List of plant orders

This article lists the orders of the Viridiplantae.

Phylum Chlorophyta

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the phylum Chlorophyta.

Class Chlorophyceae

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Chlorophyceae.

Class Pedinophyceae

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Pedinophyceae.

Class Prasinophyceae

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Prasinophyceae.

Class Trebouxiophyceae

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Trebouxiophyceae.

Class Ulvophyceae

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Ulvophyceae.

Phylum Streptophyta

Unassigned angiosperm orders

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the phylum Streptophyta.

The following orders of Streptophyta have not been assigned to a class:


This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the clade asterids.


This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the clade rosids.

Class Andreaeobryopsida

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Andreaeobryopsida.

Class Andreaeopsida

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Andreaeopsida.

Class Anthocerotopsida

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Anthocerotopsida.

Class Bryopsida

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Bryopsida.

Subclass Bryidae

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the subclass Bryidae.

Superorder Bryanae

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the superorder Bryanae.

Superorder Hypnanae

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the superorder Hypnanae.

Subclass Buxbaumiidae

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the subclass Buxbaumiidae.

Subclass Dicranidae

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the subclass Dicranidae.

Subclass Diphysciidae

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the subclass Diphysciidae.

Subclass Funariidae

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the subclass Funariidae.

Subclass Timmiidae

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the subclass Timmiidae.

Class Charophyceae

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Charophyceae.

Class Coleochaetophyceae

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Coleochaetophyceae.

Class Pinopsida

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Pinopsida.

Class Cycadopsida

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Cycadopsida.

Class Equisetopsida

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Equisetopsida.

Class Ginkgoopsida

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Ginkgoopsida.

Class Gnetopsida

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Gnetopsida.

Class Haplomitriopsida

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Haplomitriopsida.

Class Isoetopsida

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Isoetopsida.

Class Jungermanniopsida

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Jungermanniopsida.

Class Klebsormidiophyceae

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Klebsormidiophyceae.

Class Leiosporocerotopsida

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Leiosporocerotopsida.

Class Liliopsida

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Liliopsida.

Subclass commelinids

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the subclass commelinids.

Class Lycopodiopsida

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Lycopodiopsida.

Class Marattiopsida

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Marattiopsida.

Class Marchantiopsida

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Marchantiopsida.

Class Mesostigmatophyceae

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Mesostigmatophyceae.

Class Oedipodiopsida

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Oedipodiopsida.

Class Polypodiopsida

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Polypodiopsida.

Class Polytrichopsida

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Polytrichopsida.

Class Psilotopsida

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Psilotopsida.

Class Sphagnopsida

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Sphagnopsida.

Class Takakiopsida

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Takakiopsida.

Class Tetraphidopsida

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Tetraphidopsida.

Class Zygnematophyceae

This section lists the orders of Viridiplantae within the class Zygnematophyceae.

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