List of vulnerable reptiles
- Extinct, since 1500: 21 species
- Extinct in the wild (EW): 1 species
- Critically endangered (CR): 180 species
- Endangered (EN): 361 species
- Vulnerable (VU): 403 species
- Near threatened (NT, LR/cd): 318 species
- Least concern (LC): 2,518 species
- Data deficient (DD): 867 species
- 4669 species have been evaluated
- 3802 are fully assessed (excludes DD)
- 2836 are not threatened at present (LC, NT, LR/cd)
- 944 are threatened (CR, EN, VU)
- 22 to 38 are extinct or extinct in the wild (EX, EW, CR(PE), CR(PEW))

As of February 2016, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists 403 vulnerable reptile species.[1] 8.6% of all evaluated reptile species are listed as vulnerable. The IUCN also lists 14 reptile subspecies as vulnerable.
No subpopulations of reptiles have been evaluated as vulnerable by the IUCN.
For a species to be assessed as vulnerable to extinction, the best available evidence must meet quantitative criteria set by the IUCN designed to reflect "a high risk of extinction in the wild". Endangered and critically endangered species face an even higher risk, and are listed separately even though they also meet the quantitative criteria for vulnerable species: List of endangered reptiles, List of critically endangered reptiles. The three categories combined are referred to as threatened species.
Additionally 867 reptile species (19% of those evaluated) are listed as data deficient, meaning there is insufficient information for a full assessment of conservation status. As these species typically have small distributions and/or populations, they are intrinsically likely to be threatened, according to the IUCN.[2] While the category of data deficient indicates that no assessment of extinction risk has been made for the taxa, the IUCN notes that it may be appropriate to give them "the same degree of attention as threatened taxa, at least until their status can be assessed."[3]
This is a complete list of vulnerable reptile species and subspecies as evaluated by the IUCN. Where possible common names for taxa are given while links point to the scientific name used by the IUCN.
There are 60 turtle species and four turtle subspecies assessed as vulnerable.
- Volcan wolf giant tortoise
- San Cristobal giant tortoise
- Chelonoidis nigra microphyes
- Chelonoidis nigra vandenburghi
Other turtle species
- Loggerhead sea turtle
- Pig-nosed turtle
- Central American snapping turtle
- Leatherback sea turtle
- Central American mud turtle
- Dunn's mud turtle
- Olive ridley sea turtle
- Alligator snapping turtle
- Big-headed Amazon River turtle
- Turkana mud turtle
- Red-headed Amazon River turtle
- Six-tubercled Amazon River turtle
- Yellow-spotted river turtle
Crocodilia species
There are 338 species and ten subspecies in the order Squamata assessed as vulnerable.
- Isabella marine iguana
- Amblyrhynchus cristatus cristatus
- Santa Cruz marine iguana
- Pinta marine iguana
- Española marine iguana
- Cuban rock iguana
- Hermite Island worm-lizard
- Striped legless lizard
- Striped-tailed delma
- Collared delma
- Bronzeback snake-lizard
- Brigalow scaly-foot
- Anzuetoi arboreal alligator lizard
- Mixtecan arboreal alligator lizard
- Oaxaca arboreal alligator lizard
- Bromeliad arboreal alligator lizard
- Bocourt's arboreal alligator lizard
- Hispaniolan khaki galliwasp
- Panamint alligator lizard
- Ophisaurus hainanensis
- Giant girdled lizard
- McLachlan's girdled lizard
- Dwarf crag lizard
- Tasman's girdled lizard
- Armadillo girdled lizard
- Emperor flat lizard
- Northern leaf chameleon
- Mount d'Ambre leaf chameleon
- Brookesia vadoni
- Calumma capuroni
- Hooded chameleon
- Marojejy peak chameleon
- O'Shaughnessy's chameleon
- Calumma peyrierasi
- Tsaratanana chameleon
- Blunt-nosed chameleon
- Antimena chameleon
- Jewelled chameleon
- Labord's chameleon
- Petter's chameleon
- Rhinoceros chameleon
- Mount Kenya sentinel chameleon
- Elongate leaf chameleon
- Mahenge pygmy chameleon
- Marshall's pygmy chameleon
- Mount Chiperone pygmy chameleon
- Four-horned chameleon
- Trioceros serratus
- Breyer's long-tailed seps
- Tracheloptychus petersi
- Zonosaurus anelanelany
- Zonosaurus boettgeri
- Zonosaurus maximus
- Four-lined girdled lizard
- Anolis barkeri
- Navassa anole
- Rueda's anole
- Anolis muralla
- Anolis naufragus
- Crab cay anole
- Bearded anole
- Spotted anadia
- Ruthven's anadia
- Bresslau's bachia
- Psilophthalmus paeminosus
- Werner's largescale lizard
- Shiny lightbulb lizard
- Riama stigmatoral
- Acanthodactylus felicis
- Leopard fringe-fingered lizard
- Darevskia alpina
- Mosor rock lizard
- Iberian rock lizard
- Skyros wall lizard
- Podarcis levendis
- Milos wall lizard
- Zootoca vivipara pannonica
- Giant bronze gecko
- Blaesodactylus boivini
- Christinus guentheri
- Mt Elgon forest gecko
- Indian day gecko
- Das's day gecko
- Jerdon's day gecko
- Vellore day gecko
- Niah cave gecko
- Gekko ernstkelleri
- Gigante narrow-disked gecko
- Peking gecko
- White-striped viper gecko
- Hemidactylus gujaratensis
- Satara gecko
- Rotuma forest gecko
- Lepidodactylus listeri
- Viti forest gecko
- Tiny scaled gecko
- Blanc's dwarf gecko
- Usambara dwarf gecko
- Madagascar dwarf gecko
- Methuen's dwarf gecko
- Matoatoa brevipes
- Lesser night gecko
- Serpent Island gecko
- Angel's petite gecko
- Grandidier's Madagascar ground gecko
- Paroedura vazimba
- Phelsuma breviceps
- Phelsuma hielscheri
- Island day gecko
- Standing's day gecko
- Orange-spotted smooth-scaled gecko
- Uroplatus ebenaui
- Uroplatus giganteus
- Henkel's leaf-tailed gecko
- Uroplatus malama
- Woodbush legless skink
- Guinea lidless skink
- Amphiglossus alluaudi
- Amphiglossus anosyensis
- Yellow skink
- Amphiglossus mandokava
- Splendid skink
- Long-legged worm-skink
- Mandjélia litter skink
- Günther's cylindrical skink
- Manuel's skink
- Small three-toed skink
- Glorioso snake eyed skink
- Lancelin Island skink
- Hamelin ctenotus
- Griffin's keel-scaled tree skink
- Erronan treeskink
- Loyalty Islands emoia
- Viti copper-headed skink
- Emoia tuitarere
- Gracile burrowing skink
- Kaestlea laterimaculata
- New Caledonian leopard skink
- Telfair's skink
- Ruwenzori four toed skink
- Great desert skink
- Ashwamedh writhing skink
- Madascincus nanus
- Marmorosphax boulinda
- Montane marble-throated skink
- Gracile dwarf skink
- Earless dwarf skink
- Rankin's dwarf skink
- Florida sand skink
- Pedra Branca skink
- Robust skink
- Falla's skink
- Grand skink
- Chevron Skink
- Lord Howe Island skink
- Macgregor's skink
- Small-scaled skink
- New Zealand striped skink
- Scree skink
- Whitaker's skink
- Paracontias kankana
- Parvoscincus sisoni
- Duges' skink
- Pseudoacontias unicolor
- Günther's dwarf burrowing skink
- Kasner's dwarf burrowing skink
- Red-tailed shiny skink
- Orange-bellied burrowing skink
- Sphenomorphus knollmanae
- Trachylepis dumasi
- Trachylepis lavarambo
- Trachylepis loluiensis
- Trachylepis tavaratra
- Wright's skink
- Aubrey's whiptailed skink
- Lomi's blind legless skink
- Egernia stokesii aethiops
- Jurien Bay rock-skink
- Brygophis coulangesi
- Uluguru forest snake
- Compsophis zeny
- Liophidium therezieni
- Grandidier's water snake
- Lycodryas citrinus
- Lycodryas inornatus
- Pararhadinaea melanogaster
- Pseudoxyrhopus oblectator
- Pseudoxyrhopus sokosoko
- Yellow-striped water snake
- Adenorhinos
- Usambara eyelash viper
- Plain mountain adder
- Namaqua dwarf adder
- Yellow-blotched palm pit viper
- Rowley's palm pit viper
- Piraja's lancehead
- Crotalus stejnegeri
- Hon Son pit viper
- Ruby-eyed green pitviper
- Shedao Island pit viper
- Montivipera albicornuta
- Ophryacus undulatus
- Cameron highlands pit viper
- Caucasus subalpine viper
- Iranian mountain steppe viper
- Alburzi viper
- Lataste's viper
- Meadow viper
- Stuart's burrowing snake
- Modest ground snake
- Northern ground snake
- Roule's ground snake
- Tropical forest snake
- Peters' running snake
- Dixon's ground snake
- Geophis juliai
- Geophis nephodrymus
- Southern hognose snake
- Omoadiphas aurula
- Philodryas livida
- Ribbon graceful brown snake
- Monte Cristi graceful brown snake
- Rhadinella pegosalyta
- Tantalophis discolor
- Censky's ameiva
- Sombrero ameiva
- Inagua ameiva
- Aspidoscelis catalinensis
- Little white whiptail
- Aspidoscelis labialis
- San Pedro Martir whiptail
- Saint Lucia whiptail
- Montane rock agama
- Gunther's bloodsucker
- Rough-nosed horned lizard
- Yinnietharra rock dragon
- Draco mindanensis
- Philippine sailfin lizard
- Persian toad agame
- Strauch's toad agama
- Savigny's agama
- Grassland earless dragon
- Egyptian mastigure
- Omani spiny-tailed lizard
- Dunes sagebrush lizard
- Sceloporus maculosus
- Sceloporus megalepidurus
- Sceloporus oberon
- Urosaurus clarionensis
- Uta encantadae
- Uta lowei
- Uta palmeri
- Uta tumidarostra
- Dryocalamus philippinus
- Philippine dryophiops
- Cloud forest parrot snake
- Rendahl's wolf snake
- Short-tailed kukri snake
- Walnut kukri snake
- Lacroix kukri snake
- Spotted-bellied short-headed snake
- Oligodon pulcherrimus
- Moellendorff's trinket snake
- Tantilla boipiranga
- Jan's centipede snake
- Tantilla psittaca
- Fruhstorfer's mountain snake
- Usambara vine snake
- Adelophis copei
- Maki's keelback
- Large-headed water snake
- Storeria hidalgoensis
- Giant garter snake
- Thamnophis scaliger
- Tropidonophis negrosensis
Other Squamata species
- Hainan odd-scaled snake
- Amami Takachiho snake
- Stadelman's worm snake
- Amerotyphlops tycherus
- Wiegmann's tree lizard
- Asaccus montanus
- Jamaican boa
- Reticulated collared lizard
- Los archipelago worm lizard
- Cynisca nigeriensis
- Longhead water snake
- Red-eyed woodlizard
- Exiliboa placata
- Stephen's Island gecko
- East Plana curlytail
- Gaige's tropical night lizard
- Cave tropical night lizard
- Liolaemus huacahuasicus
- Liolaemus lutzae
- Liolaemus occipitalis
- Liolaemus rabinoi
- Dwarf wolf snake
- Two-lined black earth snake
- Belize leaf-toed gecko
- Chatham leaf-toed gecko
- Mcnamara's burrowing snake
- Pseudorabdion talonuran
- Burmese python
- Python kyaiktiyo
- Christmas Island blind snake
- Bavay's giant gecko
- Crested gecko
- Sarasin's giant gecko
- Banded-toed gecko
- Rough-banded sphaero
- Grenadines sphaero
- Cuban broad-banded sphaero
- Spiny whorltail iguana
- Peracca's whorltail iguana
- Stenocercus torquatus
- Boavista wall gecko
- Helmeted gecko
- Phipson's earth snake
- Komodo dragon
- Gray's monitor
- Sandstone night lizard
- Xenosaurus grandis
See also
- List of least concern reptiles
- List of near threatened reptiles
- List of endangered reptiles
- List of critically endangered reptiles
- List of recently extinct reptiles
- List of data deficient reptiles
- ↑ "IUCN Red List version 2015.4". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 19 February 2016.
- ↑ "Limitations of the Data". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 11 January 2016.
- ↑ "2001 Categories & Criteria (version 3.1)". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 11 January 2016.