List of endangered reptiles
- Extinct, since 1500: 21 species
- Extinct in the wild (EW): 1 species
- Critically endangered (CR): 180 species
- Endangered (EN): 361 species
- Vulnerable (VU): 403 species
- Near threatened (NT, LR/cd): 318 species
- Least concern (LC): 2,518 species
- Data deficient (DD): 867 species
- 4669 species have been evaluated
- 3802 are fully assessed (excludes DD)
- 2836 are not threatened at present (LC, NT, LR/cd)
- 944 are threatened (CR, EN, VU)
- 22 to 38 are extinct or extinct in the wild (EX, EW, CR(PE), CR(PEW))

As of February 2016, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists 361 endangered reptile species.[1] 7.7% of all evaluated reptile species are listed as endangered. The IUCN also lists 13 reptile subspecies as endangered.
Of the subpopulations of reptiles evaluated by the IUCN, one species subpopulation has been assessed as endangered.
For a species to be considered endangered by the IUCN it must meet certain quantitative criteria which are designed to classify taxa facing "a very high risk of exintction". An even higher risk is faced by critically endangered species, which are listed separately (List of critically endangered reptiles) even though they also meet the quantitative criteria for endangered species. There are 541 reptile species which are endangered or critically endangered.
Additionally 867 reptile species (19% of those evaluated) are listed as data deficient, meaning there is insufficient information for a full assessment of conservation status. As these species typically have small distributions and/or populations, they are intrinsically likely to be threatened, according to the IUCN.[2] While the category of data deficient indicates that no assessment of extinction risk has been made for the taxa, the IUCN notes that it may be appropriate to give them "the same degree of attention as threatened taxa, at least until their status can be assessed."[3]
This is a complete list of endangered reptile species and subspecies as evaluated by the IUCN. Species or subspecies which have endangered subpopulations (or stocks) are indicated. Where possible common names for taxa are given while links point to the scientific name used by the IUCN.
There are 42 turtle species and five turtle subspecies assessed as endangered. There is also a subpopulation of turtle species assessed as endangered.
- Three-striped roofed turtle
- Burmese roofed turtle
- Chinese box turtle
- Keeled box turtle
- Ryukyu black-breasted leaf turtle
- Black-breasted leaf turtle
- Yellow-headed temple turtle
- Spiny turtle
- Yellow pond turtle
- Red-necked pond turtle
- Chinese pond turtle
- Chinese stripe-necked turtle
- Malaysian giant turtle
- Assam roofed turtle
- Beal's eyed turtle
- Four-eyed turtle
- Cane turtle
- Santiago giant tortoise
- Chelonoidis nigra guentheri
- Santa Cruz giant tortoise
- Southern Isabela giant tortoise
- Western Hermann's tortoise
Other turtles
- Pritchard's snake-necked turtle
- Green sea turtle
- Indian narrow-headed softshell turtle
- Namoi River snapping turtle
- Mary River turtle
- Hoge's side-necked turtle
- Burmese peacock softshell
- Wattle-necked softshell turtle
- Cantor's giant softshell turtle
- Big-headed turtle
- Magdalena River turtle
- Euphrates softshell turtle
- Loggerhead sea turtle (1 subpopulation)
There are 319 species and eight subspecies in the order Squamata assessed as endangered.
- San Cristóbal marine iguana
- Genovesa marine iguana
- Andros rock iguana
- Allen Cays iguana
- Acklins rock iguana
- Cope's arboreal alligator lizard
- Chiszar's arboreal alligator lizard
- Abronia deppii
- Abronia fimbriata
- Mount Zempoaltepec alligator lizard
- Brilliant arboreal alligator lizard
- Terrestrial arboreal alligator lizard
- Abronia martindelcampoi
- Matuda's arboreal alligator lizard
- Abronia meledona
- Monte Cristo arboreal alligator lizard
- Salvador arboreal alligator lizard
- Barisia herrerae
- Barisia rudicollis
- Celestus bivittatus
- Mountain lesser galliwasp
- Gerrhonotus parvus
- Mesaspis juarezi
- Ophisaurus ceroni
- Tiger chameleon
- Transkei dwarf chameleon
- Smith's dwarf chameleon
- Brookesia bekolosy
- Decary's leaf chameleon
- Toothed leaf chameleon
- Brookesia exarmata
- Naturelle leaf chameleon
- Lined leaf chameleon
- Brookesia minima
- Antsingy leaf chameleon
- Brookesia peyrierasi
- Brookesia ramanantsoai
- Brookesia tristis
- Brookesia valerieae
- Calumma andringitraense
- Calumma furcifer
- Calumma gallus
- Calumma glawi
- Globe-horned chameleon
- Calumma hilleniusi
- Vences' chameleon
- Calumma vohibola
- Two-banded chameleon
- Lesser chameleon
- Furcifer nicosiai
- Magombera chameleon
- Giant East Usambara blade-horned chameleon
- West Usambara two-horned chameleon
- Usambara flap-nosed chameleon
- Vosseler's blade-horned chameleon
- Mlanje Mountain chameleon
- Mount Mulanje pygmy chameleon
- Rosette-nosed chameleon
- East Usambara pygmy chameleon
- Pare pygmy chameleon
- Spiny-flanked chameleon
- Perret's montane chameleon
- Bakossi two-horned chameleon
- Ahl's anole
- Anolis amplisquamosus
- Anolis breedlovei
- Anolis cusuco
- Cabo Cruz banded anole
- Anolis haetianus
- Anolis hobartsmithi
- Brown red-bellied anole
- Honduran giant anole
- Jacmel gracile anole
- Proboscis anole
- Anolis pygmaeus
- Anolis ruizii
- Baoruco cliff anole
- Calyptommatus confusionibus
- Martinique spectacled tegu
- Parker's pholidobolus
- Riama balneator
- Colombian lightbulb lizard
- Tropical lightbulb lizard
- Riama petrorum
- Acanthodactylus ahmaddisii
- Blanc's Fringe-toed Lizard
- Schreiber's fringe-fingered lizard
- Spanish algyroides
- Bendimahi lizard
- Clarks' lizard
- Rostombekov's lizard
- Uzzell's lizard
- Aran rock lizard
- Aurelio's rock lizard
- Iberolacerta cyreni
- Fraas' lizard
- Philochortus zolii
- Phoenicolacerta kulzeri
- Podarcis carbonelli
- Podarcis cretensis
- Lilford's wall lizard
- Green Psammodromus
- Miyako grass lizard
- Goan day gecko
- Western gecko
- Wyanad day gecko
- Bold-striped gecko
- Ebenavia maintimainty
- Banda Island Dtella
- Jolo flapped-legged gecko
- Mcgregor's flapped-legged gecko
- Lygodactylus intermedius
- Lygodactylus ornatus
- Lygodactylus roavolana
- Mediodactylus amictopholis
- Paragehyra gabriellae
- Paroedura masobe
- Comoro ground gecko
- Paroedura tanjaka
- Micronesia saw-tailed gecko
- Yellow-throated day gecko
- Round Island day gecko
- Yellow-headed day gecko
- Robert Mertens' day gecko
- Rösler's day gecko
- Seipp's day gecko
- Flat-tailed day gecko
- Phelsuma vanheygeni
- Uroplatus guentheri
- Uroplatus malahelo
- Uroplatus pietschmanni
- Rock skink
- Limbless worm skink
- Koumac litter skink
- Chazeau's litter skink
- Panié litter skink
- Renevier's litter skink
- Southern pale-hipped skink
- Northern pale-hipped skink
- Two-fingered skink
- Doumergue's Skink
- Chalcides simonyi
- Vaillant's mabuya
- Boulenger's dasia
- Micronesian skink
- Anatom emo skink
- Micronesia forest skink
- Vitilevu mountain treeskink
- Olive small-scaled skink
- Vanualevu slender treeskink
- Ponape skink
- Samoa skink
- Viti barred treeskink
- Blue Mountain water skink
- Poona skink
- Inger's mabuya
- Brauer's burrowing skink
- Vesey-Fitzgerald's burrowing skink
- Kanakysaurus viviparus
- Kanakysaurus zebratus
- Deignan tree skink
- Five-toed skink
- Mount Cooper striped lerista
- Maruia maquis skink
- White-lipped forest skink
- Rusty skink
- Uluguru limbless skink
- Nannoscincus garrulus
- Greer's dwarf skink
- Forêt plate dwarf skink
- Slevin's dwarf skink
- Otago skink
- Terror skink
- Pseudoacontias angelorum
- Pygomeles petteri
- Legless burrowing skink
- Sirenoscincus yamagishi
- Sulu sphenomorphus
- Puerto Rican skink
- Adelaide pigmy blue-tongue skink
- Typhlacontias kataviensis
- Voeltzkowia mira
- Egernia stokesii badia
- Eulamprus tympanum marnieae
- Alluaudina mocquardi
- Heteroliodon fohy
- Peters' bright snake
- Lycodryas guentheri
- Lycodryas inopinae
- Phisalixella variabilis
- Pseudoxyrhopus kely
- Thamnosophis martae
- Gierra's blind snake
- Grenada bank blindsnake
- Uluguru gracile blind-snake
- Ramphotyphlops suluensis
- Haitian pale-lipped blindsnake
- Tiburon Peninsula blindsnake
- Mona blind snake
- Schmutz's worm snake
- Atropoides indomitus
- March's palm pit viper
- Lojan lancehead
- Crotalus pusillus
- Kanburi pit viper
- Cyclades blunt-nosed viper
- Barbour's montane pit viper
- Mixcoatlus melanurus
- Mountain viper
- Lebanon viper
- Latifi's viper
- Pulau tioman pit viper
- Mangshan pit viper
- Three horned-scaled pitviper
- Trungkhanh pit viper
- Caucasian (Caucasus) viper
- Magnificent viper
- Black sea viper
- Truong Son pit viper
- Lepidoblepharis williamsi
- Guantanamo coastal gecko
- Monito gecko
- Pepper sphaero
- Boulenger's least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus storeyae
- Dary's burrowing snake
- Adelphicos ibarrorum
- Leeward island racer
- Red-bellied racer
- Terre-de-Haut racer
- Calamodontophis ronaldoi
- Chapinophis xanthocheilus
- Chersodromus rubriventris
- Enulius roatenensis
- Ornate ground snake
- Barbados racer
- Williams' ground snake
- Mertens' earth snake
- Geophis talamancae
- Marcella's graceful brown snake
- Nuevo Leon graceful brown snake
- Stadelman's graceful brown snake
- Hempstead's pine woods snake
- Posada's graceful brown snake
- Sibon lamari
- Sichuan hot-spring keelback
- Dunn's tropical ground snake
- Sceloporus chaneyi
- Sceloporus cyanostictus
- Sceloporus goldmani
- Uma exsul
- Coachella Valley fringe-toed lizard
- Urosaurus auriculatus
- Perrotet's vine snake
- Bourret's cat snake
- Banded green cat snake
- Sichuan rat snake
- Ficimia hardyi
- Cyprus whip snake
- Sulu short-headed snake
- Oxybelis wilsoni
- Louisiana pinesnake
- Yellow-lined centipede snake
- Mena's centipede snake
- Rim rock crown snake
- Potosí centipede snake
- Telescopus hoogstraali
- Schmidt's bold-eyed tree snake
- Wa Shan keelback
- Hologerrhum dermali
- Seychelles wolf snake
- Gary's mountain keelback
- Thamnophis melanogaster
- Thamnophis mendax
Other Squamata species
- Dusky sea snake
- Anniella geronimensis
- Ramsay's python
- Sclerophyll bavayia
- Bavayia goroensis
- Ornate bavayia
- Yunnan reed snake
- Spineless forest lizard
- Round Island boa
- Leaf-nosed lizard
- Cerberus microlepis
- Virgin Islands boa
- Mona Island boa
- Cropan's boa
- Dwarf Karoo girdled lizard
- Mecula girdled lizard
- Venerable collared lizard
- Cassine river worm lizard
- Somali garter snake
- Black garter snake
- Enhydris vorisi
- Large-scaled chamaeleon gecko
- Blunt-nosed leopard lizard
- Kuroiwa's ground gecko
- Seychelles house snake
- Lipetz's tropical night lizard
- Liolaemus arambarensis
- Nephrurus deleani
- Fiji snake
- Indian kangaroo lizard
- Travancore Hills thorntail snake
- Mountain burrowing snake
- Rough-snouted giant gecko
- Travancore earth snake
- Shinisaurus crocodilurus
- Giant wall gecko
- Udzungwa long-tailed seps
- Panay monitor
- Xenosaurus newmanorum
- Xenosaurus platyceps
- Zonosaurus subunicolor
See also
- List of least concern reptiles
- List of near threatened reptiles
- List of vulnerable reptiles
- List of critically endangered reptiles
- List of recently extinct reptiles
- List of data deficient reptiles
- ↑ "IUCN Red List version 2015.4". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 19 February 2016.
- ↑ "Limitations of the Data". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 11 January 2016.
- ↑ "2001 Categories & Criteria (version 3.1)". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 11 January 2016.