List of Doctor Who cast members

This is a list of actors who have appeared in the long-running British science fiction television series, Doctor Who. For other related lists see below.

Contents :

Series main cast

The following tables are an overview of all the regular cast members that have appeared throughout the show since 1963.

1963 - 1972

William Hartnell, Carole Ann Ford, William Russell and Jacqueline Hill first appeared as the Doctor, Susan Foreman, Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright respectively in the show's debut serial; An Unearthly Child. Ford departed in The Dalek Invasion of Earth in 1964 and was replaced by Maureen O'Brien playing a character called Vicki. Russell and Hill departed together the following year in The Chase and were subsequently replaced by Peter Purves as Steven Taylor. Adrienne Hill took over from O'Brien for a short period of time as Katarina. Jean Marsh subsequently played the character of Sara Kingdom also for a short period of time before being replaced by Jackie Lane as Dodo Chaplet in The Ark in 1966. Purves and Lane stepped down from their roles at around the same time and were replaced by Anneke Wills and Michael Craze who played Polly and Ben Jackson. Patrick Troughton took over from Hartnell in the fourth season as the Second Doctor and starred alongside Wills and Craze and, after they stepped down, Deborah Watling, Frazer Hines and Wendy Padbury who respectively played Victoria Waterfield, Jamie McCrimmon and Zoe Heriot. At the end of The War Games, Troughton was replaced by Jon Pertwee who began his run as the Third Doctor alongside Caroline John as Liz Shaw in the 1970 serial; Spearhead from Space. John departed in Inferno and Katy Manning as Jo Grant, her replacement, appeared in the following serial Terror of the Autons. Throughout Pertwee's run, Nicholas Courtney, Richard Franklin and John Levene made regular appearances as The Brigadier, Mike Yates and Sergeant Benton respectively though they were never credited as "companions".

Character Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Season 8
Season 9
The Doctor William Hartnell Patrick Troughton Jon Pertwee
Susan Foreman Carole Ann Ford
Ian Chesterton William Russell
Barbara Wright Jacqueline Hill
Vicki Maureen O'Brien
Steven Taylor Peter Purves
Katarina Adrienne Hill
Sara Kingdom Jean Marsh
Dodo Chaplet Jackie Lane
Polly Anneke Wills
Ben Jackson Michael Craze
Jamie McCrimmon Frazer Hines
Victoria Waterfield Deborah Watling
Zoe Heriot Wendy Padbury
The Brigadier Nicholas Courtney
Sergeant Benton John Levene
Liz Shaw Caroline John
Jo Grant Katy Manning
Mike Yates Richard Franklin

1972 - 1981

Jon Pertwee and Katy Manning continued to play the Doctor and Jo Grant until Manning stepped down from the role in The Green Death and was replaced by Elisabeth Sladen in The Time Warrior as Sarah Jane Smith. Pertwee was subsequently replaced by Tom Baker at the end of Season 11 in Planet of the Spiders. The Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane were joined on their adventures by Harry Sullivan, played by Ian Marter, before he left them in Terror of the Zygons. After one more season, Sladen left the role of Sarah Jane Smith in the 1976 serial; The Hand of Fear. Louise Jameson debuted in The Face of Evil portraying a character called Leela. They were joined by K-9 in The Invisible Enemy, a robotic dog voiced by John Leeson and, on a few occasions; David Brierly. Jameson was replaced by Mary Tamm, who played Romana, a Time Lady and one of the Doctor's own species. Tamm stayed on for just one season before her character regenerated in Destiny of the Daleks and was portrayed by Lalla Ward. Baker, Ward and Leeson were joined by Matthew Waterhouse, the actor who played Adric, in Full Circle. Romana and K-9 departed together in Warriors' Gate. The 1981 serial Logopolis was the first to introduce Sarah Sutton and Janet Fielding as Nyssa and Tegan Jovanka respectively, but the last to star Tom Baker as the Doctor. Nicholas Courtney and John Levine reprised their roles as the Brigadier and Sergeant Benton numerous times during Bakers run.

Character Season 10
Season 11
Season 12
Season 13
Season 14
Season 15
Season 16
Season 17
Season 18
The Doctor Jon Pertwee Tom Baker
Jo Grant Katy Manning
Mike Yates Richard Franklin
Sarah Jane Smith Elisabeth Sladen
Harry Sullivan Ian Marter
Leela Louise Jameson
K-9 John Leeson David Brierly John Leeson
Romana Mary Tamm Lalla Ward
Adric Matthew Waterhouse
Nyssa Sarah Sutton
Tegan Jovanka Janet Fielding
Sergeant Benton John Levene
The Brigadier Nicholas Courtney

1982 - 1996

Peter Davison starred as the Fifth Doctor alongside Sarah Sutton, Janet Fielding and Matthew Waterhouse as Nyssa, Tegan Jovanka and Adric respectively; before Adric was dramatically killed off in Earthshock. In the eighteenth season, a character called Vislor Turlough was introduced, played by Mark Strickson. Sutton stepped down from the role of Nyssa in Terminus and was replaced a few stories after with Kamelion, an unusual robotic character voiced by Gerald Flood, in The King's Demons. Davison, Fielding and Strickson continued on until Fielding stepped down from the role in Resurrection of the Daleks. She was replaced in Planet of Fire by Nicola Bryant as Peri Brown, a serial which also marked the final appearance of Strickson and Flood. Davison was replaced by Colin Baker in The Caves of Androzani and Bryant was replaced with Bonnie Langford as Mel Bush, a few years later, after her character was killed off in Mindwarp. Sylvester McCoy took over from Baker in Time and the Rani and Langford was replaced by Sophie Aldred as Ace at the end of the twenty-fourth season. The series was axed in 1989, but a TV Movie was made in 1996 which saw Paul McGann taking over from McCoy and Daphne Ashbrook making her first and only appearance as Grace Holloway.

For The Five Doctors - the show's 20th anniversary special - Carole Ann Ford, Nicholas Courtney, Elisabeth Sladen, Lalla Ward, Wendy Padbury, Caroline John, Richard Franklin, John Leeson and Frazer Hines reprised their roles as, respectively, Susan Foreman, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, Sarah Jane Smith, Romana, Zoe Heriot, Liz Shaw, Mike Yates, K-9 and Jamie McCrimmon. The special was broadcast between the twentieth and twenty-first seasons.

Character Season 19
Season 20
Season 21
Season 22
Season 23
Season 24
Season 25
Season 26
Doctor Who
The Doctor Peter Davison Colin Baker Sylvester McCoy Paul McGann
Adric Matthew Waterhouse
Nyssa Sarah Sutton
Tegan Jovanka Janet Fielding
Vislor Turlough Mark Strickson
Peri Brown Nicola Bryant
Melanie Bush Bonnie Langford
Ace Sophie Aldred
Grace Holloway Daphne Ashbrook

2005 - 2015

Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper made their debut appearances as The Doctor and Rose Tyler in the first episode of the revived series. Eccleston made his final appearance at the end of the first series, in which he was replaced by David Tennant. The following series saw Piper stepping down of her role in "Doomsday". Freema Agyeman and Catherine Tate appeared as regular companions in the third and fourth series', playing Martha Jones and Donna Noble respectively. David Tennant departed in the two-part story The End of Time with Matt Smith replacing him as the Doctor. In the following fifth series, he was joined by Karen Gillan playing a character called Amy Pond. The fifth series also saw the introduction of Rory Williams, played by Arthur Darvill. Both Gillan and Darvill left their roles at the end of the first part of the seventh series. They were replaced by Jenna Coleman who made her first regular appearance in "The Bells of Saint John" as Clara Oswald. Smith departed from his role as the Doctor in "The Time of the Doctor". Peter Capaldi made his first regular appearance as the Twelfth Doctor in "Deep Breath". Jenna Coleman continued her role as Clara Oswald alongside this incarnation during the eighth series in 2014. Both actors reprised their roles as the Doctor and Clara during the ninth series in 2015, with Coleman departing at the end of that year.

Character Series 1
Series 2
Series 3
Series 4
Series 5
Series 6
Series 7
Series 8
Series 9
The Doctor Christopher Eccleston David Tennant Matt Smith Peter Capaldi
Rose Tyler Billie Piper Billie Piper
Mickey Smith Noel Clarke Noel Clarke
Jack Harkness John Barrowman   John Barrowman
Sarah Jane Smith Elisabeth Sladen Elisabeth Sladen
Martha Jones Freema Agyeman
Donna Noble Catherine Tate
River Song   Alex Kingston   Alex Kingston
Amy Pond Karen Gillan
Rory Williams Arthur Darvill
Clara Oswald Jenna Coleman

2016 - Present

Peter Capaldi has been confirmed to be reprising his role as the Twelfth Doctor in the tenth series in 2017. Jenna Coleman will be replaced by Pearl Mackie, who is introduced as Bill.

Character Series 10
The Doctor Peter Capaldi
Bill Pearl Mackie


Actors with one-off appearances and roles that have never been reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
John Abbott Vince Hawkins Horror of Fang Rock (1977)
John Abineri Van Lutyens
General Carrington
Richard Railton
Fury from the Deep (1968)
The Ambassadors of Death (1970)
Death to the Daleks (1974)
The Power of Kroll (1978–1979)
John Acheson Major Beresford The Seeds of Doom (1976)
Christine Adams Cathica Kadanie "The Long Game" (2005)
Dallas Adams Howard Foster Planet of Fire (1984)
Max Adrian King Priam The Myth Makers (1965)
Freema Agyeman Adeola Oshodi "Army of Ghosts" (2006)
Anthony Ainley Tremas The Keeper of Traken (1981)
Hajaz Akram Indian Newsreader "Army of Ghosts" (2006)
John Alderson Marshal Wyatt Earp The Gunfighters (1966)
Terence Alexander Lord Ravensworth The Mark of the Rani (1985)
John Alkin Lomand Planet of Fire (1984)
Michael Allaby Ice Soldier / Larn: The Keys of Marinus (1964)
Ronald Allen Rago
Ralph Cornish
The Dominators (1968)
The Ambassadors of Death (1970)
Bob Anderson Fighting Guard The Enemy of the World (1968)
Keith Anderson Robespierre The Reign of Terror (1964)
Adjoa Andoh Sister Jatt "New Earth" (2006)
Barry Andrews Stott Nightmare of Eden (1979)
Christien Anholt Perkins The Curse of Fenric (1989)
Bernard Archard Bragen
Marcus Scarman
The Power of the Daleks (1966)
Pyramids of Mars (1975)
Ben Aris Lieutenant Shears Invasion of the Dinosaurs (1974)
Ralph Arliss Tuar Planet of the Spiders (1974)
Graham Armitage Barney The Macra Terror (1967)
Alexander Armstrong Reg Arwell "The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe" (2011)
Gareth Armstrong Duke Guiliano The Masque of Mandragora (1976)
John Arnatt Chancellor Borusa The Invasion of Time (1978)
Max Arthur Zuko Planet of Fire (1984)
Daphne Ashbrook Grace Holloway Doctor Who (1996)
Chloe Ashcroft Professor Laird Resurrection of the Daleks (1984)
Lyn Ashley Drahvin Galaxy 4 (1965)
David Ashton Kendron Timelash (1985)
Dicken Ashworth Sezon Timelash (1985)
Michael Attwell Isbur
The Ice Warriors (1967)
Attack of the Cybermen (1985)
John Atterbury Robot
Alien Guard
The Mind Robber (1968)
The War Games (1969)
Roger Avon Saphadin
The Crusade (1965)
The Daleks' Master Plan (1965)

Actors with major character roles that they have reprised:

Actor Role Serials/
Chris Addison Seb "The Caretaker" (2014)
"Dark Water" (2014)
"Death in Heaven" (2014)
Freema Agyeman Martha Jones "Smith and Jones" - "Last of the Time Lords" (2007)
"The Sontaran Stratagem" (2008)
"The Poison Sky" (2008)
"The Doctor's Daughter" (2008)
"The Stolen Earth" (2008)
"Journey's End" (2008)
The End of Time (2010)
Anthony Ainley The Master The Keeper of Traken (1981) - Castrovalva (1982)
Time-Flight (1982)
The King's Demons (1983) - The Five Doctors (1983)
Planet of Fire (1984) - The Caves of Androzani (1984)
The Mark of the Rani (1985)
The Trial of a Time Lord: The Ultimate Foe (1986)
Survival (1989)
Samuel Anderson Danny Pink "Into the Dalek" (2014)
"Listen" - "Death in Heaven" (2014)
"Last Christmas (2014)
Adjoa Andoh Francine Jones "Smith and Jones" (2007)
"The Lazarus Experiment" (2007)
"42" (2007)
"The Sound of Drums" (2007)
"Last of the Time Lords" (2007)
"The Stolen Earth" (2008)
"Journey's End" (2008)
Alexander Armstrong Mr Smith "The Stolen Earth" (2008)
"Journey's End" (2008)


Actors with one-off appearances and roles that have never been reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Bill Bailey Droxil "The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe" (2011)
John Bailey Commander
Edward Waterfield
The Sensorites (1964)
The Evil of the Daleks (1967)
The Horns of Nimon (1980)
David Bailie Dask The Robots of Death (1977)
Colin Baker Commander Maxil Arc of Infinity (1983)
George Baker Login Full Circle (1980)
Matt Baker Himself "Aliens of London" (2005)
David Bamber Captain Quell "Mummy on the Orient Express" (2014)
Yasmin Bannerman Jabe "The End of the World" (2005)
Peter Barkworth Leader Clent The Ice Warriors (1967)
Thelma Barlow Lady Thaw "The Lazarus Experiment" (2007)
Tim Barlow Tyssan Destiny of the Daleks (1979)
Lynda Baron Wrack
Enlightenment (1983)
Closing Time (2011)
Patrick Barr Hobson The Moonbase (1967)
John Barrard Shopkeeper The Reign of Terror (1964)
Ray Barrett Bennett/Koquillion The Rescue (1965)
Michael Barrington Sir Colin Thackeray The Seeds of Doom (1976)
Keith Barron Captain Striker Enlightenment (1983)
Ray Barron Sergeant Henderson The Seeds of Doom (1976)
Morris Barry Tollund The Creature from the Pit (1979)
John Baskcomb Rossini Terror of the Autons (1971)
James Bate Amyand Planet of Fire (1984)
Timothy Bateson Binro The Ribos Operation (1978)
Lois Baxter Madam Lamia The Androids of Tara (1978)
Trevor Baxter Professor George Litefoot The Talons of Weng-Chiang (1977)
John Bay Earl of Leicester The Crusade (1965)
Geoffrey Bayldon Organon The Creature from the Pit (1979)
Paul Bazely Venn-Garr "The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe" (2011)
Terence Bayler Yendom
Major Barrington
The Ark (1966)
The War Games (1969)
Richard Beale Refusian (voice)
Bat Masterson
Propaganda Voices
Minister of Ecology
The Ark (1966)
The Gunfighters (1966)
The Macra Terror (1967)
The Green Death (1973)
Maureen Beattie Fiona Bellows "Last Christmas" (2014)
Robert Beatty General Cutler The Tenth Planet (1966)
Daisy Beaumont Maisie "Mummy on the Orient Express" (2014)
Tony Beckley Harrison Chase The Seeds of Doom (1976)
Geoffrey Beevers Private Johnson
The Master
The Ambassadors of Death (1970)
The Keeper of Traken (1981)
Rachel Bell Priscilla P The Happiness Patrol (1988)
Lynda Bellingham Inquisitor The Trial of a Time Lord (1986)
Christopher Benjamin Sir Keith Gold
Henry Gordon Jago
Colonel Hugh
Inferno (1970)
The Talons of Weng-Chiang (1977)
"The Unicorn and the Wasp" (2008)
Lucy Benjamin Young Nyssa Mawdryn Undead (1983)
Hywel Bennett Rynian The Chase (1965)
John Bennett General Finch
Li H'sen Chang
Invasion of the Dinosaurs (1974)
The Talons of Weng-Chiang (1977)
Alan Bennion Slaar
The Seeds of Death (1969)
The Curse of Peladon (1972)
The Monster of Peladon (1974)
Perry Benson Ice Cream Man "The Eleventh Hour" (2010)
Peter Benson Bor Terminus (1983)
Mark Benton Clive "Rose" (2005)
Steven Berkoff Shakri "The Power of Three" (2012)
Thane Bettany Tarak State of Decay (1980)
Stewart Bevan Professor Cliff Jones The Green Death (1973)
Rodney Bewes Stien Resurrection of the Daleks (1984)
Stephanie Bidmead Maaga Galaxy 4 (1965)
Michael Bilton Toligny
Time Lord
The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve (1966)
Pyramids of Mars (1975)
The Deadly Assassin (1976)
Peter Birrel Draconian Prince Frontier in Space (1973)
Donald Bisset The Laird The Highlanders (1966–1967)
Honor Blackman Professor Sarah Lasky Terror of the Vervoids (1986)
Adam Blackwood Balazar The Mysterious Planet (1986)
Isla Blair Isabella The King's Demons (1983)
June Bland Berger
Elizabeth Rawlinson
Earthshock (1982)
Battlefield (1989)
Helen Blatch Voice
The Deadly Assassin (1976)
The Twin Dilemma (1984)
Brian Blessed King Yrcanos The Trial of a Time Lord: Mindwarp (1986)
Claire Bloom The Woman The End of Time (2009–2010)
Sean Blowers Zed Dragonfire (1987)
Martin Boddey Walker The Sea Devils (1972)
Philip Bond Ganatus The Daleks (1964)
Tomasz Borkowy Captain Sorin The Curse of Fenric (1989)
[Credited as Tomek Bork]
Miranda Borman Stellar Dragonfire (1987)
Christopher Bowen Mordred Battlefield (1989)
Lisa Bowerman Karra Survival (1989)
Roy Boyd Driscoll The Hand of Fear (1976)
David Bradley Soloman "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship" (2012)
Moya Brady Bridget "Love & Monsters" (2006)
Orla Brady Tasha Lem "The Time of the Doctor" (2013)
John Brandon American Sergeant The Tenth Planet (1966)
Michael Brandon General Sanchez "The Stolen Earth" (2008)
Edward Brayshaw Colbert
The War Chief
The Reign of Terror (1964)
The War Games (1969)
Bernard Bresslaw Varga The Ice Warriors (1967)
Roger Brierley Trevor
Voice of Drathro
The Daleks' Master Plan (1965)
The Mysterious Planet (1986)
Richard Briers Chief Caretaker / The Great Architect Paradise Towers (1987)
Nicholas Briggs Voice of the Nestene Consciousness "Rose" (2005)
Eleanor Bron Art Gallery Visitor
City of Death (1979)
Revelation of the Daleks (1985)
Ben Browder Isaac "A Town Called Mercy" (2012)
Faith Brown Flast Attack of the Cybermen (1985)
June Brown Lady Eleanor The Time Warrior (1973–1974)
Michael Napier Brown Arturo Villar The War Games (1969)
Maurice Browning Karlton The Daleks' Master Plan (1965)
Angela Bruce Brigadier Winifred Bambera Battlefield (1989)
Brenda Bruce Tilda Paradise Towers (1987)
John Bryans Torvin The Creature from the Pit (1979)
Sandra Bryant Kitty
The War Machines (1966)
The Macra Terror (1967)
Jeremy Bulloch Tor
Hal the Archer
The Space Museum (1965)
The Time Warrior (1973–1974)
Hugh Burden Channing Spearhead from Space (1970)
Adrienne Burgess Veet The Sun Makers (1977)
Victoria Burgoyne Clare Keightley Shada (Unfinished, 1980)
MyAnna Buring Scooti Manista "The Impossible Planet" (2006)
Edward Burnham Professor Watkins
Professor Kettlewell
The Invasion (1968)
Robot (1974-1975)
Peter Burroughs Jester The King's Demons (1983)
Andrew Burt Valgard Terminus (1983)

Actors with major character roles that they have reprised:

Actor Role Serials/
Annette Badland Margaret Blaine "Aliens of London" (2005)
"World War Three" (2005)
"Boom Town" (2005)
Colin Baker The Doctor The Caves of Androzani (1984) - The Trial of a Time Lord: The Ultimate Foe (1986)
Tom Baker The Doctor Planet of the Spiders (1974) - Logopolis (1981)
David Banks Cyberleader Earthshock (1982)
The Five Doctors (1983)
Attack of the Cybermen (1985)
Silver Nemesis (1988)
Frances Barber Madame Kovarian "Day of the Moon" (2011)
"The Curse of the Black Spot" (2011)
"The Almost People" (2011)
"A Good Man Goes to War" (2011)
"Closing Time" (2011)
"The Wedding of River Song" (2011)
John Barrowman Captain Jack Harkness "The Empty Child" (2005)
"The Doctor Dances" (2005)
"Boom Town" (2005)
"Bad Wolf" (2005)
"The Parting of the Ways" (2005)
"Utopia" (2007)
"The Sound of Drums" (2007)
"Last of the Time Lords" (2007)
"The Stolen Earth" (2008)
"Journey's End" (2008)
The End of Time (2010)
Julian Bleach Davros "The Stolen Earth" (2008)
"Journey's End" (2008)
"The Magician's Apprentice" (2015)
"The Witch's Familiar" (2015)
David Brierly Voice of K-9 The Creature from the Pit (1979) - Shada (Unfinished, 1980)
Nicholas Briggs Voices of the Daleks, Cybermen and Judoon "Dalek" (2005)
"Bad Wolf" - "The Parting of the Ways" (2005)
"Army of Ghosts" - "Doomsday" (2006)
"Daleks in Manhattan" - "Evolution of the Daleks" (2007)
"The Stolen Earth" - "Journey's End" (2008)
"Victory of the Daleks" (2010)
"Asylum of the Daleks" (2012)
"The Day of the Doctor" (2013)
"The Time of the Doctor" (2013)
"Into the Dalek" (2014)

"Rise of the Cybermen" - "The Age of Steel" (2006)
"Army of Ghosts" - "Doomsday" (2006)
"The Next Doctor" (2008)
"Closing Time" (2011)
"Nightmare in Silver" (2013)
"The Time of the Doctor" (2013)
"Dark Water" - "Death in Heaven" (2014)

"Smith and Jones" (2007)
"The Stolen Earth" (2008)

Nicola Bryant Peri Brown Planet of Fire (1984) - The Trial of a Time Lord: Mindwarp (1986)
Peter Butterworth The Meddling Monk The Time Meddler (1965)
The Daleks' Master Plan (1966)


Actors with one-off appearances and roles that have never been reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Gary Cady Luke Ward The Mark of the Rani (1985)
Sean Caffrey Lord Palmerdale Horror of Fang Rock (1977)
Sonny Caldinez Kemel
Ice Warrior
The Evil of the Daleks (1967)
The Ice Warriors (1967)
The Seeds of Death (1969)
The Curse of Peladon (1972)
The Monster of Peladon (1974)
Anthony Calf Charles The Visitation (1982)
Sam Callis Security Guard "Bad Wolf" (2005)
Earl Cameron Williams The Tenth Planet (1966)
Gerald Campion Wilkin the Porter Shada (Unfinished, 1980)
Brian Cant Kert Gantry
Chairman Tensa
The Daleks' Master Plan (1965)
The Dominators (1968)
Peter Capaldi Caecilius "The Fires of Pompeii" (2008)
Denis Carey Professor Chronotis
The Keeper
Old Man
Shada (Unfinished, 1980)
The Keeper of Traken (1981)
Timelash (1985)
John J. Carney Bloodaxe The Time Warrior (1973–74)
John Carson Ambril Snakedance (1983)
Silas Carson Alien Voices "The End of the World" (2005)
Dave Carter Old Silurian / Silurian
Museum Attendant
Prison Officer
Roundhead Officer
Sergeant Duffy
Doctor Who and the Silurians (1970)
Inferno (1970)
Terror of the Autons (1971)
The Mind of Evil (1971)
The Time Monster (1972)
Invasion of the Dinosaurs (1974)
The Android Invasion (1975)
Heron Carvic Voice of Morpho The Keys of Marinus (1964)
Michael Cashman First Officer Bilton Time-Flight (1982)
John Cater Professor Krimpton The War Machines (1966)
Tony Caunter Thatcher
The Crusade (1965)
Colony in Space (1971)
Enlightenment (1983)
Peter Cellier Andrews Time-Flight (1982)
Tom Chadbon Duggan
City of Death (1979)
The Mysterious Planet (1986)
John Challis Scorby The Seeds of Doom (1976)
Alethea Charlton Hur
An Unearthly Child (1963)
The Time Meddler (1965)
Debbie Chazen Foon Van Hoff "Voyage of the Damned" (2007)
Peter Childs Jack Ward The Mark of the Rani (1985)
Dennis Chinnery Albert C Richardson
The Chase (1965)
Genesis of the Daleks (1975)
The Twin Dilemma (1984)
Erik Chitty Preslin
Co-Ordinator Engin
The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve (1966)
The Deadly Assassin (1976)
Stephen Churchett Bill Attack of the Cybermen (1985)
Ysanne Churchman Spider Voices Planet of the Spiders (1974)
Johnnie Clayton Alien Delegate Mission to the Unknown (1965)
John Cleese Art Gallery Visitor City of Death (1979)
Clare Clifford Kyle Earthshock (1982)
Martin Clunes Lon Snakedance (1983)
Michael Cochrane Lord Cranleigh
Redvers Fenn-Cooper
Black Orchid (1982)
Ghost Light (1989)
Maurice Colbourne Lytton Resurrection of the Daleks (1984)
Attack of the Cybermen (1985)
Christina Cole Lilith "The Shakespeare Code" (2007)
Noel Coleman General Smythe The War Games (1969)
Noel Collins Pat Rawlinson Battlefield (1989)
Olivia Colman Mother "The Eleventh Hour" (2010)
Sylvia Coleridge Amelia Ducat The Seeds of Doom (1976)
Ian Collier Stuart Hyde
The Time Monster (1972)
Arc of Infinity (1983)
John Collin Brock The Leisure Hive (1980)
David Collings Vorus
Revenge of the Cybermen (1975)
The Robots of Death (1977)
Mawdryn Undead (1983)
Forbes Collins Chief Officer Vengeance on Varos (1985)
John D. Collins Talor Arc of Infinity (1983)
Michelle Collins Kath McDonell "42" (2007)
Pauline Collins Samantha Briggs
Queen Victoria
The Faceless Ones (1967)
"Tooth and Claw" (2006)
Jason Connery Jondar Vengeance on Varos (1985)
Andrew Conrad Remus The Twin Dilemma (1984)
Gavin Conrad Romulus The Twin Dilemma (1984)
Susannah Constantine Voice of Zu-Zana "Bad Wolf" (2005)
Ron Cook Mr. Magpie "The Idiot's Lantern" (2006)
James Coombes Paroli Warriors of the Deep (1984)
George A. Cooper Cherub The Smugglers (1966)
Trevor Cooper Takis
Friar Tuck
Revelation of the Daleks (1985)
"Robot of Sherwood" (2014)
Kenneth Cope Packard Warriors' Gate (1981)
James Copeland Selris The Krotons (1968–1969)
Peter Copley Doctor Warlock Pyramids of Mars (1975)
Matthew Corbett Jones The Dæmons (1971)
Lee Cornes Trickster Kinda (1982)
Judy Cornwell Maddy Paradise Towers (1987)
Adrienne Corri Mena The Leisure Hive (1980)
Angel Coulby Katherine "The Girl in the Fireplace" (2006)
George Coulouris Arbitan The Keys of Marinus (1964)
Nicholas Courtney Bret Vyon The Daleks' Master Plan (1965)
Arthur Cox Cully
Mr. Henderson
The Dominators (1968)
"The Eleventh Hour" (2010)
Brian Cox Voice of the Elder Ood The End of Time (2009)
Brian Cox Himself "The Power of Three (2012)
Michael Craig Travers Terror of the Vervoids (1986)
Peter Craze Dako
Du Pont
Officer Costa
The Space Museum (1965)
The War Games (1969)
Nightmare of Eden (1979)
Doña Croll Matron Casp "New Earth" (2006)
Annette Crosbie Mrs. Angelo "The Eleventh Hour" (2010)
Gerald Cross Megara Voices (and The White Guardian, Uncredited) The Stones of Blood (1978)
Brian Croucher Borg The Robots of Death (1977)
Graham Crowden Soldeed The Horns of Nimon (1979 - 1980)
Jeananne Crowley Vena Timelash (1985)
Ian Cullen Ixta The Aztecs (1964)
James Culliford Stewart Frontier in Space (1973)
Desmond Cullum-Jones Worker The War Machines (1966)
Liam Cunningham Captain Zhukov "Cold War" (2013)
Alan Curtis Major Green The War Machines (1966)
Catherine Cusack Blue Kang Leader Paradise Towers (1987)
Iain Cuthbertson Garron The Ribos Operation (1978)

Actors with major character roles that they have reprised:

Actor Role Serials/
Simon Callow Charles Dickens "The Unquiet Dead" (2005)
"The Wedding of River Song" (2011)
Peter Capaldi The Doctor "The Time of the Doctor" (2013) - Present
Ryan Carnes Lazlo "Daleks in Manhattan" - "Evolution of the Daleks" (2007)
Silas Carson Voice of the Ood "The Impossible Planet" - "The Satan Pit" (2006)
"Planet of the Ood" (2008)
The End of Time (2009–2010)
Navin Chowdhry Indra Ganesh "Aliens of London" - "World War Three" (2005)
Ysanne Churchman Voice of Alpha Centauri The Curse of Peladon (1972)
The Monster of Peladon (1974)
Noel Clarke Mickey Smith "Rose" (2005)
"Aliens of London" - "World War Three" (2005)
"Boom Town" (2005)"
The Parting of the Ways" (2005)
"The Christmas Invasion" (2005)
"New Earth" (2006)
"School Reunion" - "The Age of Steel" (2006)
"Army of Ghosts" - "Doomsday" (2006)
"Journey's End" (2008)
The End of Time (2010)
Camille Coduri Jackie Tyler "Rose" (2005)
"The End of the World" (2005)
"Aliens of London" - "World War Three" (2005)
"Father's Day" (2005)
"The Parting of the Ways" (2005), "New Earth" (2006)
"Rise of the Cybermen" - "The Age of Steel" (2006)
"Love & Monsters" (2006)
"Army of Ghosts" - "Doomsday" (2006)
"Journey's End" (2008)
The End of Time (2010)
Jenna Coleman Clara Oswald "Asylum of the Daleks" (2012)
"The Snowmen" (2012) - "Hell Bent" (2015)
James Corden Craig Owens "The Lodger" (2010)
"Closing Time" (2011)
Nicholas Courtney Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart The Web of Fear (1968)
The Invasion (1968)
Spearhead from Space (1970) - Day of the Daleks (1972)
The Time Monster (1972) - The Three Doctors (1973)
The Green Death (1973) - Invasion of the Dinosaurs (1974)
Planet of the Spiders - Robot (1974)
Terror of the Zygons (1975)
Mawdryn Undead (1983)
The Five Doctors (1983)
Battlefield (1989)
Michael Craze Ben Jackson The War Machines (1966) - The Faceless Ones (1967)
Bernard Cribbins Wilfred Mott "Voyage of the Damned" (2007) - "Partners in Crime" (2008)
"The Sontaran Stratagem" - "The Poison Sky" (2008)
"Turn Left" (2008) - "Journey's End" (2008)
The End of Time (2009–2010)
Tony Curran Vincent van Gogh "Vincent and the Doctor" (2010)
"The Pandorica Opens" (2010)


Actors with one-off appearances and roles that have never been reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
David Daker Irongron
Captain Rigg
The Time Warrior (1973–1974)
Nightmare of Eden (1979)
Timothy Dalton Lord President Rassilon The End of Time (2009–2010)
Suzanne Danielle Agella Destiny of the Daleks (1979)
Lisa Daniely Madeleine Issigri The Space Pirates (1969)
Paul Darrow Captain Hawkins
Doctor Who and the Silurians (1970)
Timelash (1985)
Stephen Dartnell Yartek
The Keys of Marinus (1964)
The Sensorites (1964)
Claire Davenport Empress Marco Polo (1964)
Alan David Gabriel Sneed "The Unquiet Dead" (2005)
Ann Davies Jenny The Dalek Invasion of Earth (1964)
Rachel Davies Camilla State of Decay (1980)
Richard Davies Burton Delta and the Bannermen (1987)
Windsor Davies Toby The Evil of the Daleks (1967)
Phil Davis Lucius Petrus Dextrus "The Fires of Pompeii" (2008)
Warwick Davis Porridge "Nightmare in Silver" (2013)
Pamela Ann Davy Janley The Power of the Daleks (1966)
Raf De La Torre Senior Judge The Keys of Marinus (1964)
Terence De Marney Churchwarden The Smugglers (1966)
Gregory de Polnay D.84 The Robots of Death (1977)
Reed De Rouen Pa Clanton The Gunfighters (1966)
Edward de Souza Marc Corey Mission to the Unknown (1965)
Francis de Wolff Vasor
The Keys of Marinus (1964)
The Myth Makers (1965)
Eric Deacon Mykros Timelash (1985)
Derek Deadman Stor The Invasion of Time (1978)
Maurice Denham Edgeworth / Azmael The Twin Dilemma (1984)
Peter Diamond Delos
Morok Technician
The Romans (1965)
The Space Museum (1965)
The Highlanders (1967)
The Ice Warriors (1967)
Anton Diffring De Flores Silver Nemesis (1988)
Vernon Dobtcheff Chief Scientist The War Games (1969)
Ken Dodd The Tollmaster Delta and the Bannermen (1987)
Eric Dodson Headman The Visitation (1982)
Edna Doré Maeve "Fear Her" (2006)
Angela Douglas Doris Battlefield (1989)
Colin Douglas Donald Bruce
The Enemy of the World (1968)
Horror of Fang Rock (1977)
Donald Douglas Vural The Sontaran Experiment (1975)
Keith Drinkel Flight Engineer Scobie Time-Flight (1982)
Kathryn Drysdale Bliss "Love & Monsters" (2006)
Graham Duff Waiter "Deep Breath" (2014)
Sharon Duce Control Ghost Light (1989)
Tommy Duggan Senator Alcott The Mind of Evil (1971)
Lindsay Duncan Adelaide Brooke "The Waters of Mars" (2009)
Lesley Dunlop Norna
Susan Q
Frontios (1984)
The Happiness Patrol (1988)
Sheila Dunn Blossom Lefavre
Telephone Operator
Petra Williams
The Daleks' Master Plan (1965)
The Invasion (1968)
Inferno (1970)
Leslie Dwyer Vorg Carnival of Monsters (1973)
Hamilton Dyce Major General Scobie Spearhead from Space (1970)
William Dysart Alexander
The Highlanders (1967)
The Ambassadors of Death (1970)

Actors with major character roles that they have reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Arthur Darvill Rory Williams "The Eleventh Hour" (2010)
"The Vampires of Venice" (2010) - "Cold Blood" (2010)
"The Pandorica Opens" (2010) - "The Angels Take Manhattan" (2012)
Gareth David-Lloyd Ianto Jones "The Stolen Earth" - "Journey's End" (2008)
Peter Davison The Doctor Logopolis (1981) - The Caves of Androzani (1984)
"Time Crash" (2007)
Roger Delgado The Master Terror of the Autons - The Dæmons (1971)
The Sea Devils, The Time Monster (1972)
Frontier in Space (1973)
Shaun Dingwall Pete Tyler "Father's Day" (2005)
"Rise of the Cybermen" - "The Age of Steel" (2006)
"Doomsday" (2006)
Valentine Dyall The Black Guardian The Armageddon Factor (1979)
Mawdryn Undead - Enlightenment (1983)


Actors with one-off appearances and roles that have never been reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Clifford Earl Policeman
Major Branwell
The Daleks' Master Plan (1965–1966)
The Invasion (1968)
Holly Earl Lily Arwell "The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe" (2011)
Richard Easton Captain Stapley Time-Flight (1982)
Donald Eccles Krasis The Time Monster (1972)
Mark Eden Marco Polo Marco Polo (1964)
Rob Edwards Xoanon Voice
The Face of Evil (1977)
The Robots of Death (1977)
James Ellis Peter Warmsly Battlefield (1989)
Janet Ellis Teka The Horns of Nimon (1979 - 1980)
Michael Elwyn Lt. Algernon Ffinch The Highlanders (1966-1967)
Bella Emberg Mrs. Croot "Love & Monsters" (2006)
Susan Engel Vivien Fay / The Cessair of Diplos The Stones of Blood (1978)
Edward Evans Ted Moss Image of the Fendahl (1977)
Lee Evans Malcolm Taylor "Planet of the Dead" (2009)
Roy Evans Trantis
The Daleks' Master Plan (1965-1966)
The Green Death (1973)
The Monster of Peladon (1974)
Tenniel Evans Major Daly Carnival of Monsters (1973)

Actors with major character roles that they have reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Christopher Eccleston The Doctor "Rose" - "The Parting of the Ways" (2005)
Barnaby Edwards Dalek Operator "Bad Wolf" - "The Parting of the Ways" (2005)
"Army of Ghosts" - "Doomsday (2006)
"Daleks in Manhattan" - "Evolution of the Daleks" (2007)
"The Stolen Earth" - "Journey's End" (2008)


Actors with one-off appearances and roles that have never been reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Ian Fairbairn Questa
Doctor Chester
The Macra Terror (1967)
The Invasion (1968)
Inferno (1970)
The Seeds of Doom (1976)
Christopher Fairbank Fenton "Flatline" (2014)
Max Faulkner UNIT Soldier
Guard Captain
Thal Guard
Corporal Adams
The Ambassadors of Death (1970)
The Monster of Peladon (1974)
Planet of the Spiders (1974)
Genesis of the Daleks (1975)
The Android Invasion (1975)
The Invasion of Time (1978)
Sally Faulkner Isobel Watkins The Invasion (1968)
Stuart Fell Tramp
The Wirrn
Morbius Monster
Planet of the Spiders (1974)
The Ark in Space (1975)
The Android Invasion (1975)
The Brain of Morbius (1976)
The Masque of Mandragora (1976)
The Invasion of Time (1978)
State of Decay (1980)
Peter Ferdinando Half-Faced Man "Deep Breath" (2014)
Lewis Fiander Tryst Nightmare of Eden (1979)
Harry Fielder Guard
The Seeds of Doom (1976)
The Armageddon Factor (1979)
Walter Fitzgerald Director Senex The Dominators (1968)
Gerald Flood King John I The King's Demons (1983)
Eric Flynn Leo Ryan The Wheel in Space (1968)
Andrew Forbes Omril Full Circle (1980)
Jamie Foreman Eddie Connolly "The Idiot's Lantern" (2006)
Carl Forgione Land
Planet of the Spiders (1974)
Ghost Light (1989)
Brigit Forsyth Ruth Maxtible The Evil of the Daleks (1967)
Dudley Foster Caven The Space Pirates (1969)
Miles Fothergill S.V.7 The Robots of Death (1977)
Harry Fowler Harry Remembrance of the Daleks (1988)
Foxes Singer "Mummy on the Orient Express" (2014)
Myra Frances Lady Adrasta The Creature from the Pit (1979)
Derek Francis Emperor Nero The Romans (1965)
John Franklyn-Robbins Time Lord Genesis of the Daleks (1975)
Bill Fraser General Grugger Meglos (1980)
John Fraser The Monitor Logopolis (1981)
Peter Fraser David Campbell The Dalek Invasion of Earth (1964)
Ronald Fraser Joseph C The Happiness Patrol (1988)
Scott Fredericks Boaz
Max Stael
Day of the Daleks (1972)
Image of the Fendahl (1977)
Leslie French Mathematician Silver Nemesis (1988)
Esther Freud Threst Attack of the Cybermen (1985)
Joseph Furst Professor Zaroff The Underwater Menace (1967)
Vera Fusek President of Earth Frontier in Space (1973)
Hugh Futcher Hickman The Sea Devils (1972)

Actors with major character roles that they have reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Stuart Fell Body of Alpha Centauri The Curse of Peladon (1972)
The Monster of Peladon (1974)
Cheryl Fergison Mrs Lloyd "The Empty Child" - "The Doctor Dances" (2005)
Janet Fielding Tegan Jovanka Logopolis (1981) - Resurrection of the Daleks (1984)
The Caves of Androzani (1984)
Simon Fisher-Becker Dorium Maldovar "The Pandorica Opens" (2010)
"A Good Man Goes to War" (2011)
"The Wedding of River Song" (2011)
Gerald Flood Kamelion The King's Demons (1983)
Planet of Fire (1984)
The Caves of Androzani (1984)
Carole Ann Ford Susan Foreman An Unearthly Child (1963) - The Dalek Invasion of Earth (1964)
The Five Doctors (1983)
Richard Franklin Mike Yates Terror of the Autons - The Claws of Axos (1971)
The Dæmons (1971) - Day of the Daleks (1972)
The Time Monster (1972)
The Green Death (1973)
Invasion of the Dinosaurs (1974)
Planet of the Spiders (1974)
The Five Doctors (1983)
Nick Frost Santa Claus "Death in Heaven" (2014)
"Last Christmas" (2014)


Actors with one-off appearances and roles that have never been reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Christopher Gable Sharaz Jek The Caves of Androzani (1984)
Jack Galloway Joseph Willow The Awakening (1984)
Michael Gambon Kazran Sardick "A Christmas Carol" (2010)
James Garbutt Ronson Genesis of the Daleks (1975)
Adam Garcia Alex "The Christmas Invasion" (2005)
Jimmy Gardner Chenchu
Marco Polo (1964)
Underworld (1978)
Stephen Garlick Ibbotson Mawdryn Undead (1983)
Mark Gatiss Professor Richard Lazarus
"The Lazarus Experiment" (2007)
"The Wedding of River Song" (2011)
Frank Gatliff Ortron The Monster of Peladon (1974)
William Gaunt Orcini Revelation of the Daleks (1985)
Tom Georgeson Kavell
Detective Inspector
Genesis of the Daleks (1975)
Logopolis (1981)
Henry Gilbert Torbis The Curse of Peladon (1972)
Kenneth Gilbert Richard Dunbar The Seeds of Doom (1976)
Marcus Gilbert Ancelyn Battlefield (1989)
Sean Gilder Sycorax "The Christmas Invasion" (2005)
Don Gilet Lance Bennett "The Runaway Bride" (2006)
Karen Gillan Soothsayer "The Fires of Pompeii" (2008)
Peter Gilmore Brazen Frontios (1984)
Simon Gipps-Kent Seth The Horns of Nimon (1979) - (1980)
Jeremy Gittins Lazlo Warriors' Gate (1981)
Peter Glaze Third Sensorite / City Administrator The Sensorites (1964)
Robert Glenister Major Salateen The Caves of Androzani (1984)
Brian Glover Griffiths Attack of the Cybermen (1985)
Julian Glover Richard The Lionheart
Count Scarlioni/Scaroth/Captain Tancredi
The Crusade (1965)
City of Death (1979)
Liza Goddard Kari Terminus (1983)
Patrick Godfrey Tor
Major Cosworth
The Savages (1966)
The Mind of Evil (1971)
Harold Goldblatt Professor Dale Frontier in Space (1973)
Michael Goldie Craddock
Elton Laleham
The Dalek Invasion of Earth (1964)
The Wheel in Space (1968)
David Gooderson Davros Destiny of the Daleks (1979)
Tom Goodman-Hill Reverend Golightly "The Unicorn and the Wasp" (2008)
Colin Gordon Commandant The Faceless Ones (1967)
Hannah Gordon Kristy McClaren The Highlanders (1966)
Marius Goring Theodore Maxtible The Evil of the Daleks (1967)
Pat Gorman Cyberman
Military Policeman
Silurian/Silurian Scientist
Auton Leader
Sea Devil
UNIT Corporal
Thal Soldier
The Invasion (1968)
The War Games (1969)
Doctor Who and the Silurians (1970)
Inferno (1970)
Terror of the Autons (1971)
Colony in Space (1971)
The Sea Devils
Invasion of the Dinosaurs (1974)
Planet of the Spiders (1974)
Genesis of the Daleks (1975)
The Masque of Mandragora (1976)
The Invisible Enemy (1977)
The Armageddon Factor (1979)
Gordon Gostelow Milo Clancy The Space Pirates (1969)
Michael Gough The Toymaker
Councillor Hedin
The Celestial Toymaker (1966)
Arc of Infinity (1983)
Anita Graham Bollit Delta and the Bannermen (1987)
David Graham Charlie the Bartender
The Gunfighters (1966)
City of Death (1979)
Gawn Grainger George Stephenson The Mark of the Rani (1985)
Leslie Grantham Kiston Resurrection of the Daleks (1984)
Rupert Graves Ridell "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship" (2012)
Dolores Gray Mrs. Remington Silver Nemesis (1988)
Elspet Gray Chancellor Thalia Arc of Infinity (1983)
Simon Greenall Mr Skinner "Love & Monsters" (2006)
Sarah Greene Varne Attack of the Cybermen (1985)
Mark Greenstreet Ikona Time and the Rani (1987)
Pamela Greer Lizan The Daleks' Master Plan (1965)
Tamsin Greig Nurse "The Long Game" (2005)
Brian Grellis Sheprah
Megaphone Man
Revenge of the Cybermen (1975)
The Invisible Enemy (1977)
Snakedance (1983)
Clinton Greyn Ivo
State of Decay (1980)
The Two Doctors (1985)
David Griffin Lt. Commander Mitchell The Sea Devils (1972)
Sara Griffiths Ray Delta and the Bannermen (1987)
Christopher Guard Bellboy The Greatest Show in the Galaxy (1988)
Dominic Guard Olvir Terminus (1983)
Natalie Gumede Ashley Carter "Last Christmas" (2014)

Actors with major character roles that they have reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Ellis George Courtney Woods "Deep Breath" (2014)
"Into the Dalek" (2014)
"The Caretaker" (2014)
"Kill the Moon" (2014)
Karen Gillan Amy Pond "The Eleventh Hour" (2010) - "The Angels Take Manhattan (2012)
"The Time of the Doctor" (2013)
Iain Glen Father Octavian "The Time of Angels" - "Flesh and Stone" (2010)
Michelle Gomez Missy "Deep Breath" (2014)
"Into the Dalek" (2014)
"The Caretaker" (2014)
"Flatline (2014)
"In the Forest of the Night" (2014)
"Dark Water" (2014)
"Death in Heaven" (2014)
"The Magician's Apprentice" (2015)
"The Witch's Familiar" (2015)
David Graham Voice of the Daleks The Daleks (1963-1964)
The Dalek Invasion of Earth (1964)
The Chase (1965)
Mission to the Unknown (1965)
The Daleks' Master Plan (1965-1966)
Richard E. Grant Doctor Simeon / The Great Intelligence "The Snowmen" (2012)
"The Bells of Saint John" (2013)
"The Name of the Doctor (2013)
Helen Griffin Mrs Moore "Rise of the Cybermen" - "The Age of Steel" (2006)


Actors with one-off appearances and roles that have never been reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Garrick Hagon Ky
The Mutants (1972)
"A Town Called Mercy" (2012)
David Haig Pangol The Leisure Hive (1980)
Gareth Hale Len Survival (1989)
Georgina Hale Daisy K The Happiness Patrol (1988)
Cheryl Hall Shirna Carnival of Monsters (1973)
Frederick Hall Andrew Verney The Awakening (1984)
John Hallam Light Ghost Light (1989)
John Hallet Police Constable Shada (Unfinished, 1980)
Peter Halliday Packer
Silurian Voices
Aliens' Voices
The Invasion (1968)
The Silurians (1970)
The Ambassadors of Death (1970)
Carnival of Monsters (1973)
City of Death (1979)
Remembrance of the Daleks (1988)
John Hamill Shrieve The Ribos Operation (1978)
Marcus Hammond Antodus The Daleks (1964)
Mona Hammond Rita-Anne "Rise of the Cybermen" (2006)
Roger Hammond Francis Bacon
Dr. Runciman
The Chase (1965)
Mawdryn Undead (1983)
Prentis Hancock 2nd Reporter
Shrieve Captain
Spearhead from Space (1970)
Planet of the Daleks (1973)
Planet of Evil (1975)
The Ribos Operation (1978)
Sheila Hancock Helen A The Happiness Patrol (1988)
Terrence Hardiman Hawthorne "The Beast Below" (2010)
David Harewood Joshua Naismith The End of Time (2009/10)
Laurence Harrington Lunar Guard Frontier in Space (1973)
John Harvey Professor Brett
The War Machines (1966)
The Macra Terror (1967)
Keeley Hawes Ms Delphox "Time Heist" (2014)
Michael Hawkins General Williams Frontier in Space (1973)
Peter Hawkins Dalek Voices
Damaris Hayman Miss Hawthorne The Dæmons (1971)
Anthony Head Mr. Finch "School Reunion" (2006)
Daphne Heard Martha Tyler Image of the Fendahl (1977)
Eileen Helsby Venussa The Ark (1966)
Don Henderson Gavrok Delta and the Bannermen (1987)
Shirley Henderson Ursula Blake "Love & Monsters" (2006)
Janet Henfrey Miss Hardaker
Mrs Pitt
The Curse of Fenric (1989)
"Mummy on the Orient Express" (2014)
Del Henney Colonel Archer Resurrection of the Daleks (1984)
Roy Herrick Jean
The Reign of Terror (1964)
The Face of Evil (1977)
The Invisible Enemy (1977)
Arthur Hewlett Kalmar
State of Decay (1980)
Terror of the Vervoids (1986)
Donald Hewlett Hardiman The Claws of Axos (1971)
Brian Hibbard Kiellor Delta and the Bannermen (1987)
Edward Highmore Malkon Planet of Fire (1984)
Daniel Hill Chris Parsons Shada (unfinished, 1980)
Jacqueline Hill Lexa Meglos (1980)
Geoffrey Hinsliff Jack Tyler
Officer Fisk
Image of the Fendahl (1977)
Nightmare of Eden (1979)
Keith Hodiak Raston Robot The Five Doctors (1983)
Ian Hogg Josiah Ghost Light (1989)
Roy Holder Krelper The Caves of Androzani (1984)
Tony Holland Third Assistant The Savages (1966)
Bernard Holley Peter Haydon
Axon Man
The Tomb of the Cybermen (1967)
The Claws of Axos (1971)
John Hollis Sondergaard The Mutants (1972)
Julian Holloway Paterson Survival (1989)
Bob Hornery Pilot The Horns of Nimon (1979 - 1980)
Bernard Horsfall Lemuel Gulliver
Time Lord
Chancellor Goth
The Mind Robber (1968)
The War Games (1969)
Planet of the Daleks (1973)
The Deadly Assassin (1976)
Glyn Houston Professor Watson
Col. Wolsey
The Hand of Fear (1976)
The Awakening (1984)
Jane How Rebec Planet of the Daleks (1973)
Catherine Howe Ara The Underwater Menace (1967)
Peter Howell Investigator The Mutants (1972)
Geoffrey Hughes Mr. Popplewick The Ultimate Foe (1986)
Nerys Hughes Todd Kinda (1982)
Annie Hulley Newscaster The Happiness Patrol (1988)
Nigel Humphreys Bulic Warriors of the Deep (1984)
Gareth Hunt Arak Planet of the Spiders (1974)
Russell Hunter Uvanov The Robots of Death (1977)
Richard Hurndall The Doctor The Five Doctors (1983)
Marcus Hutton Sgt Leigh The Curse of Fenric (1989)
Jessica Hynes Verity Newman The End of Time (2010)

Actors with major character roles that they have reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
William Hartnell The Doctor An Unearthly Child (1963) - The Tenth Planet (1966)
The Three Doctors (1972 - 1973)
Andrew Hayden-Smith Jake Simmonds "Rise of the Cybermen" - "The Age of Steel" (2006)
"Doomsday (2006)
Adrienne Hill Katarina The Myth Makers (1965) - The Daleks' Master Plan (1966)
Jacqueline Hill Barbara Wright An Unearthly Child (1963) - The Chase (1965)
Frazer Hines Jamie McCrimmon The Highlanders (1967) - The War Games (1969)
The Five Doctors (1983)
The Two Doctors (1985)
Florence Hoath Nancy "The Empty Child" - "The Doctor Dances" (2005)
Kelly Hunter Shadow Architect "The Stolen Earth" (2008)
"The Magician's Apprentice" (2015)
John Hurt The War Doctor "The Name of the Doctor" (2013)
"The Day of the Doctor" (2013)
Jessica Hynes Joan Redfern "Human Nature" - "The Family of Blood" (2007)


Actors with one-off appearances and roles that have never been reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Celia Imrie Miss Kizlet "The Bells of Saint John" (2013)
Barrie Ingham Paris The Myth Makers (1965)
Harold Innocent Gilbert M The Happiness Patrol (1988)
Kenneth Ives Toba The Dominators (1968)
Elaine Ives-Cameron Martha The Stones of Blood (1978)


Actors with one-off appearances and roles that have never been reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Barry Jackson Ascaris
The Romans (1965)
The Armageddon Factor (1979)
Inigo Jackson Zentos The Ark (1966)
Michael J. Jackson Sir Geoffrey The King's Demons (1983)
Derek Jacobi Professor Yana / The Master "Utopia" (2007)
Frederick Jaeger Jano
Professor Marius
The Savages (1966)
Planet of Evil (1975)
The Invisible Enemy (1977)
Emrys James Aukon State of Decay (1980)
Godfrey James Tarn Underworld (1978)
Polly James Jane Hampden The Awakening (1984)
Robert James Lesterson
High Priest
The Power of the Daleks (1966)
The Masque of Mandragora (1976)
Frank Jarvis Corporal
The War Machines (1966)
Underworld (1978)
The Power of Kroll (1978-1979)
Martin Jarvis Hilio
The Web Planet (1965)
Invasion of the Dinosaurs (1974)
Vengeance on Varos (1985)
Keith Jayne Will Chandler The Awakening (1984)
Michael Jayston Valeyard The Trial of a Time Lord (1986)
Colin Jeavons Damon The Underwater Menace (1967)
Peter Jeffrey Colony Pilot
Count Grendel
The Macra Terror (1967)
The Androids of Tara (1978)
Rory Jennings Tommy Connolly "The Idiot's Lantern" (2006)
Robert Jewell Zarbi
Macra Operator
The Web Planet (1965)
The Daleks' Master Plan (1965-66)
The Macra Terror (1967)
Robert Jezek Sergeant Zbrigniev Battlefield (1989)
Leee John Mansell Enlightenment (1983)
Margaret John Megan Jones
Grandma Connolly
Fury from the Deep (1968)
"The Idiot's Lantern" (2006)
Milton Johns Benik
Guy Crayford
Castellan Kelner
The Enemy of the World (1967–1968)
The Android Invasion (1975)
The Invasion of Time (1978)
Stratford Johns Monarch Four to Doomsday (1982)
Corey Johnson Henry van Statten "Dalek" (2005)
Noel Johnson Thous
Charles Grover M.P.
The Underwater Menace (1967)
Invasion of the Dinosaurs (1974)
Ellis Jones Technician Spearhead from Space (1970)
Emrys Jones The Master The Mind Robber (1968)
Glyn Jones Krans The Sontaran Experiment (1975)
Mark Jones Arnold Keeler The Seeds of Doom (1976)
Melville Jones Guard
First Cyberman
The Time Monster (1972)
Revenge of the Cybermen (1975)
Norman Jones Khrisong
Major Baker
The Abominable Snowmen (1967)
Doctor Who and the Silurians (1970)
The Masque of Mandragora (1976)
Toby Jones The Dream Lord "Amy's Choice" (2010)
Chris Jury Kingpin / Deadbeat The Greatest Show in the Galaxy (1988/1989)

Actors with major character roles that they have reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Barry Jackson Jeff Garvey Galaxy 4 (1965)
Mission to the Unknown (1965)
Raji James Dr. Rajesh Singh "Army of Ghosts" (2006)
"Doomsday" (2006)
Louise Jameson Leela The Face of Evil (1977) - The Invasion of Time (1978)
Paul Jerricho The Castellan Arc of Infinity (1983)
"The Five Doctors" (1983)
Robert Jewell Dalek Operator The Daleks (1963/64)
The Dalek Invasion of Earth (1964)
The Chase (1965)
Mission to the Unknown (1965)
The Daleks' Master Plan (1965/66)
The Power of the Daleks (1966)
The Evil of the Daleks (1967)
Ronny Jhutti Danny Bartock "The Impossible Planet" (2006)
"The Satan Pit" (2006)
Caroline John Liz Shaw Spearhead from Space - Inferno (1970)
"The Five Doctors" (1983)
Paterson Joseph Roderick "Bad Wolf" (2005)
"Parting of the Ways" (2005)
Jo Joyner Lynda Moss "Bad Wolf" (2005)
"Parting of the Ways" (2005)


Actors with one-off appearances and roles that have never been reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Daniel Kaluuya Barclay "Planet of the Dead" (2009)
John Kane Tommy Planet of the Spiders (1974)
Amara Karan Rita "The God Complex" (2011)
Paul Kasey Auton
Coffa of Forest of Cheem
Clockwork Droid
The Hoix
Robot Santa
Pig Slave
The Host
Hath Peck
Wooden Queen
Time Zombie
"Rose" (2005)
"The End of the World" (2005)
"Bad Wolf" (2005)
"The Girl in the Fireplace" (2006)
"Love & Monsters" (2006)
"The Runaway Bride" (2006)
"Evolution of the Daleks" (2007)
"Voyage Of The Damned" (2007)
"The Doctor's Daughter" (2008)
"Planet of the Dead" (2009)
"The Doctor's Wife" (2011)
"The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe" (2011)
"Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS" (2013)
"The Name of the Doctor" (2013)
"The Day of the Doctor" (2013)
"Deep Breath" (2014)
Christine Kavanagh Aram Timelash (1985)
Bernard Kay Carl Tyler
The Dalek Invasion of Earth (1964)
The Crusade (1965)
The Faceless Ones (1967)
Colony in Space (1971)
Peter Kay Victor Kennedy/Abzorbaloff "Love & Monsters" (2006)
Stubby Kaye Weismuller Delta and the Bannermen (1987)
Michael Keating Goudry The Sun Makers (1977)
Dean Lennox Kelly William Shakespeare "The Shakespeare Code" (2007)
Tom Kelly Guard
The Face of Evil (1977)
The Sun Makers (1977)
The Invasion of Time (1978)
Edward Kelsey Slave Buyer
The Romans (1965)
The Power of the Daleks (1966)
The Creature from the Pit (1979)
Sarah Kemp [as Gypsie Kemp] UNIT Radio Operator Day of the Daleks (1972)
Felicity Kendal Lady Clemency Eddison "The Unicorn and the Wasp" (2008)
Cavan Kendall Achilles The Myth Makers (1965)
Kenneth Kendall TV Newsreader (Himself) The War Machines (1966)
Bill Kerr Giles Kent The Enemy of the World (1967/1968)
Michael Kilgarriff Cyberman Controller
Second Ogron
Cyber Controller
The Tomb of the Cybermen (1967)
Frontier in Space (1973)
Robot (1974/1975)
Attack of the Cybermen (1985)
Martin King The Examiner The Power of the Daleks (1966)
Barbara Kinghorn Timmin The Caves of Androzani (1984)
Dervla Kirwan Miss Hartigan "The Next Doctor" (2008)
Gertan Klauber Galley Master
The Romans (1965)
The Macra Terror (1967)
Esmond Knight Dom Issigri The Space Pirates (1969)
Burt Kwouk Lin Futu Four to Doomsday (1982)

Actors with major character roles that they have reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Paul Kasey Slitheen, Cybermen, Ood, Judoon "Aliens of London" (2005)
"World War Three" (2005)
"Rise of the Cybermen" (2006)
"The Age of Steel" (2006)
"Army of Ghosts" (2006)
"Doomsday" (2006)
"The Next Doctor" (2008)
"Closing Time" (2011)
"The Impossible Planet" (2006)
"The Satan Pit" (2006)
"Planet of the Ood" (2008)
"Waters of Mars" (2009)
The End of Time (2009-2010)
"Smith and Jones" (2007)
"The Stolen Earth" (2008)
"The Pandorica Opens" (2010)
Alex Kingston River Song "Silence in the Library" (2008)
"Forest of the Dead" (2008)
"The Time of Angels" (2010)
"Flesh and Stone" (2010)
"The Pandorica Opens" (2010)
"The Big Bang" (2010)
"The Impossible Astronaut" (2011)
"Day of the Moon (2011)
"A Good Man Goes to War" (2011)
"Lets Kill Hitler" (2011)
"Closing Time" (2011)
"The Wedding of River Song" (2011)
"The Angels Take Manhattan" (2012)
"The Name of the Doctor" (2013)
"The Husbands of River Song" (2015)
Tommy Knight Luke Smith "The Stolen Earth" (2008)
"Journey's End" (2008)
"The End of Time" (2010)


Actors with one-off appearances and roles that have never been reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Simon Lack Professor Kettering
The Mind of Evil (1971)
The Androids of Tara (1978)
Jenny Laird Neska Planet of the Spiders (1974)
Trevor Laird Frax Mindwarp (1986)
Alan Lake Herrick Underworld (1978)
Annie Lambert Enlightenment Four to Doomsday (1982)
Nigel Lambert Hardin The Leisure Hive (1980)
Duncan Lamont Dan Galloway Death to the Daleks (1974)
Sarah Lancashire Miss Foster (Matron Cofelia) "Partners in Crime" (2008)
Dinsdale Landen Dr. Judson The Curse of Fenric (1989)
Howard Lang Horg An Unearthly Child (1963)
Philip Latham Lord President Borusa The Five Doctors (1983)
Jon Laurimore Count Federico The Masque of Mandragora (1976)
Paul Lavers Farrah The Androids of Tara (1978)
George Layton Technician Penn The Space Pirates (1969)
Sylvestra Le Touzel Child The Mind Robber (1968)
John Lee Alydon The Daleks (1963–1964)
Richard Leech Gatherer Hade The Sun Makers (1977)
John Leeson Dalek's Remembrance of the Daleks (1988)
Beatrix Lehmann Professor Emilia Rumford The Stones of Blood (1978)
Ronald Leigh-Hunt Radnor
Commander Stevenson
The Seeds of Death (1969)
Revenge of the Cybermen (1975)
Tutte Lemkow Kuiju
Marco Polo (1964)
The Crusade (1965)
The Myth Makers (1965)
Angus Lennie Storr
The Ice Warriors (1967)
Terror of the Zygons (1975)
Rula Lenska Styles Resurrection of the Daleks (1984)
John Levene Yeti The Web of Fear (1968)
Denis Lill Dr. Fendleman
Sir George Hutchinson
Image of the Fendahl (1977)
The Awakening (1984)
Pik-Sen Lim Chin Lee The Mind of Evil (1971)
Kevin Lindsay Linx
Field Major Styre / The Marshal
The Time Warrior (1973/4)
Planet of the Spiders (1974)
The Sontaran Experiment (1975)
William Lindsay Zargo State of Decay (1980)
Maureen Lipman The Wire "The Idiot's Lantern" (2006)
Ian Liston 'Hero' The Armageddon Factor (1979)
Raymond Llewellyn Sapan The Abominable Snowmen (1967)
Hugh Lloyd Goronwy Jones Delta and the Bannermen (1987)
Rosalind Lloyd The Nurse The Pirate Planet (1978)
Philip Locke Bigon Four to Doomsday (1982)
Preston Lockwood Dojjen Snakedance (1983)
Crawford Logan Deedrix Meglos (1980)
Ray Lonnen Gardiner Frontier in Space (1973)
Jennifer Lonsdale Della Nightmare of Eden (1979)
William Lucas Range Frontios (1984)
Cyril Luckham The Guardian
The White Guardian
The Ribos Operation (1978)
Enlightenment (1983)
Reg Lye Griffin the Chef The Enemy of the World (1968)
Alfred Lynch Commander Millington The Curse of Fenric (1989)

Actors with major character roles that they have reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Trevor Laird Clive Jones "Smith and Jones" (2007)
"The Sound of Drums" (2007)
"Last of the Time Lords" (2007)
Jackie Lane Dodo Chaplet The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve(1966) - The War Machines (1966)
Bruno Langley Adam Mitchell "Dalek" (2005)
"The Long Game" (2005)
Bonnie Langford Melanie Bush Terror of the Vervoids (1986) - Dragonfire (1987)
John Leeson Voice of K-9 The Invisible Enemy (1977) - The Armageddon Factor (1979)
The Leisure Hive (1980) - Warriors' Gate (1981)
The Five Doctors (1983)
"School Reunion" (2006)
"Journey's End" (2008)
John Levene Sergeant Benton The Invasion (1968)
The Ambassadors of Death (1970) - The Claws of Axos (1971)
The Dæmons (1971)
Day of the Daleks (1972)
The Time Monster (1972)
The Three Doctors (1973-1974)
The Green Death (1973)
Invasion of the Dinosaurs (1973)
Planet of the Spiders (1974)
Robot (1974–1975)
Terror of the Zygons (1975)
The Android Invasion (1975)
Roger Lloyd-Pack John Lumic "Rise of the Cybermen" (2006)
"The Age of Steel" (2006)
Harry Lloyd Jeremy Baines / Son of Mine "Human Nature" (2007)
"The Family of Blood" (2007)



Actors with one-off appearances and roles that have never been reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
David Neal President The Caves of Androzani (1984)
Christopher Neame Skagra Shada (Unfinished, 1980)
Jay Neill Pikeman
Guard Klimt
The Masque of Mandragora (1976)
The Invisible Enemy (1977)
Underworld (1978)
Derren Nesbitt Tegana Marco Polo (1964)
David Nettheim Fedorin The Enemy of the World (1967-1968)
John Nettleton Rev. Ernest Matthews Ghost Light (1989)
Arthur Newall Fourth Sensorite The Sensorites (1964)
Derek Newark Za
Greg Sutton
An Unearthly Child (1963)
Inferno (1970)
Patrick Newell Colonel Faraday The Android Invasion (1975)
Jonathan Newth Orfe Underworld (1978)
Bill Nighy Dr. Black "Vincent and the Doctor" (2010)
John Normington Morgus
Trevor Sigma
The Caves of Androzani (1984)
The Happiness Patrol (1988)
Hermione Norris Lundvik "Kill the Moon" (2014)


Actors with one-off appearances and roles that have never been reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Chubby Oates Policeman Planet of the Spiders (1974)
Patrick O'Connell Ashton The Dalek Invasion of Earth (1964)
John Ogwen Bostock Revelation of the Daleks (1985)
Ardal O'Hanlon Thomas Kincade Brannigan Gridlock (2007)
Colette O'Neil Tanha Snakedance (1983)
Stuart Organ Bazin Dragonfire (1987)
Michael Osborne Sorak The Horns of Nimon (1979-1980)
Sharon Osbourne Herself "The Sound of Drums" (2007)
Tony Osoba Lan
Destiny of the Daleks (1979)
Dragonfire (1987)
"Kill the Moon" (2014)
Glyn Owen Rohm-Dutt The Power of Kroll (1978) - (1979)
Daphne Oxenford Archivist Dragonfire (1987)

Actors with major character roles that they have reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Tracy-Ann Oberman Yvonne Hartman "Army of Ghosts" - "Doomsday" (2006)
Maureen O'Brien Vicki The Rescue - The Myth Makers (1965)
Sophie Okonedo Liz 10 "The Beast Below" (2010)
"The Pandorica Opens" (2010)
Ingrid Oliver Osgood "The Day of the Doctor" (2013)
"Death in Heaven" (2014)
"The Zygon Invasion" (2015)
"The Zygon Inversion" (2015)
Kate O'Mara Rani The Mark of the Rani (1985)
Time and the Rani (1987)



Actors with one-off appearances and roles that have never been reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Patricia Quinn Belazs Dragonfire (1987)

Actors with major character roles that they have reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Hugh Quarshie Solomon "Daleks in Manhattan" - "Evolution of the Daleks" (2007)


Actors with one-off appearances and roles that have never been reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Jessica Raine Emma Grayling "Hide" (2013)
Walter Randall Tonila
El Akir
Harry Slocum
Guard Captain
The Aztecs (1964)
The Crusade (1965)
The Daleks' Master Plan (1965 - 1966)
The Invasion (1968)
Inferno (1970)
Planet of the Spiders (1974)
Iain Rattray Habris State of Decay (1980)
Jeff Rawle Plantagenet Frontios (1984)
Adrian Rawlins Dr. Ryder "Planet of the Ood" (2008)
Philip Ray Eldred The Seeds of Death (1969)
Ian Reddington Chief Clown The Greatest Show in the Galaxy (1988 - 1989)
Hubert Rees Chief Engineer
Captain Ransom
John Stevenson
Fury from the Deep (1968)
The War Games (1969)
The Seeds of Doom (1976)
Llewellyn Rees The President The Deadly Assassin (1976)
Anne Reid Nurse Crane
Florence Finnegan (Plasmavore)
The Curse of Fenric (1989)
"Smith and Jones" (2007)
Beryl Reid Briggs Earthshock (1982)
Gordon Reid Phillips Invasion of the Dinosaurs (1974)
Sheila Reid Etta Vengeance on Varos (1985)
Christopher Reynalds Child The Mind Robber (1968)
Ronald Rich Gunnar the Giant The Time Meddler (1965)
Aubrey Richards Professor Parry The Tomb of the Cybermen (1967)
Edwin Richfield Captain Hart
The Sea Devils (1972)
The Twin Dilemma (1984)
Diana Rigg Mrs Gillyflower "The Crimson Horror" (2013)
Shane Rimmer Seth Harper The Gunfighters (1966)
John Ringham Tlotoxl
Josiah Blake
The Aztecs (1964)
The Smugglers (1966)
Colony in Space (1971)
Christopher Robbie Karkus
Cyber Leader
The Mind Robber (1968)
Revenge of the Cybermen (1975)
Michael Robbins Richard Mace The Visitation (1982)
Eric Roberts Bruce/The Master Doctor Who (1996)
Ivor Roberts Mogran Genesis of the Daleks (1975)
Andrew Robertson Mr Fibuli The Pirate Planet (1978)
Robert Robertson Collinson The Ambassadors of Death (1970)
Rex Robinson Dr. Tyler
Dr. Carter
The Three Doctors" (1972-1973)
The Monster of Peladon (1974)
The Hand of Fear (1976)
Ilona Rodgers Carol The Sensorites (1964)
David Rodigan Broken Tooth The Mysterious Planet (1986)
Maurice Roëves Stotz The Caves of Androzani (1984)
John Rolfe Captain
Sam Becket
The War Machines (1966)
The Moonbase (1967)
The Green Death (1973)
Jon Rollason Harold Chorley The Web of Fear (1968)
Clifford Rose Rorvik Warriors' Gate (1981)
Ricco Ross Ringmaster The Greatest Show in the Galaxy (1988-1989)
George Roubicek Captain Hopper The Tomb of the Cybermen (1967)
Simon Rouse Hindle Kinda (1982)
Jo Rowbottom Mollie Dawson The Evil of the Daleks (1967)
Alan Rowe Dr. Evans / Voice from Space Patrol
Edward of Wessex
The Moonbase (1967)
The Time Warrior (1973–1974)
Horror of Fang Rock (1977)
Full Circle (1980)
Deep Roy Mr. Sin The Talons of Weng-Chiang (1977)
Alan Ruscoe Auton "Rose" (2005)
Sheila Ruskin Kassia The Keeper of Traken (1981)
Robert Russell Guard
The Caber
The Power of the Daleks (1966)
Terror of the Zygons (1975)
Christopher Ryan Lord Kiv Mindwarp (1986)
Michelle Ryan Lady Christina de Souza "Planet of the Dead" (2009)
Patrick Ryecart Crozier Mindwarp (1986)

Actors with major character roles that they have reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Jemma Redgrave Kate Stewart "The Power of Three" (2012)
"The Day of the Doctor" (2013)
"Death in Heaven" (2014)
"The Magician's Apprentice" (2015)
"The Witch's Familiar" (2015)
"The Zygon Invasion" (2015)
"The Zygon Inversion" (2015)
Sheila Reid Clara's Gran "The Time of the Doctor" (2013)
"Dark Water" (2014)
Anne Robinson Voice of Anne Droid "Bad Wolf" (2005)
"The Parting of the Ways" (2005)
Struan Rodger Voice of Face of Boe "New Earth" (2006)
"Gridlock" (2007)
Claire Rushbrook Ida Scott "The Impossible Planet" *2006)
"The Satan Pit" (2006)
Jenna Russell Floor Manager "Bad Wolf" (2005)
"The Parting of the Ways" (2005)
William Russell Ian Chesterton An Unearthly Child (1963) - The Chase (1965)
Christopher Ryan General Staal "The Sontaran Strategem" (2008)
"The Poison Sky" (2008)



Actors with one-off appearances and roles that have never been reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Vic Tablian Ahmed Pyramids of Mars (1975)
Shirin Taylor Camper
The Stones of Blood (1978)
Dragonfire (1987)
Owen Teale Maldak Vengeance on Varos (1985)
Stacey Tendeter Naia Underworld (1978)
Malcolm Terris Etnin
The Dominators (1968)
The Horns of Nimon (1979 - 1980)
Talfryn Thomas Mullins
Spearhead from Space (1970)
The Green Death (1973)
William Thomas Martin
Mr Cleaver
Remembrance of the Daleks (1988)
"Boom Town" (2005)
Eric Thompson Gaston / Viscount de Learns The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve (1966)
Stephen Thorne Azal
First Ogron
Kastrian Eldrad
The Dæmons (1971)
The Three Doctors (1972/3)
Frontier in Space (1973)
The Hand of Fear (1976)
Royston Tickner Steinberger P. Green
The Daleks' Master Plan (1965)
The Sea Devils (1972)
Andrew Tiernan Purcell "Night Terrors" (2011)
Malcolm Tierney Doland Terror of the Vervoids (1986)
John Tillinger Simon The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve (1966)
Alan Tilvern Forester Planet of Giants (1964)
Gordon Tipple The Old Master Doctor Who (1996)
Norman Tipton Idas Underworld (1978)
Richard Todd Sanders Kinda (1982)
Jenny Tomasin Tasambeker Revelation of the Daleks (1985)
Geoffrey Toone Hepesh The Curse of Peladon (1972)
Harry Towb Osgood
The Seeds of Death (1969)
Terror of the Autons (1971)
Primi Townsend Mula The Pirate Planet (1978)
Chris Tranchell Roger Colbert
Commander Andred
The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve (1966)
The Faceless Ones (1967)
The Invasion of Time (1978)
Frederick Treves Lieutenant Brotadac Meglos (1980)
Ray Trickett
[Credited as Raymond Trickett]
Ancient Haemovore The Curse of Fenric (1989)
David Troughton Extra
King Peladon
Professor Hobbes
The Enemy of the World (1967/68)
The War Games (1969)
The Curse of Peladon (1972)
"Midnight" (2008)
Michael Troughton Professor Albert "Last Christmas" (2014)
Yee Jee Tso Chang Lee Doctor Who (1996)
Peter Tuddenham Voice of the Computer
Voice of The Mangradora Helix
Voice of Brain
The Ark in Space (1975)
The Masque of Mandragora (1976)
Time and the Rani (1987)
Patrick Tull Kroton Voices The Krotons (1968)
Bill Turnbull Himself "The Wedding of River Song" (2011)
Ben Turner King Louis XV "The Girl in the Fireplace" (2006)
Michael Turner Jarvis Bennett The Wheel in Space (1968)

Actors with major character roles that they have reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Mary Tamm Romana The Ribos Operation (1978) - The Armageddon Factor (1978)
Catherine Tate Donna Noble "The Runaway Bride" (2006)
"Partners in Crime" - "Journey's End" (2008)
The End of Time (2009–2010)
David Tennant The Doctor "The Christmas Invasion" (2005) - "The End of Time" (2009–2010)
"The Day of the Doctor" (2013)
Will Thorp Toby Zed "The Impossible Planet" (2006)
"The Satan Pit" (2006)
Pip Torrens Rocastle "Human Nature" (2007)
"The Family of Blood" (2007)
Russell Tovey Alonso Frame "Voyage of the Damned" (2007)
The End of Time (2010)
Cy Town Dalek Operator Frontier in Space (1973)
Planet of the Daleks (1973)
Death to the Daleks (1974)
Genesis of the Daleks (1975)
Destiny of the Daleks (1979)
Resurrection of the Daleks (1984)
Revelation of the Daleks (1985)
Remembrance of the Daleks (1988)
Patrick Troughton The Doctor The Power of the Daleks (1966) - The War Games (1969)
The Three Doctors (1972/3)
"The Five Doctors" (1983)
The Two Doctors (1985)


Actors with one-off appearances and roles that have never been reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Edward Underdown Zastor Meglos (1980)


Actors with one-off appearances and roles that have never been reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Jimmy Vee Moxx of Balhoon
Space Pig
Skovox Blitzer
"The End of the World" (2005)
"Aliens of London" (2005)
"Voyage of the Damned" (2007)
The End of Time (2010)
"The Caretaker" (2014)
Wanda Ventham Jean Rock
Thea Ransome
The Faceless Ones (1967)
Image of the Fendahl (1977)
Time and the Rani (1987)
Christopher Villiers Hugh
Professor Moorhouse
The King's Demons (1983)
"Mummy on the Orient Express" (2014)
Philip Voss Acomat
Marco Polo (1964)
The Dominators (1968)

Actors with major character roles that they have reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Rupert Vansittart General Asquith "Aliens of London" - "World War Three" (2005)
David Verrey Joseph Green "Aliens of London" - "World War Three" (2005)



Actors with one-off appearances and roles that have never been reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Stephen Yardley Sevrin
Genesis of the Daleks (1975)
Vengeance on Varos (1985)
Metin Yenal Karl Silver Nemesis (1988)
David Yip Veldan Destiny of the Daleks (1979)
Jeremy Young Kal
Gordon Lowery
An Unearthly Child (1963)
Mission to the Unknown (1965)

Actors with major character roles that they have reprised:

Actor Role Serial/
Reggie Yates Leo Jones "Smith and Jones" (2007)
"The Lazarus Experiment" (2007)
"The Sound of Drums" - "Last of the Time Lords" (2007)

See also


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