List of least concern reptiles
- Extinct, since 1500: 21 species
- Extinct in the wild (EW): 1 species
- Critically endangered (CR): 180 species
- Endangered (EN): 361 species
- Vulnerable (VU): 403 species
- Near threatened (NT, LR/cd): 318 species
- Least concern (LC): 2,518 species
- Data deficient (DD): 867 species
- 4669 species have been evaluated
- 3802 are fully assessed (excludes DD)
- 2836 are not threatened at present (LC, NT, LR/cd)
- 944 are threatened (CR, EN, VU)
- 22 to 38 are extinct or extinct in the wild (EX, EW, CR(PE), CR(PEW))
As of February 2016, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists 2518 least concern reptile species.[1] 54% of all evaluated reptile species are listed as least concern. The IUCN also lists two reptile subspecies as least concern.
Of the subpopulations of reptiles evaluated by the IUCN, six species subpopulations have been assessed as least concern.
This is a complete list of least concern reptile species and subspecies as evaluated by the IUCN. Species or subspecies which have least concern subpopulations (or stocks) are indicated. Where possible common names for taxa are given while links point to the scientific name used by the IUCN.
- Florida softshell turtle
- Smooth softshell turtle
- Spiny softshell turtle
- New Guinea snake-necked turtle
- Common snapping turtle
- Painted turtle
- Malayan softshell turtle
- New Guinea snapping turtle
- Red-bellied short-necked turtle
- Indian star tortoise
- Texas tortoise
- Northern map turtle
- Black-knobbed map turtle
- Ouachita map turtle
- False map turtle
- Texas map turtle
- Arizona mud turtle
- Striped mud turtle
- Jalisco mud turtle
- Creaser's mud turtle
- Yellow mud turtle
- Rough-footed mud turtle
- Mexican mud turtle
- Eastern mud turtle
- Indian flapshell turtle
- Indian roofed turtle
- Indian tent turtle
- Yellow-bellied mud turtle
- Variable mud turtle
- East African black mud turtle
- River cooter
- Florida red-bellied cooter
- Peninsula cooter
- Texas river cooter
- Razor-backed musk turtle
- Loggerhead musk turtle
- Eastern musk turtle
- Leopard tortoise
- Marginated tortoise
- Pond slider
- Brisbane short-necked turtle
- Loggerhead sea turtle (4 subpopulations)
- Green sea turtle (1 subpopulation)
- Leatherback sea turtle (1 subpopulation)
Crocodilia species
There are 2466 species and one subspecies in the order Squamata assessed as least concern.
- Red-lipped arboreal alligator lizard
- Smith's arboreal alligator lizard
- Barisia imbricata
- Jamaican galliwasp
- Celestus cyanochloris
- Huaxteca lesser galliwasp
- Celestus legnotus
- Rozella's lesser galliwasp
- Hispaniolan four-toed galliwasp
- O'shaughnessy's galliwasp
- Brazilian galliwasp
- Dotted galliwasp
- Elgaria cedroensis
- Northern alligator lizard
- Madrean alligator lizard
- Southern alligator lizard
- Los Coronados alligator lizard
- Elgaria paucicarinata
- Elgaria velazquezi
- Texas alligator lizard
- Gerrhonotus liocephalus
- Gerrhonotus lugoi
- Gerrhonotus ophiurus
- Koelliker's glass lizard
- Mesaspis gadovii
- Mesaspis monticola
- Morelet's alligator lizard
- Mesaspis viridiflava
- Slender glass lizard
- Island glass lizard
- Hart's glass lizard
- Mimic glass lizard
- Eastern glass lizard
- Western stone gecko
- Ornate stone gecko
- Gold-striped gecko
- Duvaucel's gecko
- Rough gecko
- Gargoyle gecko
- New Caledonia giant gecko
- Northern spiny-tailed gecko
- Southern phasmid gecko
- Robust striped gecko
- Drakensberg dwarf chameleon
- Setaro's dwarf chameleon
- Transvaal dwarf chameleon
- Eastern cape dwarf chameleon
- Brygoo's leaf chameleon
- Plated leaf chameleon
- Brown leaf chameleon
- Perinet leaf chameleon
- Brookesia thieli
- Calumma boettgeri
- Short-horned chameleon
- Cryptic chameleon
- Perinet chameleon
- Calumma guillaumeti
- Calumma linotum
- Calumma malthe
- Nose-horned chameleon
- African chameleon
- Anchieta's chameleon
- Arabian chameleon
- Spurless basilisk chameleon
- Veiled chameleon
- Common chameleon
- Flap-necked chameleon
- Graceful chameleon
- Smooth chameleon
- Namaqua chameleon
- Senegal chameleon
- Indian chameleon
- Angel's chameleon
- Furcifer bifidus
- Furcifer cephalolepis
- Carpet chameleon
- Furcifer major
- Malagasy giant chameleon
- Panther chameleon
- Mayotte chameleon
- Warty chameleon
- Furcifer viridis
- Canopy chameleon
- Ituri chameleon
- Uluguru two-horned chameleon
- Uthmöller's chameleon
- Poroto single-horned chameleon
- Boulenger's pygmy chameleon
- Mount Gorongosa pygmy chameleon
- Udzungwa pygmy chameleon
- Nchisi pygmy chameleon
- Spectral pygmy chameleon
- Uluguru pygmy chameleon
- Zomba pygmy chameleon
- Bearded pygmy chameleon
- Pygmy grass chameleon
- Beardless Ethiopian montane chameleon
- Side-striped chameleon
- Cameroon dwarf chameleon
- Chapin's chameleon
- Sudanese unicorn chameleon
- Crested chameleon
- Usambara three-horned chameleon
- Elliot's groove-throated chameleon
- Poroto three-horned chameleon
- Goetze's whistling chameleon
- Harenna hornless chameleon
- Kenyan high-casqued chameleon
- Ukinga hornless chameleon
- Ituri forest chameleon
- Jackson's chameleon
- Johnston's three-horned chameleon
- Meller's giant one-horned chameleon
- Trioceros nyirit
- Owen's three-horned chameleon
- Rough chameleon
- Tanzanian montane dwarf chameleon
- Udzungwa double-bearded chameleon
- Wemer's three-horned chameleon
- Blue-black plated sand lizard
- Desert plated lizard
- African long-tailed seps
- Tracheloptychus madagascariensis
- Bronze girdled lizard
- Zonosaurus bemaraha
- Zonosaurus brygooi
- Karsten's girdled lizard
- Western girdled lizard
- Madagascar girdled lizard
- Ornate girdled lizard
- Zonosaurus trilineatus
- Zonosaurus tsingy
- Anolis adleri
- Bueycito anole
- High anole
- Anolis anisolepis
- Statia bank tree anole
- Carolina anole
- Carpenter's anole
- Central anole
- Hill anole
- Anolis compressicauda
- Anolis cuprinus
- Anolis dunni
- Good anole
- Veronica's anole
- Fitch's anole
- Fraser's anole
- Anolis gadovi
- O'shaughnessy's anole
- Graham's anole
- Granular anole
- Jacare anole
- Striped anole
- Anolis liogaster
- Anolis lionotus
- Lvnch's anole
- Anolis macrinii
- Anolis megapholidotus
- Anolis microlepidotus
- Anolis nebuloides
- Anolis nebulosus
- Redonda anole
- Dwarf anole
- Dominican Anole
- Olsson's anole
- Anolis omiltemanus
- Thick anole
- Anolis parvicirculatus
- Anolis quercorum
- Anolis schmidti
- Half-lined Hispaniolan grass anole
- Anolis taylori
- Jamaican twig anole
- Pallid stout anole
- Northern curly-tailed lizard
- Hispaniolan curlytail lizard
- Microlophus koepckeorum
- Peru Pacific iguana
- Theresia's Pacific iguana
- Plica lumaria
- Stenocercus aculeatus
- Stenocercus frittsi
- Stenocercus imitator
- Stenocercus lache
- Stenocercus marmoratus
- Stenocercus prionotus
- Stenocercus santander
- Stenocercus scapularis
- Duméril's whorltail iguana
- Tropidurus chromatops
- Striped lava lizard
- Amazon lava lizard
- Northern teiid
- Four-toed amapasaurus
- Arthrosaura kockii
- Donneisy's arthrosaura
- Bachia flavescens
- Bachia panoplia
- Ruthven's bachia
- Elegant eyed lizard
- Schreibers' many-fingered teiid
- Echinosaura panamensis
- Günther's sun tegus
- Gymnophthalmus lineatus
- Underwood's Spectacled Tegu
- Leposoma parietale
- Muller's tegu
- Leposoma rugiceps
- Northern spectacled lizard
- Ruthven's macropholidus
- Tate's neusticurus
- Placosoma cordylinum
- Uzzell's neusticurus
- Cochran's neusticurus
- Proctoporus chasqui
- Proctoporus kiziriani
- Peracca's largescale lizard
- Ptychoglossus myersi
- Taylor's largescale lizard
- Ptychoglossus stenolepis
- Ptychoglossus vallensis
- Arabian fringe-fingered lizard
- Busack's fringe-fingered lizard
- Spiny-footed lizard
- Giant fringe-toed lizard
- Haas' fringe-fingered lizard
- Spotted Fringe-fingered Lizard
- Arnold's fringe-fingered lizard
- Acanthodactylus orientalis
- Robust fringe-fingered lizard
- Schmidt's fringe-toed lizard
- Acanthodactylus tilburyi
- Lebanon fringe-fingered lizard
- Yemen fringe-fingered lizard
- Fitzinger's algyroides
- Blue-throated keeled lizard
- Anatolian rock lizard
- Danford's lizard
- Anatololacerta oertzeni
- Anatolian lizard
- Apathya yassujica
- Southern rock lizard
- Sparse-scaled forest lizard
- Sharp-snouted rock lizard
- Armenian lizard
- Brauner's rock lizard
- Caucasian lizard
- Green-bellied lizard
- Dagestan lizard
- Alborz lizard
- Georgian lizard
- River Kura lizard
- Radde's lizard
- Spiny-tailed lizard
- Van lizard
- Darevskia saxicola
- Valentin's lizard
- Prokletije rock lizard
- Pointed-snouted racerunner
- Anderson's racerunner
- Eremias kavirensis
- Lalehzar racerunner
- Eremias montanus
- Black-sided racerunner
- Strauch's racerunner
- Suphan racerunner
- Atlantic lizard
- Boettger's lizard
- Tenerife lizard
- Gran Canaria giant lizard
- Zagros mountain lacerta
- Sand lizard
- Western green lizard
- Medium lizard
- Lacerta pamphylica
- Caspian green lizard
- Balkan green lizard
- European green lizard
- Latastia cherchii
- Mesalina adramitana
- Mesalina bahaeldini
- Mesalina balfouri
- Blanford's short-nosed desert lizard
- Mesalina kuri
- Pasteur's lizard
- Simon's desert racer
- Omanosaura cyanura
- Omanosaura jayakari
- Beddome's snake-eye
- Jerdon's snake-eye
- Ophisops microlepis
- Western Snake-eyed Lizard
- Dwarf lizard
- Kaokoveld sand lizard
- Karoo sand lizard
- Philochortus neumanni
- Phoenicolacerta cyanisparsa
- Lebanon lizard
- Phoenicolacerta troodica
- Bocage's wall lizard
- Erhard's wall lizard
- Filfola lizard
- Iberian wall lizard
- Dalmatian wall lizard
- Common wall lizard
- Peloponnese wall lizard
- Italian wall lizard
- Balkan wall lizard
- Tyrrhenian wall lizard
- Podarcis vaucheri
- Sicilian wall lizard
- Large psammodromus
- Spanish Psammodromus
- Psammodromus jeanneae
- Psammodromus manuelae
- Moroccan rock lizard
- Kuhne's grass lizard
- Asian grass lizard
- Madeiran wall lizard
- North African ocellated lizard
- Siirt lizard
- Timon tangitanus
- Viviparous lizard
- Drakensberg flat gecko
- Persian spider gecko
- Seychelles bronze gecko
- Even-fingered gecko
- Xinjiang even-fingered gecko
- Leviton's gecko
- Frontier bow-fingered gecko
- Kirghizia even-fingered gecko
- Blaesodactylus antongilensis
- Blaesodactylus sakalava
- Spacious rock gecko
- Baiuch rock gecko
- Indian golden gecko
- Common giant ground gecko
- African gecko
- Graceful day gecko
- Kandyan day gecko
- Koehler's gecko
- Cnemaspis limi
- Mysore day gecko
- Deraniyagala's gecko
- Yercaud day gecko
- Cyrtodactylus adleri
- Agusan bent-toed gecko
- Annulated bow-fingered gecko
- Guadalcanal bow-fingered gecko
- Cyrtodactylus boreoclivus
- Cyrtodactylus capreoloides
- Cyrtodactylus epiroticus
- Ring-tailed gecko
- Clouded Indian gecko
- Cyrtodactylus novaeguineae
- Philippine bent-toed gecko
- Cyrtodactylus robustus
- De Rooij's bow-fingered gecko
- Cyrtodactylus serratus
- Cyrtodactylus tripartitus
- Cyrtodactylus zugi
- Nikolsky's spider gecko
- Blanford's short-toed gecko
- Fort Munro sandstone gecko
- Kerman bent-toed gecko
- Sulaiman range gecko
- Potwar gecko
- Rough bent-toed gecko
- Cyrtopodion sistanense
- Vietanamese leaf-toed gecko
- Madagascar clawless gecko
- Tete thick-toed gecko
- Warty thick-toed gecko
- Boulenger's Indian gecko
- Forest spotted gecko
- Gunther's Indian gecko
- Fish-scale gecko
- Grandidier's gecko
- Top-end Dtella
- Borroloola Dtella
- Palau Island Dtella
- Dubious dtella
- Port Moresby dtella
- Oceania gecko
- Pilbara dtella
- Gray's Chinese gecko
- Hokou gecko
- Mindoro narrow-disked gecko
- Palawan narrow-disked gecko
- Batan narrow-disked gecko
- Romblon narrow-disked gecko
- Large forest gecko
- Tawa gecko
- Essex's pygmy gecko
- Cederberg pygmy gecko
- Hemidactylus aaronbaueri
- Hemidactylus beninensis
- Kandyan gecko
- Socotra leaf-toed gecko
- Hemidactylus foudaii
- Common house gecko
- Giant gecko
- Graceful leaf-toed gecko
- Hemidactylus graniticolus
- Hemidactylus homoeolepis
- Carrot-tail viper gecko
- Socotran rock gecko
- Spotted leaf-toed gecko
- Togo leaf-toed gecko
- Hemidactylus mercatorius
- Mount Sinai gecko
- Sharpnose leaf-toed gecko
- Antilles leaf-toed gecko
- Bombay leaf-toed gecko
- Pygmy leaf-toed gecko
- Reticulate leaf-toed gecko
- Tornier's leaf-toed gecko
- Hemidactylus treutleri
- Mediterranean house gecko
- Hemidactylus yerburyii
- Southern ghats slender gecko
- Palau slender gecko
- Wahlberg's velvet gecko
- Yellow-lined smooth-scaled gecko
- Batan scaly-toed gecko
- Christian scaly-toed gecko
- Guppy's gecko
- White-lined smooth-scaled gecko
- Mountain scaly-toed gecko
- Lepidodactylus moestus
- Oriental scaly-toed gecko
- Small broad-tailed smooth-scaled gecko
- Lepidodactylus vanuatuensis
- Byrne's gecko
- Pasteur's dwarf gecko
- Okavango dwarf gecko
- Lygodactylus heterurus
- Parker's dwarf gecko
- Lygodactylus laterimaculatus
- Mann's dwarf gecko
- Lygodactylus miops
- Lygodactylus mombasicus
- Lygodactylus montanus
- Black-spotted dwarf gecko
- White-headed dwarf gecko
- Robust dwarf gecko
- Grandidier's dwarf gecko
- Lygodactylus tuberosus
- Lygodactylus verticillatus
- Asia minor thin-toed gecko
- Kotschy's gecko
- Transcaspian bent-toed gecko
- Kopet Dagh bent-toed gecko
- Chitral gecko
- Low lying gecko
- Latifi's dwarf gecko
- Solomons slender-toed gecko
- Pacific slender-toed gecko
- Nactus sphaerodactylodes
- Vankampen's gecko
- Banded thick-toed gecko
- Western cape gecko
- Spotted gecko
- Van Son's gecko
- Mocquard's Madagascar ground gecko
- Graceful Madagascar ground gecko
- Northern Madagascar ground gecko
- Paroedura karstophila
- Ocelot gecko
- Paroedura stumpffi
- Paroedura vahiny
- Atoll giant gecko
- Abbott's day gecko
- Andaman Islands day gecko
- Seychelles small day gecko
- Barbour's day gecko
- Blue-tailed day gecko
- Comoros day gecko
- Zanzibar day gecko
- Giant Madagascar day gecko
- Speckled day gecko
- Phelsuma kochi
- Gold dust day gecko
- Lined day gecko
- Madagascar day gecko
- Phelsuma modesta
- Thick tail gecko
- Parker's day gecko
- Phelsuma parva
- Phelsuma pusilla
- Peacock day gecko
- Phelsuma ravenala
- La Digue day gecko
- Boettger's day gecko
- Gulf short-fingered gecko
- Cylindrical-bodied smooth-scaled gecko
- Dark-spotted smooth-scaled gecko
- Green smooth-scaled gecko
- Interdune barking gecko
- Burmese flying gecko
- Misonne's spider gecko
- Iranian short-fingered gecko
- Arabian short-fingered gecko
- Middle Eastern short-fingered gecko
- Jordan short-fingered gecko
- Beautiful short-fingered gecko
- Slevin's short-fingered gecko
- Yemen short-fingered gecko
- Caspian bent-toed gecko
- Yangihissar gecko
- Natterers gecko
- Tropiocolotes scortecci
- Northern sand gecko
- Seychelles sucker-tailed gecko
- Common flat-tail gecko
- Lined flat-tail gecko
- Uroplatus phantasticus
- Uroplatus sameiti
- Uroplatus sikorae
- Twin-striped skink
- Ablepharus budaki
- Chernov's skink
- Desert lidless skink
- European copper skink
- Ablepharus rueppellii
- Slendertail lance skink
- Striped blind legless skink
- Lined lance skink
- Percival's legless skink
- Giant lance skink
- San Andres skink
- Providencia skink
- Amphiglossus astrolabi
- Amphiglossus crenni
- Boulenger's tree skink
- Johanna's skink
- Black-striped skink
- Spotted skink
- Gray skink
- Amphiglossus punctatus
- Amphiglossus reticulatus
- Amphiglossus tanysoma
- Tsaratanana skink
- Androngo trivittatus
- Short-necked worm-skink
- Speckled worm-skink
- Cool skink
- Stub-limbed burrowing skink
- Boulenger's short-legged skink
- Brachymeles gracilis
- Two-digit worm skink
- Schadenberg's burrowing skink
- Duméril's short-legged skink
- Negros three-digit worm skink
- Speckled litter skink
- Common litter skink
- Caledoniscincus bodoi
- Giant litter skink
- Strand litter skink
- Enigmatic rainbow skink
- Carlia ailanpalai
- Aramia rainbow skink
- Carlia bicarinata
- Carlia bomberai
- Carlia caesius
- Digul river rainbow skink
- Sandy rainbow skink
- Carlia eothen
- Brown four-fingered skink
- Slender rainbow skink
- Carlia luctuosa
- Mys' rainbow skink
- Carlia pulla
- Northern red-throated skink
- Southern rainbow-skink
- Italian three-toed skink
- Riffian skink
- De l'Isle's wedge-snouted skink
- Algerian three-toed skink
- Mionecton Skink
- Many-scaled cylindrical skink
- Mocquard's cylindrical skink
- Wedge-snouted skink
- Gran Canaria skink
- Duméril's wedge-snouted skink
- Western three-toed skink
- Thierry's cylindrical skink
- West Canary skink
- Delalande's skink
- Santo Antão skink
- São Nicolau skink
- Chioninia spinalis
- Keeled water skink
- Cophoscincopus greeri
- Cophoscincopus simulans
- Leschenault snake eyed skink
- New Guinea snake-eyed skink
- New Caledonian shore skink
- Cryptoblepharus renschi
- Palau snake eyed skink
- Brown-blazed wedgesnout ctenotus
- Plain-backed Kimberley ctenotus
- Kakadu ctenotus
- Jewelled south-west ctenotus
- Clay-soil ctenotus
- Bar-shouldered ctenotus
- Leonhardi's ctenotus
- Western slender blue-tongue
- Olive dasia
- King's skink
- Yakka skink
- Bronze skink
- Micronesia black skink
- Golden forest skink
- Battersby's skink
- Emoia baudini
- Emoia bismarckensis
- Bogert's skink
- Brongersma's forest skink
- Pacific bluetail skink
- Emoia callisticta
- Teal emo skink
- Yellow-throated skink
- Allison's skink
- Dark-bellied copper-striped skink
- Irian skink
- Bellona skink
- Papua five-striped skink
- Loveridge's skink
- Spotted blue-tailed skink
- Great skink
- Emoia montana
- Black emo skink
- Vanuatu silver vineskink
- Obscure skink
- Emoia oribata
- De vis' skink
- Slender skink
- Small keel-scaled skink
- Pope's skink
- Solomons blue-tailed skink
- Arboreal skink
- Rennell blue-tailed skink
- Sanford's tree skink
- Schmidt's skink
- Madeay's skink
- Taumako skink
- Four-striped skink
- Polynesia slender treeskink
- Emoia tropidolepis
- Tropical skink
- Brown-sided bar-lipped skink
- Barred shark skink
- Eugongylus unilineatus
- Southern water skink
- Orange-speckled forest-skink
- Stout barsided skink
- Border Ranges blue-spectacled skink
- Algerian Orange-Tailed Skink
- Schmidt's mabuya
- Eutropis bibronii
- Eutropis bontocensis
- Keeled Indian mabuya
- Anderson's mabuya
- Three-banded mabuya
- Cogger's Island skink
- Cape York mulch-skink
- Three-toed Earless Skink
- Two-toed earless skink
- Heyer's isopachys
- Beddome's ground skink
- Two-lined ground skink
- Barbour's ground skink
- Nieuwenhuis' skink
- Single finger larut skink
- Uganda five-toed skink
- Cape range slider
- Blinking broad-blazed slider
- Wide-striped mulch slider
- Kennedy range broad-blazed slider
- Onslow broad-blazed slider
- Arnhem coast fine-lined slider
- Ribbon lerista
- Slender duneslider
- Coastal Kimberley slider
- Black mountain skink
- Desert egernia
- Night skink
- White's rock-skink
- Green-bellied tree skink
- Blue-mouthed skink
- Bronze slender tree skink
- Lipinia infralineolata
- Long lipinia
- Lipinia nototaenia
- Yellow-striped slender tree skink
- Lipinia pulchra
- Roux's lipinia
- Lipinia septentrionalis
- Lobulia alpina
- Brongersma's lobulia
- Elegant lobulia
- Lobulia subalpina
- Lygisaurus curtus
- Lygisaurus novaeguineae
- Eastern cape litter-skink
- Günther's writhing snake
- Banded supple skink
- Korat supple skink
- Lined writhing skink
- Redtail skink
- Common Madagascar skink
- Madascincus minutus
- Morondava skink
- Madagascar coastal skink
- Marisora alliacea
- Marisora brachypoda
- Central American mabuya
- Marble-throated skink
- Longtail limbless skink
- Shark Bay dwarf skink
- Managua skink
- Mesoscincus schwartzei
- Mochlus brevicaudis
- Guinean forest skink
- Mafia writhing skink
- Mocquard's writhing skink
- Pemba Island writhing skink
- Boulenger's writhing skink
- Sundevall's writhing skink
- Boulenger's snake-eyed skink
- Suter's skink
- Brown skink
- Plateau snake skink
- Persian snake skink
- Limbless skink
- Three-fingered sand-fish
- Street's snake skink
- Gardiner's burrowing skink
- Panaspis helleri
- Nimba snake-eyed skink
- Togo skink
- Carvalho's mabuya
- Papuascincus morokanus
- Papuascincus stanleyanus
- Hildebrand's skink
- Anzahamaru skink
- Garnier's giant skink
- Coal Skink
- Plestiodon brevirostris
- Plestiodon callicephalus
- Plestiodon copei
- Mole Skink
- Common five-lined skink
- Gilbert's Skink
- Southeastern Five-lined Skink
- San Lucan skink
- Broad-headed skink
- Oak forest skink
- Many-lined skink
- Great Plains skink
- Guerreran skink
- Prairie Skink
- Western skink
- Sumichrast's skink
- Four-lined skink
- Common green tree skink
- Prehensile green tree skink
- Green-blooded skink
- Spinifex snake-eyed snake
- Southern grass tussock skink
- Pygomeles braconnieri
- Beddome's cat skink
- Czechuras litter-skink
- Mozambique dwarf burrowing skink
- Scincella gemmingeri
- Ground skink
- Scincella silvicola
- Tsushima ground skink
- Scincus hemprichii
- Eastern skink
- Albert's skink
- Sphenomorphus abdictus
- Pointed-headed sphenomorphus
- Spotted forest skink
- Sphenomorphus assatus
- Zamboanga sphenomorphus
- Sphenomorphus bignelli
- Sphenomorphus brunneus
- Sphenomorphus cherriei
- Elegant forest skink
- Cox's sphenomorphus
- Crane's skink
- Cuming's sphenomorphus
- Sphenomorphus darlingtoni
- Black-sided sphenomorphus
- Sphenomorphus derooyae
- Dussumier's forest skink
- Banded sphenomorphus
- Sphenomorphus fragilis
- Sphenomorphus fuscolineatus
- Sphenomorphus incertus
- Jagor's sphenomorphus
- Sphenomorphus jobiensis
- Sphenomorphus kitangladensis
- Sphenomorphus latifasciatus
- Sphenomorphus leptofasciatus
- White-spotted sphenomorphus
- Sphenomorphus longicaudatus
- Sphenomorphus loriae
- Sphenomorphus louisiadensis
- Sphenomorphus maindroni
- Sphenomorphus meyeri
- Sphenomorphus minutus
- Sphenomorphus neuhaussi
- Sphenomorphus nigriventris
- Sphenomorphus nigrolineatus
- Sphenomorphus schultzei
- Palau ground skink
- Common forest skink
- Steere's sphenomorphus
- Tanner's skink
- Sphenomorphus tropidonotus
- Levant skink
- Orange-throated skink
- Gold-spotted mabuya
- Benson's mabuya
- Trachylepis bocagii
- Boettger's mabuya
- Trachylepis comorensis
- Two-coloured skink
- Elegant mabuya
- Gravenhorst's mabuya
- Bronze rock skink
- Malagasy mabuya
- Trachylepis margaritifera
- Trachylepis paucisquamis
- Montane speckled skink
- Seychelles skink
- Socotra mabuya
- Trachylepis tandrefana
- Trachylepis tessellata
- Boulder mabuya
- Bridled mabuya
- Blanchard's helmet skink
- Tribolonotus gracilis
- Spiny skink
- Western crocodile skink
- Schmidt's crocodile skink
- Davao waterside skink
- Spiny waterside skink
- Laotian keeled skink
- Misamis waterside skink
- Tropidophorus mocquardi
- Partello's waterside skink
- Northern whiptailed skink
- Southern whiptailed skink
- Cuvier's legless skink
- Two-striped mabuya
- Voeltzkowia fierinensis
- Voeltzkowia lineata
- Voeltzkowia rubrocaudata
- Egernia stokesii stokesii
- Alluaudina bellyi
- Boulenger's forest snake
- Lined forest snake
- Compsophis laphystius
- Günther's racer
- Dromicodryas bernieri
- Dromicodryas quadrilineatus
- Common slug eater
- Variegated slug-eater
- Exallodontophis albignaci
- Heteroliodon occipitalis
- Forest night snake
- Tiny night snake
- Ithycyphus oursi
- Ithycyphus perineti
- Langaha alluaudi
- Langaha madagascariensis
- Langaha pseudoalluaudi
- Leioheterodon geayi
- Malagasy giant hognose snake
- Blonde hognose snake
- Liophidium chabaudi
- Gold-collared snake
- Liophidium torquatum
- Liophidium vaillanti
- Liopholidophis dolicocercus
- Liopholidophis rhadinaea
- Six-lined water snake
- Liopholidophis varius
- Lycodryas gaimardi
- Lycodryas granuliceps
- Lycodryas pseudogranuliceps
- Madagascar night snake
- Madagascarophis meridionalis
- Madagascarophis ocellatus
- Micropisthodon ochraceus
- Banded Philippine burrowing snake
- Non-banded Philippine burrowing snake
- Parastenophis betsileanus
- Phisalixella arctifasciata
- Phisalixella tulearensis
- Night brook snake
- Pseudoxyrhopus microps
- Striped brook snake
- Pseudoxyrhopus tritaeniatus
- Thamnosophis epistibes
- Thamnosophis infrasignatus
- Lateral water snake
- Red worm lizard
- Bahia worm lizard
- Rio Grande worm lizard
- Ridley's worm lizard
- Iberian worm lizard
- Moroccan worm lizard
- Turkish worm lizard
- Blanus tingitanus
- French Congo worm lizard
- Ugly worm lizard
- Liberia worm lizard
- Liwale round-snouted worm lizard
- Angolan spade-snouted worm lizard
- Zygaspis nigra
- Bismarck sharp-nosed blind snake
- Liwale blind-snake
- Costa Rica worm snake
- Yucatecan worm snake
- Reticulate worm snake
- Coffee worm snake
- Interior blind snake
- Pale-headed blind snake
- Kimberley shallow-soil blind snake
- Austrotyphlops pilbarensis
- Proximus blind snake
- Beaked blind snake
- Beaked worm snake
- Cross' beaked snake
- St. Thomas' beaked snake
- Lake Tanganyika blind snake
- Zanzibar gracile blind-snake
- Léopoldville beaked snake
- Letheobia simonii
- Swahili gracile blind-snake
- Ramphotyphlops acuticaudus
- White-headed blind snake
- Ramphotyphlops bicolor
- Melanesia blindsnake
- Northern New Guinea blindsnake
- Yellowbellied blindsnake
- Lined blind snake
- Hook-nosed blindsnake
- Sand worm snake
- Typhlops boettgeri
- Typhlops caecatus
- Brown-backed blind snake
- Typhlops decorsei
- Diard's blindsnake
- Puerto Rican coastal blindsnake
- Jamaican blindsnake
- Müller's blind snake
- South India worm snake
- Samar blind snake
- Island worm snake
- Northern copperhead
- Cottonmouth
- Taylor's cantil
- Green bush viper
- Atropoides mexicanus
- Jumping pit viper
- Atropoides occiduus
- Olmecan pit viper
- Picado's pit viper
- Fea's viper
- Berg adder
- Dwarf puff adder
- Rhinoceros viper
- Guatemala palm pit viper
- Coffee palm viper
- Chocoan toadheaded pitviper
- Caatinga lancehead
- Sao Paulo lancehead
- Jararacussu
- Cerrado lancehead
- Inca forest pit viper
- Malayan pit viper
- Arabian horned viper
- Sahara sand viper
- Godman's montane pit viper
- Tzotzil montane pit viper
- Eastern diamondback rattlesnake
- Crotalus angelensis
- Crotalus aquilus
- Western diamondback rattlesnake
- Crotalus basiliscus
- Crotalus caliginis
- Sidewinder
- Cascabel rattlesnake
- Crotalus enyo
- Crotalus estebanensis
- Timber rattlesnake
- Crotalus intermedius
- Rock rattlesnake
- Crotalus lorenzoensis
- Speckled rattlesnake
- Black-tailed rattlesnake
- Crotalus muertensis
- Western rattlesnake
- Crotalus polystictus
- Twin-spotted rattlesnake
- Crotalus ravus
- Red diamond rattlesnake
- Mohave rattlesnake
- Middle American rattlesnake
- Tiger rattlesnake
- Tortuga Island rattlesnake
- Crotalus transversus
- Crotalus triseriatus
- Yucatan neotropical rattlesnake
- Prairie rattlesnake
- New Mexican ridge-nosed rattlesnake
- White-lipped pitviper
- Cardamom Mountains green pitviper
- Naga-hill pit viper
- Sunda Island pitviper
- Large-eyed pit viper
- Mangrove pit viper
- Palestine viper
- Eastern Russell's viper
- Echis borkini
- Echis khosatzkii
- White-bellied carpet viper
- Oman saw-scaled viper
- Egyptian saw-scaled viper
- Mount Kinabalu pit viper
- Rock mamushi
- Tibetan pit viper
- Sri Lanka humpnose viper
- Mount Bulgar viper
- Ottoman viper
- Malayan brown pit viper
- Taiwan mountain pitviper
- Chinese mountain pit viper
- Tonkin pit viper
- Zayuan mountain pit viper
- Hagen's green pit viper
- Sumatra pit viper
- Sumatran green pit viper
- Siamese peninsula pitviper
- Pope's pit viper
- Sabah pit viper
- Dunn's hognose viper
- Hognosed pit viper
- Slender hognose viper
- Porthidium porrasi
- Yucatán hognose viper
- Jerdon's pitviper
- Brown spotted pitviper
- Szechwan pit viper
- Field's horned viper
- Perisan horned viper
- Massasauga
- Pygmy rattlesnake
- Sumatran palm pit viper
- Bornean palm pit viper
- Trimeresurus flavomaculatus
- Taiwan pit viper
- Common bamboo viper
- Malabar pit viper
- Javanese pit viper
- Schultze's pit viper
- Horseshoe pit-viper
- Wirot's pit viper
- Bornean keeled green pit viper
- Wagler's keeled green pit viper
- Nose-horned viper
- Asp viper
- Seoane's viper
- Gumprecht's pit viper
- Stejneger's pit viper
- Vogel's pit viper
- Yunnan pit viper
- Ilha Maracá gecko
- Shieldhead gecko
- Haseman's gecko
- Gonatodes riveroi
- Lepidoblepharis duolepis
- Lepidoblepharis intermedius
- Lepidoblepharis peraccae
- Lepidoblepharis ruthveni
- Lepidoblepharis sanctaemartae
- Lepidoblepharis xanthostigma
- Abdel Kuri rock gecko
- Carter's semaphore gecko
- Pristurus celerrimus
- Pristurus collaris
- Guichard's rock gecko
- Blanford's rock gecko
- Haggier Massif rock gecko
- Pristurus minimus
- Pristurus obsti
- Birdhead rock gecko
- Pristurus popovi
- Iranian rock gecko
- Yemen rock gecko
- Pristurus samhaensis
- Pristurus schneideri
- Socotra rock gecko
- Quedenfeldtia moerens
- Morocco lizard-fingered gecko
- Saurodactylus mauritanicus
- Central Bahamas sphaero
- Hispaniolan eyespot sphaero
- Dunn's least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus glaucus
- Costa Rica least gecko
- Caribbean least gecko
- Puerto Rican upland sphaero
- Panama least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus millepunctatus
- Puerto Rican crescent sphaero
- Reef gecko
- Pacific least gecko
- Bay Island least gecko
- Altagracia speckled sphaero
- Double-collared sphaero
- Hispaniolan small-eared sphaero
- Vincent's least gecko
- Przewalski's wonder gecko
- Great Basin collared lizard
- Common collared lizard
- Tiburon collared lizard
- Grimser's collared lizard
- Crotaphytus insularis
- Sonoran collared lizard
- Baja California collared lizard
- Baja California leopard lizard
- Long-nosed leopard lizard
- Burrowing snake
- Middle American burrowing snake
- Adelphicos sargii
- Adelphicos visoninum
- Amastridium sapperi
- Rustyhead snake
- Apostolepis phillipsae
- Günther's Island racer
- Albuquerque ground snake
- Bocourt's ground snake
- Thickhead ground snake
- Duida ground snake
- Lasalle's ground snake
- Limitan ground snake
- Big ground snake
- Atractus manizalesensis
- Banded ground snake
- Basin ground snake
- St. Marta's ground snake
- Atractus snethlageae
- Speckled ground snake
- Cuban lesser racer
- Eastern wormsnake
- Carphophis vermis
- Chersodromus liebmanni
- Mexican snake eater
- Two-spotted snake
- Coniophanes imperialis
- Coniophanes meridanus
- Coniophanes piceivittis
- Five-striped snake
- Coniophanes schmidti
- Conophis lineatus
- Conophis vittatus
- Sharp-tailed snake
- Dunn's road guarder
- Ring-necked snake
- American snail-eater
- Two-colored snail-eater
- Snail-eating thirst snake
- Catesby's snail-eater
- Dipsas chaparensis
- Gaige's thirst snail-eater
- Dipsas nicholsi
- Northern snail-eater
- Peruvian thirst snake
- Temporal snail-eater
- Bocourt's snail-eater
- Echinanthera undulata
- Eridiphas slevini
- Double-banded coral snake mimic
- Erythrolamprus ceii
- Erythrolamprus ingeri
- Jaeger's ground snake
- Erythrolamprus janaleeae
- Long ground snake
- Shaw's dark ground snake
- Mertens' tropical forest snake
- Mimic false coral snake
- Erythrolamprus pseudocorallus
- Velvety swamp snake
- Crown ground snake
- Mud snake
- Rainbow snake
- Sierra Mije earth snake
- Colombian earth snake
- Chiapas earth snake
- Keeled earth snake
- Mesa del Sur earth snake
- Sierra Juarez earth snake
- Dugès' earth snake
- Godman's earth snake
- Downs' earth snake
- Mesa central earth snake
- Highland earth snake
- Coffee earth snake
- Guerreran earth snake
- Rosebelly earth snake
- Ruthven's earth snake
- Coral earth snake
- Geophis tectus
- Geophis zeledoni
- Daniel's keelback
- Hoge's keelback
- Equatorial keelback
- Western hognose snake
- Eastern hognose snake
- Costa Rica water snake
- Hydrops caesurus
- Amazon water snake
- Night snake
- Plain tree snake
- Imantodes tenuissimus
- Rainforest cat-eyed snake
- Southwestern cat-eyed snake
- Black-banded cat-eyed snake
- Western cat-eyed snake
- Leptodeira rhombifera
- Leptodeira rubricata
- Splendid cat-eyed snake
- Uribe's false cat-eyed snake
- Lema's ground snake
- Lygophis elegantissimus
- Jan's hognose snake
- Ringed hognose snake
- Manolepis putnami
- Two-colored mussurana
- Ringneck coffee snake
- Spotted coffee snake
- Ninia pavimentata
- Cope's coffee snake
- Redback coffee snake
- Rough coffee snake
- Werner's false coral snake
- Boulenger's false coral snake
- Tschudi's false coral snake
- Oxyrhopus occipitalis
- Dumeril's diadem snake
- Phalotris tricolor
- Diurnal vine snake
- Philodryas cordata
- Günther's green racer
- Schmidt's green racer
- Jan's green racer
- Pliocercus bicolor
- Pliocercus elapoides
- Black halloween snake
- Pseudalsophis elegans
- Paraná false boa
- South American pond snake
- False cat-eyed snake
- Wide ground snake
- Brazilian bird snake
- Thick graceful brown snake
- Pine woods snake
- Western graceful brown snake
- Crowned graceful brown snake
- Sargent's graceful brown snake
- Pine-oak snake
- Rhadinella anachoreta
- Godman's graceful brown snake
- Kinkelin graceful brown snake
- Tearful pine-oak snake
- Brokencollar graceful brown snake
- Rhadinella serperaster
- Ringed snail sucker
- Cope's snail sucker
- Argus snail sucker
- Slender snail sucker
- Sibon fischeri
- Stejneger's snail sucker
- Sibon sanniolus
- Boulenger's tree snake
- Tropical flat snake
- Common spotted night snake
- Guanabara spotted night snake
- Worontzow's spotted night snake
- Chilean slender snake
- Peru slender snake
- Taeniophallus affinis
- Roze's coastal house snake
- Thamnodynastes corocoroensis
- Thamnodynastes duida
- Thamnodynastes marahuaquensis
- Amazon coastal house snake
- Coastal house snake
- Günther's tropical ground snake
- Cope's tropical ground snake
- Slevin's tropical ground snake
- Western snail-eating snake
- Fischer's snail-eating snake
- Philippi's snail-eating snake
- Terrestrial snail sucker
- Serra snake
- Urotheca guentheri
- Urotheca lateristriga
- Urotheca pachyura
- Neuwied's false fer-de-lance
- Wucherer's ground snake
- Bourret's odd-scaled snake
- Formosa odd-scaled snake
- Sichuan odd-scaled snake
- Black odd-scaled snake
- Rufous burrowing snake
- Grey burrowing snake
- Kloss's rough water snake
- Stolickza's stream snake
- Rough-backed litter snake
- Captain's wood snake
- Striped narrow-headed snake
- Common Ameiva
- Ameiva concolor
- Pigmy blue-tailed ameiva
- Aspidoscelis angusticeps
- Aspidoscelis bacatus
- Canyon spotted whiptail
- Aspidoscelis calidipes
- Aspidoscelis canus
- Carmen Island whiptail
- Aspidoscelis celeripes
- Aspidoscelis ceralbensis
- Aspidoscelis communis
- Aspidoscelis costatus
- Aspidoscelis cozumela
- Aspidoscelis danheimae
- Blackbelly racerunner
- Aspidoscelis espiritensis
- Chihuahuan spotted whiptail
- Gila spotted whiptail
- Aspidoscelis franciscensis
- Texas spotted whiptail
- Aspidoscelis guttata
- Orange-throated whiptail
- Little striped whiptail
- Laredo striped whiptail
- Aspidoscelis lineattissima
- Aspidoscelis maslini
- Aspidoscelis mexicana
- Aspidoscelis motaguae
- New Mexico whiptail
- Pai striped whiptail
- Aspidoscelis parvisocia
- Aspidoscelis pictus
- Aspidoscelis sacki
- Plateau spotted whiptail
- Six-lined racerunner
- Sonoran spotted whiptail
- Common Checkered Whiptail
- Western whiptail
- Desert grassland whiptail lizard
- Plateau striped whiptail
- Cnemidophorus gramivagus
- Crocodile tegu
- Ecuador desert tegu
- Middle American ameiva
- Delicate ameiva
- Holcosus niceforoi
- Four-lined ameiva
- Rainbow ameiva
- Green kentropyx
- Argentine black and white tegu
- Palni mountain burrowing snake
- Beddome's black earth snake
- Indian black earth snake
- Nilgiri burrowing snake
- Schneider's earth snake
- Salty earth snake
- Purple-red earth snake
- Madura earth snake
- Cuvier's sheildtail
- Elliot's earth snake
- Bombay earth snake
- Ocellated earth snake
- Indian earth snake
- Red-lined earth snake
- Red-spotted earth snake
- Woodmason's earth snake
Night lizards
- Yellow-spotted tropical night lizard
- Japlan tropical night lizard
- Pajapan tropical night lizard
- Costa Rican tropical night lizard
- Smith's tropical night lizard
- Madrean tropical night lizard
- Arizona night lizard
- Bezy's night lizard
- Durango night lizard
- Granite night lizard
- Island night lizard
- Xantusia sanchezi
- Desert night lizard
- Horned sea snake
- Smooth-scaled death adder
- Rough-scaled death adder
- Dubois' sea snake
- Eydoux' sea snake
- Olive-brown sea snake
- Striped crown snake
- Müller's crowned snake
- Schlegel's crown snake
- Stokes' sea snake
- Malayan krait
- Banded krait
- Red-headed krait
- Burmese krait
- Many-banded krait
- Wanghaoting's krait
- Bibron's coral snake
- Blue coral snake
- Banded Malaysian coral snake
- Speckled coral snake
- Black coral snake
- Western carpentaria snake
- Black mamba
- Western green mamba
- Master's snake
- Mustard-bellied snake
- Elapsoidea trapei
- Egg-eating sea snake
- Ijima's sea snake
- Beaked sea snake
- North-western mangrove sea snake
- Rinkhals
- Hemibungarus calligaster
- Black-ringed sea snake
- Blackheaded banded sea snake
- Hydrophis brookii
- Dwarf sea snake
- Cogger's sea snake
- Annulated sea snake
- Bar-bellied sea snake
- Striped sea snake
- Graceful small headed seasnake
- King's sea snake
- Lambert's sea snake
- Persian Gulf sea snake
- Mcdowell's sea snake
- Greater sea snake
- Russell's sea snake
- Spotted sea snake
- Ornate reef sea snake
- Yellow sea snake
- Jerdon's sea snake
- Shaw's sea snake
- Columbrine sea krait
- Brown-lipped sea krait
- Laticauda saintgironsi
- Sonoran coralsnake
- Allen's coral snake
- Micrurus bernadi
- Micrurus browni
- Clark's coral snake
- Micrurus diastema
- Pygmy coral snake
- Micrurus distans
- Elegant coral snake
- Eastern coral snake
- Mayan coral snake
- Equal-banded coral snake
- Langsdorff's coral snake
- Micrurus laticollaris
- Micrurus latifasciatus
- Micrurus limbatus
- Micrurus mosquitensis
- Many-banded coral snake
- Micrurus nigrocinctus
- Pará coral snake
- Micrurus proximans
- Argentinian coral snake
- Panamenian coral snake
- Stuart's coral snake
- Texas coralsnake
- Arabian cobra
- Monocled cobra
- Mali cobra
- Samar cobra
- Senegalese cobra
- Javan spitting cobra
- Equatorial spitting cobra
- Mainland Island snake
- Pelagic sea snake
- Black tree cobra
- Square-nosed snake
- Solomons red krait
- Australian coral snake
- Unbanded shovel-nosed snake
- Coastal burrowing snake
- Kellog's coral snake
- Sinomicrurus sauteri
- Little whip snakes
- Mallee black-backed snake
- Viperine sea snake
- Loria forest snake
- Toxicocalamus mintoni
- Pilbara bandy bandy
- Desert cobra
- Bengal monitor
- Yellow-headed water monitor
- Savannah monitor
- Finsch's monitor
- Yellow monitor
- Kimberley rock monitor
- Mangrove monitor
- Peach-throated monitor
- Rennell Island monitor
- Marbled water monitor
- Northern blunt-spined monitor
- Rosenberg's monitor
- Asian water monitor
- Banded tree monitor
- Isabel monitor
- Main tree iguana
- Liolaemus atacamensis
- Austromendocino tree iguana
- Hulse's tree iguana
- Constanze's tree iguana
- Liolaemus dicktracyi
- Fitzgerald's tree iguana
- Fitzinger's tree iguana
- Liolaemus gallardoi
- Hellmich's tree iguana
- Liolaemus incaicus
- Liolaemus juanortizi
- Liolaemus melanogaster
- Many-spotted tree iguana
- Liolaemus olongasta
- Liolaemus petrophilus
- Braided tree iguana
- Liolaemus puna
- Zodiac tree iguana
- Stolzmann's Pacific iguana
- Liolaemus thomasi
- Liolaemus vallecurensis
- High mountain lizard
- Anderson's rock agama
- Eritrean rock agama
- Black-necked agama
- Black-necked tree agama
- Acanthocercus yemensis
- Brown pricklenape
- Agama africana
- Agama boensis
- Bouet's agama
- Boulenger's agama
- Elmenteita rock agama
- Agama cristata
- Agama dodomae
- Common spiny agama
- Bibron's agama
- Agama insularis
- Agama kaimosae
- Mwanza flat-headed rock agama
- Agama parafricana
- Spiny agama
- Agama tassiliensis
- Agama turuensis
- Gambia agama
- Mallee heath lashtail
- Dusky earless agama
- Great crested canopy lizard
- Calotes chincollium
- Elliot's forest lizard
- Large-scaled forest lizard
- Nilgiri forest lizard
- Roux's forest calotes
- Frilled lizard
- Lake Eyre dragon
- Central netted dragon
- Ornate crevice-dragon
- Ochre dragon
- White-lipped two-line dragon
- Lally's two-line dragon
- Pink two-line dragon
- Two-spotted flying lizard
- Draco cyanopterus
- Southern flying lizard
- Draco guentheri
- Red-barbed flying dragon
- Draco jareckii
- Lined flying dragon
- Asian gliding lizard
- White spotted flying lizard
- Quadras' flying lizard
- Draco reticulatus
- Barred flying dragon
- Giant forest dragon
- Hypsilurus auritus
- Two-marked forest dragon
- Hypsilurus capreolatus
- Crowned forest dragon
- New Guinea forest dragon
- Hypsilurus hikidanus
- Hypsilurus longi
- Hypsilurus magnus
- Modest forest dragon
- Papua forest dragon
- Vogt's forest dragon
- Hypsilurus schultzewestrumi
- Banded japalure
- Japalura flaviceps
- Cloud-forest japalure
- Variegated mountain lizard
- Gilbert's dragon
- Redbelly agama
- Turkestan rock agama
- Small-scaled rock agama
- Arabian toad-headed agama
- Phrynocephalus axillaris
- Sunwatcher
- Yellow-speckled toad agama
- Saissan toad-headed agama
- Striped toad agama
- Przewalski's toadhead agama
- Theobald's toad-headed agama
- Phrynocephalus versicolor
- Phrynocephalus vlangalii
- Eastern bearded dragon
- Blanford's rock agama
- Peninsular rock agama
- Vietnam false bloodsucker
- Mountain dragon
- Iraqi mastigure
- Anaimalai spiny lizard
- Horsfield's spiny lizard
- Fan throated lizard
- Starred agama
- Trapelus agnetae
- Trapelus boehmei
- Yellow-spotted agama
- Trapelus lessonae
- Horny-scaled agama
- Erg agama
- Yemeni spiny-tailed lizard
- Eyed dabb lizard
- Ornate mastigure
- White-bellied reed snake
- Bicoloured reed snake
- Banded worm snake
- Bornean reed snake
- Everett's reed snake
- Gervais' worm snake
- Gimlett's reed snake
- Grabowsky's reed snake
- Lined reed snake
- Calamaria hilleniusi
- Calamaria leucogaster
- Linnaeus's reed snake
- Low's reed snake
- Variable reed snake
- Kapuas reed snake
- Calamaria modesta
- Mueller's reed snake
- Narrow-headed reed snake
- Collared reed snake
- Red-headed reed snake
- Schmidt's reed snake
- Hong Kong dwarf snake
- Yellow-bellied reed snake
- Sumatran reed snake
- Short-tailed reed snake
- Mountain dwarf snake
- Chan-ard mountain reed snake
- Genting highlands reed snake
- Jason's reed snake
- Malayan mountain reed snake
- Schulz's reed snake
- Tweedie's reed snake
- Vogel's reed snake
- White-collared reed snake
- Zamboanga burrowing snake
- Mocquard's reed snake
- Eiselt's dwarf reed snake
- Dwarf reed snake
- Negros light-scaled burrowing snake
- Pseudorabdion saravacense
- Cape file snake
- Savanna lesser file snake
- Matschie's African ground snake
- Black file snake
- Aurora house snake
- Tanganyika water snake
- Black house snake
- Lined water snake
- Whyte's water snake
- Eastern wolf snake
- Lycophidion albomaculatum
- Lycophidion nigromaculatum
- Forest wolf snake
- Lycophidion semicinctum
- Zebra-tailed lizard
- Greater earless lizard
- Elegant earless lizard
- Lesser earless lizard
- Keeled earless lizard
- Banded rock lizard
- Petrosaurus repens
- Petrosaurus slevini
- Baja blue rock lizard
- Giant horned lizard
- Short-tailed horned lizard
- Texas horned lizard
- Coast horned lizard
- Pygmy short-horned lizard
- Greater short-horned lizard
- Roundtail horned lizard
- Mexican Plateau horned lizard
- Desert horned lizard
- Regal horned lizard
- Mexican horned lizard
- Sceloporus acanthinus
- Sceloporus adleri
- Sceloporus aeneus
- Sceloporus anahuacus
- Sceloporus angustus
- Sceloporus asper
- Sceloporus bicanthalis
- Sceloporus bulleri
- Sceloporus carinatus
- Sceloporus cautus
- Sceloporus chrysostictus
- Clark's spiny lizard
- Sceloporus couchi
- Sceloporus cozumelae
- Sceloporus cryptus
- Sceloporus dugesii
- Sceloporus edwardtaylori
- Sceloporus formosus
- Sceloporus gadoviae
- Sagebrush lizard
- Graphic spiny lizard
- Sceloporus grandaevus
- Sceloporus heterolepis
- Sceloporus horridus
- Sceloporus hunsakeri
- Sceloporus insignis
- Sceloporus internasalis
- Sceloporus jalapae
- Mountain spiny lizard
- Sceloporus licki
- Sceloporus lineatulus
- Luna's spiny lizard
- Lundell's spiny lizard
- Sceloporus macdougalli
- Desert spiny lizard
- Green spiny lizard
- Sceloporus melanorhinus
- Canyon lizard
- Sceloporus minor
- Sceloporus mucronatus
- Sceloporus nelsoni
- Western fence lizard
- Sceloporus ochoterenae
- Texas spiny lizard
- Granite spiny lizard
- Sceloporus palaciosi
- Sceloporus parvus
- Crevice spiny lizard
- Chiapan rough-scaled lizard
- Sceloporus pyrocephalus
- Sceloporus samcolemani
- Sceloporus scalaris
- Blue spiny lizard
- Sceloporus siniferus
- Slevin's bunchgrass lizard
- Sceloporus smaragdinus
- Sceloporus smithi
- Sceloporus spinosus
- Sceloporus squamosus
- Sceloporus stejnegeri
- Sceloporus sugillatus
- Sceloporus taeniocnemis
- Sceloporus teapensis
- Sceloporus torquatus
- Eastern fence lizard
- Sceloporus utiformis
- Sceloporus vandenburgianus
- Rose-bellied lizard
- Striped plateau lizard
- Sceloporus zosteromus
- Mojave fringe-toed lizard
- Urosaurus bicarinatus
- Urosaurus gadovi
- Long-tailed brush lizard
- Urosaurus lahtelai
- Baja California brush lizard
- Ornate tree lizard
- Uta nolascensis
- Uta squamata
- Common side-blotched lizard
- Keel-bellied water snake
- Cantor's mangrove snake
- Australian bokadam
- Asian bockadam
- Bocourt's water snake
- Chinese water snake
- Blotched-lipped mud snake
- Dussumier's water snake
- Rainbow water snake
- Sind river mud snake
- Rice paddy snake
- Macleay's mud snake
- Siebold's water snake
- Mekong mud snake
- Tentacled snake
- Crab-eating snake
- Gerard's water snake
- Banded swamp snake
- Deuve's water snake
- Richardson's freshwater snake
- Speckle-headed vine snake
- River vine snake
- Malayan vine snake
- Asian vine snake
- Brown vine snake
- Glossy snake
- Arizona pacata
- Bamanophis dorri
- Baja California rat snake
- Trans-Pecos rat snake
- Philippine blunt-headed tree snake
- Dog-toothed cat snake
- White-spotted cat snake
- Forsten's cat snake
- Guangxi cat snake
- Jasper cat snake
- Square-headed cat snake
- Black-headed cat snake
- Philippine cat snake
- Schultz' blunt-headed tree snake
- Common cat snake
- Wall's cat snake
- Scarletsnake
- Chilomeniscus savagei
- Sand snake
- Western shovel-nosed snake
- Sonoran shovel-nosed snake
- Ecuador sipo
- Garden flying snake
- Banded flying snake
- Yellow-striped trinket snake
- Copper-head trinket snake
- Andreas' racer
- Eastern racer
- Conopsis biserialis
- Conopsis lineata
- Conopsis megalodon
- Conopsis nasus
- Indian smooth snake
- Southern smooth snake
- Tornier's cat snake
- Northern triangle-spotted snake
- Southern triangle-spotted snake
- Greater green snake
- Many-banded green snake
- Central African egg-eating snake
- Dasypeltis latericia
- Dasypeltis parascabra
- Common egg eater
- Dendrelaphis ashoki
- Boulenger's bronzeback
- Coconut tree snake
- Wall's bronzeback
- Beautiful bronzeback tree snake
- Giri's bronzeback tree snake
- Eastern Himalayan bronze-brown snake
- Southern bronzeback
- Haas's bronzeback tree snake
- Kopstein's bronzeback tree snake
- Lorentz river tree snake
- Nganson bronzeback tree snake
- Sawtooth-necked bronzeback
- Common treesnake
- Solomons tree snake
- Striated bronzeback tree snake
- Mountain bronzeback tree snake
- Dendrelaphis walli
- Peters' forest racer
- Cope's forest racer
- South American forest racer
- Barred forest racer
- Dipsadoboa brevirostris
- Large whip snake
- Schmidt's whip snake
- Drymarchon caudomaculatus
- Eastern indigo snake
- Middle American indigo snake
- Drymobius chloroticus
- Black forest racer
- Esmarald racer
- Blanford's bridal snake
- Half-banded bridled snake
- Three-banded bridled snake
- Brown whip snake
- Eirenis aurolineatus
- Eirenis barani
- Collared dwarf snake
- Crowned dwarf snake
- Eirenis coronelloides
- Narrow-striped dwarf snake
- Eirenis eiselti
- Eirenis levantinus
- Eirenis lineomaculatus
- Dark head dwarf-racer
- Eirenis medus
- Ring-headed dwarf snake
- Dotted dwarf snake
- Roth's dwarf snake
- Indian egg-eating snake
- Chinese leopard snake
- Zoige ratsnake
- Dark-grey ground snake
- Mandarin rat snake
- Ficimia publia
- Mexican hooknose snake
- Orange-bellied snake
- Striped ground snake
- Common ring-neck
- Royal tree snake
- Red-tailed racer
- Chihuahuan hook-nosed snake
- Desert hooknose snake
- Algerian whip snake
- Horseshoe whip snake
- Balkan whip snake
- Green whip snake
- Gray-banded kingsnake
- Prairie kingsnake
- Common kingsnake
- Mexican kingsnake
- Sonoran mountain kingsnake
- California mountain kingsnake
- Striped lowland snake
- Pacific coast parrot snake
- Mexican parrot snake
- Oliver's parrot snake
- Dusky wolf snake
- Smooth green snake
- Stripe-necked snake
- Liopeltis philippina
- Stolickza's ringneck
- Tricoloured ringneck
- Lycodon alcalai
- Lycodon bibonius
- Butler's wolf snake
- Indian wolf snake
- Lycodon dumerili
- Brown wolf snake
- Yellow-spotted wolf snake
- Yellow large-toothed snake
- Lycodon futsingensis
- Twin-spotted wolf snake
- Laos wolf snake
- Vietnamese large-toothed snake
- Lycodon muelleri
- Snake-eater wolf snake
- Colombo wolf snake
- Rushstrat's wolf snake
- White-banded wolf snake
- Travancore wolf snake
- Zaw's wolf snake
- Common leaf-nosed snake
- Maynard's longnose sand snake
- Derafshi snake
- Macroprotodon cucullatus
- Bella rat snake
- Masticophis aurigulus
- Sonoran whipsnake
- San Joaquin coachwhip
- California whipsnake
- Neotropical whip snake
- Schott's whipsnake
- Masticophis slevini
- Striped whipsnake
- Mastigodryas alternatus
- Striped lizard eater
- Heath's tropical racer
- Salmon-bellied racer
- Black-headed smooth snake
- Western kukri
- Spotted kukri snake
- Barron's kukri snake
- Javanese mountain kukri snake
- Chinese kukri snake
- Ashy kukri snake
- Pegu kukri snake
- Cantor's kukri snake
- Oligodon deuvei
- Eberhardt's kukri snake
- Jewelled kukri snake
- Small-banded kukri snake
- Forbes' kukri snake
- Beautiful kukri snake
- Inornate kukri snake
- Grey kukri snake
- Barred short-headed snake
- Arakan kukri snake
- Cambodian kukri snake
- Eyed kukri snake
- Eight-lined kukri snake
- Ornate kukri snake
- Oligodon planiceps
- False striped kukri snake
- Purple kukri snake
- Half-keeled kukri snake
- Splendid kukri snake
- Duméril's kukri snake
- Striped kukri snake
- Streaked kukri snake
- Mandalay kukri snake
- Three-lined kukri snake
- Oligodon unicolor
- Jerdon's kukri snake
- Chinese garter snake
- Greensnake
- Mountain reed snake
- Baird's ratsnake
- Great plains ratsnake
- Corn snake
- Western rat snake
- Pantherophis vulpinus
- Common bush snake
- Phrynonax poecilonotus
- Phyllorhynchus browni
- Spotted leaf-nosed snake
- Bullsnake
- Pituophis deppei
- Pituophis insulanus
- Pituophis lineaticollis
- Pinesnake
- Pituophis vertebralis
- Red whip snake
- Elegant racer
- Flower's racer
- Dahl's whip snake
- Rogers' racer
- Variable racer
- Yellow-red rat snake
- Pseudoficimia frontalis
- Keeled rat snake
- White-bellied rat snake
- Smooth-scaled mountain rat snake
- Olive forest snake
- Green trinket snake
- Ladder snake
- False tree coral
- Long-nosed snake
- Black-headed rhynchocalamus
- Rhinoceros ratsnake
- Salvadora bairdi
- Eastern patch-nosed snake
- Western patch-nosed snake
- Salvadora intermedia
- Salvadora lemniscata
- Salvadora mexicana
- Guatemala neckband snake
- Black-banded snake
- Green rat snake
- White-striped snake
- Chinese many-tooth snake
- Collared black-headed snake
- Striped black-headed snake
- White-lipped black-headed snake
- Sonora aequalis
- Sonora michoacanensis
- Sonora mutabilis
- Western ground snake
- Zebra snake
- Bornean black snake
- Bismark ground snake
- Stenorrhina freminvillei
- Symphimus leucostomus
- Symphimus mayae
- Tantilla armillata
- Mexican black-headed snake
- Bocourt's black-headed snake
- Mertens' centipede snake
- Pacific coast centipede snake
- Guerreran centipede snake
- Southeastern crown snake
- Big bend blackhead snake
- Tantilla cuniculator
- Deppe's centipede snake
- Flathead snake
- Southwestern blackhead snake
- Tantilla impensa
- Blackbelly centipede snake
- Plains black-headed snake
- Western black-headed snake
- Florida crowned snake
- Reticulate centipede snake
- Big bend black-headed snake
- Tantilla ruficeps
- Red earth centipede snake
- Central American centipede snake
- Hallowell's centipede snake
- Tantilla vulcani
- Chihuahuan black-headed snake
- Yaqui black-headed snake
- Tantillita brevissima
- Tantillita canula
- Tantillita lintoni
- European cat snake
- Telescopus nigriceps
- Desert cat snake
- Soosan viper
- Variable cat snake
- Bird snake
- Western black tree snake
- Coral-bellied wormsnake
- Central American lyre snake
- Mexican lyre snake
- Chihuahuan lyre snake
- Ornate brown snake
- Malayan brown snake
- Caucasian rat snake
- Aesculapian snake
- European ratsnake
- African brown water snake
- Nilgiri keelback
- Two-striped keelback
- Boulenger's keelback
- Kuatun keelback
- Deschaunsee's keelback
- White-fronted water snake
- Gunung Inas keelback
- White-lipped keelback
- Amphiesma modestum
- Hill keelback
- Eight-lined keelback
- Peters's keelback
- Pope's keelback
- Red mountain keelback
- Sarawak keelback
- Sauter's keelback
- Venning's keelback
- White-eyed keelback
- Olive keelback water snake
- Yunnan olive keelback
- Philippine cylindrical snake
- Yellow-spotted water snake
- Orange-lipped keelback
- Blue-necked keelback
- Red keelback
- Collared marsh-snake
- Olive marsh snake
- Natriciteres pembana
- Viperine snake
- Grass snake
- Dice snake
- Atlantic saltmarsh snake
- Green water snake
- Plain-bellied watersnake
- Banded water snake
- Florida green watersnake
- Diamondback water snake
- Northern water snake
- Brown water snake
- Opisthotropis cheni
- Chinese mountain keelback
- Man-son mountain stream snake
- Sichuan mountain keelback
- Sumatran stream snake
- Corrugated water snake
- Angel's mountain keelback
- Striped crayfish snake
- Graham's crayfish snake
- Glossy crayfish snake
- Queen snake
- Rhabdophis adleri
- White-lined water snake
- Speckle-bellied keelback
- Red-belled keelback
- Leonard's keelback
- Zigzag-lined water snake
- Gunung murud keelback
- Black-banded keelback
- Groove-necked keel-back
- Rhabdophis pentasupralabialis
- Rhabdophis spilogaster
- Red-necked keelback
- Taiwan keelback
- Black swampsnake
- Asiatic water snake
- Chinese keelback water snake
- Yunnan keelback water snake
- Brownsnake
- Red-bellied snake
- Storeria storerioides
- Aquatic garter snake
- Short-headed gartersnake
- Butler's garter snake
- Thamnophis chrysocephalus
- Sierra gartersnake
- Blackneck garter snake
- Western terrestrial garter snake
- Mexican gartersnake
- Thamnophis errans
- Thamnophis exsul
- Thamnophis fulvus
- Thamnophis godmani
- Two-striped garter snake
- Checkered garter snake
- Northwestern garter snake
- Thamnophis postremus
- Western ribbon snake
- Thamnophis pulchrilatus
- Plains Garter Snake
- Narrow-headed garter snake
- Ribbon snake
- Thamnophis scalaris
- Common Garter Snake
- Thamnophis sumichrasti
- Thamnophis valida
- Lined snake
- East Papuan keelback
- New Britain keelback
- Tropidonophis dendrophiops
- Bismark keelback
- Common keelback
- Northern New Guinea keelback
- North Irian montane keelback
- Many-scaled keelback
- New Guinea keelback
- Parker's keelback
- Painted keelback
- Papua New Guinea montane keelback
- Rough earthsnake
- Smooth earth snake
- Yellow-spotted keelback
- Malayan spotted keelback water snake
- Javan keelback water snake
- Spotted keelback water snake
- Triangle keelback
- Striped keelback water snake
- Boulenger's tree lizard
- Darwin's iguana
- Enyalius bibronii
- Enyalius pictus
- Leiosaurus catamarcensis
- Pristidactylus torquatus
- Asaccus caudivolvulus
- Asaccus elisae
- Gallagher's gecko
- Gray-spotted leaf-toed gecko
- Kermanshah leaf-toed gecko
- Asaccus kurdistanensis
- Asaccus nasrullahi
- Asaccus platyrhynchus
- Haemodracon riebeckii
- Pygmy Socotran leaf-toed gecko
- South American marked gecko
- Chilean marked gecko
- Phyllodactylus bordai
- Phyllodactylus bugastrolepis
- Phyllodactylus davisi
- Phyllodactylus delcampoi
- Phyllodactylus duellmani
- South American leaf-toed gecko
- Phyllodactylus homolepidurus
- Peru leaf-toed gecko
- Andes leaf-toed gecko
- Phyllodactylus lanei
- Central leaf-toed gecko
- Phyllodactylus muralis
- Phyllodactylus partidus
- Peters' leaf-toed gecko
- Phyllodactylus tuberculosus
- Xantus Leaf-toed Gecko
- Oudri's Fan-footed Gecko
- American wall gecko
- East Canary gecko
- Bocage's wall gecko
- Böhme's Gecko
- Boettger's wall gecko
- Santo Antão wall gecko
- Darwin's wall gecko
- Tenerife gecko
- Desert Wall Gecko
- Fogo wall gecko
- Gomero wall gecko
- Maio wall gecko
- Common wall gecko
- Qattara gecko
- Algerian wall gecko
- São Nicolau wall gecko
- Tarentola pastoria
- Tarentola protogigas
- Tarentola senegambiae
- São Vicente wall gecko
- Natal purple-glossed snake
- Mpwapwa purple-glossed snake
- Eastern purple-glossed snake
- Kalahari purple-glossed snake
- Cape centipede eater
- Aparallactus niger
- Malindi centipede-eater
- Arabian small-scaled burrowing asp
- Atractaspis dahomeyensis
- Israeli mole viper
- Stiletto snake
- Small-scaled burrowing asp
- Sahelian burrowing asp
- Kenya two-headed snake
- Micrelaps muelleri
- Reinhardt's snake-eater
- Guinea snake-eater
- Ivory coast snake-eater
- Blunthead slug snake
- Smooth slug-eating snake
- Malayan slug-eating snake
- Mountain slug-eating snake
- Boulenger's slug snake
- Keeled slug-eating snake
- Formosa slug snake
- Hampton's slug-eating snake
- White-spotted slug snake
- Barred slug-eating snake
- Epictia ater
- Collared blind snake
- Black blind snake
- Rose blind snake
- Three-colored blind snake
- Leptotyphlops jacobseni
- Goggle-eyed worm snake
- Leptotyphlops merkeri
- Pemba worm snake
- White-bellied worm snake
- Myriopholis algeriensis
- Bouet's worm snake
- Myriopholis narirostris
- Roux-estève's worm snake
- New Mexico bland snake
- Texas blind snake
- Western blind snake
- Giant blind snake
- Rena myopica
- Villiers' blind snake
- Two-colored blind snake
- Dugand's blind snake
- Joshua's blind snake
- Eastern bark snake
- Montpellier snake
- Mimophis mahfalensis
- Condanarous sandsnake
- Psammophis indochinensis
- Stout sand snake
- Stripe-bellied sand snake
- Striped skaapsteker
- Red-spotted beaked snake
- Blakeway's blotch-necked snake
- Assam mountain snake
- Chinese mountain snake
- Bamboo false cobra
- Dull bamboo snake
- Karl Schmidt's false cobra
- Large-eyed false cobra
- Stejneger's bamboo snake
Other Squamata species
- Arafura file snake
- Wart snake
- Elephant trunk snake
- Anelytropsis papillosus
- Black legless lizard
- Malayan giant blind snake
- Plumed basilisk
- Mexican mole lizard
- Bipes canaliculatus
- Bipes tridactylus
- Ethiopian girdled lizard
- Spiny crag lizard
- Corytophanes hernandesii
- Guatemalan helmeted basilisk
- Common spiny-tailed iguana
- Common pipe snake
- Fraser's delma
- New Guinea blind earless skink
- Zarudnyi's worm lizard
- Desert iguana
- Enyalioides azulae
- Enyalioides rudolfarndti
- Yellowtail blind snake
- Beaded lizard
- Eastern casquehead iguana
- Laemanctus serratus
- New Guinea snake-lizard
- Liotyphlops argaleus
- Liotyphlops beui
- Loxocemus bicolor
- Common knob-tailed lizard
- Southern knob-tailed gecko
- Banded knob-tail
- Phyllurus ossa
- Common flat lizard
- Pungwe flat lizard
- Collared flat lizard
- Angolan shovel-snout
- Angola shovel-snout
- Jan's shoval-snout
- Ghana shovel-snout
- Pitman's shovelsnout snake
- Florida worm lizard
- Northern leaf-tailed gecko
- Common chuckwalla
- Checkerboard worm lizard
- Leopard dwarf boa
- Panamanian dwarf boa
- Hainan sunbeam snake
- Asian sunbeam snake
- Xenosaurus penai
- Xenosaurus rectocollaris
See also
- List of near threatened reptiles
- List of vulnerable reptiles
- List of endangered reptiles
- List of critically endangered reptiles
- List of recently extinct reptiles
- List of data deficient reptiles
- ↑ "IUCN Red List version 2015.4". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 19 February 2016.