List of Pokémon

For more detailed lists of Pokémon, see Lists of Pokémon.
The first 150 Pokémon as they appear in Pokémon Stadium, starting with Bulbasaur in the top left corner and ending with Mewtwo in the bottom right corner

Pokémon are fictional creatures which humans catch and train to battle each other for sport. The Pokémon franchise includes 722 revealed species of the title characters. Pokémon can be organized according to a number of different attributes. This list provides their English names and several formats of the Japanese names.

Pokémon can also be divided by the "generation" of games in which they were introduced and sorted by the other numbering systems introduced in those games. The first 151 Pokémon, introduced in Pokémon Red and Blue, have Kanto Pokédex numbers (official as of those games' remakes), which are the same as the first 151 National Pokédex numbers. Another 100 Pokémon appeared in Pokémon Gold and Silver to expand the list to 251 for the Johto regional Pokédex (to which 5 evolutions were added when the games were remade). The Hoenn regional Pokédex included 67 of these, alongside 135 new species that debuted in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire (to which 9 evolutions were added when the games were remade), bringing the total to 386. Next, the fourth generation combined 81 (in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl) or 100 (in Pokémon Platinum) of the 107 new creatures from Pokémon Diamond and Pearl with 70 or 110, respectively, of the previous ones to form the regional Pokédex of Sinnoh. This was the first time not all of the newly introduced Pokémon were included in the games' regional Pokédex. Pokémon Black and White introduced 156 all-new creatures, which made up the entirety of those titles' Unova Pokédex. In the sequels Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, the Unova Pokédex was heavily modified; 145 species from previous entries were added and arranged into the original Unova Pokédex, bringing it to 301 species, though the grand total remained unchanged. With the release of Pokémon X and Y and its subsequent film campaigns, 71 new Pokémon have been unveiled,[lower-alpha 1] the fewest new Pokémon in a single generation so far; however, the new Mega Evolution feature was added to the games to balance out the lack of new characters. On February 10, 2016, a new Pokémon was revealed in a CoroCoro magazine, which is a Man-Made Pokémon which its species is yet to be revealed.[1] This leaves the grand total standing at 722.

Pokémon may also be grouped into "families" of the Pokémon (eggs/fossils, for example) they evolve (or hatch or revive) from and into.


National Pokédex English name Japanese name Johto Hoenn № Sinnoh Unova № Kalos (Central) № Kalos (Coastal) № Kalos (Mountain) № Evolves from
001 Bulbasaur Fushigidane 231 080 Egg
002 Ivysaur Fushigisou 232 081 Bulbasaur
003 Venusaur Fushigibana 233 082 Ivysaur
004 Charmander Hitokage 234 083 Egg
005 Charmeleon Lizardo 235 084 Charmander
006 Charizard Lizardon 236 085 Charmeleon
007 Squirtle Zenigame 237 086 Egg
008 Wartortle Kameil 238 087 Squirtle
009 Blastoise Kamex 239 088 Wartortle
010 Caterpie Caterpie 024 023 Egg
011 Metapod Transel 025 024 Caterpie
012 Butterfree Butterfree 026 025 Metapod
013 Weedle Bīdoru 027 026 Egg
014 Kakuna Cocoon 028 027 Weedle
015 Beedrill Spear 029 028 Kakuna
016 Pidgey Poppo 010 017 Egg
017 Pidgeotto Pigeon 011 018 Pidgey
018 Pidgeot Pigeot 012 019 Pidgeotto
019 Rattata Koratta 017 221 059 Egg
020 Raticate Ratta 018 222 060 Rattata
021 Spearow Onisuzume 013 109 Egg
022 Fearow Onidrill 014 110 Spearow
023 Ekans Arbo 050 218 037 Egg
024 Arbok Arbok 051 219 038 Ekans
025 Pikachu Pikachu 022 156 104 330 036 Pichu
026 Raichu Raichu 023 157 105 331 037 Pikachu
027 Sandshrew Sand 048 112 113 097 Egg
028 Sandslash Sandpan 049 113 114 098 Sandshrew
029 Nidoran♀ Nidoran♀ 095 104 Egg
030 Nidorina Nidorina 096 105 Nidoran♀
031 Nidoqueen Nidoqueen[2] 097 106 Nidorina
032 Nidoran♂ Nidoran♂ 098 107 Egg
033 Nidorino Nidorino 099 108 Nidoran♂
034 Nidoking Nidoking 100 109 Nidorino
035 Clefairy Pippi 041 100 089 Cleffa
036 Clefable Pixy 042 101 090 Clefairy
037 Vulpix Rokon 127 153 248 Egg
038 Ninetales Kyukon 128 154 249 Vulpix
039 Jigglypuff Purin 044 138 234 282 120 Igglybuff
040 Wigglytuff Pukurin 045 139 235 283 121 Jigglypuff
041 Zubat Zubat 037 063 028 061 145 Egg
042 Golbat Golbat 038 064 029 062 146 Zubat
043 Oddish Nazonokusa 083 088 105 Egg
044 Gloom Kusaihana 084 089 106 Oddish
045 Vileplume Ruffresia 085 090 107 Gloom
046 Paras Paras 070 Egg
047 Parasect Parasect 071 Paras
048 Venonat Kongpang 109 Egg
049 Venomoth Morphon 110 Venonat
050 Diglett Digda 134 343 001 Egg
051 Dugtrio Dugtrio 135 344 002 Diglett
052 Meowth Nyarth 138 Egg
053 Persian Persian 139 Meowth
054 Psyduck Koduck 140 158 043 028 059 Egg
055 Golduck Golduck 141 159 044 029 060 Psyduck
056 Mankey Mankey 136 Egg
057 Primeape Okorizaru 137 Mankey
058 Growlithe Gardie 129 051 Egg
059 Arcanine Windie 130 052 Growlithe
060 Poliwag Nyoromo 072 220 033 Egg
061 Poliwhirl Nyorozo 073 221 034 Poliwag
062 Poliwrath Nyorobon 074 222 035 Poliwhirl
063 Abra Casey 089 039 020 337 102 Egg
064 Kadabra Yungerer 090 040 021 338 103 Abra
065 Alakazam Foodin 091 041 022 339 104 Kadabra
066 Machop Wanriky 142 073 040 334 057 Egg
067 Machoke Goriky 143 074 041 335 058 Machop
068 Machamp Kairiky 144 075 042 336 059 Machoke
069 Bellsprout Madatsubomi 064 026 Egg
070 Weepinbell Utsudon 065 027 Bellsprout
071 Victreebel Utsubot 066 028 Weepinbell
072 Tentacool Menokurage 164 066 136 025 Egg
073 Tentacruel Dokukurage 165 067 137 026 Tentacool
074 Geodude Ishitsubute 034 057 031 009 Egg
075 Graveler Golone 035 058 032 010 Geodude
076 Golem Golonya 036 059 033 011 Graveler
077 Ponyta Ponyta 206 090 Egg
078 Rapidash Gallop 207 091 Ponyta
079 Slowpoke Yadon 080 133 Egg
080 Slowbro Yadoran 081 134 Slowpoke
081 Magnemite Coil 119 082 178 048 069 Egg
082 Magneton Rarecoil 120 083 179 049 070 Magnemite
083 Farfetch'd Kamonegi 160 345 061 Egg
084 Doduo Dodo 204 092 094 Egg
085 Dodrio Dodrio 205 093 095 Doduo
086 Seel Pawou 178 265 Egg
087 Dewgong Jugon 179 266 Seel
088 Grimer Betbeter 117 106 064 Egg
089 Muk Betbeton 118 107 065 Grimer
090 Shellder Shellder 171 036 Egg
091 Cloyster Parshen 172 037 Shellder
092 Gastly Ghos 058 069 340 030 Egg
093 Haunter Ghost 059 070 341 031 Gastly
094 Gengar Gangar 060 071 342 032 Haunter
095 Onix Iwark 062 034 071 053 Egg
096 Drowzee Sleep 087 Egg
097 Hypno Sleeper 088 Drowzee
098 Krabby Crab 166 Egg
099 Kingler Kingler 167 Krabby
100 Voltorb Biriridama 121 084 226 072 Egg
101 Electrode Marumine 122 085 227 073 Voltorb
102 Exeggcute Tamatama 105 136 Egg
103 Exeggutor Nassy 106 137 Exeggcute
104 Cubone Karakara 208 060 Egg
105 Marowak Garagara 209 061 Cubone
106 Hitmonlee Sawamular 146 Tyrogue
107 Hitmonchan Ebiwalar 147 Tyrogue
108 Lickitung Beroringa 180 161 284 134 Egg
109 Koffing Dogars 115 108 046 Egg
110 Weezing Matadogas 116 109 047 Koffing
111 Rhyhorn Sihorn 211 169 186 313 050 Egg
112 Rhydon Sidon 212 170 187 314 051 Rhyhorn
113 Chansey Lucky 222 097 Egg/Happiny
    114 Tangela Monjara 182 181 217 Egg
    115 Kangaskhan Garura 210 062 Egg
    116 Horsea Tattu 190 184 236 039 Egg
    117 Seadra Seadra 191 185 237 040 Horsea
    118 Goldeen Tosakinto 078 050 078 053 Egg
    119 Seaking Azumao 079 051 079 054 Goldeen
    120 Staryu Hitodeman 169 143 238 034 Egg
    121 Starmie Starmie 170 144 239 035 Staryu
    122 Mr. Mime Barrierd 158 095 114 Egg/Mime Jr.
      123 Scyther Strike 111 195 332 136 Egg
      124 Jynx Rougela 155 240 084 Smoochum
      125 Electabuzz Eleboo 157 198 057 Elekid
      126 Magmar Boober 153 201 054 Magby
      127 Pinsir Kailios 113 167 146 130 Egg
      128 Tauros Kentauros 150 125 Egg
      129 Magikarp Koiking 076 052 023 349 049 Egg
      130 Gyarados Gyarados 077 053 024 350 050 Magikarp
      131 Lapras Laplace 224 242 150 Egg
      132 Ditto Metamon 092 261 138
      133 Eevee Eievui 184 163 091 077 Egg
      134 Vaporeon Showers 185 164 092 078 Eevee
      135 Jolteon Thunders 186 165 093 079 Eevee
      136 Flareon Booster 187 166 094 080 Eevee
      137 Porygon Porygon/Polygon[3] 220 192 Egg
      138 Omanyte Omnite 225 Egg/Helix Fossil
      139 Omastar Omstar 226 Omanyte
      140 Kabuto Kabuto 227 Egg/Dome Fossil
      141 Kabutops Kabutops 228 Kabuto
      142 Aerodactyl Ptera 229 068 Egg/Old Amber
      143 Snorlax Kabigon 230 113 312 139 Egg/Munchlax
        144 Articuno Freezer 240 151
        145 Zapdos Thunder 241 152
        146 Moltres Fire 242 153
        147 Dratini Miniryu 246 351 145 Egg
        148 Dragonair Hakuryu 247 352 146 Dratini
        149 Dragonite Kairyu 248 353 147 Dragonair
        150 Mewtwo Mewtwo 254 151
        151 Mew Mew 255
        152 Chikorita Chicorita[4] 001 Egg
        153 Bayleef Bayleaf[5] 002 Chikorita
        154 Meganium Meganium[6] 003 Bayleef
        155 Cyndaquil Hinoarashi[7] 004 Egg
        156 Quilava Magmarashi[8] 005 Cyndaquil
        157 Typhlosion Bakphoon[9] 006 Quilava
        158 Totodile Waninoko[10] 007 Egg
        159 Croconaw Alligates[8] 008 Totodile
        160 Feraligatr Ordile/Ordail[6][11] 009 Croconaw
        161 Sentret Otachi[12] 019 109 Egg
        162 Furret Ootachi 020 110 Sentret
        163 Hoothoot Hoho 015 106 117 Egg
        164 Noctowl Yorunozuku 016 107 118 Hoothoot
        165 Ledyba Rediba 030 074 Egg
        166 Ledian Redian 031 075 Ledyba
        167 Spinarak Itomaru 032 107 Egg
        168 Ariados Ariados 033 108 Spinarak
        169 Crobat Crobat[13] 039 065 030 063 147 Golbat
        170 Chinchou Chonchie 176 181 147 Egg
        171 Lanturn Lantern 177 182 148 Chinchou
        172 Pichu Pichu[2] 021 155 103 329 035 Egg
        173 Cleffa Py[13] 040 099 088 Egg
        174 Igglybuff Pupurin[14] 043 137 233 281 119 Egg
        175 Togepi Togepy[15] 046 173 Egg
        176 Togetic Togechick[16] 047 174 Togepi
        177 Natu 161 162 Egg
        178 Xatu 162 163 Natu
        179 Mareep 053 025 127 Egg
        180 Flaaffy 054 026 128 Mareep
        181 Ampharos Denryu[17] 055 027 129 Flaaffy
        182 Bellossom Kireihana[14] 086 091 108 Gloom
        183 Marill Maril[18] 132 055 125 031 042 Egg/Azurill
          184 Azumarill Marilli[13] 133 056 126 032 043 Marill
          185 Sudowoodo Usokkie[16] 107 093 130 Egg/Bonsly
          186 Politoed 075 223 036 Poliwhirl
          187 Hoppip Hanecco[16] 067 242 135 Egg
          188 Skiploom 068 243 136 Hoppip
          189 Jumpluff Watacco[11] 069 244 137 Skiploom
          190 Aipom Eipam[9] 123 063 Egg
          191 Sunkern 103 020 Egg
          192 Sunflora 104 021 Sunkern
          193 Yanma Yanyanma[11] 101 183 286 087 Egg
          194 Wooper Upah[14] 056 117 017 Egg
          195 Quagsire Nuoh 057 118 018 Wooper
          196 Espeon Eifie[19] 188 167 095 081 Eevee
          197 Umbreon Blacky[19] 189 168 096 082 Eevee
          198 Murkrow 213 074 051 Egg
          199 Slowking Yadoking[16] 082 135 Slowpoke
          200 Misdreavus Muma[13] 219 072 Egg
          201 Unown Unknown[20] 061 114 346
          202 Wobbuffet Sonans[21] 108 161 119 Egg/Wynaut
            203 Girafarig 149 164 121 Egg
            204 Pineco 093 Egg
            205 Forretress 094 Pineco
            206 Dunsparce 052 035 040 Egg
            207 Gligar Gliger[19] 193 153 221 115 Egg
            208 Steelix Haganeil[6] 063 035 072 054 Onix
            209 Snubbull Bull 125 071 Egg
            210 Granbull Granbull 126 072 Snubbull
            211 Qwilfish 163 224 038 Egg
            212 Scizor Hassam[14] 112 196 333 137 Scyther
            213 Shuckle 168 232 014 Egg
            214 Heracross Heracros[8] 114 168 062 145 131 Egg
            215 Sneasel 218 144 252 091 Egg
            216 Teddiursa Himeguma[14] 198 302 132 Egg
            217 Ursaring Ringuma[8] 199 303 133 Teddiursa
            218 Slugma 216 103 012 Egg
            219 Magcargo 217 104 013 Slugma
            220 Swinub 195 203 258 076 Egg
            221 Piloswine 196 204 259 077 Swinub
            222 Corsola 173 180 237 146 Egg
            223 Remoraid 174 132 235 144 Egg
            224 Octillery 175 133 236 145 Remoraid
            225 Delibird Delibird[22] 194 254 090 Egg
            226 Mantine Mantain[23] 202 141 234 140 Egg/Mantyke
              227 Skarmory Airmd[9] 203 115 203 112 Egg
              228 Houndour Delvil[16] 214 176 075 Egg
              229 Houndoom Hellgar[8] 215 177 076 Houndour
              230 Kingdra 192 186 238 041 Seadra
              231 Phanpy Gomazou[14] 200 165 231 304 Egg
              232 Donphan Donfan[21] 201 166 232 305 Phanpy
              233 Porygon2 Porygon 2/Polygon 2[24] 221 193 Porygon
              234 Stantler 131 Egg
              235 Smeargle Doble[19] 159 124 Egg
              236 Tyrogue 145 Egg
              237 Hitmontop Kapoerer[16] 148 Tyrogue
              238 Smoochum Muchul 154 239 083 Egg
              239 Elekid 156 197 056 Egg
              240 Magby 152 200 053 Egg
              241 Miltank Miltank[22] 151 126 Egg
              242 Blissey Happinas[6] 223 098 Chansey
              243 Raikou Raikou[16] 243
              244 Entei Entei[20] 244
              245 Suicune Suicune/Suikun[14][16] 245
              246 Larvitar 249 292 102 Egg
              247 Pupitar 250 293 103 Larvitar
              248 Tyranitar Bangiras[6] 251 294 104 Pupitar
              249 Lugia Lugia[6] 252
              250 Ho-Oh Houou[6] 253
              251 Celebi Celebi[25] 256
              252 Treecko Kimori[26] 001 Egg
              253 Grovyle Juptile[27] 002 Treecko
              254 Sceptile Jukain[23] 003 Grovyle
              255 Torchic Achamo[26] 004 Egg
              256 Combusken Wakasyamo[27] 005 Torchic
              257 Blaziken Bursyamo[23] 006 Combusken
              258 Mudkip Mizugorou[26] 007 Egg
              259 Marshtomp Numacraw[27] 008 Mudkip
              260 Swampert Laglarge[23] 009 Marshtomp
              261 Poochyena Pochiena[27] 010 347 044 Egg
              262 Mightyena Graena[14] 011 348 045 Poochyena
              263 Zigzagoon Jiguzaguma[27] 012 012 Egg
              264 Linoone 013 013 Zigzagoon
              265 Wurmple Kemusso[28] 014 048 324 Egg
              266 Silcoon 015 049 325 Wurmple(50%)
              267 Beautifly Agehunt[23] 016 050 326 Silcoon
              268 Cascoon 017 051 327 Wurmple(50%)
              269 Dustox 018 052 328 Cascoon
              270 Lotad Hassboh[29] 019 055 Egg
              271 Lombre Hasubrero[30] 020 056 Lotad
              272 Ludicolo Runpappa[19] 021 057 Lombre
              273 Seedot 022 Egg
              274 Nuzleaf 023 Seedot
              275 Shiftry Dirteng[26] 024 Nuzleaf
              276 Taillow Subame[21] 025 019 Egg
              277 Swellow Ohsubame[23] 026 020 Taillow
              278 Wingull 027 119 212 017 Egg
              279 Pelipper Pelipper[23] 028 120 213 018 Wingull
              280 Ralts 029 157 064 Egg
              281 Kirlia Kirlia[23] 030 158 065 Ralts
              282 Gardevoir Sirnight[31] 031 159 066 Kirlia
              283 Surskit 032 047 Egg
              284 Masquerain 033 048 Surskit
              285 Shroomish Kinococo[32] 034 211 Egg
              286 Breloom Kinogassa[19] 035 212 Shroomish
              287 Slakoth Namakero[9] 036 213 276 Egg
              288 Vigoroth Yarukimono[23] 037 214 277 Slakoth
              289 Slaking Kekking[19] 038 215 278 Vigoroth
              290 Nincada 042 111 Egg
              291 Ninjask 043 112 Nincada
              292 Shedinja 044 113 Nincada
              293 Whismur Gonyonyo[33] 045 140 Egg
              294 Loudred 046 141 Whismur
              295 Exploud Bakuong[2] 047 142 Loudred
              296 Makuhita Makunoshita[21] 048 309 095 Egg
              297 Hariyama Hariteyama[17] 049 310 096 Makuhita
              298 Azurill Ruriri[9] 054 124 030 041 Egg
              299 Nosepass 060 155 164 093 Egg
              300 Skitty Eneco[27] 061 078 078 Egg
              301 Delcatty Enekororo[23] 062 079 079 Skitty
              302 Sableye Yamirami[17] 068 225 123 Egg
              303 Mawile Kucheat[23] 069 063 Egg
              304 Aron Cokodora[23] 070 228 166 099 Egg
              305 Lairon 071 229 167 100 Aron
              306 Aggron Bossgodora[17] 072 230 168 101 Lairon
              307 Meditite Asanan[13] 076 086 143 Egg
              308 Medicham Charem[21] 077 087 144 Meditite
              309 Electrike 078 073 Egg
              310 Manectric Livolt[17] 079 074 Electrike
              311 Plusle Plusle/Prasle[21][34] 080 096 Egg
              312 Minun Minun[21] 081 097 Egg
              313 Volbeat 086 133 Egg
              314 Illumise Illumise[35] 087 134 Egg
              315 Roselia 094 026 134 072 Egg/Budew
                316 Gulpin Gokulin[23] 095 098 Egg
                317 Swalot 096 099 Gulpin
                318 Carvanha 097 055 Egg
                319 Sharpedo Samehader[9] 098 056 Carvanha
                320 Wailmer Hoeruko[27] 099 240 027 Egg
                321 Wailord Whaloh[36] 100 241 028 Wailmer
                322 Numel 101 204 Egg
                323 Camerupt Bakuuda[17] 102 205 Numel
                324 Torkoal 105 241 096 Egg
                325 Spoink Baneboo[14] 110 206 007 Egg
                326 Grumpig 111 207 008 Spoink
                327 Spinda Patcheel[14] 114 321 131 Egg
                328 Trapinch 116 121 003 Egg
                329 Vibrava 117 122 004 Trapinch
                330 Flygon Flygon[21] 118 123 005 Vibrava
                331 Cacnea Sabonea[27] 119 Egg
                332 Cacturne Noctus[26] 120 Cacnea
                333 Swablu 121 171 246 139 Egg
                334 Altaria Tyltalis[21] 122 172 247 140 Swablu
                335 Zangoose Zangoose[22] 123 217 186 005 Egg
                336 Seviper Habunake[27] 124 187 006 Egg
                337 Lunatone 125 214 012 Egg
                338 Solrock 126 215 013 Egg
                339 Barboach 127 080 040 Egg
                340 Whiscash Namazun[26] 128 081 041 Barboach
                341 Corphish Heigani[27] 129 279 051 Egg
                342 Crawdaunt Shizariger[23] 130 280 052 Corphish
                343 Baltoy 131 169 Egg
                344 Claydol 132 170 Baltoy
                345 Lileep 133 Egg/Root Fossil
                346 Cradily 134 Lileep
                347 Anorith 135 Egg/Claw Fossil
                348 Armaldo 136 Anorith
                349 Feebas 140 138 322 Egg
                350 Milotic 141 139 323 Feebas
                351 Castform 142 163 Egg
                352 Kecleon 145 216 320 116 Egg
                353 Shuppet 146 210 122 Egg
                354 Banette Juppeta[17] 147 211 123 Shuppet
                355 Duskull 148 189 306 Egg
                356 Dusclops 149 190 307 Duskull
                357 Tropius Tropius[22] 150 185 288 Egg
                358 Chimecho Chirean[14] 151 083 112 Egg/Chingling
                  359 Absol Absol[27] 152 209 216 009 Egg
                  360 Wynaut Sohnano[14] 160 118 Egg
                  361 Snorunt 171 206 Egg
                  362 Glalie 172 207 Snorunt
                  363 Spheal 173 243 Egg
                  364 Sealeo 174 244 Spheal
                  365 Walrein 175 245 Sealeo
                  366 Clamperl 176 141 Egg
                  367 Huntail 177 142 Clamperl
                  368 Gorebyss 178 143 Clamperl
                  369 Relicanth 179 042 Egg
                  370 Luvdisc 183 029 Egg
                  371 Bagon 187 014 Egg
                  372 Shelgon 188 015 Bagon
                  373 Salamence Bohmander[19] 189 016 Shelgon
                  374 Beldum 190 262 Egg
                  375 Metang 191 263 Beldum
                  376 Metagross Metagross[37] 192 264 Metang
                  377 Regirock Regirock[6] 193
                  378 Regice Regice[22] 194
                  379 Registeel Registeel[6] 195
                  380 Latias Latias[27] 196
                  381 Latios Latios[27] 197
                  382 Kyogre Kaiorga/Kyogre[13][38] 198
                  383 Groudon Groudon[21] 199
                  384 Rayquaza Rayquaza[39] 200
                  385 Jirachi Jirachi[9] 201
                  386 Deoxys Deoxys[39] 202 355
                  387 Turtwig Naetle[40] 001 Egg
                  388 Grotle Hayashigame[36] 002 Turtwig
                  389 Torterra Dodaitose[41] 003 Grotle
                  390 Chimchar Hikozaru[22] 004 Egg
                  391 Monferno Moukazaru[2] 005 Chimchar
                  392 Infernape Goukazaru[42] 006 Monferno
                  393 Piplup Pochama[36] 007 Egg
                  394 Prinplup Pottaishi[42] 008 Piplup
                  395 Empoleon Emperte[36] 009 Prinplup
                  396 Starly Mukkuru[36] 010 099 Egg
                  397 Staravia Mukubird[42] 011 100 Starly
                  398 Staraptor Mukuhawk 012 101 Staravia
                  399 Bidoof Bippa 013 038 Egg
                  400 Bibarel Beadaru 014 039 Bidoof
                  401 Kricketot Koroboshi 015 Egg
                  402 Kricketune Korotock 016 Kricketot
                  403 Shinx Kolink[22] 017 Egg
                  404 Luxio Luxio[42] 018 Shinx
                  405 Luxray Rentorar[24] 019 Luxio
                  406 Budew Subomie[43] 025 133 071 Egg
                  407 Roserade Roserade[42] 027 135 073 Roselia
                  408 Cranidos Zugaidos[42] 036 Egg/Skull Fossil
                  409 Rampardos Rampald[26] 037 Cranidos
                  410 Shieldon Tatetops 038 Egg/Armor Fossil
                  411 Bastiodon Torideps[26] 039 Shieldon
                  412 Burmy Minomutchi 045 044 Egg
                  413 Wormadam Minomadam 046 045 Burmy()
                  414 Mothim Gamale 047 046 Burmy()
                  415 Combee Mitsuhoney[42] 053 142 076 Egg
                  416 Vespiquen Beequen[36] 054 143 077 Combee()
                  417 Pachirisu Pachirisu[44] 055 132 Egg
                  418 Buizel Buoysel[9] 056 149 058 Egg
                  419 Floatzel Flowsel 057 150 059 Buizel
                  420 Cherubi Cherinbo[45] 058 Egg
                  421 Cherrim Cherrim[2] 059 Cherubi
                  422 Shellos Karanakushi[46] 060 Egg
                  423 Gastrodon Tritodon 061 Shellos
                  424 Ambipom Eteboth[36] 124 064 Aipom
                  425 Drifloon Fuwante[47] 065 208 001 Egg
                  426 Drifblim Fuwaride[26] 066 209 002 Drifloon
                  427 Buneary Mimirol[42] 067 080 Egg
                  428 Lopunny Mimilop[26] 068 081 Buneary
                  429 Mismagius Mumargi[2] 073 Misdreavus
                  430 Honchkrow Dongkarasu[22] 075 052 Murkrow
                  431 Glameow Nyarmar[48] 076 Egg
                  432 Purugly 077 Glameow
                  433 Chingling Lisyan[36] 082 111 Egg
                  434 Stunky 084 102 Egg
                  435 Skuntank Skutank[24] 085 103 Stunky
                  436 Bronzor 088 250 Egg
                  437 Bronzong Dohtakun[24] 089 251 Bronzor
                  438 Bonsly Usohachi[27] 092 129 Egg
                  439 Mime Jr. Manene[13] 094 113 Egg
                  440 Happiny Pinpuku[49] 096 Egg
                  441 Chatot Perap[9] 102 354 138 Egg
                  442 Spiritomb Mikaruge[42] 108 301 Egg
                  443 Gible Fukamaru[26] 109 006 Egg
                  444 Gabite Gabite[2] 110 007 Gible
                  445 Garchomp Gaburias[37] 111 008 Gabite
                  446 Munchlax Gonbe[39] 112 311 138 Egg
                  447 Riolu Riolu[36] 115 033 062 Egg
                  448 Lucario Lucario[21] 116 034 063 Riolu
                  449 Hippopotas Hippopotas 122 316 048 Egg
                  450 Hippowdon Kabaldon[22] 123 317 049 Hippopotas
                  451 Skorupi 127 201 015 Egg
                  452 Drapion Dorapion[36] 128 202 016 Skorupi
                  453 Croagunk Gureggru[36] 129 290 125 Egg
                  454 Toxicroak Dokurog[22] 130 291 126 Croagunk
                  455 Carnivine Muskippa[50] 131 289 029 Egg
                  456 Finneon Keikouo[51] 134 Egg
                  457 Lumineon Neolant[24] 135 Finneon
                  458 Mantyke Tamanta[9] 140 233 139 Egg
                  459 Snover Yukikaburi[22] 142 318 088 Egg
                  460 Abomasnow Yukinooh[17] 143 319 089 Snover
                  461 Weavile Manyula[21] 145 253 092 Sneasel
                  462 Magnezone Jibacoil 180 050 071 Magneton
                  463 Lickilicky Berobelt[52] 181 162 285 135 Lickitung
                  464 Rhyperior Dosidon[36] 188 315 052 Rhydon
                  465 Tangrowth Mojumbo[2] 183 182 218 Tangela
                  466 Electivire Elekible[5] 199 058 Electabuzz
                  467 Magmortar Booburn[42] 202 055 Magmar
                  468 Togekiss Togekiss[53] 175 Togetic
                  469 Yanmega Megayanma[22] 102 184 287 088 Yanma
                  470 Leafeon Leafia[54] 169 097 083 Eevee
                  471 Glaceon Glacia[2] 170 098 084 Eevee
                  472 Gliscor Glion[2] 154 222 116 Gligar
                  473 Mamoswine Mammoo[2] 197 205 260 078 Piloswine
                  474 Porygon-Z PorygonZ/PolygonZ 194 Porygon2
                  475 Gallade Erureido[42] 160 067 Kirlia()
                  476 Probopass 156 165 094 Nosepass
                  477 Dusknoir Yonoir[22] 191 308 Dusclops
                  478 Froslass 208 Snorunt()
                  479 Rotom Rotom[22] 152 068 Egg
                  480 Uxie Yuxie[2] 146
                  481 Mesprit Emrit[55] 147
                  482 Azelf Agnome[42] 148
                  483 Dialga Dialga[56] 149
                  484 Palkia Palkia[57] 150
                  485 Heatran Heatran[2] 245
                  486 Regigigas Regigigas[22] 246
                  487 Giratina Giratina[58] 210
                  488 Cresselia Crecelia[59] 247
                  489 Phione Phione[60] 248 356 Egg
                  490 Manaphy Manaphy[23] 151 357 Manaphy Egg
                  491 Darkrai Darkrai[24] 249
                  492 Shaymin Shaymin[36] 250
                  493 Arceus Arceus[26] 251
                  494 Victini[61] Victini[62] 000
                  495 Snivy[63] Tsutarja[64] 001 Egg
                  496 Servine Janovy[65] 002 Snivy
                  497 Serperior Jalorda[66] 003 Servine
                  498 Tepig[63] Pokabu[64] 004 Egg
                  499 Pignite Chaoboo[67] 005 Tepig
                  500 Emboar Enbuoh[68] 006 Pignite
                  501 Oshawott[63] Mijumaru[64] 007 Egg
                  502 Dewott Futachimaru[69] 008 Oshawott
                  503 Samurott Daikenki[70] 009 Dewott
                  504 Patrat[71] Minezumi[64] 010 046 Egg
                  505 Watchog[72] Miruhog[64] 011 047 Patrat
                  506 Lillipup[73] Yorterrie[17] 022 Egg
                  507 Herdier[74] Herderrie[17] 023 Lillipup
                  508 Stoutland Mooland[17] 024 Herdier
                  509 Purrloin[75] Choroneko[76] 012 042 Egg
                  510 Liepard[77] Lepardas[17] 013 043 Purrloin
                  511 Pansage[78] Yanappu[79] 037 029 Egg
                  512 Simisage Yanakkie[80] 038 030 Pansage
                  513 Pansear[81] Baoppu[82] 039 031 Egg
                  514 Simisear Baokkie[83] 040 032 Pansear
                  515 Panpour[84] Hiyappu[85] 041 033 Egg
                  516 Simipour Hiyakkie[86] 042 034 Panpour
                  517 Munna[87] Munna[64] 086 Egg
                  518 Musharna[88] Musharna[64] 087 Munna
                  519 Pidove[89] Mamepato[64] 014 Egg
                  520 Tranquill Hatoboh[90] 015 Pidove
                  521 Unfezant Kenhallow[91] 016 Tranquill
                  522 Blitzle[92] Shimama[17] 147 Egg
                  523 Zebstrika Zebraika[93] 148 Blitzle
                  524 Roggenrola Dangoro[91] 068 120 Egg
                  525 Boldore Gantle[91] 069 121 Roggenrola
                  526 Gigalith[94] Gigaiath[93] 070 122 Boldore
                  527 Woobat[95] Koromori[64] 066 055 Egg
                  528 Swoobat Kokoromori[17] 067 056 Woobat
                  529 Drilbur[96] Mogurew[64] 076 Egg
                  530 Excadrill[97] Doryuzu[98] 077 Drilbur
                  531 Audino[99] Tabunne[100] 036 123 Egg
                  532 Timburr Dokkorer[101] 073 093 Egg
                  533 Gurdurr Dotekkotsu[101] 074 094 Timburr
                  534 Conkeldurr Roubushin[17] 075 095 Gurdurr
                  535 Tympole Otamaro[17] 228 Egg
                  536 Palpitoad Gamagaru[17] 229 Tympole
                  537 Seismitoad Gamageroge[17] 230 Palpitoad
                  538 Throh Nageki[17] 267 097 Egg
                  539 Sawk Dageki[17] 268 098 Egg
                  540 Sewaddle[102] Kurumiru[90] 017 Egg
                  541 Swadloon Kurumayu[101] 018 Sewaddle
                  542 Leavanny Hahakomori[17] 019 Swadloon
                  543 Venipede Fushide[101] 043 120 Egg
                  544 Whirlipede Wheega[101] 044 121 Venipede
                  545 Scolipede Pendror[90] 045 122 Whirlipede
                  546 Cottonee Monmen[17] 082 Egg
                  547 Whimsicott Elfuun[17] 083 Cottonee
                  548 Petilil Churine[17] 084 Egg
                  549 Lilligant Dredear[17] 085 Petilil
                  550 Basculin[103] Bassrao[17] 104 060 Egg
                  551 Sandile[104] Meguroco[64] 099 043 Egg
                  552 Krokorok Waruvile[17] 100 044 Sandile
                  553 Krookodile Waruvial[17] 101 045 Krokorok
                  554 Darumaka Darumakka[90] 102 Egg
                  555 Darmanitan[105] Hihidaruma[64] 103 Darumaka
                  556 Maractus Maracacchi[17] 119 Egg
                  557 Dwebble Ishizumai[90] 115 023 Egg
                  558 Crustle Iwapalace[101] 116 024 Dwebble
                  559 Scraggy Zuruggu[90] 117 100 Egg
                  560 Scrafty Zuruzukin[101] 118 101 Scraggy
                  561 Sigilyph Symboler[17] 120 090 Egg
                  562 Yamask[106] Desumasu[90] 124 Egg
                  563 Cofagrigus[107] Desukarn[93] 125 Yamask
                  564 Tirtouga Protoga[17] 126 Egg/Cover Fossil
                  565 Carracosta Abagoura[17] 127 Tirtouga
                  566 Archen Archen[108] 128 Egg/Plume Fossil
                  567 Archeops Archeos[17] 129 Archen
                  568 Trubbish Yabukuron[17] 105 074 Egg
                  569 Garbodor Dustdas[101] 106 075 Trubbish
                  570 Zorua[109] Zorua[64] 151 124 Egg
                  571 Zoroark[109] Zoroark[64] 152 125 Zorua
                  572 Minccino[110] Chillarmy[111] 107 Egg
                  573 Cinccino Chillaccino[17] 108 Minccino
                  574 Gothita Gothimu[108] 136 126 Egg
                  575 Gothorita Gothimiru[17] 137 127 Gothita
                  576 Gothitelle[112] Gothiruselle[113] 138 128 Gothorita
                  577 Solosis Uniran[108] 139 115 Egg
                  578 Duosion Doublan[17] 140 116 Solosis
                  579 Reuniclus[114] Lanculus[90] 141 117 Duosion
                  580 Ducklett Koaruhie[17] 153 127 Egg
                  581 Swanna[115] Swanna[17] 154 128 Ducklett
                  582 Vanillite Vanipeti[17] 255 085 Egg
                  583 Vanillish Vanirich[101] 256 086 Vanillite
                  584 Vanilluxe Baivanilla[17] 257 087 Vanillish
                  585 Deerling[116] Shikijika[117] 159 Egg
                  586 Sawsbuck[118] Mebukijika[90] 160 Deerling
                  587 Emolga[119] Emonga[120] 144 086 Egg
                  588 Karrablast Kaburumo[101] 155 022 Egg
                  589 Escavalier Chevargo[93] 156 023 Karrablast
                  590 Foongus Tamagetake[113] 161 053 Egg
                  591 Amoonguss Morobareru[101] 162 054 Foongus
                  592 Frillish Pururill[101] 180 Egg
                  593 Jellicent Burungel[17] 181 Frillish
                  594 Alomomola[121] Mamanbou[64] 182 149 Egg
                  595 Joltik Bachuru[17] 173 Egg
                  596 Galvantula[122] Dentula[113] 174 Joltik
                  597 Ferroseed Tesseed[17] 175 069 Egg
                  598 Ferrothorn Nutrey[108] 176 070 Ferroseed
                  599 Klink[123] Giaru[90] 130 Egg
                  600 Klang Gigiaru[17] 131 Klink
                  601 Klinklang Gigigiaru[17] 132 Klang
                  602 Tynamo Shibishirasu[101] 177 Egg
                  603 Eelektrik Shibibeel[101] 178 Tynamo
                  604 Eelektross Shibirudon[17] 179 Eelektrik
                  605 Elgyem Ligray[17] 188 Egg
                  606 Beheeyem Ohbem[101] 189 Elgyem
                  607 Litwick Hitomoshi[17] 190 065 Egg
                  608 Lampent Lampler[101] 191 066 Litwick
                  609 Chandelure Chandela[17] 192 067 Lampent
                  610 Axew[124] Kibago[64] 183 148 Egg
                  611 Fraxure[125] Onondo[126] 184 149 Axew
                  612 Haxorus[127] Ononokus[128] 185 150 Fraxure
                  613 Cubchoo Kumasyun[129] 195 081 Egg
                  614 Beartic Tunbear[17] 196 082 Cubchoo
                  615 Cryogonal Freegeo[17] 197 111 Egg
                  616 Shelmet Chobomaki[101] 157 024 Egg
                  617 Accelgor Agilder[93] 158 025 Shelmet
                  618 Stunfisk Maggyo[17] 231 039 Egg
                  619 Mienfoo Kojofu[17] 219 003 Egg
                  620 Mienshao Kojondo[101] 220 004 Mienfoo
                  621 Druddigon Crimgan[93] 270 141 Egg
                  622 Golett Gobit[101] 271 091 Egg
                  623 Golurk Goloog[17] 272 092 Golett
                  624 Pawniard Komatana[17] 223 048 Egg
                  625 Bisharp Kirikizan[17] 224 049 Pawniard
                  626 Bouffalant Buffron[17] 269 Egg
                  627 Rufflet Washibon[101] 109 Egg
                  628 Braviary[130] Warrgle[93] 110 Rufflet
                  629 Vullaby Valchai[17] 111 Egg
                  630 Mandibuzz Vulgina[17] 112 Vullaby
                  631 Heatmor Kuitaran[101] 193 105 Egg
                  632 Durant Aiant[101] 194 106 Egg
                  633 Deino Monozu[101] 273 142 Egg
                  634 Zweilous Dihead[101] 274 143 Deino
                  635 Hydreigon Sazandora[17] 275 144 Zweilous
                  636 Larvesta Merlarva[17] 171 Egg
                  637 Volcarona Ulgamoth[17] 172 Larvesta
                  638 Cobalion Cobalon[17] 225
                  639 Terrakion Terrakion[17] 226
                  640 Virizion Virizion[17] 227
                  641 Tornadus Tornelos[17] 198
                  642 Thundurus Voltolos[17] 199
                  643 Reshiram[131] Reshiram[64] 295
                  644 Zekrom[131] Zekrom[64] 296
                  645 Landorus Landlos[17] 200
                  646 Kyurem Kyurem[132] 297
                  647 Keldeo Keldeo[17] 298
                  648 Meloetta Meloetta[17] 299
                  649 Genesect Genesect[17] 300
                  650 Chespin[133] Harimaron[133][134] 001 Egg
                  651 Quilladin[135] Hariborg[17] 002 Chespin
                  652 Chesnaught Brigarron[136][137] 003 Quilladin
                  653 Fennekin[133] Fokko[133][138] 004 Egg
                  654 Braixen[135] Tairenar[17] 005 Fennekin
                  655 Delphox Mahoxy[136][139] 006 Braixen
                  656 Froakie[133] Keromatsu[133][140] 007 Egg
                  657 Frogadier[135] Gekogashira[17] 008 Froakie
                  658 Greninja Gekkouga[136] 009 Frogadier
                  659 Bunnelby[141] Horubee[136] 010 Egg
                  660 Diggersby Horudo[17] 011 Bunnelby
                  661 Fletchling[141] Yayakoma[142] 014 Egg
                  662 Fletchinder Hinoyakoma[17] 015 Fletchling
                  663 Talonflame[141] Fiarrow[17] 016 Fletchinder
                  664 Scatterbug[141] Kofukimushi[17] 020 Egg
                  665 Spewpa[141] Kofuurai[17] 021 Scatterbug
                  666 Vivillon[141] Viviyon[136] 022 Spewpa
                  667 Litleo[141] Shishiko[143] 057 Egg
                  668 Pyroar[141] Kaenjishi[17] 058 Litleo
                  669 Flabébé[141] Flabebe[144] 068 Egg
                  670 Floette Floette[145] 069 Flabébé
                  671 Florges Florges[146] 070 Floette
                  672 Skiddo[141] Meecle[136] 089 Egg
                  673 Gogoat[141] Gogoat[147] 090 Skiddo
                  674 Pancham[141] Yancham[148] 091 Egg
                  675 Pangoro[141] Goronda[17] 092 Pancham
                  676 Furfrou Trimmien[136] 093 Egg
                  677 Espurr Nyasper[136] 114 Egg
                  678 Meowstic Nyaonix[136] 115 Espurr
                  679 Honedge[141] Hitotsuki[149] 117 Egg
                  680 Doublade[141] Nidangill[17] 118 Honedge
                  681 Aegislash Gillgard[17] 119 Doublade
                  682 Spritzee[141] Shushupu[17] 129 Egg
                  683 Aromatisse[141] Frefuwan[150] 130 Spritzee
                  684 Swirlix[141] Peroppafu[147] 131 Egg
                  685 Slurpuff[141] Peroream[151] 132 Swirlix
                  686 Inkay[141] Maaiika[136] 010 Egg
                  687 Malamar[141] Calamanero[17] 011 Inkay
                  688 Binacle Kametete[17] 021 Egg
                  689 Barbaracle Gamenodes[17] 022 Binacle
                  690 Skrelp[141] Kuzumo[136] 030 Egg
                  691 Dragalge Dramidoro[17] 031 Skrelp
                  692 Clauncher[141] Udeppou[136] 032 Egg
                  693 Clawitzer Bloster[17] 033 Clauncher
                  694 Helioptile[141] Erikiteru[152] 046 Egg
                  695 Heliolisk Elezard[17] 047 Helioptile
                  696 Tyrunt[141] Chigoras[153] 064 Jaw Fossil
                  697 Tyrantrum[141] Gachigoras[154] 065 Tyrunt
                  698 Amaura[141] Amarus[155] 066 Sail Fossil
                  699 Aurorus[141] Amaruruga[156] 067 Amaura
                  700 Sylveon[141] Nymphia[157] 085 Eevee
                  701 Hawlucha Luchabull[158] 089 Egg
                  702 Dedenne[141] Dedenne[136] 110 Egg
                  703 Carbink Melecie[159] 124 Egg
                  704 Goomy Numera[160] 019 Egg
                  705 Sliggoo Numeil[17] 020 Goomy
                  706 Goodra Numelgon[161] 021 Sliggoo
                  707 Klefki Cleffy[162] 050 Egg
                  708 Phantump Bokurei[163] 061 Egg
                  709 Trevenant Ohrot[17] 062 Phantump
                  710 Pumpkaboo Bakeccha[136] 063 Egg
                  711 Gourgeist Pumpjin[17] 064 Pumpkaboo
                  712 Bergmite Kachikohru[164] 079 Egg
                  713 Avalugg Crebase[17] 080 Bergmite
                  714 Noibat Onbat[165] 113 Egg
                  715 Noivern[141] Onvern[166] 114 Noibat
                  716 Xerneas[167] Xerneas[168] 148
                  717 Yveltal[167] Yveltal[169] 149
                  718 Zygarde Zygarde[17] 150
                  719 Diancie[170] Diancie[171]
                  720 Hoopa[172] Hoopa[17]
                  721 Volcanion Volcanion[17]
                  722 Magearna Magiana[17]
                  *These pre-evolved Pokémon were introduced in generations following introduction of the species they evolve into (and after the 2nd, which introduced breeding). The pre-evolutions will only hatch from eggs produced under special conditions. All other eggs will hatch directly into the next stage of evolution.
                  Marked as Mythical Pokémon for at least one game entry. These Pokémon cannot be encountered and caught in the course of normal gameplay, and does not affect the completion of Pokédex. They are officially only made available via promotional events, or transferred from a previous version or spin-off titles under certain conditions. Lugia and Ho-Oh are special cases in that are Mythical only in Game Boy Advance (GBA) versions but legendary in other versions, where they can be obtained by normal gameplay.
                  In Pokémon Black and White, Zorua and Zoroark cannot be encountered and caught in the course of normal gameplay without trading or obtaining them from promotional distributions. However, Zorua and Zoroark are not Mythical Pokémon, because they are required to complete the Pokédex in Pokémon Black and White.


                  Main article: MissingNo.
                  A boy wearing a baseball cap seen from behind looks up at a lower-case "d" shaped character with a scrambled appearance. Below, a text box says "Wild MISSINGNO. appeared!"
                  The player encountering MissingNo. in Pokémon Red

                  MissingNo. (けつばん Ketsuban), or MissingNO,[173] is a glitch only found in the video games Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow. Encountering MissingNo. is accomplished through an in-game event that causes the game to pick an error handler put in place by Game Freak to fill in spaces for non-existent Pokémon species. It gained popularity as an exploit as players discovered that the sixth item in their inventory was replicated,[174] but it caused graphical and visual errors.[173] Nintendo of America first acknowledged MissingNo. in the May 1999 issue of Nintendo Power.[175]


                  1. At the games' release, only 69 new Pokémon were made available through normal play. As of 14 January 2015, two of the hidden Pokémon added in the games was announced, bringing the total to 71.


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                  External links

                  Look up Appendix:Pokémon species in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
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