List of most common surnames in Asia

This is a list of the most common surnames in Asia, in alphabetical order of the country.


Rank Name Romanization Meaning
1 Õ€Õ¸Õ¾Õ°Õ¡Õ¶Õ¶Õ«Õ½ÕµÕ¡Õ¶ Hovhannisyan Son of Hovhannes (John)
2 Õ€Õ¡Ö€Õ¸Ö‚Õ©ÕµÕ¸Ö‚Õ¶ÕµÕ¡Õ¶ Harutyunyan Son of Harutyun ("resurrection")
3 Սարգսյան Sargsyan Son of Sargis
4 Ô½Õ¡Õ¹Õ¡Õ¿Ö€ÕµÕ¡Õ¶ Khachatryan Son of Khachatur ("given by cross")
5 Ô³Ö€Õ«Õ£Õ¸Ö€ÕµÕ¡Õ¶ Grigoryan Son of Grigor (Gregory)


Rank[1] Name Romanization Meaning
1 Məmmədov Mammadov "Son of Mammad"
2 Əliyev Aliyev "Son of Ali"
3 Həsənov Hasanov "Son of Hasan"
4 Hüseynov Huseynov "Son of Hussein"
5 Quliyev Guliyev "Son of Qulu"
6 Hacıyev Hajiev "Son of Haji"
7 Rəsulov Rasulov "Son of Rasoul"
8 Süleymanov Suleymanov "Son of Suleyman"
9 Musayev Musayev "Son of Musa"
10 Abbasov Abbasov "Son of Abbas"
11 Babayev Babayev "Son of Baba"
12 Vəliyev Valiyev "Son of Vali"
13 Orucov Orujov "fasting"
14 İsmayılov Ismayilov "Son of Ismayil"
15 Ibrahimov Ibrahimov "Son of Ibrahim"


Main article: Bangladeshi name

Name (Bangla alphabet) Bangla Romanization
আহমেদ Ahmed
আলী Ali
আক্তার Aktar / Akter
বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় (ব্যানার্জী) Bondyopadhyay (Banerjee)
বনিক Bonik / Banik
ব্যাপারী Byapari / Bapary
বড়ুয়া Boruya / Barua
বিশ্বাস Bishwas
ভৌমিক Bhoumik / Bhowmik
বসু Bosu
চাকমা Chakma
চক্রবর্তী Chokroborti / Chakraborty
চট্টপাধ্যায় (চ্যাটার্জী) Chottopadhyay (Chatterjee)
চৌধুরী Choudhuri / Chowdhury
দাস Das
দেবনাথ Debnath
দেওয়ান Dewan
দে De / Dey
দত্ত Dotto / Datta / Dutta
গাজী Gazi
হক Hok / Haque
হাসান Hasan
হোসেন Hosen / Hossain / Hussain
ইসলাম Islam

Name (Bangla alphabet) Bangla Romanization
কাজী Kazi
খান Khan
মাহমুদ Mahmud
মজুমদার Mojumdar / Majumder
মারমা Marma
মিঞা Mina / Miah
মির্জা Mirza
মিত্র Mitro / Mitra
মোল্লা Molla / Mollah
মোহাম্মদ Mohammod / Mohammud / Muhammad
মুখোপাধ্যায় (মুখার্জী) Mukhopadhyay (Mukherjee)
মুন্সী Munsi / Munshi
পাটোয়ারী Patoyari / Patwary
পাল Pal / Paul
রহমান Rohoman / Rohman / Rahman
রায় Ray / Roy
সাহা Saha
সরকার Sorkar / Sarker / Sarkar
সেন Sen
শেখ Shekh / Sheikh
ঠাকুর Thakur
ত্রিপুরা Tripura
উদ্দীন Uddin
ওয়াজেদ Wazed

People's Republic of China

According to a comprehensive survey of residential permits released by the Chinese Ministry of Public Security on April 24, 2007,[2][3][4] the top three surnames in China have a combined population larger than Indonesia,[5] the world's fourth-most-populous country. The top 10 surnames each have a population greater than 20 million; the top 22 have populations of more than 10 million. The top 100 surnames cover 84.77% of China's population.

The press release from the Ministry of Public Security only provided detailed numbers for the top three surnames. Information about the others from 2006 comes from a multi-year study by Yuan Yida of the Chinese Academy of Sciences's Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, which purportedly used a sample size of 296 million spread across 1,110 counties and cities.[6]

Rank Name Romanization Total Number
Estimated Number
Simp. Trad.
1 王 Wáng/Wong 92,881,000 7.25% 92,550,000
2 李 Lǐ/Lee 92,074,000 7.19% 91,020,000
3 张 張 Zhāng /Cheung 87,502,000 6.83% 86,690,000
4 刘 劉 Liú /Lau >20,000,000 — 65,280,000
5 陈 陳 Chén /Chan — — 56,640,000
6 杨 楊 Yáng — — 41,680,000
7 黄 黃 Huáng/Wong — — 29,410,000
8 赵 趙 Zhào — — 26,180,000
9 吴 吳 Wú /Ng — — 25,020,000
10 周 Zhōu/Chow — — 24,330,000
11 徐 Xú >10,000,000 — 18,550,000
12 孙 孫 Sūn — — 17,940,000
13 马 馬 Mǎ — — 16,890,000
14 朱 Zhū — — 16,460,000
15 胡 Hú — — 14,970,000
16 郭 Guō/Kwok — — 14,260,000
17 何 Hé/Ho — — 13,340,000
18 高 Gāo — — 12,900,000
19 林 Lín/Lam — — 12,500,000
20 罗 羅 Luó — — 12,400,000


Rank Name Romanization Total Number[7]
1 ბერიძე Beridze 24,962
2 მამედოვი Mammadov
3 კაპანაძე Kapanadze 17,202
4 გელაშვილი Gelashvili 16,350
5 ალიევი Aliyev
6 მაისურაძე Maisuradze 14,824
7 გიორგაძე Giorgadze 12,954
8 ლომიძე Lomidze 11,796
9 წიკლაური Tsiklauri 11,571
10 ბოლქვაძე Bolkvadze 10,916
11 კვარაცხელია Kvaratskhelia 10,447
12 ნოზაძე Nozadze 10,183
13 ხუციშვილი Khutsishvili 10,075
14 შენგელია Shengelia 9,928
15 აბულაძე Abuladze 9,663
16 მიქელაძე Mikeladze 9,220
17 ტაბატაძე Tabatadze 8,654
18 მჭედლიშვილი Mchedlishvili 8,446
19 ბაირამოვი Bairamov
20 გოგოლაძე Gogoladze 8,362


Main article: Indian name

Indian surnames usually derive from occupational titles or caste distinctions and tend to vary among the wide variety of ethnic groups and cultural regions of India. For example, many common family names in the Dravidian states are rare, or nonexistent, in eastern or northern India, and vice versa. Indian family names also originate from the language spoken in the state or community and depend on the religious affiliation of the family. Hindu family names usually come from Pali, Sanskrit or Tamil and may contain the name or title of a family deity, whereas Muslim last names are usually derived from Arabic, Persian or Turkish. Family names may also indicate lower or upper caste origin of the family as many surnames are exclusive only to certain social groups.

Rank Name Total Number[8]
1 Devi 69,206,943
2 Singh 36,058,956
3 Kumar 31,014,317
4 Das 10,485,481
5 Kaur 10,382,053


Most Indonesians do not use family last name. There is only a small number of ethnic groups which maintain family names. For more information, see Indonesian Names


Main articles: Hebrew surname and Jewish surname

Rank[9] Name Romanization Meaning Frequency
1 כהן Cohen "priest" 1.93%
2 לוי Levi
"Levite" 1.12%
3 מזרחי Mizrachi
"easterner" 0.33%
4 פרץ Peretz from Perez
from Pérez
5 ביטון Biton from Chaim
6 דהן Dahan "oil merchant" 0.23%
7 אברהם Avraham from Abraham
from Abramowicz & al.
8 פרידמן Friedman from Solomon[10] 0.21%
9 מלכה Malka
from Málaga
10 אזולאי Azoulay "of a priestly dynasty"
"blue eyed"
11 ×›×¥ Katz "priest of righteousness"[11]
"priest of Zadok"[12]
12 יוסף Yosef from Joseph 0.18%
13 דוד David from David
from Davidson & al.
14 עמר Amar
15 אוחיון Ohayon
"son of Chaim" 0.16%

Rank Name Romanization Meaning Frequency
16 חדד Hadad
"smith" 0.16%
17 גבאי Gabai synagogue warden; sexton 0.16%
18 בן דוד Ben-David "son of David" 0.14%
19 אדרי Adrei
from Draa valley in Morocco 0.14%
20 לוין Levin "Levite" 0.14%
21 טל Tal "dew" 0.13%
22 קליין Klein "small" 0.13%
23 חן Chen
24 שפירא Shapira "Speyerer" 0.13%
25 חזן Chazan
"cantor" 0.13%
26 משה Moshe from Moses 0.13%
27 אשכנזי Ashkenazi "German" 0.12%
28 אוחנה Ohana "Son of Hannah" 0.12%
29 סגל Segal
"assistant to the Levites" (S'gan Levi) 0.12%
30 גולן Golan 0.12%


Main article: Japanese name

Officially, there are 291,129 different Japanese surnames,[13] as determined by their kanji, although many of these are spelled and romanized similarly. The top 10 surnames cover approximately 10% of the population, while the top 100 cover slightly more than 33%.[14]

This ranking is a result of "The National Same Family Name Investigation" by Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company.[14] This investigation intended for approximately 6,118,000 people who joined life insurance of Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company.

Rank Name Romanization Estimated Number
Occupation Rate
1 佐藤 Satō 1,990,000 1.57
2 鈴木 Suzuki 1,900,000 1.50
3 高橋 Takahashi 1,470,000 1.16
4 田中 Tanaka 1,340,000 1.06
5 渡辺 Watanabe 1,200,000 0.95
6 伊藤 Itō 1,150,000 0.91
7 中村 Nakamura 1,080,000 0.85
8 小林 Kobayashi 1,060,000 0.84
9 山本 Yamamoto 1,020,000 0.81
10 加藤 Katō 920,000 0.73
11 吉田 Yoshida 850,000 —
12 山田 Yamada 820,000 —
13 佐々木 Sasaki 710,000 —
14 山口 Yamaguchi 640,000 —
15 松本 Matsumoto 630,000 —
16 井上 Inoue 600,000 —
17 木村 Kimura 580,000 —
18 清水 Shimizu 560,000 —
19 林 Hayashi 550,000 —
20 斉藤 Saitō 530,000 —
21 斎藤 Saitō 520,000 —
22 山崎 Yamazaki
490,000 —
23 中島 Nakajima
480,000 —
24 森 Mori 470,000 —
25 阿部 Abe 470,000 —
26 池田 Ikeda 450,000 —
27 橋本 Hashimoto 450,000 —
28 石川 Ishikawa 440,000 —
29 山下 Yamashita 410,000 —
30 小川 Ogawa 410,000 —
31 石井 Ishii 400,000 —
32 長谷川 Hasegawa 390,000 —
33 後藤 Gotō 390,000 —
34 岡田 Okada 380,000 —
35 近藤 Kondō 370,000 —
36 前田 Maeda 370,000 —
37 藤田 Fujita 370,000 —
38 遠藤 Endō 360,000 —
39 青木 Aoki 350,000 —
40 坂本 Sakamoto 350,000 —
41 村上 Murakami 340,000 —
42 太田 Ōta 320,000 —
43 金子 Kaneko 310,000 —
44 藤井 Fujii 310,000 —
45 福田 Fukuda 300,000 —
46 西村 Nishimura 300,000 —
47 三浦 Miura 300,000 —
48 竹内 Takeuchi 290,000 —
49 中川 Nakagawa 290,000 —
50 岡本 Okamoto 290,000 —
51 松田 Matsuda 290,000 —
52 原田 Harada 290,000 —
53 中野 Nakano 290,000 —

Rank Name Romanization Estimated Number
54 小野 Ono 280,000
55 田村 Tamura 280,000
56 藤原 Fujiwara
57 中山 Nakayama 270,000
58 石田 Ishida 270,000
59 小島 Kojima 260,000
60 和田 Wada 260,000
61 森田 Morita 250,000
62 内田 Uchida 250,000
63 柴田 Shibata 250,000
64 酒井 Sakai 240,000
65 原 Hara 240,000
66 高木 Takagi
67 横山 Yokoyama 240,000
68 安藤 Andō 240,000
69 宮崎 Miyazaki
70 上田 Ueda
71 島田 Shimada 230,000
72 工藤 Kudō 230,000
73 大野 Ōno 220,000
74 宮本 Miyamoto 220,000
75 杉山 Sugiyama 220,000
76 今井 Imai 220,000
77 丸山 Maruyama 210,000
78 増田 Masuda 210,000
79 高田 Takada
80 村田 Murata 210,000
81 平野 Hirano 210,000
82 大塚 Ōtsuka 210,000
83 菅原 Sugawara
84 武田 Takeda
85 新井 Arai 200,000
86 小山 Koyama
87 野口 Noguchi 200,000
88 桜井 Sakurai 200,000
89 千葉 Chiba 200,000
90 岩崎 Iwasaki 200,000
91 佐野 Sano 200,000
92 谷口 Taniguchi 200,000
93 上野 Ueno 200,000
94 松井 Matsui 190,000
95 河野 Kōno
96 市川 Ichikawa 190,000
97 渡部 Watanabe
98 野村 Nomura 180,000
99 菊地 Kikuchi 180,000
100 木下 Kinoshita 180,000


Hangul Hanja Romanizations
1 김 金 Kim, Gim, Ghim
2 리 / 이 李 Lee, Yi
3 박 朴 Park, Pak, Bak
4 최 崔 Choi, Choe
5 ì • é„­ Jeong, Chung, Cheong, Jung
6 강 姜 Kang, Gang, Ghang
7 조 趙 Cho, Jo, Joe
8 윤 尹 Yoon, Yun, Youn
9 장 張 Jang, Chang
10 림 / 임 林 Lim, Rim, Im, Rhim
11 한 韓 Han
12 오 吳 O, Oh
13 신 申 Shin, Sin
14 서 徐 Seo, Suh, Seoh
15 권 權 Kwon, Gwon, Kuen
16 황 黃 Hwang, Huang
17 안 安 Ahn, An
18 송 宋 Song
19 류 / 유 柳 Yoo, Yu, Ryu, Ryoo
20 홍 洪 Hong
21 ì „ å…¨ Jeon, Jun, Chun, Cheon
22 고 高 Ko, Koh, Go, Goh
23 문 文 Mun, Moon, Mon, Munn
24 손 孫 Son, Sohn, Sonn
25 량 / 양 梁 Yang, Ryang

Hangul Hanja Romanizations
26 배 裵 Bae, Bai, Pai, Pae
27 백 白 Baek, Paik, Pak, Bak, Bhak, Phak
28 조 曺 Jo, Cho
29 허 許 Hur, Heo, Her, Hui
30 남 南 Nam, Nan, Nham
31 심 沈 Sim, Shim, Shen
32 류 / 유 劉 Yu, Yoo, Liu, Lau, Yau
33 로 / 노 盧 No, Noh, Roh
34 하 河 Ha, Hah
35 ì „ ç”° Jeon, Jun
36 정 丁 Jeong, Jung
37 곽 郭 Gwak, Kwak, Koak
38 성 成 Seong, Sung, Shong, Shung
39 차 車 Cha
40 유 兪 Yu, Yoo
41 구 具 Gu, Koo, Goo
42 우 禹 U, Woo
43 주 朱 Ju, Joo, Chu, Zhu, Zuu, Juu, Choo
44 ìž„ ä»» Im, Yim
45 라 / 나 羅 Na, Ra, La
46 ì‹  è¾› Sin, Shin
47 민 閔 Min
48 진 陳 Jin, Jean, Chen, Jen
49 지 池 Ji, Jee
50 ì—„ åš´ Eom, Uhm



  1. Santos
  2. Reyes
  3. Cruz
  4. Bautista
  5. Del Rosario
  6. Gonzales
  7. Aquino
  8. Ramos
  9. Garcia
  10. Lopez
  11. Dela Cruz
  12. Mendoza
  13. Pascual
  14. Castillo
  15. Villanueva
  16. Diaz
  17. Rivera
  18. Navarro
  19. Mercado
  20. Morales
  21. Fernández
  22. Marquez
  23. Rodriguez
  24. Sanchez
  25. De León

The majority of Filipinos use Spanish surnames that were given to them by their Spanish rulers (See Alphabetical Catalog of Surnames). However, many Filipinos still use their native surnames such as Kalaw, Macaraeg, Gatdula and many others. Filipino Chinese often use their Chinese family names. Some other Filipino mestizos (mixed-ancestry) bear the foreign names of their bloodline.


According to a comprehensive survey of residential permits released by the Taiwanese Ministry of the Interior's Department of Population in February, 2005,[17] Taiwan has only 1,989 surnames. The top ten surnames in Taiwan accounted for 52.62% of the general population, and the top 100 accounted for 96.11%.[17]

Rank Character Romanizations %
of total
2005 Mainland
Mandarin Cantonese Minnan Other
Trad. Simp. Pinyin Wade Jyutping HK Other POJ Other
1 5 陳 陈 Chén Ch'en2 Can4 Chan Chun Tân Ting 11.06%
2 19 林 Lín Lin2 Lam4 Lam Lum Lîm Lim, Liem 8.28%
3 7 黃 黄 Huáng Huang2 Wong4 Wong Wang
Ng Eng, Ung
Wee, Oei
Ooi, Uy
4 3 張 张 Zhāng Chang1 Zoeng1 Cheung Chong5
Tiu Teo, Teoh
Tio, Thio
Tiong 5.26%
5 2 李 Lǐ Li3 Lei5 Lee
Lí Lee
6 1 王 Wáng Wang2 Wong4 Wong Vong Ông Heng 4.12%
7 9 吳 吴 Wú Wu2 Ng4 Ng Ung4, Eng Gô•
Goh, Gouw Woo 4.04%
8 4


劉 刘 Liú Liu2 Lau4 Lau Lao4
Lâu Low
Lao, Lauw
9 40 蔡 Cài Ts'ai4 Coi3 Choi Choy
Chhoà Chua, Choa
10 6 楊 杨 Yáng Yang2 Joeng4 Yeung Yeong
Iû Eaw
Yeo, Yeoh
Joe, Yo
Young 2.66%


See also: Thai name

There are no common Thai surnames. Surnames were largely introduced to Thai culture only by the 1913 Surname Act.[18] The law does not allow one to create any surname that is duplicated with any existing surnames.[19] Under Thai law, only one family can create any given surname: any two people of the same surname must be related, and it is very rare for two people to share the same full name. In one sample of 45,665 names, 81% of family names were unique.[20]


Rank[21] Name Meaning
1 Yılmaz intrepid/dauntless
2 Kaya rock
3 Demir iron
4 Åžahin falcon/hawk
5 Çelik steel
6 Yıldız star
7 Yıldırım thunderbolt
8 Öztürk pure Turk
9 Aydın cultured/enlightened
10 Özdemir pure iron
11 Arslan lion
12 DoÄŸan falcon
13 Kılıç sword
14 Aslan lion
15 Çetin stiff/tough
16 Kara black
17 Koç ram
18 Kurt wolf
19 Özkan pure blood
20 ÅžimÅŸek lightning


See also: Vietnamese name

The top 10 surnames cover more than 80% of the population.

  1. Nguyễn 阮 (38%)
  2. Trần 陳 (11%)
  3. Lê 黎 (9.5%)
  4. Phạm 范 (7.1%)
  5. Huỳnh/Hoàng 黃 (5.1%)
  6. Phan 潘 (4.5%)
  7. Vũ/Võ 武 (3.9%)
  8. Đặng 鄧(2.1%)
  9. Bùi 裴 (2%)
  10. Đỗ 杜 (1.4%)
  11. Hồ 胡 (1.3%)
  12. Ngô 吳 (1.3%)
  13. Dương 楊 (1%)
  14. Lý 李 (0.5%)

Source: Lê Trung Hoa, Họ Và Tên Người Việt Nam (Vietnamese Family and Personal Names), Social Sciences Publishing House (2005)[22]

See also


  1. ↑ Какие самые распространенные фамилии в Азербайджане?. (in Russian). Retrieved 19 January 2013.
  2. ↑ Xinhua News. 24 Apr 2007. "中国姓氏排行". "天下第一大姓——王." 14 Nov 2007. Accessed 26 Mar 2012.
  3. ↑ "公安部统计:'王'成中国第一大姓 有9288万人." 24 Apr 2007. Accessed 27 Mar 2012.(Chinese)
  4. ↑ Baidu Baike. "新百家姓". (Chinese)
  5. ↑ Badan Pusat Statistik. "Population of Indonesia by Province 1971, 1980, 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2010". 2009. Accessed 29 Mar 2012.
  6. ↑ "全国姓氏排名前二十位人口统计数". National Citizen Identity Information Center. Archived from the original on 5 January 2009. Retrieved 15 May 2015.
  7. ↑ Georgian Civil Registry Agency. "Popular Names". Accessed 26 Oct 2010. (Georgian)
  8. ↑ Surnames of India at Forebears
  9. ↑ כהן, לוי וכל השאר: דירוג 500 השמות הנפוצים [Cohen, Levi and the rest: the 500 most common names] (in Hebrew). Ynet. 14 January 2014. Retrieved 15 May 2015.
  10. ↑ Kaganoff, B. C. A Dictionary of Jewish Names and Their History. Schocken Books (New York), 1977. Zeichner, Saul. Kolomea Research Group. "Surnames of Interest: Origins and/or Meanings". 3 Nov 2010. Accessed 1 Feb 2012.
  11. ↑ Beider, Alexander & al. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames. Avotaynu (New York), 1993. Zeichner, Saul. Kolomea Research Group. "Surnames of Interest: Origins and/or Meanings". 3 Nov 2010. Accessed 1 Feb 2012.
  12. ↑ Gotthard Deutsch. Jewish Encyclopedia. "Katz". 1906. Accessed 1 Feb 2012.
  13. ↑ 日本苗字大辞典 [Japanese Surname Dictionary]. 芳文館 [Houbunkan]. 1996. ISBN 4990058402.
  14. 1 2 "明治安田生命 全国同姓調査 [Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company - National same family name investigation]" (PDF) (Press release). Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company. 2008-09-24. Retrieved 2012-05-30.
  15. ↑ South Korean National Statistical Office. 2000 Census.
  16. ↑ National Statistics Office
  17. 1 2 中华百家姓-千字文-国学经典-文化经典. "中国台湾姓氏排行 [Taiwan (China) Surname Ranking]". 8 Jun 2010. Accessed 1 Apr 2012. (Chinese)
  18. ↑ Asian Times. "What's in a name? The number nine, if you want."
  19. ↑ รศ. ดร.นิตยา กาญจนะวรรณ. เรื่องของนามสกุล (๒) (in Thai). Royal Institute of Thailand. Retrieved 2014-12-28.
  20. ↑ 45,665 Thai names: Examining passlist.96, by Doug Cooper
  21. ↑ Turkish Directorate-General of Population and Citizenships
  22. ↑

23. "Top 100 Indian Surnames & Symbols by" Top 100 Indian Surnames & Symbols by L

External links

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