List of European Rally Championship drivers

This is a list of drivers to have competed in the FIA European Rally Championship since 1953 and between 2007-2011, the period when drivers had to register for the championship until it merged with the Intercontinental Rally Challenge.

Drivers in bold have competed in the 2015 season.

All ERC drivers

This sports-related list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
Drivers who entered a European Rally Championship event
Driver First season Final season ERC rallies ERC wins Championships
Norway Erik Aaby 1973 1990 6 - -
Estonia Urmo Aava 2001 2006 3 1 -
Finland Rauno Aaltonen 1965 1982 25 4 -
Netherlands Kevin Abbring 2014 Active 8 - -
Estonia Markus Abram 2014 Active 1 - -
Switzerland Gilles Aebi 1998 1999 3 - -
Italy Andrea Aghini 1987 2008 70 12 -
Austria Andreas Aigner 2012 Active 10 - -
Finland Pentti Airikkala 1968 1989 51 5 -
Finland Anton Alén 2008 2008 3 - -
Finland Markku Alén 1970 2002 33 6 -
United Kingdom Alan Allard 1963 1969 6 - -
United Kingdom Sydney Allard 1953 1965 5 - -
Switzerland Nicolas Althaus 1995 2013 9 - -
Russia Sergey Alyasov 1986 1997 24 - -
France Jérémi Ancian 2013 2013 6 - -
Sweden Gunnar Andersson 1958 1963 2 1 2 (1958, 1963)
France Jean-Claude Andruet 1966 1984 42 16 1 (1970)
Spain Gorka Antxustegi 2009 2013 4 - -
United Kingdom Ian Appleyard 1953 1956 7 1 -
Japan Toshihiro Arai 2000 2013 6 1 -
United Kingdom Jock Armstrong 1995 1996 7 - -
United Kingdom Jon Armstrong 2015 Active 1 - -
Norway Bruno Arntsen 1988 2001 22 1 -
Greece Lambros Athanassoulas 2002 Active 5 - -
Romania Constantin Aur 1995 2002 9 3 -
France Didier Auriol 1983 1992 25 6 -
Estonia Rainer Aus 2014 Active 1 - -
Turkey Nejat Avci 1990 2003 41 - -
Turkey Yagiz Avci 2003 2013 5 - -
United Kingdom David Bagshaw 2001 2001 1 - -
Saudi Arabia Abdullah Bakhashab 2001 2001 1 - -
United Kingdom Keith Ballisat 1958 1961 6 - -
France Claude Ballot-Léna 1970 1972 6 - -
France Pierre-César Baroni 1979 2002 56 8 1 (1993)
Republic of Ireland Robert Barrable 2012 Active 5 - -
Spain Josep Bassas 1983 1990 25 2 -
Italy Giandomenico Basso 2001 2013 47 18 2 (2006, 2009)
Italy Luigi Battistolli 1976 1991 34 2 -
Austria Raimund Baumschlager 1986 Active 42 5 -
Republic of Ireland Calvin Beattie 2014 Active 1 - -
Poland Michał Bębenek 1998 2013 20 1 -
France Bernard Béguin 1975 1994 82 19 -
Latvia Daņila Belokoņs 2015 Active 1 - -
Hungary Balázs Benik 2001 2003 6 - -
Italy Bruno Bentivogli 1979 2002 74 - -
Italy Lorenzo Bertelli 2013 2013 1 - -
Italy Enrico Bertone 1986 2002 63 11 2 (1995, 1999)
United Kingdom Leo Bertorelli 1966 1971 4 - -
Hungary Zoltán Bessenyey 2013 Active 10 - -
Italy Attilio Bettega 1973 1985 17 3 -
Italy Luca Betti 2001 2012 49 3 -
Belgium Lucien Bianchi 1965 1968 7 - -
Italy Miki Biasion 1980 1985 29 11 1 (1983)
United Arab Emirates Mohammed Bin Sulayem 1984 1992 8 - -
United Kingdom Gerry Birrell 1966 1969 2 - -
Czech Republic Ondřej Bisaha 2012 Active 8 - -
United Kingdom Mark Blair 1995 1995 3 - -
United Kingdom Ashley Blenkhorn 1995 1996 6 - -
Sweden Stig Blomqvist 1965 2013 66 14 -
Latvia Emils Blums 2013 Active 3 - -
France Germain Bonnefis 2013 2013 5 - -
Republic of Ireland Vincent Bonner 1976 1986 9 - -
Austria Michael Böhm 1998 Active 6 - -
Germany Eugen Böhringer 1960 1965 29 3 1 (1962)
Brazil Sady Bordin 1986 1987 4 - -
France Pierre Bos 1977 1995 12 1 -
Netherlands John Bosch 1985 1993 47 - -
Belgium Xavier Bouche 1996 2006 26 - -
France Bryan Bouffier 2000 Active 18 3 -
Republic of Ireland Adrian Boyd 1970 1975 7 1 -
Republic of Ireland Craig Breen 2013 Active 26 4 -
Netherlands Mark Breijer 1996 2002 20 1 -
Belgium Renaud Bronkart 2012 Active 6 - -
United Kingdom Leslie Brooke 1965 1966 3 - -
United Kingdom Russell Brookes 1969 1991 65 9 -
United Kingdom Jamie Brown 2013 Active 2 - -
Soviet Union Stasys Brundza 1971 1989 18 - -
Belgium Dominique Bruyneel 1991 2012 45 - -
Poland Marian Bublewicz 1976 1992 33 - -
United Kingdom Dominic Buckley 1991 1995 5 - -
Republic of Ireland Ger Buckley 1976 1982 12 1 -
United States John Buffum 1978 1984 9 2 -
France Philippe Bugalski 1984 2001 44 10 -
United Kingdom Gerry Burgess 1955 1959 3 1 -
Germany Aaron Burkart 2002 2009 4 - -
United Kingdom Richard Burns 1991 1995 6 2 -
Switzerland Olivier Burri 1991 Active 20 8 -
Lithuania Dominykas Butvilas 2013 Active 2 - -
Belgium Gino Bux 2014 Active 3 - -
Spain Salvador Cañellas 1972 1978 24 1 -
Italy Carlo Capone 1980 1984 22 6 1 (1984)
Italy Antonio Carello 1972 1982 15 8 1 (1978)
Sweden Erik Carlsson 1959 1967 43 8 -
Sweden Ingvar Carlsson 1972 1994 22 1 -
Belgium Wim Carton 2013 Active 2 - -
Portugal Carlos Carvalho 1982 1994 13 1 -
Belgium Bernd Casier 2002 Active 10 - -
Spain Juan Pablo Castro 1998 Active 4 - -
Latvia Ivars Caune 2001 2003 3 - -
Italy Leo Cella 1965 1968 13 2 -
Czech Republic Jan Černý 2009 Active 26 - -
Italy Dario Cerrato 1977 1993 79 25 2 (1985, 1987)
France Mark Champeau 1996 1998 7 - -
France Sébastien Chardonnet 2014 Active 1 - -
France François Chatriot 1979 1996 43 16 -
Italy Elwis Chentre 2006 Active 10 - -
Belgium Cédric Cherain 2003 Active 3 - -
Monaco Louis Chiron 1953 1954 2 1 -
Poland Wojciech Chuchała 2012 Active 3 - -
United Kingdom Jim Clark 1966 1966 1 - -
United Kingdom Roger Clark 1965 1995 35 9 -
Republic of Ireland Billy Coleman 1971 1987 37 5 -
United Kingdom Ben Coles 1992 1996 5 - -
Belgium Jean-Marie Cols 1970 1981 21 - -
Belgium Larry Cols 1996 2006 41 2 -
France Robert Consani 2012 Active 18 - -
Romania Andrei Coreanu 2015 Active 1 - -
United Kingdom Stuart Coupe 1991 2001 36 - -
United Kingdom Andrew Cowan 1965 1983 21 - -
Belgium Pieter-Jan-Michiel Cracco 2013 Active 2 - -
United Kingdom Martin Craik 1992 1996 3 - -
Italy Andrea Crugnola 2013 Active 6 - -
United Kingdom Brian Culcheth 1963 1979 25 1 -
Italy Franco Cunico 1979 2006 102 21 -
United Kingdom Cahal Curley 1973 1979 7 1 -
Poland Tomasz Czopik 1997 2008 33 - -
United Kingdom Justin Dale 1995 2003 8 - -
South Africa Serge Damseaux 1990 1991 2 - -
Austria Hannes Danzinger 2000 2013 11 - -
France Bernard Darniche 1970 1987 51 23 2 (1976, 1977)
Spain Jorge de Bagration 1967 1981 18 6 -
Netherlands Bert de Jong 1992 2000 32 4 -
Belgium Grégoire De Mévius 1984 2001 55 5 -
France Dominique De Meyer 1974 2004 46 - -
Italy Giovanni del Zoppo 1979 2002 29 - -
France François Delecour 1986 2013 39 3 -
Germany Harald Demuth 1972 1994 64 11 -
Germany Dieter Depping 1991 2002 39 11 -
Turkey Ali Deveci 1992 2002 10 1 -
Turkey Hakan Dinç 1992 2006 15 - -
France Fabien Doenlen 1985 2001 21 - -
Poland Aron Domżała 2012 Active 4 - -
Bulgaria Krum Donchev 2000 2012 53 6 -
Belgium Robert Droogmans 1978 1993 78 27 1 (1990)
France Jean-Philippe Du Fayet De La Tour 2003 2003 1 - -
Belgium Marc Duez 1978 2004 63 9 -
Belgium François Duval 1999 2002 13 - -
Sweden Per Eklund 1967 1993 61 4 -
United Kingdom Vic Elford 1965 1983 23 4 1 (1967 G3)
Hungary Tibor Érdi 2014 Active 5 - -
Australia Eli Evans 2014 Active 1 - -
United Kingdom Gwyndaf Evans 1988 1997 20 - -
Republic of Ireland Brendan Fagan 1975 1983 8 - -
United Kingdom Tony Fall 1966 1976 24 2 -
Lebanon Roger Feghali 2001 2001 1 - -
Hungary Attila Ferjáncz 1966 1991 108 22 -
Spain Benigno Fernández 1974 1989 48 2 -
Peru Ramón Ferreyros 1987 2002 25 - -
Greece Nikos Filinis 1956 1960 5 - -
Romania Alexandru Filip 2013 Active 3 - -
Italy Alex Fiorio 1986 2003 32 7 -
United Kingdom Bertie Fisher 1975 1996 35 2 -
Italy Corrado Fontana 1997 2010 39 1 -
United Kingdom Bob Freeborough 1965 1969 7 - -
Poland Cezary Fuchs 1992 2000 16 - -
Italy Damiano Fumagalli 2005 2006 4 - -
Italy Vanni Fusaro 1978 1980 5 - -
Spain Miguel Fuster 1991 2010 14 - -
Portugal Diogo Gago 2013 Active 8 - -
Italy Matteo Gamba 2003 2012 14 - -
Spain Enrique García Ojeda 1998 2013 16 2 -
Finland Toni Gardemeister 1997 2009 9 - -
Germany Hermann Gassner 1985 2013 77 1 -
Germany Hermann Gassner, Jr. 2012 2013 2 - -
Netherlands Maurice Gatsonides 1953 1965 15 1 -
Bulgaria Georgi Geradzhiev 1999 Active 24 - -
Switzerland Olivier Gillet 1994 2002 11 - -
Romania Dan Girtofan 1996 2013 8 - -
Germany Dieter Glemser 1963 1972 7 - -
Germany Helm Glöckler 1954 1954 1 - -
United Kingdom Russell Gooding 1983 1985 11 - -
Austria Kurt Göttlicher 1978 1996 44 2 -
Belgium Gaby Goudezeune 1975 1999 45 1 -
United Kingdom Ron Gouldbourn 1958 1958 2 - -
United Kingdom Kenneth Gouldsborough 1968 1969 2 - -
France Henri Greder 1961 1973 27 3 -
United Kingdom Barry Greer 2014 Active 2 - -
Republic of Ireland Ian Greer 1994 2001 3 1 -
United Kingdom Jonathan Greer 2014 Active 2 - -
Finland Marcus Grönholm 1989 2002 11 3 -
Finland Ulf Grönholm 1970 1981 16 2 -
Germany Marijan Griebel 2014 Active 3 - -
United Kingdom Murray Grierson 1978 1996 6 - -
Romania George Grigorescu 1995 2013 10 1 -
Russia Vasiliy Gryazin 2013 Active 9 - -
Poland Robert Gryczynski 1987 2000 23 2 -
Mexico Benito Guerra 2009 2009 1 - -
United Kingdom Chris Guichot de Fortis 1991 2006 12 - -
Austria Sepp Haider 1976 1999 72 10 -
Germany Reinhard Hainbach 1971 1985 23 4 -
Finland Mika Häkkinen 2003 2003 1 - -
Switzerland Claude Haldi 1967 1975 11 2 -
Finland Kyösti Hämäläinen 1970 1988 36 - -
Finland Juho Hänninen 2002 2012 8 4 1 (2012)
Austria Beppo Harrach 2001 Active 9 - -
United Kingdom Cuth Harrison 1953 1959 7 - -
United Kingdom Kevin Haselden 1982 1995 12 - -
Norway John Haugland 1972 1996 38 2 -
Switzerland Cyril Henny 1992 2000 12 3 -
South Africa Jan Hettema 1966 1983 4 - -
France Victorien Heuninck 2013 Active 2 - -
United Kingdom David Higgins 1992 2000 10 - -
United Kingdom Mark Higgins 1991 Active 20 1 -
Switzerland Jonathan Hirschi 2012 Active 6 - -
Finland Mikko Hirvonen 2001 2002 5 - -
Poland Krzysztof Hołowczyc 1987 2013 39 10 1 (1997)
Germany Armin Holz 1987 Active 23 - -
Germany Ronald Holzer 1983 1992 33 6 -
East Germany Peter Hommel 1969 1973 19 1 -
Germany Ruprecht Hopfen 1956 1965 4 1 1 (1957)
United Kingdom Paddy Hopkirk 1956 1970 39 5 -
Sweden Eddie Hörbing 2002 2003 3 1 -
Czech Republic Vladimír Hubáček 1964 1974 10 1 -
Czech Republic Martin Hudec 2012 Active 8 - -
United Kingdom Chris Ingram 2013 Active 5 - -
Bulgaria Dimitar Iliev 1995 2012 57 10 -
United Kingdom Godfrey Imhof 1953 1955 4 - -
Finland Risto Immonen 2013 Active 4 - -
Turkey Volkan Isik 1994 2012 41 5 -
Czech Republic Miroslav Jandík 1996 2006 44 - -
Switzerland Christian Jaquillard 1983 2002 10 1 -
United Kingdom Tony Jardine 1994 2003 8 - -
Estonia Raul Jeets 2013 Active 10 - -
Slovenia Tomaž Jemc 1997 2001 9 1 -
France Simon Jean-Joseph 1993 2007 38 5 2 (2004, 2007)
United Kingdom Jonathan Joannides 1986 1997 26 - -
Sweden Mats Jonsson 1979 2003 55 10 -
France Serge Jordan 1992 2001 23 2 -
United Kingdom Tim Jones 2006 Active 3 - -
United Kingdom Peter Jopp 1959 1968 7 - -
Poland Kajetan Kajetanowicz 2005 Active 18 3 1 (2015)
Sweden Harry Kallström 1965 1979 24 4 1 (1969)
Greece Haris Kaltsounis 1983 Active 26 - -
Estonia Martin Kangur 2012 Active 4 - -
Finland Juha Kankkunen 1979 2001 13 3 -
Poland Stefan Karnabal 2001 2008 12 - -
Estonia Egon Kaur 2014 Active 1 - -
Japan Suguru Kawana 2014 Active 1 - -
Turkey Ercan Kazaz 1988 2012 31 3 -
Switzerland Loris Kessel 2002 2002 1 - -
Finland Leo Kinnunen 1965 1981 17 2 -
Germany Günther Klass 1966 1966 5 1 1 (1966 G3)
Germany Jochi Kleint 1970 1991 47 9 1 (1979)
Netherlands Hermen Kobus 2013 Active 2 - -
Estonia Kaspar Koitla 2014 Active 1 - -
Bulgaria Stoyan Kolev 1972 1998 64 3 -
Greece Dimitris Koliopanos 2001 2003 3 - -
Poland Jaroslaw Koltun 2012 Active 3 - -
Czech Republic Jan Kopecký 2001 Active 31 11 1 (2013)
Estonia Timmu Kõrge 2014 Active 2 - -
Poland Michał Kościuszko 2003 2013 15 - -
Czech Republic Tomáš Kostka 2004 Active 5 - -
Germany Armin Kremer 1992 2002 38 11 1 (2001)
Czech Republic Roman Kresta 1995 Active 22 8 -
Luxembourg Aloyse Kridel 1975 1982 13 1 -
Norway Petter Kristiansen 2012 Active 5 - -
Estonia Gustav Kruuda 2014 Active 1 - -
Estonia Karl Kruuda 2012 Active 3 - -
Poland Robert Kubica 2013 Active 5 1 -
Poland Tomasz Kuchar 1996 2013 32 1 -
Poland Janusz Kulig 1993 2002 42 11 -
Poland Leszek Kuzaj 1995 2006 49 7 -
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Brane Kuzmič 1977 1991 35 6 -
Finland Antero Laine 1975 1994 35 5 -
Finland Esapekka Lappi 2012 Active 11 5 1 (2014)
France Gérard Larrousse 1963 1973 19 1 -
South Africa Henk Lategan 2013 Active 2 - -
Finland Jari-Matti Latvala 2003 2003 2 - -
Finland Tapio Laukkanen 1994 1997 13 - -
France Stéphane Lefebvre 2013 Active 8 - -
Romania Mihai Leu 2000 2003 4 - -
Italy Piero Liatti 1988 2001 40 13 1 (1991)
Finland Sebastian Lindholm 1984 2003 43 4 -
Norway Tord Linnerud 2001 2003 5 - -
United Kingdom David Llewellin 1984 1995 33 6 -
France Sébastien Loeb 1999 2001 3 2 -
Belgium Freddy Loix 1990 Active 37 10 -
Italy Piero Longhi 1991 2011 66 12 -
United Kingdom Mark Lovell 1982 1995 30 - -
Poland Bohdan Ludwiczak 1994 1995 2 - -
Italy Matteo Luise 1996 1997 7 - -
Hungary Kornél Lukács 2012 Active 14 - -
Russia Alexey Lukyanuk 2013 Active 10 2 -
Denmark Henrik Lundgaard 1991 2003 22 5 1 (2000)
Italy Giovanni Lurani 1953 1953 1 - -
Estonia Mait Maarend 2014 Active 1 - -
Republic of Ireland Aaron MacHale 2014 Active 1 - -
Republic of Ireland Austin MacHale 1980 2001 25 - -
Portugal Bruno Magalhães 1999 Active 26 1 -
Belgium Willy Mairesse 1955 1959 3 1 -
Slovakia Vlastimil Majerčák 2014 Active 1 - -
Finland Timo Mäkinen 1965 1983 44 6 -
Finland Tommi Mäkinen 1988 1994 8 1 -
Hungary Imre Maksa 1989 2002 9 - -
Norway Per Malling 1955 1956 3 1 -
France Roger Marion 1953 1953 1 - -
Estonia Markko Märtin 1997 2000 2 1 -
Portugal Pedro Matos Chaves 1998 2005 16 - -
France Julien Maurin 2009 2013 2 - -
Cyprus Dimi Mavropoulos 1976 1999 20 1 -
United Kingdom Pauline Mayman 1963 1965 6 - -
United Kingdom Dessie McCartney 1973 1982 16 1 -
Republic of Ireland Daniel McKenna 2014 Active 1 - -
United Kingdom Kenny McKinstry 1981 1996 16 - -
Republic of Ireland Tim McNulty 2001 2001 1 - -
United Kingdom Alister McRae 1990 2003 20 2 -
United Kingdom Colin McRae 1987 1992 16 5 -
United Kingdom Jimmy McRae 1976 1993 75 17 -
United Kingdom Niall McShea 2000 2004 3 - -
Republic of Ireland Frank Meagher 1991 1995 6 1 -
United Kingdom Kris Meeke 2006 2009 2 - -
Kenya Shekhar Mehta 1972 1986 12 1 -
United Kingdom Andy Middlehurst 1986 1986 1 - -
Norway Andreas Mikkelsen 2012 2012 2 - -
Finland Hannu Mikkola 1966 1986 46 12 -
Japan Hideaki Miyoshi 1993 1994 4 - -
Germany Carsten Mohe 1994 2003 29 - -
Norway Greta Molander 1953 1959 6 - -
Estonia Jaan Mölder 2003 2006 2 - -
Belgium Amaury Molle 2014 Active 1 - -
Spain Luis Monzón 1987 2013 29 5 -
Germany Matthias Moosleitner 1972 2003 44 1 -
United Kingdom Donald Morley 1956 1965 23 2 -
Soviet Union Vyacheslav Mosolov 1961 1967 9 - -
United Kingdom Pat Moss-Carlsson 1969 1978 15 1 -
United Kingdom Stirling Moss 1953 1953 1 - -
Portugal Ricardo Moura 2001 Active 9 - -
Italy Sandro Munari 1966 1977 30 10 1 (1973)
Germany Max Nathan 1955 1956 4 - -
Italy Andrea Navarra 1990 2007 42 5 1 (1998)
Republic of Ireland Brian Nelson 1974 1979 13 2 -
Germany Michael Neuschäfer-Rube 1996 2003 7 - -
France Bob Neyret 1960 1972 16 - -
France Jean-Pierre Nicolas 1965 1980 26 10 -
Latvia Reinis Nitišs 2015 Active 1 - -
Italy Gabriele Noberasco 1981 Active 23 - -
Sweden Sture Nottorp 1953 1968 2 1 -
Czech Republic Roman Odložilík 2004 Active 15 - -
France Jean-Claude Ogier 1965 1982 11 - -
Brazil Daniel Oliveira 2013 2013 2 - -
Czech Republic Jaroslav Orsák 2006 Active 16 - -
Spain Genito Ortiz 1974 1984 27 4 -
United Kingdom Patricia Ozanne 1960 1965 2 - -
New Zealand Hayden Paddon 2013 2013 1 - -
France Gilles Panizzi 1989 2006 25 4 -
Greece Ioannis Papadimitriou 1995 2003 20 1 -
Estonia Sander Pärn 2014 Active 1 - -
United Kingdom Alex Parpottas 2014 Active 4 - -
United Kingdom Dave Pattison 1996 2002 7 1 -
United Kingdom Mike Pattison 1983 2000 16 - -
Greece Nikos Pavlidis 1997 Active 2 - -
Czech Republic Václav Pech, Jr. 1998 Active 39 4 -
Italy Luca Pedersoli 1998 2004 28 2 -
Slovenia Darko Peljhan 1993 2013 20 1 -
Czech Republic Josef Peták 1995 Active 36 - -
Poland Łukasz Pieniążek 2015 Active 3 - -
Soviet Union Aavo Pikkuus 1986 1989 2 - -
Italy Raffaele Pinto 1968 1979 23 6 1 (1972)
Estonia Siim Plangi 2013 Active 4 - -
Czech Republic Zdeněk Pokorný 2012 Active 3 - -
Germany Helmut Polensky 1953 1954. 6 3 1 (1953)
Spain José Maria Ponce 1979 2003 37 4 -
United Kingdom Tony Pond 1973 1986 32 8 -
Spain Xavier Pons 2014 Active 1 - -
Bulgaria Jasen Popov 1993 2006 28 4 -
France Renaud Poutot 1996 1996 3 - -
Belgium Kris Princen 1996 2012 31 2 -
United Kingdom Peter Procter 1965 1966 2 - -
Czech Republic Martin Prokop 2002 2006 9 - -
Ukraine Vitaliy Pushkar 2013 Active 9 - -
Finland Juuso Pykälistö 1996 2003 10 1 -
Czech Republic Martin Rada 2005 Active 5 - -
Belgium Thibault Radoux 2012 Active 4 - -
Sweden Thomas Rådström 1988 2003 16 3 -
France Jean Ragnotti 1970 1996 72 7 -
France Jean-Michel Raoux 2013 Active 6 - -
Argentina Jorge Recalde 1985 1988 4 - -
Portugal Luís Miguel Rego 2013 Active 2 - -
Switzerland Laurent Reuche 2000 2013 3 1 -
Spain Estanislao Reverter 1965 1974 12 - -
United States Chuck Rickert 1956 1956 1 - -
France Jean-Luc Rinaldi 1999 2000 2 - -
Germany Walter Röhrl 1971 1987 42 19 1 (1974)
Estonia Rainer Rohtmets 2014 Active 2 - -
Italy Luca Rossetti 2001 Active 40 12 3 (2008, 2010, 2011)
France Jean-Pierre Rouget 1966 1986 7 1 -
France Benoît Rousselot 1996 2000 11 - -
Finland Harri Rovanperä 1994 2003 10 2 -
United Kingdom Martin Rowe 1991 2001 9 - -
Czech Republic Patrik Rujbr 2012 Active 3 - -
Poland Szymon Ruta 2006 2012 16 - -
Poland Maciej Rzeźnik 2011 2013 7 - -
Finland Esa Saarenpää 1985 2000 27 - -
Spain Carlos Sainz 1982 1989 22 7 -
Finland Timo Salonen 1974 1987 16 1 -
France Stéphane Sarrazin 1996 Active 5 2 -
Germany Rudolf Sauerwein 1953 1953 1 - -
Norway Martin Schanche 1979 1980 3 - -
Norway Thomas Schie 2000 2003 6 - -
France Jo Schlesser 1963 1963 1 - -
Germany Walter Schock 1956 1960 6 3 2 (1956, 1960)
Germany Armin Schwarz 1986 2001 27 7 1 (1996)
United Kingdom Chris Sclater 1969 1978 21 1 -
United Kingdom Jack Sears 1959 1959 1 - -
Croatia Juraj Šebalj 1997 2013 9 1 -
Lebanon Maurice Sehnaoui 1990 1995 3 1 -
Saar (protectorate) Gert Seibert 1953 1953 2 1 -
United Kingdom David Seigle-Morris 1960 1965 23 - -
Tanzania Bert Shankland 1966 1966 1 - -
Republic of Ireland Rosemary Smith 1963 1982 18 1 -
Belgium Patrick Snijers 1979 Active 149 44 1 (1994)
United Kingdom Neil Simpson 1995 Active 10 - -
United Kingdom Lyndon Sims 1956 1956 2 1 -
Kenya Joginder Singh 1966 1969 2 - -
United Kingdom Ken Skidmore 1983 2001 48 -
Bulgaria Todor Slavov 2005 Active 13 - -
Netherlands Rob Slotemaker 1965 1976 15 - -
Sweden Bengt Söderström 1965 1969 17 3 1 (1967 G2)
Norway Henning Solberg 1997 2003 12 4 -
Poland Michał Sołowow 2001 2013 83 6 -
Portugal Bernardo Sousa 2006 Active 4 1 -
United Kingdom Will Sparrow 1971 1977 11 - -
Austria Raphael Sperrer 1986 2002 26 2 -
Monaco Christophe Spiliotis 1981 1998 20 1 -
United Kingdom John Sprinzel 1959 1968 13 - -
Czech Republic Radim Špůrek 2000 2003 12 1 -
Netherlands Hans Stacey 1991 2002 26 1 -
Austria Manfred Stohl 1993 2003 15 3 -
Bulgaria Ekaterina Stratieva 2006 Active 19 - -
Argentina Raúl Sufan 1997 1997 1 - -
Spain Ignacio Sunsundegui 1975 1988 4 - -
Switzerland Marc Surer 1984 1986 4 - -
Latvia Martins Švilis 2014 Active 1 - -
Hungary Gergely Szabó 1999 2013 10 - -
Poland Andrzej Szarama 2000 2002 7 - -
Poland Jarosław Szeja 2014 Active 2 - -
Italy Fabrizio Tabaton 1978 1997 85 17 2 (1986, 1988)
Estonia Ott Tänak 2014 Active 2 1 -
United Kingdom Richard Tannahill 2014 Active 1 - -
Czech Republic Jaromír Tarabus 1999 Active 18 - -
Italy Luigi Taramazzo 1965 1969 2 - -
United Kingdom Henry Taylor 1961 1965 16 - -
Australia Molly Taylor 2012 2013 8 - -
Italy Marco Tempestini 1994 Active 13 - -
Italy Simone Tempestini 2013 Active 10 - -
Cyprus Vahan Terzian 1979 1994 15 1 -
Belgium Rocco Theunissen 1996 2003 29 2 -
Belgium Bruno Thiry 1989 Active 65 14 1 (2003)
Sweden Pontus Tidemand 2013 2013 1 - -
Cyprus Charalambos Timotheou 2014 Active 1 - -
Romania Florin Tincescu 2013 Active 6 - -
Czech Republic Antonín Tlusťák 2000 Active 94 1 -
Italy Giuseppe Tobia 2013 2013 1 - -
Italy Tonino Tognana 1978 1984 24 4 -
Finland Henri Toivonen 1976 1986 33 6 -
Finland Pauli Toivonen 1965 1977 21 5 1 (1968)
United Kingdom Jack Tordoff 1966 1975 8 1 -
Sweden Tom Trana 1962 1969 26 5 1 (1964)
France René Trautmann 1960 1958 13 - -
Italy Renato Travaglia 1990 2011 68 17 2 (2002, 2005)
Uruguay Gustavo Trelles 1987 1995 15 1 -
Belgium Pieter Tsjoen 1998 Active 28 3 -
Australia Ken Tubman 1965 1965 1 - -
Kenya Carl Tundo 1996 1996 1 - -
Slovenia Rok Turk 2003 Active 14 - -
Ukraine Inessa Tushkanova 2012 Active 4 - -
United Kingdom Bernard Unett 1977 1977 2 - -
France Malik Unia 2002 2002 1 - -
France Jean Valabrègue 1966 1970 2 - -
Belgium Patrick Vandeputte 2003 Active 3 - -
United Kingdom Sheila van Damm 1953 1955 3 - -
Netherlands Gijs van Lennep 1966 1968 2 - -
Netherlands Peter van Merksteijn Sr. 1987 1994 19 - -
Belgium Davy Vanneste 2000 Active 16 - -
Republic of Ireland Cecil Vard 1953 1971 2 - -
Greece Giannis Vardinogiannis 1984 1995 12 1 -
Poland Marek Varisella 1960 1977 13 - -
Greece Kostantinos Varnakiotis 2001 2004 6 1 -
Russia Yevgeniy Vasin 1991 2003 19 - -
Finland Ari Vatanen 1972 1983 31 7 -
Finland Max Vatanen 2013 Active 3 - -
Italy Maurizio Verini 1970 2013 40 6 1 (1975)
France Anne-Charlotte Verney 1974 1977 2 - -
Belgium Renaud Verreydt 1987 2001 43 6 -
Finland Saku Vierimaa 1983 2005 30 - -
France Jean Vinatier 1965 1973 15 1 -
France Francis Vincent 1974 1989 17 3 -
Andorra Joan Vinyes 1998 2013 9 1 -
Czech Republic Martin Vlček 2012 Active 3 - -
Latvia Janis Vorobjovs 2002 Active 5 - -
France Cyril Vosahlo 1996 2012 8 - -
Netherlands Henk Vossen 1974 2006 60 1 -
France Nicolas Vouilloz 2001 2009 5 2 -
Italy Adartico Vudafieri 1977 1984 38 17 1 (1981)
Sweden Björn Waldegård 1965 1993 29 5 -
United Kingdom Johnny Wallwork 1954 1960 5 1 -
Germany Antony Warmbold 2000 2002 10 - -
United Kingdom Neil Wearden 1995 2001 9 - -
Germany Erwin Weber 1981 1997 42 15 1 (1992)
Republic of Ireland Mervyn Wedlock 2014 Active 1 - -
Poland Adam Wędrychowski 1961 1966 6 - -
Austria Wilfried Wiedner 1978 1991 21 4 -
Germany Sepp Wiegand 2012 Active 8 - -
United Kingdom Guy Wilks 2001 2009 2 - -
United Kingdom Malcolm Wilson 1977 1995 38 3 -
Austria Franz Wittmann, Sr. 1973 2003 58 29 -
United States Jon Woodner 1983 1987 5 - -
United Kingdom Robert Woodside 2001 Active 3 - -
Republic of Ireland Stephen Wright 2014 Active 2 - -
Austria Franz Wurz 1983 1990 3 1 -
United Kingdom Emlyn Wynne 1994 1996 8 - -
Taiwan Dai-Wei Yein 2013 Active 2 - -
Spain Antonio Zanini 1972 1986 75 18 1 (1980)
Italy Andrea Zanussi 1980 1989 41 6 -
Poland Sobiesław Zasada 1960 1974 48 9 3 (1966 G2, 1967 G1, 1971)
Italy Gianmarino Zenere 1986 1998 25 1 -
Greece Ioannis Zounis 2004 Active 3 - -
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Romana Zrnec 1983 1990 11 - -

See also

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Saturday, April 30, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.