List of Washington Journal programs aired in April 1995

· The C-SPAN news and interview program Washington Journal has been presented live every day of the year from January 4, 1995 through the present, with very few exceptions. Programs are typically a mix of politically themed interviews, viewer calls and emails, discussion of current events, and reviews of that morning's newspapers.

In the table below, guests are listed in alphabetical order, rather than the order in which they appeared on the program. They are also listed with the position or affiliation they held at the time of their appearance.

Table of programs

(w/link to video)
Approx. run timeHost(s)GuestsComments
Saturday, April 01, 19951 hr. 26 min.Lew KetchamEdward W. Gillespie (Press Secretary to Rep. Richard Armey (R-TX)); Alfred Lott (Representative, World War II Commemoration Committee); Kiki Moore (Political Consultant, Dewey Square Group); James Popkin (Senior Editor, U.S. News and World Report)
Sunday, April 02, 19952 hr. 2 min. Lloyd Cutler (Former White House Counsel); Former Gov. Pete DuPont (R-DE); Joan Lowy (Congressional Correspondent, Scripps Howard News Service); Stephen "Steve" Moore (Senior Fellow, Cato Institute)
Monday, April 03, 19952 hr. 40 min.Brian LambAnita Blair (Correspondent, Women's Quarterly); Guy Gugliotta (Correspondent, Washington Post); David Keating (President, National Taxpayers Union); Jurek Martin (Editor, Financial Times); Robert McIntyre (Director, Citizens for Tax Justice); Clarence Page (Columnist, Chicago Tribune)
Tuesday, April 04, 19952 hr. 29 min.Susan SwainKerry Knott (Chief of Staff, Office of Rep. Richard Armey (R-TX)); Frank I. Luntz (Political Consultant, Luntz and Associates); T. R. Reid (North Asia Correspondent, Washington Post); Andrew "Andy" Taylor (Correspondent, Congressional Quarterly); Robert B. Zoellick (Former Undersecretary of State for Economic Affairs)
Wednesday, April 05, 19953 hr. 6 min.Bruce CollinsJennifer Allen (Officer, People for Ethical Treatment of Animals); Harvey Berkman (Correspondent, National Law Journal); Rep. Glen Browder (D-AL); Margaret Camp (Press Secretary, Office of Sen. Arlen Specter R-PA); James "Jay" Carney (White House Correspondent, Time Magazine); Rep. Gene Green (R-TX); Former Rep. Andrew "Andy" Ireland (R-FL); Rep. Bill Martini (R-NJ); Nancy Mathis (Correspondent, Houston Chronicle); David Skidmore (Correspondent, Associated Press); Rep. Richard "Dick" Zimmer (R-NJ)
Thursday, April 06, 19953 hr.Lew Ketcham
Steve Scully
Robert "Bob" L. Borosage (Professor, Institute for Policy Studies); Sen. Howell T. Heflin (D-AL); Karen Hosler (Congressional Correspondent, Baltimore Sun); Don Imus (Talk Show Host, WFAN-AM); Sen. James M. Inhofe (R-OK); Mary King (Teacher, Fort Chiswell High School, Max Meadows, VA); Richard Sammon (Correspondent,CQ Daily Monitor); Tom Schatz (President, Citizens Against Government Waste); Paul Starr (Co-Founder and Co-Editor, The American Prospect); George Stephanopoulos (White House Communications Director)
Friday, April 07, 19952 hr. 53 min.Brian LambRep. John A. Boehner (R-OH); Rep. Steve "Stephen" Buyer (R-IN); Jacqueline "Jackie" Calmes (Correspondent, Wall Street Journal); Rep. James "Jim" C. Greenwood (R-PA); Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA); Jessica Lee (Correspondent, USA Today); Carl P. Leubsdorf (Washington Bureau Chief, Dallas Morning News); Rep. John Lewis (D-GA); Rep. Frank A. LoBiondo (R-NJ); Carolyn Lochhead (Correspondent, San Francisco Chronicle); David Smith (Chief Washington Bureau Correspondent, Independent Television News); Barry Tron (Producer); Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA)
Saturday, April 08, 19951 hr. 30 min.Lew Ketcham Harold Brazil (Member, District of Columbia City Council); Robert A. George (Legislative Assistant, Office of Rep. Michael Huffington (R-CA)); David Seldin (Former White House Aide); Arthur B. Spitzer (Representative, American Civil Liberties Union); Jill Zuckman (Correspondent, Boston Globe)
Sunday, April 09, 19951 hr. 56 min.Steve Scully Doris Kearns Goodwin (Historian); John King (Correspondent, Associated Press); Thomas W. Lippman (Correspondent; Washington Post); James C. Miller III (Chairman of the Board of Directors, Citizens for a Sound Economy); Hugh Price (President and CEO, National Urban League)
Monday, April 10, 19953 hr. 16 min.Brian LambRichard Benedetto (White House Correspondent, USA Today); Virgil Dean (Historian, Kansas State Historical Society); Lew Ferguson (Correspondent, Associated Press); William "Bill" B. Lacy (Political Consultant, G.W. Bush Presidential Campaign, California); Lars-Erik Nelson (Columnist, Newsday); Todd S. Purdum (Correspondent, New York Times); Tim Russert (Washington Bureau Chief, NBC Television); Gerald F. Seib (National Politics Correspondent, Wall Street Journal); Jake Thompson; R. "Bob" Emmett Tyrrell Jr. (Founder and Editor-in-Chief, American Spectator); Majorie Williams (Correspondent, Vanity Fair); Ira Wyman (Photographer, Newsweek)
Tuesday, April 11, 19952 hr. 7 min.Susan SwainRep. Nathan Deal (R-GA); Steve "Malcolm" Forbes (Editor, Forbes Magazine); Wendy Kaminer; John McQuaid (Washington, D.C. Correspondent New Orleans Times-Picayune) Richard Noyes (Election Assessment Director, Center for Media and Public Affairs); Jacob Weisberg (Correspondent, New York Magazine)
Wednesday, April 12, 19952 hr. 31 min.Bruce Collins Dorann Gunderson (Director, Franklin Roosevelt Memorial Commission); Allan J. Lichtman (History Professor, American University); Stephen "Steve" Moore (Senior Fellow, Cato Institute); Robert Nathan (White House Official, Franklin Roosevelt Administration); John O'Donnell (Correspondent, Baltimore Sun); Former Rep. Stephen J. Solarz (D-NY); Former Sen. Malcolm Wallop (R-WY)
Thursday, April 13, 19953 hr. 1 min.Lew Ketcham
Susan Swain
David Bradt Jr. (Partner, Arthur Andersen and Company); Michael A. Carvin (Attorney); Mark Dornan; Rep. Robert "Bob" K. Dornan (R-CA); Terry Eastland (Executive Editor, Forbes MediaCritic); Juliet Eilperin (Correspondent, CQ Today); Joe Klein (Senior Editor, Newsweek); Fernando Murias (Partner, Coopers and Lybrand); Sean Piccoli (Correspondent, Washington Times); Anthony Robinson (President, Minority Business Legal Defense and Education Fund); Elaine Shannon (Correspondent, Time Magazine)
Friday, April 14, 19953 hr.Brian LambPat Crowley (Editorial Cartoonist, The Hill); Jason DeParle (Correspondent, New York Times); Sheldon Friedman (Economic Research Director, AFL-CIO); Harold Holzer (Former Editor, Lincoln Douglas Debates); Ellen Ladowsky (Politics Writer); Alvin Rabushka (Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution at Stanford University); Marshall Reese (Artist); Don Rush (Washington Bureau Chief, Pacifica Radio); Harry Schwartz (Writer, The Hill); Russell Townsley (Former Publisher, Russell Daily News, Russell, KS)
Saturday, April 15, 19951 hr. 30 min.Lew KetchamJamie Dettmer (Correspondent, Insight Magazine); Thomas "Tom" W. Pauken (Chairman, Texas Republican Party); Jeffrey Rosen (Correspondent, The New Republic)
Sunday, April 16, 19952 hr.Steve Scully Paul M. Barrett (Supreme Court Correspondent, Wall Street Journal); Michael Isikoff (Correspondent, Newsweek); Nicholas Sabatine (Chairman, Patriot Party); Paul Tsongas (Co-Founder, Concord Coalition); Perry Willis (Director, Libertarian Party)
Monday, April 17, 19953 hr. 4 min.Brian Lamb Melinda Bates (Director, White House Visitors Office); Peter Braestrup (Communications Director, Library of Congress); Sandra Harding (Spokeswoman, U.S. Postal Service); Tod Lindberg (Editorial Page Editor, Washington Times); Susan Page (White House Correspondent, Newsday); Carl Stout (Member, Vietnam Veterans of America); Andrew Sullivan (Editor, The New Republic); Teresa Tritch (Washington Bureau Chief, Money Magazine); Bob Wencel (Strategic Planning and Analysis Chief, Internal Revenue Service)
Tuesday, April 18, 19953 hr. 2 min.Lew Ketcham
Susan Swain
Bob Drummond (Correspondent, Bloomberg Business News); Former Rep. Thomas "Tom" S. Foley (D-WA); Jerry J. Jasinowski (President, National Association of Manufacturers); Former Rep. Robert H. Michel (R-IL); David Nichols (Author); Former Vice President of the United States J. "Dan" Quayle; James Risen (Washington Bureau Correspondent, Los Angeles Times); Gregory Wetstone (Legislative Affairs Director, Natural Resources Defense Council)
Wednesday, April 19, 19953 hr. 2 min.Connie Doebele
Steve Scully
Lamar Alexander (Presidential Candidate, R-TN); Lynn Cutler (Vice Chair, Democratic National Committee); Jill Dougherty (White House Correspondent, CNN); Mae C. Jemison M.D. (Former Astronaut, NASA); Stan Mack (Editorial Cartoonist, Village Voice); Michael "Mike" D. McCurry (White House Press Secretary); Jeremy A. Rabkin (Correspondent, American Spectator); Mary Schneider (Correspondent, Indianapolis Star/News)
Thursday, April 20, 19953 hr. 2 min.Lew Kectcham
Susan Swain
Josh Handler (Former Research Coordinator, Greenpeace USA); John D. Holum (Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency); Laura Ingraham (Member, Board of Directors, Independent Women's Forum); Rep. Ernest Jim Istook (R-OK); Jonathan S. Landay (National Security Correspondent, Christian Science Monitor); Neil Livingstone (President, Institute on Terrorism and Subnational Conflict); Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA); Richard L. Tafel (Executive Director, Log Cabin Republicans)
Friday, April 21, 19953 hr. 4 min.Brian LambWilliam Buzenberg (News Director, National Public Radio); Suzanne Garment; Daniel Goure (Scholar, Center for Strategic and International Studies); Rod MacLeish (Washington, D.C. Editor, Monitor Radio); Robert Schweitzer (Director, Global Strategy Institute); Victoria Toensing (Former Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice); Neil Westergaard (Executive Editor, Denver Post); James J. Zogby (Founder and President, Arab American Institute)
Saturday, April 22, 19951 hr. 30 min.Lew KetchamPhilip Clapp (Executive Director, Environmental Information Center); Christopher Georges (Correspondent, Wall Street Journal); John Kyte, (Environmental Quality Director, National Association of Manufacturers); Michael Martin (Executive Director, Campaigns for the Environment); John Podhoretz (Correspondent, New York Post)
Sunday, April 23, 19951 hr. 58 min.Steve ScullySen. Byron L. Dorgan (D-ND); David Hage (Correspondent, U.S. News and World Report); Madeleine M. Kunin (Deputy Secretary, Department of Education); Former U.S. Attorney General Richard Thornburgh
Monday, April 24, 19953 hr. 2 min.Brian LambFred Downs (Veteran, Vietnam War); Barbara Ehrenreich (Editor, Ms. Magazine); Stanley Karnow (Author); Thomas W. Lippman (Correspondent, Washington Post); John Merriam (Employee, World Bank); Harry Summers (Correspondent, Los Angeles Times); Joe Volk (Executive Secretary, Friends Committee on National Legislation)
Tuesday, April 25, 19953 hr. 4 min.Bruce Collins
Susan Swain
Lt. Col. Regina Aune (U.S. Army); David Lawsky (Correspondent, Reuters News Service); Sen. John S. McCain III (R-AZ); Former Col. Edward Sieffert (U.S. Department of Defense); Sen. Paul Simon (D-IL); David Stark (Correspondent, Atlantic Monthly); David Yepsen (Politics Editor, Des Moines Register)
Wednesday, April 26, 19953 hr. 2 min.Lew Ketcham
Susan Swain
Eric Bates (Correspondent, Mother Jones Magazine); Lynne Cheney (Former Chair, National Endowment for the Humanities); William Colby (Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency); Laura Murphy Lee, (Director, Washington D.C. Office, American Civil Liberties Union); Former Sen. George S. McGovern (D-SD); Steven Sample (President, University of Southern California); Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA); John H. Taylor (Executive Director, Richard Nixon Foundation); Robert Timberg (Washington Correspondent, Baltimore Sun); Douglas C. Waller (Correspondent, Time Magazine)
Thursday, April 27, 19953 hr. 8 min.Steve ScullySen. Pete V. Domenici (R-NM); Richard S. Dunham (Politics Correspondent, Business Week); James K. Glassman (Columnist, Washington Post); Hershel W. Gober (Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs); Former Rep. Guy Vander Jagt (R-MI); Steven Kull (Director, International Policy Attitudes Program, University of Maryland, College Park); Franklin Sonn (South African Ambassador to the United States); Sen. Fred Thompson (R-TN)
Friday, April 28, 19953 hr. 1 min.Connie Doebele
Brian Lamb
Robert Creamer (Representative, Citizen Action); Dan Goodgame (Washington Bureau Chief, Time Magazine); James Kitfield (Defense Correspondent, Government Executive); Morton M. Kondracke (Executive Editor, CQ Today); Caroline Stinebower (Spokeswoman, National Federation of Independent Business); Wallace Terry; Martin Tolchin (Founder, Publisher, & Editor-in-Chief, The Hill
Saturday, April 29, 19951 hr. 31 min.Bruce CollinsJames Craigen (Social Work Professor, Howard University); Anita Dunn (Political Consultant, Squier-Eskew Communications); Carl P. Leubsdorf (Washington Bureau Chief, Dallas Morning News); Donna Matias (Attorney, Institute for Justice); Leigh Ann Metzger (Deputy Director for Communications, Republican National Committee
Sunday, April 30, 19952 hr. 1 min.Steve ScullyPatrice Hill (Economics Correspondent, Washington Times); Rep. Susan Molinari (R-NY); Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC); Rosa Parks (Activist)


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