List of nicknames of European royalty and nobility: T-V
Main article: List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility
- Tadhg, King of Connacht of the Three Towers
- Tahg O'Neill, King of Ulster Tahg of the Glens
- Tairrdelbach mac Ruaidri Ua Conchobair the Great [1]
- Tamar of Georgia the King of Kings and Queen of Queens, the Saint
- Tancred of Sicily Tancred of Lecce, Tancredulus [2]
- Teige O'Brien, King of Thomond (d. 1466) am Chomhard
- Teige, King of Desmond, 1391–1440 Teige of the Monastery (na Manistreach)
- Teige, King of Thomond, 1258–1259 Caeluisce
- Teige, King of Thomond, 1459–1460 Teige of the Castle of Chomhaid (an-Chomhaid)
- Theobald I of Blois the Cheat, the Cheater, the Trickster
- Theobald I, Duke of Lorraine the Fair, the Handsome, the Handsome Duke
- Theobald I of Navarre le Faiseur de Chansons, the Chansonnier, the Great, the Posthumous, the Minstrel, the Troubadour [3]
- Theobald II of Champagne the Great
- Theobald II of Navarre the Young
- Theobald II, Duke of Lorraine the Generous, the Liberal, the Magnanimous
- Theobald III of Champagne the Troubadour-Prince [4]
- Theobald V of Blois the Good
- Theobald (d.928), Count of Blois the Old
- Theodore II of Beloozero (13xx–1380) the Old
- Theodore of Smolensk (d.1299) the Black
- Theodoric of Guelders Theodoric of the Veluwe
- Theodoric the Great Dietrich of Berne, Flavius Theodoricus, the Barbarian Champion of Civilization, the Great[5][6]
- Theodosios III the Orthodox, the Reluctant [7][8]
- Theodosius I the Great [9]
- Theodosius II the Lesser, the Younger
- Theodosius III of Abkhazia the Blind, the Sorrowed
- Théophile Corret de la Tour d'Auvergne the First Grenadier of France [10]
- Thibaud, Lord of Montlhery Fille d'Etoupe
- Thibaud of Montmorency the Towhead, the Burlap-Head, Tête d'Étoupe [11]
- Thierry, Count of Flanders Thierry of Alsace
- Thierry II, Duke of Lorraine the Brave
- Thierry III, Count of Montbeliard, 1227–1283 the Great Baron
- Thierry, Bishop of Verdun, 1047–1088 the Great
- Thierry of Lorraine, Lord of Autigny (d.1241), son of Ferry I of Lorraine Thierry d'Enfer, the Devil
- Thomas I of Savoy the Beloved of the Commune (Fr. l'Ami des Communes), the Ghibelline [12][13]
- Thomas II of Savoy Thomas of Flanders
- Thomas II Preljubović the Albanian-Slayer
- Thomas, Earl of Norfolk Thomas of Brotherton
- Thomas, 2nd Baron Vaux of Harrowden (d. 1562) the Poet
- Thomas, 2nd Earl of Lancaster Thomas of Lancaster, the Martyr
- Thomas of Woodstock, 1st Duke of Gloucester
- Thomas-Alexandre Dumas the First Soldier of the World
- Thomas Berkeley, 6th Lord Berkeley the Hopeful [14]
- Thomas Burke the Athlete, son of Ulick na gCeann Burke, 1st Earl of Clanricarde
- Thomas Butler, 3rd Earl of Ormonde Black Tom [15]
- Thomas Butler, 7th Earl of Ormonde the Earl of Wool [16]
- Thomas Butler, 10th Earl of Ormonde the Black Earl [17]
- Thomas Cavendish the Navigator
- Thomas Cochrane, 10th Earl of Dundonald the Seawolf [18]
- Thomas de Berkeley the Temporizer, the Observer [19][20]
- Thomas de Berkeley, 1st Baron Berkeley the Wise [21]
- Thomas de Berkeley, 3rd Baron Berkeley the Rich [21]
- Thomas de Berkeley, 5th Baron Berkeley (1351-1418) the Magnificent
- Thomas de Cantilupe the Saint
- Thomas de Vere, 8th Earl of Oxford the Fighting Earl of Oxford, the Fighting Vere [22]
- Thomas FitzGerald, 2nd Baron of Desmond a Nappagh, an-Apa, Simiacus [23]
- Thomas FitzGerald, 7th Earl of Kildare (d.1478) the Great Earl FitzGerald
- Thomas FitzGerald, 10th Earl of Kildare Silken Thomas (Tomas an tSioda) [24]
- Thomas FitzGerald, 11th Earl of Desmond the Bald, the Victorious [25][26][27]
- Thomas FitzGerald, 18th Knight of Glin the Snub-Nosed [28]
- Thomas FitzGerald, Lord of Decies (1261–1298) Thomas an-Apa, Thomas Simiacus, the Crooked Heir [27][29]
- Thomas fitzJames FitzGerald, 7th Earl of Desmond Thomas of Drogheda [29]
- Thomas Howard, 2nd Duke of Norfolk the Victor of Flodden Field [30][31][32]
- Thomas Howard, 21st Earl of Arundel The Collector
- Sir Thomas Neville The Bastard of Fauconberg
- Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1st Duke of Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hubble-Bubble [33]
- Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Strafford Black Tom Tyrant [34]
- Thomas the Slav the Slav, rival Emperor of Byzantium, 820-823
- Torf-Einarr, Earl of Orkney [35]
- Thorfinn Sigurdsson the Raven Feeder
- Thorgils Skarthi the Hare-Lipped
- Thorkel the Terrible
- Thorkell the Tall Thorkild Høje, Sprakalaeg [36]
- Thorfinn I Einarsson, Earl of Orkney, 963–976 the Skull-Splitter, the Skull-Cleaver
- Thorfinn the Black, the Dane, the Great, the Mighty [37]
- Thori, Thorir, Jarl of More the Silent, son of Ragnvald Eysteinsson
- Thurstan, Viscount of Avranches le Goz [38]
- Thyra, Queen of Denmark the Danes' Hope (Dan. Thyra Danebod) [39][39]
- Tiberios III, Byzantine Emperor Apsimaros, Apsimeros
- Tiberius the Emperor of Capri, the Imperial Machiavelli, the Prince of Hypocrites [40][41][42]
- Titus the Darling of Mankind, the Delight of Mankind, the Love and Delight of Mankind (Lat. Amor et Deliciae Humani Generis) [43][44]
- Torf de Harcourt, Lord of Turgueville the Rich [45]
- Toirdhealbhach Ua Briain the Magnificent [1]
- Trajan the Adoptive Emperor
- Tuathal Teachtmhar the Legitimate [1]
- Turgesius of Norway the Tyrant [1]
- Turlough III, King of Thomond, 1375-1400 the Bald [46]
- Turlough IV, King of Thomond, 1444-1459 the Soft, Bog [46]
- Turlough V, King of Thomond, 1496-1498 the Younger [46]
- Turlogh Mor O'Brien, King of Thomond (d.1306) of the Triumphs
- Turlough O'Brien, King of Thomond (d.1528) the Brown
- Turlough Oge, King of Thomond, 1496–1499 Gilla Dubh
- Turgut Reis the Drawn Sword of Islam [47][48]
Regnal name
- Theobald I, Count of Champagne: Theobald III, Count of Blois
- Theobald IV, Count of Blois: Theobald II, Count of Champagne
- Theobald V, Count of Blois;; Theobald III, Count of Champagne
- Theobald IV, Count of Champagne: Theobald I of Navarre
- Theobald VI, Count of Troyes: Theobald I of Navarre
- Theobald V, Count of Champagne: Theobald II of Navarre
- Theobald VII, Count of Troyes: Theobald II of Navarre
- Udalrich IX of Bregenz the Elder
- Udalryk Christoph Radziwill the Elephant [49]
- Ugolino della Gherardesca the Cannibal of Pisa [50]
- Uhtred the Bold
- Ulfketel, Thane of East Anglia, 1004–1016 the Bold
- Ulick na gCeann Burke, 1st Earl of Clanricarde Neggan, the Beheader, Ulick of the Heads
- Ulrich I of Württemberg (1241–1265) the Founder, With the Thumb
- Ulrich I, Count of Württemberg Ulrich dall Pollice
- Ulrich II, Count of Pfirt (d.1275) the Brave
- Ulrich III, Duke of Mecklenburg, 1592–1603 Ulrich Nestor
- Ulrich V of Montfort, Count of Montfort-Tettnang (d.1520) the Handsome
- Ulrich V, Count of Württemberg the Well-Loved
- Ulrich of Dillingen (890–973), Bishop of Augsburg the Saint
- Ulrich, Count of Passau (d.1110) the Rich
- Ulrich, Duke of Pomerania-Stettin (1589-1622) the Protector
- Umar ben Muhammad of Badajoz al-Mutawaqil [51]
- Umberto I of Italy the Good, the Good King [52]
- Umberto II of Italy 'the May King
- Uros I, Grand Zupan of Raška, 1113–1140 Biyela
- Us Four:[53]
- Vadim I of Novgorod (d.872) the Brave
- Vakhtang I Gorgasali, the Saint, the Wolf-Headed (Fr. Tete de Loup) [54]
- Vakhtang VI of Kartli the Lawgiver, the Scholar
- Valdemar I of Denmark the Great
- Valdemar II of Denmark the Lawgiver, the Law-Mender, the Victor, Valdemar Sejr
- Valdemar II, Duke of Schleswig the Great
- Valdemar III of Denmark den Unge
- Valdemar IV of Denmark Atterdag (Dawn of a New Day, Another Day) [55]
- Valens the Last True Roman
- Valerian the Barracks Emperor, the Emperor of the Army
- Vasili I of Vladimir (1241-1276) the Drunkard
- Vasili I, Prince of Rostov, 1218–1238 the Brave
- Vasili II of Russia the Blind, the Dark [56]
- Vespasian the Darling of Mankind
- Victor Amadeus I, Duke of Savoy the Lion of Susa
- Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia the Faithless Ruler of Savoy [57][58]
- Victor Emmanuel II of Italy the Founding Father, the Gallant King, the Gentleman-King [59][60]
- Victor Emmanuel III of Italy the Victorious King, the Soldier King, the Little Saber
- Victoria of the United Kingdom Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Melbourne, the Famine Queen, the Grandmother of Europe, the Mother of the Empire [61][62]
- Victoria, Princess Royal Empress Frederick
- Vittoria Colonna the First Great Woman Poet in the Italian Language [63]
- Victoria Eugenia of Battenberg la Desdichada, the Jubilee Princess [64]
- Victoire of France Madame Tante
- Vikar King of Norway He was not king of Norway but his kingdom was so large that he was called it in Gesta Danorum
- Vitellius the Sexual Artist Spintria, the Flaterrer [65][66]
- Vlad I Uzurpatorul the Usurper
- Vlad II Dracul the Devil, the Dragon [67]
- Vlad III Dracula Dracula, Vlad Tepes, the Devil's Son, the Impaler, the Impaler Prince, the Son of the Dragon [68][69][70][71]
- Vlad IV Călugărul the Monk
- Vlad V cel Tânăr the Younger
- Vlad VI Înecatul the Drowned, the Drowned One [72]
- Vladimir I of Kiev der Apostelgleiche, Soleil Clair, the Apostle, the Bright Sun, the Equal to the Apostles, the Fair Sun, the Great, the Great Law-giver, the Red Sun, the Saint [73][74][75][76][77]
- Vladimir II Monomakh Monomakh, the One Who Fights Alone, the Single Combat Man, the Single Combatant
- Vladimir of Novgorod the Nimble
- Vladimir II, Prince of Pereyaslavl, 1170–1187 the Brave
- Vladimir, Prince of Uglich (1353–1410) the Brave [78]
- Vladislav I of Wallachia Vlaicu-Vodă
- Vladislaus II of Bohemia and Hungary, Bene Rex, King Yes, Vladislaus Bene [79][80]
- Volusianus the Barracks Emperor, the Emperor of the Army
- Vseslav of Polotsk, the Magician, the Sorcerer, the Werewolf, the Wizard [81][82][83][84]
- Vsevolod IV of Kiev the Red [83][85]
- Vsevolod the Big Nest [86]
- Vuk Grgurević the Dragon
- Vukashin Mrnjavčević of Serbia
- Vytautas the Great the Great
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