List of Washington Journal programs aired in January 1995
The C-SPAN news and interview program Washington Journal has been presented live every day of the year from January 4, 1995, through the present, with very few exceptions. Programs are typically a mix of politically themed interviews, viewer calls and emails, discussion of current events, and reviews of that morning's newspapers.
In the table below, guests are listed in alphabetical order, rather than the order in which they appeared on the program. They are also listed with the position or affiliation they held at the time of their appearance.
Table of programs
Date (w/link to video) | Approx. run time | Host(s) | Guests | Comments |
Wednesday, January 4, 1995 | 5 hr. 1 min. | Brian Lamb Susan Swain | Jeffrey Biggs (Press Secretary to Rep. Tom Foley, D-WA); Sen. Tom Daschle (D-SD); Sen. Bob Dole (R-KS); Bradley Edwards (General Manager, Renaissance Hotel); Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA); Rep. Richard Gephardt (D-MO); Brian Naylor (Correspondent, National Public Radio); Robert Okun (Executive Director, House Republican Conference); Rep. Christopher Shays (R-CT); Paul M. Weyrich (President, National Empowerment Television) | This program was the first Washington Journal program, and focused on the opening day of the 104th United States Congress and the Republican Revolution |
Thursday, January 5, 1995 | 2 hr. 58 min. | Susan Swain Connie Doebele | Robert F. Bauer (General Counsel, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee); James H. Billington (Librarian of Congress); Tim Burger (Correspondent, CQ Today); Rep. Bob Inglis (R-SC); Celinda Lake (Political Consultant, Democratic Party); Robert D. Novak (Anchor, CNN); Paul Starobin (Correspondent, National Journal) | |
Friday, January 6, 1995 | 2 hr. | Brian Lamb | Larry Bensky (Talk Show Host, Pacifica Radio); Ralph Z. Hallow (Correspondent, Washington Times); Jesse Jackson (Founder, National Rainbow Coalition); Wes Minter (Correspondent, WCCO Radio, Minneapolis); Deborah Orin (Correspondent, New York Post); Michael Reagan (Talk Show Host, American Entertainment Network); Gov. William F. Weld, R-MA | |
Sunday, January 8, 1995 | 1 hr. 28 min. | Steve Scully | Haley Barbour (Chairman, Republican National Committee); Kathy Bushkin (Editorial Director, U.S. News and World Report); Rep. George Nethercutt (R-WA) | |
Monday, January 9, 1995 | 2 hr. 15 min. | Laurence Barrett (Correspondent, Time Magazine, Washington Bureau); Rep. Jim Bunning (R-KY); Hendrik Hertzberg (Executive Editor, The New Yorker); John Leo (Editor, U.S. News and World Report); Steven McGonigle (Correspondent, Dallas Morning News) | ||
Tuesday, January 10, 1995 | 2 hr. 30 min. | Lew Ketcham | Michael Boskin (Professor of Economics, Stanford University); Lawrence Chimerine (Spokesman, Economic Strategy Institute); David Hinson (Former Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration); Jeffrey Klein, (Editor-in-Chief, Mother Jones Magazine); Rep. Donald M. Payne (D-NJ); Gwen Daye Richardson (Editor, National Minority Politics); Andrew Taylor (Correspondent, Congressional Quarterly) | |
Wednesday, January 11, 1995 | 3 hr. 6 min. | Bruce Collins | David Asman (Senior Editor, Wall Street Journal); Marian Burros (Correspondent, New York Times); Christopher Hansen (Attorney, American Civil Liberties Union ); Fred Hiatt (Moscow Bureau Chief, Washington Post); Yoshi Komori (Washington Bureau Chief, Sankei Shimbun); Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA); Frank I. Luntz (Political Consultant, Luntz and Associates); Jay Nixon (Attorney General of Missouri) | |
Thursday, January 12, 1995 | 2 hr. 3 min. | Susan Swain | Bob Fuss (Congressional Correspondent, NBC Radio); Rep. Sue Kelly (R-NY); Rep. Lynn Rivers (D-MI) | |
Friday, January 13, 1995 | 2 hr. 57 min. | Brian Lamb | Jill Abramson (Deputy Washington Bureau Chief, Wall Street Journal; Francis Coombs Jr. (Editor, Washington Times); Kwame Holman (Correspondent, PBS's MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour); Jeffrey Rosen (Correspondent, The New Republic) | |
Sunday, January 15, 1995 | 1 hr. 30 min. | Lew Ketcham | Norman Atkins (Correspondent, New York Times); Gov. Parris Glendening (D-MD); Tom Rosenstiel (Correspondent, Los Angeles Times); Armstrong Williams (Talk Show Host, WOL-AM and WMMJ-FM); Juan Williams (Correspondent, Washington Post) | |
Monday, January 16, 1995 | 3 hr. | Connie Doebele | Richard E. Cohen (Congressional Correspondent, National Journal); George E. Curry (Publisher and Editor, Emerge Magazine); Ronald Kessler (Author); Terry Rockefeller (Producer, Blackside Productions); Flip Schulke (Photographer); Cal Thomas (Columnist, Los Angeles Times) | |
Tuesday, January 17, 1995 | 2 hr. 28 min. | Lew Ketcham | Thomas "Tad" A. Devine (Manager, Kerrey Campaign); Barbara Dudley (Director, Greenpeace USA; Eric Felten (Editorial Writer, Washington Times); Mike Murphy (Political Consultant, Mike Murphy Media); Stuart S. Taylor Jr. (Senior Writer, The American Lawyer); William L. Taylor (Member, Citizens' Commission on Civil Rights) | |
Wednesday, January 18, 1995 | 2 hr. 36 min. | Steve Scully | Martin Corry (Director, American Association of Retired Persons); Arianna S. Huffington (Spokeswoman, National Empowerment Television; Ann Lewis (Vice President, Planned Parenthood Federation of America); Robert Nelson (Co-Founder, Lead... or Leave Campaign); Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) | |
Thursday, January 19, 1995 | 3 hr. | Susan Swain | Rep. Sherrod Brown (D-OH); John King (Correspondent, Associated Press); Rep. Rob Portman (R-OH); Rep. George Radanovich (R-CA); Rep. Bill Thomas (R-CA); Rep. Harold Volkmer (D-MO); Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) | |
Friday, January 20, 1995 | 2 hr. 56 min. | Brian Lamb Connie Doebele | Daniel Franklin (Bureau Chief, The Economist); Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH); Rep. Bill Richardson (D-NM); Walter Shapiro (White House Correspondent, Esquire); Ben Stein (Columnist, The American Spectator); Basil Talbott (Congressional Correspondent, Chicago Sun-Times) | |
Sunday, January 22, 1995 | 1 hr. 30 min. | Steve Scully | Gerry Braun (Correspondent, San Diego Union-Tribune); James "Jay" Carney (White House Correspondent, Time Magazine; John DiStaso (Political Affairs Correspondent, Manchester Union Leader); Mark D. Gearan (Director, U.S. Peace Corps); Joe Johns (Correspondent, NBC Television); Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) | |
Monday, January 23, 1995 | 3 hr. | Terry Eastland (Media Affairs Editor, Forbes Magazine; Maureen Malloy (Legislative Assistant, National Right to Life Committee; Susan Page (White House Correspondent, Newsday); Charles Peters (Founding Editor, Washington Monthly); Nancy Roman (Supreme Court Correspondent, Washington Times); Ann Stone (Chairwoman, Republicans for Choice); Nadine Strossen (President, American Civil Liberties Union) | ||
Tuesday, January 24, 1995 | 2 hr. 29 min. | Lew Ketcham | Bernard Aronson (International Adviser, Goldman Sachs); Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX); Kay Granger (Mayor of Fort Worth, TX); Clark Judge (Former White House Speech Writer); Rep. Patricia S. Schroeder (D-CO); Gerald F. Seib (National Politics Correspondent, Wall Street Journal); Gov. Christine Todd Whitman (R-NJ) | |
Wednesday, January 25, 1995 | 2 hr. 59 min. | Bruce Collins | Gov. George Allen (R-VA); Stephen Bell (Managing Director, Washington Office, Salomon Brothers); Neal Boortz (Talk Show Host, WSB-Radio, Atlanta); Sen. Paul Coverdell (R-GA); Gov. Howard Dean (D-VT); Jack Faris (President, National Federation of Independent Business); A. Lee Fritschler (President, Dickinson College); Al From (Founder and CEO, Democratic Leadership Council); Leslie Lenkowsky (President, Hudson Institute); Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN); Sen. David Pryor (D-AR); Roger Wilkins (History Professor, George Mason University) | |
Thursday, January 26, 1995 | 2 hr. | Susan Swain | Marcy Gordon (Congressional Correspondent, Associated Press); Rep. Enid Greene (R-UT); James Risen (Correspondent, Washington Bureau, Los Angeles Times); Stephen Smith (Executive Editor, Civilization) | |
Friday, January 27, 1995 | 2 hr. 41 min. | Brian Lamb Bruce Collins Steve Scully | Nina Burleigh (Correspondent, Time Magazine); Craig Crawford (Washington Bureau Chief, Orlando Sentinel); Michael Dineen (President, Capitol Hill Club); Henry Friedlander (History Professor, City University of New York); Paul Gigot (Columnist, Wall Street Journal); Brit Hume (Former Washington D.C. Correspondent, ABC News); Carolyn Lochhead (Correspondent, San Francisco Chronicle); Sybil Milton (Historian, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum); Todd S. Purdum (Correspondent, New York Times) | |
Sunday, January 29, 1995 | 1 hr. 29 min. | Steve Scully | David Bowermaster (Associate Editor, U.S. News and World Report); Joseph A. Califano Jr. (Founder, Chair and President, National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse); Gov. Ben Cayetano (D-HI); Sen. Rod Grams (R-MN); Mark Plotkin (Political Analyst, WAMU-FM, Washington, DC); Gov. Thomas "Tom" Ridge (R-PA); Tom Rosenstiel (Correspondent, Newsweek) | |
Monday, January 30, 1995 | 2 hr. 37 min. | Brian Lamb Connie Doebele | Gov. Evan Bayh (D-IN); Susan Bayh (First Lady of Indiana); Kevin Phillips (Publisher and Editor, American Political Report); Richard Sammon (Correspondent, Congressional Quarterly); Gov. Edward T. Schafer (R-ND); Jules Witcover (Correspondent, Baltimore Sun) | |
Tuesday, January 31, 1995 | 2 hr. 30 min. | Lew Ketcham | Rachelle Cohen (Editorial Board, Boston Herald); Gabriel Kahn (Correspondent, CQ Today); Sen. Robert Kerrey (D-NE); Finlay Lewis (Correspondent, Copley News Service); Rep. Charles B. Rangel (D-NY); Tom Sherwood (Correspondent, WRC-TV, Washington, D.C. News 4); Gov. Tommy Thompson (R-WI) |
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