List of medical inhalants
Drugs and therapeutic agents administered by inhalation
Inhalational anesthetic agents
- aliflurane
- chloroform
- cyclopropane
- desflurane
- diethyl ether
- halothane
- isoflurane
- methoxyflurane
- methoxypropane
- nitrous oxide
- roflurane
- sevoflurane
- teflurane
- trichloroethylene
- vinyl ether
- xenon
- Arformoterol
- Bitolterol
- Epinephrine
- Fenoterol
- Formoterol
- Ipratropium
- Isoetharine
- Isoproterenol
- Levalbuterol
- Metaproterenol
- Pirbuterol
- Procaterol
- Racepinephrine (racemic epinephrine)
- Salbutamol
- Salmeterol
- Terbutaline
- Tiotropium
- Beclomethasone
- Budesonide
- Ciclesonide
- Cromolyn
- Dexamethasone
- Flunisolide
- Fluticasone
- Mometasone
- Nedocromil
- Triamcinolone
- Colloidal/Ionic Silver
- Pentamidine
- Ribavirin
- Tobramycin
- Zanamivir
Pulmonary surfactants
Sympathomimetic amines
- Amphetamine (Benzedrine)
- Levomethamphetamine (Vicks Vapor Inhaler)
- Propylhexedrine (Benzedrex)
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