List of Doctor Who audiobooks

This is a list of Doctor Who audiobooks, excluding The Companion Chronicles which are listed at List of Doctor Who audio plays by Big Finish.

Cover of Tom Baker's reading of State of Decay, the first commercial Doctor Who audiobook.

The first Doctor Who audiobook, consisting of readings by Gabriel Woolf of the novelisations of The Three Doctors, Carnival of Monsters, and Terror of the Zygons, was produced by the RNIB in 1978 and was available only to the registered blind through the RNIB and libraries. The first audiobook available to the general public was a Tom Baker reading of the State of Decay novelisation, released in 1981. From 1995 to 1997, recordings of the novelisations of seven Doctor Who serials and three sets of original short stories were released by the BBC on cassette. Each of the novelisations was read by the actor who had portrayed the Doctor in the respective serial. The short stories were read by various actors associated with the series. All of these recordings were re-released in the Tales from the TARDIS MP3-CD collections in 2004. Two new sets of audiobooks began publishing in 2005. The first consisted of novelisations of serials from the "Classic" Doctor Who era, the second series consists of original novels from the New Series Adventures line. Starting in 2007, the RNIB produced unabridged versions of selected Ninth and Tenth Doctor audiobooks as well as selected Classic Series novelisations.


Readings (abridged and unabridged) of novelisations of television stories from the "classic series" and spinoff productions, most originally published by Target Books.

This list is in order by release date, but can also be sorted by story number (see List of Doctor Who serials), Target number and other column headings.

Story # Target # Title Doctor Author Reader Format Company Release Date Notes
065 64 Doctor Who and the Three Doctors 3rd Terrance Dicks Gabriel Woolf Cassette RNIB 1978 Unabridged. Released as part of a cassette titled simply Doctor Who. Later reissued individually.
066 8 Doctor Who and the Carnival of Monsters 3rd
080 40 Doctor Who and the Loch Ness Monster 4th
112 N/A State of Decay 4th Terrance Dicks Tom Baker Cassette Pickwick June 1981 Different text from Target novelisation.[1] Reissued on 2 cassettes by Ditto in 1985
068 46 Planet of the Daleks 3rd Terrance Dicks Jon Pertwee Cassette BBC 5 June 1995 Abridged. Reissued on the Tales from the TARDIS – Volume Two MP3-CD on 19 July 2004.
130 87 Warriors of the Deep 5th Terrance Dicks Peter Davison Cassette BBC 5 June 1995 Abridged. Reissued on the Tales from the TARDIS – Volume Two MP3-CD on 19 July 2004.
061 13 The Curse of Peladon 3rd Brian Hayles Jon Pertwee Cassette BBC 3 July 1995 Abridged. Reissued on the Tales from the TARDIS – Volume One MP3-CD on 19 July 2004.
137 138 Attack of the Cybermen 6th Eric Saward Colin Baker Cassette BBC 7 August 1995 Abridged. Reissued on the Tales from the TARDIS – Volume One MP3-CD on 19 July 2004.
156 N/A The Novel of the Film 8th Gary Russell Paul McGann Cassette BBC 2 June 1997 Abridged. Reissued on the Tales from the TARDIS – Volume Two MP3-CD on 19 July 2004.
118 84 Kinda 5th Terrance Dicks Peter Davison Cassette BBC 4 August 1997 Abridged. Reissued on the Tales from the TARDIS – Volume One MP3-CD on 19 July 2004.
138 106 Vengeance on Varos 6th Phillip Martin Colin Baker Cassette BBC 3 November 1997 Abridged. Reissued on the Tales from the TARDIS – Volume Two MP3-CD on 19 July 2004.
002 16 Doctor Who and the Daleks 1st David Whitaker William Russell MP3-CD BBC 7 March 2005 Unabridged. Reissued on 5 CDs only in the limited edition collector's tin Doctor Who: Travels in Time and Space on 7 November 2005
013 73 Doctor Who and the Zarbi 1st Bill Strutton William Russell 5-CD BBC 7 November 2005 Unabridged. Available only in the limited edition collector's tin Doctor Who: Travels in Time and Space
014 12 Doctor Who and the Crusaders 1st David Whitaker William Russell 5-CD BBC 7 November 2005 Unabridged. Available only in the limited edition collector's tin Doctor Who: Travels in Time and Space
052 9 Doctor Who and the Cave Monsters 3rd Malcolm Hulke Caroline John 4-CD BBC 3 September 2007 Unabridged
058 23 Doctor Who and the Doomsday Weapon 3rd Malcolm Hulke Geoffrey Beevers 4-CD BBC 3 September 2007 Unabridged
075 28 Doctor Who and the Giant Robot 4th Terrance Dicks Tom Baker 4-CD BBC 5 November 2007 Unabridged
071 22 Doctor Who and the Dinosaur Invasion 3rd Malcolm Hulke Martin Jarvis 4-CD BBC 5 November 2007 Unabridged. Reissued in the Invasion Earth box set 4 October 2012.[2]
084 7 Doctor Who and the Brain of Morbius 4th Terrance Dicks Tom Baker 4-CD BBC 4 February 2008 Unabridged
067 57 Doctor Who and the Space War 3rd Malcolm Hulke Geoffrey Beevers 4-CD BBC 4 February 2008 Unabridged
020 97 The Myth Makers 1st Donald Cotton Stephen Thorne 4-CD BBC 7 April 2008 Unabridged
106 11 Doctor Who and the Creature From the Pit 4th David Fisher Tom Baker 4-CD BBC 7 April 2008 Unabridged
120 113 Black Orchid 5th Terence Dudley Michael Cochrane 4-CD BBC 12 June 2008 Unabridged
051 6 Doctor Who and the Auton Invasion 3rd Terrance Dicks Caroline John 4-CD BBC 12 June 2008 Unabridged. Reissued in the Invasion Earth box set 4 October 2012.[2]
059 15 Doctor Who and the Dæmons 3rd Barry Letts Barry Letts 5-CD BBC 14 August 2008 Unabridged
082 50 Doctor Who and the Pyramids of Mars 4th Terrance Dicks Tom Baker 4-CD BBC 14 August 2008 Unabridged
069 29 Doctor Who and the Green Death 3rd Malcolm Hulke Katy Manning 4-CD BBC 4 September 2008 Unabridged
070 65 Doctor Who and the Time Warrior 3rd Terrance Dicks Jeremy Bulloch 4-CD BBC 13 November 2008 Unabridged
038 1 Doctor Who and the Abominable Snowmen 2nd Terrance Dicks David Troughton 4-CD BBC 8 January 2009 Unabridged
033 14 Doctor Who and the Cybermen 2nd Gerry Davis Anneke Wills 4-CD BBC 12 March 2009 Unabridged. Cyberman voices performed by Nicholas Briggs.
086 42 Doctor Who and the Masque of Mandragora 4th Philip Hinchcliffe Tim Pigott-Smith 4-CD BBC 9 April 2009 Unabridged
074 48 Doctor Who and the Planet of the Spiders 3rd Terrance Dicks Elisabeth Sladen 4-CD BBC 4 June 2009 Unabridged
149 146 The Happiness Patrol 7th Graeme Curry Rula Lenska 4-CD BBC 2 July 2009 Unabridged
045 115 The Mind Robber 2nd Peter Ling Derek Jacobi 4-CD BBC 6 August 2009 Unabridged
010 17 Doctor Who and the Dalek Invasion of Earth 1st Terrance Dicks William Russell 4-CD BBC 5 November 2009 Unabridged. Dalek voices performed by Nicholas Briggs. Reissued in the Invasion Earth box set 4 October 2012.[2]
039 33 Doctor Who and the Ice Warriors 2nd Brian Hayles Frazer Hines 4-CD BBC 7 January 2010 Unabridged
115 41 Logopolis 4th Christopher H. Bidmead Christopher H. Bidmead 4-CD BBC 4 February 2010 Unabridged
132 91 Frontios 5th Christopher H. Bidmead Beth Chalmers DAISY Digital Talking Book RNIB[3] 2 March 2010 Unabridged.
N/A N/A The Ultimate Evil 6th Wally K. Daly Wally K. Daly DAISY Digital Talking Book RNIB[4] 2 March 2010 Unabridged. Novelisation of the cancelled 1986 story. Reissued on 4 Audio-CDs in 2011.
116 76 Castrovalva 5th Christopher H. Bidmead Peter Davison 4-CD BBC 4 March 2010 Unabridged
065 64 The Three Doctors 3rd Terrance Dicks Katy Manning 4-CD BBC 7 April 2010 Unabridged
141 Daleks: Mission to the Unknown 1st John Peel Jean Marsh
Peter Purves
5-CD BBC 6 May 2010 Unabridged. Novelisation of Mission to the Unknown and the first six episodes of The Daleks' Master Plan. Dalek voices performed by Nicholas Briggs. Reissued on 10 CDs with The Mutation of Time by AudioGo[5] Reissued in the Dalek Menace box set 4 October 2012.[6]
021 142 Daleks: The Mutation of Time 1st John Peel Jean Marsh
Peter Purves
5-CD BBC 3 June 2010 Unabridged. Novelisation of the last six episodes of The Daleks' Master Plan. Dalek voices performed by Nicholas Briggs.Reissued on 10 CDs with Mission to the Unknown by AudioGo[5] Reissued in the Dalek Menace box set 4 October 2012.[6]
131 95 The Awakening 5th Eric Pringle Nerys Hughes 4-CD BBC 8 July 2010 Unabridged
055 63 Doctor Who and the Terror of the Autons 3rd Terrance Dicks Geoffrey Beevers 4-CD BBC 5 August 2010 Unabridged
003 132 The Edge of Destruction 1st Nigel Robinson William Russell 4-CD BBC 6 January 2011 Unabridged
089 25 Doctor Who and the Face of Evil 4th Terrance Dicks Louise Jameson DAISY Digital Talking Book RNIB[7] 19 January 2011 Unabridged.
050 70 Doctor Who and the War Games 2nd Malcolm Hulke David Troughton 4-CD BBC 3 February 2011 Unabridged
098 52 Doctor Who and the Ribos Operation 4th Ian MarterJohn Leeson 5-CD BBC 3 March 2011 Unabridged
054 89 Inferno 3rd Terrance DicksCaroline John 4-CD BBC 7 April 2011 Unabridged
100 N/A The Stones of Blood 4th David FisherSusan Engel 4-CD BBC 5 May 2011 New David Fisher novelisation exclusive to audio, K9 voice performed by John Leeson
153 149 Ghost Light 7th Marc PlattIan Hogg 6-CD BBC 2 June 2011 Unabridged
042 110 Fury from the Deep 2nd Victor PembertonDavid Troughton 6-CD BBC 7 July 2011 Unabridged
016 140 Daleks: The Chase 1st John PeelMaureen O'Brien 4-CD BBC 4 August 2011 Unabridged. Dalek voices by Nicholas Briggs. Reissued in the Dalek Menace box set 4 October 2012.[6]
136 103 The Twin Dilemma 6th Eric SawardColin Baker 4-CD BBC 5 January 2012 Unabridged
121 78 Earthshock 5th Ian MarterPeter Davison 4-CD BBC 2 February 2012 Unabridged. Cyberman voices performed by Nicholas Briggs.
N/A N/A Shada 4th Gareth RobertsLalla Ward 10-CD AudioGo 15 March 2012[8] Unabridged. Novelisation of the unfinished Fourth Doctor story. K9 voice performed by John Leeson.
145 134 Paradise Towers 7th Stephen Wyatt Bonnie Langford 4-CD AudioGo 5 April 2012 Unabridged.
007 118 The Sensorites 1st Nigel Robinson William Russell 5-CD AudioGo 3 May 2012 Unabridged.
062 54 Doctor Who and the Sea Devils 3rd Malcolm Hulke Geoffrey Beevers[9] 4-CD AudioGo 7 June 2012 Unabridged.
101 N/A The Androids of Tara 4th David FisherJohn Leeson 4-CD AudioGo 5 July 2012 New David Fisher novelisation exclusive to audio
078 27 Doctor Who and the Genesis of the Daleks 4th Terrance Dicks Terry Molloy DAISY Digital Talking Book RNIB[10] 10 July 2012 Unabridged.
006 88 The Aztecs 1st John LucarottiWilliam Russell 4-CD AudioGo 2 August 2012 Unabridged.
03190 The Highlanders 2nd Gerry Davis Anneke Wills[11] 3-CD AudioGo 6 September 2012 Unabridged.
119 69 Doctor Who and the Visitation 5th Eric Saward Matthew Waterhouse 3-CD AudioGo 4 October 2012 Unabridged.
091 61 Doctor Who and the Talons of Weng-Chiang 4th Terrance Dicks Christopher Benjamin 4-CD AudioGo 1 January 2013 Unabridged.
025 101 The Gunfighters 1st Donald Cotton Shane Rimmer 4-CD AudioGo 7 February 2013 Unabridged.
037 66 Doctor Who and the Tomb of the Cybermen 2nd Gerry Davis Michael Kilgarriff 4-CD AudioGo 7 March 2013 Unabridged. Cyberman voices performed by Nicholas Briggs.
011 124 The Rescue 1st Ian MarterMaureen O'Brien 4-CD AudioGo 6 April 2013 Unabridged.
061 13 Doctor Who and the Curse of Peladon 3rd Brian Hayles David Troughton 4-CD AudioGo 2 May 2013 Unabridged.
068 46 Doctor Who and the Planet of the Daleks 3rd Terrance DicksMark Gatiss 3-CD AudioGo 6 June 2013 Unabridged. Dalek voices by Nicholas Briggs.
109 39 Doctor Who and the Leisure Hive 4th David FisherLalla Ward 3-CD AudioGo 1 July 2013 Unabridged.[12]
151 144 The Greatest Show in the Galaxy 7th Stephen Wyatt Sophie Aldred [13] 4-CD AudioGo 1 August 2013[14] Unabridged.
143 127 The Mysterious Planet 6th Terrance Dicks Lynda Bellingham[15] 3-CD AudioGo 2 September 2013[16] Unabridged. Released as part of a set titled The Trial of a Time Lord, Volume 1
139 Mindwarp Philip Martin Colin Baker[17] 4-CD
125 Terror of the Vervoids Pip and Jane Baker Bonnie Langford[18] 3-CD AudioGo 3 October 2013[19] Unabridged. Released as part of a set titled The Trial of a Time Lord, Volume 2[13]
131 The Ultimate Foe Michael Jayston 3-CD
066 8 Doctor Who and the Carnival of Monsters[20] 3rd Terrance Dicks Katy Manning[21] 3-CD BBC Physical Audio 13 November 2014 Unabridged
111 26 Full Circle[22] 4th Andrew Smith Matthew Waterhouse and John Leeson 4-CD BBC Physical Audio 15 January 2015 Unabridged
148 148 Remembrance of the Daleks[23] 7th Ben Aaronovitch Terry Molloy 5-CD BBC Physical Audio 19 February 2015 Unabridged. Dalek voices by Nicholas Briggs.
088 19 Doctor Who and the Deadly Assassin[24] 4th Terrance Dicks Geoffrey Beevers 4-CD[25] BBC Physical Audio 19 March 2015 Unabridged
132 91 Frontios[26] 5th Christopher H. Bidmead Christopher H. Bidmead 4-CD[25] BBC Physical Audio 16 April 2015[27] Unabridged.
105 N/A City of Death 4th James Goss Lalla Ward 8-CD[25] BBC Physical Audio 21 May 2015[28] Unabridged
022 122 The Massacre 1st John Lucarotti Peter Purves 4-CD[25] BBC Physical Audio 11 June 2015[29] Unabridged
076 4 Doctor Who and the Ark in Space 4th Ian Marter Jon Culshaw 4-CD[25] BBC Physical Audio 16 July 2015[30] Unabridged
140 100 The Two Doctors 2nd Robert Holmes Colin Baker 5-CD[25] BBC Physical Audio 3 September 2015[31] Unabridged
154 151 The Curse of Fenric 7th Ian Briggs Terry Molloy 5-CD[25] BBC Physical Audio 3 September 2015[32] Unabridged
N/A N/A K-9 and Company N/A Terence Dudley John Leeson 5-CD BBC Physical Audio 3 December 2015[33] Unabridged reading of the novelisation of the 1981 spinoff.
112 58 Doctor Who and the State of Decay 4th Terrance Dicks Geoffrey Beevers 3-CD BBC Physical Audio 7 January 2016[34] Unabridged. K9 voice performed by John Leeson
015 117 The Space Museum 1st Glyn Jones Maureen O'Brien 5-CD BBC Physical Audio 4 February 2016[35] Unabridged
072 20 Death to the Daleks 3rd Terrance Dicks Jon Culshaw 3-CD BBC Physical Audio 3 March 2016[36] Unabridged. Dalek voices by Nicholas Briggs.
046 98 Cybermen - The Invasion 2nd Ian Marter David Troughton 5-CD BBC Physical Audio 7 April 2016[37] Unabridged. Cyberman voices performed by Nicholas Briggs.
128 108 The King's Demons 5th Terence Dudley Mark Strickson CD BBC Physical Audio 5 May 2016[38] Unabridged
N/A N/A Shakedown 7th Terrance Dicks Dan Starkey CD BBC Physical Audio 5 May 2016[39] Unabridged reading of the expanded novelisation of the 1994 direct-to-video spinoff.
057 10 Doctor Who and the Claws of Axos 3rd Terrance Dicks Richard Franklin CD BBC Physical Audio 4 June 2016[40] Unabridged
N/A N/A Scream of the Shalka Shalka Paul Cornell David Collings CD BBC Physical Audio 4 June 2016[41] Unabridged reading of the novelisation of the 2003 webcast.
077 56 Doctor Who and the Sontaran Experiment 4th Ian Marter Jon Culshaw CD BBC Physical Audio 7 July 2016[42] Unabridged
034 123 The Macra Terror 2nd Ian Stuart Black Anneke Wills CD BBC Physical Audio 4 August 2016[43] Unabridged
097 35 Doctor Who and the Invasion of Time 4th Terrance Dicks John Leeson CD BBC Physical Audio 1 September 2016[44] Unabridged
017 126 The Time Meddler 1st Nigel Robinson TBA CD BBC Physical Audio 6 October 2016[45] Unabridged
001 N/A An Unearthly Child 1st Nigel Robinson William Russell[46] CD BBC Physical Audio TBA New novelisation exclusive to audio.[13] Originally scheduled to be released November 2013, this release was cancelled due to AudioGo's bankruptcy. Rights issues are currently preventing its release.[47]

Original novels

In addition to novelisation readings, there have been many readings of Doctor Who novels. Unless otherwise noted, these are all from the New Series Adventures range.

Title Doctor Author Reader Format Company Release Date Notes
Iceberg[48] 7th David Banks David Banks Cassette RNIB 1 March 2004 Unabridged reading of the New Adventures novel.
The Feast of the Drowned 10th Stephen Cole David Tennant 2-CD BBC Audio 3 July 2006 Abridged, Reissued in the Collected Stories box set in October 2007
The Resurrection Casket 10th Justin Richards David Tennant 2-CD BBC Audio 3 July 2006 Abridged, Reissued in the Collected Stories box set in October 2007
The Stone Rose 10th Jacqueline Rayner David Tennant 2-CD BBC Audio 3 July 2006Abridged, Reissued in the Collected Stories box set in October 2007
The Nightmare of Black Island 10th Mike Tucker Anthony Head 2-CD BBC Audio 6 November 2006 Abridged, Reissued in the Collected Stories box set in October 2007
The Art of Destruction 10th Stephen Cole Don Warrington 2-CD BBC Audio 6 November 2006 Abridged, Reissued in the Collected Stories box set in October 2007
The Price of Paradise 10th Colin Brake Shaun Dingwall 2-CD BBC Audio 6 November 2006 Abridged, Reissued in the Collected Stories box set in October 2007
Winner Takes All[49] 9th Jacqueline Rayner David Thorpe DAISY Digital Talking Book RNIB 14 May 2007 Unabridged.
The Monsters Inside[50] 9th Stephen Cole David Thorpe DAISY Digital Talking Book RNIB 17 May 2007 Unabridged.
Sting of the Zygons 10th Stephen Cole Reggie Yates 2-CD BBC Audio 2 July 2007 Abridged
The Last Dodo 10th Jacqueline Rayner Freema Agyeman 2-CD BBC Audio 2 July 2007 Abridged
Wooden Heart 10th Martin Day Adjoa Andoh 2-CD BBC Audio 2 July 2007 Abridged
Sting of the Zygons[51] 10th Stephen Cole Tim Bruce DAISY Digital Talking Book RNIB 27 September 2007 Unabridged.
The Last Dodo[52] 10th Jacqueline Rayner Tim Bruce, Peter Brooke and Charlie Norfolk DAISY Digital Talking Book RNIB 27 September 2007 Unabridged.
Wooden Heart[53] 10th Martin Day Tim Bruce DAISY Digital Talking Book RNIB 27 September 2007 Unabridged.
The Clockwise Man[54] 9th Justin Richards Glen McCready DAISY Digital Talking Book RNIB 7 November 2007 Unabridged.
Forever Autumn 10th Mark Morris Will Thorp 2-CD BBC Audio 3 March 2008 Abridged
Wetworld 10th Mark Michalowski Freema Agyeman 2-CD BBC Audio 3 March 2008 Abridged
Sick Building 10th Paul Magrs Will Thorp 2-CD BBC Audio 3 March 2008 Abridged
The Pirate Loop 10th Simon Guerrier Freema Agyeman 2-CD BBC Audio 10 July 2008 Abridged
Peacemaker 10th James Swallow Will Thorp 2-CD BBC Audio 10 July 2008 Abridged
Wishing Well 10th Trevor Baxendale Debbie Chazen 2-CD BBC Audio 10 July 2008 Abridged
The Many Hands 10th Dale Smith David Troughton 2-CD BBC Audio 9 October 2008 Abridged. Released as part of the New Adventures box set, not released separately.
Martha in the Mirror 10th Justin Richards Freema Agyeman 2-CD BBC Audio 9 October 2008 Abridged. Released as part of the New Adventures box set, not released separately.
Snowglobe 7 10th Mike Tucker Georgia Moffett 2-CD BBC Audio 9 October 2008 Abridged. Released as part of the New Adventures box set, not released separately.
Ghosts of India 10th Mark Morris David Troughton 2-CD BBC Audio 12 March 2009 Abridged
The Doctor Trap 10th Simon Messingham Russell Tovey 2-CD BBC Audio 12 March 2009 Abridged
Shining Darkness 10th Mark Michalowski Debbie Chazen 2-CD BBC Audio 12 March 2009 Abridged
Beautiful Chaos 10th Gary Russell Bernard Cribbins 2-CD BBC Audio 9 April 2009 Abridged
The Eyeless 10th Lance Parkin Russell Tovey 2-CD BBC Audio 7 May 2009 Abridged
The Story of Martha 10th Dan Abnett Freema Agyeman 2-CD BBC Audio 4 June 2009 Slightly abridged. CD contains the ongoing Story of Martha narrative only. The short stories from this book are available as digital downloads only.
Prisoner of the Daleks 10th Trevor Baxendale Nicholas Briggs 5-CD BBC Audio 3 September 2009 Unabridged
The Krillitane Storm 10th Christopher Cooper Will Thorp Download BBC Audio 1 January 2010 Unabridged Reissued on 6 CDs by AudioGo March 2010[55]
The Taking of Chelsea 426 10th David Llewellyn Christopher Ryan Download BBC Audio 1 February 2010 Unabridged Reissued on 4 CDs by AudioGo June 2010[56]
Autonomy 10th Daniel Blythe Georgia Moffett Download BBC Audio 1 March 2010 Unabridged[57] Reissued on 6 CDs by AudioGo May 2010[58]
The Slitheen Excursion 10th Simon Guerrier Debbie Chazen Download BBC Audio 30 April 2010 Unabridged. Reissued on 10 CDs with Judgement of the Judoon by Chivers Audiobooks[59]
Judgement of the Judoon 10th Colin Brake Nicholas Briggs Download BBC Audio 5 May 2010 Unabridged. Reissued on 10 CDs with The Slitheen Excursion by Chivers Audiobooks[59]
Apollo 23 11th Justin Richards James Albrecht Download BBC Audio 1 July 2010 Unabridged.[60] Reissued on 6 CDs by AudioGo April 2010[61]
Night of the Humans 11th David Llewellyn Arthur Darvill Download BBC Audio 1 July 2010 Unabridged.[60] Reissued on 4 CDs by AudioGO[62]
The Forgotten Army 11th Brian Minchin Olivia Colman Download BBC Audio 1 September 2010 Unabridged.[60] Reissued on 6 CDs by AudioGo[63]
The Coming of the Terraphiles 11th Michael Moorcock Clive Mantle[64] 9-CD BBC Audio 28 October 2010 Unabridged.
Nuclear Time 11th Oli Smith Nicholas Briggs Download BBC Audio 1 February 2011 Unabridged.[60] Reissued on 4 CDs by AudioGo[65]
The King's Dragon 11th Una McCormack Nicholas Briggs[66] Download BBC Audio 1 March 2011 Unabridged.[60] Reissued on 5 CDs by AudioGo.[67]
The Glamour Chase 11th Gary Russell Arthur Darvill[68] Download BBC Audio 1 April 2011 Unabridged. Reissued on 5 CDs by AudioGo.[69]
Dead of Winter 11th James Goss Clare Corbett Download BBC Audio 1 May 2011 Unabridged. Reissued on 6 CDs by BBC Audiobooks 6 October 2011[70]
Hunter's Moon 11th Paul Finch Arthur Darvill Download BBC Audio 6 June 2011 Unabridged. Reissued on 6 CDs by BBC Audiobooks 20 October 2011[71]
The Way Through the Woods 11th Una McCormack Clare Corbett Download BBC Audio 1 July 2011 Unabridged. Reissued on 4 CDs by AudioGo[72]
Touched by an Angel 11th Jonathan Morris Clare Corbett Download BBC Audio 1 August 2011 Unabridged. Reissued on 6 CDs by AudioGo[73]
The Clockwise Man 9th Justin Richards Nicholas Briggs Download AudioGo 1 August 2011 Unabridged. Reissued on 6 CDs by AudioGo
The Monsters Inside 9th Stephen ColeCamille Coduri Download AudioGo 1 September 2011 Unabridged. Reissued on 6 CDs by AudioGo
Paradox Lost 11th George Mann Nicholas Briggs Download BBC Audio 1 September 2011 Unabridged. Reissued on 6 CDs by AudioGo.[74]
Borrowed Time 11th Naomi Alderman Meera Syal[75] Download BBC Audio 1 October 2011 Unabridged. Reissued on 6 CDs by AudioGo.[76]
The Silent Stars Go By 11th Dan Abnett Michael Maloney Download BBC Audio 1 October 2011 Reissued on 6 CDs 3 November 2011
The Deviant Strain 9th Justin Richards Stuart Milligan Download AudioGo 1 October 2011 Unabridged. Reissued on 6 CDs by AudioGO
The Stealers of Dreams 9th Steve Lyons Camille Coduri Download AudioGo 1 November 2011 Unabridged. Reissued on 4 CDs by AudioGO
Winner Takes All 9th Jacqueline Rayner Camille Coduri Download AudioGo 1 December 2011 Unabridged. Reissued on 6 CDs by AudioGO
Only Human 9th Gareth Roberts Anthony Head Download AudioGo 1 January 2012 Unabridged.
Dark Horizons 11th J. T. Colgan Neve McIntosh 6-CD BBC Audio 5 July 2012 Unabridged.
The Wheel of Ice 2nd Stephen Baxter David Troughton 10-CD AudioGo 16 August 2012 Unabridged reading of the standalone Second Doctor novel.
The Angel's Kiss: A Melody Malone Mystery 11th Justin Richards[77]
as "Melody Malone"
Alex Kingston Download AudioGo 1 December 2012 Reading of the prelude novel to "The Angels Take Manhattan." Reissued on CD 7 February 2013
Devil in the Smoke 11th Justin RichardsDan Starkey Download AudioGo 18 December 2012 Reading of the digital-only novella set prior to the events of The Snowmen featuring Madame Vastra, Jenny and Strax. Reissued on CD 7 March 2013.
Plague of the Cybermen 11th Justin Richards David Warner CD AudioGo 11 April 2013 Cybermen vocies by Nicholas Briggs
The Dalek Generation 11th Nicholas Briggs Nicholas Briggs Download AudioGo 11 April 2013 Reissued on 6-CD 3 June 2013.[78]
Harvest of Time 3rd Alastair Reynolds Geoffrey Beevers 10-CD, Download AudioGo 6 June 2013 Unabridged reading of the standalone Third Doctor novel.
Shroud of Sorrow 11th Tommy Donbavand Frances Barber 6-CD AudioGo 4 July 2013 Unabridged.
Summer Falls 11th James Goss
as "Amelia Williams"
Clare Corbett CD AudioGo 1 August 2013 Reading of the book featured in "The Bells of St John"
A Big Hand for the Doctor 1st Eoin Colfer Nicholas Briggs[79] Download Penguin Audio 21 November 2013 Unabridged reading of the 50th anniversary novella. Also released as part of 11 Doctors, 11 Stories[80]
The Nameless City 2nd Michael Scott Frazer Hines[81] Download Penguin Audio 21 November 2013 Unabridged reading of the 50th anniversary novella. Also released as part of 11 Doctors, 11 Stories[80]
The Spear of Destiny 3rd Marcus Sedgwick Marcus Sedgwick[82] Download Penguin Audio 21 November 2013 Unabridged reading of the 50th anniversary novella. Also released as part of 11 Doctors, 11 Stories[80]
The Roots of Evil 4th Philip Reeve Sophie Aldred[83] Download Penguin Audio 21 November 2013 Unabridged reading of the 50th anniversary novella. Also released as part of 11 Doctors, 11 Stories[80]
Tip of the Tongue 5th Patrick Ness Nicholas Pegg[84] Download Penguin Audio 21 November 2013 Unabridged reading of the 50th anniversary novella. Also released as part of 11 Doctors, 11 Stories[80]
Something Borrowed 6th Richelle Mead Sophie Aldred[85] Download Penguin Audio 21 November 2013 Unabridged reading of the 50th anniversary novella. Also released as part of 11 Doctors, 11 Stories[80]
The Ripple Effect 7th Malorie Blackman Malorie Blackman[86] Download Penguin Audio 21 November 2013 Unabridged reading of the 50th anniversary novella. Also released as part of 11 Doctors, 11 Stories[80]
Spore 8th Alex Scarrow Nicholas Pegg[87] Download Penguin Audio 21 November 2013 Unabridged reading of the 50th anniversary novella. Also released as part of 11 Doctors, 11 Stories[80]
The Beast of Babylon 9th Charlie Higson Charlie Higson[88] Download Penguin Audio 21 November 2013 Unabridged reading of the 50th anniversary novella. Also released as part of 11 Doctors, 11 Stories[80]
The Mystery of the Haunted Cottage 10th Derek Landy Ian Hanmore[89] Download Penguin Audio 21 November 2013 Unabridged reading of the 50th anniversary novella. Also released as part of 11 Doctors, 11 Stories[80]
Nothing O'Clock 11th Neil Gaiman Peter Kenny[90] Download Penguin Audio 21 November 2013 Unabridged reading of the 50th anniversary novella. Also released as part of 11 Doctors, 11 Stories[80]
Lights Out 12th Holly Black Samuel Anderson Download Penguin Audio 23 October 2014[91] Unabridged reading of the 50th anniversary novella. Also released as part of 12 Doctors, 12 Stories
The Blood Cell 12th James Goss Colin McFarlane 5-CD BBC Physical Audio 13 November 2014[92] Unabridged.
Silhouette 12th Justin Richards Dan Starkey 5-CD BBC Physical Audio 18 December 2014[93] Unabridged.
Engines of War War George Mann Nicholas Briggs 7-CD BBC Physical Audio 18 December 2014[94] Unabridged.
The Crawling Terror[95] 12th Mike Tucker Neve McIntosh 5-CD BBC Physical Audio 15 January 2015 Unabridged.
Nothing O'Clock 11th Neil Gaiman Neil Gaiman 9-CD HarperAudio 3 February 2015 Unabridged; as part of the Trigger Warning audiobook.
Tales of Trenzalore[96] 11th Justin Richards, Mark Morris, George Mann, Paul Finch David Troughton 5-CD BBC Physical Audio 19 February 2015 Unabridged
Corpse Marker[97] 4th Chris Boucher David Collings 8-CD[25] BBC Physical Audio 19 March 2015 Unabridged reading of the Past Doctor Adventures novel
The Roundheads 2nd Mark Gatiss Anneke Wills[98] 8-CD[25] BBC Physical Audio 16 April 2015[99] Unabridged reading of the Past Doctor Adventures novel
Last of the Gaderene 3rd Mark Gatiss Richard Franklin 8-CD[25] BBC Physical Audio 21 May 2015[100] Unabridged reading of the Past Doctor Adventures novel
The Drosten's Curse[101] 4th A. L. Kennedy Clare Corbett[102] 8-CD BBC Physical Audio 16 July 2015[25] Unabridged reading of the standalone Fourth Doctor novel.
Human Nature 7th Paul Cornell Lisa Bowerman 8-CD[25] BBC Physical Audio 20 August 2015[103] Unabridged reading of the New Adventures novel
The Glamour Chronicles: Royal Blood[25] 12th Una McCormack David Warner 5-CD BBC Physical Audio 3 September 2015[104] Unabridged.
The Glamour Chronicles: Big Bang Generation 12th Gary Russell Lisa Bowerman 5-CD BBC Physical Audio 1 October 2015[105] Unabridged.
The Glamour Chronicles: Deep Time 12th Trevor Baxendale Dan Starkey[106] 5-CD BBC Physical Audio 5 November 2015[25] Unabridged.
The Witch Hunters 1st Steve Lyons David Collings 8-CD BBC Physical Audio 7 January 2016[107] Unabridged reading of the Past Doctor Adventures novel.
The Shadow in the Glass 6th Justin Richards and Stephen Cole India Fisher 8-CD BBC Physical Audio 3 March 2016[108] Unabridged reading of the Past Doctor Adventures novel.
Amorality Tale 3rd David Bishop Dan Starkey 7-CD BBC Physical Audio 7 April 2016[109] Unabridged reading of the Past Doctor Adventures novel.
Illegal Alien 7th Mike Tucker and Robert Perry Sophie Aldred TBA BBC Physical Audio 28 July 2016[110] Unabridged reading of the Past Doctor Adventures novel. Cybermen voices by Nicholas Briggs.

Original audiobooks

In addition to readings of published novels, there have also been a number of original audiobooks not published in print.

Title Doctor Author Reader Format Company Release Date Notes
Pest Control 10th Peter Anghelides David Tennant 2-CD BBC Audio 8 May 2008 Reissues
  • Reissued in Tenth Doctor Adventures 4 August 2016[111]
The Forever Trap 10th Dan Abnett Catherine Tate 2-CD BBC Audio 9 October 2008 Reissues
  • Reissued in The Tenth Doctor Adventures 4 August 2016[111]
The Nemonite Invasion 10th David Roden Catherine Tate 2-CD BBC Audio 5 February 2009 Reissues
  • Reissued in The Tenth Doctor Adventures 4 August 2016[111]
The Rising Night 10th Scott Handcock Michelle Ryan 2-CD BBC Audio 2 July 2009 Reissues
  • Reissued in The Tenth Doctor Adventures 4 August 2016[111]
The Day of the Troll 10th Simon Messingham David Tennant 2-CD BBC Audio 8 October 2009 Reissues
  • Reissued in The Tenth Doctor Adventures 4 August 2016[111]
The Last Voyage 10th Dan Abnett David Tennant 2-CD BBC Audio 7 January 2010 Reissues
  • Reissued in The Tenth Doctor Adventures 4 August 2016[111]
Dead Air 10th James Goss David Tennant CD BBC Audio 4 March 2010 Reissues
  • Reissued in The Tenth Doctor Adventures 4 August 2016[111]
The Runaway Train 11th Oli Smith Matt Smith CD BBC Audio 24 April 2010 Free advance copy included in the 24 April 2010 edition of The Daily Telegraph.


  • Reissued with added music and sound effects as a download in July 2010.
  • Released on commercial CD 6 October 2010
  • Reissued on CD as part of Thrilling Adventures, Volume 1 4 April 2011 by Chivers Audiobooks[112]
  • Reissued on CD as part of the TARDIS Adventure Collection 4 October 2012[113]
  • Reissued in Eleventh Doctor Adventures box set 6 October 2016[114]
The Ring of Steel 11th Stephen Cole Arthur Darvill CD BBC Audio 5 August 2010 Reissues
  • Free copy included in the 20 February 2011 edition of The Observer
  • Reissued on CD as part of Thrilling Adventures, Volume 1 4 April 2011 by Chivers Audiobooks[112]
  • Reissued on CD as part of the TARDIS Adventure Collection 4 October 2012[113]
  • Reissued in The Eleventh Doctor Adventures box set 6 October 2016[114]
The Jade Pyramid 11th Martin Day"| Matt Smith CD BBC Audio 6 January 2011 Reissues
  • Reissued on CD as part of Thrilling Adventures, Volume 1 4 April 2011 by Chivers Audiobooks[112]
  • Reissued on CD as part of the TARDIS Adventure Collection 4 October 2012[113]
  • Reissued in The Eleventh Doctor Adventures box set 6 October 2016[114]
The Hounds of Artemis 11th James Goss Matt Smith and Clare Corbett CD BBC Audio 19 February 2011 Free advance copy included in the 19 February 2011 edition of The Guardian.


  • Commercial release 5 May 2011.[115]
  • Reissued on CD as part of Thrilling Adventures, Volume 2 5 September 2011 by Chivers Audiobooks[116]
  • Reissued on CD as part of the TARDIS Adventure Collection 4 October 2012[113]
  • Reissued in The Eleventh Doctor Adventures box set 6 October 2016[114]
The Gemini Contagion 11th Jason ArnoppMeera Syal CD BBC Audio 3 March 2011 Reissues
  • Reissued on CD as part of Thrilling Adventures, Volume 2 5 September 2011 by Chivers Audiobooks[116]
  • Reissued in The Eleventh Doctor Adventures box set 6 October 2016[114]
Eye of the Jungle 11th Darren Jones[68] David Troughton 2-CD BBC Audio 7 July 2011 Reissues
  • Reissued on CD as part of Thrilling Adventures, Volume 2 5 September 2011 by Chivers Audiobooks[116]
  • Reissued in The Eleventh Doctor Adventures box set 6 October 2016[114]
Blackout 11th Oli Smith Stuart Milligan CD BBC Audio 8 September 2011Reissues
  • Reissued on CD as part of Thrilling Adventures, Volume 3 7 May 2012 by Chivers Audiobooks[117]
  • Reissued in The Eleventh Doctor Adventures box set 6 October 2016[114]
Art of Death 11th James Goss Raquel Cassidy CD BBC Audio 5 January 2012 Reissues
  • Reissued on CD as part of Thrilling Adventures, Volume 3 7 May 2012 by Chivers Audiobooks[117]
  • Reissued in The Eleventh Doctor Adventures box set 6 October 2016[114]
Darkstar Academy 11th Mark Morris Alexander Armstrong CD AudioGo 8 March 2012 Reissues:
  • Reissued on CD as part of Thrilling Adventures, Volume 3 7 May 2012 by Chivers Audiobooks[117]
  • Reissued in The Eleventh Doctor Adventures box set 6 October 2016[114]
Day of the Cockroach 11th Steve Lyons Arthur Darvill CD AudioGo 3 May 2012 Reissues:
  • Reissued in The Eleventh Doctor Adventures box set 6 October 2016[114]
The Nu-Humans 11th Cavan Scott
Mark Wright
Raquel Cassidy CD AudioGo 5 July 2012 Reissues:
  • Reissued in The Eleventh Doctor Adventures box set 6 October 2016[114]
The Empty House 11th Simon Guerrier Raquel Cassidy CD AudioGo 6 September 2012 Reissues:
  • Reissued in The Eleventh Doctor Adventures box set 6 October 2016[114]
Sleepers in the Dust 11th Darren Jones Arthur Darvill CD AudioGo 1 November 2012 Reissues:
  • Reissued in The Eleventh Doctor Adventures box set 6 October 2016[114]
Snake Bite 11th Scott Handcock Frances Barber CD AudioGo 6 December 2012 Reissues:
  • Reissued in The Eleventh Doctor Adventures box set 6 October 2016[114]
Hunters of Earth 1st Nigel Robinson Carole Ann Ford and Tam Williams CD AudioGo 3 January 2013 Part of Destiny of the Doctor, a 50th anniversary series co-produced by AudioGo and Big Finish Productions
Shadow of Death 2nd Simon Guerrier Frazer Hines and Evie Dawnay CD AudioGo 7 February 2013 Part of Destiny of the Doctor, a 50th anniversary series co-produced by AudioGo and Big Finish Productions
Vengeance of the Stones 3rd Andrew SmithRichard Franklin and Trevor Littledale CD AudioGo 7 March 2013 Part of Destiny of the Doctor, a 50th anniversary series co-produced by AudioGo and Big Finish Productions
Babblesphere 4th Jonathan Morris Lalla Ward and Roger Parrott CD AudioGo 4 April 2013 Part of Destiny of the Doctor, a 50th anniversary series co-produced by AudioGo and Big Finish Productions
Smoke and Mirrors 5th Steve Lyons Janet Fielding and Tim Beckmann CD AudioGo 2 May 2013 Part of Destiny of the Doctor, a 50th anniversary series co-produced by AudioGo and Big Finish Productions
Trouble in Paradise 6th Nev Fountain Nicola Bryant and Cameron Stewart CD AudioGo 6 June 2013 Part of Destiny of the Doctor, a 50th anniversary series co-produced by AudioGo and Big Finish Productions
Shockwave[118] 7th James Swallow Sophie Aldred and Ian Brooker[119][120] CD AudioGo 4 July 2013 Part of Destiny of the Doctor, a 50th anniversary series co-produced by AudioGo and Big Finish Productions
Enemy Aliens[119] 8th Alan Barnes India Fisher[13] and Michael Maloney[121] CD AudioGo 1 August 2013 Part of Destiny of the Doctor, a 50th anniversary series co-produced by AudioGo and Big Finish Productions
Night of the Whisper[118] 9th Cavan Scott and Mark Wright Nicholas Briggs[122] and John Schwab CD AudioGo 5 September 2013 Part of Destiny of the Doctor, a 50th anniversary series co-produced by AudioGo and Big Finish Productions
Death's Deal[118] 10th Darren Jones Catherine Tate and Duncan Wisbey[123] CD AudioGo 3 October 2013 Part of Destiny of the Doctor, a 50th anniversary series co-produced by AudioGo and Big Finish Productions
The Time Machine[118] 11th Matt Fitton Jenna Coleman, Michael Cochrane, and Nicholas Briggs[124] CD Big Finish 7 November 2013 Part of Destiny of the Doctor, a 50th anniversary series co-produced by AudioGo and Big Finish Productions
The Gods of Winter 12th James Goss Claire Higgins CD BBC Physical Audio 20 August 2015[125] Part 1 of 4
The House of Winter 12th George Mann David Schofield CD BBC Physical Audio 1 October 2015[126] Part 2 of 4
The Sins of Winter 12th James Goss Robin Soans CD BBC Physical Audio 3 December 2015[127] Part 3 of 4
The Memory of Winter 12th George Mann Jemma Redgrave CD BBC Physical Audio 25 February 2016[128] Part 4 of 4

Short stories

Title Short Story Title Doctor Authors Reader(s) Format Company Release Date Notes
Short Trips "Freedom" 3rd Steve Lyons Nicholas Courtney

Sophie Aldred
Cassette BBC 2 March 1998 Reissued on Tales from the TARDIS: Volume One MP3-CD in 2004.
"Model Train Set" 8th Jonathan Blum
"Glass" 4th Tara Samms
"Degrees of Truth" 3rd David A. McIntee
"Stop the Pigeon" 7th Robert Perry
Mike Tucker
"Old Flames" 4th Paul Magrs
Earth and Beyond "Bounty" 8th Peter Anghelides Paul McGann Cassette BBC 7 September 1998 Reissued on Tales from the TARDIS: Volume Two MP3-CD on 19 July 2004.
"Dead Time" Andrew Miller
"The People's Temple" Paul Leonard
Out of the Darkness "Moon Graffiti" 6th Dave Stone Colin Baker

Nicola Bryant
2 CD BBC 2 November 1998 Reissued on Tales from the TARDIS: Volume One MP3-CD on 19 July 2004.
"Wish You Were Here" Guy Clapperton
"Vigil" Michael Collier
"The Lair of Zarbi Supremo" 1st David Whitaker William Russell DVD BBC DVD 3 October 2005 Reading of a short story published in the 1966 Doctor Who Annual. Released as an extra on the DVD of The Web Planet
Tales from the TARDIS "Freedom" 3rd Steve Lyons Nicholas Courtney

Sophie Aldred
CD BBC 2009 Extracted from the previous Short Trips release.
"Old Flames" 4th Paul Magrs
"The Weeping" 10th David Roden Freema Agyeman Download BBC Audio 11 June 2009 Unabridged short story from The Story of Martha
"Breathing Space" 10th Steve Lockley & Paul Lewis Freema Agyeman Download BBC Audio 11 June 2009 Unabridged short story from The Story of Martha
"The Frozen Wastes" 10th Robert Shearman Freema Agyeman Download BBC Audio 11 June 2009 Unabridged short story from The Story of Martha
"Star-Crossed" 10th Simon Jowett Freema Agyeman Download BBC Audio 11 June 2009 Unabridged short story from The Story of Martha
Time Lord Fairy Tales "Frozen Beauty" TBA Justin Richards Adjoa Andoh[129] Download
Penguin Books 1 October 2015[130] Unabridged. Stories also available individually. Reissued on CD 7 April 2016.[131]
"Cinderella and the Magic Box" Ingrid Oliver[132]
"The Twins in the Wood" Anne Reid[133]
"The Three Little Sontarans" Dan Starkey[134]
"Jak and the Wormhole" Tom Baker[135]
"Snow White and the Seven Keys to Doomsday" Sophie Aldred[136]
"Little Rose Riding Hood" Rachael Stirling[137]
"The Gingerbread Trap" Samuel Anderson[138]
"The Scruffy Piper" Nicholas Briggs[139]
"Helana and the Beast" Pippa Bennett-Warner[140]
"Andiba and the Four Slitheen"Yasmin Paige[141]
"The Grief Collector"Michelle Gomez[142]
"The Three Brothers Gruff"Paul McGann[143]
"Sirgwain and the Green Knight"Andrew Brooke[144]
"Garden of Statues" Joanna Page[145]


Readings of non-fiction books about the making of Doctor Who or characters from the show.

Title Author Reader Format Company Release Date Notes
Origins of the Cybermen David Banks David Banks Cassette Silver Fist March 1989 Based on Banks's book Cybermen.


  • Reissued on CD in The Cybermen tin on 1 November 2004 by the BBC
  • Reissued on CD in the box set The ArcHive Tapes: Cybermen on 6 May 2013 by Cherry Red Records[146]
The Early Cybermen David Banks David Banks Cassette Silver Fist October 1989 Based on Banks's book Cybermen.


  • Reissued on CD in the box set The ArcHive Tapes: Cybermen on 6 May 2013 by Cherry Red Records[146]
The Cyber Nomads David Banks David Banks Cassette Silver Fist February 1990 Based on Banks's book Cybermen.


  • Reissued on CD in the box set The ArcHive Tapes: Cybermen on 6 May 2013 by Cherry Red Records[146]
The Ultimate Cybermen David Banks David Banks Cassette Silver Fist February 1990 Based on Banks's book Cybermen.


  • Reissued on CD in the box set The ArcHive Tapes: Cybermen on 6 May 2013 by Cherry Red Records[146]
Cybermen[147] David Banks David Banks Cassette RNIB 1 March 2004
Doctor Who – The Making of a Television Series[148] Alan Road Kate Binchy Cassette RNIB 1 March 2004
Doctor Who: Celebrating Fifty Years - A History[149] Alan Kistler Alan Kistler MP3 CD Brilliance Audio 1 October 2013


Readings of biographies and memoirs of actors and crew who had a major role in Doctor Who

Title Author Reader Format Company Release Date Notes
Who on Earth is Tom Baker? Tom Baker Tom Baker Cassette HarperCollins 20 October 1997 Abridged reading of the autobiography of Tom Baker, who played the Fourth Doctor.
The John Nathan-Turner Memoirs John Nathan-Turner John Nathan-Turner 4-CD Big Finish November 2000 Memoir of John Nathan-Turner, producer of Doctor Who from 1980–1989. Originally issued as two 2-CD sets, later reissued in a 4-CD set as part of the Big Finish Talks Back series September 2004
The Nicholas Courtney Memoirs: "A Soldier in Time" Nicholas Courtney Nicholas Courtney 3-CD Big Finish November 2002 Memoir of Nicholas Courtney, who played Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart. Part of the Big Finish Talks Back series.
Who on Earth is Tom Baker?[150] Tom Baker David Banks DAISY Digital Talking Book RNIB 1 March 2004 Unabridged reading of the autobiography of Tom Baker, who played the Fourth Doctor.
Anything Goes Carole E. Barrowman and John Barrowman John Barrowman 2-CD BBC Audio 4 February 2008 Autobiography of John Barrowman, who currently plays Jack Harkness
Who & Me Barry Letts Barry Letts 3-CD BBC Audio 7 April 2008 Memoir of Barry Letts, producer of Doctor Who from 1969–1974
Self Portrait Anneke Wills Anneke Wills 2-CD BBC Audio 12 June 2008 First volume of the autobiography of Anneke Wills, who played Polly from 1966–1967, covering early childhood and acting career.
First Generation Mary Tamm Mary Tamm 3-CD Fantom Films October 2009 Autobiography of Mary Tamm, who played Romana from 1978–1979
Blue Box BoyMatthew Waterhouse Matthew Waterhouse 2-CD What Noise Productions December 2010 Memoir of Matthew Waterhouse, who played Adric from 1980–1982. Abridged, but contains added material not in the print edition.
Elisabeth Sladen: The AutobiographyElisabeth Sladen Caroline John 12-CD/Download AudioGo 12 December 2011 Autobiography of Elisabeth Sladen, who played Sarah Jane Smith. Also includes a foreword read by David Tennant and a Postscript by Brian and Sadie Miller
Daddy's Girl Deborah Watling Deborah Watling 2-CD Fantom Films 22 February 2012 Autobiography of Deborah Watling, who played Victoria Waterfield from 1967–1968. Also includes DVD of interview and convention footage.
Hines Sight[151] Frazer Hines Frazer Hines USB drive August 2012 Unabridged reading of the autobiography of Frazer Hines, who played Jamie McCrimmon
Patrick Troughton - The Biography of the Second Doctor Who Michael Troughton Michael Troughton 7-CD Fantom Films 9 March 2013 Unabridged reading of the biography of Patrick Troughton, who played the Second Doctor.
John Leeson - Tweaking the Tail[152] John Leeson John Leeson 4-CD Fantom Films July 2013 Autobiography of John Leeson, who voiced K9
Moon Boots and Dinner Suits[153] Jon Pertwee Terry Molloy 3-CD Fantom Films August 2013 Autobiography of Jon Pertwee, who played the Third Doctor.
Terry Nation: The Man Who Invented The Daleks[154] Alwyn W. Turner David Troughton 4-CD Fantom Films October 2013 Biography of Terry Nation, creator of the Daleks and writer of numerous serials.
Who's There - The Life and Career of William Hartnell[155] Jessica Carney Anneke Wills 3-CD Fantom Films October 2013 Biography of William Hartnell, who played the First Doctor
The Man Behind the Master: A Biography of Anthony Ainley[156] Karen Louise Hollis John Banks 8-CD Fantom Films 20 December 2015 Biography of Anthony Ainley, who played The Master



Torchwood audiobooks began with abridged readings of published novels, but then switched to exclusive stories not published in print.

Title Author Reader Format Company Release Date Notes
Another Life Peter Anghelides John Barrowman 3-CD BBC Audio 2 April 2007 Abridged
Slow Decay Andy Lane Burn Gorman 3-CD BBC Audio 2 April 2007 Abridged
Border Princes Dan Abnett Eve Myles 3-CD BBC Audio 2 April 2007 Abridged
Hidden Steven Savile Naoko Mori 2-CD BBC Audio 4 February 2008 An original audiobook, not published in book form.
Everyone Says Hello Dan Abnett Burn Gorman 2-CD BBC Audio 4 February 2008 An original audiobook, not published in book form.
In the Shadows Joseph Lidster Eve Myles 2-CD BBC Audio 7 May 2009 An original audiobook, not published in book form.
The Sin EatersBrian MinchinGareth David-Lloyd 2-CD BBC Audio 4 June 2009 An original audiobook, not published in book form.
Department XJames Goss Kai Owen 2-CD BBC Audio 3 March 2011 An original audiobook, not published in book form.
Ghost TrainJames Goss Kai Owen 2-CD BBC Audio 3 March 2011 An original audiobook, not published in book form
First BornJames Goss Kai Owen
Clare Corbett
Katherine Fenton
Joe Jameson
Carole Boyd
Michael Stevens
Susie Riddell
Download AudioGo October 2011 Unabridged multi-voice reading
Long Time DeadSarah Pinborough Indira Varma Download AudioGo October 2011 Unabridged
The Men Who Sold The WorldGuy Adams John Telfer Download AudioGo October 2011 Unabridged
Army of OneIan Edginton Kai Owen Download/CD AudioGo 8 March 2012 An original audiobook, not published in book form.
FalloutDavid Llewellyn Tom Price Download/CD AudioGo 5 April 2012 An original audiobook, not published in book form.
Red SkiesJoseph Lidster John Telfer Download/CD AudioGo 3 May 2012 An original audiobook, not published in book form.
Mr InvincibleMark Morris Tom Price Download/CD AudioGo 7 June 2012 An original audiobook, not published in book form.
The Exodus CodeJohn Barrowman and Carole E. Barrowman Daniel Pirrie[157] CD AudioGo 13 September 2012 Unabridged

The Sarah Jane Adventures

The Sarah Jane Adventures audiobooks to date have all been exclusive stories not published in print. These were reissued in a 10-CD box set on 24 November 2011.

Title Author Reader Format Company Release Date Notes
The Glittering Storm Stephen Cole Elisabeth Sladen CD BBC Audio 5 November 2007 An original audiobook, not published in book form.
The Thirteenth Stone Justin Richards Elisabeth Sladen CD BBC Audio 5 November 2007 An original audiobook, not published in book form.
The Time Capsule Peter Anghelides Elisabeth Sladen CD BBC Audio 13 November 2008 An original audiobook, not published in book form.
The Ghost House Stephen Cole Elisabeth Sladen CD BBC Audio 13 November 2008 An original audiobook, not published in book form.
The White Wolf Gary Russell Elisabeth Sladen CD BBC Audio 3 September 2009 An original audiobook, not published in book form.
The Shadow PeopleScott Handcock Elisabeth Sladen CD BBC Audio 3 September 2009 An original audiobook, not published in book form.
Wraith WorldCavan Scott
Mark Wright
Elisabeth Sladen CD BBC Audio 4 November 2010 An original audiobook, not published in book form.
Deadly Download Jason Arnopp Elisabeth Sladen CD BBC Audio 4 November 2010 An original audiobook, not published in book form.
Children of Steel Martin Day Daniel Anthony CD BBC Audio 6 October 2011 An original audiobook, not published in book form.
Judgement Day Scott Gray Anjli Mohindra CD BBC Audio 6 October 2011 An original audiobook, not published in book form.

Time Hunter

Audiobook readings of Telos Publishing Ltd.'s Time Hunter series of novellas.

Title Author Reader Format Company Release Date Notes
The Cabinet of Light Daniel O'Mahony Terry Molloy 4-CD Fantom Films November 2008 Originally a Doctor Who novella, changes have been made to the text of this version to allow it to stand as a Time Hunter novella independent of its Doctor Who connections. Reissued August 2010.
The Winning Side Lance Parkin Louise Jameson 3-CD Fantom Films November 2008 Reissued August 2010.
The Tunnel at the End of the Light Stefan Petrucha Mary Tamm 3-CD Fantom Films February 2009 Reissued August 2010.
The Clockwork Woman Claire BottTracey Childs 3-CD Fantom Films September 2010
Kitsune John Paul CattonTerry Molloy 3-CD Fantom Films October 2010
The Severed Man George MannTerry Molloy 4-CD Fantom Films November 2010
Echoes Iain McLaughlin and Claire Bartlett Tracey Childs 4-CD Fantom Films July 2011
Peculiar Lives Philip Purser-Hallard John Leeson 4-CD Fantom Films August 2011
Deus Le Volt Jon de Burgh Miller Terry Molloy 3-CD Fantom Films September 2011 Features the Fendahl
The Albino's Dancer Dale Smith Terry Molloy 3-CD Fantom Films February 2012
The Sideways Door R.J. Carter and Troy Riser Tracey Childs 2-CD Fantom Films February 2012
Child of Time George Mann and David J Howe Terry Molloy 5-CD Fantom Films 14 June 2012 Features a Daemon


Audiobook readings of Candy Jar Books's Lethbridge-Stewart series of novels.

Title Author Reader Format Company Release Date Notes
The Forgotten Son Andy Frankham-AllenTerry Molloy 7-CD Fantom Films 9 March 2016[158]
The Schizoid Earth David A. McInteeTerry Molloy 7-CD Fantom Films March 2016[159]
Beast of Fang Rock Andy Frankham-Allen Terry Molloy 7-CD Fantom Films June 2016[160] Based on a story by Terrance Dicks
Mutually Assured Domination Nick Walters Terry Molloy 7-CD Fantom Films July 2016[161]

Other spinoffs

Title Author Reader Format Company Release Date Notes
The Killing StoneRichard FranklinRichard Franklin2-CDBBV1 January 2001 An original audiobook, not published in book form.
The Diary of a Doctor Who AddictPaul Magrs Paul Magrs 4-CDBBC Audiobooks28 May 2010 A fictional coming-of-age story of a Doctor Who fan
The Adventures of K9[162]Dave Martin John Leeson CDCherry Red Records11 November 2013 Readings of the four 1980 Children's books K9 and the Missing Planet, K9 and the Beasts of Vega, K9 and the Time Trap, and K9 and the Zeta Rescue

See also


  1. "Pickwick International". The Millennium Effect. Retrieved 2012-01-30.
  2. 1 2 3 "Doctor Who: Classic Novels Boxset: Invasion Earth: Terrance Dicks, Martin Jarvis: Books". 2011-01-02. Retrieved 2012-08-18.
  3. "Doctor Who, Frontios; based on the BBC television serial by Christopher H. Bidmead by arrangement with the British Broadcasting Corporation – RNIB Book Site". 1 January 1981. Retrieved 18 May 2011.
  4. "The ultimate evil – RNIB Book Site". 1 January 1981. Retrieved 18 May 2011.
  5. 1 2 "Doctor Who: The Daleks' Master Plan | Audiobook | AudioGO : audiobooks, CDs, downloads". AudioGO. Retrieved 2012-01-11.
  6. 1 2 3 "Doctor Who: Classic Novels Boxset: Dalek Menace: John Peel, Jean Marsh: Books". 2011-01-02. Retrieved 2012-08-18.
  7. "Doctor Who and the face of evil – RNIB Book Site". 1 January 1981. Retrieved 18 May 2011.
  8. "Doctor Who: Shada (BBC Audio): Douglas Adams: Books". Retrieved 2012-07-09.
  9. Doctor Who Magazine #446
  10. "Doctor Who and the genesis of the Daleks - RNIB Book Site". 1981-01-01. Retrieved 2013-12-09.
  11. "Twitter / Anneke Wills: I'm thrilled to have finis". Retrieved 2012-04-19.
  12. "Doctor Who & Lesuire Hive Unab X3cd: David Fisher: Books". Retrieved 2013-03-12.
  13. 1 2 3 4 "The very first story novelised for audio!". Doctor Who Magazine (Panini Magazines) (461): 8. 2013.
  14. "Doctor Who: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy 7th Dr: Stephen Wyatt: Books". Retrieved 2013-04-04.
  15. "Foto's van AudioGO - The home of BBC Audiobooks". Facebook. Retrieved 2013-07-10.
  16. "Doctor Who: The Trial of a Time Lord Vol. 1 Classic Novels: Terrance Dicks, Philip Martin: Books". Retrieved 2013-06-01.
  17. "Tijdlijnfoto's". Facebook. 2013-04-29. Retrieved 2013-06-01.
  18. "Tijdlijnfoto's". Facebook. Retrieved 2013-07-16.
  19. "Doctor Who: The Trial of a Time Lord: Vol. 2 Classic Novels: Pip Baker, Jane Baker, Michael Jayston: Books". Retrieved 2013-07-10.
  20. "Doctor Who and the Carnival of Monsters: A 3rd Doctor novelisation: Terrance Dicks, Katy Manning: Books". Retrieved 3 October 2014.
  21. "Foto's van AudioGO - The home of BBC Audiobooks". Facebook. 2013-09-03. Retrieved 2013-10-01.
  22. "Doctor Who: Full Circle: A 4th Doctor novelisation: Andrew Smith, Matthew Waterhouse, John Leeson: Books". Retrieved 3 October 2014.
  23. "Doctor Who: Remembrance of the Daleks: A 7th Doctor novelisation: Ben Aaronovitch: Books". Retrieved 3 October 2014.
  24. "Doctor Who and the Deadly Assassin: A 4th Doctor novelisation: Terrance Dicks: Books". Retrieved 17 October 2014.
  25. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 "Doctor Who audio news". Blogtor Who. 13 March 2015. Retrieved 14 March 2015.
  26. "Chris H Bidmead on Twitter". Twitter. Retrieved 26 November 2014.
  27. "Doctor Who: Frontios: A 5th Doctor novelisaton (Dr Who): Christopher H Bidmead, Christopher H. Bidmead: 9781785290626: Books". Retrieved 1 March 2015.
  28. "Doctor Who: City of Death: A 4th Doctor novelisation (Dr Who): Douglas Adams, James Goss: 9781785290794: Books". Retrieved 1 March 2015.
  29. "Doctor Who: The Massacre: A 1st Doctor Novelisation (BBC Physical Audio): John Lucarotti, Peter Purves: 9781785291012: Books". Retrieved 1 March 2015.
  30. "Doctor Who and the Ark in Space: A 4th Doctor novelisation: Ian Marter, Jon Culshaw: 9781785291630: Books". Retrieved 1 March 2015.
  31. "Doctor Who: The Two Doctors: A 6th Doctor novelisation: Robert Holmes: 9781785291234: Books". Retrieved 1 March 2015.
  32. "Doctor Who: The Curse of Fenric: A 7th Doctor". Retrieved 12 March 2015.
  33. "Doctor Who: K9 and Company: Terence Dudley: 9781785292163: Books".
  34. "Doctor Who and the State of Decay: A 4th Doctor novelisation: Terrance Dicks, John Leeson: 9781785292316: Books". Retrieved 15 May 2015.
  35. "Doctor Who: The Space Museum: A 1st Doctor novelisation: Glyn Jones: 9781785292477: Books". Retrieved 15 May 2015.
  36. "Doctor Who: Death to the Daleks: A 3rd Doctor novelisation: Terrance Dicks: 9781785292552: Books". Retrieved 6 August 2015.
  37. "Doctor Who: Cybermen - The Invasion: A 2nd Doctor novelisation: Ian Marter: 9781785292835: Books". Retrieved 6 August 2015.
  38. "Doctor Who: The King's Demons: A 5th Doctor novelisation: Terence Dudley: 9781785293016: Books". Retrieved 2 October 2015.
  39. "Doctor Who: Shakedown: A 7th Doctor novel: Terrance Dicks: 9781785293023: Books".
  40. "Doctor Who: Doctor Who and the Claws of Axos: A 3rd Doctor novelisation: Terrance Dicks: 9781785293191: Books".
  41. "Doctor Who: Scream of the Shalka: An original Doctor Who novel: Paul Cornell: 9781785293221: Books".
  42. "Doctor Who and the Sontaran Experiment: A 4th Doctor novelisation: Ian Marter: 9781785293733: Books". Retrieved 17 December 2015.
  43. "Doctor Who: The Macra Terror: 2nd Doctor Novelisation: Ian Stuart Black: 9781785293870: Books". Retrieved 17 December 2015.
  44. "Doctor Who and the Invasion of Time: A 4th Doctor Novelisation: Terrance Dicks: 9781785294662: Books".
  45. "Doctor Who: The Time Meddler: 1st Doctor Novelisation: Nigel Robinson: 9781785294303: Books".
  46. "Tijdlijnfoto's". Facebook. Retrieved 2013-07-12.
  47. "Coming Soon". Doctor Who Magazine (Panini) (484): 77.
  48. "Doctor Who – Iceberg – RNIB Book Site". 1 January 1981. Retrieved 18 May 2011.
  49. "Winner takes all – RNIB Book Site". 1 January 1981. Retrieved 18 May 2011.
  50. "The monsters inside – RNIB Book Site". 1 January 1981. Retrieved 18 May 2011.
  51. "Sting of the zygons – RNIB Book Site". 1 January 1981. Retrieved 18 May 2011.
  52. "The last dodo – RNIB Book Site". 1 January 1981. Retrieved 18 May 2011.
  53. "Wooden heart – RNIB Book Site". 1 January 1981. Retrieved 18 May 2011.
  54. "The clockwise man – RNIB Book Site". 1 January 1981. Retrieved 18 May 2011.
  55. "Doctor Who: The Krillitane Storm , Audiobook , AudioGO : audiobooks, CDs, downloads". AudioGO. Retrieved 18 May 2011.
  56. "Doctor Who: The Taking of Chelsea 426 , Audiobook , AudioGO : audiobooks, CDs, downloads". AudioGO. Retrieved 18 May 2011.
  57. 5 hrs and 20 mins (2010-06-07). "Doctor Who: The Krillitane Storm". Retrieved 2012-04-19.
  58. "Doctor Who: Autonomy , Audiobook , AudioGO : audiobooks, CDs, downloads". AudioGO. Retrieved 18 May 2011.
  59. 1 2 "Doctor Who: The Slitheen Excursion & Judgement of the Judoon | Audiobook | AudioGO : audiobooks, CDs, downloads". AudioGO. Retrieved 2011-06-21.
  60. 1 2 3 4 5 "Niet compatibele browser". Facebook. Retrieved 18 May 2011.
  61. "Doctor Who: Apollo 23 , Audiobook , AudioGO : audiobooks, CDs, downloads". AudioGO. Retrieved 18 May 2011.
  62. "Doctor Who: Night of the Humans | Audiobook | AudioGO : audiobooks, CDs, downloads". AudioGO. Retrieved 2011-06-21.
  63. "Doctor Who: The Forgotten Army | Audiobook | AudioGO : audiobooks, CDs, downloads". AudioGO. Retrieved 2011-06-21.
  64. Doctor Who Magazine #426
  65. "Doctor Who: Nuclear Time | Audiobook | AudioGO : audiobooks, CDs, downloads". AudioGO. Retrieved 2011-06-21.
  66. "Doctor Who: The King’s Dragon , Audiobook , AudioGO : audiobooks, CDs, downloads". AudioGO. Retrieved 18 May 2011.
  67. "Doctor Who: The King’s Dragon | Audiobook | AudioGO : audiobooks, CDs, downloads". AudioGO. Retrieved 2011-06-21.
  68. 1 2 Doctor Who Magazine #432
  69. "Doctor Who: The Glamour Chase | Audiobook | AudioGO : audiobooks, CDs, downloads". AudioGO. Retrieved 2011-09-13.
  70. "Doctor Who: The Dead of Winter: James Goss, Clare Corbett: Books". 2009-09-09. Retrieved 2011-09-27.
  71. "Doctor Who, Hunter's Moon: Paul Finch: Books". 2009-09-09. Retrieved 2011-09-27.
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