List of National Basketball Association players (T–V)
Main article: Lists of National Basketball Association players
This is a list of National Basketball Association players whose last names begin with T, U, or V.
The list also includes players from the American National Basketball League (NBL), the Basketball Association of America (BAA), and the original American Basketball Association (ABA). All of these leagues contributed to the formation of the present-day NBA.
Individuals who played in the NBL prior to its 1949 merger with the BAA are listed in italics, as they are not traditionally listed in the NBA's official player registers.
- Žan Tabak
- Yuta Tabuse
- Chris Taft
- Chelso Tamagno
- Sid Tanenbaum
- Dragan Tarlać
- Roy Tarpley
- Levern Tart
- Earl Tatum
- Walter Tavares
- Anthony Taylor
- Brian Taylor
- Donell Taylor
- Fatty Taylor
- Fred Taylor
- Jay Taylor
- Jeff Taylor
- Jeffery Taylor
- Jermaine Taylor
- Johnny Taylor
- Leonard Taylor
- Maurice Taylor
- Mike Taylor
- Ollie Taylor
- Ron Taylor
- Tyshawn Taylor
- Vince Taylor
- Terry Teagle
- Jeff Teague
- Marquis Teague
- Mirza Teletović
- Sebastian Telfair
- Collis Temple
- Garrett Temple
- Irving Terjesen
- Ira Terrell
- Carlos Terry
- Chuck Terry
- Claude Terry
- Jason Terry
- Ray Terzynski
- Hasheem Thabeet
- Tom Thacker
- Floyd Theard
- Reggie Theus
- Peter Thibeaux
- Bill Thieben
- Justus Thigpen
- David Thirdkill
- Adonis Thomas
- Billy Thomas
- Carl Thomas
- Charles Thomas
- Earle Thomas
- Etan Thomas
- Irving Thomas
- Isaiah Thomas
- Isiah Thomas
- Jamel Thomas
- James Thomas
- Jim Thomas
- Joe Thomas
- John Thomas
- Kenny Thomas
- Kurt Thomas
- Lance Thomas
- Malcolm Thomas
- Ron Thomas
- Terry Thomas
- Tim Thomas
- Tyrus Thomas
- Willis Thomas
- Trey Thompkins
- Bernard Thompson
- Bill Thompson
- Billy Thompson
- Brooks Thompson
- Corny Thompson
- David Thompson
- Dijon Thompson
- George Thompson
- Hollis Thompson
- Homer Thompson
- Jack Thompson
- Jason Thompson
- John Thompson
- Kevin Thompson
- Klay Thompson
- LaSalle Thompson
- Loran Thompson
- Mychal Thompson
- Mychel Thompson
- Paul Thompson
- Stephen Thompson
- Tristan Thompson
- Skip Thoren
- Rod Thorn
- Al Thornton
- Bob Thornton
- Dallas Thornton
- Jack Thornton
- Marcus Thornton
- Otis Thorpe
- Sedale Threatt
- Nate Thurmond
- Mel Thurston
- Milt Ticco
- Hal Tidrick
- Dan Tieman
- Darren Tillis
- Jack Tingle
- George Tinsley
- Jamaal Tinsley
- Wayman Tisdale
- Paul Tobin
- Mike Todorovich
- Ray Tolbert
- Tom Tolbert
- Anthony Tolliver
- Chet Tollstam
- Dean Tolson
- Rudy Tomjanovich
- Andrew Toney
- Sedric Toney
- Andy Tonkovich
- Andy Toolson
- Jack Toomay
- Bernard Toone
- Irv Torgoff
- Bumper Tormohlen
- Óscar Torres
- Bill Tosheff
- Bob Tough
- Axel Toupane
- Monte Towe
- Keith Tower
- Carlisle Towery
- Linton Townes
- Karl-Anthony Towns
- Johnny Townsend
- Raymond Townsend
- George Trapp
- John Trapp
- Robert Traylor
- Gary Trent
- Jeff Trepagnier
- John Tresvant
- Dick Triptow
- Kelly Tripucka
- Ansley Truitt
- Cezary Trybanski
- Jake Tsakalidis
- John Tschogl
- Lou Tsioropoulos
- Nikoloz Tskitishvili
- Al Tucker
- Alando Tucker
- Anthony Tucker
- Jim Tucker
- P. J. Tucker
- Trent Tucker
- Ronny Turiaf
- Mirsad Türkcan
- Hedo Türkoğlu
- Andre Turner
- Bill Turner
- Elston Turner
- Evan Turner
- Gary Turner
- Henry Turner
- Herschell Turner
- Jack Turner (b. 1930)
- Jack Turner (b. 1939)
- Jeff Turner
- John Turner
- Myles Turner
- Wayne Turner
- Melvin Turpin
- Dave Twardzik
- Jack Twyman
- B. J. Tyler
- Jeremy Tyler
- Terry Tyler
- Charlie Tyra
- Steve Vacendak
- Jonas ValanÄiÅ«nas
- Darnell Valentine
- Ronnie Valentine
- John Vallely
- Dick Van Arsdale
- Tom Van Arsdale
- Butch van Breda Kolff
- Jan van Breda Kolff
- Gene Vance
- Augie Vander Meulen
- Logan Vander Velden
- Ernie Vandeweghe
- Kiki Vandeweghe
- Nick Van Exel
- Keith Van Horn
- Matt Vaniel
- Norm Van Lier
- Nick Vanos
- David Vanterpool
- Dennis Van Zant
- Ratko Varda
- Anderson Varejão
- Jarvis Varnado
- Greivis Vásquez
- Chico Vaughn
- David Vaughn, Jr.
- David Vaughn III
- Jacque Vaughn
- Ralph Vaughn
- Rashad Vaughn
- Virgil Vaughn
- Loy Vaught
- Bob Verga
- Peter Verhoeven
- Jan Veselý
- Gundars VÄ“tra
- João Vianna
- Charlie Villanueva
- Jay Vincent
- Sam Vincent
- Marcus Vinicius
- Fred Vinson
- Claude Virden
- Gary Voce
- Howard Vocke
- Floyd Volker
- Alexander Volkov
- Noah Vonleh
- Whitey Von Nieda
- Bernie Voorheis
- Jake Voskuhl
- Danny Vranes
- Slavko Vraneš
- Stojko Vranković
- Brett Vroman
- Jackson Vroman
- Nikola VuÄević
- Sasha VujaÄić
- Frank Vukosic
- NBA & ABA Players with Last Names Starting with T, U, and V @
- NBL Players with Last Names Starting with T, U, and V @
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