revealed to be an ordinary fob watch, and helped identify Jackson Lake as a normal human.
Ganymede driver
A device from the Fourth Doctor's toolbox that he requests from Sarah Jane Smith at the end of "The Hand of Fear".
The generator was a device in The Leisure Hive. It was capable of cloning; the Argolin known as Pangol (who was himself created by the generator) wanted to clone his species, who could not reproduce, using it to create the ultimate warrior race. However, he unintentionally cloned the Fourth Doctor instead.
Genesis Ark
A Dalek-shaped prison ship created by the Time Lords to store millions of captured Daleks, introduced in "Doomsday". Like the TARDIS, it is bigger on the inside, and can contain millions of prisoners, but the outside is only large enough to release one Dalek at a time. It is sucked into the Void after the Doctor opens the breach.
Giant brain
A creation of the Rani in Time and the Rani, it was linked to the minds of several geniuses, such as Albert Einstein, Louis Pasteur, and Pierre Curie. Attaching the recently regenerated Seventh Doctor to it caused the brain to spurt out bad puns and overload.
Grachtian statue
An important symbol to the family of Count Grendel in The Androids of Tara. It was one of the disguised pieces of The Key to Time.
A device installed on the Moon in the 21st century to control Earth's weather. In The Moonbase, the Cybermen attempted to gain control of the device in an attempt to destroy Earth. The Second Doctor managed to stop the Cybermen by using the Gravitron to send them and their ships into space.
Gravity globe
Gravity globes, or grav globes, are small balls that can be thrown or kicked in the air. Once in the air, they will illuminate and float. If opened, anti-gravity material spills out everywhere, causing anything it touches to not be affected by gravity for a short period of time. The Eleventh Doctor used this property of the anti-grav to get to the Byzantium, which was 30 feet above him, in "The Time of Angels".
Great Key of Rassilon
A constituent part of the De-mat gun, its location is known only to the Chancellor of the High Council of Time Lords. It is not to be confused with the Key of Rassilon or the Rod of Rassilon, also known as the Great Key.
Great Seal of Diplos
Seen in The Stones of Blood, an important artifact stolen by the criminal Cessair of Diplos. It was one of the disguised pieces of The Key to Time.
Hallucinogenic lipstick
Doctor River Song in "The Time of Angels" uses a hallucinogenic lipstick to confuse a guard at the Byzantium. She uses it again in "The Pandorica Opens" to escape the Stormcage prison facility, and later to fool several Romans into thinking she's Cleopatra.
Hand of Eldrad
In the Fourth Doctor serial The Hand of Fear, the hand was the only surviving part of the Kastrian creature Eldrad, found by the Doctor and Sarah in an English quarry.
Hand of Omega
The Hand of Omega is a device which can collapse a star into a black hole. Omega supposedly used this device in order to harness the energy and negative continuum inside it to enable time travel. It could also be used to destroy entire star systems due to it being able to take out the magnetic fields surrounding atoms. The counteraction of this device occurs in the seventh doctor story Remembrance of the Daleks.
Harp of Rassilon
In "The Five Doctors", one of the many artifacts with Rassilon's name on it, the Harp of Rassilon is accompanied by a painting that shows Rassilon himself playing it. Playing the tune on the sheet music in the painting unlocks a secret door leading to the Time Scoop controls.
Home Box
A box on board advanced starships, such as the Byzantium, which record everything that happens on board; it is jettisoned back to the place where it was launched if the ship crashes. It was originally seen in the episode "The Time of Angels". It is equivalent to a "Black Box" in modern aviation. The Doctor steals this home box to find Doctor River Song, as it has Hello Sweetie written on it in Old High Gallifreyan as a message to the Doctor.
Huon particles
Ancient particles from the Dark Times. They are potentially deadly and contain a great amount of energy. Huon particles will attract other sets of Huon particles, causing infused people or objects to teleport. A remnant of Huon particles exist in the heart of the TARDIS. Huon particles were destroyed by the Time Lords, but the queen of the Racnoss developed technology to make her own as revealed in "The Runaway Bride". They were also mentioned by Jack Harkness in The Blood Line.
A crystalline substance in The Horns of Nimon. The crystals provide power for spaceships and cities.
Hypercubes contained messages sent between Time Lords. They were white cubes that bore a Time Lord's thoughts or speech. In later years, the cubes were a transparent blue with silver lining that glowed. The Eleventh Doctor received one that had the mark of the Corsair, a personal favorite Time Lord/Time Lady of his.
Hypersonic sound wave manipulator
A genetic manipulation device created by Professor Richard Lazarus in the "The Lazarus Experiment" to reverse ageing. The 76-year-old professor becomes a young man after using the manipulator, but the process awakens dormant genes, causing him to mutate into a monstrous, scorpion-like creature, capable of extracting the life force from humans. Funding for the project was provided by Mr Saxon who is later revealed to be the Master. The technology is later incorporated into his weapon which he calls a laser screwdriver in "The Sound of Drums" and is used to incapacitate the Doctor by ageing him.
Ice gun
A fire extinguisher used by the Tenth Doctor to immobilise the Clockwork androids in "The Girl in the Fireplace". The name "ice gun" was suggested by Mickey Smith. The Doctor called it a fire extinguisher. According to Clarke, speaking in the Doctor Who Confidential episode "From Zero to Hero", the art department labelled them with the warning "Do not use to cool drinks, freeze food, win arguments, or create Christmas grotto decorations".
Info-stamps are storage devices created by the Daleks. Cybermen that escaped the Void used stolen info-stamps containing information about many subjects, including the Doctor. When Jackson Lake ("The Next Doctor") looked into an info-stamp, details about the Doctor were embedded in his memory and he came to believe he was the Doctor's next incarnation. The info-stamp backfired, leading the Cybermen to also believe that Lake was the Doctor. Info-stamps can be used as weapons by removing the cover and releasing an electromagnetic pulse.
Jammie Dodger
A jam-filled biscuit the Eleventh Doctor used to prevent his extermination in "Victory of the Daleks". The Jammie Dodger was portrayed as a TARDIS self-destruct button, but the New Paradigm Daleks eventually saw through the trick and then the Doctor ate the biscuit. In the prequel to "Asylum of the Daleks", the Doctor was shown enjoying some with tea in a dream. He later enjoyed a bite of one out of a set he left for Clara in "The Bells of Saint John".
Janis thorn
A poisonous weapon of the Sevateem, used by Leela. Seen in The Face of Evil and The Talons of Weng-Chiang, and mentioned (but not seen) in The Pirate Planet.
Jathaa beam weapon
A weapon reverse-engineered from a ship called the "Jathaa sunglider" is first seen in "The Christmas Invasion" (2005), where it is a powerful beam weapon used to wipe out a Sycorax ship. Torchwood One director Yvonne Hartman first tells the Doctor the origins of the weapon in "Army of Ghosts" (2006). A scaled down version of the weapon is seen in "The Poison Sky" (2008) aboard UNIT's aircraft carrier Valiant, and is used to attack a Sontaran stronghold.
Jelly babies

Jelly babies are a confectionery favoured by a few versions of the Doctor, but primarily the Fourth Doctor, who almost always was seen eating a few until his later days; they became his trademark item along with his ridiculously long scarf. A few times, he's used them as part of his bluffs and distractions. The Master is also seen eating jelly babies in "The Sound of Drums". Both the Doctor and the Master are seen offering them to other people. A Ganger version of the Eleventh Doctor from "The Almost People" tries to cope with his past regenerations, speaking with the Fourth Doctor's voice and quoting, "Would you like a jelly baby?" In "Mummy on the Orient Express", the Twelfth Doctor carried a few himself, keeping them neatly in place in a case.
An extremely valuable mineral. A small piece can power an entire fleet of battleships. One of the pieces of The Key to Time was disguised as a lump of Jethrik in The Ribos Operation.
A Journal of Impossible Things
A dream diary, containing notes and sketches by the Tenth Doctor's human persona, John Smith, in "Human Nature"/"The Family of Blood". The title is handwritten on the journal's first page. Referred to by Smith as "stories", it is shown on screen as scribbled words and what appear to be ink sketches, recording what Smith remembers from dreams about his adventures as the Doctor. Joan Redfern retains the Journal at the end of "The Family of Blood", and it is eventually published in 2009 by her granddaughter in The End of Time.
One two-page spread contains illustrations of all ten Doctors to date, as seen on a flash animation on the BBC web site at the time of "The Family of Blood" air date. The drawings seen on screen in "Human Nature" are of the First, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Doctors, the first time each has been depicted in the revived series.[3] The journal also features sketches of the TARDIS interior and exterior, a sonic screwdriver, the Torchwood Institute logo, K-9, Rose Tyler, Autons, clockwork androids, Cybermen, Daleks, the Moxx of Balhoon, gas-masked people from "The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances", and the Slitheen.
The text includes repeated phrases describing key concepts (such as "magic box", referring to the TARDIS), along with many misspellings. One repeated phrase, "bigger inside than outside", also appears in Latin as: Maius Intra Qua Extra. The Journal prop was created by artist Kellyanne Walker and incorporates text provided by writer Paul Cornell.[4]
Key of Rassilon
A Gallifreyan artefact that allows access to the Matrix, the repository of all Time Lord knowledge. It is kept by the Keeper of the Matrix. Not to be confused with the Great Key of Rassilon or the Rod of Rassilon.
Key to Time
The most powerful artifact in the universe, capable of anything the user can imagine. It can restore balance to the universe, or cause utter chaos. Both the Black and White Guardianâ s sought it. However, the Doctor prevented the Black Guardian from gaining control of it by scattering it across the time and space once more
Koh-i-Noor Diamond
A large diamond that had been re-cut several times for use as an element in a telescopic device designed to focus a beam of moonlight to trap and eventually destroy the physical form of a Werewolf in "Tooth and Claw".
Laser screwdriver
A weapon used by the Master in "The Sound of Drums" which resembles the Doctor's sonic screwdriver. It can kill with a directed laser beam or artificially age a target (provided the device has a blueprint of the victims biological code). In the video game "TARDIS", Amy finds it in the Doctor's study and uses it to power the tractor beam to pull him back into the TARDIS.
The Master had originally installed a biological lock in the device, to only allow him to use it; however, the Doctor succeeded in deactivating it, as Amy had no trouble using it to power the tractor beam.
Laser spanner
A device which was owned by the Doctor until it was stolen by Emmeline Pankhurst, whom the Doctor referred to as a "cheeky woman". Martha Jones initially believed she had coined the term as a joke upon being introduced to the sonic screwdriver.
Melody Malone: Private Detective in Old New York Town
A book the Doctor read in "The Angels Take Manhattan". It revealed what would happen to the Doctor and his companions in the episode, and was written by River Song later in the episode. The BBC made it into a purchasable e-book called The Angel's Kiss: A Melody Malone Mystery, but the book does not contain the chapter revealing Amy Pond's departure and the titles for each chapter, and is a prequel to the episode instead of a modified version of it.
Clamps that negate the weight of items to which they are attached, allowing a person to easily lift something weighing several tons. They appeared in "Army of Ghosts" and "Doomsday", as property of the Torchwood Institute. In "Doomsday", the Tenth Doctor and Rose use these clamps to attach themselves to the walls of Torchwood One to prevent themselves from being sucked into the Void along with the Dalek and Cyberman armies.
Mark-3 Travel Machine
The first name for a Dalek from the serial Genesis of the Daleks.
In The Chase a race of robots which battled the Daleks.
In The Keeper of Traken, Melkurs are evil beings turned into statues when they arrive on the planet Traken. The statue featured in the serial is revealed to be the Master's TARDIS.
Mercury fluid links
In The Daleks, the First Doctor claims tubes filled with mercury are required to make the TARDIS work. The fluid links malfunction again in The Wheel in Space, this time producing toxic mercury vapour.
Mergin nut
A device from the Doctor's toolbox that he requests from Sarah Jane Smith at the end of "The Hand of Fear."
Metebelis Crystal
In The Green Death, the Third Doctor takes a perfect blue crystal from the planet Metebelis Three, which has the ability to focus and amplify thoughts. He gives it to Jo Grant as a wedding present, but she sends it back to him in Planet of the Spiders, setting in motion a series of events that end with the Doctor's regeneration. In Destiny of the Doctors, the Doctor had a similar crystal hidden in a greenhouse within his TARDIS. Graak had to find it and give it to The Master in order to continue his quest to save the seven incarnations of the Doctor. The Eleventh Doctor also has a Metebelis Crystal in "Hide".
In the Third Doctor serial Carnival of Monsters the Doctor found an active miniscope in the hands of the Lurman entertainers Vorg and Shirna on the planet Inter Minor. Their miniscope included Drashigs, Cybermen, and humans on board a ship. Its use as a peep show containing various creatures is outlawed. During "Robot of Sherwood", the Twelfth Doctor believed he may have landed inside a miniscope again, since he didn't believe that Robin Hood was a real person.
Molecular disseminator
An experimental means of interstellar teleportation accidentally used to send the First Doctor and his companions from Earth to Kembel in The Daleks' Master Plan.
A Gallifreyan super weapon created by the ancient Time Lords, the Moment is also known as the Galaxy Eater and is the only weapon the Time Lords dare not use due to its sentience possibly deeming them to be among those it would destroy. As mentioned in The End of Time, the Doctor took the Moment from its vault with the intent to use it to end the Time War. However, as revealed in "The Day of the Doctor", the Moment interacted with the Doctor (in his War Doctor incarnation) by taking the form of Rose Tyler, and indirectly provided him with an alternative means to end the Time War without destroying Gallifrey.
Nanotechnological robots which can heal damaged tissue. They are Chula technology, seen in "The Empty Child" and "The Doctor Dances". The nanogenes are designed to heal soldiers and ready them for battle, making them Om-com capable. Without a complete template for a species, the nanogenes restored Jamie (The Empty Child) with a gas mask fused to his face, and replicate the gas mask and Jamie's other injuries to anyone Jamie touched. Since the events of "Asylum of the Daleks," the Dalek utilize Nanogenes to turn humans into Dalek Puppets
A device used by Missy to collect the minds of the recently deceased. She would trick them into deleting their emotions so their corpses could be cyber-converted without resistance. A program named Seb usually greets the deceased when Missy is not linked to the device herself. After the destruction of the Cybermen army and the apparent death of Missy, the Nethersphere shuts down.
An explosive substance created and used by the Seventh Doctor's companion Ace, often carried in her backpack in aerosol spray cans, despite the Doctor's warnings. However, he's relented several times, even using it to his advantage during confrontations with enemies.
Note Cards
The Twelfth Doctor has note cards, which Clara has him reference when he is not caring enough about the emotional distress of survivors. He has several for any situation, given he "deletes" whatever he deems unnecessary.
Nova Device
The Movellans failed to destroy the Daleks' homeworld of Skaro with this device in the serial Destiny of the Daleks.
A communications system used by Jack Harkness and the revived Jamie in "The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances". It allows communication through anything with a speaker grille, even if the device is normally inoperable (such as the TARDIS's external police box phone).
The Once More With Feeling is a device the Eleventh Doctor created in the novel Shroud of Sorrow; he rejected Clara's idea of calling the "Fun Gun", out of dislike of the weapons. It amplified the user's emotions through a gramophone-like speaker. The Doctor used this to lure all of the Shroud's tentacles to his mind to pull it away from Earth. He later gave it to a planet that the Shroud had previously attack, hoping it could bring the afflicted back to their senses.
Ood Brain
The Ood Brain was a giant brain in the episode "Planet of the Ood". All members of the Ood species, a friendly alien race, were naturally mentally connected to this brain and shared thoughts; however, a force-field-like circle was prohibiting this from occurring. The Tenth Doctor, however, was able to connect their minds again.
Opera glasses
Small binoculars that the Doctor carries with him in the 2005 episode "The Empty Child", and in the novel The Nightmare of Black Island. In the latter, he uses them to gain a closer view of Ynis Du's lighthouse. The origin of the glasses is unknown; the fact that they are described as having "computer-enhanced lenses" suggests they are a product of a future time.
A device the Doctor and companions use to view the city of the Daleks in the 1963 episode "The Dead Planet" appear to be opera glasses.
Osgood Box
Dummy boxes created in the likeness of the Moment by the Doctor; two harmless buttons labelled Truth and Consequences are hidden under a lid. He uses them to pacify Zygons that become troublesome, teaching them the lesson that co-operation and understanding are needed for the treaty to endure.
Osterhagen key
The Osterhagen (an anagram of "Earth's Gone") key is a priming device controlled by UNIT for a series of 25 nuclear warheads placed beneath the Earth's crust at strategic points, for use at a time when Earth's destruction is preferable to the alternative. Osterhagen stations are located in Alaska, Argentina, China, Germany and Liberia. For this to be activated, at least three Osterhagen bases must be online. The key is given to Martha Jones by UNIT in "The Stolen Earth", but is lost when she is brought by transmat on board the Dalek Crucible. Martha explains that the Osterhagen Key was to be used only "if the suffering of the human race was so great, so without hope, that it became the final option". The Doctor requested that Martha get rid of the Osterhagen system.
A plot device in series 5 of the revived Doctor Who series, believed by the Eleventh Doctor as a fairy tale, the Pandorica is revealed in "The Pandorica Opens"/"The Big Bang" to be a life prolonging prison created by his enemies to imprison him as they believed he was the cause of the universe's destruction. However, managing to free himself and save Amy's life, the Doctor rewired the Pandorica to pilot it into the TARDIS's explosion and save the universe.
Paradox machine
Designed by the Master in "The Sound of Drums", the device is constructed from the Doctor's TARDIS, centred around the main console with several large pipes leading into it, installed on the airborne aircraft carrier Valiant. The paradox machine uses the power of the TARDIS to prevent the universe from collapsing under the inherent logical contradiction of a grandfather paradox when the Toclafane kill their ancestors, modern day humans. When destroyed, it has the effect of reversing time up to the point immediately before it was originally activated. Those in proximity of the "eye of the storm" of the device, the radius of which is at least sufficient to encompass the Valiant, are immune to its effect. Jack Harkness destroyed the paradox machine with an assault rifle.
The machine also features in the episode "Last of the Time Lords" and can briefly be seen near the end of "Turn Left".
Perception filter
A perception filter is a field generated by a TARDIS that convinces people to ignore it, which in the case of the Doctor's TARDIS makes the normally anachronistic police box seem ordinary wherever it lands. The field extends to objects associated with the TARDIS, such as the keys used to open it. Perception filters can be added to other objects, such as the fob watches used by the Doctor and the Master. The TARDIS also imparts a perception filter to a stone slab near a fountain in Cardiff during the events of "Boom Town", which Torchwood Three has attached to an elevator. The field does not work if the object it surrounds draws too much attention to itself, or if someone is specifically searching for the object in question. Those with even minor telepathic abilities are also immune. In "Last of the Time Lords" Martha Jones uses the perception filter installed on her TARDIS Key to protect her from the Master's detection during the year he ruled the world. Also, in "The Eleventh Hour", it is presumed that Prisoner Zero placed a perception filter around an entire room in Amy Pond's house so not even she realises it is there. She becomes aware of it at the age of 19 after the Doctor returns and explicitly tells her that the room is there, which prompts Amy to realise that the room is indeed there. And is again mentioned in "The Vampires of Venice" when the Doctor explains the Countess and her 'vampires' wear one to appear human. In "The Lodger", the entire second floor of Craig Owens' flat was masked with a perception filter. In this case however, everyone could see the second floor, but their knowledge had been changed due to the filter and made to think that the flat actually had two storeys, where, in reality, it only had one. In "Night Terrors", Tenzas are revealed to possess powerful perception filters, which basically rewrite the memories of their foster parents, to make them think the Tenza is their own child.
The concept is similar to the Somebody Else's Problem field in Douglas Adams's novel, Life, the Universe and Everything.
Preacher gun (Mk II)
A large energy gun, capable of causing a Dalek to explode. They were used by Jackie, Mickey and Rose in "The Stolen Earth" and "Journey's End". They are likely an upgrade of the guns used by the Preachers in "Army of Ghosts"/"Doomsday", which were unable to destroy a Dalek even when modified by the Doctor with the sonic screwdriver.
President's gauntlet
A metal glove used by the Lord President of Gallifrey in The End of Time. It is used to disintegrate a Time Lady when she goes against the wishes of the Lord President, and to revert the Master's actions, restoring the human race to normal. When Rassilon held up the hand wearing the gauntlet (in the episode The End of Time) the Master, judging by the look on his face, immediately seemed to know what it was. The War Doctor novel "Engines of War" explains that this gauntlet allows the wearer to control space-time; if a person is destroyed by it, their timeline vanishes as well, leaving no memory of them.
Progenation machine
A progenation machine is a device in "The Doctor's Daughter" that artificially produces a direct descendant of a donor. By taking a sample of the subject's diploid cells, it can split the cells into haploids and rearrange them in a new configuration. The new DNA is then used to grow an adult subject within moments. The subject emerges fully clothed, and the machine can upload knowledge directly into their brain, which in the episode is used to create trained soldiers. It is by this process that Jenny, the Doctor's titular daughter, is created.
Donna Noble, the Tenth Doctor's companion at the time, thought the idea of creating offspring like this was horrifying as it denied women the joy of pregnancy.
A device used by the Daleks containing "pure" DNA. In "Journey's End", all Dalek saucers were destroyed, except one, which flew back in time to the 1940s in the Second World War, where one of the progenitors was located. However, due to their adapted and changed DNA, the progenitor would not recognise these Daleks as 'pure' or 'true' Daleks. The Daleks knew that the Doctor would come, so they devised a strategy so that the Daleks pretend to be Professor Bracewell's inventions (named 'Ironsides') for use in the war. In "Victory of the Daleks", the Daleks tricked the Doctor, compelling him to bellow the truth, "I am the Doctor, and you are the Daleks", causing the Progenitor to be activated by testimony. It created a new race of Daleks, the Paradigm Daleks, who eventually returned to the universe.
Psychic credit card
This item was used in the BBC novel Only Human to open a bank account of half a million pounds sterling in balance for Jack Harkness and the Neanderthal named Das. According to Captain Jack in the novel, the psychic credit card was banned after the infinite recession of Bayfadarn.
Psychic paper
Described as "slightly psychic" paper and first appearing in the episode "The End of the World", psychic paper is an apparently blank prop kept in a credit card or travel pass holder. It allows those holding it to show people whatever the holder wants them to see on the card. It can apparently unlock electronic pass readers ("Army of Ghosts") and record transit fares ("Planet of the Dead"). Torchwood Institute personnel receive psychic training and are not susceptible to psychic paper. It apparently does not work on those of very high or very low intelligence; William Shakespeare was shown the paper in "The Shakespeare Code" and remarked that it was blank, which the Doctor notes as proof that Shakespeare is a genius; when it didn't work in "Flatline", the Doctor commented it was due to a lack of imagination. In the Doctor Who Magazine comic strip "The First", Ernest Shackleton also sees the paper as blank, comparing it with an attempt to hypnotise him, which had been equally ineffective.
In the Past Doctor Adventures novel World Game, it is said to be a then-recent invention of the Celestial Intervention Agency; if this is the case, then from 2005 series episode "The End of the World" it can be considered as one of the few Time Lord artifacts remaining (besides the TARDIS and the Sonic Screwdriver).
The use of psychic paper and the results obtained seem to vary. In "The Empty Child", Jack Harkness states that it is a "tricky thing", and Rose says that you "can't let your mind wander when you're handing it over." Both he and Rose inadvertently give away private details about themselves when passing it between them. When the Twelfth Doctor used it, it had a lot of swearing on it; he claimed he had a lot of internalized anger. In "Tooth and Claw", the Doctor seems surprised when Queen Victoria says "It states clearly here that you have been appointed by the Lord Provost as my protector." In "The Idiot's Lantern", the Doctor flashes the paper at a guard, and then has to look at it in order to tell Tommy that the guard thinks he's the King of Belgium. This is also shown in the New Series Adventures novel The Nightmare of Black Island, in which the Doctor is unsure what another character saw, as there is no 'after-image'. At its introduction in "The End of the World", the Ninth Doctor shows it to the steward while simultaneously stating what he wanted it to show. The steward's response of "Well, obviously...," gives the impression that when the person handing it over specifies what it should say, it does. The Tenth Doctor uses both methods in "Tooth and Claw", giving specifics to the Guard Captain, but letting Queen Victoria see what she needed. The paper appears in "A Christmas Carol", but fails to fool its target into believing that the Doctor is certified as being a responsible adult. Instead, it displays wavy lines, and the Doctor comments, "finally, a lie too big."
Psychic paper is able to receive messages from throughout the universe, as shown in "New Earth", when the Face of Boe sends the Doctor a message, and again in "Silence in the Library", where the Doctor receives a message from Professor River Song. In "The Eleventh Hour", The Doctor also receives a message from the Atraxi to his psychic paper explaining that "Prisoner Zero has escaped" and prompting the Doctor to realise that Prisoner Zero had escaped through the crack in Amelia's wall. In the novel The Forgotten Army, the Doctor is able to psychically send messages to the psychic paper to tell Amy where he is. In "Night Terrors", the psychic paper receives a message from a distressed child to "save [him] from the monsters", prompting the Doctor to "make a house call". Kate Stewart of UNIT also sends a message to the Doctor through the psychic paper in "The Power of Three."
In "A Good Man Goes to War," two soldiers ("The Fat One" and "The Thin One") at the "Demons Run" asteroid base are seen practicing the technique for recognizing psychic paper. One soldier reminds the other to "look for the fractals." This suggests that words and images are produced using some form of fractal art.
Quantum Accelerator
A TARDIS component, one of the items exchanged between the Master and the Doctor in Time-Flight.
Quantum Crystaliser
A device featured in the audio drama Human Resources used by the Celestial Intervention Agency to control time over a small area. It uses branching timelines to explore various possible futures and select the one it likes. Exposure to two Crystallisers causes dangerous instability, potentially leading to death.
The Fourth Doctor fitted this device to the TARDIS console in The Armageddon Factor to randomise his travel coordinates and prevent the Black Guardian from finding him. The Randomiser was removed from the TARDIS and left on the planet Argolis in The Leisure Hive. A similar process is seen in The Price of Paradise, in which the Doctor uses the random shuffle function on Rose's MP3 player to select the TARDIS's destination, and the Doctor is able to "set all the settings to random" in the 2008 episode "Planet of the Ood". The Eighth Doctor also fits a randomiser to his companion Compassion in The Fall of Yquatine to stop her being traced by the Time Lords.
Record of Rassilon
An accounting of a war fought between a Vampire race and the Time Lords. It is found on most Type-40 TARDISes. The Record consists of punchchards which when inserted into the TARDIS console will print out whatever was on the card. In the episode State of Decay the Fourth Doctor uses this Record to find out information about the war, the Vampire's weaknesses, and an edict by Rassilon that any Time Lord that finds one of the Vampires should put them to death immediately.
Reality Bomb
A device created by Davros and the Daleks which they prepared for use in "Journey's End." It was meant to disrupt the electrical bond between all atoms in every form of matter, and then destroying the atoms themselves by breaking the bonds between subatomic particles, using Z-neutrino energy compressed into a single stream by the alignment of 27 stolen planets, therefore destroying the whole of the universe and all other universes via a rift at the heart of the Medusa Cascade. Davros described this as "the destruction of reality itself!" The bomb was, however, disabled by Donna just as the countdown to detonation reached zero.
The Second Doctor was often seen playing a recorder. It played a pivotal role in the serial The Three Doctors as well as often being used by the Second Doctor to distract and confuse his enemies.
Later on, the Fifth Doctor tried out a recorder immediately following regeneration in Castrovalva, but decided it did not suit him.
Rod of Rassilon
Another name for the Great Key, not to be confused with the Key of Rassilon or the other Great Key. It is a control device for the Eye of Harmony, and can be used to drain power from it.
Sash of Rassilon
A control device for the Eye of Harmony, it is used to protect the wearer from the Eye's gravitational and energy forces.
The Fourth Doctor's long, multicolour-striped scarf, which he claimed was knitted for him by Madame Nostradamus (described by the Doctor as "a witty little knitter"), is one of the images people generally associate with the character. He had more than one in similar designs and during the time he travelled with Romana, he could be seen wearing one while another was hanging on the Console Room hatstand. The scarf the Doctor wore during his regeneration at the end of Logopolis was unravelled by the Fifth Doctor in the beginning of Castrovalva. A Fourth Doctor-style scarf was seen hanging in the TARDIS Wardrobe Room in the Tenth Doctor special "The Christmas Invasion". The Seventh Doctor wore a smaller paisley scarf. Romana wore a white version of the scarf during Destiny of the Daleks. The eleventh incarnation of the Doctor was seen wearing the scarf along with the young Kazran Sardic in the Christmas special "A Christmas Carol". The Twelfth Doctor considered wearing one, but found the look "stupid." He later tells Clara that he spent one of his 'party' days wearing a long scarf ("The Magician's Apprentice").
Seal of the High Council
A round metallic object emblazoned with the Seal of Rassilon, this symbol of Time Lord authority was given to the Master in "The Five Doctors" to prove to the Doctor that he was working with the Time Lords and not against them. The Third Doctor believes that the Master has stolen it from the Time Lords and takes it from him. When the Master tries to explain to the Fifth Doctor that one of his other selves has taken it, he does not believe him. The Eleventh Doctor later uses the seal in "The Time of the Doctor" to translate the question being sent by the Time Lords through the crack in the Universe.
Seal of Rassilon
A spiralling insignia somewhat reminiscent of a Celtic knot, it serves as a logo of the Time Lords. It is seen in multiple episodes of the series to designate the Time Lords and Gallifrey. The Seal is most often seen on Time Lord architecture and artefacts, as well as badges on ceremonial clothing. The Seal was featured heavily in the interior design of the Eighth Doctor's TARDIS. It was seen most recently in "The Sound of Drums", set in stonework beneath the Untempered Schism.
Security disk
In the 2007 episode "Blink" the Doctor retrieves his TARDIS after losing it by means of a security disk. This was essentially a DVD with specific code compatible to the TARDIS. He entrusts the DVD to Sally Sparrow, who inserts the disk into the TARDIS console, causing it to dematerialise, leaving her and Larry Nightingale behind. The security disk is valid for one journey. The TARDIS seems to automatically detect these disks and generates an accompanying hologram of the Doctor to announce this detection as a result.
In Kill the Moon, the Twelfth Doctor has more of these disks. He has Courtney put one in to bring the TARDIS to him. However, he warns not to let go of the console or the TARDIS would leave her behind.
Severed hand
The Tenth Doctor's severed right hand in a transparent case filled with a preservative liquid. The hand was severed by a Sycorax sword during their invasion of Earth ("The Christmas Invasion"). The Doctor regrew the hand due to the healing after-effects of his recent regeneration. Captain Jack Harkness retrieved the hand and stored it at the Torchwood Hub.[5]
In the Torchwood episode "End of Days", the hand glows when the TARDIS is heard materialising in Cardiff. Alerted by the hand, Jack finds the Doctor in "Utopia", and he describes the hand as a "Doctor detector"; at the end of the episode, the hand is stolen by the Master along with the Doctor's TARDIS. In "The Sound of Drums", the Master reveals he has used the hand to derive the Doctor's biological code, with which he accelerates the Doctor's ageing by one hundred years using his laser screwdriver. Following the events of "Last of the Time Lords", the Doctor recovers the hand.
It is later seen at the end of the episode, "The Poison Sky", where it glows as it did in "End of Days". In "The Doctor's Daughter", this instance of glowing is explained as sensing the appearance of the Doctor's genetic material, in the form of Jenny, in another time period.
At the end of the episode "The Stolen Earth", the Doctor is shot by a Dalek and is forced to regenerate, but in the following episode, "Journey's End, the Doctor transfers the regeneration energy into the hand, allowing him to heal his wounds but still keep the same form. Donna later touches the hand while it is still infused with regeneration energy, causing the hand to regenerate into a half human, half Time Lord copy of the Doctor, with the side effect of giving Donna the knowledge of a Time Lord.
Dimensionally transcendent time machines named SIDRATs were provided by the War Chief to the alien race known as the War Lords in The War Games. According to the novelisation of the story by Malcolm Hulke, SIDRAT is an acronym for "Space and Inter-time Dimensional Robot All-purpose Transporter", as well as the backwards spelling of TARDIS.
Signet Ring
The First Doctor owned a signet ring in which was mounted a large blue crystal. The ring seemed to be able to facilitate hypnotism and protect the Doctor from electrical shocks. The First Doctor held it in great esteem (The Web Planet). At the start of The Power of the Daleks, in the immediate aftermath of the Doctor's regeneration into the Second Doctor, the ring fell off his finger and was never seen again.
The name given to a 'suit' made from victims of the Slitheen. It is made by hollowing out a victim's body and creating a zipper across the forehead, and with the aid of a compression field the Slitheen then use it as a disguise. Disguised Slitheen can also perfectly replicate the voice of the person they are disguised as, even when not wearing the skinsuit (although tinges of the alien voice are thrown in when not wearing it), although it is not made clear how this works. As the Slitheen are very large, up to eight feet in height, and the compression field only has a limited ability the skinsuits tend to be made from large people. The compression field creates a big gas exchange, which explains why the Slitheen seem to suffer from flatulence when wearing their skinsuits. According to the book The Monsters Inside, the events of which are referenced in the episode "Boom Town", Raxacoricofallapatorians in the far future have perfected the technology so they can fit into skinsuits far smaller than they are. This is also shown in the Sarah Jane Adventures story The Lost Boy.
Another species, the reptilian warriors known as the Foamasi, also wore skinsuits in The Leisure Hive.
Sonic blaster
Featured in "The Doctor Dances", the sonic blaster, also known as a "squareness gun", is a handheld weapon from the 51st century, produced in the weapon factories of Villengard, that can disintegrate as well as reintegrate its targets. The latter function quickly runs down its batteries when used repeatedly. The one featured is owned by Captain Jack Harkness. It fires in a peculiar square shape rather than the more traditional round pattern of most science fiction weapons. The factory that produced the blasters was destroyed, which the Ninth Doctor implies responsibility for; he claims to have visited it just once, and that there is now a nice banana grove in its place. In "Silence in the Library", set in the 51st century, Professor River Song possesses a weapon which acts in exactly the same manner, and Steven Moffat, author of both stories, says it was the same item, left in the TARDIS by Captain Jack and taken by River during her time with the Doctor, a time which is actually in the future of the Doctor's personal timeline.[6]
Sonic cane
In "Let's Kill Hitler" the dying Doctor has a sonic cane (supposedly provided by the TARDIS console) which functions in a similar manner to the Sonic Screwdriver, when used the orb at the tip opens up akin to the screwdriver's claws opening.
Sonic knife
A tool used by Scaroth in stealing the Mona Lisa in City of Death.
Sonic lance
A handheld tool used by the Sixth Doctor in Attack of the Cybermen. It was used as a detonator to explode an unstable material which resulted in the destruction of the Cyberman base on Telos. A different sonic lance was seen in an earlier serial, Robot as an add-on to the sonic screwdriver.
In British English, a "lance" may refer to what is, in American English, a cutting torch, so the "Sonic Lance" is a cutting tool, not a weapon.
Sonic pen
Wielded by Miss Foster in "Partners in Crime", the sonic pen has a similar range of functions to the sonic screwdriver, but was described as "sleek" in comparison. It looks like a normal black and silver pen with a blue light at the top, similar to the sonic screwdriver. It has the ability to open a 'triple-deadlocked' door, but whether this refers to all deadlocked doors, or just doors with deadlocks created by Miss Foster, the original owner of the pen, is unknown. The pen was last seen thrown in a bin by the Doctor.
Gwen Cooper is seen using a similar pen (complete with "sonic" sound effects and blue light at top) throughout Torchwood's third season. The full range of this pen's abilities is also unknown. After introducing it to Clement Macdonald while visiting him at a psychiatric clinic, she named it as a "Gizmo". It is primarily used on-screen to disable video cameras.
Sonic screwdriver
Sonic Sunglasses
The new tool of the Twelfth Doctor. After abandoning the sonic screwdriver with a young Davros, the Doctor decided to come up with a new device to replace it. Since a screwdriver "ruins the line of your jacket", he decided to create wearable tech. The activation button is on the right side joint. It has a wide range of abilities, such as reverse the Hostile Action Displacement System option, and showing what the Doctor sees when wearing the glasses.
Sonic Trowel
A sonic version of a standard garden trowel. This was used by River Song in the episode "The Husbands of River Song". The Sonic trowel appears to work like the Doctor's screwdriver and glasses, but is shown to have extra attack capabilities as well. The Doctor mocked River throughout the episode for using a Sonic trowel, which leads him to give River a new Sonic screwdriver (seen in "Silence in the Library").
Space-time telegraph
A device given by the Doctor to Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart that can contact the Doctor throughout time and space. It was supposed to be used only in the gravest of emergencies. The Doctor received its signal at the end of Revenge of the Cybermen, leading to the events of Terror of the Zygons. This is now obsolete, as in "The Sontaran Stratagem", Martha Jones's Superphone was used instead. However, it is discovered that the telegraph has been moved to the 'Black Archives' in The Day of the Doctor, as the Doctor uses it to communicate with Kate Stewart, the Brigadier's daughter.
Special Straw
As seen in the diner with the Eleventh Doctor in "The Impossible Astronaut". To quote: " It adds more fizz".
Sphere (Shada)
A device used as a weapon by Skagra in Shada. It was capable of removing a person's mind from their body, as well spreading the singular mind that Skagra wished to cover the entire universe with.
Sphere (The Abominable Snowmen & The Web of Fear)
Silver spheres which contain the consciousness of each Yeti.
Squareness Gun
As coined by Rose Tyler, this gun is a sonic device used to create square holes in walls, then seal them up by using the reverse settings. First seen in "The Doctor Dances", in the possession of Captain Jack Harkness, it was most recently seen in "Silence in the Library" and "Forest of the Dead", when the Doctor and Professor River Song's remaining team use it to try and escape the Vashta Nerada which had started to invade their spacesuits.
Stattenheim remote control
A device used by the Rani to control her TARDIS remotely. The Second Doctor also had a Stattenheim in the serial The Two Doctors, to the envy of the Sixth Doctor. The Doctor has also used the Stattenheim control in the spin-off media. The novels Christmas on a Rational Planet and The Quantum Archangel claim that Stattenheim was a human scientist from sixteenth century Berlin who, with his associate Waldorf, developed a working theory of TARDIS configuration. In the audio story The Hourglass Killers, the Sixth Doctor built a very short-range version.
The "Superphone" is an upgraded mobile phone that can make calls across time and space. It even calibrates to the user's home time period, as shown by Adam Mitchell's ability to call his home time on Rose Tyler's phone ("The Long Game"), despite their native time periods being about six years apart. In addition, it can send signals in places ordinary phones cannot, such as the sealed Cabinet Rooms at 10 Downing Street ("World War Three"). However, its range is not infinite ("The Impossible Planet"). The Doctor describes the Superphone as being able to "call anyone, in any time, so long as you know the area code".
The superphone first appears in "The End of the World", where the Ninth Doctor modifies Rose's Nokia 3200 mobile phone with a special device that goes in place of the battery. In "Rise of the Cybermen", the Nokia 3200 is replaced by a Samsung D500, but otherwise seems to function the same. A Samsung D500 is also seen used by Tish Jones in "The Sound of Drums". It is also able to link with the Cybus Industries Ear-Pod network. Rose gives the phone to Mickey Smith at the end of "The Age of Steel", but replaces it soon after.
After Martha Jones becomes an ongoing companion to the Tenth Doctor in "42", he gives her phone, the BenQ-Siemens EF81 a similar upgrade. This phone, however, is upgraded by the Doctor's sonic screwdriver, and the feature itself is referred to as "Universal Roaming". Martha's phone has the Archangel network logo on its display, the significance of which is revealed in "The Sound of Drums". At the end of the episode "Last of the Time Lords", Martha gives her phone to the Doctor, so she can contact him if trouble occurs.
The Doctor uses the same process to upgrade Donna Noble's phone in "The Doctor's Daughter", but it is only used once onscreen to contact Martha's similarly upgraded phone. When his allies try contact the Doctor in "The Stolen Earth" by means of Martha's superphone now in his possession, the number displayed onscreen is 07700 900461. After the airing of this episode, 2,500 fans tried to dial the number.[7] In "Journey's End", Wilfred mentions that he has received a phone call from Donna, presumably by means of her Superphone.
In "Planet of the Dead", the Doctor uses the sonic screwdriver to create Barclay's phone into a superphone to contact, and be contacted by, Malcolm Taylor from UNIT, who is on the other side of the wormhole. The phone is of the Nokia Prism series. ("Planet of the Dead")
There are at least two superphones available for use in the Eleventh Doctor's TARDIS; Amy Pond's phone and a flip phone sometimes used by the Doctor. Delaware used Amy Pond's cell phone to receive a call from the Doctor's flip phone in 1969, before cell networks existed, indicating that both phones must have been upgraded by the Doctor at some point ("Day of the Moon"). In "The Doctor's Wife", the Doctor uses Amy's phone to keep in touch with her and Rory, who are trapped inside the TARDIS. Rory was shown to have one in "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship", with his father questioning the oddity of it; Rory commented "You get used to it"
Summer Falls
Summer Falls is a book written by Amelia Williams (née Pond), a former companion to the Doctor (Series 5-7.5). In "The Bells of Saint John", Artie Maitland says he is reading it and Clara Oswald recommends Chapter 11. The BBC has made it a purchasable e-book. Likely due to which Doctor she traveled with, Amy made sure her eleventh chapter was the best.

A TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension In Space) is a spaceship invented by the Time Lords that can travel through space and time. The Doctor travels in a Type 40 TARDIS. A TARDIS can travel to any time and place in the universe, except to events that are Time-Locked, such as the Time War. The TARDIS is bigger on the inside than the outside. The TARDIS' main fuel is Artron energy, a positive time energy that can almost penetrate time gates. In "The Impossible Planet" it is stated that TARDIS's are grown, rather than built, and that no other TARDIS could be created, as the last seeds for them were destroyed in the Time War.
In "The Next Doctor", due to an Infostamp backfiring data on the Doctor into his mind, Jackson Lake made a typical hot-air balloon, which he called his TARDIS ("Tethered Aerial Release Developed In Style"). The Tenth Doctor was actually quite amazed by Lake's accomplishment; some of it may be due to thinking of another acronym for TARDIS.
TARDIS comparator
A TARDIS component, in Planet of Fire, Kamelion removes it from the TARDIS and gives it to Peri Brown so that the Master cannot use it.
TARDIS Compass
A locating device handed to Ian Chesterton by the First Doctor in The Chase in order to find the TARDIS in case he were to get lost whilst looking for fellow companion Vicki. It was in the form of a wristwatch when worn by the Third Doctor in Spearhead from Space, and allowed him to find UNIT's secret headquarters and the TARDIS therein.
TARDIS Console
The control panel of the TARDIS is known as the TARDIS console. It is a hexagonal control panel suspended on a pole. In the center of the console is a device known as a Time Rotor; this device is responsible for the iconic sound of the TARDIS. This Time Rotor was originally a short cylinder that rose and fell; the 1996 TV movie changed it to a tall cylinder with rising and falling tubular devices. The most current version of the TARDIS, instead of having falling tubular devices, has 3 large spinning disks above the time rotor cylinder to signify that the ship is in flight.
The console was in the classic series and the 1996 movie shaped like a hexagon. During the Ninth and Tenth Doctors' times, it was not hexagonal; it instead was a circle with bars separating it into six parts. The interior belonging to Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors had reverted into a hexagon.
At some point before In the Forest of the Night, the Twelfth Doctor had installed a GPS system in the TARDIS. The Doctor likely installed it so he could immediately find out if the TARDIS had taken him somewhere he needed to be, again.
The TARDIS Key is a key that opens the TARDIS. At the time of Spearhead from Space, only the Doctor could use it; however, his companions were later able to. According to the 1996 TV movie, the Doctor hid one under the "P" in the word "Police" on the TARDIS. According to "Father's Day", it would glow when the TARDIS materialized nearby.
As of Dark Water, the Twelfth Doctor has created 7 keys; one belongs to Clara, while he keeps one on his person and five others in the TARDIS control room, in various hiding places. "Death in Heaven" shows that the TARDIS can be summoned by one of them; the Doctor was saved from falling to his death through this method,
TARDIS shields
According to the Fifth Doctor in "Time Crash", the Tenth Doctor failed to turn the shields on after "repairing the TARDIS". Thus causes two TARDISes to combine and the Titanic to crash into the TARDIS. A drawback is seen in "The Time of the Doctor", where the shields are extended just a little bit to shield Clara from the effects of the Time Vortex; the TARDIS's return trip to Trenzalore was slowed by three hundred years from the Doctor's perspective. However, as seen in Utopia, the TARDIS can choose to shield someone; Jack Harkness was someone who it wanted to get away from and could revive after dying from the harsh effects of the Time Vortex.
Temporal Limiter
A TARDIS component, one of the items exchanged between the Master and the Doctor in Time-Flight. Without this component, the TARDIS can only travel in its current Time Zone.
Terraforming device
A round glass container made in a laboratory that holds gases and liquids designed specifically for making a barren planet habitable. Even when the device is in a transit state vegetation grows in the area surrounding it. Used in "The Doctor's Daughter" to make the planet Messaline habitable.
Time Cabinet
A primitive time machine used by Magnus Greel in The Talons of Weng-Chiang which is deadly to the user.
Time Destructor
Powered by a core of taranium, the rarest element in the Universe, and able to accelerate the flow of time, the Daleks hoped to gain control of the Solar System with this device in The Daleks' Master Plan. This weapon aged Katarina to death, and, possibly, accelerated the First Doctor's Regeneration in The Tenth Planet.
Time Log
In The Keeper of Traken the Doctor is noted to have once kept Time Logs. These were records of journeys made in the TARDIS and he used the Time Logs to attempt to refresh his memory of visiting the planet Traken. Eventually, the Doctor ceased keeping Time Logs, claiming he had better things to do.
Time Ring
Given to the Fourth Doctor in the serial Genesis of the Daleks by the Time Lords so that he could escape Skaro on successful completion of his mission to avert the creation of the Daleks. The Doctor, Harry Sullivan, and Sarah Jane Smith use the Time Ring at the end of the adventure and are taken to the Nerva station where they go on to participate in the events of Revenge of the Cybermen. Another Time Ring makes an appearance at the end of the Tenth Doctor novel I am a Dalek. Bernice Summerfield and Jason Kane were also given time rings as a wedding present by the Seventh Doctor in the Virgin New Adventures spin-off novel Happy Endings by Paul Cornell. These were used (and destroyed) by Peter Summerfield in the Big Finish Productions audio adventure The Grel Escape. The Eighth Doctor was also given a Time Ring by a rather smug Time Lord by the name of Straxus to go back and rescue Lucie Miller in the audio drama Human Resources.
Time scoop
The Time Scoop was a primitive 'Time Corridor' technology created on Gallifrey during the Dark Time, similar in sophistication to Dalek time-travel technology. Its purpose was to remotely 'scoop' individuals from their own time period and deposited them within the Death Zone, a securely controlled environment on Gallifrey. Those kidnapped were then expected to compete in gladiatorial games. In "The Five Doctors", the Scoop was used to fetch various incarnations of the Doctor and his companions to the Death Zone, along with various foes such as the Daleks, Cybermen, and Yeti. The Time Scoop plays a minor role in the Eighth Doctor Adventures novel The Eight Doctors, and a major role in the final chapter of the Gallifrey audio series.
Time/Space Visualiser
A device given to the First Doctor at the end of The Space Museum, it is a "time television", allowing the operator to tune in on any event in history. The TARDIS crew used it to watch various historical events at the beginning of The Chase.
A doorway that exiles a person pushed into it down a corridor of Time and Space. Used in the episode of the same name.
Time Lock
A moment in time that can never be entered again, except with dire consequences. The Tenth Doctor said to imagine a bubble as a Time Lock. saying nothing can get in or out of it, except something that existed in and out of it already; Rassilon attempted to use the "drumming" in the Master's head to escape the Time Lock. 21st century human and member of Torchwood Three, Toshiko Sato, also created a version of a Time Lock, which held a Dalek in place during The Stolen Earth/Journey's End. It's possible that a weaker version of a Time Lock is a Time Stasis Field; the Doctor mentioned the Alignment of Exodor was in one, and he literally only had one chance to see it.
"Timey-wimey" detector
A detector of temporal disturbances constructed by the Tenth Doctor in "Blink" when he and Martha Jones are sent back to 1969 without the TARDIS by the Weeping Angels. The unserious sounding name appears to be the Doctor's joking reference to his own inability to describe temporal theory in succinct layman's terms; he states that it "goes ding when there's stuff". He also says it can boil eggs at thirty paces, whether the user wants it to or not, and that he has therefore learned to avoid hens, because it is not pleasant to be around them when they explode. Visible elements of the device's construction include a lunchbox, a telephone handset, some tape reels, a postcard, and the Doctor's sonic screwdriver. Another version of this machine returns in The Day of the Doctor, which the Doctor now also claims can "download comics from the future".
Tissue Compression Eliminator
The Master's weapon of choice, it shrinks people to doll size, killing them in the process. He no longer used it by the time of Survival. The weapon was also used by the Doctor to shrink the alien mechanoid Death's Head in his Marvel Comics adventures. However, as with all non-televised Doctor Who media, the canonicity of this story is unclear. The Tissue Compression Eliminator was also parodied in the Radio 4 comedy series Nebulous, in which the arch-enemy of Professor Nebulous, Doctor Klench, miniaturises his foes, but unlike the Master's victims, they are not dead and Klench carries them around with him. This suggests the user can choose to make the shrinking fatal.
TOMTIT machine
Ostensibly a teleportation device, seen in the Third Doctor serial The Time Monster. The acronym stands for Transmission Of Matter Through Interstitial Time.
Toxic Lipstick
Rather than a hallucinogenic lipstick, River Song has a toxic lipstick made from a Judas tree. Having been trained to assassinate the Doctor by the Silence, she kisses him in "Let's Kill Hitler", causing the Doctor to be poisoned to the verge of no regeneration. He, in the end, manages to persuade River to save him who gives up the rest of her regenerations in order to revive him.
A device which disperses matter, transmits it to and then reconstitutes it in another location. Transmats are used in the serials The Seeds of Death, The Ark in Space, Revenge of the Cybermen, The Armageddon Factor, The Five Doctors, Mawdryn Undead, The Twin Dilemma, Remembrance of the Daleks, "Bad Wolf", and "Journey's End", among others. The word "transmat" is also used as a verb.
Travel dial
In The Keys of Marinus, devices that could teleport the user from one place to another (similar in appearance to a wristwatch).
Tribophysical waveform macro-kinetic extrapolator
An interstellar transportation platform that utilises massive energy to create a force bubble that protects the rider while riding the shockwave to its destination – in short, a "pan-dimensional surfboard". It was introduced in "Boom Town" and thereafter used to create a force field, first around the TARDIS and later the Game Station, in "The Parting of the Ways". It was also used in "The Runaway Bride" to shunt the TARDIS two hundred yards when it was forcibly summoned by the Empress of the Racnoss. In this latest appearance, the Extrapolator is partly covered by a coral-like crust similar to that found in the console room's construction, indicating that the TARDIS has somehow begun to absorb it into its systems. It is unknown where the extrapolator came from originally, though Margaret Blaine (the Slitheen) comments it 'fell into her hands', Jack Harkness claims it was way beyond her to build it. Though he later suggests she stole it in a major heist, Blaine makes no confirmation to this theory. Its fate after "The End of Time remains unknown, since the TARDIS's desktop theme has been changed twice and the console room the extrapolator was located in was deleted in "The Doctor's Wife".
Trilogic game
A devious game designed by the Celestial Toymaker in the story of the same name – it is essentially the Tower of Hanoi. The Doctor won.
An ore used primarily in computers and as spaceship fuel. Originally mined on Mars (as seen in The Curse of Peladon), it was later found on Peladon (The Monster of Peladon). It occurs in abundance on Laylora, as described in the novel The Price of Paradise.
Ultraviolet Torch
In "The Vampires of Venice", the Doctor takes a large ultraviolet emitting (artificial sunlight) torch with him to protect against the Saturnyne, who cannot withstand sunlight. This is the largest object that the Eleventh Doctor has pulled out of his jacket. When he pulls it out of his jacket pocket, Rory looks at his own penlight and remarks, "Yours is bigger than mine," to which the Doctor replies, "Let's not go there."
The Seventh Doctor carried, from Delta and the Bannermen onwards, an umbrella with a question-mark shaped handle. He had ceased using it by the time of his last appearance in the Doctor Who television movie. The Sixth Doctor occasionally carried a different umbrella, a multicolored model with a straight handle. This was also used in the Seventh Doctor's first story, Time and the Rani. By the second story the Doctor has replaced it with a casual umbrella with a bamboo handle. The question-mark umbrella would make its debut in the following serial. The first time the Doctor is seen on screen with an umbrella (a simple black one), is in the Second Doctor serial The Krotons. This however, is destroyed by a vapourizing cannon when the Doctor uses it to shield him and his friends from the blast.
During the Eleventh Doctor's era, he owned a new black umbrella with a staright red handle (or it could have possibly been Clara's) in "Hide". The Seventh Doctor's bamboo handle umbrella made a cameo in "Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS", when Clara searched a storage room.
Universal Roaming
See superphone.
Untempered Schism
A gap in the fabric of reality, the Untempered Schism allows one to look directly into the Time Vortex. It is depicted as a stonework portal through which one sees the Time Vortex unaided. Gallifreyan children are taken to the Schism at the age of eight and made to face the Schism as a form of initiation into the Time Lord Academy. According to Tenth Doctor, Gallifreyan children who look into the time vortex through the Untempered Schism either ran away, were inspired, or went mad. In a flashback during "The Sound of Drums", the Master is seen looking into the Schism as a child, an event that Tenth Doctor describes as the moment the Master went mad. The Doctor says he himself was one of those who "ran away, and never stopped".
The Schism is also implied in the Eleventh Doctor story "A Good Man Goes to War" as being at least partially responsible for the Time Lords' existence and abilities. The Silurian warrior Madame Vastra suggested that, just as exposure to the Time Vortex via the Schism allowed the Gallifreyan species to evolve over aeons into Time Lords, so Melody Pond's exposure to the Time Vortex in utero via the TARDIS could have led to her semi-Time Lord physiology.
A living metal created on Gallifrey that has the power of life and death. It appears in the serial Silver Nemesis, where it is in the shape of statue; the statue was sent back into space by the Doctor every 25 years, which is after a great disaster in Earth's history occurred. It blew up a harmless distance from Earth, taking most of the Cyber Legion with it.
In "The Idiot's Lantern", the Doctor uses parts obtained from an electrical supplies shop in the 1950s to construct a videocassette recorder. He uses it to defeat the Wire, trapping the villain by recording her on a Betamax videotape. He assures Rose that he will destroy the Wire by recording over it. However, Rose offers to do it instead as "[she's] always doing that."
Void ship
A vessel capable of travelling in the void, the area between dimensions outside of time and space. The Doctor expresses surprise at encountering one, saying, "I thought it was just a theory," and so such technology was presumably beyond the Time Lords. However, the Cult of Skaro—a secret order of Daleks—manage to obtain one, and thus survive the Time War with the Time Lord prison ship referred to as the Genesis Ark. The Void Ship is a dark brown sphere which gives off a great deal of light when opened. Torchwood claim to be interested in it as it is undetectable by any means apart from seeing it in front of you; for example, it gives off no heat and is not affected by gravity. It is possible that these properties allow it to survive the void.
Vortex magnetron
A device used by Daleks in Day of the Daleks which could draw time travellers to a certain location.
Vortex manipulator
A more primitive form of time-travel technology, a vortex manipulator allows the user to travel through time by minimally controllable (and apparently uncomfortable) "hops" through the Time Vortex. The technology is compact enough to be worn on one's person easily, such as the wrist-mounted device in the possession of Jack Harkness, which he obtained during his stint as a Time Agent. The Family of Blood also had one capable of moving a small spaceship. When Jack notes that such technology means the Doctor is not the only person capable of travelling through time, the Doctor disdainfully compares the "space hopper" vortex manipulator to his "sports car" TARDIS. The device also allows travel through space by harnessing the energies of wormholes (such as the Cardiff Rift), as demonstrated by Captain John Hart and Gray in series 2 of Torchwood. As seen in "The Sound of Drums", the Manipulator can also be programmed to teleport its operator (and anyone hanging on) from place to place once the Doctor has used his sonic screwdriver to jump-start it.
The Doctor disables Jack's manipulator at the end of "Last of the Time Lords", but Jack figures out how to re-enable it (or at least restore its teleport function) in "The Stolen Earth". In the last episode of the 2008 series "Journey's End" the Doctor once again disables Jack's vortex manipulator with his sonic screwdriver. In the final episode of "Children of Earth", it is revealed that the Vortex Manipulator (or at least Jack's) is indestructible, capable of surviving an explosion that destroyed the Torchwood Three building.
In "The Pandorica Opens", River Song gets a vortex manipulator from a black market dealer in order to meet the Doctor, the dialogue suggests the manipulator is still on the disembodied hand of a Time Agent. River is able to use it to travel wherever she wants with no apparent problems. Later, the manipulator ends up in the hands of the Doctor, who uses it to travel back in time and have the Auton copy of Rory Williams free himself trapped in the Pandorica. As the TARDIS is destroyed, the Doctor uses it to teleport through time, travelling to 1996 to meet the resurrected Amy Pond then using it to travel back in time to set the events in motion by giving Rory the screwdriver and leaving young Amy the notes that led her to the Pandorica. After learning River is still alive and is trapped in a time loop in the destroyed TARDIS (an emergency protocol to protect anyone inside), the Doctor is able to teleport into the TARDIS and rescue her. The Doctor later uses the manipulator to travel back in time 12 minutes to trick a Dalek and then pilot the Pandorica into the heart of the TARDIS explosion. After he is brought back from being erased from existence, the Doctor returns the manipulator to River who uses it to teleport away, presumably back to her own time. Despite being in prison, River somehow hangs onto the manipulator and it is seen in later episodes: she uses it in the "First Night" and "Last Night" mini-episodes and "A Good Man Goes To War". She also uses it at the end of "The Wedding of River Song" to visit her parents in the past and in "The Angels Take Manhattan" where she uses it to investigate the Weeping Angels in 1938 and send a "homing signal" to draw the TARDIS to the unstable location in time.
In 2013, during "The Day of the Doctor", Jack Harkness's vortex manipulator has fallen into U.N.I.T.'s possession after one of his deaths, but they lack the activation code. Trapped in 1562, the Eleventh Doctor inscribes it into a pillar so it can be found in the future and Clara uses it to travel back to 1562 and reunite with the Doctor, narrowly avoiding the Zygons in the process. In "Kill the Moon" one of Clara's students used the TARDIS to call telemarketers who were selling them.
In "The Magician's Apprentice", Missy possesses at least two wrist-mounted vortex manipulators that are linked to one another, which she uses to transport her and Clara Oswald to medieval Essex in search of the Twelfth Doctor. They are destroyed when they use them to avoid being killed by Daleks, channeling the energies of the Daleks' weapons to activate the devices.
Warp Star
A small crystalline device carried by Sarah Jane Smith in "Journey's End" that looks like a necklace, but is in fact a highly explosive device (a "Warp-fold conjugation") inside a carbonised shell. According to Sarah Jane, it was given to her by a Verron soothsayer to be used at "the end of days". Jack Harkness wires it into the Dalek Crucible's mainframe and threatens to use it; however, he does not get the opportunity as the Daleks swiftly transmat Jack, Sarah Jane, and their companions away.
The Doctor sometimes carries a watch, either a wristwatch or a pocket watch. In Spearhead from Space the Third Doctor uses it for homing in on the TARDIS. In Silver Nemesis the Seventh Doctor's pocket watch has an alarm signalling planetary disaster and could also be used as a scanner (as seen in Survival). The Sixth, Ninth and Eleventh Doctor's watches could also indicate the era he was in (cf. The Mysterious Planet, "The Long Game" and "The Pandorica Opens", respectively).
Water pistol
The Doctor uses it to threaten the high Priestess of the Sibylline Sisterhood who was by then made of living stone and lava. It was stolen by a Graske, who ran around London's Albert Hall with it. After the Doctor reversed the polarity of the Graske's portal, he retrieved the alien and the water pistol.
In "Day of the Doctor", the War Doctor told the Tenth and Eleventh not to point their sonic screwdrivers at him because they weren't water pistols.
White Point Star
A White Point star is a perfect uncut diamond found only on Gallifrey and is used by Lord President in The End of Time to bridge the gap between the end of the Time War and present day Earth. The Master uses this to summon the remaining Time Lords from the Time War. The Doctor then destroys it by shooting it with Wilfred Mott's gun.
Wormhole Refractor
A device the Doctor mentions as useful for crossing the universe in the 2006 series episode "Fear Her".
Worshipful and Ancient Law of Gallifrey
An ancient book from Gallifrey, seen in Shada. It was created by Rassilon, but later stolen by Professor Chronotis. Time runs backwards over the book. It has the power to grant access to the planet Shada. In various spin off media, it is shown to be able to erase a parallel universe and trap an entity.
Zero Cabinet
A cabinet made from the remnants of The Zero Room which was a room in the TARDIS. The room had walls that shielded it from the rest of the universe, providing a restful environment for the Fifth Doctor to recover from his regeneration in Castrovalva. When the room is later jettisoned in an emergency, its doors are made into the "Zero Cabinet", a coffin-sized box with the same shielding properties. It was broken apart by the Master, and destroyed when Castrovalva imploded. In the Big Finish audio "Zagreus", the TARDIS is able to create a potion of "Zero Matter" which has similar properties. By the time of The Engines of War, the War Doctor had rebuilt the Zero Room; he put a Time Lord in it after exposure to space triggered regeneration.
Zeus Plugs
At the end of Fourth Doctor serial The Hand of Fear, the Doctor asks Sarah Jane Smith for a zeus plug to help him repair the TARDIS thermocouples. He then changes his mind and uses the sonic screwdriver instead. They are also mentioned in "The Girl in the Fireplace". While their function is unknown, the Doctor said he had earlier been using them as castanets while at a party with Madame de Pompadour in 18th century Versailles, France.
See also
- ↑ Parry, Tom (21 November 2007). "Who fan's £5,000 celery bid". Daily Mirror.
- ↑ "Utopia", approx 36 minutes into episode.
- ↑ Human Nature at Doctor Who – Fact File
- ↑ The Family of Blood at Doctor Who – Fact File
- ↑ "Inside the Hub". (21–27 October 2006) Radio Times, p. 12
- ↑ River Runs Deep. Doctor Who Confidential. 2008-06-07. BBC. BBC3.
- ↑ Simpson, Aislinn (7 July 2008). "Doctor Who phone number has fans in frenzy". The Daily Telegraph (London). Retrieved 8 May 2010.
- Mark Harris, The Doctor Who Technical Manual J.M. Dent ISBN 0-86770-022-X
- John Nathan-Turner The TARDIS Inside Out Piccadilly ISBN 0-946826-71-4
- Mat Irvine, (Dr Who) Special Effects Beaver ISBN 0-09-942630-7
- Peter Haining, The Time-Travellers' Guide WH Allen ISBN 0-491-03497-0
- Jean-Marc Lofficier, The Programme Guide Target ISBN 0-426-20342-9
- Encyclopedia of the Worlds of Doctor Who: A-D by David Saunders Pub by Piccadilly ISBN 0-946826-54-4
- Encyclopedia of the Worlds of Doctor Who: E-K by David Saunders Pub by Piccadilly ISBN 1-85340-036-X
- Encyclopedia of the Worlds of Doctor Who: L-R by David Saunders Pub by Piccadilly ISBN 1-85340-081-5
- Doctor Who: A Celebration by Peter Haining Pub by Virgin ISBN 0-86369-932-4
- Doctor Who From A to Z by Gary Gillatt Pub by BBC Books ISBN 0-563-40589-9