Lists of female political office-holders in the United Kingdom

This list shows women who have been elected as Members of the House of Commons of the United Kingdom, European Union and other British devolved assemblies.

List of female Members of the House of Commons of the United Kingdom

See List of female Members of the House of Commons of the United Kingdom.

List of female Members of the European Parliament

Party Name Constituency Year elected Year left Reason
Conservative Elles, DianaDiana Elles[1] Thames Valley 1979 1989 Retired
SNP Ewing, WinnieWinnie Ewing[2] Highlands and Islands 1979 1999 Retired
Conservative Kellett-Bowman, ElaineElaine Kellett-Bowman [3] Cumbria 1979 1984 Retired
Conservative Brookes, BeataBeata Brookes[4] North Wales 1979 1989 Defeated
Labour Buchan, JaneyJaney Buchan[5] Glasgow 1979 1994 Retired
Labour Castle, BarbaraBarbara Castle[6] Greater Manchester 1979 1989 Retired
Labour Clwyd, AnnAnn Clwyd[7] Mid and West Wales 1979 1984 Retired
Conservative Forster, NorvelaNorvela Forster Birmingham South (contested Birmingham East) 1979 1984 Defeated
Conservative Hope, GloriaGloria Hope[8] Liverpool (contested Merseyside West) 1979 1984 Defeated
Labour Quin, JoyceJoyce Quin[9] Tyne South and Wear & Tyne and Wear 1979 1989 Retired
Conservative Roberts, ShelaghShelagh Roberts [10] London South West 1979 1989 Defeated
Labour Crawley, ChristineChristine Crawley[11] Birmingham East 1984 1999 Retired
Conservative Daly, MargaretMargaret Daly Somerset and Dorset West (contested Somerset and North Devon 1984 1994 Defeated
Conservative Faith, SheilaSheila Faith[12] Cumbria and Lancashire North 1984 1989 Retired
Conservative Jackson, CarolineCaroline Jackson[13] Wiltshire, Wiltshire North and Bath & South West England 1984 2009 Retired
Labour Tongue, CaroleCarole Tongue[14] London East (contested London) 1984 1999 Defeated
Labour Green, PaulinePauline Green[15] London North & London 1989 2000 Resigned
Conservative McIntosh, AnneAnne McIntosh[16] Essex North East & Essex North and Suffolk South 1989 1999 Retired
Labour Oddy, ChristineChristine Oddy Midlands Central 1989 1999 (Crossed the floor in 1999) Expelled from the Labour, became an Independent
Independent Oddy, ChristineChristine Oddy Midlands Central (contested West Midlands) 1999 1999 Defeated
Labour Pollack, AnitaAnita Pollack London South West (contested London) 1989 1999 Defeated
Conservative Rawlings, PatriciaPatricia Rawlings[17] Essex South West (contested Essex West and Hertfordshire East) 1989 1994 Defeated
Labour Billingham, AngelaAngela Billingham[18] Northamptonshire and Blaby (contested East Midlands) 1994 1999 Defeated
Labour Hardstaff, VeronicaVeronica Hardstaff Lincolnshire and Humberside South (contested Yorkshire and the Humber) 1994 1999 Defeated
Labour Kimmock, GlenysGlenys Kimmock[19] South Wales East & Wales 1994 2009 Retired
Labour Morgan, ElunedEluned Morgan[20] Mid and West Wales & Wales 1994 2009 Retired
Labour Waddington, SusanSusan Waddington Leicester (contested Yorkshire and the Humber) 1994 1999 Defeated
Labour McAvan, LindaLinda McAvan[21] Yorkshire and the Humber 1998 Serving
Liberal Democrat Attwooll, ElspethElspeth Attwooll Scotland 1999 2009 Retired
Plaid Cymru Evans, JillJill Evans Wales 1999 Serving
Conservative Foster, JacquelineJacqueline Foster North West 1999 & 2009 2004 Defeated & Serving
Labour Gill, NeenaNeena Gill West Midlands 1999 & |2014 2009 Defeated & Serving
Green Lambert, JeanJean Lambert London 1999 Serving
Green Lucas, CarolineCaroline Lucas[22] South East England 1999 2010 Resigned
Liberal Democrat Ludford, SarahSarah Ludford][23] London 1999 2014 Defeated
Liberal Democrat Lynne, LizLiz Lynne[24] West Midlands 1999 2012 Resigned
Liberal Democrat Nicholson, EmmaEmma Nicholson[25] South East England 1999 2009 Retired
Labour Stihler, CatherineCatherine Stihler West Midlands 1999 Serving
Conservative Villiers, TheresaTheresa Villiers[26] London 1999 2005 Resigned
Liberal Democrat Wallis, DianaDiana Wallis Yorkshire and the Humber 1999 2012 Resigned
Labour Honeyball, MaryMary Honeyball London 2000 Serving
Sinn Féin de Brún, BairbreBairbre de Brún[27] Northern Ireland 2004 2012 Resigned
Liberal Democrat Hall, FionaFiona Hall [28] North East England 2004 2014 Retired
Liberal Democrat Bowles, SharonSharon Bowles South East England 2005 2014 Retired
Labour Willmott, GlenisGlenis Willmott East Midlands 2006 Serving
UKIP Andreasen, MartaMarta Andreasen South East England 2009 2013 (Crossed the floor in 2013) Resigned from UKIP, joined the Conservative Party
Conservative Andreasen, MartaMarta Andreasen South East England 2013 2014 Defeated
Liberal Democrat Bearder, CatherineCatherine Bearder South East England 2009 Serving
DUP Dodds, DianeDiane Dodds[29] Northern Ireland 2009 Serving
Conservative Ford, VickyVicky Ford East of England 2009 Serving
Conservative Girling, JulieJulie Girling South West England 2009 Serving
Conservative McClarkin, EmmaEmma McClarkin East Midlands 2009 Serving
UKIP Sinclaire, NikkiNikki Sinclaire West Midlands 2009 2011 (Crossed the floor in 2011) Expelled from the UKIP, became an Independent
Independent Sinclaire, NikkiNikki Sinclaire West Midlands 2011 2014 Defeated
Conservative Swinburne, KayKay Swinburne Wales 2009 Serving
Conservative Yannakoudakis, MarinaMarina Yannakoudakis London 2009 2014 Defeated
Conservative McIntyre, AntheaAnthea McIntyre West Midlands 2011 Serving
Liberal Democrat Taylor, RebeccaRebecca Taylor Yorkshire and the Humber 2012 2014 Retired
Sinn Féin Anderson, MartinaMartina Anderson[30] Northern Ireland 2012 Serving
Labour Anderson, LucyLucy Anderson London 2014 Serving
UKIP Atkinson, JaniceJanice Atkinson South East England 2014 2015 (Crossed the floor in 2015) Expelled from the UKIP, became an Independent
Independent Atkinson, JaniceJanice Atkinson South East England 2015 Serving
UKIP Bours, LouiseLouise Bours North West England 2014 Serving
Green Scott Cato, MollyMolly Scott Cato South West England 2014 Serving
UKIP Collins, JaneJane Collins Yorkshire and the Humber 2014 Serving
Labour Dodds, AnnelieseAnneliese Dodds South East England 2014 Serving
Labour Griffin, TheresaTheresa Griffin North West England 2014 Serving
UKIP James, DianeDiane James South East England 2014 Serving
Labour Kirton-Darling, JudithJudith Kirton-Darling North East England 2014 Serving
Labour Moody, ClareClare Moody South West England 2014 Serving
UKIP Parker, MargotMargot Parker East Midlands 2014 Serving
UKIP Reid, JuliaJulia Reid South West England 2014 Serving
UKIP Seymour, JillJill Seymour West Midlands 2014 Serving
Labour Ward, JulieJulie Ward North West England 2014 Serving

List of female Police and crime commissioners

Party Name Constituency Year elected Year left Reason
Independent Sue Mountstevens Avon and Somerset 2012 Serving
Independent Ann Barnes Kent 2012 Serving
Labour Jane Kennedy Merseyside 2012 Serving
Labour Vera Baird Northumbria 2012 Serving
Conservative Julia Mulligan North Yorkshire 2012 Serving
Conservative Katy Bourne Sussex 2012 Serving

List of female Members of the London Assembly

Party Name Constituency Year elected Year left Reason
Labour Arnold, JennetteJennette Arnold OBE London & North East 2000 Serving
Liberal Democrat Bloom, LouiseLouise Bloom London 2000 2002 Resigned
Conservative Bray, AngieAngie Bray[31] West Central 2000 2008 Retired
Conservative Chesters, PamelaPamela Chesters CBE London 2000 2004 Retired
Liberal Democrat Featherstone, LynneLynne Featherstone[32] London 2000 2005 Resigned
Labour Gavron, NickyNicky Gavron North East & London 2000 Serving
Liberal Democrat Hamwee, SallySally Hamwee[33] London 2000 2008 Retired
Labour Heath, SamanthaSamantha Heath London 2000 2004 Defeated
Labour Hillier, MegMeg Hillier[34] North East 2000 2004 Retired
Conservative Howlett, ElizabethElizabeth Howlett Merton and Wandsworth 2000 2008 Retired
Green Jones, JennyJenny Jones[35] London 2000 Serving
Labour Shawcross, ValVal Shawcross CBE Lambeth and Southwark 2000 Serving
Labour Johnson, DianaDiana Johnson[36] London 2003 2004 Retired
Liberal Democrat Doocey, DeeDee Doocey OBE[37] London 2004 2012 Retired
Labour McCartney, JoanneJoanne McCartney Enfield and Haringey 2004 Serving
Conservative Borwick, VictoriaVictoria Borwick[38] London 2008 Serving
Liberal Democrat Pidgeon, CarolineCaroline Pidgeon MBE London 2008 Serving
Labour Twycross, FionaFiona Twycross London 2012 Serving

List of female Members of the Scottish Parliament

Party Name Constituency Year elected Year left Reason
Labour Wendy Alexander[39] Paisley North 1999 2011 Retired
Labour Jackie Baillie Dumbarton 1999 Serving
Labour Sarah Boyack Edinburgh Central & Lothians 1999 Serving[40]
Labour Rhona Brankin Midlothian 1999 2011 Retired
Labour Cathie Craigie Cumbernauld and Kilsyth 1999 2011 Defeated
SNP Roseanna Cunningham[41] Perth & Perthshire South and Kinross-shire 1999 Serving
Labour Margaret Curran[42] Glasgow Baillieston 1999 2011 Retired
Labour Susan Deacon Edinburgh East and Musselburgh 1999 2007 Retired
Labour Helen Eadie Dunfermline East & Cowdenbeath 1999 2013 Died
SNP Dorothy-Grace Elder Glasgow 1999 2002 (Crossed the floor in 2002) Resigned from the SNP, became an Independent
Independent Dorothy-Grace Elder Glasgow 2002 2003 Retired
SNP Margaret Ewing[43] Moray 1999 2006 Died
SNP Winnie Ewing[44] Highlands and Islands 1999 2003 Retired
SNP Linda Fabiani Central Scotland & East Kilbride 1999 Serving
Labour Patricia Ferguson Glasgow Maryhill & Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn 1999 Serving
Labour Karen Gillon Clydesdale 1999 2011 Defeated
Labour Trish Godman[45] West Renfrewshire 1999 2011 Retired
Conservative Annabel Goldie[46] West of Scotland 1999 Serving
SNP Christine Grahame South of Scotland & Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale 1999 Serving
Labour Rhoda Grant Highlands and Islands 1999 & 2007 2003 Defeated & Serving
Labour Janis Hughes Glasgow Rutherglen 1999 2007 Retired
SNP Fiona Hyslop Lothians & Linlithgow 1999 Serving
Labour Sylvia Jackson Stirling 1999 2007 Defeated
Labour Cathy Jamieson[47] Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley 1999 2011 Retired
Labour Margaret Jamieson Kilmarnock and Loudoun 1999 2007 Defeated
Labour Johann Lamont Kilmarnock and Loudoun 1999 Serving
Labour Marilyn Livingstone Kirkcaldy 1999 2011 Defeated
SNP Margo MacDonald[48] Lothians 1999 2003 (Crossed the floor in 2003) Expelled from the SNP, became an Independent
Independent Margo MacDonald[48] Lothians 2003 2014 Died
Labour Kate Maclean Dundee West 1999 2007 Defeated
Labour Maureen Macmillan Highlands and Islands 1999 2007 Defeated
SNP Tricia Marwick Mid Scotland and Fife & Central Fife & Mid Fife and Glenrothes 1999 Serving
SNP Irene McGugan North East Scotland 1999 2003 Defeated
Conservative Lyndsay McIntosh Central Scotland 1999 2003 Defeated
SNP Fiona McLeod West of Scotland & Strathkelvin and Bearsden 1999 & 2011 2003 Defeated & Serving
Labour Pauline McNeill Glasgow Kelvin 1999 2011 Defeated
Labour Mary Mulligan Linlithgow 1999 2011 Defeated
Labour Elaine Murray Dumfries & Dumfriesshire 1999 Serving
Labour Irene Oldfather Cunninghame South 1999 2011 Defeated
Labour Cathy Peattie[49] Falkirk East 1999 2011 Defeated
Liberal Democrat Nora Radcliffe Gordon 1999 2007 Defeated
SNP Shona Robison[50] North East Scotland & Dundee East & Dundee City East 1999 Serving
Conservative Mary Scanlon Highlands and Islands 1999 Serving
Labour Elaine Smith Coatbridge and Chryston 1999 Serving
Liberal Democrat Margaret Smith Edinburgh West 1999 2011 Defeated
SNP Nicola Sturgeon Glasgow & Glasgow Govan & Glasgow Southside 1999 Serving
Labour Elaine Thomson Aberdeen North 1999 2003 Defeated
SNP Kay Ullrich West of Scotland 1999 2003 Retired
SNP Sandra White Glasgow & Glasgow Kelvin 1999 Serving
Labour Karen Whitefield Airdrie and Shotts 1999 2011 Defeated
Scottish Socialist Rosemary Byrne South of Scotland 2003 2006 (Crossed the floor in 2006) Resigned from the SSP, created Solidarity
Solidarity Rosemary Byrne South of Scotland 2006 2007 Defeated
Scottish Socialist Frances Curran West of Scotland 2003 2007 Defeated
Labour Marlyn Glen North East Scotland 2003 Serving
Scottish Socialist Rosie Kane Glasgow 2003 2007 Defeated
Scottish Socialist Carolyn Leckie Central Scotland 2003 2007 Defeated
Conservative Nanette Milne North East Scotland 2003 Serving
Conservative Margaret Mitchell Central Scotland 2003 Serving
Scottish Green Eleanor Scott Highlands and Islands 2003 2007 Defeated
Independent Jean Turner Strathkelvin and Bearsden 2003 2007 Defeated
SNP Maureen Watt North East & Aberdeen South and North Kincardine 2006 Serving
Labour Claire Baker Mid Scotland and Fife 2007 Serving
SNP Aileen Campbell South of Scotland & Clydesdale 2007 Serving
SNP Angela Constance Livingston & Almond Valley 2007 Serving
Liberal Democrat Alison McInnes OBE North East Scotland 2007 Serving
SNP Christina McKelvie Central Scotland & Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse 2007 Serving
Conservative Elizabeth Smith Mid Scotland and Fife 2007 Serving
SNP Shirley-Anne Somerville Lothians 2007 2011 Defeated
SNP Anne McLaughlin Glasgow 2009 2011 Defeated
SNP Clare Adamson Central Scotland 2011 Serving
Labour The Hon. Claudia Beamish[51] South of Scotland 2011 Serving
SNP Margaret Burgess Cunninghame South 2011 Serving
Conservative Ruth Davidson Glasgow 2011 Serving
Labour Kezia Dugdale Lothians 2011 Serving
SNP Annabelle Ewing[52] Mid Scotland and Fife 2011 Serving
Labour Mary Fee West of Scotland 2011 Serving
Scottish Green Alison Johnstone Lothians 2011 Serving
Labour Jenny Marra North East Scotland 2011 Serving
SNP Joan McAlpine[53] South of Scotland 2011 Serving
Labour Margaret McCulloch Central Scotland 2011 Serving
Labour Margaret McDougall West of Scotland 2011 Serving
SNP Aileen McLeod South Scotland 2011 Serving
Labour Siobhan McMahon[54] Central Scotland 2011 Serving
Labour Anne McTaggart Glasgow 2011 Serving
SNP Jean Urquhart[55] Highlands and Islands 2011 2012 (Crossed the floor in 2012) Resigned from the SNP, became an Independent
Independent Jean Urquhart[55] Highlands and Islands 2012 Serving
Labour Jayne Baxter Mid Scotland and Fife 2012 Serving
Labour Cara Hilton[56] Dunfermline 2013 Serving

List of female Members of the Welsh Assembly

Party Name Constituency Year elected Year left Reason
Labour Barrett, LorraineLorraine Barrett Cardiff South and Penarth 1999 2011 Retired
Labour Butler, RosemaryRosemary Butler DBE Newport West 1999 Serving
Labour Chapman, ChristineChristine Chapman Cynon Valley 1999 Serving
Labour Davidson, JaneJane Davidson Pontypridd 1999 2011 Retired
Plaid Cymru Davies, JanetJanet Davies South Wales West 1999 2007 Retired
Plaid Cymru Davies, JocelynJocelyn Davies South Wales East 1999 Serving
Labour Essex, SueSue Essex Cardiff North 1999 2007 Retired
Labour Feld, ValVal Feld Swansea East 1999 2001 Died
Labour Gregory, JaniceJanice Gregory[57] Ogmore 1999 Serving
Labour Gwyther, ChristineChristine Gwyther Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire 1999 2007 Defeated
Labour Halford, AlisonAlison Halford Delyn 1999 2003 Retired
Labour Hart, EdwinaEdwina Hart MBE Gower 1999 Serving
Liberal Democrat Humphreys, ChristineChristine Humphreys[58] North Wales 1999 2001 Resigned
Labour Hutt, JaneJane Hutt Vale of Glamorgan 1999 Serving
Plaid Cymru Jarman, PaulinePauline Jarman South Wales Central 1999 2003 Retired
Labour Jones, AnnAnn Jones Vale of Clwyd 1999 Serving
Plaid Cymru Jones, ElinElin Jones South Wales Central 1999 Serving
Plaid Cymru Jones, Helen MaryHelen Mary Jones Llanelli & Mid and West Wales 1999 2011 Defeated
Labour Neagle, LynneLynne Neagle[59] Torfaen 1999 Serving
Liberal Democrat Randerson, JennyJenny Randerson[60] Cardiff Central 1999 2011 Retired
Plaid Cymru Ryder, JanetJanet Ryder North Wales 1999 2011 Retired
Labour Sinclair, KarenKaren Sinclair Clwyd South 1999 2011 Retired
Labour Thomas, GwendaGwenda Thomas Neath 1999 Serving
Liberal Democrat Williams, KirstyKirsty Williams CBE Brecon and Radnorshire 1999 Serving
Labour Evans, DelythDelyth Evans Mid and West Wales 2000 2003 Defeated
Liberal Democrat Burnham, EleanorEleanor Burnham North Wales 2001 2011 Defeated
Labour Lloyd, ValVal Lloyd Swansea East 2001 2011 Retired
Labour Dunwoody, TamsinTamsin Dunwoody[61] Preseli Pembrokeshire 2003 2007 Defeated
Conservative Francis, LisaLisa Francis Mid and West Wales 2003 2007 Defeated
Labour James, IreneIrene James Islwyn 2003 2011 Retired
Conservative Jones, Laura AnneLaura Anne Jones South Wales East 2003 2007 Defeated
Labour Mewies, SandySandy Mewies Delyn 2003 Serving
Labour Thomas, CatherineCatherine Thomas[62] Llanelli 2003 2007 Defeated
Plaid Cymru Wood, LeanneLeanne Wood South Wales Central 2003 Serving
Blaenau Gwent PV Law, TrishTrish Law Blaenau Gwent 2006 2011 Retired
Conservative Burns, AngelaAngela Burns Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire 2007 Serving
Plaid Cymru Evans, NerysNerys Evans Mid and West Wales 2007 2011 Defeated
Labour Griffiths, LesleyLesley Griffiths Wrexham 2007 Serving
Plaid Cymru Jenkins, BethanBethan Jenkins South Wales West 2007 Serving
Labour Watson, JoyceJoyce Watson Mid and West Wales 2007 Serving
Liberal Democrat German, VeronicaVeronica German[63] South Wales East 2010 2011 Defeated
Conservative Davies, SuzySuzy Davies South Wales West 2011 Serving
Labour Evans, RebeccaRebecca Evans Mid and West Wales 2011 Serving
Conservative Finch-Saunders, JanetJanet Finch-Saunders Aberconwy 2011 Serving
Labour James, JulieJulie James Swansea West 2011 Serving
Labour Morgan, JulieJulie Morgan[64] Cardiff North 2011 Serving
Labour Rathbone, JennyJenny Rathbone Cardiff Central 2011 Serving
Conservative Sandbach, AntoinetteAntoinette Sandbach[65] North Wales 2011 2015 Resigned
Conservative Haworth, JanetJanet Haworth[66] North Wales 2015 Serving

See also


  1. She was made a life peer as Baroness Elles, of the City of Westminster, in 1972. Daughter of S. F. Newcombe.
  2. Served as a Member of the House of Commons of the United Kingdom and Scottish Parliament. Mother of Fergus Ewing and Annabelle Ewing. Mother-in-law of Margaret Ewing.
  3. DBE. Wife of fellow MEP Edward Kellett-Bowman. From 1970-1997, she served as the House of Commons of the United Kingdom for Lancaster.
  4. In 1996 she was appointed as a CBE.
  5. Wife of Norman Buchan.
  6. Wife of Edward Castle, Baron Castle. She was made a life peer as Baroness Castle of Blackburn, in 1990. She served as the Member of Parliament for Blackburn from 1945-1979.
  7. She later served as the Member of Parliament for Cynon Valley from 1984-2015.
  8. She was made a life peer as Baroness Hooper, of Liverpool and St James's in the City of Westminster, in 1985.
  9. She was made a life peer as Baroness Quin, of Gateshead in the County of Tyne and Wear, in 2005. She later served as the Member of Parliament for Gateshead East & Gateshead East and Washington West from 1987-2005.
  10. DBE. She was made a life peer as Baroness Roberts, in 1992, however she died before she could be sworn into the House of Lords.
  11. She was made a life peer as Baroness Crawley, of Edgbaston in the County of West Midlands, in 1998.
  12. She served as the Member of Parliament for Belper from 1979-1983.
  13. Wife of fellow MEP Robert V. Jackson.
  14. Former wife of Chris Pond.
  15. She was made a DBE in 2013.
  16. She served as the Member of Parliament for Vale of York & Thirsk and Malton from 1997-2015.
  17. She was made a life peer as Baroness Rawlings, of Burnham Westgate in the County of Norfolk, in 1994.
  18. She was made a life peer as Baroness Billingham, of Banbury in the County of Oxfordshire, in 2000.
  19. Wife of Neil Kinnock, Baron Kinnock. Mother of Stephen Kinnock and mother-in-law of Helle Thorning-Schmidt. She was made a life peer as Baroness Kinnock of Holyhead, of Holyhead in the County of Ynys Môn, in 2009.
  20. She was made a life peer as Baroness Morgan of Ely, of Ely in the City of Cardiff, in 2010.
  21. Wife of Paul Blomfield.
  22. She served as the Member of Parliament for Brighton Pavilion from 2010-present.
  23. She was made a life peer as Baroness Ludford, of Clerkenwell in the London Borough of Islington, in 1997.
  24. She served as the Member of Parliament for Rochdale from 1992-1997.
  25. She was made a life peer as Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne, of Winterbourne, in the Royal County of Berkshire, in 1997. She served as the Conservative and Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament for Torridge and West Devon from 1987-1997.
  26. She served as the Member of Parliament for Chipping Barnet from 2005-present.
  27. She served as the Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly for Belfast West from 1998-2004.
  28. MBE
  29. She served as the Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly for Belfast West from 2003-2007. Wife of Nigel Dodds.
  30. She served as the Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly for Foyle from 2007-2012.
  31. She served as the Member of Parliament for Ealing Central and Acton from 2010-present.
  32. She served as the Member of Parliament for Hornsey and Wood Green from 2005-present.
  33. She was made a life peer as Baroness Hamwee, of Richmond upon Thames in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, in 1991.
  34. She served as the Member of Parliament for Hackney South and Shoreditch from 2005-present.
  35. She was made a life peer as Baroness Jones of Moulsecoomb, of Moulsecoomb in the County of East Sussex, in 2013.
  36. She served as the Member of Parliament for Hull North from 2005-present.
  37. She was made a life peer as Baroness Doocey, in 2010.
  38. Wife of James Borwick, 5th Baron Borwick.
  39. Sister of Douglas Alexander.
  40. Defeated for her constituency seat in 2011, but was elected as a Regional Member in 2011.
  41. From 1995-2001, served as the Member of Parliament for Perth & Perth and Kinross.
  42. From 2010-present, she served as the Member of Parliament for Glasgow East.
  43. From 1974-1979 & 1987-2001, served as the Member of Parliament for East Dunbartonshire & Moray. Wife of fellow MSP Fergus Ewing, daughter in law to fellow MP/MSP Winnie Ewing and sister in law to Annabelle Ewing
  44. From 1967-1970 & 1974-1979, served as the Member of Parliament for Hamilton & Moray and Nairn. Member of the European Parliament for Highlands and Islands from 1979-1999. Mother of Fergus Ewing and Annabelle Ewing and mother in law to Margaret Ewing.
  45. Wife of Norman Goodman.
  46. She was made a life peer as Baroness Goldie, of Bishopton in the County of Renfrewshire, in 2013.
  47. From 2010-present, she served as the Member of Parliament for Kilmarnock and Loudoun.
  48. 1 2 From 1973-1974, she served as the Member of Parliament for Glasgow Govan. Wife of Jim Sillars.
  49. Mother of Cara Hilton.
  50. Wife of Stewart Hosie.
  51. Daughter of Tufton Victor Hamilton Beamish, Baron Chelwood.
  52. From 2001-2005, served as the Member of Parliament for Perth. Sister of fellow MSP Fergus Ewing, daughter of Winnie Ewing and sister in law to Margaret Ewing.
  53. Former wife of Pat Kane.
  54. Daughter of fellow MSP Michael McMahon.
  55. 1 2 Wife of Robert Urquhart.
  56. Daughter of Cathy Peattie.
  57. Daughter of Sir Ray Powell
  58. She was made a life peer as Baroness Humphreys, of Llanrwst in the County of Conwy, in 2013.
  59. Wife of fellow AM Huw Lewis
  60. She was made a life peer as Baroness Randerson, in 2011.
  61. Daughter of Gwyneth Dunwoody and John Dunwoody and granddaughter of Morgan Phillips and Norah Phillips, Baroness Phillips
  62. Wife of Wayne David
  63. Wife of Mike German, Baron German
  64. From 1997-2010, she served as the Member of Parliament for Cardiff North. Wife of Rhodri Morgan.
  65. Since 2015, she has served as the Member of Parliament for Eddisbury
  66. Replaced Antoinette Sandbach in 2015
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