List of local service districts in New Brunswick

The Canadian province of New Brunswick contains numerous local service districts.[1]

List of service districts

Current local service districts, as of 1 September 2015
Official name[note 1] County Parish Established
the parish of Aberdeen Carleton 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Acadieville Kent 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Addington Restigouche 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Aldouane Kent Saint-Charles 1980-09-24[reg 2]
Allardville Gloucester Allardville
1999-10-14[reg 3]
the parish of Alma Albert 1973-11-01[reg 4]
the parish of Alnwick Northumberland 1968-06-27[reg 5]
the parish of Andover Victoria 1966-11-23[reg 1]
(French: Anse Bleue)
Gloucester New Bandon 1968-07-17[reg 6]
Baie du Petit Pokemouche Gloucester Shippegan 1980-09-16[reg 7]
Baie Ste. Anne
(French: Baie-Sainte-Anne)
Northumberland Hardwicke 1967-12-06[reg 8]
Baie-Verte Westmorland Westmorland 1974-09-11[reg 9]
the parish of Baker Brook Madawaska 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Balmoral Restigouche 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Balmoral-St. Maure Restigouche Balmoral 1968-01-31[reg 10]
the parish of Bathurst Gloucester 1969-09-24[reg 11]
Bayfield Westmorland Botsford 1973-07-18[reg 12]
Bayside Charlotte Saint Croix 1985-06-03[reg 13]
Beaver Harbour Charlotte Pennfield 1971-02-17[reg 14]
Benton Carleton,
Canterbury[note 2]
1967-10-30[reg 15]
the parish of Beresford Gloucester 1969-09-24[reg 11]
Big River Gloucester Bathurst 1989-12-22[reg 16]
Black River-Hardwicke Northumberland Glenelg,
1971-10-18[reg 17]
the parish of Blackville Northumberland 1968-06-27[reg 5]
Blair Athol Restigouche Balmoral 1983-11-28[reg 18]
Blanchard Settlement Gloucester Caraquet 1987-08-04[reg 19]
the parish of Blissfield Northumberland 1968-06-27[reg 5]
the parish of Blissville Sunbury 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Botsford Westmorland 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Bright York 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Brighton Carleton 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Brunswick Queens 1968-06-27[reg 5]
the parish of Burton Sunbury 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Cambridge Queens 1968-06-27[reg 5]
the parish of Canning Queens 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Canterbury York 1966-11-23[reg 1]
(French: Cap-Bâteau)
Gloucester Shippegan 1987-04-21[reg 20]
Cap-de-Richibouctou Kent Richibucto 1973-07-18[reg 12]
Cape Tormentine
(French: Cap Tormentin)
Westmorland Botsford 1972-11-08[reg 21]
the parish of Caraquet Gloucester 1968-06-27[reg 5]
the parish of Cardwell Kings 1968-06-27[reg 5]
the parish of Carleton Kent 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Chaleur Restigouche Colborne,
1996-12-10[reg 22]
Chamcook Charlotte Saint Andrews 1997-07-29[reg 23]
the parish of Chatham Northumberland 1967-12-20[reg 24]
Chiasson Savoy Gloucester Shippegan 1970-04-29[reg 25]
the parish of Chipman Queens 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Clair Madawaska 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Clarendon Charlotte 1975-01-15[reg 26]
the local service district of Coldstream Carleton Brighton 1970-10-14[reg 27]
Collette Northumberland Rogersville 1983-12-20[reg 28]
Coteau Road
(French: Chemin Coteau)
Gloucester Shippegan 1987-08-04[reg 19]
the parish of Coverdale Albert 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Dalhousie Restigouche 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Dalhousie Junction Restigouche Dalhousie 1968-06-19[reg 29]
the Debec Consolidated School District
(French: le district scolaire consolidé de Debec)
Carleton Richmond,
1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Denmark Victoria 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Dennis-Weston Charlotte Saint Stephen 1988-11-02[reg 30]
the parish of Derby Northumberland 1967-12-20[reg 24]
the parish of Dorchester Westmorland 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Douglas York 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Drummond Victoria 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Dufferin Charlotte 1969-02-19[reg 31]
Dugas Gloucester New Bandon 1979-05-17[reg 32]
the parish of Dumbarton Charlotte 1969-02-19[reg 31]
the parish of Dumfries York 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Dundas Kent 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Dunlop Gloucester Beresford,
1987-12-18[reg 33]
the parish of Eldon Restigouche 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Elgin Albert Elgin 1968-02-07[reg 34]
the parish of Elgin Albert 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Escuminac Northumberland Hardwicke 1969-01-29[reg 35]
Estey's Bridge York Douglas 1987-06-30[reg 36]
(French: Évangéline)
Gloucester Inkerman 1988-03-22[reg 37]
Fair Isle Northumberland Alnwick 1987-04-21[reg 20]
Fairfield Saint John Simonds 1974-10-09[reg 38]
Flatlands Restigouche Addington,
1966-11-23[reg 1]
the local service district of Fundy Bay Charlotte Saint George 1978-05-24[reg 39]
the parish of Gladstone Sunbury 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Glassville Carleton Aberdeen 1974-12-28[reg 40]
Glencoe Restigouche Addington 1977-09-21[reg 41]
the parish of Glenelg Northumberland 1967-12-20[reg 24]
the parish of Gordon Victoria 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Grande-Digue Kent,
1991-05-16[reg 42]
the parish of Grand Falls
(French: la paroisse de Grand-Sault)
Victoria 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Grand Saint-Antoine Kent Dundas,
Wellington[note 2]
1981-09-17[reg 43]
the parish of Greenwich Kings 1976-12-15[reg 44]
the parish of Hammond Kings 1968-06-27[reg 5]
Hampstead Queens Hampstead 1981-12-17[reg 45]
the parish of Hampton Kings 1968-06-27[reg 5]
the parish of Harcourt Kent Harcourt,
1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Hardwicke Northumberland 1968-06-27[reg 5]
the parish of Harvey Albert 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Haut-Lamèque Gloucester Shippegan 1977-05-18[reg 46]
Haut-Shippagan Gloucester Shippegan 1988-03-22[reg 47]
the parish of Havelock Kings 1968-06-27[reg 5]
the parish of Hillsborough Albert 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Hopewell Albert 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Inkerman Centre Gloucester Caraquet,
1970-02-25[reg 48]
the parish of Johnston Queens 1968-06-27[reg 5]
the parish of Kars Kings 1968-06-27[reg 5]
the parish of Kent Carleton 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the local service district of Keswick Ridge York Bright 1974-02-27[reg 49]
the parish of Kingsclear York 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Kingston Kings 1968-06-27[reg 5]
the parish of Lac Baker Madawaska 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Lakeville Carleton Wakefield,
1985-06-03[reg 13]
Landry Office Gloucester Inkerman 1988-03-22[reg 50]
Laplante Gloucester Beresford 1980-09-16[reg 7]
the parish of Lepreau Charlotte 1970-06-03[reg 51]
the parish of Lincoln Sunbury 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Lorne Restigouche Colborne,
1994-09-16[reg 52]
the parish of Lorne Victoria 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Lower Newcastle-Russellville Northumberland Newcastle 1989-09-01[reg 53]
the parish of Madawaska Madawaska 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Madran Gloucester Beresford 1991-05-07[reg 54]
Maltempec Gloucester Inkerman 1987-08-04[reg 19]
Mann Mountain Restigouche Eldon 1975-04-09[reg 55]
the parish of Manners Sutton York 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Maugerville Sunbury 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of McAdam York 1973-11-01[reg 4]
McLeods Restigouche Dalhousie 1969-09-03[reg 56]
Menneval Restigouche Eldon 1986-01-10[reg 57]
Miscou Island
(French: île de Miscou [sic])
Gloucester Shippegan 1980-09-16[reg 7]
the parish of Moncton Westmorland 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Murray Corner Westmorland Botsford 1984-05-16[reg 58]
the parish of Musquash Saint John 1985-06-03[reg 13]
the parish of Nelson Northumberland 1967-12-20[reg 24]
the parish of New Bandon Gloucester 1969-09-24[reg 11]
New Bandon-Salmon Beach Gloucester Bathurst,
New Bandon
1976-11-03[reg 59]
the parish of New Maryland York 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Newcastle Northumberland 1967-12-20[reg 24]
Noonan Sunbury Maugerville 1988-03-22[reg 60]
the parish of North Esk Northumberland Northesk 1968-06-27[reg 5]
the parish of North Lake York 1966-11-23[reg 1]
North Tetagouche Gloucester Bathurst 1987-04-21[reg 20]
the parish of Northampton Carleton 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Northfield Sunbury 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Norton Kings 1968-06-27[reg 5]
the parish of Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Madawaska 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Oak Point - Bartibog Bridge Northumberland Alnwick 1970-10-22[reg 61]
the parish of Paquetville Gloucester 1969-09-24[reg 11]
the Paroisse Notre-Dame-des-Érables Gloucester Paquetville
New Bandon
1986-01-10[reg 57]
the parish of Peel Carleton 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Pennfield Charlotte 1970-06-03[reg 51]
the parish of Perth Victoria 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Petersville Queens 1973-03-14[reg 62]
Petite-Lamèque Gloucester Shippegan 1970-04-29[reg 25]
Petit-Rocher-Nord (Devereaux) Gloucester Beresford 1978-06-14[reg 63]
(French: Petit-Rocher-sud)
Gloucester Beresford 1969-02-05[reg 64]
Pigeon Hill Gloucester Shippegan 1987-08-04[reg 19]
Pointe-Alexandre Gloucester Shippegan 1989-12-22[reg 65]
Pointe-Canot Gloucester Shippegan 1987-04-21[reg 66]
Pointe de Bute Westmorland Westmorland 1984-01-01[reg 67]
Pointe-du-Chêne Westmorland Shediac 1971-11-03[reg 68]
Point La Nim
(French: Pointe La Nim)
Restigouche Dalhousie 1977-06-08[reg 69]
Pointe-Sapin Kent Carleton 1970-05-06[reg 70]
Pointe-Sauvage (Indian Point) Gloucester Shippegan 1974-10-16[reg 71]
Poirier Gloucester New Bandon 1987-04-21[reg 20]
Pokemouche Gloucester Inkerman 1987-08-04[reg 19]
Pokesudie Gloucester Caraquet 1988-03-22[reg 72]
the parish of Prince William York 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Queensbury York 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Renous-Quarryville Northumberland Blackville,
1970-02-11[reg 73]
the parish of Richibucto
(French: la paroisse de Richibouctou)
Kent 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Richmond Carleton 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Riley Brook Victoria Lorne 1969-09-10[reg 74]
the parish of Rivière-Verte Madawaska 1973-11-01[reg 4]
Robertville Gloucester Beresford 1970-03-25[reg 75]
the parish of Rogersville Northumberland 1967-12-20[reg 24]
the parish of Rothesay Kings 1968-06-27[reg 5]
Rusagonis-Waasis Sunbury Lincoln 1987-08-14[reg 76]
the parish of Sackville Westmorland 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Sainte-Anne Madawaska 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Sainte-Anne-de-Kent Kent Richibucto,
1971-11-24[reg 77]
the parish of Saint-Basile Madawaska 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Ste. Cecile
(French: Ste-Cécile)
Gloucester Shippegan 1972-12-13[reg 78]
the parish of Saint-Charles Kent 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Saint Croix Charlotte 1970-06-03[reg 51]
the parish of Saint David Charlotte 1969-02-19[reg 31]
the parish of Saint-François Madawaska 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Saint George Charlotte 1970-06-03[reg 51]
the parish of Saint-Hilaire Madawaska 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Saint-Ignace Kent Saint-Louis 1991-04-30[reg 79]
the parish of Saint-Isidore Gloucester Saint-Isidore,
1968-06-27[reg 5]
the parish of Saint-Jacques Madawaska 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Saint James Charlotte 1969-02-19[reg 31]
St. Jean Baptiste de Restigouche
(French: Saint-Jean-Baptiste-de-Restigouche)
Restigouche Eldon 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Saint-Joseph Madawaska 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Saint-Léonard Madawaska 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Saint-Louis Kent 1966-11-23[reg 1]
St. Margarets Northumberland Glenelg 1985-03-15[reg 80]
St. Martin de Restigouche
(French: St-Martin-de-Restigouche)
Restigouche Saint-Quentin 1968-06-27[reg 5]
the parish of Saint Martins Saint John 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Saint Mary
(French: la paroisse de Sainte-Marie)
Kent Sainte-Marie 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Saint Marys York 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Saint Patrick Charlotte 1970-06-03[reg 51]
the parish of Saint-Paul Kent 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Saint-Quentin Restigouche 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Saint-Sauveur Gloucester Allardville 1985-06-03[reg 13]
St. Simon
(French: St-Simon)
Gloucester Caraquet 1971-09-22[reg 81]
the parish of Saint Stephen Charlotte 1969-02-19[reg 31]
the parish of Salisbury Westmorland 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Scoudouc Westmorland Shediac,
1987-11-30[reg 82]
Scoudouc Road Westmorland Shediac 1987-08-04[reg 19]
the parish of Shediac Westmorland 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Shediac Bridge-Shediac River
(French: Shediac Bridge – Shediac River)
1988-03-22[reg 83]
Shediac Cape Westmorland Shediac 1987-04-21[reg 20]
the parish of Sheffield Sunbury 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Shippegan Gloucester 1968-06-27[reg 5]
the parish of Simonds Carleton 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Simonds Saint John 1976-10-13[reg 84]
Somerville Carleton Wakefield 1971-10-13[reg 85]
the parish of South Esk Northumberland Southesk 1968-06-27[reg 5]
the parish of Southampton York 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Springfield Kings 1968-06-27[reg 5]
the parish of Stanley York 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Studholm Kings 1968-06-27[reg 5]
Sunny Corner Northumberland Northesk 1980-08-14[reg 86]
the parish of Sussex Kings 1968-06-27[reg 5]
Tabusintac Northumberland Alnwick 1968-05-01[reg 87]
Tremblay Gloucester Beresford 1972-08-16[reg 88]
the parish of Upham Kings 1967-07-01[reg 89]
Upper and Lower Northampton Carleton Northampton 1987-08-04[reg 19]
Upper Gagetown Queens Gagetown 1968-07-30[reg 90]
Upper Kent
(French: Haut-Kent)
Carleton Kent 1968-06-27[reg 5]
the parish of Wakefield Carleton 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Waterborough Queens 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Waterford Kings 1968-06-27[reg 5]
the parish of Weldford Kent 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Wellington Kent 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of West Isles Charlotte 1970-06-03[reg 51]
Western Charlotte Charlotte Saint James,
Saint Stephen
1988-11-02[reg 91]
the parish of Westfield Kings 1972-12-13[reg 78]
the parish of Westmorland Westmorland 1966-11-23[reg 1]
White Head Island Charlotte Grand Manan 1979-10-17[reg 92]
White's Brook Restigouche Eldon,
1986-03-14[reg 93]
the parish of Wickham Queens 1968-06-27[reg 5]
the parish of Wicklow Carleton 1966-11-23[reg 1]
the parish of Wilmot Carleton 1966-11-23[reg 1]
Wirral-Enniskillen Queens Petersville 1968-02-29[reg 94]
the parish of Woodstock Carleton 1966-11-23[reg 1]

Former local service districts

Former local service districts, as of 1 September 2015
Official name[note 1] County Parish Established Repealed Current status
the parish of Allardville Gloucester 1969-09-24[reg 11] 1999-10-14[reg 3] part of LSD Allardville
Allardville Centre
(French: Allardville-centre)
Gloucester Allardville 1970-11-24[reg 95] 1999-10-14[reg 3] part of LSD Allardville
Armstrong Brook Restigouche Durham 1985-06-03[reg 13] 1994-01-01[reg 96] annexed by Belledune
Barsa Subdivision
(French: lotissement Barsa)
Kings Rothesay 1973-10-10[reg 97] 1998-01-01[reg 98] annexed by Rothesay
Benoit Gloucester Saumarez 1985-03-15[reg 80] 2014-07-01[reg 99] part of Tracadie
Boudreau West
(French: Boudreau ouest)
Westmorland Shediac 1989-09-07[reg 100] 1995-05-08[reg 101] part of Beaubassin East
Brantville Northumberland Alnwick 1984-01-01[reg 102] 2014-07-01[reg 99] part of Tracadie
Breau Creek Westmorland Dorchester 1978-09-06[reg 103] 1995-05-08[reg 101] annexed by village of Memramcook
the parish of Campobello Charlotte 1969-02-19[reg 31] 2010-08-31[reg 104] now rural community of Campobello Island
School district No. 9 in the parish of Canning Queens Canning 1966-11-23[reg 1] 1967-12-20[reg 24] annexed by Minto
the local service district of Castalia Charlotte Grand Manan 1969-01-15[reg 105] 1995-05-08[reg 101] annexed by village of Grand Manan
Chatham Head Northumberland Chatham 1973-08-15[reg 106] 1995-01-01[reg 107] annexed by Miramichi
Cocagne Kent Dundas,
Wellington[note 2]
1988-03-22[reg 108] 2014-05-23[reg 109] now rural community
the parish of Colborne Restigouche 1973-11-01[reg 4] 1996-12-10[reg 22] part of LSD Chaleur
Cormier's Cove
(French: Cormier Cove)
Westmorland Dorchester 1980-10-23[reg 110] 1995-05-08[reg 101] annexed by Memramcook
Darlington Restigouche Dalhousie 1966-11-23[reg 1] 1977-06-08[reg 69] incorporated as a village, later annexed by Dalhousie
Douglasfield Northumberland Chatham,
1975-05-07[reg 111] 1995-01-01[reg 107] annexed by Miramichi
Dover-Fox Creek Westmorland Dorchester,
1972-08-30[reg 112] 1973-07-09[reg 113] annexed by Dieppe
Dundee Restigouche Dalhousie 1968-01-31[reg 10] 2015-09-01[reg 114] annexed by Eel River Crossing
the parish of Durham Restigouche 1966-11-23[reg 1] 1996-12-10[reg 22] part of LSD Chaleur
Garden Creek York Kingsclear 1966-11-23[reg 1] 1973-11-01[reg 4] part annexed by Fredericton; remainder added to LSD the parish of Kingsclear, part later included in Hanwell
Gauvreau-Petit Tracadie Gloucester Saumarez 1989-09-07[reg 115] 2014-07-01[reg 99] part of Tracadie
Grand Barachois Westmorland Shediac 1990-06-29[reg 116] 1995-05-08[reg 101] part of Beaubassin East
the parish of Grimmer Restigouche 1966-11-23[reg 1] 2012-07-01[reg 117] merged with village of Kedgwick to form rural community of that name
the local service district of Hanwell York Kingsclear 1974-11-20[reg 118] 2014-05-23[reg 119] now a rural community
Haute-Aboujagane Westmorland Shediac 1986-01-10[reg 57] 1995-05-08[reg 101] part of Beaubassin East
Haut Pointe Verte Gloucester Beresford 1971-11-24[reg 77] 1977-08-10[reg 120] annexed by Pointe-Verte
Haut-Sheila Gloucester Saumarez 1983-11-28[reg 121] 2014-07-01[reg 99] part of Tracadie
the parish of Inkerman Gloucester 1968-06-27[reg 5] 2014-07-01[reg 99] part of Tracadie
La Hêtrière-McGinley Corner Westmorland Dorchester 1974-04-24[reg 122] 1995-05-08[reg 101] annexed by Memramcook
Lakeview Westmorland Sackville 1968-11-27[reg 123] 1978-09-06[reg 103] annexed by Sackville
Leech Gloucester Saumarez 1987-04-21[reg 20] 2014-07-01[reg 99] part of Tracadie
LeGoulet Gloucester Shippegan 1967-08-30[reg 124] 1986-05-12[reg 125] incorporated as village of Le Goulet; small areas left out, now part of LSD Baie du Petit Pokemouche and LSD the parish of Shippegan
Parish of Ludlow Northumberland 1968-06-27[reg 5] 1971-03-10[reg 126] included in LSD Upper Miramichi, which later became a rural community
Maisonnette Gloucester New Bandon 1967-07-01[reg 89] 1986-05-12[reg 127] incorporated as a village
Memramcook Westmorland Dorchester 1978-09-06[reg 128] 1995-05-08[reg 101] annexed by village of same name
Memramcook East
(French: Memramcook-est)
Westmorland Dorchester 1979-10-11[reg 129] 1995-05-08[reg 101] annexed by Memramcook
Moorefield Northumberland Newcastle 1989-09-01[reg 130] 1995-01-01[reg 107] annexed by Miramichi
Nash Creek Restigouche Durham 1968-07-17[reg 6] 1996-12-10[reg 22] part of LSD Chaleur
Nashwaak York Saint Marys 1969-12-17[reg 131] 1987-08-14[reg 132] returned to LSD the parish of Saint Marys
Nordin Northumberland Newcastle 1975-07-30[reg 133] 1995-01-01[reg 107] annexed by Miramichi
Pigeon Hill-Coteau Road
(French: Pigeon Hill-chemin Coteau)
Gloucester Shippegan 1971-04-14[reg 134] 1987-08-04[reg 19] formed cores of LSD Pigeon Hill and LSD Coteau Road
Pointe-à-Bouleau Gloucester Saumarez 1988-04-19[reg 135] 2014-07-01[reg 99] part of Tracadie
Point Verte Sud Gloucester Beresford 1973-03-14[reg 62] 1977-08-10[reg 120] annexed by Pointe-Verte
Pont LaFrance Gloucester Saumarez 1982-04-01[reg 136] 2014-07-01[reg 99] part of Tracadie
Pont Landry Gloucester Inkerman,
1986-01-10[reg 57] 2014-07-01[reg 99] part of Tracadie
(French: Portage de Shippagan)
Gloucester Shippegan 1979-05-03[reg 137] 2001-10-01[reg 138] annexed by Shippagan
Portage River-Tracadie Beach
(French: Rivière-du-Portage-Tracadie Beach)
1979-08-16[reg 139] 2014-07-01[reg 99] part of Tracadie
Pré-d'en-Haut Westmorland Dorchester 1969-09-24[reg 11] 1995-05-08[reg 101] annexed by Memramcook
Richardsville Restigouche Dalhousie 1966-11-23[reg 1] 1980-10-23[reg 140] annexed by Campbellton
Rivière à la Truite Gloucester Saumarez 1989-09-07[reg 141] 2014-07-01[reg 99] part of Tracadie
the parish of Saint-André Madawaska 1966-11-23[reg 1] 2006-07-31[reg 142] merged with village of St. André to form rural community of Saint-André
Saint-André & LeBlanc Office
(French: Saint-André & Leblanc Office)
Westmorland Shediac,
1987-11-30[reg 82] 1995-05-08[reg 101] part of Beaubassin East
the parish of Saint Andrews Charlotte 1970-06-03[reg 51] 1997-07-29[reg 23] replaced by LSD Chamcook
St. Arthur
(French: St-Arthur)
Restigouche Addington 1970-08-12[reg 143] 2015-07-01[reg 144] annexed by Atholville
Saint Irénée and Alderwood
(French: Saint Irénée et Alderwood)
Gloucester Saumarez 1987-04-21[reg 20] 2014-07-01[reg 99] part of Tracadie
St. Isidore Centre
(French: St-Isidore-centre)
Gloucester Saint-Isidore 1970-06-24[reg 145] 1991-06-01[reg 146] incorporated as core of village of Saint-Isidore
St. Leolin Gloucester New Bandon 1969-12-17[reg 131] 1978-06-14[reg 63] incorporated as village of Saint-Léolin
St. Paul
(French: St-Paul)
Gloucester New Bandon 1977-06-22[reg 147] 1990-01-01[reg 148] annexed by Grande-Anse; small part returned to LSD the parish of New Bandon
Saint-Pons Gloucester Saumarez 1985-03-15[reg 80] 2014-07-01[reg 99] part of Tracadie
St. Raphael sur-Mer
(French: St-Raphaël-Sur-Mer)
Gloucester Shippegan 1970-03-25[reg 75] 1986-05-12[reg 149] most incorporated as core of Sainte-Marie-Saint-Raphaël; remainder now LSD Cap-Bateau
Sainte-Rose Gloucester Inkerman,
1988-07-12[reg 150] 2014-07-01[reg 99] part of Tracadie
Saumarez Gloucester Saumarez 1987-04-21[reg 20] 2014-07-01[reg 99] part of Tracadie
the local service district of the Parish of Saumarez
(French: la paroisse de Saumarez)
Gloucester 1968-06-27[reg 5] 2014-07-01[reg 99] part of Tracadie
Shediac Road
(French: Chemin Shédiac)
Westmorland Dorchester 1980-10-23[reg 151] 1995-05-08[reg 101] annexed by Memramcook
Sheila Gloucester Saumarez 1970-09-02[reg 152] 1978-08-16[reg 153] incorporated as a village; now part of Tracadie
Silverwood York Kingsclear 1968-01-31[reg 10] 1968-09-18[reg 154] incorporated as village of Springhill; now part of Fredericton
the local service district of Upper Miramichi Northumberland,
1971-03-10[reg 126] 2008-03-17[reg 155] now a rural community
Upper Portage River (Haut-Rivière-du-Portage) Northumberland Alnwick 1971-12-15[reg 156] 2014-07-01[reg 99] part of Tracadie
(French: Val- Comeau [sic])
1985-03-15[reg 80] 2014-07-01[reg 99] part of Tracadie
Val D'Amours Restigouche Addington,
1980-10-09[reg 157] 2015-07-01[reg 144] annexed by Atholville
Verret Madawaska Madawaska 1967-07-07[reg 158] 1978-06-21[reg 159] incorporated as a village; now part of Edmundston
the local service district of Woodwards Cove Charlotte Grand Manan 1967-04-17[reg 160] 1995-05-08[reg 101] annexed by Grand Manan

Special services areas

The following are areas within local service districts that receive special services.

  • Acadieville Siding (the parish of Acadieville)
  • Alcida and Dauversière (the parish of Beresford)
  • Apohaqui (the parish of Sussex)
  • Barryville-New Jersey (the parish of Alnwick)
  • Bois-Blanc (the parish of Saint-Isidore)
  • Bois-Blanc-Hacheyville-Duguayville (the parish of Saint-Isidore)
  • Bonny River-Second Falls (the parish of Saint George)
  • Bouctouche Cove (the parish of Wellington)
  • Calhoun Road (the parish of Dorchester and the parish of Moncton)
  • Carlisle Road (chemin Carlisle) (the parish of Douglas)
  • Desroches (the parish of Wellington)
  • Dixon Point-Route 134 (the parish of Wellington)
  • Evergreen Park (the parish of Saint Marys)
  • Fairmont Subdivision (Lotissement de Fairmont) (the parish of Hampton)
  • Free Grant (the parish of Beresford)

  • Greater Lakeburn (the parish of Moncton)
  • Havelock Inside (the parish of Havelock)
  • Howorth (the parish of New Maryland)
  • Inner Maugerville (the parish of Maugerville)
  • Irishtown (the parish of Moncton)
  • Kennebecasis Island (the parish of Westfield)
  • Kingston Peninsula (the parish of Westfield)
  • Lakeside Estates (Estey's Bridge)
  • Lower Douglas (the parish of Douglas)
  • Lower Millstream (the parish of Studholm)
  • Nasonworth (the parish of New Maryland)
  • Nauwigewauk (the parish of Hampton)
  • Nicholas-Denys (the parish of Beresford)
  • Oswald Gray (the parish of Kingsclear)
  • Painsec Junction (the parish of Moncton)

  • Pepper Creek (the parish of Saint Marys)
  • Petit Rocher West (Petit-Rocher-Ouest) (the parish of Beresford)
  • Pointe Brûlée (the parish of Shippegan)
  • Poitier (the parish of Saint-Léonard)
  • Saint-Grégoire (the parish of Wellington)
  • Saint-Laurent (the parish of Beresford)
  • Saint-Laurent Nord (the parish of Beresford)
  • Saint-Léonard-Parent (the parish of Saint-Léonard)
  • Sainte-Louise (the parish of Beresford)
  • Saint-Rosette (the parish of Beresford)
  • Sainte-Thérèse Sud (the parish of Beresford)
  • Seigas (the parish of Sainte-Anne)
  • Sormany (the parish of Beresford)
  • Wakefield Inside (the parish of Wakefield)


  1. 1 2 French names usually differ only in using "la paroisse de" instead of "the parish of"; other differences are noted. Spellings used are those in the Local Service District Act; these sometimes vary from the spellings used in other acts.
  2. 1 2 3 Extension into this county or parish not explicitly stated.

Regulation references

  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 Regulation 66-41 (O.C. 66-968), filed 1966-11-23. First Regulation establishing Local Service Districts.
  2. Regulation 80-120 (O.C. 80-792), issued and filed 1980-09-24. Aldouane established.
  3. 1 2 3 Regulation 99-54 (O.C. 99-521), issued 1999-1999-09-23, filed 1999-10-14. Allardville established by merging the parish of Allardville, Allardville Centre, and Allardville Nord service area in the parish of Bathurst.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 Regulation 73-122 (O.C. 73-846), filed 1973-10-17, effective 1973-11-01. Twenty paragraphs added, repealed, or altered to reflect municipal reorganisations; Alma, Colborne, McAdam, and Rivière-Verte parish LSDs established; Garden Creek disestablished.
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Regulation 68-64 (O.C. 68-592), filed 1968-06-27. Thirty new LSDs established.
  6. 1 2 Regulation 68-70 (O.C. 68-657), filed 1968-07-17, Belledune section effective that date. Anse-Bleue and Nash Creek established, Village of Belledune incorporated.
  7. 1 2 3 Regulation 80-116 (O.C. 80-765), issued and filed 1980-09-16. Baie du Petit Pokemouche, Laplante, and Miscou Island established.
  8. Regulation 67-124 (O.C. 67-1148), filed 1967-12-06. Baie Ste. Anne established.
  9. Regulation 74-126 (O.C. 74-774), filed 1974-09-11. Baie-Verte established.
  10. 1 2 3 Regulation 68-8 (O.C. 68-101), filed 1968-01-31. Balmoral, Dundee, and Silverwood established.
  11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Regulation 69-95 (O.C. 69-986), filed 1969-09-24. Six LSDs established, fire protection added to Petit-Rocher-Sud.
  12. 1 2 Regulation 73-79 (O.C. 73-593), filed 1973-07-18. Bayfield and Cap-de-Richibouctou established.
  13. 1 2 3 4 5 Regulation 85-103 (O.C. 85-419), issued 1985-05-23, filed 1985-06-03. Five LSDs and two service areas established; style of seven LSDs in Charlotte County modernized; services added to three LSDs and parts of two others.
  14. Regulation 71-17 (O.C. 71-127), filed 1971-02-17. Beaver Harbour established.
  15. Regulation 67-112 (O.C. 67-1058), filed 1967-11-08, deemed to have come into force 1967-10-30. Benton established.
  16. Regulation 89-195 (O.C. 89-1001), issued 1989-12-21, filed 1989-12-22. Little River established.
  17. Regulation 71-103 (O.C. 71-708), filed 1971-10-18. Black River-Hardwicke established.
  18. Regulation 83-193 (O.C. 83-977), issued 1983-11-10, filed 1983-11-28. Blair Athol established.
  19. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Regulation 87-104 (O.C. 87-642), issued 1987-07-22, filed 1987-08-04. Five LSDs established and one split in three counties, boundaries of two others changed; street lighting added to parts of the parish of Bathurst and the parish of Beresford.
  20. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Regulation 87-42 (O.C. 86-278), issued 1987-04-09, filed 1987-04-21. Eight LSDs established; Inkerman Centre enlarged; various services added to five LSDs and parts of two others.
  21. Regulation 72-139 (O.C. 72-869), filed 1972-11-08. Cape Tormentine established.
  22. 1 2 3 4 Regulation 96-116 (O.C. 96-1089), issued 1996-12-03, filed 1996-12-10. Chaleur established by merging the parish of Colborne, the parish of Durham, and Nash Creek.
  23. 1 2 Regulation 97-94 (O.C. 97-606), issued 1997-07-16, filed 1997-07-29. The parish of Saint Andrews replaced by Chamcook.
  24. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Regulation 67-130 (O.C. 67-1196), filed 1967-12-20. Six new LSDs established in Northumberland County; community services added throughout Carleton, Victoria, and York Counties; street lighting added to the parish of Saint-Jacques and discontinued in the parish of Drummond; seven other LSD descriptions replaced and one repealed, .
  25. 1 2 Regulation 70-54 (O.C. 70-311), filed 1970-04-29. Chiasson-Savoy and Petite-Lamèque established.
  26. Regulation 75-4 (O.C. 75-33), filed 1975-01-15. Parish of Clarendon established; first aid and ambulance services added to five other LSDs in Charlotte County.
  27. Regulation 70-97 (O.C. 70-715), filed 1970-10-14. Coldstream established; first aid and ambulance services added to the parish of Brighton.
  28. Regulation 83-229 (O.C. 83-1071), issued 1983-12-14, filed 1983-12-20. Collette established.
  29. Regulation 68-62 (O.C. 68-552), filed 1968-06-19. Dalhousie Junction established.
  30. Regulation 88-227 (O.C. 88-938), issued 1988-10-20, filed 1988-11-02. Dennis-Weston established.
  31. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Regulation 69-17 (O.C. 69-161), filed 1969-02-19. Six parish LSDs established in Charlotte County.
  32. Regulation 79-91 (O.C. 79-383), filed 1979-05-17. Dugas established.
  33. Regulation 87-170 (O.C. 87-1074), issued 1987-1987-12-17, filed 1987-12-18. Dunlop established; North Tetagouche reduced.
  34. Regulation 68-11 (O.C. 68-11), filed 1968-02-07. Elgin established.
  35. Regulation 69-5 (O.C. 69-77), filed 1969-01-29. Escuminac established.
  36. Regulation 87-89 (O.C. 87-564), issued 1987-06-25, filed 1987-06-30. Estey's Bridge established.
  37. Regulation 88-43 (O.C. 88-179), issued 1988-03-10, filed 1988-03-22. Evangéline established.
  38. Regulation 74-141 (O.C. 74-866), filed 1974-10-09. Fairfield established, services added to Richardsville.
  39. Regulation 78-63 (O.C. 78-430), issued and filed 1978-05-24. Fundy Bay established.
  40. Regulation 74-222 (O.C. 74-1063), filed 1974-12-18. Glassville established.
  41. Regulation 77-101 (O.C. 77-777), issued and filed 1977-09-21. Glencoe established.
  42. Regulation 91-98 (O.C. 91-398), issued 1991-05-16, filed 1991-05-16. Grande-Digue established.
  43. Regulation 81-151 (O.C. 81-735), issued and filed 19891-09-17. Grand Saint-Antoine established; boundary description taken from boundaries of village of Saint-Antoine in 1976, even repeating the typos.
  44. Regulation 76-166 (O.C. 76-922), issued and filed 1976-12-15. The parish of Greenwich established.
  45. Regulation 81-211 (O.C. 81-1027), issued and filed 1981-12-17. Hampstead established.
  46. Regulation 77-48 (O.C. 77-373), issued and filed 1977-05-18. Haut-Lamèque established.
  47. Regulation 88-44 (O.C. 88-115), issued 1988-02-04, filed 1988-03-22. Haut-Shippagan established.
  48. Regulation 70-28 (O.C. 70-157), filed 1970-02-25. Inkerman Centre established; various services added to Darlington.
  49. Regulation 74-24 (O.C. 74-197), filed 1974-02-27. Keswick Ridge established.
  50. Regulation 88-41 (O.C. 88-118), issued 1988-02-04, filed 1988-03-22. Landry Office established; Pokemouche boundary clarified.
  51. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Regulation 70-63 (O.C. 70-385), filed 1970-06-03. Fire protection extended to most of Charlotte County, including seven previously unserviced parishes.
  52. Regulation 94-119 (O.C. 94-642), issued 1994-09-15, filed 1994-09-16. Lorne established.
  53. Regulation 89-118 (O.C. 89-650), issued 1989-08-17, filed 1989-09-01. Ferry Road – Russellville established.
  54. Regulation 91-85 (O.C. 91-351), issued 1991-05-02, filed 1991-05-07. Madran established.
  55. Regulation 75-29 (O.C. 75-241), filed 1975-04-09. Mann Mountain established, then called Mann's Mountain.
  56. Regulation 69-87 (O.C. 69-902), filed 1969-09-03. McLeods established.
  57. 1 2 3 4 Regulation 86-1 (O.C. 85-915), issued 1986-01-09, filed 1986-01-10. Haute-Aboujagane, Menneval, the Paroisse Notre-Dame-des-Érables, and Pont Landry established; street lighting added to Point La Nim and part of Hanwell.
  58. Regulation 84-99 (O.C. 84-374), issued 1984-05-03, filed 1984-05-16. Murray Corner established; various services to three LSDs.
  59. Regulation 76-144 (O.C. 76-815), issued and filed 1976-11-03. New Bandon-Salmon Beach established.
  60. Regulation 88-46 (O.C. 88-120), issued 1988-02-04, filed 1988-03-22. Noonan established.
  61. Regulation 70-101 (O.C. 70-740), filed 1970-10-22. Oak Point - Bartibog Bridge established.
  62. 1 2 Regulation 73-34 (O.C. 73-210), filed 1973-03-14. The parish of Petersville and Point Verte Sud established; various services added to seven LSDs in four counties.
  63. 1 2 Regulation 78-76 (O.C. 78-514), issued and filed 1978-06-14. Petit-Rocher-Nord (Devereaux) established, St. Leolin paragraph repealed.
  64. Regulation 69-9 (O.C. 69-108), filed 1969-01-03, Woodwards Cove section deemed to have come into effect 1969-01-03. Petit-Rocher-Sud established, fire protection added to Woodwards Cove.
  65. Regulation 89-194 (O.C. 89-1000), issued 1989-12-21, filed 1989-12-22. Pointe-Alexandre established.
  66. Regulation 87-43 (O.C. 87-279), issued 1987-04-09, filed 1987-04-21. Pointe-Canot established.
  67. Regulation 83-194 (O.C. 83-978), issued 1983-11-10, filed 1983-11-28, effective 1984-01-01. Pointe de Bute established.
  68. Regulation 71-108 (O.C. 71-752), filed 1971-11-03. Pointe-du-Chêne established.
  69. 1 2 Regulation 77-59 (O.C. 77-438), issued and filed 1977-06-08. Point La Nim established, Darlington paragraph repealed.
  70. Regulation 70-55 (O.C. 70-324), filed 1970-05-06. Pointe-Sapin established; street lighting added to the parish of Carleton.
  71. Regulation 74-142 (O.C. 74-893), filed 1974-10-16. Pointe-Sauvage (Indian Point) established.
  72. Regulation 88-42 (O.C. 88-116), issued 1988-02-04, filed 1988-03-22. Pokesudie established.
  73. Regulation 70-18 (O.C. 70-112), filed 1970-02-11. Renous-Quarryville established.
  74. Regulation 69-90 (O.C. 69-935), filed 1969-09-10. Riley Brook established.
  75. 1 2 Regulation 70-35 (O.C. 70-222), filed 1970-03-25. Robertville and St. Raphael sur-Mer established.
  76. Regulation 87-112 (O.C. 87-702), issued 1987-08-05, filed 1987-08-14. Rusagonis-Waasis established.
  77. 1 2 Regulation 71-117 (O.C. 71-807), filed 1971-11-24. Haut Pointe Verte and Sainte-Anne-de-Kent established; first aid and ambulance services added to the parish of Richibucto and the parish of Wellington.
  78. 1 2 Regulation 72-155 (O.C. 72-973), filed 1972-12-13. Ste. Cecile and Westfield established, services added to Debec and Flatlands.
  79. Regulation 91-82 (O.C. 91-334), issued 1991-04-25, filed 1991-04-30. Saint-Ignace established.
  80. 1 2 3 4 Regulation 85-40 (O.C. 85-170), issued 1985-03-07, filed 1985-03-15. Benoit, St. Margarets, Saint-Pons, Val-Comeau established; recreational facilities added to the parish of Baker Brook; first aid and ambulance services added to the parish of Saint-André.
  81. Regulation 71-97 (O.C. 71-647), filed 1971-09-22. St. Simon established.
  82. 1 2 Regulation 87-161 (O.C. 87-1005), issued 1987-11-19, filed 1987-11-30. Saint-André & LeBlanc Office, Scoudouc established.
  83. Regulation 88-47 (O.C. 88-121), issued 1988-02-04, filed 1988-03-22. Shediac Bridge-Shediac River established.
  84. Regulation 76-137 (O.C. 76-751), issue and filed 1976-10-13. Parish of Simonds established.
  85. Regulation 71-101 (O.C. 71-690), filed 1971-10-13. Somerville established.
  86. Regulation 80-96 (O.C. 80-638), issued and filed 1980-08-14. Sunny Corner established.
  87. Regulation 68-44 (O.C. 68-376), filed 1968-05-01. Tabusintac established; services added to Benton and Silverwood; descriptions of six other LSDs replaced.
  88. Regulation 72-108 (O.C. 72-630), filed 1972-08-16. Tremblay established.
  89. 1 2 Regulation 67-66 (O.C. 67-587), filed 1967-06-28, effective 1967-07-01. Maisonnette and the parish of Upham established.
  90. Regulation 68-78 (O.C. 68-708), filed 1968-07-30. Upper Gagetown established.
  91. Regulation 88-228 (O.C. 88-937), issued 1988-10-20, filed 1988-11-02. Western Charlotte established.
  92. Regulation 79-158 (O.C. 79-895), issued and filed 1979-10-17. White Head Island established.
  93. Regulation 86-31 (O.C. 86-139), issued 1986-03-06, filed 1986-03-14. White's Brook established; Haut-Sheila enlarged; community services added to the parish of Kars and the parish of Springfield; street lighting added to part of the parish of Sainte-Anne.
  94. Regulation 68-24 (O.C. 68-180), filed 1968-02-29. Wirral-Enniskillen established; community services added to five LSDs in Sunbury County; descriptions of five others LSDs replaced.
  95. Regulation 70-114 (O.C. 70-824), filed 1970-11-24. Allardville Centre established.
  96. Regulation 94-3 (O.C. 94-13), issued 1994-01-13, filed 1994-01-14. Armstrong Brook paragraph repealed, Nash Creek reduced.
  97. Regulation 73-117 (O.C. 73-815), filed 1973-10-10. Barsa Subdivision established.
  98. Regulation 97-42 (O.C. 97-370), issued and filed 1997-05-01, effective 1998-05-01. Barsa Subdivision repealed, other descriptions changed or replaced to reflect amalgamations in Rothesay and Quispamsis areas.
  99. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Regulation 2014-35 (O.C. 2014-86), filed 2014-03-28, effective 2014-07-01. Tabusintac Indian Reserve transferred to Tabusintac from the parish of Alnwick; eighteen paragraphs repealed upon incorporation in new regional municipality of Tracadie.
  100. Regulation 89-124 (O.C. 89-682), issued 1989-08-24, filed 1989-09-07. Boudreau West established.
  101. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Regulation 95-38 (O.C. 95-344), issued 1995-03-23, filed 1995-03-24, all sections except reduction of services in the parish of Moncton effective 1995-05-08. Fourteen LSDs repealed upon incorporation into rural community of Beaubassin East or annexation by villages of Grand Manan and Memramcook; first aid and ambulance services discontinued in three LSDs in Westmorland County.
  102. Regulation 83-211 (O.C. 83-1025), issued 1983-11-30, filed 1983-12-12, effective 1984-01-01. Brantville established.
  103. 1 2 Regulation 78-118 (O.C. 78-805), issued and filed 1978-09-06. Breau Creek and Memramcook established.
  104. Regulation 2010-139 (O.C. 2009-463), filed 2010-08-31. The parish of Campobello paragraph repealed upon incorporation as rural community.
  105. Regulation 69-4 (O.C. 69-46), filed 1969-01-15. Castalia established.
  106. Regulation 73-92 (O.C. 73-670), filed 1973-08-15. Chatham Head established. A typo was corrected by Regulation 73-98 (O.C. 73-728), filed 1973-09-05.
  107. 1 2 3 4 Regulation 94-80 (O.C. 94-442), issued and filed 1994-06-30, effective 1995-01-01. Effects of incorporation of city of Miramichi: four LSDs deleted, first aid and ambulance services discontinued in five others, boundaries of Ferry Road - Russellville altered.
  108. Regulation 88-45 (O.C. 88-119), issued 1988-02-04, filed 1988-03-22. Cocagne established.
  109. Regulation 2014-44 (O.C. 2014-95), filed 2014-03-28, effective 2014-05-23. Cocagne paragraph repealed upon incorporation as rural community of same name.
  110. Regulation 80-155 (O.C. 80-868), issued and filed 1980-10-23. Cormier's Cove established.
  111. Regulation 75-43 (O.C. 75-312), filed 1975-05-07. Douglasfield established.
  112. Regulation 72-113 (O.C. 72-675), filed 1972-08-30. Dover-Fox Creek established.
  113. Regulation 73-58 (O.C. 73-359), filed 1973-05-09, effective 1973-07-09. Major amalgamations in greater Moncton and Fredericton combine thirteen municipalities and two LSDs into two cities and two towns.
  114. Regulation 2015-36 (O.C. 2015-167), filed 2015-08-05, effective 2015-09-01. Dundee repealed, first aid and ambulance services discontinued in Dalhousie Junction and McLeods.
  115. Regulation 89-121 (O.C. 89-679), issued 1989-08-24, filed 1989-09-07. Gauvreau-Petit Tracadie established.
  116. Regulation 90-76 (O.C. 90-520), issued 1990-06-21, filed 1990-06-29. Grand Barachois established.
  117. Regulation 2012-19 (O.C. 2012-76), issued 2012-03-14, filed 2012-03-15, effective 2012-07-01. The parish of Grimmer paragraph repealed upon incorporation in new rural community of Kedgwick.
  118. Regulation 74-212 (O.C. 74-990), filed 1974-11-20. Hanwell established; first aid and ambulance services added in Oak Point - Bartibog Bridge.
  119. Regulation 2014-32 (O.C. 2014-83), filed 2014-03-28, effective 2014-05-23. Hanwell paragraph repealed upon incorporation as rural community.
  120. 1 2 Regulation 77-88 (O.C. 77-642), issued and filed 1977-08-10. Haut Pointe Verte and Point Verte Sud paragraphs repealed.
  121. Regulation 83-188 (O.C. 83-972), issued 1983-11-10, filed 1983-11-28. Haut-Sheila established.
  122. Regulation 74-51 (O.C. 74-347), filed 1974-04-24. La Hêtrière-McGinley Corner established.
  123. Regulation 68-114 (O.C. 68-1070), filed 1968-11-27. Lakeview established.
  124. Regulation 67-92 (O.C. 67-837), filed 1967-09-06, deemed to have come into effective 1967-08-30. LeGoulet established.
  125. Regulation 86-39 (O.C. 86-159), issued 1986-03-13, filed 1986-03-21, effective 1986-05-12. LeGoulet paragraph repealed upon incorporation as village of Le Goulet.
  126. 1 2 Regulation 71-26 (O.C. 71-165), filed 1971-03-10. Upper Miramichi established, entirety of Parish of Ludlow included.
  127. Regulation 86-40 (O.C. 86-159), issued 1986-03-13, filed 1986-03-21, effective 1986-05-12. Maisonnette paragraph repealed upon incorporation.
  128. Regulation 75-88 (O.C. 75-606), filed 1975-08-27, retroactively effective 1975-08-15. Town of Sackville greatly enlarged; entire LSD Lakeview included in annexed area but not noted as such.
  129. Regulation 79-147 (O.C. 79-858), issued and filed 1979-10-11. Memramcook East established, omitted services list added to Portage River-Tracadie Beach.
  130. Regulation 89-117 (O.C. 89-651), issued 1989-08-17, filed 1989-09-01. Moorefield established.
  131. 1 2 Regulation 69-124 (O.C. 69-1268), filed 1969-12-17. Nashwaak and St. Leolin established.
  132. Regulation 87-113 (O.C. 87-703), issued 1987-08-05, filed 1987-08-14. Nashwaak disestablished.
  133. Regulation 75-77 (O.C. 75-546), filed 1975-07-30. Nordin established.
  134. Regulation 71-40 (O.C. 71-246), filed 1971-04-14. Pigeon Hill-Coteau Road established.
  135. Regulation 88-74 (O.C. 88-288), issued 1988-04-07, filed 1988-04-19. Pointe-à-Bouleau established.
  136. Regulation 82-59 (O.C. 82-291), issued and filed 1982-04-01. Pont LaFrance established.
  137. Regulation 79-76 (O.C. 79-326), filed 1979-05-03. Portage-de-Shippegan established.
  138. Regulation 2001-68 (O.C. 2001-451), issued 2001-09-27, filed 2001-09-28, effective 2001-10-01. Portage-de-Shippegan repealed upon annexation by town of Shippagan, first aid and ambulance services discontinued in Haut-Shippagan and the parish of Shippegan.
  139. Regulation 79-130 (O.C. 79-674), issued and filed 1979-08-16. Portage River-Tracadie Beach established.
  140. Regulation 80-157 (O.C. 80-870), issued and filed 1980-10-23. St. Arthur enlarged; Richardsville paragraph finally repealed.
  141. Regulation 89-122 (O.C. 89-680), issued 1989-08-24, filed 1989-09-07. Rivière à la Truite established.
  142. Regulation 2006-55 (O.C. 2006-246), issued 2006-06-29, filed 2006-07-27, effective 2006-07-31. The parish of Saint-André paragraph repealed.
  143. Regulation 70-84 (O.C. 70-547), filed 1970-08-07. St. Arthur established.
  144. 1 2 Regulation 2015-13 (O.C. 2015-99), filed 2015-05-15, effective 2015-07-01. St. Arthur and Val D'Amours paragraphs repealed upon annexation by village of Atholville; first aid and ambulance services discontinued in Blair Athol.
  145. Regulation 70-73 (O.C. 70-454), filed 1970-06-24. St. Isidore Centre established.
  146. Regulation 91-93 (O.C. 91-349), issued 1991-04-25, filed 1991-05-09. St. Isidore Centre paragraph repealed.
  147. Regulation 77-70 (O.C. 77-497), filed 1977-06-22. St. Paul established.
  148. Regulation 89-150 (O.C. 89-816), issued 1989-10-12, filed 1989-10-25, effective 1990-01-01. St. Paul paragraph repealed after annexation by village of Grande-Anse.
  149. Regulation 86-41 (O.C. 86-155), issued 1986-03-13, filed 1986-03-21, effective 1986-05-12. St. Raphael sur-Mer paragraph repealed; French spelling of the parish of Shippegan changed.
  150. Regulation 88-149 (O.C. 88-578), issued 1988-06-30, filed 1988-07-12. Sainte-Rose established.
  151. Regulation 80-156 (O.C. 80-869), issued and filed 1980-10-23. Shediac Road established.
  152. Regulation 70-90 (O.C. 70-595), filed 1970-09-02. Sheila established.
  153. Regulation 78-107 (O.C. 78-711), issued and filed 1978-08-16. Sheila paragraph repealed.
  154. Regulation 68-94 (O.C. 68-849), filed 1968-09-18. LSD Regulations consolidated. Significant changes are deletion of Silverwood; change in boundary of Nash Creek, which was never corrected; and extension of community services to remainder of Debec Consolidated School District, which probably corrects an error in Regulation 67-130.
  155. Regulation 2008-38 (O.C. 2008-111), issued 2008-03-13, filed and effective 2008-03-17. First aid and ambulance services discontinued in the parish of Stanley; Upper Miramichi paragraph repealed upon incorporation as rural community.
  156. Regulation 71-127 (O.C. 71-891), filed 1971-12-15. Upper Portage River (Haut-Rivière-du-Portage) established.
  157. Regulation 80-139 (O.C. 80-832), filed 1980-10-09. Val D'Amour established.
  158. Regulation 67-72A (O.C. 67-661), filed 1967-07-19, deemed to have come into force 1967-07-07. Verret established; regulation not gazetted until 1967-11-15.
  159. Regulation 78-81 (O.C. 78-543), filed 1978-06-21. Glencoe reduced, Verret paragraph repealed.
  160. Regulation 67-42A (O.C. 67-378), filed 1967-04-26, retroactively effective 1967-04-17. Woodwards Cove established. Regulation was not gazetted until 1967-09-20.

Other references

  1. "Local Service Districts Regulation - Municipalities Act". Government of New Brunswick. Retrieved 2011-12-15.

External links

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